Battle Occultist Build


What feats should I pick to build an effective Human Occultist 3? Anything for later levels?

Set in stone:
Party has an INT-based Arcane fullcaster, a skilled face melee Paladin, and a ranged DEX martial. Optimization level is moderate-low, GM is fairly forgiving.

Race: Human, no race alternate traits.

Stats are rolled and very good. Human boost already applied.
STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 14
CHA: 12

Abjuration, Transmutation
Warrior Panoply

Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Combat Expertise (houserule gifts)
(Still need to pick 2)

Important Items:
Longsword, Longbow, Heavy Shield, Breastplate

It looks like you're aiming to be the second-best at everything in the party (2nd best melee, 2nd best archer, 2nd best arcane-ish caster, probably 2nd best at skills) . Is that right?

Anyway, there's any number of ways to spend a couple of feats for this character. Artful Dodge & TWF, Artful Dodge & Redirect Attack, Spell Focus & Spell Specialization, Combat Reflexes & Weapon Focus. If you're planning to swap between bow and sword a lot then maybe Point Blank Shot and Quick Draw. Or you could start on a combat maneuver. What do you want to do?

Liberty's Edge

Guess you are a battlehost? Did you bound with weapon or armor?

Feat choices really depend on the way you want to fit into combat. Those 3 feats you listed are the only special feats you recieved? I can't see why you have PA and DA with 0 bab at level 1 and still need to pick up 2 feats.

avr mentions a lot of useful ones, I like to add a few to the list, spring attack is not bad for you get in attack and back to safe distance so you can easily cast a spell.
Improved shield bash if you need to smash some skeletons rather the slash at their DR.
If you like to fire arrows before they get into melee, rapid shot and manyshot can help you drop one before he gets close.

Extra Mental Focus is pretty good. You can take it only once, but Mental Focus is great to have (Mind Barrier comes to mind). Combat Casting if you're in melee a lot and still want to reliably cast spells. Furious Focus if you're worried about Power Attack not hitting. Amateur Investigator is really fun, IMHO. Fast Learner is good if you want both skill points and HP as favored class bonuses.

avr is kinda right about the stats. They look rolled, rather than point-buy. Then again, 16 STR is fine if you can start out with a free Strength belt.

I know it is set in stone but a half elf getting the FCB 1/2 for points is really nice

Silver Crusade

Agreed on Extra Mental Focus. That'll let you use your Occultist abilities more often.

Don't bother with Combat Casting. If you're focused on combat, then you should be tossing out buffs before wading into battle, so you shouldn't have to cast once you're on the front line. It's not like you'll have life and death healing that you need to cast while next to an enemy.

I designed my own front line occultist for Pathfinder Society, though I haven't had a chance to play him yet. Some of my stuff is different enough that it won't all work the same for you, but I figure I'll tell you what I designed, in case it gives you ideas.

I also went transmutation and abjuration early, along with divination. I didn't go Battle Host archetype, so I was able to pick up three schools by level 2, instead of just two. Since I'll get Shield as a known spell from the Abjuration school, I went with a two handed weapon (elven curve blade - my guy is an elf), and didn't get a physical shield.

I went Toughness for my first feat to make up for the d8 HP on the front line, along with my elven con penalty. I plan on taking Extra Mental Focus at 3. I'll have to see how he plays to decide exact progression, but other feats I'm considering are Extra Focus Power, Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Improved Initiative, Blind Fight, Dodge, Combat Reflexes, and Step Up. So all the typical front liner melee feats.

I'm actually thinking of skipping Power Attack for a while, because buffs from my magic (Lead Blades spell, Size Alteration Focus Power, etc) should let me hit pretty hard without it. Being 3/4 BAB, I want to avoid the penalty to hit.

What Focus Powers are you considering? I was actually thinking of doing almost all Transmutation on my guy, at least until level 7 - Sudden Speed, Size Alteration, Quickness, Mind Over Gravity are all too good to pass up. I was also looking at Danger Sight from Divination and/or Energy Shield from Abjuration. That's why I was looking at Extra Focus Power - there are too many good ones, and I don't need the feats that badly if I keep my fighting style simple.

My Occultist is at level 13, I could share that if you want.

Fair point on Combat Casting, but there's also lots of Spell-like abilities I'd like to get through. I never used it all that much, but it was a good boost to have when I did.

Not a big fan of Lead Blades, because as you said, most of your buffs are before combat. Good if you have a moment, but wasting an action you could've attacked feels bad.

Note that Step Up is an immediate action and eats up your Swift next round. I had Step Up for a while, but it conflicted too much with Mind Shield.

avr wrote:

It looks like you're aiming to be the second-best at everything in the party (2nd best melee, 2nd best archer, 2nd best arcane-ish caster, probably 2nd best at skills) . Is that right?

Anyway, there's any number of ways to spend a couple of feats for this character. Artful Dodge & TWF, Artful Dodge & Redirect Attack, Spell Focus & Spell Specialization, Combat Reflexes & Weapon Focus. If you're planning to swap between bow and sword a lot then maybe Point Blank Shot and Quick Draw. Or you could start on a combat maneuver. What do you want to do?

Yeah, I'm aiming for a flexible role. Party Wizard avoided Abjuration and Transmutation so we could cover all the schools. Both of these schools don't have great low-level attack spells, so DC isn't very important at this level, although volume is nice to have.

I didn't take Battle Host, since it would prevent me from getting the Warrior Panoply until 10th, which would equate to a lot of delayed BAB (-3 at 9th) and losing out on the flexibility option (3 focus for mini-Martial Flexibility) for several levels. Figured it would be easier to take Dodge/Heavy Armor proficiency than make up for lost BAB with Weapon Focus-like things. Or pick higher-upside feats instead.

Grand Lodge

I have been sitting on an occultist build for a while now. Occultist with a one level dip in Relic Channeler to get legendary-influence and possibly spirit focus.

Then I can use different item mastery feats, skill focuses, etc to fit my character to the situation.

This also provides a decent boost to damage, and an ability to augment saves.

Hey, that's my build! Welcome to a fun class!

You only need a few feats to make this thing work, which is why you can get away with a magus variant multiclass. The idea is to stack arcane pool upgrades with legacy weapon, leading to silliness like a +5 bane weapon by 8th level. (Assuming your GM agrees with me and my GM that greater magic weapon, legacy weapon, and arcane pool all stack.)

That decision to go VMC magus gives up a boatload of feats, which is why I went with a simple two-hander build. Reach weapon + combat reflexes means you're free to play like the reach cleric:

You buff in round 1 and then go to town with attacks of opportunity.

My third implement was necromancy. Necromantic Servant does a great impression of standard action summoning, and I'd be hard pressed to think of a better defensive buff than a disposable protector familiar via Soulbound Puppet.

I went half-elf for Str bonus, the elf's amazing favored class bonus, and mordant envoy alternate racial trait.

The plan is to grab Combat reflexes at 1st, power attack at 5th, and then retrain out of power attack at ninth. That means you'll get shield focus + shield brace at 9th. With magic vestment cast on your darkwood shield, you'll have rock solid AC going into high level.

Speaking of armor, the build follows the reach cleric guide's advice of looking for a mithral breastplate ASAP. The ability to use Acrobatics to reposition and set up for additional attacks of opportunity is key. The build misses power attack before it returns at 13th level, but you're rocking a +5 keen shocking bane weapon at 11th. The damage output should be fine.

Illusion implement at 10th + Shadow Beast at 11th means that I can continue impersonating a reach cleric into high level. The pain of losing out on Divination's utility is offset by the disposable scout / ridiculously versatility of Souldbound Puppet. Tacking on familiar archetypes to a who-cares-if-it-dies body is no joke! You can even grab wood shape to ensure that you've always got the right puppet for the occasion.

That's my plan anyway. Good luck out there, and happy gaming.

DRD1812 wrote:
My third implement was necromancy.

I should also mention that Necromancy offers some interesting choices for the VMC magus spellstrike, namely bestow curse and harm. Not as good as a proper Magus using spell combat + full attack, but an interesting pseudo-vital strike nonetheless.

DRD1812 wrote:

I should also mention that Necromancy offers some interesting choices for the VMC magus spellstrike...

I should also mention that I'm incapable of reading rules. >:(

Looks like I've got to use only spells on the magus list, as per the VMC text. I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for a ring of spell knowledge (Type III). It's probably worth the 13,500 gp price tag for access to frigid touch. I'm sure I can afford that by the time I get spellstrike at 11th level. (Assuming I can't get my GM to give me a pass on spell blending for stone shield + frigid touch at 7th.) *shrug*

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