Multi armed races

Rules Discussion

Are there rules in PF2e fore races with more than 2 arms For combat? Does PF2E have the Multi attack feat.

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There isn't any equivalent of multi attack. No matter how many limbs you have, you get the same 3-action economy as everyone else.

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Claxon wrote:
Elric200 wrote:
Are there rules in PF2e fore races with more than 2 arms For combat? Does PF2E have the Multi attack feat.

There is no multi attack feat and extra arms wont let you make extra attacks. PF2 got rid of any connection between number of limbs and how many times you can attack.

I'm unsure if there are any races with more than 2 arms, but even if they exist it wont get you more attacks.

That why was asking because I did not Know if the Multi weapon Rule had been changed. How do demons like the Marilith resolve their attacks or are they still in Pathfinder after ORC?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Either they make Strikes normally, and their number of arms is irrelevant, or they use any special Activities that they have.

Marilith, for example, has the following:

Bladestorm [two-actions] The marilith makes up to six longsword Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the marilith’s multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks.

Defensive Assault [two-actions] The marilith makes two Strikes, each with a different weapon, and they use the remaining weapons for protection. The demon gains a circumstance bonus to AC for 1 round equal to the number of weapons not used for attacks. If the marilith later uses any of those weapons to attack (including for an Attack of Opportunity), the bonus to AC decreases by 1 for each weapon used.

Focused Assault [two-actions] The marilith attacks a single target with all the weapons they wield in their arms, overwhelming the target with multiple attacks and leaving almost nowhere to dodge. The demon makes a longsword Strike. On a successful attack, the marilith deals longsword damage to the target, plus an additional 1d8 damage for every longsword they wield beyond the first (typically 5d8 extra damage). Even on a failed attack, the marilith deals the damage from one longsword to the target, though they still miss completely on a critical failure. This counts toward the marilith’s multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of longswords the pride demon wields.

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Yeah, and the Marilith needing two actions to use it's "hit you with all its swords" ability but still being bound by the same three actions everybody else gets makes it so that Slow plus "nobody ends their turn within the Marilith's reach" is an effective tactic to "keeping it from doing that".

If it just had six actions because of six arms, there wouldn't be a tactical way to keep it from attacking with a bunch of swords and fighting it would be less interesting.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
If it just had six actions because of six arms,

∗Suddenly, slowed 3∗

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Gisher wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:


But the Starfinder 2e playtest is going to start eventually and that will have rules (possibly different rules) for Kasatha, etc. which you could use in your PF2 game.
I cant imagine that those rules will allow Kasatha to break the basic 3-action economy that everyone else has. So multi-attack would be off the table.

Yeah, you're probably going to be able to invest ancestry feats in "better than the baseline" which is "it costs an action to change your active pair of hands" but that's probably going to remain the baseline.

Remember that PF2 and SF2 are going to be compatible, but not necessarily balanced against each other. A character using "a polearm and a shield" is not really what Starfinder is worried about (but we should be) but they're concerned about "your Skittermander starts combat with three loaded rocket launchers".

But anyway, you're still going to be limited by MAP so you're not going to want to make a ton of attacks barring something like the ranger's near capstone "Impossible Flurry."

Yeah, the 3 action economy is amazing for players. Monsters that have big attacks usually have them as 2 or 3 action attacks. So staying out of reach, using hit and run tactics, and doing anything that causes an enemy to lose action or waste actions doing something else means a dramatic decrease in the enemy's combat capabilities. And usually that is exactly the intention. If you don't debuff the enemy in this way or fight using hit and run tactics they will wail on your far harder than you can stand against. But using some simple strategy they become much less scary.

But it also means players don't get 6 attacks either. Except for a Flurry Ranger using feats that grant multiple attacks per action. But even then I'm not sure how many total attacks they can get, I don't think it's six. And it's a very uninteresting way to play (in my opinion).

Sovereign Court

The general design style for a monster with say, five heads is:

- Make up to five attacks, each against a different enemy within reach. Multiple attack penalty increases only after making all those strikes.

- Use all five heads against a single enemy, but make only one strike. It'll do more damage than a standard attack, but not as much as five attacks. And it'll increase multiple attack penalty more than a single attack.

Basically, they did NOT want such monsters to focus-fire too much on a single character. The monster is more powerful when it can attack everyone a bit, instead of just one character a lot.

Liberty's Edge

I imagine we will see Kasatha and Trox Ancestries coming down the pipeline by way of the straight-up PF2/Starfinder rules compatibility integration or by way of actual PF2 books that offer them so it's ready for whatever sci-fi-themed AP that is almost certainly around that time. I'm not sure WHEN that's going to happen, IIRC thats still at least a year or two off though.

Hopefully, there is something cool that they can do with the extra arms that are provided by their Ancestry and Ancestry Feats, I certainly think there is plenty of space in the mechanics to open up neat Action saving functions or ways to help benefit your handiness that's tied to the unique biology.

Themetricsystem wrote:

I imagine we will see Kasatha and Trox Ancestries coming down the pipeline by way of the straight-up PF2/Starfinder rules compatibility integration or by way of actual PF2 books that offer them so it's ready for whatever sci-fi-themed AP that is almost certainly around that time. I'm not sure WHEN that's going to happen, IIRC thats still at least a year or two off though.

Hopefully, there is something cool that they can do with the extra arms that are provided by their Ancestry and Ancestry Feats, I certainly think there is plenty of space in the mechanics to open up neat Action saving functions or ways to help benefit your handiness that's tied to the unique biology.

Honestly, I can imagine them being able to dual wield two-handed weapons and having access to larger damage dice being a sizeable benefit, but still limited by the feats that normally grant "extra" attacks, such as Double Slice. Although they'd have to analyze whether or not that would break the damage curve too much.

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I wonder how much of the SF2 playtest is going to involve "playtesting the multi-armed species and the rules for them." Like the default rules in the playtest were basically "you can switch which pair of arms you're using with an interact action" with the caveat that ancestry feats will potentially make you better at this. The "better at this" bit is something that probably requires playtesting. Since, like, the prospect of being able to use a shield with a 2h weapon is *really* strong in PF2 at least.

And for certain builds, having a two-handed reach weapon and being able to also wield a two-handed d12 weapon would be offensively very strong. Giving you a better threatened area when combined with Attack of Opportunity and giving a you the maximum possible chance at damage during your turn.

Liberty's Edge

I am highly doubtful that four+ arm creatures will ever be able to wield more than one 2H Weapon at a time for balance reasons but what I COULD see is the ability to Wield a 2H as well as a Shield/1H Weapon in your other hands while taking the Clumsy X Condition equal to the number of hands you're using to Wield them -2 that specifically stacks with ALL other sources of Clumsy, that way they could enable the Glaive + Shield/Other Weapon mechanics but also counterbalance it a bit and ensure that in doing so it doesn't just make that Ancestry a head-empty automatic choice for Giant Barbarians or other Classes that regularly deal with and manage Clumsy already.

If the 4 armed race in question was using one 2 handed weapon and 2 shields would they get a +4 to their AC from the 2 shields?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Of course not. A raised shield is a Circumstance bonus. Bonuses of the same type don't stack.

Grand Lodge

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It would be two actions to raise both shields... and accomplish nothing because they have the same bonus type and don't stack.

There's probably some potential use combined with Shield Block, like breaking one shield while the other is still Raised, particularly if you can get multiple reactions. But I doubt it's anything worth a hand and an action.

Like you'll notice of all the art that Paizo has commissioned for Kasatha (mostly in Starfinder) it's relatively rare to see them with all of their hands full, and if so they're generally not always full of weapons. You might have a bow and arrow+sword, or two knives and a pistol, or a rifle and a knife but they generally have one hand free and they're not carrying multiple 2h weapons.

That probably reflects intent for how this is supposed to work when we get rules for it.

Are Kasatha a Medium race or a large Race? The Race I'm Working on is a large race They are called Throons.

Elric200 wrote:
Are Kasatha a Medium race or a large Race?

They haven't made it to PF2 yet, but Kasathas in 1st ed and Starfinder are Medium.

We have yet to see a Large ancestry in PF2, I think Centaurs in the upcoming Wilderness book are going to be the first one. It's unlikely they're going to give you free reach because you chose one ancestry instead of another, at least in Pathfinder where melee combat is the dominant form of combat.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can't wait until we get a four-armed ancestry so I can turn it into a skeleton character to have reach AND a pair of weapons!


And with weapons like the asp coil, breaching pike, pantograph gauntlet, and whips, already in the game it wouldn't even be broken!

The best use for more arms would prob be holding multiple wands and staff and a weapon and shield at the same time. or just 6 staffs for more spellslots/utility

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The best use for more arms is the Thaumaturge's Implements. Even if all those extra arms can do is hold items, it'd make them THE best ancestry for the class by allowing them to hold each implement AND have a hand free to work with.

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