Thank you for a great game

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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I wasn't sure how to convey this, but I just wanted to say that my friends and I, who have played various editions of Dungeons and Dragons and then Pathfinder for several years (beginning with D&D 3.0) have finally completed a homebrew campaign in which they started at level 1 and went to level 20 without it feeling incredibly difficult to balance high level encounters and allowing for a satisfying and climactic ending. This isn't to say it wasn't possible before, but that most of my campaigns (I, being the GM) tended to devolve around the early teens of levels, and often ended up finishing campaigns earlier than my players would like to avoid mathematical headaches. It's weird to type this even now, but it was really cool to be able to play the entirety of the advertised system without feeling exhausted by the very act of getting there, as if the hardships of high level play in previous editions was some sort of hallmark of GMing. I really admire that Pathfinder 2e maintained a degree of consistency and fun that seemed elusive to other systems (I don't mean to malign 3.5, PF1, or even 5e; I enjoy those systems in their own respects even as I have difficulty running them at higher levels). And it was awesome. The campaign itself started in late 2018 as the playtest of pathfinder 2 was being wrapped up, and finished earlier this year in 2023. Two of our players became parents in that time, I started my professional career as a psychiatric provider, and of course we all endured the woes of the COVID pandemic. Playing our PF2 campaign really kept us all connected and became in many ways a sort of formative experience for our adult lives. I loved it, and I hope to continue further campaigns in it.

I just wanted to share this positivity and thank the developers and community for helping to craft a system that really allowed us to play out an epic campaign that we had essentially been trying to accomplish since we were young. We're just starting our second campaign in the system now and we're all excited to see what the future holds. I hope this doesn't come off as too sappy, I just wanted to share our positive experience and inject a bit of levity into what can sometimes be a very critical discourse of the system. I don't post too often but felt this was worthwhile to convey. Thanks!

Vigilant Seal

PF2E has spoiled me to the point where it is the only system I care to play for many of the reasons you stated and beyond.

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Pathfinder 2 is really fantastic, I just have to thank and praise, we haven't started our face-to-face campaign yet because we're ending Starfinder, but PF 2 will follow! Great report, congratulations! In time, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and we already have many books translated!

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2e is quickly becoming my favorite system, alongside the Log Horizon TRPG. They share tons of the same modular design, and really, the combat in both both is simply a joy to play.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The system is fantastic. And we're all looking forward to the remaster, and going forward from there.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, this was some nice positivity!

Dark Archive

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Fantastic to hear how your group had such a great time and the game helped you all stay connected!

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Don't worry about how it might sound to some, I'm sure most people here and the devs especially really appreciate it ^^.

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My wife hates PF2 (because it takes too much of my time).

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Paizo certainly deserves the praise. Pathfinder 2e is an absolutely fantastic system; both a joy to play and to run.

Faemeister wrote:
2e is quickly becoming my favorite system, alongside the Log Horizon TRPG. They share tons of the same modular design, and really, the combat in both both is simply a joy to play.

It's not just an anime!?

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Positive thread, 10 comments and none goes "Well yeah PF2 is maybe nice for some but it utterly fails to give casters adequate power/include playable wyvararns available in every westmarches game I want to play/answer the question who killed Aroden" - wow!

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I honestly don't think we'd be dealing with those sorts of posts half as much if so many people didn't clearly enjoy dunking on them at everyone else's expense.

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I'm just trying to preemptively make some people look silly if they try!

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I hope that works, then!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

As much as I've enjoyed PF2 up until now, the stuff Paizo is working on makes me even more excited for the future of the system. The team seems really enthusiastic about being a more independent system, and we have a bunch of cool stuff on the way, with hints at even more.

Vigilant Seal

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Well yeah PF2E is maybe nice for some but it utterly fails to answer the question who killed Aroden. 1/10 game.

Liberty's Edge

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Ever since the pandemic, I have almost only played PF2 in PFS. The system is so streamlined that we can concentrate on plot and encounters rather than rules-lawyering. And combats are full of meaningful tactical choices, which I love. And the diversity of builds I encounter among my fellow players is staggering. Thanks A LOT for this game.

And yes, I too look eagerly forward to the future.

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Trixleby wrote:
Well yeah PF2E is maybe nice for some but it utterly fails to answer the question who killed Aroden. 1/10 game.

Hey, now, I'm trying to keep a low profile on that!

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