[PF 1E] Hell's Rebels Adventure Path


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Shadow Lodge

On the twelfth night of Aroden's month, at the height of summer in the four thousand seven hundred and fifteenth year since the god raised the Starstone from the bed of the Inner Sea, it snowed ash in Kintargo. The city burned as away east, the country rose in rebellion. But out of the fires emerged not liberty, but a new order, enforced with the mailed fist of Hell and the darkest of magicks, and headed by a diabolic inquisitor, of the imperial house, with writ to take the city in hand and mold it to his will.

The fires consumed Kintargo's patriots and its radicals, the levelers and lovers of freedom that the people called "Silver Ravens" in private nooks and dark alleys - no one knows where the name came from. But they have not consumed its spirit, and you have received word that on the second day of Rovagug's month, the people will gather in Aria Park before mayor Barzillai Thrune and make their will known.

If you wish to attend, you should:

  • select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy;
  • pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average);
  • pick a race;
  • pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;
  • pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
  • set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.); and
  • summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask).

Recruitment will close by March 3, 2023, and I will announce the selected player characters by March 6, 2023.

Interested. I’ll see what I can cook up.

So, I believe that I see these implicit character generation rules:

Any alignment
Any race (given the other apparent limitations, I think this is probably not intended as ANY race)
No traits (other than the story bits of one campaign trait)
No Background Skills
Standard Feats (no Elephant in the Room or related Feat Tax reduction systems)

Trying to make sure I am on the page you intend before I go down a bad mechanical hole.

Shadow Lodge

hustonj wrote:

So, I believe that I see these implicit character generation rules:

Any alignment
Any race (given the other apparent limitations, I think this is probably not intended as ANY race)
No traits (other than the story bits of one campaign trait)
No Background Skills
Standard Feats (no Elephant in the Room or related Feat Tax reduction systems)

Trying to make sure I am on the page you intend before I go down a bad mechanical hole.

That is correct. You should also not plan around receiving bonus feats or skill points from the rebellion subsystem.

To make further explicit what is implicit, I do not intend for PCs to be built differently to the NPCs you'll be encountering, whether comrades or enemies. Your importance to events will come from your circumstances and your actions (including building characters more skillfully and pulling from a broader array of sources than the stock characters), not special mechanical advantages at character generation.

Hey GM Zimmer, it feels like it's been a bit. Interesting recruitment approach. Let me see if I've got any characters interested in helping rescue Kintargo. In the meantime, would you discuss your posting expectations, both for yourself and for those of us luck enough to be recruited?

Gm Zimmer wrote:
I do not intend for PCs to be built differently to the NPCs you'll be encountering, whether comrades or enemies.

So, effectively core races only, with no ARG-based modifications?

Like I said, ANY race doesn't seem to match your apparent intent.

And thinking about the ARG racial trade-outs, I realized there was no indication about class archetypes. Just running through potential character concepts, and how to implement them. It was either start fiddling with this or start making dinner, and the grandkids won't want dinner for another 75 minutes or so.

Shadow Lodge

Robert Henry wrote:
In the meantime, would you discuss your posting expectations, both for yourself and for those of us luck enough to be recruited?

I would attempt to post at least three times per week, and would like to see players post at least twice per week.

hustonj wrote:
So, effectively core races only, with no ARG-based modifications?

Alternate racial traits from the Advanced Race Guide are fair game, as are variant tiefling heritages from Blood of Fiends. Please refrain from building a custom race from scratch, however.

Grand Lodge

I have an idea for a Tiefling Inquisitor(Living Grimoire Preacher) thinking Calistra or Shelyn

Thinking She is a radical supporter from a lesser house. One who is a gifted satirist. There to keep up on the current events unfolding.

Grand Lodge

question can I roll for an alternate racial trait

trait: 1d100 ⇒ 38

at will take a full round action to gain temorsense 60ft for 1 round

I'm interested, let me mull it over.


Interested. I'll have to brainstorm something when I get up and post.

Shadow Lodge

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hustonj wrote:
And thinking about the ARG racial trade-outs, I realized there was no indication about class archetypes.

Sorry, forgot to answer this. If a class is permitted, so are its archetypes.


I have a rough idea for a half-orc brawler.
Works as a bouncer at a tavern somewhere in Kintargo, spends a lot of time thinking at his job when he's needed to be active.
Campaign trait would be either Pattern Seeker or Urban Sleuth, reason for attending protest would be Staying up on Current Events.
Haven't decided on political views, but it would probably be influenced by what he's overheard at his job - this is also how he would have heard about the protest.
Will think on it and flesh it out.

GM Zimmer wrote:
Robert Henry wrote:
In the meantime, would you discuss your posting expectations, both for yourself and for those of us luck enough to be recruited?
I would attempt to post at least three times per week, and would like to see players post at least twice per week.

Thank you for your quick response. I'm looking for something that moves a little quicker than that, so I will not be applying.

Having said that, thank you for running the game; we players do appreciate it. Good luck and good gaming all.

Shadow Lodge

Robert Henry wrote:
GM Zimmer wrote:
Robert Henry wrote:
In the meantime, would you discuss your posting expectations, both for yourself and for those of us luck enough to be recruited?
I would attempt to post at least three times per week, and would like to see players post at least twice per week.

Thank you for your quick response. I'm looking for something that moves a little quicker than that, so I will not be applying.

Having said that, thank you for running the game; we players do appreciate it. Good luck and good gaming all.

That's meant to be a minimum, not a median, but respect.

Still running through ideas. Quick question, is vigilante considered a base class?

Shadow Lodge

Smiles-a-lot wrote:
Still running through ideas. Quick question, is vigilante considered a base class?


select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy

Thinking 14/16/13/10/10/12 for a tanky melee with a chr mod.

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average)

Fighter (dragonheir scion) works for what I have in mind.

pick a race


pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect

Child of Kintargo

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide

To protest the government.

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration

Was told about it by one of the noble houses of the court of coins.

Character Concept:

A son of a lesser noble who serves as a porter for the court of coin. Someone trustworthy who can serve as a discrete pair of eyes or courier. His lesser noble family hopes the ties he makes will protect and uplift them. His own aspirations are to see Kintargo shake off Thrune so the people can embrace proper rulership and law. Primary skills will likely be profession (porter) and UMD with 1-2 floating skill point selections.

So a poor noble who can tank.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Smiles-a-lot wrote:
Still running through ideas. Quick question, is vigilante considered a base class?

I have trouble finding that answer on Nethys (the official Paizo online resource), but there is a listing on PFSRD20 that is very clear on which class falls into which category.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SqueezeMeNow wrote:

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy

Thinking 14/16/13/10/10/12 for a tanky melee with a chr mod.

Assuming these are base stats before modifiers, this is actually a 20-point buy.

hustonj wrote:
I have trouble finding that answer on Nethys (the official Paizo online resource), but there is a listing on PFSRD20 that is very clear on which class falls into which category.

That is correct.

Looking at two massively different character concepts.

A loose associate of the Bellflower Network, a halfling swashbuckler seeking to free the oppressed. With a balance of confidence, bravado, and recognition of the fact that some potential opposition will kill him without effort (at least early on).

A would-be diva who is actually a Milanite Hidden Priest, I think. In this case supporting the rebellion is basically preaching the faith . . .. This is going to be very hard to do as an optimized build, though. Clerics just don't get the skill points to support the fake casting (Perform in this case) and much else.

Pick a race: Human (Kellid) or half orc
Pick a class: Bloodrager
Pick a trait: "Fed up citizen mercenary"

Fed up Merc:

Kintargo is a tough place to live if you count yourself as a properly violent mercenary.
While you likely agree with most others of Kintargo that many of the laws put in place by House Thrune seem excessive, you always respected the law and honored it as best you could, As long as you got paid.
You likely worship a very pragmatic deity of mercenaries, but only under restrictions. Yet despite this, Thrune has always made Cheliax a rewarding place to legally raid other places from. But with recent events, enough is enough. As much as it pains you to admit, the law of the land is now manifestly and obviously not in your interest, and something must be done to oppose this misuse of power at your expense. If that means aligning yourself to a rebel faction such as the Silver Ravens, so be it.

Dear Cheliax, you just moved from "Employer" to "Idiot who owes me money" and you will regret that.

Is the alternative racial trait "overlooked mastermind" for half orcs allowed?
From reputation, Hells rebels early levels are really hard, having someone who is a beatstick but can also talk pretty well seems quite useful.

Pick a reason to join the protest:
"I protest not getting paid! What is this blasphemy!"

political orientation:

Mercenaries tend to be a chaotic bunch, but are simultaneously often quite specific about giving their word and honoring bargains.
This merc in particularly will go out of his way to uphold any agreement he freely and willingly enters, while being opportunistically, at best, interested in following other peoples laws. It probably makes him something between an Anarchist and a liberal.

That is post racial modifiers.

Grand Lodge

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy
Before Racial mods: 10,14,14,14,10,10 After Teifling mods:10,16,14,16,10,8

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average)
Inquisitor(Living grimoire Preacher)

pick a raceTeifling

pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effectGifted Satirist

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration

She came to keep up with current events. This is because it will help with her satirical letters.

She found out via a filer that was found on her way to record the Daily Shelynite Rituals for her employer, an Asmodean Priest.

summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask)
Asmodia will be a racial. Though she has to save face at work and due to her poor social cues tens to look generally diabolical, she is quiet impassioned in her letters and other written work outside that of her ay to day clerical work.

Grand Lodge


My character is Tone Deaf and can't use a lot of human facial cues or body language so she failed at going into one of the Opera training houses. Instead, she became a clerk for the Church of Asmodeus through her Older sister and father's connections.

She became a Shelynite devotee at a young age and trained to be an Inquisitor through late-night training from a priest dubbed "Lavender" at night in secret. All while working as a clerk for the Asmodean priest who was relegated to observing the Church of Shelyn.

GOnna make her a Gifted Writer who lets her passion and personality really shine in the written word instead of her regular voice.

Shadow Lodge

SqueezeMeNow wrote:
That is post racial modifiers.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification

Shadow Lodge

Mightypion wrote:
Approach:Is the alternative racial trait "overlooked mastermind" for half orcs allowed?


Sovereign Court

I have a cleric I built for a HR game years ago that died pretty quickly.

I'd have to adjust his stat spread but I'd love to get the chance to see his story through.

Jego (pronounced Yay-Go) Erwis

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy;
STR 13 DEX 10 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 15[17 after racial Mod] CHA 14

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average);
Cleric (Hidden Priest archetype)

pick a race;

pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide; Meeting a Contact

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.);
Talk is cheap, especially when you talk to like-minded people

summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask).
Jego has a personal vendetta against House Thrune and their diabolist followers. At this time, Jego would be considered a radical. He wants the citizens to unite as a common people but believes they cannot get there without first tearing down the current systems/people in power.

Mechanical shenanigians:

Ok, so, a very low point buy and no traits! Haha, lets minmax away!
Stat array:
STR 15 (+2 racial)=17
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 14

Build plan:
Level 1 Steelblood Bloodrager (gives me bloodrager for an early game beastmode, heavy armor, CMD and CMB and martial weapon proficiency, probably going for infernal bloodline because its appropriate) Chosen feat is dodge
Level 2 Mutagenic Mauler (Brawler archetype). This gives me Mutagens, improved unarmed strike.
Level 3 Fractured soul (Spiritualist archetype) Feat chosen is phantom ally. I have an intelligent pet that fights pretty well
Level 4 Mutagenic Mauler 2. This gives brawlers flurry, as well as an extra combat feat which goes into crane style. I can wear heavy armor, use a shield, and two weapon fight with a Scizore and a headbut via unarmed strike.
Levl 5 and further: Fractured soul to keep improving the phantom. My spell progression will be lacking, and not be very usefull offensively, but its a reasonable number of skill point, pretty good class skills and the spritualist spell list is quite handy for self buff aspects.

pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;
Diva in Training

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
Looking for your Idol, Shensen, opera diva and activist.

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.);
Performing as a barmaid/waitress, Idril overheard people talking.

summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask).

Idril is steeped in the usual leftist liberal leanings all performing artists seem to be inclined to, though not strongly; she is too focused on her career.
But in the case of Barzillai Thrune, who threw her out of the Opera House and her limelight as a performer, she would be considered a radical. Barzillai Thrune is the Devil that must be thrown down and burned!

Select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy;
S: 10 D: 17 (15+2) C: 12 I: 12 W: 10 Ch: 14 (12+2) (2, 7, 2, 2, 0, 2 = 15) After racial adjustments

Pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average);
Vigilante (Teisatsu).

Pick a race

Pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;
Historian of the Rebellion.

Pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
Meeting a contact.

Set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.); and
Word of mouth from one of his fellow servants/slaves at Aulamaxa manor.

Summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask).
Mix a subjugated halfling population, repressive government, and instruction in Desna’s precepts and you get a liberal halfling looking for freedom. He is anti-slavery and anti-aristocracy and wants liberal reforms in Kintargo’s jurisprudence as well as the economic opportunities that come with these ideals. He has been trying to hook up with the silver ravens and has contacts with the bellflower network as well as desna’s hidden faithful.

I intend to stat him out and go into a more detailed origin/background sometime tomorrow (Tuesday, I am on US eastern time) afternoon

My current working plan is for a Bard - specifically some form of street trader/busker/beggar who appears to be living on his wits, hand to mouth. While this is partially true he has also carved a niche for himself carrying messages and selling rumors for the old Silver Ravens. Nothing official, he had contacts and they asked 'favours.'

Since the Raven's were scattered/slaughtered everything has gone quiet and he's not heard anything (plus the money's dried up!). He's attending the protest to sell his wares, earn some coins, and keep an eye out for any faces he recognises in the hope he can help the cause once more.

The jury is out as to how much of his motives are financial vs political.

@GM Do you prefer fully fleshed out alias' at this stage or just character outlines?

Possibly hilarious idea I had for a character is a kinda noble lady(or someone who likes fancy tea-houses) who is almost middle aged and comes off as a Victorian grandma with lots of ruffles and has a pet poodle. Of course, the poodle will literally bite your knee-caps off because she is a druid who involves herself in The Ladies Flower and Shrubbery Social. ;)

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy

12/13/10/10/14/14 with racial bump promoting Wisdom in addition

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average)

Cleric (Hidden Priest - Bard) of Milani - Healing and Liberation domains (Liberation Domain Powers sacrificed to Hidden Priest archetype)

pick a race

Human - ARG variant replacing the Bonus Feat with 3 Skill Focus Feats @ Levels 1, 8, and 16

pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect

Diva in Training

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide

Dual-purpose, really. She wants to protest the government, but she also wants to look to see if she can find any of the other Rose of Kintargo agents she knows.

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration

Word of mouth - other artists whose business has effectively been shut down.

summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask)

Directly associated with the Rose of Kintargo - very much a Liberal. That connection provided a weak association to the Bellflower Network and some minor interaction with the Silver Ravens on common goals.

Her great-grandfather's efforts against slavery and oppression has led to a family tradition of fighting these social ills. What he never told anyone, of course, was that he did so because of what he learned growing up on Hermea before he was banished at the age of 16. He shared as much of his education with his family as he could, and while the information has been diluted and corrupted through conflicting information from typical Golarion society since his death, the core teachings of the inherent value of life and the necessity of allowing people to live and learn through their lives instead of living a life imposed on them through authority and power has remained clear enough. The family is in Kintargo because they have been working against the power structure in Cheliax since her great-grandfather started, around his 23rd year.

Raised to oppose Cheliax and oppression, Milani was simply a natural fit with her outlook. From there, connecting with the Rose of Kintargo and training as a Cleric of Milani were fairly clear and simple progress towards the goal of finding a way to break the oppression inherent in the Cheliax system.

(In order to pull off the Hidden Priest casting disguise roll, her starting feats are Hermean Blood (to gain Perform as a Class Skill) and Skill Focus (Perform). Expensive, but keeps the disguise roll for her most advanced spells easy, and mechanically fuels her public presence as an up and coming singer.)

As was noted by other posters, I have most of the mechanical build complete (spell selection, gear, and combat stats-gear dependent, after all-left to complete) and can present it when you want to see them.

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So, I see mentioned:

teifling inquisitor
half-orc brawler - has not answered questions
human fighter
human/half-orc multiclass dip to Spirituaist (fractured soul)
human cleric (hidden priest)
human bard (dervish dancer)
halfling vigilante (teisatu)
? bard - has not answered questions
?human druid - has not answered questions
human cleric (hidden priest)

10 ideas
2 bards
2 clerics

Pretty good for basically 2 days of submissions with build rules this restrictive.

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy;
15, 14, 14, 7,10,12

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average);
Rogue(thug) with probable multiclass in barbarian

pick a race;

pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;
Star Struck (Jilia Bainilus)

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
looking for your idol(Jilia Bainilus)

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.);
word of mouth, criminal underworld mates want to take advantage of it

and summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists (these terms to have roughly the meanings they had in about 1850 in Europe - if you would like further explanation, please feel free to ask).
"At some point Jilia Bainilus protected my berserker warrior father from Chelish justice, or forgave him for something, or some great favor (maybe I was to young to remember). But he took things like honor seriously (hey... barbarians can have honor) and privately made me swear along with him to support and protect Jilia Bainilus. My father had long since died, and without a father I joined the gangs. When martial law was declared and Jilia was replaced I remembered my oath (which I had never previously taken seriously). I do not yet know why I am drawn to fullfill my oath but it tugs on me. I go to the protest to seek out Jilia Bainilus. I am therefore in/close to the gang factions, and am recently sympathatetic to Jilia's politics of protecting Kintargo's independence (possibly aligned with Ravounel nationalists then?). More complicated political thought does not interest me"

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 15 (+2 Human bonus for 17), Wis 8, Cha 14

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average);


pick a race;


pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;

Child of Kintargo (Vashnarstil)

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide;
set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.)"

Word of mouth among the children of nobles who fancy themselves as rebels against the imperial scum ruling the city.

summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit - the factions represented at Aria Park will include at least, in no particular order, liberals, radicals, anarchists, and Ravounel nationalists

My character is a Ravounel Nationalist. He rails against outsiders ruling over his city.

Phillip Gastone wrote:
Possibly hilarious idea I had for a character is a kinda noble lady(or someone who likes fancy tea-houses) who is almost middle aged and comes off as a Victorian grandma with lots of ruffles and has a pet poodle. Of course, the poodle will literally bite your knee-caps off because she is a druid who involves herself in The Ladies Flower and Shrubbery Social. ;)

If you finished this idea, and if we were both lucky enough to be selected I can imagine the interplay between your high class lady and my scruffy street vender being very entertaining, got a few ideas already. If you decide to take your idea further and want to discuss some interaction/interplay, drop me a PM.

Louxman here - presenting Uli Sabaniero, Varisian street trader and part time spy.

Select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy:
11, 14, 12, 12, 10, 14,

Pick a class:
Bard (Archetype TBC)

Pick a race:
Human (Varisian)

Pick a campaign trait:
Gifted Satirist

Pick a reason to protest:
Meeting a contact (hoping to at least) or maybe looking for trouble (trade)

Set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration:
A hand bill here, a loose tongue there, people let things slip when there's only old Uli about, what harm could come of it. "Everyone knows old Uli's a bit cracked up top." Those that need to know knew, so Uli knew too.

Summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit:
A man has to make a living, selling hot pies and cold drinks will only go so far. Sometimes a rumor whispered in the right ear or a favor performed payed best of all. Uli had been working for rebels for years, small timers mostly, lone wolves, passing messages or listening for information, for the right price of course. One contact was pretty obviously part of something bigger, he was smart and clearly had clout, it turned out he was with the Ravens.
Then everything went quiet, the Ravens were gone and even the small fry were scared into hiding, or worse. Uli needs to find new sources of income, and help out the rebellion a bit too...

I'll have Uli's profile updated at the weekend.

Grand Lodge

Hmmm I feel like changing my character not sure though I'll work on some ideas but If nothing pans out Asmodia will remain

@GM Zimmer: Hi, there! How do you feel about the Magical Child Vigilante archetype? I think I have a pretty cool concept which may even lend itself to a cover story for Kintargo's erstwhile rebels, but if the idea of flashy/musical costumes changes would shatter the mood you have in mind, I can work something else out.

Sovereign Court

I'm actually going to bow out.

Happy gaming everyone!

so, in THIS POST ABOVE I answered the questions.

I have the build laid out HERE.

Here is my character idea. Still finishing her equipment and spell choices

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy;
Str 10 Dex 10 Con 14, Int 10 Wis 16(14 +2 human bonus) Cha 14)
pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average)
pick a race
pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect;
Child of Kintargo
pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide
]Staying up on current events
set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration (i.e., through word of mouth, from a handbill, from a poster, etc.)
Elizabeth learned about the upcoming protest due to the large amount of gossip going around her social groups. While many of said ladies had no intention of going, they were still very worried that it might mean the cancelation of high tea during the day.
summarize your political sympathies and how you came by them, and what organizations you are a part of or orbit
Elizabeth is rather conservative/national but is very social minded and works with a variety of benevolent groups who work to aid Kintargo. She very much resents the current changes and thinks the hellknights are just a bunch of thugs ruled by a bigger thug. She loves to join the higher rank groups but seems to lack enough of the graces to fully be considered(Not enough Know-Noble,Know-Local and other valuable skills

Shadow Lodge

pinvendor wrote:
@GM Zimmer: Hi, there! How do you feel about the Magical Child Vigilante archetype? I think I have a pretty cool concept which may even lend itself to a cover story for Kintargo's erstwhile rebels, but if the idea of flashy/musical costumes changes would shatter the mood you have in mind, I can work something else out.

Go for it.

Liz Ardoc and Fifi ready to serve

select a stat array equivalent to 15-point buy

Str: 8 | Dex: 14 | Con: 10 | Int: 12 | Wis: 13 | Cha: 17 (15+2)

pick a class from among the Core classes, the Base classes excepting Summoner, the Hybrid classes, and Unchained Summoner (starting HP is maximized, starting wealth is average)

Magical Child Vigilante

pick a race


pick a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, but it will not have any mechanical effect

Child of Kintargo

pick a reason to protest from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide

Looking for Trouble

set forth how you learned about the Aria Park demonstration

While being civilly disobedient in Vigilante guise, a citizen who the Vigilante helped avoid the law encouraged the Vigilante to attend

Character Concept:

Child of a noble family (minor at the moment, still debating Noble Scion - Kintargo) grew up chafing against the yoke of the restrictive Chelish regime especially the standards to which the nobility were held (at least in public). Always a wild child, a brush with a sect of Desna followers lit a fire inside the young noble yearning for greater freedom.

One night in a dream which our noble child fervently believes came from Desna herself, a butterfly appeared and whispered words of magic. Upon waking, the child discovers a normal mundane butterfly had entered the room and alighted nearby. Leaping from the bed, a song and a dance filled the young noble's mind and burst forth from within. At the end of the performance, a magical power had filled the child...and allowed a dramatic change in appearance.

As events elsewhere in Cheliax shook the empire, martial law descends on Kintargo, and the vigilante called Dissident of Desna begins to appear here and there and rumors begin to circulate how the Dissident only harrasses the forces oppressing the citizens of Kintargo. Nothing more than annoyances so far: a guard squad suddenly slips on the road due to magical means, a chained prisoner suddenly acquiring the key to their manacles floating into their waiting hands, a soldier unable to draw his sword just long enough for the beleaguered citizen to run from what could have been deadly force.

The sightings are always fleeting. The witnesses claim to only have glimpsed a figure dressed in deep blues and violets heading just around the corner, their garment fluttering like butterfly wings as they disappeared from view. Many claim to have heard a voice singing...but that could just be coinicidence. Everyone loves opera after all.

Mightypions submission here:

I went for "mild subversion of expectations" Half Orc. Currently she is a Bloodrager (Steelblood). She does however has a healthy +9 to diplomacy at level 1 via cleverly combining alternative racial traits. And has been moonlighting in the Opera as security/make up artist when her main merc job didnt quite make ends meet.

She does get a +2 to her leadership score if she ends up running an organizsation, which could be relevant.

Mechanically, she is a big relatively tough brick, that is also a reasonable face. Dont expect her to be particularly useful in stealth or lore situations until she levels up a bit, its typically really hard to do more then 2 things competently with a 15 point buy and no traits.

will expand a bit more about her motivations and personality later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Background Opera Wrath of the righteous:

So I have the supporting cast of playing Irabeth Tirabade in the new Opera "Wrath of the righteous"? Kriemhild asks
Well, you are a half Orc, know how to swing a sword, and definitly have the right looks. Then intendent replies
I am also culturally Kellid, I did review the libretto, and while I understand a degree of needing to appease the powers that be, Having Asmodeus to show up in the Midnight Isles and Kill Baphomet, rather then Nocticula as it was historically, can actually end up pissing off Asmodeans because the Lord of Hell doesnt do direct combat, he has subordinates for that, and could even be viewed as implying that Asmodeus did Nocticulas bidding overall, as the Lady in Shadows benefited far more from how things turned out that the prince of hell.
Also, the fighting scenes are off. The Crusaders do not fight like morons, the Kellids even less so, you could show the threat of the demons by having everyone fight and act smartly and still be defeated, rather then be total morons until a group of noble Chelish adventurers shows up and teaches them how to fight properly. And that boob armor would deflect any arrows straight into my throat!
Kriemhild speaks, trying to get her point across

Look Grimhild or whatever, you are not paid to think, you are paid, mostly in exposure, to wear that boob armor, be a damsel in distress and sing in a mediocre fashion. Understood? I am intendent and I have far more pretty faces to look at, so kindly bugger off and learn your text. You can read can you? Great.

F$!+ing hell how I want to punch that fool in the face... At least the didnt want anything sexual. Heard there is a demonstration? If merc work was paid properly I wouldnt have to deal with this bullshit.

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