Where the frell is the Rules & Questions Forum?

Paizo General Discussion

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Because, well hey, first post. Refugee from, you know, the coast.
Because, and, what the frell does the TEML on the character sheet stand for???

Sorry if that sounds exasperated. It's been a stressful weekend.

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Hi there! So, TEML means "Trained / Expert / Master / Legendary". Those are, as you may or may not know, the four ranks of proficiency PF2 uses. Well, plus Untrained.

Unlike 5e, PF2 offers a slightly more complex set of choices for your skills and abilities. Instead of a character having a single proficiency bonus which advances as you gain levels, your skills/weapons/armor types each have their own proficiency level. So it's important to indicate--are you Trained in Stealth but Untrained in Thievery? Are you Master with martial weapons but only Expert with your armor? And so on, and so forth.

I may be overexplaining, just wanted to err on the side of more info!

Oh, and of course: Bip! Rules Discussion!

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Follow the directory hierarchy down to the game that you are interested in --and Paizo now has three of them (Pathfinder 1st edition, Pathfinder 2nd edition, and Starfinder). You seem to be referencing Pathfinder 2nd edition with your question.

For information about the skill proficiency levels, look at the Proficiency Bonus table here. It lists the levels as Untrained, Trained, Expert, Master, and Legendary.

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Jeffiaz wrote:
Because, and, what the frell does the TEML on the character sheet stand for???

Welcome to Pathfinder.

Here's the best online rules reference source
Archives Of Nethys

That link is for PF2, but the site also is the host for the official PF1 and Starfinder SRDs.

This is the Paizo Forums PF2 forum
PF2 Forum

which has subforums for Advice, Rules Discussions, Paizo PF2 Products (including the Beginner Box forum), Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products, Conversions, and the Homebrew And Houserules forum.

Very coolio, thx! And keep on explaining KCatgirl. :)

Thx Dance. Rules Discussions!

Why the frell isn't that on the main list. Is this just the old CSS forum code?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeffiaz wrote:
Why the frell isn't that on the main list. Is this just the old CSS forum code?

Nope, it's the menu at the top of the Forums section.

Top header
Community> Forums

Ah, I see now. Thx :)

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