
Jeffiaz's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ah, I see now. Thx :)

Thx Dance. Rules Discussions!

Why the frell isn't that on the main list. Is this just the old CSS forum code?

Very coolio, thx! And keep on explaining KCatgirl. :)

Sasuga wrote:
With the way WotC is heading, I hope Critical Role switches back to Pathfinder.

If I were Matt Mercer, wait, Travis is the CEO. As a Texas gentleman, as he is, and if I were him, I'd call up Chris Cocks and say; "Pay us 1.3 million a year or f+!! off".

If it were me IANAL. ;p

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Because, well hey, first post. Refugee from, you know, the coast.
Because, and, what the frell does the TEML on the character sheet stand for???

Sorry if that sounds exasperated. It's been a stressful weekend.