Adding items to monthly shipment

Customer Service

Is it possible to order items such as Kobold Quarterly or other product to my once-a-month subscription shipment?

blope wrote:
Is it possible to order items such as Kobold Quarterly or other product to my once-a-month subscription shipment?

Unfortunately, we're not currently able to do that. We are working on a possible solution, but it's slow going at the moment.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Dark Archive

Are there any news on this? I just got the mail that UPS is raising prices and so it's even more important to me now, to be able to add non-subscription items to my subscription orders. I only subscribe to Pathfinder, so there's "only" one book shipping each month. If I'd add another module, scourcebook or whatever, it wouldnt affect shipping cost (as long as it's not over four pounds), but I have to pay twice on shipping whenever I want to order something else. In this case, even with getting the 15% off and the PDF, my PF subscription seems to be a drawback to me. Please, don't get me wrong, I won't cancel it and I'll support your company as long as I can, but please, please, please do something about this!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For overseas shipping could we have the option of receiving two or even three issues of Pathfinder in a single shipping? Grouping them up to cut costs. I tend not to start the adventure path until I've got the second part to it so it would make no difference to me and I'd always have the PDF to review.

For what it's worth I am more likely to order supplementary material if I can add it to the subscription and save money on shipping. You know, in case you need an incentive. ;)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Adding subscription stuff to subscription shipments is part of a big shipping refit that Gary's working on as we speak, but I doubt we'll have it ready to roll before the postal rate increase on May 12.

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