TarkXT |

"I regret nothing. As I put to paper what may be my final wishes it needs to be clear that it was always our mission to seek the truth of our world, to bind the unknowable, and make tame the ineffable beings that exist at the margins of our universe, separate from us, unanswerable to the will of even the gods. It seeks me, the thing we uncovered. Hungry for my blood and soul in such a way that my very bones scream in primal terror, but the mind is strong and I will not give in to irrational fear. I will stare into the eyes of the beast and I will either master it, or be consumed by it. No more, no less. As such these writings will serve as a memoir to document my success for generations to come, or as a last will and testament to account for our failures."
So I've gotten a taste to run the unsettling. But, I don't want to commit the time and energy into the effort required to run the full strange aeons ap.
So instead I'm gonna run Carrion Hill with some twists and changes to make it a bit more ineffable and answer even fewer questions. The characters will know nothing and by the end of it will likely wish they remained that way.
You are a group of seasoned monster hunters in Ustalav answering a call from the mayor to bring down a beast that erupted from under the town ruining several buildings and killing a dozen or so citizens and guards before retreating back to the shadows.
Terrified beyond rationality and paralyzed with uncertainty the mayor offers an incredible sum for you to delve into the dark abyss that lay beneath the city and root out the cause, but some mysteries are best left undiscovered and some monsters can't be killed, only delayed until the inevitable.
Some notes:
Knowledge has a price The game assumes total ignorance on the part of the characters in terms of Mythos related stuff. High knowledge checks will be helpful to see the bushes but not the things hiding within. As an investigation focused game knowledge is paramount and comes with great reward, but it's up to the character to determine whether it was worth the cost to their body and mind.
You are veterans You are already 5th level characters, likely quite experienced in violence and dealing with the things that go bump in the night. That said, you're less like the men in black and more like the special forces in predator or the colonial marines in Aliens; all the confidence and swagger with none of the experience necessary to tackle this unknowable threat.
Trauma is not an unwelcome trait As 5th level monster hunters it's very likely you already possess some past regrets. Maybe a paladin torn that he couldn't save everyone, a rogue struggling with his own cowardice, a wizard with survivor's guilt. Flawed heroes often make the best ones so long as they don't overdo it and make it their only memorable feature.
Death takes her due. I don't plan on any re-recruiting or resurrection of characters. It's meant to be a one shot and will remain as such. If that means one lone hero against the world, so be it. That's how most horror stories end. That said, make sure you're committed to finishing as it doesn't have to end that way.
With that out the way.
I'm looking for 4 to 5 characters. 5th level, 1st ed. Paizo sources only, 10,500gp, 25 point buy.
Spare the backgrounds and all that, let it come out in roleplay. For now though, answer the seven questions below to get a feel for your character.
What brought you into the profession of monster hunting?
What brings you to Ustalav and to Carrion Hill specifically?
Turns out your employer is the reason the monsters are a problem to start with, chances are they'll be a problem again, what do you do?
It's hunting you. If it catches you it will kill you. What is it?
Name a time your character was at their most triumphant up until this point.
You stumble upon a bizarre and ominous looking ritual. You don't know what it's for or who it's dedicated to, but you do see all participants are well armed. What do you do?
Without using your name, occupation, or appearance, describe your character.
And that's it! I'll be keeping this open until the 5th.

Alessandro Khadaji |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Was thinking and LN Android Ranger 1 (Abberation FE)/uRogue (Knife Master/Scout) 4... Two-Weapon Fighting (kukri).
No traps, mostly melee... about 1d4+3d8+6 vs flat-footed, vs flanked and when charging.
A (construct/clockwork) agent of an Abadaran (law, travel, portal - domains) sect that tracks down and removes "things" that shouldn't be here.
They calculated, prophesied, etc... the event/anomaly and he was dispatched days before the incident occurred, arriving after.
Can we have a little fodder?

Alessandro Khadaji |

Alessandro Khadaji wrote:Can we have a little fodder?Do you really want to wish on that monkeys paw?
Don't get me wrong, I like the powerful encounters... but some additional fodder let's players/characters get that cinematic opening a can o'whoop-azz... thing.
A chance to flex a little, before the TPK. :)
Your game, your style, Boss!

Alessandro Khadaji |

Hrm, I was also considering a Ranger with FE Aberrations (single-class, Dungeon Delver) but maybe I'll switch that up to avoid too much overlap.
Please my good man, I'm a Rogue (an android rogue, at that - domo arigato)... :)
I wouldn't worry too much about overlap in a one-shot. It actually makes sense that those interested in this sort of phenomena would converge.
You would be 5 times the Ranger I would ever be! And, you have a archetype, too! With a 1 level dip, no archetypes made sense.

TarkXT |

TarkXT wrote:Alessandro Khadaji wrote:Can we have a little fodder?Do you really want to wish on that monkeys paw?Don't get me wrong, I like the powerful encounters... but some additional fodder let's players/characters get that cinematic opening a can o'whoop-azz... thing.
A chance to flex a little, before the TPK. :)
Your game, your style, Boss!
*the monkey paw curls*

djpika |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Given that this is a non-PFS game, I'd like to inquire if a 3pp class would be allowed? I always ask since I'd like to use some of the material I've collected, and a one-shot keeps it pretty contained. Kobold Press' Elven Archer(halfling sling master) comes to mind.
Otherwise the other idea that comes to mind is playing a Dexter type character, using the Vigilante - serial killer archetype. Of course, that requires some discussion since the alter ego has to be evil. For a band of unsavory, migratory monster hunters, that might not be that big of a deal, especially if it's more neutral with the exception of the killings themselves, which is offset by the quarries/targets, and thus a reason for taking the profession in the first place.

TarkXT |

Given that this is a non-PFS game, I'd like to inquire if a 3pp class would be allowed? I always ask since I'd like to use some of the material I've collected, and a one-shot keeps it pretty contained. Kobold Press' Elven Archer(halfling sling master) comes to mind.
Otherwise the other idea that comes to mind is playing a Dexter type character, using the Vigilante - serial killer archetype. Of course, that requires some discussion since the alter ego has to be evil. For a band of unsavory, migratory monster hunters, that might not be that big of a deal, especially if it's more neutral with the exception of the killings themselves, which is offset by the quarries/targets, and thus a reason for taking the profession in the first place.
No 3pp trying to keep it simple so the focus is more on characters.
The serial killer idea is fine though you won't exactly have much time to indulge. A lot of it has a sense of "impending doom" with very little downtime. Delaying without compelling reasons can have unforeseen consequences.

polyfrequencies |

Listening to haunting music today and I have a concept for an aberrant bloodrager. Body horror, trauma, and a fearful desire for revenge/answers. For better or worse, the answers to several of your requested questions will spoil her background.
Would you still want the questions answered here in this thread, or would you prefer they be PM'd to you?

polyfrequencies |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I don’t usually write in first person for these things, but since you asked in second person I’m gong to try something different.
Be warned: spoilers abound for the character’s background.
There was a man—Jacques Léandre, a Knight of Ozem dedicated to Iomedae. He was also one of my most loyal customers during my service in the Sacred Temple of Lymnieris. When my Temple was attacked by a legion of undead, he was also one of the few Knights that came to our defense. Courtesans are only afforded protection in times of peace and are the first to be abandoned in an attack. But Jacques was different.
In the aftermath, with more than half of my brothers and sisters slaughtered, I felt rudderless. My work, which I had so long prized as part of the good work of our age, no longer seemed sufficient, and it was clear that most of my clientele didn’t care whether I lived or died. I had taken up a blade in defense of my fellows and found that I was capable. And so, with the encouragement of Jacques I tried to follow him and join the Knights of Ozem. If they weren’t going to protect me and mine, then I’d join them and learn to fight for real, and then I’d protect the defenseless.
The Knights would not have me. I was untested. Even if I had slain some lesser undead, they said that I would be little more than ghoul fodder. It was not sexism, I don’t think—there were many women in the Knights of Ozem. But perhaps they saw my sex work as a liability rather than a strength, something that could be exploited by the right fiend. They wanted me to be beyond reproach, able to resist the temptations of the enemy. They knew nothing of temptation. They knew nothing of resistance.
If I really wanted to be a defender of the people, Jacques vowed to train me himself. He told me of the Herald of Cayden Cailean, Thaïs, who in life had been like me. He asked for leave from the Knights so that I might learn the way of the sword. We would be like Cayden and Thaïs, traveling together, loving together, and protecting the downtrodden. And so I began to travel with him. We made our bed under the stars, traveling around Lake Encarthan and slaying the fiends that made life difficult for the common people. I even became pregnant with his child. And then everything went wrong.
What brings you to Ustalav and to Carrion Hill specifically?
An awful sound woke me up, like a roar. Jacques and I had gone to sleep in an old, abandoned countryside church of Aroden after rooting out a clutch of Chokers. I was seven months along—and this would be my first living child—but I insisted on continuing to train and fight. There was a roar; the world shook and then I was falling. There was darkness. And pain. And blood—so much blood. My child leapt in my stomach, tossing and turning before finally going still. I don’t know how much I was conscious or how long I was there. But when a hand reached to pull me out of the rubble, it was not Jacques’ hand. He was nowhere to be found—gone. And so was my child—my stomach deflated as though it had never been there. I was left with a jagged pink scar sawed across my navel. My left eye, too, was missing, crushed in the collapse of the church.
But I had a vision of a city on a hill, the highest buildings cresting over a fog-ridden swamp. I knew—though I cannot say how I knew—that I would find Jacques and my child, or else what had happened to them, in that city. I learned that its name was Carrion Hill. And so I began to travel there.
Turns out your employer is the reason the monsters are a problem to start with, chances are they'll be a problem again, what do you do?
If you had asked me this question even two years ago, my answer would have been so different. Then again, I was my own employer, save perhaps for the Madam. Then there would have been discussion.
But now? Without Jacques? Without my child? I am no Thaïs.
Now words are cheap.
If my employer was the reason for the monsters, then my employer would die.
It's hunting you. If it catches you it will kill you. What is it?
I have probably made many enemies. It’s possible that a Gylou—a Handmaiden Devil, so-called “Maids of Miscarriage”—was responsible for tearing my family apart. But I would stand no chance against such a vile enemy.
But if there’s something that I’m truly afraid of, that sometimes wakes me from my dreams, it was something that we saw once deep beneath the ground. It was enormously tall but moved with an unsettling grace, it’s two arms spitting at the elbows into two clawed hands. When we saw it, its head split open at the top and screamed from its toothy maw. How we managed to get away I’m not sure, but I think Jacques called it a Gug.
Name a time your character was at their most triumphant up until this point.
I single handedly slew a dozen zombies in the Sacred Temple of Lymnieris before Jacques showed up. Many of my brothers and sisters died—I know I couldn’t have possibly saved them all—but it was my first true foray into battle, practically untrained save for basic self-defense. Although I have slain many foul creatures since then, nothing has come close to the exhilaration of that first moment.
You stumble upon a bizarre and ominous looking ritual. You don't know what it's for or who it's dedicated to, but you do see all participants are well armed. What do you do?
My instinct is to run in and work to slay every living person in the room, but Jacques would have cautioned observation and backup. If he were still with me, I’d try to learn more. But he’s not.
Death will take us all. If it takes giving my life to save even a few more innocents, then so be it. This life is scarcely worth living anymore.
Without using your name, occupation, or appearance, describe your character.
Rage is too simple a word for the bilious fathoms that dwell in the heart of this woman. Once there was joy and hope. Such words die like ash in her mouth now, just as most food now tastes like iron. She once entertained people with song and dance and delightful conversation. Such trivialities are fruitless in a world governed by horrors.
But there is more beneath the despair. She is a stubborn and, when she sets her mind to a goal, becomes single-minded in her focus. She is no longer buoyant in conversation; she realizes that she was usually the one driving conversation before, and most people are so droll and useless. It’s difficult to call her confident, but neither is she a blushing flower. She simply knows what she is capable of.
She used to worship Lymnieris, having been raised to believe that the Empyreal lord cared about sex workers and that her chosen job was one where she would be protected. But no one deserves her obeisances now. She pays nominal lipservice to Calistria, the Savored Sting, for her profile of vengeance. But is she really seeking vengeance? Knowledge?
No: she is seeking a reason to live. Because right now, death holds as much of an appeal as life does. Death will just be different.
Human (Varisian) Steelblood Bloodrager 5
CN medium female humanoid
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +2 Dex) (-2 rage, +1 vs charge)
hp 47 (5d10+18)
Fort +7, Ref +4; +1 vs trample, Will +3; +2 during rage
Defensive Abilities: armor training, blood sanctuary, indomitable stance
Speed: 30 ft. (25 ft. in armor)
Melee: +1 bardiche +11 (1d10+8/19-20)
Special Attacks: abnormal reach, blood casting, bloodrage (14 rounds/day), indomitable stance, staggering strike (DC 14)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th) (in urban terrain)
1/day—detect magic, faerie fire, mending, light
Bloodrager Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
1st (2/day)—enlarge person, long arm, shield
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 22 (+1 vs overrun)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Eschew Materials, Furious Focus, Power Attack, Raging Vitality
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Climb +9, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Perception +9, Perform (dance, sing) +5, Spellcraft +9, Survival +5, Swim +9; -4 ACP
Languages: Aklo, Common (Taldane), Varisian
SQ: armored swiftness, armor training, bloodline (aberrant), bloodline powers (abnormal reach, staggering strike), bloodrage, blood casting, blood sanctuary, eschew materials, fey magic, fey thoughts, indomitable stance, low-light vision
Gear: +1 bardiche, +1 full plate, +2 belt of giant strength, +1 cloak of resistance, courtesan’s kit, broken longsword, wand of infernal healing (34 charges), 2 gp
Special Abilities
Fey Magic: The character has a mystic connection to one terrain type, selected from the ranger's favored terrain list. The character selects three 0-level druid spells and one 1st-level druid spell. If the character has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, when in the selected terrain, she gains these spells as spell-like abilities that can be cast once per day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user's character level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the user's Charisma modifier. These spells are treated as being from a fey source for the purposes of the druid's resist nature's lure class feature and similar abilities. A human who replaces skilled with fey magic also gains fey thoughts and low-light vision.
Fey Thoughts: The character sees the world more like a native of the First World. Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character.
Low-Light Vision: Many feyborn have low-light vision.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A steelblood gains proficiency in heavy armor. A steelblood can cast bloodrager spells while wearing heavy armor without incurring an arcane spell failure chance. This replaces the bloodrager’s armor proficiency.
Bloodrage (Su): The bloodrager’s source of internal power grants him the ability to bloodrage. At 1st level, a bloodrager can bloodrage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can bloodrage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution don’t increase the total number of rounds that a bloodrager can bloodrage per day. The total number of rounds of bloodrage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.
A bloodrager can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a bloodrager gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the bloodrager 2 hit points per Hit Die, but these disappear when the bloodrage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While bloodraging, a bloodrager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
A bloodrager can end his bloodrage as a free action. When the bloodrage ends, he’s fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the bloodrage. A bloodrager cannot enter a new bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter bloodrage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a bloodrager falls unconscious, his bloodrage immediately ends, placing him in peril of death.
Bloodrage counts as the barbarian’s rage class feature for the purpose of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects.
Bloodline Powers: While bloodraging, you gain the abilities and immunities of some aberrations, but show signs of your tainted heritage.
Staggering Strike (Su): At 1st level, when you confirm a critical hit the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your bloodrager level + your Constitution modifier. These effects stack with the Staggering Critical feat; the target must save against each effect individually.
Abnormal Reach (Su): At 4th level, your limbs elongate; your reach increases by 5 feet.
Indomitable Stance (Ex): At 1st level, a steelblood gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks, to CMD against overrun combat maneuvers, and on Reflex saving throws against trample attacks. He also gains a +1 bonus to his AC against charge attacks and on attack and damage rolls against charging creatures. This ability replaces fast movement.
Armored Swiftness (Ex): At 2nd level, a steelblood moves faster in medium and heavy armor. When wearing medium or heavy armor, a steelblood can move 5 feet faster than normal in that armor, to a maximum of his unencumbered speed. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Blood Sanctuary (Su): At 3rd level, due to the power of his blood, a bloodrager can stand confidently amid the effects of spells cast by himself or his allies. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells that he or an ally casts.
Blood Casting (Su): At 4th level, the bloodrager gains the ability to cast spells even while bloodraging. He can also cast these spells defensively and can make concentration checks for these spells while bloodraging. While bloodraging, he can cast and concentrate on only his bloodrager spells (see below); spells from other classes cannot be cast during this state.
Armor Training (Ex): At 5th level, a steelblood learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every 4 levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), these bonuses increase by 1, to a maximum 4-point reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus. This ability stacks with the fighter class feature of the same name. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

TarkXT |

Listening to haunting music today and I have a concept for an aberrant bloodrager. Body horror, trauma, and a fearful desire for revenge/answers. For better or worse, the answers to several of your requested questions will spoil her background.
Would you still want the questions answered here in this thread, or would you prefer they be PM'd to you?
Whichever you prefer. Think you're the only one with an actual complete entry so far.

polyfrequencies |

Looks like I am! Well, get on to answering those questions, other folks! Tabitha can't kill all of the creepy crawlies all on her own.
Scratch that: she would try to, but she'll die very quickly without allies.
All of the answers are in the above spoilers, unless there was something more that you wanted. Also, if anything in the background doesn't jive with what you have in mind for the game, or if you have a detail/NPC/event that would fit better if something changed, I'm fine with making some alterations. I love having character-appropriate details that make a story moment hit harder, and I have tried to leave several open hooks for just such a reason.

djpika |

The serial killer idea is fine though you won't exactly have much time to indulge. A lot of it has a sense of "impending doom" with very little downtime. Delaying without compelling reasons can have unforeseen consequences.
Thanks, but I think I'll hold off. There's been some movement with some other games which might be too much if everything happens at once.

polyfrequencies |

I'm surprised that this hasn't gotten more traffic. It might be worth PMing some of the dots of interest and incomplete characters to see if they can answer the questions. It's also possible that 10 days was too quick for some to put together 5th-level characters.
I'd still be interested if we can put together a team.

TarkXT |

I'm surprised that this hasn't gotten more traffic. It might be worth PMing some of the dots of interest and incomplete characters to see if they can answer the questions. It's also possible that 10 days was too quick for some to put together 5th-level characters.
I'd still be interested if we can put together a team.
It is what it is. The pbp boards have been relatively slow the past week or so. If peiple are still interested theyre welcome to throw a completed app in and if im still up for it ill run it but at this point im content to let it die off quietly as well. Better to run for enthusiastic players hellbent on seeing it through.

Alessandro Khadaji |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Are we getting the band back together or what?
We just need 5... call dibs on a party role, people!
It's a one-shot, so it's your chance to play the concept you've always wanted to... without the headache of figuring out a full Level 20 progression.
Doesn't have to be optimized for combat (but, can be).
We're all gonna die anyway (always assume TPK), so have some fun until then.

polyfrequencies |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alessandro, I agree with you, but of 9 people who stopped by to express interest, I'm still the only person with a complete application. There was one other character sheet posted with no answers to the questions. If you're inclined towards this game, then answer the 7 questions that the GM asked and post a character sheet.

Alessandro Khadaji |

Unnamed Hero
Male human
paladin (oath against corruption) 2
unchained rogue (sanctified rogue) 3
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +8 (+12 to hear conversation or find concealed object)
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +5 Dex)
hp 39 (5 HD; 3d8+2d10+8)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 mithral rapier +9 (1d6+6/18-20) or
. . mwk cold iron rapier +9 (1d6+2/18-20)
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day (+2 attack and AC, +2 damage), sneak attack (unchained) +2d6
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 19
Feats Amateur Investigator[ACG], Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Traits anatomist, scholar of the great beyond
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +6, Bluff +2, Climb +4, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +10, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +5, Fly +5, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (planes) +14, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +7, Perception +8 (+12 to hear conversation or find concealed object), Ride +9, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +11, Survival +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Swim +4, Use Magic Device +6
(all skills -2, when 10' from fallen enemy)
Languages Aklo, Celestial, Common, Shadowtongue, Varisian
SQ lay on hands 3/day (1d6), overprotective, rogue talent (canny observer[APG]), trapfinding +1
Other Gear +1 darkleaf cloth lamellar (leather) armor[UC], +1 mithral rapier, mwk cold iron rapier, effortless lace, 2,830 gp
Special Abilities
Amateur Investigator (2/day) Your knowledge is more than plain smarts - it's inspired.
Prerequisites: Int 13, 1 rank in at least one Knowledge skill, no levels in a class that has the inspiration class feature.
Benefit: Like an investigator, you have the abil
Canny Observer (Ex) +4 Perception to overhear conversations or find concealed or secret objects.
Danger Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Lay on Hands (1d6 hit points, 3/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Overprotective -2 to attacks and skill checks when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +2 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
What brought you into the profession of monster hunting?
Accidentally helped a traveling Paladin/Witcher rid the town of a stalking monster as a child, grew up to be like him. Learned more about him, where he's from and left town to seek his place of schooling out, as soon as I was old enough.
What brings you to Ustalav and to Carrion Hill specifically?
I am from Ustalav, I was passing by Carrion Hill on my way home for a visit after being away for a while.
Turns out your employer is the reason the monsters are a problem to start with, chances are they'll be a problem again, what do you do?
Confirm (double check), seek out the proper authorities... expose him or deal with him physcally if need be.
It's hunting you. If it catches you it will kill you. What is it?
The sire of the creature I'd halped the Paladin vanquish all those years ago. It is a shape-shifting aberration, that has sworn to detroy every Paladin on the Order. Much more powerful than the one we dealt with. It is currently bound by magicks preventing it from entering Plane/World.
Name a time your character was at their most triumphant up until this point.
Rescued children from a deranged priest with plans on sacrificing them. Defeating the priest was not the highlight, the faces on their parents was.
You stumble upon a bizarre and ominous looking ritual. You don't know what it's for or who it's dedicated to, but you do see all participants are well armed. What do you do?
Detect Evil... disrupt the ritual if need be, drawing the participants out and stringing them along... engaging them one by one on my own terms.
Without using your name, occupation, or appearance, describe your character.
A manfestation of the Universe's will to Life, Freedom and Beauty.

![]() |

Here we go. Answer to the questions is in the background
Kul'Theraka Half-orc Male
NG Brawler 4, Ranger (Freebooter/Trapper) 1
What brought you into the profession of monster hunting? I can, so I do. I had been developing my pugilism on the dockside when things started drifting in from the bay. Walking things that seemed to have a taste for human flesh. The next thing you know I'm in the thick of it, cracking fish-man skulls and liking it. When it was all over I was getting free drinks and meals from the dockside taverns for a week. Plus, I saw a number of people that could not take care of themselves. Good people, the type that just want to make a living. I saw a woman ripped apart, a young man get his arms bitten off. I didn't see it happen but I found the body's of children who had been attacked. No, the creator made me and guided me to train so I can deal with this type of menace, I can so I do.
What brings you to Ustalav and to Carrion Hill specifically? If you are going to fight monsters, Ustalav seems to be one of the most lucrative. A man's gotta make a living and the populace of Ustalav are beset by all sorts of things. Don't get me wrong, I'd likely save someone from a monster because it’s the right thing to do, even better if they are going to pay such saving and help me fill my belly. Regarding people desperate for help, how about a bunch of hooligans on an island in the middle of a swamp, miles from help and no easy way to flee. Carrion Hill seemed like a worthy place to help out and make a penny at the same time.
Turns out your employer is the reason the monsters are a problem to start with, chances are they'll be a problem again, what do you do? Stop the monsters, stop the mad scientist. Simple really.
It's hunting you. If it catches you it will kill you. What is it? A shark. I hate swimming in deep water where I can't see below me. Sharks just wait for the proper moment to try and grab a snack. Hate the things.
Name a time your character was at their most triumphant up until this point. I was working with a group of two others. We had swept into a haunted, actually undead filled, building. It was close quarters combat right from the beginning. My kind of fun. One of my partners, Jalisco, was all about pyrotechnics so of course the place is on fire, it didn't seem like that big of a deal. The bodies, well skeletons, were literally piling up around me as I smashed the little beggars to pieces. Then I heard it, a deep groan in the wood. Oh crap! There was a basement to this place. And with that the floor gave way. Suffice it to say, I was lucky to get out alive. Jalisco didn't make it.
You stumble upon a bizarre and ominous looking ritual. You don't know what it's for or who it's dedicated to, but you do see all participants are well armed. What do you do? Observe, if or when it becomes necessary to take action then make a decision. This could involve a threat to an innocent life, recognition of the summoning of something so nasty its very presence would be life threatening, etc.
Without using your name, occupation, or appearance, describe your character. I fight monsters and those things that go bump in the night because I can. Others fear the dark and the things that traffic therein. I am what those things fear and my purpose is to bring some manner of sanity to the societies of men by pushing the dark back, if just a tad.
Initiative +2 (Dex +2)
AC 22, touch 13, Flat Footed 20 (+2 Dex, +7 Armor, +1 Dodge, +2 Shield)
HP 48 (34 + 10 Con + 4 FCB)
Fort +10 Ref +10 Will +4
Speed 30ft
Unarmed +9 (1d8+4/20x2)
Waveblade +10 (1d6+4/18x2)
Dagger +7 (1d4+4/19x2, range 10')
Dart +7 (1d4+4/x2, range 20')
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 13 Cha 10
BAB +5, CMB +9/+13trip, CMD 21
Stat Building
Init Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 13 Cha 10
Cost Str 7 Dex 5 Con 5 Int 5 Wis 3 Cha 0
Race Str +2
Level Str +1
Total Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 13 Cha 10
1. Improved Shield Bash
3. Improved Trip
3-2B. Ki throw
5. Fury's Fall
Skill Points = 32 (16 brawler + 6 ranger + 10 Int)
Acrobatics* 8 (3 rank, 3 class, 2 Dex)
Climb* 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Str)
Disable Device* 7 (2 rank, 3 class, 2 Int) +1 for trapfinding
Escape Artist*
Heal* 5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
Intimidate* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 0 Cha, 2 race)
Know (Dungeoneering)* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Know (Local)* 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int, 2 race)
Know (Nature)* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Perception* 9 (5 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis) +1 for trapfinding
Sense Motive* 7 (3 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
Spellcraft* 6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Stealth* 8 (3 rank, 3 class, 2 Dex)
Survival* 7 (3 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis) +1 for tracking
Swim* 8 (1 rank, 3 class, 4 Str)
Use Magic Device* 9 (5 rank, 3 class, 0 Cha, 1 trait)
Background 10
Craft* 0 (0 rank, 3 class, 1 Int)
Handle Animal* 7 (3 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
Know (Geography)* 9 (4 rank, 3 class, 2 Int)
Profession* Sailor 7 (3 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
Common, Goblin, Giant
Track: A ranger adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy: A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. The ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Freebooter's Bane: At 1st level, the freebooter can, as a move action, indicate an enemy in combat and rally her allies to focus on that target. The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the bonus increases by 1. The freebooter’s bane lasts until the target dies or the freebooter selects a new target.
Trapfinding: A trapper adds 1/2 her ranger level on Perception skill checks made to locate traps and on Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A trapper can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Brawler's Cunning: If the brawler’s Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.
Martial Flexibility: A brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her brawler level (minimum 1). The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice. If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit.
Martial Training: At 1st level, a brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes (such as Stunning Fist and a monk’s robe). This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and monks based on class level, namely Stunning Fist.
Unarmed Strike: 1d8
Brawler's Flurry: Starting at 2nd level, a brawler can make a brawler’s flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the “monk” special feature. She does not need to use two different weapons to use this ability. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier to her damage rolls for all attacks made with brawler’s flurry, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand weapon or a weapon wielded in both hands. A brawler can substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of brawler’s flurry. A brawler with natural weapons can’t use such weapons as part of brawler’s flurry, nor can she make natural weapon attacks in addition to her brawler’s flurry attacks.
Maneuver Training: At 3rd level, a brawler can select one combat maneuver to receive additional training. She gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks when performing that combat maneuver and a +1 bonus to her CMD when defending against that maneuver. TRIP +1
AC Bonus: At 4th level, when a brawler wears light or no armor, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD. This bonus increases by 1 at 9th, 13th, and 18th levels. These bonuses to AC apply against touch attacks. She loses these bonuses while immobilized or helpless, wearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a medium or heavy load.
Knockout: 1/day. At 4th level, once per day a brawler can unleash a devastating attack that can instantly knock a target unconscious. She must announce this intent before making her attack roll. If the brawler hits and the target takes damage from the blow, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the brawler’s level + the higher of the brawler’s Strength or Dexterity modifier) or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds. Each round on its turn, the unconscious target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect as a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures immune to critical hits or nonlethal damage are immune to this ability.
Ability Score Bonus: +2 any one stat
Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Darkvision: darkvision 60 ft.
City Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Shield Trained: Heavy and light shields are considered simple weapons rather than martial weapons for you. Heavy shields are considered light weapons for you.
Dangerously Curious: You gain a +1 bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
Belt Pouch (loose change: gold and silver) .5#
Handy Haversack (Caltrops, chalk x10, whetstone, silk rope 50', flint and steel, candles x5, rations x3, pitons x3, 5 fish hooks, string 50', sewing kit, water skin, everburning torch, healer's kit, acid vials x6, antiplague x2, antivenom x2, cooking kit, bedroll, hooded lantern, flask of oil x5, traveler's anytool, wand of CLW 50chgs) 5#
MW Cold iron waveblade 2#
Mithral Breastplate +1 17.5#
Daggers x3 3#
Darts x6 3#
Cloak of resistance +1
Light Load 100, Medium Load 200, Heavy Load 300
Total Gear Weight: 44.75 pounds, Light Load
PP 0 GP 214 SP 7

Alessandro Khadaji |

Maybe I go... Android Wizard - Elder Mythos Scholar. The two other interested parties seem to have toughness or fighting covered.
Wizard Archetype - Elder Mythos Scholar <<< Link
Same concept, an agent of an organization that monitors these "encounters/incidents of the third kind" and dispatches resources to investigate and report back (if they live).
Bump to level 6 or 7 and 3 of us could go in... I could multi-class and add some social skills, so no fear of Level 4 spells.

polyfrequencies |

There have only been 3 full characters put in, and the GM indicated that he was looking for 4. So anyone is welcome to throw another in, and then we can ping the GM to see if he's still interested in running.
Alessandro: I'd recommend not continuing to change your character concept or mechanics. Just submit a character and have that be that.

Mælthrax |

I’d like to see this take off. Below are the responses to the questions asked. Posting from my phone so I apologize for their brevity.
Nymblex will be an tiefling alchemist. I will have his crunch done sometime in the next few hours.
Nymblex lay in bed with a haggard prostitute on the second floor of the Pickled Pixie tavern hoping to get a moments rest after their costly, but all too brief, engagement. He had no such luck, the strumpet sat up in the bed and started peppering him with questions.
”What brought you into the profession of monster hunting?
At first it was curiosity, I was interested in the research value and knowledge that could be gained from examining the corpses and habits of such creatures. Then it was commerce, I realized that I could harvest alchemical reagents from the carcasses of these creatures. The value of these components often surpass the rewards offered for slaying it. But in the end I realized, it takes a monster to hunt a monster
What brings you to Ustalav and to Carrion Hill specifically?
I was hoping to avail myself of the vast wealth of knowledge at Lepidstadt University’s Laurelgauge Library. Carrion Hill is just a stop on my way there.
Turns out your employer is the reason the monsters are a problem to start with, chances are they'll be a problem again, what do you do?
Reason with the man if possible, if not, I’ve found that a sword solves most problems.
It's hunting you. If it catches you it will kill you. What is it?
My father, the demon Zxarblixt.
Name a time your character was at their most triumphant up until this point.
Foiling the plans of a witch bent on crafting horrific plagues, infections, and creatures looking to use human bodies as hosts.
You stumble upon a bizarre and ominous looking ritual. You don't know what it's for or who it's dedicated to, but you do see all participants are well armed. What do you do?
Wait and see. It never pays to be too hasty. I like to deal in facts and have learned that appearances can be deceiving.
Without using your name, occupation, or appearance, describe your character.
Curious, analytical, and deadly.

Tazo |

I see that TarkXT's original post asked for 4-5 players, so here's a proposal for a fifth player--Krovek Vorenus, Pharasmin monster hunter. If TarkXT does want to run this game and wants a fifth player, I'm excited to join! If he'd rather stick with 4 players, I'm happy to leave this game to others as I don't mean to take anyone else's spot. Details in the profile.

Alessandro Khadaji |

I see that TarkXT's original post asked for 4-5 players, so here's a proposal for a fifth player--Krovek Vorenus, Pharasmin monster hunter.
My RL & PbP plate is getting rather full... I should now out.
There is space for you!