Breath weapon question

Rules Questions

Just a quick question, is there any way through feet or magic item to change what stat your breath weapon is based on? third party is allowed.

I have a character who is getting a breath up and through a third party feat but it goes off of con which is an absolutely miserable score for me.
If I could find a way to have it function off of decks or charisma or even wisdom that would be way more better.

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You might want to spell check your posts before hitting submit, especially the title.

Shadow Lodge

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You might want to spell check your posts before hitting submit, especially the title.

Well, spell-check wouldn't actually help (the issue is wrong words being used rather than misspelling), but yeah this post really needed to be proofread at bit before being posted...

As for the actual question, Constitution is the default stat for Breath Weapon (Su) Universal Monster Rule and the only first-party exception I'm seeing offhand is the Dragon's Breath feat that has a specific 'Kobold sorcerers with either the Draconic or Kobold bloodline can use their Charisma modifier instead of their Constitution to determine the DC of this breath weapon.' exception.

Become undead? Everything Con-related changes to key off Cha.

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

Just a quick question, is there any way through feet or magic item to change what stat your breath weapon is based on? third party is allowed.

I have a character who is getting a breath up and through a third party feat but it goes off of con which is an absolutely miserable score for me.
If I could find a way to have it function off of decks or charisma or even wisdom that would be way more better.

Oh for the love of Saerenrae! This is what I get for using voice to text.

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Wonderstell wrote:
Become undead? Everything Con-related changes to key off Cha.

i believe breast weapons should be keyed off of cha by defult.

joke aside, don't forget you can pick 'Ability Focus (breath weapon)' to gain +2 to it's dc. (well, some monster feats haters would argue but im talking RAW here)

Liberty's Edge

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:
Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

Just a quick question, is there any way through feet or magic item to change what stat your breath weapon is based on? third party is allowed.

I have a character who is getting a breath up and through a third party feat but it goes off of con which is an absolutely miserable score for me.
If I could find a way to have it function off of decks or charisma or even wisdom that would be way more better.

Oh for the love of Saerenrae! This is what I get for using voice to text.

The thread title remembers me of the Mazinger Z anime, with Venus A breast missiles, but a title that did remember Mazinger navel missile would have been way worse. ;-)

The feat already exists Draconic Breath (Kobold) to allow Cha to affect the DC of a Breath Weapon. You can use this 3pp feat from Frog God games Shape Breath Weapon to shape your breath weapon as a free action.

So, if I were you, have a brainstorm session with your GM to re-skin/re-flavor this Draconic Breath (Kobold) feat into what you need for your character/race and then take that Homebrew feat, and now your Breath Weapon can be Cha-based (or Wis or Dex -based, if that's what you and your GM end up deciding), and additionally consider taking the Shape Breath Weapon feat just in case you want to use your Breath Weapon as a Cone or a Line. But talk to your GM, he'll know what is Breast for you ;)

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I'm here for this.

I am so here for this.

I expect that *other* thread to be deteated

staying abreast of the rules on AoN
usual sorcerer's Draconic bloodline.
Draconic Breath Feat(Kobold) Kobold sorcerers with either the Draconic or Kobold bloodline can use their Charisma modifier.
Mwangi Dwarves alt racial trait that's short and still runs on Con.

Breathtwist:T1 RitePub

looks like you'll need a Belt of Con to shore up your massive breath lest it fall flat.

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This thread feels less magical for some reason...

Freehold DM wrote:
This thread feels less magical for some reason...

It can still magical in our hearts :)

at first I thought he was playing the Basoom of Mars AP...
ahh well, I'm waitin fo tha next wicked cool voice to text post with baited breathsesses

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