Kingmaker Adventure Path 2E Errata

Kingmaker Second Edition

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Page 19: The map of the great hall should have a door on the east wall, north most square going into the east wing to match the East Wing map.

Page 27: First paragraph continuing Area A3c. Change "their separate ways to the east west". Areas A6 and A12 are to the west of area A3.

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Locations RL4 and RL5 should swap places. R4 on the map is Fort Serenko and R5 is Crooked Falls.

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the rostland hinterlands random encounter table (pg 52) should probably say 1 brush thylacine, they're lvl 2, so 2 of em is a severe enc at lvl 1, but low if there's only 1 - the alternative, that it's meant to be standard thylacines is unlikely, as there's an entry for 3 of em lower down the table

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

In the Kingdom rules appendix, a number of buildings have "Building" in their statblock header, whee it should most likely read ""Structure", like all the other buildings. Affected statblocks are Tannery and the 4 various types of Taverns.

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Pg. 9 of the player's guide mistakenly has an alduri dueling sword's price as 20gp again, like in the initial printing of World Guide, rather than its updated cost of 2gp.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Pg. 9 of the player's guide mistakenly has an alduri dueling sword's price as 20gp again, like in the initial printing of World Guide, rather than its updated cost of 2gp.

The same error is also in the AP book in Jamandi Aldori's NPC Appendix entry.

Page 568
The table of Army Activities lists "Outfit Army" as an Engineering untrained activity, but Engineering is not listed anywhere in the Outfit Army activity description (same page) or in the army gear section (pages 574-575).

Page 107
The Aurumvorax Den encounter's description and "Severe" difficulty classification suggests 6 elite aurumvoraxes, not 2.

Lantern Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

As far as I can tell, every instance of the words "west" and "east" in chapter 9 is backwards. Every... single... one. Did the maps for this area get mirrored from 1e, so that the spiral would be the opposite of Pharasma's holy symbol, as mentioned in room A9? (I checked and the map on p. 414 has this correct, but every single room description on both floors is the opposite of the map.) The descriptions in Chapter 2 Part 7 of the top part of the Candlemere structure are correct.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Paul Zagieboylo wrote:
As far as I can tell, every instance of the words "west" and "east" in chapter 9 is backwards. Every... single... one. Did the maps for this area get mirrored from 1e, so that the spiral would be the opposite of Pharasma's holy symbol, as mentioned in room A9? (I checked and the map on p. 414 has this correct, but every single room description on both floors is the opposite of the map.) The descriptions in Chapter 2 Part 7 of the top part of the Candlemere structure are correct.

This chapter did not exist in 1st Edition, I suspect the map was mirrored in layout and wasn't caught in editing.

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Paul Zagieboylo wrote:
As far as I can tell, every instance of the words "west" and "east" in chapter 9 is backwards. Every... single... one. Did the maps for this area get mirrored from 1e, so that the spiral would be the opposite of Pharasma's holy symbol, as mentioned in room A9? (I checked and the map on p. 414 has this correct, but every single room description on both floors is the opposite of the map.) The descriptions in Chapter 2 Part 7 of the top part of the Candlemere structure are correct.

That's not good.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here is the first cut of things we found while doing data entry for Foundry:

Back Matter:
- Aldori Dueling Sword: Priced at 20g instead of 2g
- Mindrender Baton: No clear value for intimidation DC - recommmend DC 31 based on the wording
- Gromog: Unsure if perception is +5 or +9 (has the blinded condition, but can become unblinded)
- Hargulka: Morningstar is listed as piercing with versatile P trait; should be bludgeoning with versatile P
- The Stag Lord: Composite Longbow has reload 1, should be reload 0
- Tartuccio: Sickle strike has no attack modifier (Suggest +15 - moderate for level 6)
- Wild Hunt Archer - Should have true seeing as a constant spell
- Wild Hunt Scout - Has constant true seeing, but it isn't listed in the perception block as normal

Chapter 2:
- Unstable Pit: No disable check
- Hateful Hermit and Boggard Cultist: missing range increment and reload 1 traits for blowgun
- Hooktongue: Missing beast and aquatic traits, added animal trait compared to base NPC. Undetectable action is missing the detection, divination, revelation, and scrying traits; water travel is missing the concentrate trait
- Ngara: Attack modifier is from the level 8 base creature (DC32, +20 Attack), missing all coven-related abilities.
- Windchaser: Lost animal trait and gained beast trait compared to base NPC
- Tiger Lord Hill Giant: Fist has striking damage compared to greatclub (which should have it)
- Oversized Chimera: Breath weapon missing range - should be 30 foot cone per base chimera
- Hill Giant Butcher: Battle Axe should probably have reach 10
- Tree that Weeps: Saves are for the level 6 Scythe tree; which is far too low for a level 18 NPC
- Chief Sootscale: First attack is listed as a spear instead of a club (no spear in inventory, no strike for club)
- Spirit of Stisshak: Has nightmare as a third level spell, but it is fourth level
- Rigg Gargadilly: Spell DC is for a level 4 creature instead of a level 7 creature (not changed from base NPC)
- The Dancing Lady: Save DCs are for a level 6 creature instead of a level 8 creature (not changed from base NPC)
- Boggard Warden: Blowgun strike is missing traits

Chapter 5:
- Akuzhail: Has a range to its darkvision
- Life Bloom: Has the death trait, but it can't deal damage

Chapter 6
- Murder of Crows: has the same saves as base NPC, but is 6 levels higher
- Cephal's Feasting Bite references the "helpless" condition, which is not a PF2e condition

Chapter 7
- Ameon Trask: Composite Shortbow strike is missing range increment and reload traits
- Pavetta Stroon-Drelev: missing ranged strike
- Jewel: Is labeled as "Minion 9" Instead of "Creature 9" with the minion trait; emanation is used as a trait tag, but it isn't anywhere else in PF2e
- Terrion Numesti: His fist does slashing/versatile P damage instead of bludgeoning (likely unchanged from the sword strike of the base NPC except for the name)
- Zorek: Missing ranged attack. Has Dimension Door as a cantrip instead of an at will spell.

Chapter 8
- General Avinash Jurrg is missing the humanoid and fiend traits, and has the shapechanger trait (which other shapechangers don't have)
- Trapped Portcullis hazard lists a disable DC, but no skill or action

Chapter 9
- The 4 graveknights in A2 of chapter 9 have 61,500 gold worth of runes on their weapons - this is the entire wealth for going from level 16 to 17, so likely too much loot (missing the Ruinous Weapons trait, and even that doesn't cover +2 runes)
- Mastiff of Tindalos: Has the evil trait, but this is implied because they are neutral evil NPCs so is redundant
- Spirit Seal: Has no detection DC (even obvious hazards list a DC of 0 or -10)
- Thresholder Hermeticist: Has expanded alchemist's tools, but this should be either regular alchemist's tools or an expanded lab
- Threshold Disciple: fist and claw are lacking unarmed traits. The stance makes it clear that these should be there

Chapter 10
- Barbedtongue Wyvern: No damage type on the tongue attack

Chapter 11
- Werendegar: Has no damage type for his jaws attack

Companion Guide (Note that Companions are built using PC rules)
- Giant-Killing runes have 3 listed prices for 2 different runes.
- Deathdrinking rune reaction should grant a status bonus, not an item bonus
- Inkshot spell missing target line
- Jubilost (Level 1): Perception is trained, not expert; Primal DC should be 14, set to expert to be 16
- Jubilost (Level 8): Perception is trained, not expert. All strikes are -1, Innate spells are set to Wisdom instead of Charisma for DC
- Linzi (Level 1): No arrows in inventory
- Linzi (Level 7) - No arrows in inventory. Most things are computed at level 8. Leather armour strength penalty for acrobatics and stealth is ignored; Transcribe event spell should be transcribe conflict. Phantom protagonist should be phantasmal protagonist
- Nok-Nok (Level 1) - Perception set to DC instead of +4, no backpack or other container and he is really close to being encumbered
- Nok-Nok (Level 5) - Perception set to DC instead of to +8, composite shortbow damage adds 2 for strength instead of 1
- Tristan (Level 1) - Nature and Religion are trained, but values are for untrained skills, HP 18 instead of 17
- Tristan (Level 10) - Has celestial wings action, but has natural ambition instead of celestial wings as their level 9 ancestry feat
- Valerie (Level 1) - Has a skill feat (quick jump), shortbow does 1d8 damage instead of 1d6
- Valerie (Level 9) - No combat flexibility default feat selected, aggressive block is a free action, not a reaction, composite shortbow damage is listed as 2d8+2 instead of 2d6+4

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TJSM wrote:

Here is the first cut of things we found while doing data entry for Foundry:

Back Matter:
- Aldori Dueling Sword: Priced at 20g instead of 2g
- Mindrender Baton: No clear value for intimidation DC - recommmend DC 31 based on the wording
- Gromog: Unsure if perception is +5 or +9 (has the blinded condition, but can become unblinded)
- Hargulka: Morningstar is listed as piercing with versatile P trait; should be bludgeoning with versatile P
- The Stag Lord: Composite Longbow has reload 1, should be reload 0
- Tartuccio: Sickle strike has no attack modifier (Suggest +15 - moderate for level 6)
- Wild Hunt Archer - Should have true seeing as a constant spell
- Wild Hunt Scout - Has constant true seeing, but it isn't listed in the perception block as normal

Chapter 2:
- Unstable Pit: No disable check
- Hateful Hermit and Boggard Cultist: missing range increment and reload 1 traits for blowgun
- Hooktongue: Missing beast and aquatic traits, added animal trait compared to base NPC. Undetectable action is missing the detection, divination, revelation, and scrying traits; water travel is missing the concentrate trait
- Ngara: Attack modifier is from the level 8 base creature (DC32, +20 Attack), missing all coven-related abilities.
- Windchaser: Lost animal trait and gained beast trait compared to base NPC
- Tiger Lord Hill Giant: Fist has striking damage compared to greatclub (which should have it)
- Oversized Chimera: Breath weapon missing range - should be 30 foot cone per base chimera
- Hill Giant Butcher: Battle Axe should probably have reach 10
- Tree that Weeps: Saves are for the level 6 Scythe tree; which is far too low for a level 18 NPC
- Chief Sootscale: First attack is listed as a spear instead of a club (no spear in inventory, no strike for club)
- Spirit of Stisshak: Has nightmare as a third level spell, but it is fourth level
- Rigg Gargadilly: Spell DC is for a level 4 creature instead of a level 7 creature (not changed from base NPC)
- The Dancing Lady: Save DCs are for a...

This is why the PDF should have been turned over early to backers before going to print.

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Thats actually not to bad for the size of the books, for me anyways.


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TJSM wrote:

- Valerie (Level 1) - Has a skill feat (quick jump)

This is from her background i believe

Page 581
The description of the Feint tactical war action does not say what type of check or Strike should be rolled. I'm assuming this is meant to be a melee Strike against an army you're engaged with, but this is the only action that doesn't explicitly state what roll to make, so it should probably be clarified.

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Snake0202 wrote:
This is why the PDF should have been turned over early to backers before going to print.

Be aware that this would have delayed the print version by most of a year. This may not matter to you personally, but it is frankly an unreasonable expectation especially considering other reasons to keep the release as close to simultaneous as possible. This amount of errata for the size of this project is vanishingly small.

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In another thread, Mr. Jacobs proposed changing the XP reward from Kingdom Events to be 40 XP (to better match the standard XP awards from the relevant table in the core rulebook).


Paizo Employee Creative Director

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FWCain wrote:

In another thread, Mr. Jacobs proposed changing the XP reward from Kingdom Events to be 40 XP (to better match the standard XP awards from the relevant table in the core rulebook).


That was always the intent, sicne that way, as events are lower or higher than the kingdom's level, they adjust the same way as they do for PCs.

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Tartuccio statblock on page 605 doesn't mention the number of spell slots for each level in his occult spontaneous spellcasting section (such a monster's entry should, at the end of each level spell list)

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Chapter 7, page 305-6, Satinder Morne's tactics include "If reduced to less than 80 Hit Points, she casts Sanctuary and attempts to flee," but she only has 75 HP to begin with. 30 or 40 would probably fit.

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1.According to the context, the dueling sword of Lady Jamandi Aldori is supposed to have flaming effect, but it's only a +2 striking dueling sword.
2.Also based on the context, Happs Bydon and his bandits should use longbows rather than shortbows, and he should have an Alchemist's Fire at hand. Besides, they are supposed to have several riding horses.

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In the Player's Guide:

Page 20: only Exploration and Wilderness have Claim Hex listed as Untrained Abilities.

Page 23: the text description of Claim Hex states it can be done with an Exploration, Intrigue, Magic, or Wilderness check.

The latter probably makes more sense within the game mechanics, since it gives each of the four Key Abilities a Skill with Claim Hex. The table would limit Claim Hex to Economy and Stability.

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DarkMoc wrote:

In the Player's Guide:

Page 20: only Exploration and Wilderness have Claim Hex listed as Untrained Abilities.

Page 23: the text description of Claim Hex states it can be done with an Exploration, Intrigue, Magic, or Wilderness check.

The latter probably makes more sense within the game mechanics, since it gives each of the four Key Abilities a Skill with Claim Hex. The table would limit Claim Hex to Economy and Stability.

Actually, that reads (to me) as: Untrained with either Exploration or Wilderness, or Trained with either Intrigue or Magic.

Meaning that those who are trained in Intrigue or Magic can use those "special" skills for claiming new land, but ANYONE can still claim new land by "conventional" means.

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FWCain wrote:
DarkMoc wrote:

In the Player's Guide:

Page 20: only Exploration and Wilderness have Claim Hex listed as Untrained Abilities.

Page 23: the text description of Claim Hex states it can be done with an Exploration, Intrigue, Magic, or Wilderness check.

The latter probably makes more sense within the game mechanics, since it gives each of the four Key Abilities a Skill with Claim Hex. The table would limit Claim Hex to Economy and Stability.

Actually, that reads (to me) as: Untrained with either Exploration or Wilderness, or Trained with either Intrigue or Magic.

Meaning that those who are trained in Intrigue or Magic can use those "special" skills for claiming new land, but ANYONE can still claim new land by "conventional" means.

I think that just moves the problem, because Intrigue and Magic don't have it in their Trained Activities either. It's neither an Untrained nor a Trained Activity for Intrigue and Magic. I could see it being either, since Untrained for all four is more mechanically fair, while Untrained for Exploration and Wilderness but Trained for Intrigue and Magic does fit the conventional/unconventional split you suggest.


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On page 22 of the AP, under Tartuccio's stat block, for the Influence 6 "reward", at the very end it says "Tartuccio intends to use this gift later to help him accuse
one of the adventurers of being a Pitaxian spy."

I know this is part of the story on the CRPG, but this seems to be the only mention of it anywhere in the book? Is there an event or something I have missed?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Hye Azakyte wrote:

On page 22 of the AP, under Tartuccio's stat block, for the Influence 6 "reward", at the very end it says "Tartuccio intends to use this gift later to help him accuse

one of the adventurers of being a Pitaxian spy."

I know this is part of the story on the CRPG, but this seems to be the only mention of it anywhere in the book? Is there an event or something I have missed?

That subplot ended up getting cut from the adventure and I forgot to scrub that little bit from page 22, alas.

James Jacobs wrote:
Hye Azakyte wrote:

On page 22 of the AP, under Tartuccio's stat block, for the Influence 6 "reward", at the very end it says "Tartuccio intends to use this gift later to help him accuse

one of the adventurers of being a Pitaxian spy."

I know this is part of the story on the CRPG, but this seems to be the only mention of it anywhere in the book? Is there an event or something I have missed?

That subplot ended up getting cut from the adventure and I forgot to scrub that little bit from page 22, alas.

Ahh, I just included it anyway. He blamed the Orc Barbarian and then later in the Sootscale Cave the Orc Barbarian got the killing blow on him. It was a funny full circle moment.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Page 37 says "...Volodmyra, and four more Black Tear cutthroats enter the room..."

But page 38 lists the cutthroats as,


I Assume 4 is correct

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Radyn wrote:

Page 37 says "...Volodmyra, and four more Black Tear cutthroats enter the room..."

But page 38 lists the cutthroats as,


I Assume 4 is correct

If a severe encounter for a party of 4 has a budget of 120, Volodmyra would be 80 XP and each cutthroat would be 20 XP so there would normally be 2 cutthroats but for each additional PC, you could add another cutthroat.

Hi James, just wanted to ask if status bonuses provided from the following feats:

* Civil Service
* Crush Dissent
* Fortified Fiefs
* Insider Trading
* Practical Magic
* Inspiring Entertainment
* Quick Recovery

and Kanerah's Deliberate planning are a mistake and should be circumstance bonuses instead? Reason being that you get status bonuses from invested roles anyways so these will almost never be useful.

Page 102
Bog mummy cultist, Variant bog mummy
Weaknesses: Cold 10
Resistances: cold 5, fire 10

I believe they shouldn't have resistance cold 5.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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AquelePedro wrote:

Page 102

Bog mummy cultist, Variant bog mummy
Weaknesses: Cold 10
Resistances: cold 5, fire 10

I believe they shouldn't have resistance cold 5.

This one's correct. They're wearing cold-resistant leather armor, which is where the resist cold 5 comes from, which helps them to offset their weakness to cold a little.

When one of these takes cold damage, you apply the weakness first (adding 10 to the damage) then apply the resistance (reducing 5 from the damage).

It would have read cleaner to just list them as having weakness 5 to cold and no resistance at all, but then folks would think that the resistance from their armor wasn't included in the stats, so we decided to just show it all.

Wyvern Flight is a level 12 army, which usually have a +26 to attack.

These guys have a +18 though. Should that be a +28?

Another Army issue: the Efficient Ammunition tactic is not described anywhere.

Sovereign Court

I'd just assume the 2 special armies that have Efficient Ammunition are supposed to have Increased Ammunition. No Special Armies have Increased Ammunition so I suspect they're intended to be the same thing.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are the vacancy penalties for the Viceroy and Warden backwards?

The Viceroy is described as being in charge of "expansion and development", which sounds like region activities, and is an Economy-based role.

But his vacancy penalty is a Stability penalty.

Meanwhile the Warden has a penalty to Region activities despite not really being described as having much to do with them.

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Locations RL4 and RL5 are mixed up. Compared to the old AP at least.
The old version makes more sense geographically.

The Old Sycamore Map on p.122 is internally inconsistent.

The side view map (and the text on p.121) indicate that the entry shaft drops into a corridor linking areas A1 & A2, while the top view part of the map shows the shaft dropping directly into area A1.

The side view map indicates that the shaft to the lower level drops into the gap between areas A5 & A6, while the top view map shows the shaft dropping into area A6, at the opposite side of that area from the access to area A5.

P81, the quest mmmmmmmmm... Eels!
Offers as a reward a +1 buckler... Which is not a thing in pf2 (shields cannot have fundamental runes).
Maybe change it for a glamorous buckler or lesser sturdy Shield.

One of the prizes for the Hunt (Page 219) is listed as a "Wand of cure moderate wounds" which doesn't exist in PF2e. We replaced it with a Wand of Heal (3rd) - probably should be 2nd but our GM was feeling generous.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

On Pg. 21-22 of the Companion Guide level 6 Ekundayo has an extra skill increase to either Hunting lore or Survival and is missing a trained skill from his 5th level Intelligence boost.

I suggest the missing skill be medicine(especially since he doesn't have any warden spells to heal Dog with) and the skill increases go to hunting lore unless your party needs the survival skill user. But for subsisting or tracking animals Ekun should likely use hunting lore at a lower DC compared to survival.

Chapter 8:
I am curious about the quest The Missing Diva, found on page 378. It lists that in order to complete the quest you "Rescue Asmeranda from Irovetti's Palace" and yet, I am scouring the Part 5 of Chapter 8: The King's Palace, from pages 380 to 395, and yet I find no mention of Asmeranda being held in any of the rooms.

I suppose the diva truly is missing?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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draj13 wrote:

Chapter 8:

I am curious about the quest The Missing Diva, found on page 378. It lists that in order to complete the quest you "Rescue Asmeranda from Irovetti's Palace" and yet, I am scouring the Part 5 of Chapter 8: The King's Palace, from pages 380 to 395, and yet I find no mention of Asmeranda being held in any of the rooms.

I suppose the diva truly is missing?

If you're using this side quest, she's found in...

Spoiler: of the cells in area E2; see page 391 of the adventure. Note that it's not a big part of that encounter, so that little bit is easy to miss.

James Jacobs wrote:
draj13 wrote:

Chapter 8:

I am curious about the quest The Missing Diva, found on page 378. It lists that in order to complete the quest you "Rescue Asmeranda from Irovetti's Palace" and yet, I am scouring the Part 5 of Chapter 8: The King's Palace, from pages 380 to 395, and yet I find no mention of Asmeranda being held in any of the rooms.

I suppose the diva truly is missing?

If you're using this side quest, she's found in...

** spoiler omitted **

I found it! Thank you so much for your speedy response! I appreciate it.

Every mention of cold-iron weapon doesn't mention the appropriate grade.
It could be guessed based on the item level, but any +1 cold-iron shortsword should be a +1 low-grade cold iron shortsword.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Gristoufle wrote:

Every mention of cold-iron weapon doesn't mention the appropriate grade.

It could be guessed based on the item level, but any +1 cold-iron shortsword should be a +1 low-grade cold iron shortsword.

The general assumption here is that if we don't mention the grade, it's the lowest grade.

Ive found an issue with one of the npcs having a massive spell attack bonus at lvl 5

the npc Nugrah has a spell attack bonus at +23.

This must be an oversight as you can crit on a 2.

shouldnt it be +14?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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GuitarGuyNick wrote:

Ive found an issue with one of the npcs having a massive spell attack bonus at lvl 5

the npc Nugrah has a spell attack bonus at +23.

This must be an oversight as you can crit on a 2.

shouldnt it be +14?

My off the top of my head guess is that it should be +13, and that there was an unfortunate typo.

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