Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Radyn wrote:
If a severe encounter for a party of 4 has a budget of 120, Volodmyra would be 80 XP and each cutthroat would be 20 XP so there would normally be 2 cutthroats but for each additional PC, you could add another cutthroat. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
This is what it said in the email I received: "We have updated the Pathfinder Core Rulebook PDF. Download packages have been updated to the fourth printing. If you wish to download the updated version, you may do so for free at https://paizo.com/paizo/account/assets." ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Aaron Shanks wrote:
Does this mean that, going forward, we should be looking to the sources found via licensed partners rather than the PDF for current information? If I'm on a trip (Edit: prepping for a session to play later on Foundry or some other VTT) and don't have access to an online connection, the PDF is my primary source of truth. This change would invalidate that. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hi, I have an AP subscription that still shows a status of Pending (Order 3358648). I also just placed an order today for a couple books (Order 2578633) which also shows Pending. I was wondering if it would be possible to combine both orders into a single shipment instead of each being sent separately. -Thank you- Tharian ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hi, I was wondering if, because I've ordered the hard cover version of the anniversary edition of RotRL, if I will be receiving the PDF copy as well. I can't tell if the product is still in the pre-order phase, but the product page says the PDF has not been released (not until Wednesday) even though others are starting to post their thoughts of the PDF copy. Can someone please clarify? -Thank you- Tharian ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Megan A wrote: Your AP#45 was unfortunately skipped, I have place it in your side cart and it will ship with AP#47 as AP#46 has already been sent to you. If you would like it sooner go to your side cart and click ship as soon as possible. Thank you for looking into things. I was just checking out my subscription status today and noticed the following: Quote:
Hmm... Sorry about the formatting. Basically, there's two rows there with one showing #45 by itself and the second showing #45 bundled with #47. Can you please verify that I won't be getting two copies of #45? -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Megan A wrote: Yes, the PDF will be available as soon as your order ships. Megan, thank you for your help with checking my subscriptions. Can you also check why Issue #45 of the Adventure Path is not available in my downloads as well? I'm not at home (I'm actually in WA state this week for work) to check if I have issue 45 on my shelf, though, so I will try to find that out through some other means. -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Megan A wrote: I apologize somehow you got skipped in our system, our brave IT team is battling the problem as we speak. You will receive Ultimate Magic with your pending subscription. Great! Thanks a lot. I look forward to it. Will the PDF be made available at the same time? -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hello, I have an ongoing subscription to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and thought Ultimate Magic was a part of that subscription. However, I've not received a copy of the hardcover or PDF version of the book. When I look at my subscriptions, I see the most recent product shipped for this subscription was Bestiary 2 and the next scheduled to ship is Ultimate Combat. Can someone take a look into this and let me know if I am to receive Ultimate Magic? -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
If I'm not too late, I'd really like to check out one of the One Night Stand PDFs. Specifically, The Warren of the Death Spider PDF. Since one player in our group already has issues with spiders and a second player started to develop issues with spiders after a particular in-game encounter with a horde of tiny spiders erupting from a single source, I think it'd be fun if I can add another player to the spider list. Thanks! ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Alison McKenzie wrote:
Thank you for the update. I look forward, with much drool and anticipation, to receiving the book. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hello, I placed a subscription order for the Pathfinder core rules (including the Core Rule Book). Previously, it had shown an August ship date. However, I logged on today and now I'm seeing an estimated date listed as September 2009. Is that correct? Please let me know. -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Lokie wrote:
Consider yourself lucky. Mine not only doesn't show a status of shipping for the Core Rule Book (though my Adventure Path book does), it has even adjusted from an August ship to a September ship estimate. I'm not sure what's up with that. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Krome wrote:
Is the CS also the book that shows the holy symbols for the deities that were listed in the PRPG Beta? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
jocundthejolly wrote: "Warlords are accomplished and competent (competent doesn't belong here, since you already said they are accomplished, which tells you they are competent) battle leaders. Warlords stand on the front line issuing commands and bolstering their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand. Warlords know how to rally a team to win a fight." I don't know that I can really agree with you on this one. After all, one can be accomplished without being competent. Take a look at the pointy-haired boss from Dilbert or Capt. Brannigan from Futurama. I don't think either could be classified as competent, but each can be said to be accomplished by virtue of their roles. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Salama wrote: Here is my first version of Pathfinder RPG alpha 2 character sheet. It has quite different design than my alpha 1 sheet. I'm not really sure what information it should contain, and what should be left out. I'm open to any suggestions =). Especially last page of the sheet is quite clumsy to use, or is it just me? Thank you for the character sheet, Salama. Would there be any way to get the character information (name, race, class, etc.) moved to the front page? Given that I carry multiple character sheets around at one time, being able to see that information on the front page would make sorting much easier. Again, thank you for the work you've put into the character sheets. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
K wrote:
What's to stop roleplayers and minmaxers with the way the system is currently set up now? I think this is more of a group composition issue than a skills rules issue. If there are some in a group that feel others are making substandard characters but others in the group are enjoying what they are playing, that's something completely different. That's a time when the players need to sit down together and figure out why they are gaming together. It's not cause to change the rules. As an example, in the group I'm currently in, Gather Information is the useless skill and Profession and Craft have both come into play as recently as the session we had last night. I'm the newest member of this particular gaming group and have to adapt to the way the rest of the group plays. However, I'm glad I've stuck it out because learning how a group where the majority of the people are new to 3.5 (3 of the other 5 are playing in their first campaign in about 15 years) so it's very interesting to see how people without preconceptions of the game have grown into it and enjoy dabbling and exploring different facets of their characters. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
K wrote: Which is why they should be free. People who care to minmax even a little don't pick Profession or Craft or Perform. My only concern with this is that not every cares (not even a little) to minmax. That's the beauty of the game as it stands. It can appeal to a broad array of gaming personality types. No one should be forced out of the game. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The version of the spell in the Alpha release has been changed to remove the cost. However, that doesn't change the fact that what was possible in the 3.5 SRD is now no longer possible for clerics with the Magic domain. Regardless of the cost of the spell or the changes in how the Appraise skill works, not all groups will have an arcane caster in a party for whatever reason, be it thematic or preference. This just reminds me of discussions in 2nd Ed that asked why clerics did not have access to Permanency when they made magic items. I'd rather not go down that road. Instead, suffice it to say that "Just use an arcane caster" may not be the solution that actually works for some groups. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
F33b wrote:
That's all the more reason for the addition of the spell back to the Magic domain. Though clerics already have Appraise as a trained skill, in general, most clerics will have a higher Wisdom than Intelligence. The use of the spell will give that subset of clerics a chance to be on par with the wizard when it comes to identifying items. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Praetor Gradivus wrote:
Normally, I would agree with you, but I had in mind my particular group that, right now, has no arcane caster (due to a mishap with some great cat that we suspect was of the dire variety) and the cleric of Boccob that relied on it until he met an untimely demise at the hands (fists?) of an earth elemental. Regardless, why should a divine spell of great utility be taken away and replaced with a (dubious?) arcane spell? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
With the changes in the domains and the Identify spell in the Alpha release, clerics no longer have access to Identify. This was a domain spell allowed to those who took the Magic domain. However, in the Pathfinder release, there's no sign of Identify. Instead, the 4th level ability gives clerics access to Magic Mouth. Magic Mouth does not exist on the cleric's spell list in the SRD. It's not allocated to them via a domain. This does not seem to make sense to take away something clerics could use for something they couldn't. Is this something that can be examined and re-evaluated? I think it makes more sense to give the clerics, through the use of a domain, a way of dealing with magic items. And since it would come in at 4th level (currently), it would help allay the worries of those who may be like my current DM that calls me weasel for finding a way for a divine caster to cast Identify without the high cost that has been removed in the Alpha release anyway. Thank you. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:
Hi Cosmo, I just wanted to follow up with you. My replacement issue was waiting for me when I got home from work today. Thanks for getting that to me. -Thank you- Tharian ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:
And this time it's my turn to apologize. I've been out of sorts with pneumonia and didn't think to check the boards. I already did receive issue 150. That was what I used as the litmus test. Thank you for asking about that issue as well, though. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:
Hello Cosmo, I waited through the weekend in case it decided to show up on a Saturday, but there's still been no sign of the magazine. Can you resend? -Thank you- ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Wow. You skip the boards for a few days and look at what you miss out on. Is the tech job still up for grabs? Just finishing up my CS degree after getting laid off last year so I'm back in job search mode. Mind you, it would mean a move across the country, but isn't adventure what this game and place are all about?