GuitarGuyNick's page

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Ive found an issue with one of the npcs having a massive spell attack bonus at lvl 5

the npc Nugrah has a spell attack bonus at +23.

This must be an oversight as you can crit on a 2.

shouldnt it be +14?

Andrew White wrote:

So, now that Foundry's 12.319 release notes have dropped, I can announce that there will in fact be a brand new official Monster Core Token Pack releasing shortly after the official release of Foundry v12, and that it will not only include all of the art from the Monster Core book, it will fully support v12's new Dynamic Token Engine core feature (which you can read all about at, if you haven't already), allowing you to apply all kinds of neat condition-related effects to your tokens automatically, without the use of any additional modules!

(This is not strictly related to the existing Bestiary token pack, which will continue to be the definitive token collection for all three pre-Remaster Bestiaries, but since people have been asking about Monster Core support for Foundry here, it seemed like the right place to share the news.)

will the prior token pack recieve the same treatment?

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will this have the correct dying and wounded rules on it?

Baarogue wrote:
I disagree. Rank or level is a more useful indicator of how much damage you're in for if you're using detect magic for early warning of magical hazards in your vicinity, not that it's very good at that. If you want to know more about a magical hazard, item, or effect after detecting it that's what Identify Magic is for; or Recognize Spell if you witness its casting

the only useful part of the identify magic is the critical success. i was thinking my modification would be a good addition to the higher heightened version of the cantrip.

im not sure if this is the right place to post or ask. but detect magic needs an errata.

it should be that at hightened levels that it can either detect the element trait or the damage type. knowing a spell rank doesnt tell you anything thematicaly about the type of magic. the only use of spell rank information is for counteract checks for dispel magic. most of the time when players want to use detect magic they want to know what kind of damage type they are dealing with. and i propose the change that at heightened +4 you get to know the trait (i.e if it has fire or cold or death etc) and damage type.

having these context clues will help replace the previous context clues of spell schools which made that cantrip valuable.

what do you guys think?

Finoan wrote:
GuitarGuyNick wrote:

Could we have someone from paizo clarify this as there hasnt been clarification foundry sees them as older "legacy" feats. which means they are left out of the remaster.

I would like to understand if these feats can be used by nephilims or are they scrapped?

I'm not sure that it is Paizo's call.

How much of the pre-Remaster to use in a post-Remaster build is up to the table playing.

PFS made their decisions for things like 'can you use pre-Remaster cantrips that add ability modifier bonus damage' (I think so, yes - as long as the spell wasn't reprinted with the same name. Otherwise the post-Remaster reprint takes priority). But that is a decision that each table is going to have to make.

So... same with ancestry feats. If the original feat was printed for an ancestry that technically doesn't exist, but a successor ancestry does exist - but that successor ancestry doesn't have that same feat printed... That is a scenario that only the table playing can make the call on.

they have said when they get the go ahead to move them from the legacy feats into the remaster they will but they need paizos blessing.
If the app doesn't allow the players at the table to make the call and allow the interaction, then that is something to take up with the app developers.

i would love to know too

so I read from seeing the foundry update as to how they are handling the remaster.

and because there has been a lack of clarification on the original exisiting feats that belong to tiefling and assimir. It is not clear that they fall under the new nephilim ancestry.

Could we have someone from paizo clarify this as there hasnt been clarification foundry sees them as older "legacy" feats. which means they are left out of the remaster.

One of my players cant choose them because of the remaster which makes his character build invalid.

I would like to understand if these feats can be used by nephilims or are they scrapped?