Destinie Nicholae |
This is the third attempt on trying to do a Skull & Shackles campaign. We've had 2 DMs run the campaign and we were in the first AP before they bounced. I'm hoping that the third time would be the charm. I've talk with the other players and here's who we have that is willing to continue:
Seadreamer Stonebeard Dwarf Ranger
Madame Ming Kitsune Rogue
Terry of Quent Half-Elf Rogue
Destinie Nicholae Human Oracle
We will probably need 1-2 more players to complete the set, but that can be left for you, as will whether you want to continue where we left off, start from the beginning or continue from a different point. The casting call is officially open.
DM Fern |
I read this yesterday and decided to sleep on it, because I am already running a few games, and I don't want to overextend myself...but I'm a sucker for strays and hate to see a campaign die. I've started reading through you guys' campaigns and the characters look like a lot of fun.
A little bit about me: I'm a teacher irl so I'm off for the summer and have a lot of free time. I can post daily with zero issues during break. Once school starts up in September I might slow down a smidge, at least until the routine settles back in, but before break started I was still posting at least every other day in my current games.
I discovered PBP less than a year ago and I'm loving it. I've GMed in person for over a decade. I'm more familiar with 5E than Pathfinder, but only because Pathfinder has so many damn rules and options, lol. I've run Runelords and Crimson Throne to completion, and started a handful of others irl that fell apart due to adulting and schedules, so I'm not a novice to Pathfinder, just not one of those people who knows the ins and outs of every class and build out there.
I can promise I won't quit on you guys, short of like, dying, lol. I am always the one in the rearview mirror watching other folks drive away. So, if you'd like me to give it a whirl, gimme a few days to read through the rest of what you guys have done already and dig into the first book of the AP. I don't want to restart you guys AGAIN, so I can pick up where things left off with GMMichael's campaign, if folks would prefer.
Terry of Quent |
We don't want you to over-extend, either!
It would be really great if you could pick us back up, but it has been a bit, so I don't have any aversion to starting over or continuing on. Either will be great, really.
If we are going to offer up for new people to join us . . ..
Edit: Oh, and I'm not that kind of rogue! Ming can at least take a shot at disarm device.
DM Fern |
Yeah just noticed it looks like it died in December, so it's been a minute -- we could start from scratch then, if a third beginning wouldn't be miserable for you guys. I know the first chapter or so of the adventure is full of misery and beatings and being semi powerless about your situation, I don't know how much you all wanna run that for a third time, lol. More likely to find a few new faces to join if we did start fresh, though. What do the rest of you think about a fresh start and recruiting a couple new folks?
Javell DeLeon |
Skull and Shackles, huh? I wouldn't mind throwing my name out there and seeing if I can come up with something. You folks are fortunate with Fern seemingly to take this one over. A solid DM through and through. (No pressure at all, Fern). ;)
The concept will be an Unchained Barbarian(Sea Reaver) for sure. :) Just got to figure it out from there.
What kind of build rules did you lot have? (That is, if you are going to recruit and/or you already don't have anyone in mind as a replacement).
Michael Lenehan |
I too have been left marooned when our GM bailed on us in book 2.
DM Fern, you could, if you wanted, skip the initial opening and start everyone at 2nd level as they board the Man's Promise.
Id like to submit RandallMcNally for consideration (he's currently jacked up for a previous recruitment for which he didn't get selected, so I can rework him for this recruitment if selected).
Variance: 1d4 ⇒ 2
DM Fern |
The concept will be an Unchained Barbarian(Sea Reaver) for sure. :) Just got to figure it out from there.
'Joran Goes to Sea' would be an amusing sequel to 'Joran and the Very Angry Dragon God.' ;D And thanks for the vote of confidence!
The initial problem is that those first few times takes so long to get through if we don't post fast enough. If we do start from the beginning, we would likely need a way to speed things up. But I wouldn't mind new faces at all.
I totally get that, I'd want to get to the fun parts quickly, too. For my part, like I said, I tend to post pretty quick. I prefer games where on weekdays folks can post every day, Javell there can tell you things go pretty snappy, unless people have to spend a couple days debating which door to open >.> <.<
Skimming through GMMichael's campaign, my style is fairly different than theirs, so I hope it wouldn't be too repetitive feeling. For example I saw they'd post a bunch of crunch each day for ship action roles and stuff, I'm more about telling the story and you guys do whatever you'd do and we apply the rolls that make sense as we go. The ship action and influence systems are a nice foundation but can get really repetitive and formulaic if you focus on them directly, imo, it's what killed my irl campaign. Felt railroady to my players.
Bringing new players in and losing some of the ones you had, and given it's been months and my style is so different than the old GM, I think I'd prefer a fresh start -- but Destinie is the one who took the time to try and keep this thing together and rolling, so her opinion on the matter counts a lot, and I don't want to come in and throw my weight around.
DM Fern, you could, if you wanted, skip the initial opening and start everyone at 2nd level as they board the Man's Promise.
That is a possibility, though I think later stuff will have more impact if you have interacted with Captain Harrigan, and working on influencing the folks to your side feels better if you actually do it instead of just handwaving that certain people like you and others don't.
Regardless, I feel like a group of 6 give or take is the most fun on these boards, so whatever we decide story-starting-point-wise, let the recruitment begin!
Only need 2-3 people, see the first post in this thread for what we already have. I don't want to make the initial players change their builds , so we'll go with what they did -- your point buy pool is 20+1d4.
I'm fine with anything from any non-3rd-party sources for race/ class/ archetypes etc, but make sure it fits thematically if you want to be picked. You should want to be a pirate, or at least be willing to roll with it and not trying to escape back to land. Proud samurai warriors or paladins of Iomedae may not be the best fit, but there are always exceptions. No outright evil characters, please.
Using background skills. Average starting wealth. I'm looking forward to starting, so lets say submissions are due by next Friday, the 24th, at midnight. That gives folks about a week to come up with stuff.
Cassandra Tyche |
Updating crunch was much easier and faster than I expected, should be done and ready! Cass is a support/debuffer primarily but she also is a full caster with all that implies, I'd like to do a daily (in game) harrowing if that is okay with GM example is in the sheet just as a flavor thing to see how she acts each day!
Javell DeLeon |
Javell DeLeon wrote:The concept will be an Unchained Barbarian(Sea Reaver) for sure. :) Just got to figure it out from there.'Joran Goes to Sea' would be an amusing sequel to 'Joran and the Very Angry Dragon God.' ;D And thanks for the vote of confidence!
Lol! Oh man now I'm tempted. So tempting... :P
Destinie wrote:The initial problem is that those first few times takes so long to get through if we don't post fast enough. If we do start from the beginning, we would likely need a way to speed things up. But I wouldn't mind new faces at all.I totally get that, I'd want to get to the fun parts quickly, too. For my part, like I said, I tend to post pretty quick. I prefer games where on weekdays folks can post every day, Javell there can tell you things go pretty snappy, unless people have to spend a couple days debating which door to open >.> <.<
All absolute truth. And per the doors: I'm gonna blame Caiten. ;) (In case you read me throwing you under the bus wrongfully... Sorry, Caiten) ;)
It did feel like it was routine. I would appreciate if there was more roleplaying involved in the story. If you think we can get through it, I think we can start this again at 1st level.
You WON'T regret it. It'll be worth it, I'm telling you.
Katara Akshay |
Here's my submission for the game - Katara is a young garundi human, and an aquakineticist with a free heart blessed by Besmara. Hoping to be pressganged with you all towards a life of adventures! She's built more for RP and skills, and in combat can be useful mostly in range as a damage dealer of sorts (hoping to get kinetic healer in the future too for some off-heals if the party needs - open to tailor her accordingly to our demands!)
feyrial |
I'd love to throw my name in the ring. I will put something together shortly. I am pretty rusty with Pathfinder, so please don't hesitate to point out any mistakes if I get in, lol. Was looking into a Sea Witch or a Wizard of some sort.
edit: I am happy to fill in gaps for melee damage, too, if needed! I'm down for anything.
Javell DeLeon |
I believe the current build rules can be found here:
GMMICHAEL'S Skull & Shackles
Well with him being the 2nd GM and bolting - and this appearing to be Fern's game now - Fern may have her own build rules. Especially considering this is a "whole new game" and all. But also maybe not as far as that goes. *shrugs* :P
I've got a couple of questions that I'm curious about:
1. Background skills or no?
2. What about Feat tax?
Just for kicks and grins this is an updated version of the Feat tax rules in case anyone is interested in checking them out.
You have to download it though. I tried linking to the actual pdf but the they've made it to where the link won't work. Pretty clever.
It doesn't cost anything unless you just feel like donating to them. If not, just click on "No thanks, just take me to the download."
DM Fern |
Background skills I mentioned are fine. I have never see the feat tax thing you linked before, but it's interesting. Anyone else use that option before want to weigh in? My initial impression is that I like the idea but I don't know how game breaky it is or how commonly used they are. By all means weigh in on the topic!
KeeperofRunes |
It’s not uncommon and can help to balance casters vs martial in the mid game, it makes martial much stronger at low level but also more diverse in my experience (twf, dex based and ranged are less feat intensive). Personally I’m on the take it or leave it boat, allows more diversity but takes extra monitoring from the DM
Terry of Quent |
The Elephant in the Room Feat Tax documents attempt to undo some of the damage the proliferation of feats through the expansion books have done to the utility of the Fighter, and to streamline/simplify the "you have to buy this one before you can buy that one and do what you want" feat system.
There are at least 3 versions of the EitR rules out there. The third UNDID some of the early simplifications because they lead to too much power for archers too quickly. Not a group that is generally suffering by comparison, anyway.
In my mind, the biggest problem with the EitR rules is that they drafted a set of rules based on the books they had in hand at the time and have basically never expanded the feats covered. There are more than twice as many feats today as there were when the rules were originally drafted, I believe. So, either everyone has to understand and agree that the simplification rules won't apply to everything, of the group has to come to an agreement about how those rules should look for newer feats. Or you don't use them. <shrug>
If you pick a specific version of the EitR rules, and apply them consistently, they are far more beneficial than not. If people are picking and choosing which version to use so they get the feat reduction they want, instead of a consistent picture, things are going to feel wrong in the tougher fights.
Generally, I like the ruleset. For many characters, it makes getting the mechanical benefit you want to have easier and quicker.
Our characters were built WITHOUT the EitR rules.
My character notes show average starting wealth by class, background skill point assignment, Advanced Race Guide racial characteristic options were sued, and THREE traits, including the campaign trait, without any drawbacks.
Katara Akshay |
If I may vote, I built Katara using the previous set of rules of GM Michael (which already “gives” 4 feats for free if you meet the prereqs) and I feel we should likely stick to it. At the end of the day the focus should be on the existing four brave souls that put love and dedication on their characters and are now “orphans being adopted” - we the new ones will conquer our own space slowly. As for the feat taxes rules, I like them, but it’s clearly something we can play without and still have fun. Flavor trumps all :)
Terry of Quent |
If I may vote, I built Katara using the previous set of rules of GM Michael (which already “gives” 4 feats for free if you meet the prereqs) and I feel we should likely stick to it.
I read this and went "Hunh? I don't remember that!" So I went looking for it.
Kinda like the list EitR makes base rules, but not quite.
Combat Expertise (Int prereq)
Deadly Aim (BAB & Dex prereq)
Power Attack (BAB & Str prereq)
Scribe Scroll (Caster level prereq; If already free, take your choice of Skill/Spell Focus)
Only 1 of those Terry CAN qualify for, but he needs the 2nd level BAB. So none of those made it on my rogue's character sheet. It has been a minute or two since I read that post, though. Really had forgotten all about it.
Randall McNally |
Terry of Quent |
In the order of posting interest.
Lapyd - Katara Akshay - CG Garundi Aquakineticist
KeeperofRunes - Cassandra Tyche - CG Elven Witch (Cartomancer)
Javell DeLeon
Michael Lenehan - Randall McNally - CN Varisian Bard (Sea singer)
Existing 4
Destinie Nicholae - NG Human Oracle
Madame Ming - CN Kitsune Rogue
Seadreamer Stonebeard - NG Dwarf Ranger
Terry of Quent - CG Half-Elf Rogue
Based on the existing 4 and the ones who have submitted characters so far, it looks like Seadreamer Stonebeard is both our wall and strong melee character.
2 of the 3 listed combine with the existing 4 to have 5 characters with a Cha of 14 or better, and I think it was 4 of which have the Bluff/Diplomacy/Perception set of skills, 3 also have Sense Motive, and 1 (me) also has Intimidate.
Looks to me like this group of character is built to negotiate, not fight. For clarity, that is less a problem and more needing to consider how we approach problems.
Terry of Quent |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Are you guys all filled up on players? If you're not, I would absolutely love to throw in a character for this. If you are though, no worries. I'll just watch enviously from over here :P
In THIS POST DM Fern said he was looking for 6 or so total, with a submission deadline of Midnight, 24 June.
I hadn't thought to ask until just now if he meant Midnight Friday morning or Midnight Friday evening. That would inherently be more important to you than me, though.
KingHotTrash |
@DM Fern - I know there is some tossing about about EitR Feats or not, just let me know what you settle in on and I'll adjust my concept as needed.
Points for Buying!: 20 + 1d4 ⇒ 20 + (1) = 21
That's my dice rolling luck. There seems to be a lot of spellcasting so I'll be looking into something martial-inclined to hold the front up with the dwarf. I do love my frontline fighters.
DM Fern |
Combat Expertise (Int prereq)
Deadly Aim (BAB & Dex prereq)
Power Attack (BAB & Str prereq)
Scribe Scroll (Caster level prereq; If already free, take your choice of Skill/Spell Focus)
I'm fine with this, to not mess up the original 4 characters. To clarify for folks, if you meet the prereqs for one of those for feats you get it free.
Leaving it open until the end of Friday/ Saturday morning at midnight, for clarity!
I'm bad at decision making so 6 could push as high as 8 if I like a lot the characters and can't narrow it down. =D
Terry of Quent |
It turns out I made a mistake. Madame Ming's player will not be able to continue with the game, so we will need someone with trapfindering after all and we'll need one more replacement as well.
Well, POOH!
Do we REALLY need Trapfinding and Disable Device? I mean, pirates are a trusting lot and wouldn't resort to such tactics. Right?
Yeah, I couldn't type that with a straight face, either.
Caiten |
DM Fern wrote:All absolute truth. And per the doors: I'm gonna blame Caiten. ;) (In case you read me throwing you under the bus wrongfully... Sorry, Caiten) ;)Destinie wrote:The initial problem is that those first few times takes so long to get through if we don't post fast enough. If we do start from the beginning, we would likely need a way to speed things up. But I wouldn't mind new faces at all.I totally get that, I'd want to get to the fun parts quickly, too. For my part, like I said, I tend to post pretty quick. I prefer games where on weekdays folks can post every day, Javell there can tell you things go pretty snappy, unless people have to spend a couple days debating which door to open >.> <.<
WhaHaHaHa. Guilty as charged.
Javell DeLeon |
Okay, Fern, this is who I'm throwing out there: This Guy
(I'm sorry but I JUST couldn't resist! It was just too perfect. And to be honest, I really didn't have much of an idea until you threw 'Joran Goes to Sea' out there. So I rolled with it!). :D lol!
Javell DeLeon |
Javell DeLeon wrote:DM Fern wrote:All absolute truth. And per the doors: I'm gonna blame Caiten. ;) (In case you read me throwing you under the bus wrongfully... Sorry, Caiten) ;)Destinie wrote:The initial problem is that those first few times takes so long to get through if we don't post fast enough. If we do start from the beginning, we would likely need a way to speed things up. But I wouldn't mind new faces at all.I totally get that, I'd want to get to the fun parts quickly, too. For my part, like I said, I tend to post pretty quick. I prefer games where on weekdays folks can post every day, Javell there can tell you things go pretty snappy, unless people have to spend a couple days debating which door to open >.> <.<WhaHaHaHa. Guilty as charged.