Mechanical Pear |

I want to dual wield Dwarven Light Pelletbows. I'll take -4 to attack. Each pelletbow can be reloaded as a free action, but I find myself without a free hand to reload the weaponry. I had initially been okay with shadowshooting or endless ammunition enchantments on the weapons, but honestly, I really want to be able to use custom ammunition early on, especially early on. I'm looking for feats or random magic items that will not require me to have a free hand to load the weapon.
Something like a Monkey Belt, but I'm not sure that the belt can reload my crossbows, and I really don't want to be limited to 5 minutes a day.
There may be shenanigans possible with Glove of Storing, and me using 17 free actions a turn to do a full attack. But I'd like to not go that route. I may end up with a glove of storing anyway, though, cause I'm dual wielding weapons, but sometimes would like to cast (I'm a Warpriest). I know that I can align my weapons if I needed to, but dunno about material DR bypasses. And, I really, really don't want to have to cast any spells when combat starts, just to be able to fight as I please.
EDITED TO ADD: Also, poison items, etc.

Mechanical Pear |

2 levels of Juggler Bard.
Really, everything is pretty set in stone, except a few feats, and of course, magic items that I could include. Outside of that, this build is specific, and set, in most ways.

Temperans |
In theory you could use the Quick Stow feat to put away the crossbow reload one of them then pull out another. If you have TWF you can do it with bow crossbows. The reason it might be able to work is the fact that reloading is a free action. The problem is that quick stow is still a move action.
If this is indeed possible you would be able to shoot once (twice with certain abilities) and then perform a moving reload.
Similarly, you could theoretically use Empty Quiver Flurry since it allows for a free reload. But it requires a successful melee hit.
You can get combat feats via the Training weapon enchantment.

Pizza Lord |
I want to dual wield Dwarven Light Pelletbows. I'll take -4 to attack. Each pelletbow can be reloaded as a free action, but I find myself without a free hand to reload the weaponry.
Is the whole dual-wielding pellet bows just for looks? I don't understand. If they're a free action to reload, why not just use one? I mean, I guess if they had two different enchantments on them, that might be a reason, but I just don't see it. Seems like you're taking a –4 penalty on all your shots for little reason (that I can see so far).
Something like a Monkey Belt, but I'm not sure that the belt can reload my crossbows, and I really don't want to be limited to 5 minutes a day.
I can't rule on whether your GM will say that a tail can reload a crossbow. It isn't just about plopping a bolt on top. It's also pulling or winding back the string or even using a hand-crank.
Still... 5 minutes is 50 rounds. That's actually a lot of combat for most adventuring days. Looking at the item, it says the minutes don't have to be consecutive, so that would mean you can end the tail use. Also, even though it doesn't give a minimum (most such items say 1 minute increments) that would still be 5 combats where you'd have 10 rounds of being able to use it. It's not really the limitation you seem to think it is unless you're really constantly fighting... and dual-wielding crossbows the entire time, like, no one is attacking you in melee the entire 50 rounds...
An unseen servant might work. Even at 1st-level it lasts an hour and you can command it to reload your crossbows and it will just repeat that. The downside is that it only has 6 hit points and area effects will pretty much end it.

Mechanical Pear |

Is the whole dual-wielding pellet bows just for looks? I don't understand. If they're a free action to reload, why not just use one? I mean, I guess if they had two different enchantments on them, that might be a reason, but I just don't see it. Seems like you're taking a –4 penalty on all your shots for little reason (that I can see so far).
Two-weapon fighting. If I can figure out how to have a free hand to reload, that's more attacks. Worst case, I'll stick with what I had: Shadowshooting or Endless Ammo, but if I can use custom ammo, even better.

TxSam88 |

Pizza Lord wrote:Is the whole dual-wielding pellet bows just for looks? I don't understand. If they're a free action to reload, why not just use one? I mean, I guess if they had two different enchantments on them, that might be a reason, but I just don't see it. Seems like you're taking a –4 penalty on all your shots for little reason (that I can see so far).Two-weapon fighting. If I can figure out how to have a free hand to reload, that's more attacks. Worst case, I'll stick with what I had: Shadowshooting or Endless Ammo, but if I can use custom ammo, even better.
I'm not sure endless Ammunition or Shadowshooting works, Both only supply ammunition, neither cocks the weapon. you would still need a free hand to do so.

Mechanical Pear |

I'm not sure endless Ammunition or Shadowshooting works, Both only supply ammunition, neither cocks the weapon. you would still need a free hand to do so.
From the pfsrd, "A shadowshooting weapon never needs to be reloaded; after a shot is fired, this smoke immediately coalesces into the ammunition required to fire the weapon again. This doesn’t prevent a shadowshooting weapon from firing ordinary projectiles appropriate to the weapon."
Meaning, there is no reload process. It it automatically ready to fire again.
But you are right about Endless Ammunition, I saw, after rereading it.
"Only bows and crossbows can be made into endless ammunition weapons—firearms and other projectile weapons cannot. Each time an endless ammunition weapon is nocked, a single non-magical arrow or bolt is spontaneously created by the magic, so the weapon’s wielder never needs to load the weapon with ammunition."
The load time and process is still required, you just don't need ammo. So....I'll stick with shadowshooting, unless I can figure out how to not rely on weapon enchantments to be able to reload and full attaack.

I grok do u |
holding and letting go of an item is a free action. so anything with a tail that can hold items (vanara\tiefling with the right racial ability). or the vestigial hand discovery for an alchemist or mutant fighter etc.
If GM doesn't let tail load the crossbows or hold them, maybe GM would allow you to use weapon cords on your crossbows, and let you use the tail to change that move action retrieval to a swift retrieval*.
Free action: drop off-hand
Make primary hand shots, free action reloads using now free off hand.
Free action: drop main hand
Swift action*: retrieve off-hand crossbow with tail
Make off-hand attack(s), free action reloads using now free main hand.
I may end up with a glove of storing anyway, though, cause I'm dual wielding weapons, but sometimes would like to cast (I'm a Warpriest). ... And, I really, really don't want to have to cast any spells when combat starts, just to be able to fight as I please.
As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of this ability to cast any one warpriest spell he has prepared with a casting time of 1 round or shorter. When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The warpriest does not need to have a free hand to cast a spell in this way.
Warpriests can handle that, but it uses that ever invaluable swift action.

Mechanical Pear |

Yup yup, she will be taking full advantage of casting with fervor. But sometimes, she may need to swift cast, then standard cast.
And as to the swift action reload, I'm planning on getting to eight attacks by level 20, so I'll need a free action option.
She'll get Two Weapon Fighting at level 7, so that's the absolute earliest it's possible she'll switch to dual wield. Before that, she'll just use one. This will be a mid to late game thing.

zza ni |

Maybe see if you can get an unseen servant to help. i didn't follow on your action economy of firing and reloading but it might be enough, my low level wizard usually use them to reload his heavy crossbow ("reload my x-bow once i say 'reload'"). maybe they can hold the weapon when you reload (maybe get two each to hold one weapon when needed). they last hours and you can got some cheap magic items that can grant you their assistance.
as for items:
Haunted Shoes cost 6,480 and give 2/day 1d4 servant for 3 ears each use.
Ushabti of the Willing Servant cost 3,900 , can be sued on command (as many times per day as you like) bring one servant each time that stay for up to 1 hour (so if you want two at the same time, get two of these).
since the servants can be destroyed by many means i think the 2nd option is better even if you need to get two. as you can just bring it back when this happen.

Mechanical Pear |

Hm. I'm trying to find things like "movement speed" and "space" of an unseen servant. As both my weapons can be reloaded as a free action, I see no reason why my unseen servant can't reload both (load 8 ammo a turn). If a DM says that the unseen servant isn't as much a summoned creature, rather, a psuedo intelligent disembodied force, that stays about in my square, then it's an option. Of course, 6 points of area damage around me will shut me down for a turn (I wont' be able to reload my weapons).
Honestly, instead of trying to bend over backwards to do it mechanically correct, I'll just stick with shadowshooting. Would be more fun than explaining I have a tail that constantly gets passed my weapons to free up a hand to load a crossbow, going back and forth and I shoot and reload. I'll just keep it simple, and not have the benefit of ammo when it comes to DR breaking and poison.

Ryze Kuja |

Unseen Servant
Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 364
School conjuration (creation); Level arcanist 1, bard 1, magus 1, medium 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, skald 1, sorcerer 1, spiritualist 1, summoner 1, summoner (unchained) 1, witch 1, wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of string and a bit of wood)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. This servant cannot fly, climb, or even swim (though it can walk on water). Its base speed is 15 feet.The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against attacks.) If you attempt to send it beyond the spell's range (measured from your current position), the servant ceases to exist.
It has no space per se because it's a shapeless incorporeal force, and may occupy your space or someone else's space. It moves 15ft per round, so if you're Moving and Shooting, make sure that you don't move out of range of your servant, otherwise it winks out of existence.

Temperans |
You can always ask the GM to let you create a new spell. A better or alternate version of the Reloading hands spells. But that is such a high level... that it fails the "early on" portion.
You could potentially take advantage of the way TWF works to cheese it. When you are TWF you make every shot with one weapon and then you switch weapons. For example: Declare TWF, free action return a weapon B using glove, fire all your shots with weapon A, take out weapon B, make a shot, return weapon A using gloves, fire the rest of you shots with weapon B, take out weapon A. That is a 5 free actions for that sequence.