Horror movie villains / monsters

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Since it's almost Halloween I would ask: what would various horror movie villains be? I know I asked a similar question last year but I thought of some more villains and was given some ideas the last time. Anyway:

Freddy Krueger: Implacable Stalker Nightmare Ghost (not sure what his class levels would be.)
Jason Vorhees: Juju zombie barbarian
Michael Myers: Fiendish human with some slayer levels
Chucky: NE soulbound doll but make him CE instead and give him some rogue levels.
Leatherface: human barbarian with a bunch of chainsaw weapon feats. He'd probably also have that human skin mask from Rise Of The Runelords
Carrie White: Human psychic class of some sort with the broken soul template by the end
Norman Bates: Serial Killer Vigilante with his mother's personality as the other identity
The Blob: Obviously an ooze of some sort, not sure if any existing one fits. I assume it would have cold vulnerability.
John Doe (Se7en): Human fallen paladin, maybe also with some slayer levels.
Pazuzu (Exorcist version): Probably just a unique shadow demon with some weird abilities when possessing people, maybe something similar to the Grimple Gremlin's vomit abilitiy?

I will try to think of more.

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Implacable Stalker Nightmare Lord Bogeyman is pure vicious... could be your Freddy Krueger... I made him Oogie Boogie [nighmare before xmas].

Someone needs to give me a convincing Xenomorph representation in PF1... or a PF1 version of the Koarti from Forgotten Realms... those are the things of nightmares... the Borg... the Flood... the Illithid... the Slaadi... some things are worse than death.

Annebelle could be a Creepy Doll Halfling Witch or Sylvan Trickster UnRogue... Curses/Hexes and probably some Stealth to explain popping up in dumb places.

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I can't think of a good Pennywise... depends how far back you trace the dogma... pretty sure Maturin [the Turtle Guardian] barfed It up like a hairball if you go back far enough... and It's true form makes people go insane because his form cannot be comprehended by the mortal mind... not unlike the Jonas Venture Sr. Alien in Venture Bros.

What would Candyman be? Meat hooks, in general... I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc...

Or the THING?!?!

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Never seen Candyman but I think the Thing would be a unique aberration with a disease that turns other people into aberrations as well. I figure it would also be immune to criticals because every cell in its body is supposedly autonomous.

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Almost like a Deepspawn, a creature that consumes other creatures and can then create spawn that look like those creatures, but are intelligent and can communicate with each other.

Dark Archive

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For Pathfinder 1 there have been a couple of monsters that are based on movie-creatures. For instance:

1. Carnivorous Blob is The Blob
2. The Xenopterid is the Judas bug from Mimic
3. The Hive represents the Xenomorphs from Alien

I definitely see Freddy Krueger as something with both the Implacable Stalker and Nightmare Lord templates (as noted above). The Thing might be an unique aberration with abilities from both the Doppeldrek and an Hungry Flesh.

Also, the beings from "Mirrors" could be some sort of Soulslivers.

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Mr. Bonkers wrote:

3. The Hive represents the Xenomorphs from Alien

Oh. My. God.

How have I never seen this/these before?

Thank you.

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Does anyone know what class Freddy would be? Also, maybe Carrie should be an oracle with the occult mystery and the friendless curse, not sure which would be better. Also, speaking of Stephen King, what about Christine? I know there are no cars in Golarion but she could still be a construct of sorts. I figure her running people over would work as Powerful Charge, and she would have some really powerful fast healing (like 15 or 20), since she can get totalled and fix herself in a matter of seconds>

Dark Archive

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VoodistMonk wrote:
Mr. Bonkers wrote:

3. The Hive represents the Xenomorphs from Alien

Oh. My. God.

How have I never seen this/these before?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Yqatuba wrote:
Does anyone know what class Freddy would be? Also, maybe Carrie should be an oracle with the occult mystery and the friendless curse, not sure which would be better. Also, speaking of Stephen King, what about Christine? I know there are no cars in Golarion but she could still be a construct of sorts. I figure her running people over would work as Powerful Charge, and she would have some really powerful fast healing (like 15 or 20), since she can get totalled and fix herself in a matter of seconds>

Hmmm. Freddy Kreuger could be a Rogue or Ninja with the Advanced Talent: Vigilante Talent: Twisting Fear, and be focused on intimidate, Dazzling Display, Gory Finish and the stuff (maybe Bleeding Attack Talent).

Carrie I do not know that well, but Psychic with the Explode Head spell and other psychic assault spells might work.

For Christine, how about an Animated Object (Carriage) with the Haunted Construct template? Give it at least Trample and maybe some extra hitdice, and simulate its incredible healing ability by locking a Hungy Fog inside the construct (which deals 6d6 negative energy, which heals is due to the Haunted Construct template).

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I guess good old Stealth could explain things like Freddy coming through the bed, and stuff. I was thinking he needed more like Shadow Step, though.

For the car, I was also thinking a horseless carriage. Give it DR equal to its Hardness, and both Fast Healing/Regeneration of some degree. Definitely needs Trample.

Dark Archive

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Well, Ninja's can also get Ghost Step as an advanced talent, allowing Freddy Kreuger to phase through objects up to 5ft thick. And he can be given the Flickering Step feat to allow him some sort of limited Dimension Door ability.

So maybe a Chained Rogue Shadow Scion for Shadow Step, and picking up the Ki Pool rogue talent and advanced talents Master Trick for Ghost Step and Vigilante Talent: Twisting Fear. For feats it would be Dazzling Display, Gory Finish, and maybe Flickering Step.

Dark Archive

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I couldn't resist and created some NPC stats for a potential Freddy Kreuger (by no means an absolute masterpiece, but a fun theorycraft). In case people want the NPC to be more deadly, consider switching the feats Extra Ki and Gory Display into Power Attack and Cornugon Smash (and add +2 Strength through some means to qualify).

Freddy Kreuger:

Freddy "Wannabee" Krueger CR 15
Implacable Stalker Nightmare Lord Human Rogue (Shadow Scion) 12
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8 ; Senses Darkvision 180 ft, Sense Fear 120ft..; Perception +17; Aura: Fear 60ft, Terrifying Presence 30ft

AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 196 (12d8+142), Regeneration 5/good or silver, Fast Healing 12 (if Terrifying Inevitability)
Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +9 (+4 vs Illusion, +4 vs mind-affecting, protection from good)
Defensive Abilities Evasion; Feign Death, Illusion Resistance +4, Improved Uncanny Dodge, NIghtmare Resurrection, Terrifying Inevitability Trap Sense +4 DR 5/-; (DR 10/-) Resist acid 10, cold 10. electricity 10, fire 10, sonic 10; SR 30 (see text)

Speed 20 ft. fly 10 ft. (perfect maneuverability)
Melee Goreclaw of Thercerrod +20/+15 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks Ki Pool (4/d), Dream Slave, Gory Display, Night Terrors, Right Behind You, Sneak Attack +6d6
Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 11th; concentration +17)
Constant—protection from good;
3/day—deep slumber (DC 19), detect thoughts (DC 18), dream, invisibility, nightmare (DC 25), plane shift (from the Material Plane to the Dimension of Dreams or back again), shadow walk, suggestion (DC 19);
1/day—feeblemind (DC 21), modify memory (DC 21), shadow conjuration (DC 24), shadow evocation (DC 25).

Str 11, Dex 26, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 27
Feats Dazzling Display, Diehard, Endurance, Extra Ki, Gory Finish, Intimidating Prowess, Shocking Bellow, Steadfast Personality, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (spiked gauntlet)
Skills Acrobatics +21 (+17 to jump), Bluff +21, Disguise +21, Escape Artist +23, Intimidate +29, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Sleight of Hand +23, Stealth +29 (35 in Dim Light or Darkness), Survival +14 (+20 to track)
Languages Aklo, Common, Darkfolk, Shadowtongue
SQ: Nightmare Magic, Rogue Talents (Ki Pool, Combat Trick, Master Trick: Ghost Step, Vigilante Trick: Twisting Fear), Shadow Dweller, Shadow Step (360ft), Terrifying Inevitability
Gear: Goreclaw of Thercerrod, +1 Phantasmal Mithral Chain Shirt, Cloak of Resistance +3, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Headband of Alluring Charisma +2

Dream Slave (Su): Instead of killing a target with its night terror ability, a nightmare lord may instead enslave it with a permanent dominate monster effect. The enslaved creature is healed of all Charisma damage taken from night terrors.

Fear Aura (Su): Creatures that have at least 5 fewer Hit Dice than the implacable stalker must succeed at a Will save or become frightened for 1 minute if they come within 60 feet of it. Even if they succeed at their saves, they gain the shaken condition for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. All other creatures within this radius must succeed at a Will save or become shaken for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same implacable stalker’s aura until the creature has left the aura and reentered it. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Feign Death (Ex): Whenever a nightmare creature is unconscious, it appears dead. A conscious nightmare creature can also make itself appear dead as an immediate action. Any creature that physically interacts with a nightmare creature feigning death must succeed at a Heal check or Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the nightmare creature’s Hit Dice + the nightmare creature’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) to recognize it is actually alive.

Frightful Presence (Su): This ability activates when the nightmare creature charges, attacks during a surprise round, or succeeds at a DC 15 Intimidate or Perform check. Its frightful presence has a range of 30 feet.

Gory Display (Ex): Whenever an implacable stalker kills a sentient living creature, as a swift action, it can revel in the kill, shredding its victim’s corpse in a gruesome display of power. If it does, it chooses one of the following benefits: gain a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute, regain a single use of a spell-like ability that it can normally use three or more times per day, or immediately heal a number of hit points equal to its Hit Dice.

Alternatively, instead of any of these benefits, the implacable stalker can cause a single creature within 60 feet to become more vulnerable to fear. Creatures affected in this way lose any immunity to fear they may have. If the creature did not possess immunity to fear, it takes a –4 penalty on saving throws to resist fear effects, and all Intimidate checks attempted against it receive a +4 circumstance bonus. These effects last for 10 minutes. Finally, if the creature is currently immune to the implacable stalker’s fear aura because it succeeded at a previous saving throw, it loses that immunity.

Illusion Resistance (Ex): A nightmare creature automatically disbelieves illusions (no saving throw required) and has a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist illusion effects.

Night Terrors (Su): Once a nightmare creature enters a target’s mind with its dream or nightmare spell-like ability, it can attempt to control the target’s dream. If the target fails a Will saving throw, it remains asleep and trapped in the dream world with the nightmare creature. Thereafter, the nightmare creature controls all aspects of the dream. Each hour that passes, the target can attempt another saving throw to try to awaken (it automatically awakens after 8 hours or if the nightmare creature releases it). The target takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage each hour it is trapped in the dream; if it takes any Charisma damage, it is fatigued and unable to regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours. The target dies if this Charisma damage equals or exceeds its actual Charisma score.

Nightmare Magic (Su): The nightmare lord gains a +4 bonus to the DCs of its spells and spell-like abilities of the phantasm and shadow subschools.

Nightmare Resurrection (Su): When an implacable stalker dies, it creates a psychic imprint on the mind of each intelligent creature within 60 feet that witnessed its death. Each week, such creatures are subject to a nightmare effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 the implacable stalker’s Hit Dice + the implacable stalker’s Charisma modifier; the normal modifiers for nightmare based on knowledge and connection do not apply). In this nightmare, the creature is hunted and slain by the implacable stalker (for GMs using the nightmare dreamscape rules on page 162, these nightmares always have the “being chased” nightmare feature). A creature that succeeds at three consecutive saving throws to resist the effect is freed from it. If any creature fails at three consecutive saving throws to resist the nightmare, the implacable stalker returns to life, as per true resurrection. If its corpse has been completely destroyed, it returns to life in a random location within 5 miles of the creature that failed to resist the nightmare effects. Once the implacable stalker is returned to life, the psychic imprint fades from all creatures still affected by it.

Right Behind You (Sp): As a swift action, an implacable stalker can teleport to an unoccupied space, which must be adjacent to a creature the stalker is aware of that has the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition. The implacable stalker can travel a maximum distance of 480 feet with each use of this ability, and must wait 1d6 rounds between each use. Additionally, if the implacable stalker travels at least 40 feet, any shaken, frightened, or panicked creature it arrives adjacent to is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the implacable stalker’s attacks until the beginning of the implacable stalker’s next turn.

Sense Fear (Su): An implacable stalker is able to sense the fear of nearby living creatures. This functions similarly to blindsight, with a range of 120 feet, except it only allows the implacable stalker to detect creatures that are currently experiencing any level of fear ranging from spooked to horrified (see page 10). Additionally, this ability allows the implacable stalker to detect such creatures even through solid barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Terrifying Inevitability (Su): An implacable stalker is even more difficult to kill when in the presence of fear. As long as the implacable stalker is able to see or hear a creature currently experiencing any level of fear ranging from spooked to horrified (see page 10), it gains fast healing equal to its Hit Dice, its damage reduction increases to 10/—, and it gains spell resistance equal to 16 + its CR.

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Why does he have Ki btw? Is that part of the shadow scion?

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Yqatuba wrote:
Why does he have Ki btw? Is that part of the shadow scion?

Uses cRogue for the Ki Pool Rogue Talent to fuel the Ghost Step Ninja Trick...

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The Alien Bestiary Companion has an alien that pretty much is the Thing. A very nasty creature named the Qomok.

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VoodistMonk wrote:
Mr. Bonkers wrote:

3. The Hive represents the Xenomorphs from Alien

Oh. My. God.

How have I never seen this/these before?

Thank you.

Same I always used a 3rd party template

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In my current game I merger horror and comic villains to Make it less obvious

-Victor Kruger (Victor Tzaz(dc)/Freddy kruger) I made him a slayer (cleaner archtype) when they first encounter him it will be as the living human. Later in game after his death I’m adding implacable stalker and nightmare lord.

Jo’han Crowmar/Tik Tok Killer (Jigsaw): A serial killer vigilante specialist in traps and clockworks construction. Has a mini clockwork Billy doll that sets up the “I want to play a game”. Using a construct king style villain to throw off jigsaw scent. Very charismatic and has a few acolytes.

I want to make a Hannibal Lecter but I’m torn on his build but needs an insane int score, sense motive and heal check (psychologist) maybe a bard or a vigilante less combat focused but more outsmarting his prey.

I’m also introducing the gentlemen from Buffy.

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You can make Hannibal Lecter a verbal Mentalist. If there is such a thing. A Mentalist/Bard?

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doc chaos wrote:
You can make Hannibal Lecter a verbal Mentalist. If there is such a thing. A Mentalist/Bard?

I was thinking Vivisectionist, maybe? The Harvest Parts feat, and max ranks in Profession Cook. Lol.

I looked through the AoN Deities page [it's bookmarked] and didn't like the options with "cannibalism" or "lobotomizing" listed in their Areas of Concern. I didn't branch out to include "torture" because it is more than that.

The scariest thing about Hannibal Lecter is that he is just a Commoner with above average Intelligence, and a knife...

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The more I think about it after rewatch silence of the lambs last night is he would be an unchanged rogue with talents that heavily enchance skills like the bonus signature skill. There isn’t anything magic about him and the two people he verbally gets to hurt themselves are either already crazy (dude swallowed tongue) or a patient of his that carved his own face (it appeared under influence of drugs as well)

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VoodistMonk wrote:
doc chaos wrote:
You can make Hannibal Lecter a verbal Mentalist. If there is such a thing. A Mentalist/Bard?

I was thinking Vivisectionist, maybe? The Harvest Parts feat, and max ranks in Profession Cook. Lol.

I looked through the AoN Deities page [it's bookmarked] and didn't like the options with "cannibalism" or "lobotomizing" listed in their Areas of Concern. I didn't branch out to include "torture" because it is more than that.

The scariest thing about Hannibal Lecter is that he is just a Commoner with above average Intelligence, and a knife...

Vivisectionist was a close second but like in my comment above zero magic abilities (extracts).

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Hannibal Lecter - Human Rogue (Unchained) lv15
ECL: 15
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Land Speed: 30 ft / round
HP: 120 XP: 0
STR: 7 (-2)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 21 (+5)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 12 (+1)
Fortitude: +5 Reflex : +10 Will: +7
AC Normal 11
AC Touch 11
AC Flat-Footed: 10
BAB: +11 / +6 / +1
Initiative: 5 CMB: +9 CMD: 20
-- Class Features / Racial Traits --
* Bonus Feat (Alertness)
* Crippling Strike (Ex)
* Danger Sense +5 (Ex)
* Debilitating Injury (Ex)
* Evasion (Ex)
* Fast Stealth (Ex)
* Finesse Training (Dagger)
* Finesse Training (Dagger, punching)
* Finesse Training (Ex)
* Follow Up (Ex)
* Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
* Languages
* Mien of Despair (Su)
* Obfuscate Story (Ex)
* Pressure Points (Su)
* Rogue’s Edge (Heal)
* Rogue’s Edge (Sense Motive)
* Rogue’s Edge (Stealth)
* Skill Unlock (Diplomacy)
* Skill Unlock (Heal)
* Skill Unlock (Sense Motive)
* Skill Unlock (Stealth)
* Skilled
* Sneak Attack +8d6
* Surprise Attack (Ex)
* Survivalist
* Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
* Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Rogue (Unchained))

-- Feats --
* Alertness
* Harvest Parts
* Improved Initiative
* Ironclad Logic
* Signature Skill (Diplomacy)
* Skill Focus (Heal)
* Skill Focus (Sense Motive)
* Skill Focus (Stealth)
* Stealthy
* Weapon Finesse
-- Traits --
* Bruising Intellect
* Corpse Cannibal (NE)
* Meticulous
-- Languages --
Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
-- Appearance & Background --
5' 8", 130 lb., Age: 50
Eyes: Blue, Hair: White, Skin: White
Deity: Athiest, Homeland: -

Thats with no gear the skills don’t copy correctly from the app I use to make characters if trying to print but our good Doc here has a + 30 sense motive, 29 stealth (constantly on run), 19 diplomacy, 23 intimidation, 24 perception and a 26 to heal.

Not a flat out combat npc but if he can catch you off guard with a sneak attack he deals 2 Str Damage from crippling strike on top of sneak damage and with pressure points can deal 1 point of str or dex.

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The Boogeyman is already sort of a stand in for the whole Freddy Krueger role. Maybe throw a Dream Eater template if it makes it seem closer to him.

The Blob would just be some kind of ooze, maybe slightly reskinned. I'm not seeing Carnivorous Blob, though, unless I just don't remember well enough. The Carnivorous Blob is really massive and can devour buildings, and it takes up a whole city block in the 2E art.

I'm really not seeing Hannibal Lecter as a high level character, like that. There's more to horror movie characters and monsters than just simply how high level they are. Majority of the time they're only interacting with non combatants that aren't even CR1. When I think of Hannibal Lecter, I'm thinking of a creepy super genius, not an MCU character that can easily dodge lightning bolts and can wrestle a rhinoceros to the ground. Just my 2 cents.

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He would still be high enough level to have a great sense motive (psych), good steal and disguise (the way he can blend in while being a top 10 fugitive). The skill ranks are important with him and unlocked skills not special powers

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McDaygo wrote:
He would still be high enough level to have a great sense motive (psych), good steal and disguise (the way he can blend in while being a top 10 fugitive). The skill ranks are important with him and unlocked skills not special powers

99% of the time, any top 10 fugitive could be wearing a shirt with their wanted poster on it, handing out wanted posters with their face on it... people will actively try not notice. That doesn't take any special skills or skill unlocks.

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I was thinking about listing Hannibal Lecter but figured he would just be an expert, which is kind of boring. I like the rogue version a lot better. Also, Can anyone do stats for Carrie? She's my favorite.

I agree that Expert is boring and Rogue is definitely better, but he just doesn't require 15 levels of it, lol. I honestly wouldn't go much higher than even 2 levels of it, assuming everyone else isn't somehow amazing in Perception & Sense Motive, which imo shouldn't be the case, anyway.

Carrie would be an Aether Kineticist probably of some sort. I personally wouldn't throw too many levels on her, considering I didn't see her do all that much besides tossing stuff around and killing people. Maybe like 4 levels of it or something to gain access to Telekinetic Haul if we're going to be a little more flashy about it.

I could throw a statblock together, but I'm only on here via mobile, and that would be a nightmare to format, for me, lol.

I’ve sadily yet to run into characters that don’t have decent to good perception. Sense motive I’ll give ya though.

The reason I made him high and 15 is a bit high, was Hannibal wasn’t only dealing with CR1 scrubs. He was dealing with police (experts) and special agents (fighter rogues?) and out smarting them.

Realistically He would be a 5 or 6.

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What's really funny is that I don't even consider Hannibal a horror movie villain, as I do not view Silence of the Lambs as a horror movie. Suspense, maybe. Some sort of thriller movie, perhaps. But not horror. I don't think he qualifies for this discussion, much less demands the bulk of it.

Like, Hannibal = Rogue 5, moving on. Screw Hannibal, he's just a wierd old man that needs his @$$ kicked, ain't no horror that haunts your dreams. The THING is an aberration that cannot be explained by science as we know it. We cannot explain how it changes form, or why it changes form, or why it does literally anything it does. Truly terrifying. Hannibal is just your neighbor that got bored of being normal.

Its definitely a thriller, now to agree to move on other horror icons:

-Body snatchers: I’d use either totenmaskes or a victim of an actual body thief plant. A full town of totenmaskes with players questioning who is real would be fantastic.
- A hybrid of Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde and a genesplicer mad scientist who only cares about science.

I would make Jeckkyl and Hyde alchemists and give them the same stats except make Jeckkyl good and Hyde evil.

Scarab Sages

VoodistMonk wrote:

I can't think of a good Pennywise... depends how far back you trace the dogma... pretty sure Maturin [the Turtle Guardian] barfed It up like a hairball if you go back far enough... and It's true form makes people go insane because his form cannot be comprehended by the mortal mind... not unlike the Jonas Venture Sr. Alien in Venture Bros.

What would Candyman be? Meat hooks, in general... I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc...

Or the THING?!?!

I find the thing to be more difficult than Pennywise he's sort of a Cthulu/haunt but the thing is a nightmare to make in pathfinder.

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Monster Movie Matinee.

The Freddy Kreuger build needs a Nightmare Creature template or something similar to buff it up. It feels designed to kill commoners, which is essentially what Krueger did, rather than deal with trained professional warriors and wizards.

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That's just it, though... MOST horror movies feature a monster hunting and killing level 1 commoners.

Jason, Freddy, Hannibal, Mike... they all pick on commoners and kids. They aren't tough by PF1 standards. A lot of these guys could be handled quite easily by a low level party... Jason is pretty much a Troll with a machete... Mike is a Troll with a kitchen knife... Hannibal is just a freaking dude with a scalpel... Freddy is literally the only one that requires anything special to engage, a Will save to disbelieve his BS... even Freddy is just a skinny, weak, little man once you get your hands on him... claws are nothing new to no one in PF1, we can easily deal with his stupid spirit fingers.

Carrie is cool AF... there is no Will save to simply disbelieve her nightmare, as hell literally follows her... the danger is real whether you believe it, or not. The only way to beat her is plug your controller into port 2.

Something like the Predator is a decent choice, as they travel all over everywhere just to kill stuff. They look for things that might provide a challenge, in a continuous effort to improve their tactics. Your average Predator would probably still be a pretty low level PF1 monster, though. Predators really, really hate Xenomorphs, and a single Predator can be expected to take on more than one Xenomorph... a Hive Warrior is CR5, so a Predator is probably CR6 or CR7. Even that seems pretty high considering Danny Glover kills one.

Scarab Sages

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VoodistMonk wrote:

That's just it, though... MOST horror movies feature a monster hunting and killing level 1 commoners.

Jason, Freddy, Hannibal, Mike... they all pick on commoners and kids. They aren't tough by PF1 standards. A lot of these guys could be handled quite easily by a low level party... Jason is pretty much a Troll with a machete... Mike is a Troll with a kitchen knife... Hannibal is just a freaking dude with a scalpel... Freddy is literally the only one that requires anything special to engage, a Will save to disbelieve his BS... even Freddy is just a skinny, weak, little man once you get your hands on him... claws are nothing new to no one in PF1, we can easily deal with his stupid spirit fingers.

Carrie is cool AF... there is no Will save to simply disbelieve her nightmare, as hell literally follows her... the danger is real whether you believe it, or not. The only way to beat her is plug your controller into port 2.

Something like the Predator is a decent choice, as they travel all over everywhere just to kill stuff. They look for things that might provide a challenge, in a continuous effort to improve their tactics. Your average Predator would probably still be a pretty low level PF1 monster, though. Predators really, really hate Xenomorphs, and a single Predator can be expected to take on more than one Xenomorph... a Hive Warrior is CR5, so a Predator is probably CR6 or CR7. Even that seems pretty high considering Danny Glover kills one.

I feel Freddy would be a significant threat to the average pathfinder character. Not sure how to reflect it in game but he hunts you in your dreams and very few characters have anything to affect that. Essentially you'd be facing something that has complete control over reality and can "cheat" any combat in his favour. Like he did in the dream warriors saga where he "didn't believe in magic" to completely negate one characters dream power or later went "Super Freddy" to kill another after being shot multiple times, same with the one where he used a game controller to literally take away a dreamers control of their own body. Nothing stopping him doing the same to pathfinder characters e.g. archer shoots him and he wills the damage away, wizard uses spells he disbelieves it.

Get him into the real world and yes he's just a skinny child murderer but as I said few people in his universe have that power and even in pathfinder very few have any way to affect the dreamscape unless your using the psychic class rules which I think have Lucid dreamer and the like where you could try to oppose his control.

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Jason is a Dreadnaught Barbarian with Dimension Door and Regeneration without any way to stop it. He can be extremely scary to an actual party, but a few can basically ignore him by just sealing him.

Freddy requires lucid dream and psychic duels to fight. Otherwise you are just dead.

Lucy (I count her as a horror movie villain with dimension) is a Telekineticist that takes Air at lv 7 and a unique disease. Carrie can follow the same but she has more blood, and so would fit better with a class that can cast the hellscape spell and similar.

Scarab Sages

Temperans wrote:

Jason is a Dreadnaught Barbarian with Dimension Door and Regeneration without any way to stop it. He can be extremely scary to an actual party, but a few can basically ignore him by just sealing him.

Freddy requires lucid dream and psychic duels to fight. Otherwise you are just dead.

Lucy (I count her as a horror movie villain with dimension) is a Telekineticist that takes Air at lv 7 and a unique disease. Carrie can follow the same but she has more blood, and so would fit better with a class that can cast the hellscape spell and similar.

Dead and your soul stolen by him to power his abilities going by some of the films.

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Every year for Halloween, we work in a horror-themed one-shot in every campaign. I used a Freddy Krueger analogue for a few years in a row, as he kept surviving/escaping, naturally.

What I did was add a few templates to give him a boost to take on Pathfinder adventurers. I gave him the Nightmare Lord template as well as the Mythic Savage or Mythic Agile template. I forget which one it was but both work well depending on your party.

The party finally killed our Krueger by following the steps from ANOES III to lay him to rest. And then they encountered his creator, Dream of the Endless, who revealed the Nightmare Lord was one of his escaped Nightmares.

Yqatuba wrote:
I would make Jeckkyl and Hyde alchemists and give them the same stats except make Jeckkyl good and Hyde evil.

There's already a class for this. Mad Chymist. It's a Prestige Class that is almost literally Jeckyl and Hyde.

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