Things Paizo should sell that we want to buy

Paizo General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

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Full-size posters of some of the hundreds of full-page pieces of art in whatever high resolution is possible to produce.

I know NOTHING about on-demand printing but I imagine it's not inexpensive, if you only ever make what has already been sold one might imagine it's practically impossible to lose money on this. There are just SO many great pieces and I know for a fact that I bought all of the Dynamite Comics for the art and posters that were included, I can't imagine I'm the only one who did this.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Ezekieru wrote:
keftiu wrote:
barnabyssjones wrote:
So I don’t know how much work this would take, and it would probably not be a good idea if the amount was super significant, but official conversions of 1E AP’s to 2E I would buy in a heartbeat. My dream is to have all that stuff readily available on a VTT, but that entire process is a lot of work for them I think. There’s sooo many 1E AP’s I still want to run.
I think that Paizo has indicated they have the manpower to either so conversion work or make new content, not both. I can’t also think of how things have gone with the Kingmaker update.

Yeah. James Jacobs basically worked on nothing but Kingmaker for almost a whole year, with some freelancing room for Malevolence. I wouldn't want to wish that on him or anyone else again, especially while we're still dealing with COVID.

I'm sure those over at Legendary Games are happy they're done with that project and they can focus their efforts on their own new content for PF2E, PF1E and D&D 5E.

Note: My freelance work, which over the last year and a half was mostly focused on "Malevolence" and on "Ruins of Gauntlight," but also a few smaller projects here and there, was not "on the clock." It's off the clock, on personal time, when I'm specifically NOT doing the on-the clock job. AKA: Being able to freelance doesn't really impact my ability to work on my day job, or vice-versa, any more so than it should for any of our freelancers—the trick there is knowing your own schedule and capability and being realistic with your own limitations as to what you can accomplish in a given amount of time.

That said, Kingmaker is the fourth "Update an adventure path to hardcover" project I've done (Shackled City, Rise of the Runelords, and Curse of the Crimson Throne being the other three), and I can guarentee you that the job is not one that can be done quickly. I see no future in which we ever update every 1st edition Adventure Path to 2nd edition. Even if we quit producing 2nd edition content entirely to focus purely on 1st edition stuff (which we aren't interested in doing), that's well over a decade of content.

We'll pick and choose as we go. The next hardcover compilation after Kingmaker, for example, is Abomination Vaults. We'll doubtless do more after that, but working on the past four (particularly Kingmaker, which was the only one we crowdfunded and thus the only one that had "exploding scope" in what we were offering) has been incredibly eye-opening and I've still got a lot of feedback to give to management about the process going forward before we do another cross-edition update.

That all said, spending over a year in physical lockdown (from the pandemic) and creatively locked down (by focusing on a 10+ year old product) is a double-edged Strike that was (and remains) very difficult to navigate. I'm very eager to work on new content, in other words, and have been with the Adventure line over the past few months. More to come too!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Can I secord (or third??) some more cosmetic merch? I cannot tell you how much I want a hoodie with a kobald on it (or more goblins).

I know there is always talk about a digital sub but that it is not a possibility due to relationships with store. I get that but what if the PDF came out at the same time as the books and cost the same a well? (I said this is a diff thread too). So much effort goes into these books! I have no desire for physical copies but I would 100% pay the hardcover price for a PDF. I feel like being priced the same - there is less "competition"

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WatersLethe wrote:

All the talk of fancy digital assets, animations, fully navigatable maps and whatnot is baffling. How many GMs have the time on their hands to essentially add video game development on top of their existing GM duties? I already forsake digital maps in my online games because it's too much work and too constricting. Even having everything set up for me would be too distracting for the games I want to run.

The time and effort for those fancy tools would be outperformed by the GM practicing their improv and descriptions by 10000x.

Any digital assets suggested would make my job as a GM 1000x easier than just polishing my improv skills, as 100% of my games are done online, and having the useful visual aids I'd have as a part of the physical accessories line is just not possible for me via a VTT without hours of work each month making my own pogs and setting up my maps for Foundry VTT's dynamic lighting (for my own homebrew adventures that use Paizo maps, not the maps that .PDF-to-Foundry would cover).

Mostly what I want is more maps (which has been largely easy with .PDF-conversion software), and art from the Battle Cards/Pawn Collection as pogs for me to use in my VTT of my choice. ESPECIALLY this. Honestly, if I had access to said images, I would make the pogs myself for Paizo. I obviously have the time. And I'd rather take that time to do it now and save it for myself and others when made available for use later.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
WatersLethe wrote:

All the talk of fancy digital assets, animations, fully navigatable maps and whatnot is baffling. How many GMs have the time on their hands to essentially add video game development on top of their existing GM duties? I already forsake digital maps in my online games because it's too much work and too constricting. Even having everything set up for me would be too distracting for the games I want to run.

The time and effort for those fancy tools would be outperformed by the GM practicing their improv and descriptions by 10000x.

Any digital assets suggested would make my job as a GM 1000x easier than just polishing my improv skills, as 100% of my games are done online, and having the useful visual aids I'd have as a part of the physical accessories line is just not possible for me via a VTT without hours of work each month making my own pogs and setting up my maps for Foundry VTT's dynamic lighting (for my own homebrew adventures that use Paizo maps, not the maps that .PDF-to-Foundry would cover).

Mostly what I want is more maps (which has been largely easy with .PDF-conversion software), and art from the Battle Cards/Pawn Collection as pogs for me to use in my VTT of my choice. ESPECIALLY this. Honestly, if I had access to said images, I would make the pogs myself for Paizo. I obviously have the time. And I'd rather take that time to do it now and save it for myself and others when made available for use later.

I'm not talking about just normal content for VTTs. I'm referring to the suggestions of making animated minis, physical interaction mechanics with terrain, and things like that. I'm totally on board with more maps and visual aids for APs.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
PDF only subscription would burn a lot of bridges with brick and mortar stores, so now is different than then so who can say but Paizo most likely isn't interested in throwing FLGSs under the bridge.

Normal subscriptions hurt FLGS more than a PDF-only subscription would, If I have a normal subscription how does that helps a FLGS, I guess I could buy a second copy of a book? A PDF-only subscription at least leaves me something to buy at a FLGS.

Dark Archive

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keftiu wrote:
I'm gonna be honest, there's not really anything I want other than lore content.

That would make for a much smaller CRB

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A lot of people get their subscriptions via their FLGS, as I understand it.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
A lot of people get their subscriptions via their FLGS, as I understand it.

Really…how? Are you referring to a local program where the FLGS offers a discount on “pre-orders”? I wasn’t aware of any way a Paizo sub could be fulfilled through a FLGS (which was one of the main reasons it rankled the local stores).

Silver Crusade

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Ashbourne wrote:
Rysky wrote:
PDF only subscription would burn a lot of bridges with brick and mortar stores, so now is different than then so who can say but Paizo most likely isn't interested in throwing FLGSs under the bridge.
Normal subscriptions hurt FLGS more than a PDF-only subscription would, If I have a normal subscription how does that helps a FLGS, I guess I could buy a second copy of a book? A PDF-only subscription at least leaves me something to buy at a FLGS.

For a lot of people it’s faster and cheaper for them to buy through their FLGS, so no, the current subs don’t hurt them like you think.

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Oh, I assumed there was a "pickup through your FLGS" system. If not, then I'm wrong, so assume it's just what Rysky and the others are saying. :P

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Oh, I assumed there was a "pickup through your FLGS" system. If not, then I'm wrong, so assume it's just what Rysky and the others are saying. :P

That would be incredibly complicated and difficult to implement on both ends.

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I'm wrong a lot!

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Oh, I assumed there was a "pickup through your FLGS" system. If not, then I'm wrong, so assume it's just what Rysky and the others are saying. :P

I did it for a while but it wasn’t easy to organise.

There isn’t an in-house way of setting it up.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
AJCarrington wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
A lot of people get their subscriptions via their FLGS, as I understand it.
Really…how? Are you referring to a local program where the FLGS offers a discount on “pre-orders”? I wasn’t aware of any way a Paizo sub could be fulfilled through a FLGS (which was one of the main reasons it rankled the local stores).

She might be referring to something like the wishlist I (and presumably other people) left with my FLGS. Basically, they would call me as soon as something on that list came in, and I would then plan a trip there to pick it up.

I am not sure how other people did it, but I would put everything I wanted into my cart on this site, printed it out, and then moved all those items to the saved section until they came into the FLGS.

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David knott 242 wrote:
AJCarrington wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
A lot of people get their subscriptions via their FLGS, as I understand it.
Really…how? Are you referring to a local program where the FLGS offers a discount on “pre-orders”? I wasn’t aware of any way a Paizo sub could be fulfilled through a FLGS (which was one of the main reasons it rankled the local stores).

She might be referring to something like the wishlist I (and presumably other people) left with my FLGS. Basically, they would call me as soon as something on that list came in, and I would then plan a trip there to pick it up.

I am not sure how other people did it, but I would put everything I wanted into my cart on this site, printed it out, and then moved all those items to the saved section until they came into the FLGS.

I had figured she was referring to buying it off the website, then going into a store and the store gives you the book out of their stock and gets reimbursed by Paizo (probably via some kind of code sent to the customer that the store then scans/enters).

The closest thing to this I am aware of is Games Workshop - when you order something of the online store you can arrange for it to be delivered to a local games workshop instead of your home, but that's all within the same company and it doesn't come out of the stores stock.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
keftiu wrote:
barnabyssjones wrote:
So I don’t know how much work this would take, and it would probably not be a good idea if the amount was super significant, but official conversions of 1E AP’s to 2E I would buy in a heartbeat. My dream is to have all that stuff readily available on a VTT, but that entire process is a lot of work for them I think. There’s sooo many 1E AP’s I still want to run.
I think that Paizo has indicated they have the manpower to either so conversion work or make new content, not both. I can’t also think of how things have gone with the Kingmaker update.

Yeah. James Jacobs basically worked on nothing but Kingmaker for almost a whole year, with some freelancing room for Malevolence. I wouldn't want to wish that on him or anyone else again, especially while we're still dealing with COVID.

I'm sure those over at Legendary Games are happy they're done with that project and they can focus their efforts on their own new content for PF2E, PF1E and D&D 5E.

Note: My freelance work, which over the last year and a half was mostly focused on "Malevolence" and on "Ruins of Gauntlight," but also a few smaller projects here and there, was not "on the clock." It's off the clock, on personal time, when I'm specifically NOT doing the on-the clock job. AKA: Being able to freelance doesn't really impact my ability to work on my day job, or vice-versa, any more so than it should for any of our freelancers—the trick there is knowing your own schedule and capability and being realistic with your own limitations as to what you can accomplish in a given amount of time.

That said, Kingmaker is the fourth "Update an adventure path to hardcover" project I've done (Shackled City, Rise of the Runelords, and Curse of the Crimson Throne being the other three), and I can guarentee you that the job is not one that can be done quickly. I see no future in which we ever update every 1st edition Adventure Path to 2nd edition. Even if we quit producing 2nd...

Thanks for the input! Super cool to see you active in the forums. I sort of suspected that this was the case, so for now 1E to 2E conversion will be community-sourced. Fortunately there are resources and communities focused on these projects, so it’s not the end of the world. Creatively speaking I can certainly understand not wanting to spend a lot of time rehashing old content. I can think of certain AP’s (some from before Paizo really hit their groove) that would probably be a nightmare to rewrite because of certain flawed or particularly underwhelming sections. Serpent’s Skull, Council of Thieves, Second Darkness, and I guess maybe Jade Regent seem like they would need to have a bunch of additional story things added or parts rewritten if this route was actually taken.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Official conversion packs for 2E adventure paths to 1E. Would get me to buy those and re-suscribe to the adventure path line.

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magnuskn wrote:
Official conversion packs for 2E adventure paths to 1E. Would get me to buy those and re-suscribe to the adventure path line.

Nice one magnuskn…

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Like the Secrets of Magic book that came out last month?

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It did have a lot of other stuff, not just spells.

Honestly though, piles of more spells is pretty low on my list, but I'm not really a typical PF player. More rules options isn't a priority for me.

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I'd love to see some "hobby reflection" articles. Maybe a Patreon blog, or digital texts we can purchase. You know, stuff about the process, about what guides a good designer's decisions, Behind the Scenes, "how to design a good Ancestry", what goes into outlining cover art, etc. My favorite TTRPG book, period, is Heroes of Horror, because I love just reading advice and ideas and stuff. I also love the Advanced Race Guide, which is chock-full of tips on building mechanics from scratch. It could be a fun way to feature new writers or promote "inside the head" writings from Paizo creatives.

... I'm just reinventing Dragon magazine again, aren't I?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

... I'm just reinventing Dragon magazine again, aren't I?

Give Arcadia a try, it'll scratch that itch a bit I swear

The Exchange

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And if a magazine just isn't feasible, I would love to see more game- and setting related stuff popping up on the blog in the vein of what WotC did during 3.5 and 4E times. Articles that expand on the Golarion setting like Ed Greenwood's Realmslore or Keith Baker's Dragonshard series did. More Game-related series like Class Acts, Save my Game or Rules of the Game did. Adventure ideas like the Steal this Hook! - series. That stuff was awesome then and it would be awesome today.

And yes, I would be very willing to pay for stuff like this. Especially with all the great fiction that is already part of the blog.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, maybe a weird suggestion, but... models for 3D printers? I have some friends who love printing out their own figurines, especially if they can modify them slightly, like swapping out weapons.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Thanks for the feedback and input everyone. Please don’t expect us to respond item by item. Some of these things we are already working on behind the scenes and so we can’t discuss them until we are ready to announce them. Some of them may or may not be as profitable as you think, even though you want them. Anecdotal requests on forums are less reliable than actual purchase data. But you also might come up with something brilliant so we always value your thoughts. Generally, Paizo self-identifies as a publishing company and not a media or a tech company, so we are always looking for experienced companies to partner with in those realms.

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Yeah, I think that's the idea! We're just brainstorming because it's fun. :)

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Starfinder Superscriber

I would like to see more physical merch. Just before the entire world went to Hell in a handbasket we bought two of your messenger bags for the GM on the go to transport books in. Would love to get a Starfinder version.

Grand Lodge

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Oh man, that's a great idea. I've got all of the Pathfinder messenger bags and they're great for gaming.

Liberty's Edge

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Oh man, that's a great idea. I've got all of the Pathfinder messenger bags and they're great for gaming.

Do you think so? I don't want to be the one slinging put-downs but the messenger bag I picked up in 2018 has this plastic inner coating that began to disintegrate after a year or so of frequent use and I wish it would have simply just been plain stitched/embroidered canvas instead of the layered material. Perhaps I had simply just been too rough on them :(

If they put more of these out I hope they're of higher quality material, especially since I went out of my way to get as many Paizo staff to sign it at the show where I purchased it.

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I think this thread is pretty silly, but while we're wishing for things... I'd love something that felt like the old magazines, just a little grab-bag of the stuff that now usually ends up as AP backmatter.

Grand Lodge

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My bags are still intact but I admittedly have not put them to heavy use.

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I want an item by item reply (with costings and ETA) by Aaron Shanks for every request in this thread on my desk by tomorrow morning Oz-time. Might also need to throw in a desk.

And a…skeleton plushie. Glow in the dark preferably.

#thisisnotasillythread! #promise #imeanitabouttheplushie #superuberdooperpromise

Marketing & Media Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I want an item by item reply (with costings and ETA) by Aaron Shanks for every request in this thread on my desk by tomorrow morning Oz-time. Might also need to throw in a desk.

And a…skeleton plushie. Glow in the dark preferably.

#thisisnotasillythread! #promise #imeanitabouttheplushie #superuberdooperpromise

Honestly though, I'm excited to share new announcements. Good things ahead. :)

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