Best 1st level Healer?


What's the best healer that can be built for level 1? My DM is letting me build a few of my NPCs for the Leadership Feat. My score is maxed, so I'm gonna have a lot of guys, so I wanted to try and optimize a few of them and making a few good healers would be a relief. I've never built a divine caster before so I'm a bit out of my element.

Can't go wrong with cleric.

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Human Sorcerer, Phoenix Bloodline, with Elemental Spell Metamagic and Additional Traits.

NPCs don't normally get traits but they do qualify for Additional Traits. With it you'll take Magical Lineage keyed to one of the damaging cantrips such as Acid Splash. Then they can cast Elemental Acid Splash that deals fire dmg while keeping it as a 0-level spell, and use the Phoenix bloodline ability to instead heal the target.
It's not fast, but it is completely free healing available between fights. Buy Acid (10 GP) as a Focus Component to always heal a minimum of 1 HP.

For condition removal I propose some clerics with the Freedom subdomain. Liberty's Blessing allows you to reattempt failed saving throws after they've happened, and you can do so until you succeed. You must however be able to take swift actions so it won't help against petrifaction or such conditions. But curses, blindness, permanent negative levels, etc are all fair game.

Are you looking for someone to heal a small number of higher level characters, or are you looking for someone to heal a lot of low level characters? If you are looking for a healer to keep your troops healthy I would suggest a witch. A Witch with the Healing Hex can heal each of your followers for 1d8+1 points each day. If you have 200 followers that is 200 people healed.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

"Best" as in "can heal the most hp damage to the party during the day" would be a Life mystery oracle with Charisma maxed and Channel as the revelation at 1st level; since oracle uses Cha for both casting and to channel positive energy (unlike a cleric, which needs to split between Wis and Cha). For even better healing from 3rd+ level, the spirit guide archetype selecting a Life spirit when refreshing spells and the Enhanced Cures hex boosts your healing spells; at 7th level, the oracle gains a second set of Channel uses via the Spirit Ability feature. Note, this is what is sometimes referred to as a "double-Life" oracle.

"Best" as "healing the most number of people/creatures per day," as mentioned, would be a witch with the Healing hex.

Sovereign Court

Iron Within(gives 1 point of ki pool) Dwarven Cleric(or whatever with channel at level 1) with Ki Channel and a source of Tea of Transference. Technically infinite healing though it costs 40 gp for a 1d6 Channel Energy 30' radius. Not limited to once per target unlike the witch and is a 30' radius.

Sure, gold cost. But it's a follower of a higher level character who presumably has gold. Or Minor Creation since the tea isn't magical and presumably made of nonliving vegetable matter.

Personally, I prefer to actually dip 2 into Ninja for the Ki Pool, because then the healer can Vanish basically at-will as well.

The Tea of Transference requires you to have the have the ki pool class feature. Iron Within is a racial trait not a class feature. It would work with a Multiclassed monk/cleric, but not a 1st level cleric.

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Wonderstell wrote:

Human Sorcerer, Phoenix Bloodline, with Elemental Spell Metamagic and Additional Traits.

NPCs don't normally get traits but they do qualify for Additional Traits. With it you'll take Magical Lineage keyed to one of the damaging cantrips such as Acid Splash. Then they can cast Elemental Acid Splash that deals fire dmg while keeping it as a 0-level spell, and use the Phoenix bloodline ability to instead heal the target.
It's not fast, but it is completely free healing available between fights. Buy Acid (10 GP) as a Focus Component to always heal a minimum of 1 HP.

For condition removal I propose some clerics with the Freedom subdomain. Liberty's Blessing allows you to reattempt failed saving throws after they've happened, and you can do so until you succeed. You must however be able to take swift actions so it won't help against petrifaction or such conditions. But curses, blindness, permanent negative levels, etc are all fair game.

can work without traits if you go with:

unicorn bloodline, Gathlain, with the Dryad's Apprentice feat (need 13 cha). can heal 4 hp each round to any one person he can see. (so better range then the phenix bloodline using cantrip's range)
just carry a club (cot 0 gp) to work with.

also he get fly speed, so in the open can be healing way above without being in reach of anything dangerous.

While clever, I'm never sure how SLAs and effects that require you to "cast a spell" interact.

Sovereign Court

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
The Tea of Transference requires you to have the have the ki pool class feature. Iron Within is a racial trait not a class feature. It would work with a Multiclassed monk/cleric, but not a 1st level cleric.

If it quacks like a duck. There was a lengthy thread a long time ago with one of the game designers. Basically if it functions like that class feature for other game element purposes it is that class feature except for the stated exceptions. The stated exceptions in this case are: starts at 1 (instead of 1+ability score), it stacks with other ki pools, and can't use it for ki strike.

Wonderstell wrote:
While clever, I'm never sure how SLAs and effects that require you to "cast a spell" interact.

They don't. At all. A spell-like ability is like a spell when it mimics a specific spell, and generally only to qualify for feats or other prerequisites that require that specific spell effect.

actuly they do interact. a sla count as a spell in all respect beside where it doesn't. and it require casting. it just doesn't use somatic or verbal comp. hance the concentration check if damaged or trying to cast defensively.

as opposed to say supernatural ability that doesn't provoke or need concentration.

look it up in the magic section it tells exactly how they defare and how they are the same in other aspects.

"Usually, a spell-like ability works just like the spell of that name. A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability’s use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell.

Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic... "

it works like a spell in all ways except what component are used to cast it. it is activated mentally but is still called casting, is effected by spell resistance and can be dispelled.
it call for concentration and provoke just like any other spell casting.

zza ni wrote:
Wonderstell wrote:

Human Sorcerer, Phoenix Bloodline, with Elemental Spell Metamagic and Additional Traits.

NPCs don't normally get traits but they do qualify for Additional Traits. With it you'll take Magical Lineage keyed to one of the damaging cantrips such as Acid Splash. Then they can cast Elemental Acid Splash that deals fire dmg while keeping it as a 0-level spell, and use the Phoenix bloodline ability to instead heal the target.
It's not fast, but it is completely free healing available between fights. Buy Acid (10 GP) as a Focus Component to always heal a minimum of 1 HP.

For condition removal I propose some clerics with the Freedom subdomain. Liberty's Blessing allows you to reattempt failed saving throws after they've happened, and you can do so until you succeed. You must however be able to take swift actions so it won't help against petrifaction or such conditions. But curses, blindness, permanent negative levels, etc are all fair game.

can work without traits if you go with:

unicorn bloodline, Gathlain, with the Dryad's Apprentice feat (need 13 cha). can heal 4 hp each round to any one person he can see. (so better range then the phenix bloodline using cantrip's range)
just carry a club (cot 0 gp) to work with.

also he get fly speed, so in the open can be healing way above without being in reach of anything dangerous.

Too good! This is perfect, thank you, you evil geniuses.

Sovereign Court

zza ni wrote:

actuly they do interact. a sla count as a spell in all respect beside where it doesn't. and it require casting. it just doesn't use somatic or verbal comp. hance the concentration check if damaged or trying to cast defensively.

as opposed to say supernatural ability that doesn't provoke or need concentration.

look it up in the magic section it tells exactly how they defare and how they are the same in other aspects.

"Usually, a spell-like ability works just like the spell of that name. A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability’s use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell.

Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic... "

it works like a spell in all ways except what component are used to cast it. it is activated mentally but is still called casting, is effected by spell resistance and can be dispelled.
it call for concentration and provoke just like any other spell casting.

Except they aren't spells.

This FAQ(Spell-likes aren't spells), that FAQ(Bloodline Arcana affects all spells) and that FAQ(Bloodline Arcana only affects spells) beg to differ.

Not to mention the multiple 'you can't use a spell-like for that' FAQs. Item Creation CL, Metamagic feats, and Metamagic Rods.

When the game first came out, you were allowed to use SLAs for early access on Prestige Classes/etc. They have long since FAQed that to oblivion. Like literally a decade ago.

never said they ARE spells. read again. i said they count as spells for everything except the comp' used when casting them what you care is not if they are spells (which they are not ,they have their own category after all) it's do you count as casting a spell when you cast a spell like ability, to which i said, yes and here is the proof (read above)

and the 'you can't use spell like ability to count for being able to cast x level spell' was said only for the requirements to be considered an x level caster or cater of x level spell. this faq actually let you use sla for specifically called item creation that name a specific spell. say using a fireball sla for a fireball required magic item creation.

the dev on the forum explained that the notion was that when asked for being able to say, cast 2nd level spells, it ask for someone who has enough skill and experience gained to do so (as in levels) and not being born to a race that happen to let hi once per day use a power that count as a 2nd level spell. it never said that when he DOES cast said sla he doesn't count as casting a spell. that was never a notion (since, as i said, it does).

now i know some1 will just disregard what i wrote in the first line and yell again "but sla are not spells it says so in the faq". so just read again what i say is:
"sla not spells - but count as such for a lot of things, casting them among them. and that is all that matter in this regard."

lets look at the faq one further then the one you linked (just scroll one down):
" Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

Only if the pre-requisite calls out the name of a spell explicitly. For instance, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat. However, the barghest's dimension door would not meet requirements such as "Ability to cast 4th level spells" or "Ability to cast arcane spells"."

-the first line alone clearly say it : sla count as casting the spell.
it later on limit to count only that specific spell.
but the blood line arcana in question doesn't care which spell you use nor what kind, arcane or divine it is. your link say so itself. any spell cast can work not just from the sorcerer's class. it care only that you cast a spell and that it has a level to use as a formula to see how much you heal.
casting a sla count as casting a spell, and sla have spell level (although as mentioned above, being able to use them doesn't make you count as being able to cast a spell of level x. but that doesn't make the sla you use have no level. there is a faq that explain how to find out what level a sla is. therefore sla have spell levels)

I stand by my earlier statement. Interpreting the rules on spell-like abilities as you are attempting to do will create conflicts and paradoxes where none existed before, all just to get a little more 'bang' for your buck.

Regardless, I am not willing to argue over the semantics. Play the game however you want, just be aware that what you want to do will not fly at my table and, I expect, the vast majority of people's tables.

well you do what ever you want in your homebrew, i just felt that since this is the rules forum i'd write what the rules say on the matter.
not what some gm would like them to say. no matter how much they try to twist plain English to suite their way of thinking.

you can read the line "works just like the spell of that name" in other way. and add words in faq that were never there. i don't police your gaming. but please don't stand there calling something that has a simple meaning "Interpreting the rules..all just to get more 'bang'.." looking like your the one who is right even when proven otherwise.
you don't have to like the rules, but you got no right to bad mouth me just for pointing them out for you.
stick your head in the ground so you can't read what is right in front of you if you want. but don't insult me for pointing out your bum is aligned upwards.

before some1 again jump up and say ' but the arcana say you need to cast a spell and you agree that sla is not a spell.'

if you combine the magic and combat section rules and all of the faq brought here together youl see that
the one using the sla shape wood :
1 isn't counted as a caster capable of casting spells of that kind (i think divine)
2 isn't counted as a caster capable of casting spells of shape wood level (2nd)
3 is counted as being able to cast the spell shape wood for every other effect (except not using words and gestures etc). he can craft magic items needing that spell. he can pass feat and other abilities requirements that ask for being able to cast that spell (and saying spell not sla) and he must abide to other rules of casting spells while doing that (provoking concentration etc etc).

since the arana works when he cast a spell. any spell . then counting as being able to cast the shape wood spell works for it when he does so.

he doesn't count as an 'arcane or divine caster', nor a 'caster who is able to cast 2nd level spell'. but by the faq he is counted as a 'shape wood spell(spell not sla) caster' - for everything that it matter. be it crafting or activating aracanas

zza ni wrote:
well you do what ever you want in your homebrew, i just felt that since this is the rules forum i'd write what the rules say on the matter...

I think you are confused. The Rules Question forum is that way. This is the Advice section and we are giving 'advice' on the matter. I'm sure you'll get plenty of people willing to offer defenses in the Rules Question area. I simply have no desire to attempt to correct you on the matter. Not here at least. It detracts from the subject of this thread.


...your homebrew...

...police your gaming...
...when proven otherwise...
...bad mouth me...
...stick your head in the ground...
...don't insult me...

And it is for these very reasons why I am not interested in the conversation. You immediately jump to assumptions of insults and attacks, and assuming ignorance from the other person merely because they have stated they disagree with you on the matter. Personally, I don't care that you feel this way about the issue. I only care about the time I will waste attempting to correct the perspective you seem to have, more than proving I am right on the matter.

I hope you enjoy your day.

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So… to detract from the rules semantics argument and get this thread back on track to the original topic at hand…

Kinetic Chirurgeon’s make for some very effective 1st level healers… and they can keep up the healing all day.

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