Rfkannen |
I am currently in a 5e campaign that is going to have a pathfinder 2nd edition sequel. We are going to do character creation as a group, but I want to come in with a couple ideas, and so far I have none, so if you have any ideas or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!
It's a "pirates and devils" campaign. levels 1-20. We will start as pirates on the material plane, but be in the astral plane by mid level. All of our characters have to already be pirates. Pyschopomps and devils will both feature in the campaign, so playing a character who is tied to one of those two groups could be fun but is not nececary.
I want to play something very different from my character in the current campaign, which is a 5e kobold/earth-genasi gloomstalker archery ranger. So I don't want to play an archer, a character who is dragon themed, a character who is elemental themed, or whose best skill is stealth.
The campaign will have everyone have the free archetype (pirate) and will be using the automatic bonus progression rules from the game masters guide.
For ancestry I definitely want to play one of: elf, gnome, sprite, or orc. And an aasimar, beastkin, duskwalker, or tiefling would be cool.
Any ideas for what type of character might be good in an astral sea campaign and would work well with the pirate archetype?

Perpdepog |
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Winzel Bleachbrow, a duskwalker gnome swashbuckler with the braggart style who died aboard ship in his, or her, original life. While passing through the river of souls they decided that being dead was boring, so they swam back to the Material Plane and were reborn as a duskwalker. While they think that they escaped the afterlife, the truth is that Pherasma and/or the psychopomps have a task for them which they must complete. They often like to point to their eyebrows which, unlike the rest of their hair, are entirely white as proof of their story.

Rfkannen |
Winzel Bleachbrow, a duskwalker gnome swashbuckler with the braggart style who died aboard ship in his, or her, original life. While passing through the river of souls they decided that being dead was boring, so they swam back to the Material Plane and were reborn as a duskwalker. While they think that they escaped the afterlife, the truth is that Pherasma and/or the psychopomps have a task for them which they must complete. They often like to point to their eyebrows which, unlike the rest of their hair, are entirely white as proof of their story.
I love the idea of a pirate who thinks they escaped the afterlife but was actually let out for a job! that could be a ton of fun!
I have heard negative things about the swashbuckler class, what do you think of it?
Dread Pirate Black Chops, an Orc Tiefling giant barbarian pirate with long, luxurious, black mutton chops.
That sounds like a ton of fun! my only worry would be growing too big for a ship as a giant instinct lol!

Perpdepog |
I have heard negative things about the swashbuckler class, what do you think of it?
I don't have any problems with it personally. It looks fun to me, and we had a swashy in my AoA campaign, at least until he switched to magus for the playtest and has stuck with it. I mostly thought of swashy since it would synergize with your Pirate archetype. If you don't go swashy you could always go fighter or rogue, instead.

Rfkannen |
Rfkannen wrote:I have heard negative things about the swashbuckler class, what do you think of it?I don't have any problems with it personally. It looks fun to me, and we had a swashy in my AoA campaign, at least until he switched to magus for the playtest and has stuck with it. I mostly thought of swashy since it would synergize with your Pirate archetype. If you don't go swashy you could always go fighter or rogue, instead.
Alright rad! It looked pretty good on paper but I had heard some opinions on it, glad to hear it works out well! Swashbuckler would be super flavorful for sure! I could see it being a ton of fun!
If you want to play a Spellcaster, a Sorcerer with the Psychopomp bloodline could be interesting.
Oh that would be interesting! I could have a lot of fun with that!

Rfkannen |
I would also suggest to your gm that if they are running a heavily themed game, players should get the archetypes that support it for free.
We will be getting the pirate archetype for free! Feels like a bit of an odd archetype to capitalize on as a group though, we will all want to be demoralizing! lol