GM Michaels 'What do I run next?' Poll.


So Plenty of time, and with Roll20 I dont have to create my own maps, just plug and play, so I have the time...I have the energy. I have the desire to bring life to another campaign.

but what to run...Thats the quandary.

So Ive been looking for about week have several choices up for the poll.

Pick one.

Only one.

When I have at least a dozen whove chosen Ill make start the recruitment thread.

1. Emerald Spire Super Dungeon (Set in The River Kingdoms) ---yes I saw the thread asking for someone to run it. I read up on it and it made me add it to the mix of what Id like to run.

2. The Goblin Modules (Set near Sandpoint in Varisia)---Silly Goblin Campaign? Yep sounds fun.

3. The Dragons Demand (Set in The River Kingdoms) me Dragons.

4. Kingmaker (Set in River Kingdoms)---explore and create your own kingdom? Sounds great!. considered one of the most asked for games...

5. Legacy of Fire (Set in Katepesh)---am a huge fan of Gnolls. and desert adventures.

6. Ironfang Invasion (Set in Nirmathus and Molthune)---One thats spoke to me from time to time.

7. Council of Thieves (Set in Cheliax)---the challenge of giving life to this most dropped of campaigns calls me.

shall we vote?

Was hoping for Serpent's skull to be on the list.

I am torn between The Dragons Demand, and Ironfang Invasion for my vote.....

So I'll look over these two's summaries and see which on inspires me more.

Running another game? Very Cool GMMichael, we appreciate it! But what to play? What to play? and only one vote....
Emerald spire, a straight dungeon crawl, I'd play it but I wouldn't pick it over an AP
The Goblin Modules done a couple in PFS so ...nope
The Dragons Demand did it in PFS as well ... so you guessed it, nope
Kingmaker, in one, my fourth I think, never got past the kobolds, but in one still, so... no
Legacy of fire, I have my favorite Gnoll in the AP right now, I hope threes a charm ... so nope
Ironfang Invasion, started it twice, got through the first book the second time and had to stop playing for a while due to work. When I was able to start playing again the game had ended.
Council of Thieves Down loaded the AP, I don't remember ever applying for it....Hmmmm.

Since I like the idea of finishing an AP that I've started, I'm voting Ironfang Invasion.

Ooh, I always wanted to play Legacy of Fire! That part of Golarion doesn’t get enough love.

I think I'll put my vote on The Dragon's Demand.

I'd say Ironfang or Legacy of Fire!

Well I posted in the Emerald Spire thread, but given the choice...

I vote Ironfang Invasion!

I'd vote Ironfang Invasion as well.


12 tables. <grin> No? Awwwww.

Silver Crusade

I’d consider applying for Ironfang Invasion, inspiration permitting of course

This seems like a bad idea; so...

Ironfang Invasion

Thing is...:
I am currently in an Ironfang Invasion PbP; but I jumped in at 11th level to assist the games continuation.
I would like to begin at the beginning...

Thank you, GM Michael for running!

I think it is safe to say that Ironfang is going to win at this point, with 2 thirds voting Ironfang, and the other third each voting for something else.

RHMG Animator wrote:
I think it is safe to say that Ironfang is going to win at this point, with 2 thirds voting Ironfang, and the other third each voting for something else.

Shhhhh, they're secret ballets...

OH, hey, GMMichael, Brunner just happened to be built for Ironfang; but happy to change anything to fit your game specs :)

Silver Crusade

I will always support kingmaker APs.

That said, my vote now is for Ironfang. I have two characters ready and set for it. A barbarian, and a (mildly) bleaching gnome fey sorcerer.

Legacy of fire!

I'll likely post a character for whatever you run... (except LoF, because I'm already PbP'ing that).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That does it...

only 1 for Dragons Demand
3 for Legacy of Fire.

and finally 8 for Ironfang Invasion.

so Ill get the recruitment thread set up.

heres the recruitment thread.

Ironfang Invasion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was going to say how much fun I had running Legacy of Fire.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And how I'm itching for someone to run a AP in PF2e.

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