Aurelius Flavius |

So, an alternative take on Aurelius would be an Omdura of either Uruskreil
or Malacoda probably the latter because he has a thing for bastards, who would alas do the cheeky Dip into Oracle for CHA instead of dex.
Are we using fractional progression rules?
Also, any feat taxes in effect?
Omdura would be the main class, Oracle as a single level dip.
I tend to minmax a bit more if I play I class I dont know much about :).

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

DM Eric wrote:
Aurelius: Yes fractional progression is OK. Not sure what you mean about feat taxes though.
Aurelius may be referring to this system for reducing the number of feat taxes. I like it because it frees up feat slots for more flavorful and interesting things instead of just the standard Power Attack/Weapon Finesse/etc.