Kobold Catgirl |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Gosh, I absolutely hate being the "guyyys, we're gonna get in trouble" poster. I'm probably making 95% of the people in those threads absolutely sick to death of me. I just don't want the threads locked! But lecturing people about not engaging with trolls is itself engaging with the engagements, and it's just, what is one supposed to do? Keep one's mouth shut? That goes against my very nature, as we all know!
Kobold Catgirl |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
But no, seriously. I'm sharpening my little kobold teeth even as we speak. I deleted this from the other thread because I didn't want to harp on about it at the expense of the wronged party, but:
Also, the only think that's kept me from switching to alias-posting over the years has been the serious dearth of good feminine-coded wordplay options on "Kobold" or "Cleaver". "June Cleaver" is taken, for some reason. That said, if I switched to an alias, I would hope everyone would know better than to make a big deal about it or keep using the other name. It's sort of like calling a cashier by the name on the nametag even though you don't actually know them. It's rude.
Honestly, I do think about it, though. Like, I'm nostalgic enough to feel attached to this username and avatar, but I wouldn't mind something that more accurately matched my general vibe, aesthetic or gender presentation nowadays. Koboldette? Kobold Cleaveress? I was going to do a joke about needing a feminine-feeling K- or C- word to keep the acronym intact, but, uh, I'm not going there on a nice sunny day like today.
Kobold Catgirl |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Food for thought! At least I don't have to go to the DMV for this name change. "Princess Kobold" is actually very much my aesthetic these days, but dare I throw my lot in with the monarchy?
Meanwhile, today was hectic with a big grocery trip and a visit to home. It's funny how important access to snacks can be. You don't realize you're hungry when you're on ADHD meds - not until you're a hair's breadth from ordering three separate Doordash meals.
Deadlines are starting to creep up. We'll... see how the next three days go.
captain yesterday |
Captain ? wrote:Karen Cleaver?Given the modern connotations associated with the name 'Karen', I don't think that'd be a suitable pick.
Yes, it works on a couple of different fronts, homicidal and otherwise (to make it clearer you can slap a The in front if you want, although the optimist in me would hope there'd be more than one person taking up the mantle).
Kobold Catgirl |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
Wow my morning just got weird.
Today someone linked an article on the Paizo forums calling for me being doxxed.
I don't even... I don't even hide my identity around here. Like, it's on my Paizocon name badge. [gatekeeping voice] Maybe if these fake gamer boys had attended a Paizocon before 2017, they wouldn't need to dox me now.[/voice]
Kobold Catgirl |
In a very real way, this is what I love about the forums. Just watching dead-serious conversations slowly devolve into burgundy usernames, only for things to snap back when everybody remembers what they were talking about...
Freehold DM |
Wow my morning just got weird.
Today someone linked an article on the Paizo forums calling for me being doxxed.
I don't even... I don't even hide my identity around here. Like, it's on my Paizocon name badge. [gatekeeping voice] Maybe if these fake gamer boys had attended a Paizocon before 2017, they wouldn't need to dox me now.[/voice]
Ambrosia Slaad |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Wow my morning just got weird.
Today someone linked an article on the Paizo forums calling for me being doxxed.
I don't even... I don't even hide my identity around here. Like, it's on my Paizocon name badge. [gatekeeping voice] Maybe if these fake gamer boys had attended a Paizocon before 2017, they wouldn't need to dox me now.[/voice]
I was sobbing in tears five minutes ago and now I'm literally shaking in rage. I want to hunt that f!cker down and put some real fear into his (it has to be a guy) insecure manbaby PoS life. You're taking it much better than I would be, and I'm glad you seem able to shrug his hateful idiocy off.
Kobold Catgirl |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm torn between saying "it's nothing, really, and I'm sorry for worrying you" and, like, not wanting to minimize how the other two people targeted might feel right now. I guess I'll say that it's mostly surreal, and I'm more rattled than upset or hurt. Like I said, I don't hide my identity that well around here. It's more the fact that someone would care to target me at all that has me off-kilter.
Anyways, I'm holding myself back from apologizing because that makes no sense, but I am. I am cranky at them for making you feel so much on my account, is I guess what I'll say. But I am also touched! It means a lot to have someone be properly mad on my behalf. <3
Ambrosia Slaad |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm torn between saying "it's nothing, really, and I'm sorry for worrying you" and, like, not wanting to minimize how the other two people targeted might feel right now. I guess I'll say that it's mostly surreal, and I'm more rattled than upset or hurt. Like I said, I don't hide my identity that well around here. It's more the fact that someone would care to target me at all that has me off-kilter.
Anyways, I'm holding myself back from apologizing because that makes no sense, but I am. I am cranky at them for making you feel so much on my account, is I guess what I'll say. But I am also touched! It means a lot to have someone be properly mad on my behalf. <3
I didn't manage to track down the original post targeting you three & JP -- and it's probably better if I don't -- but that sh!t makes me livid. Their threat was aimed at four visible strong, independent women that won't comply with their narrow sexist, hateful worldview; women that make no apologies for being who they are and expecting the world to be better for all. That they can openly and easily make such threats knowing there will be minimal, if any, real repercussions is depressing, infuriating, and disgusting.
I can tolerate a lot of crap thrown at me personally, often to the point of second-guessing myself that maybe they have a valid point. But when they target people I deeply like and respect, I can spot it much much clearer and it lights my fuse pretty quick.
Even if you weren't such a prolific sharer of gaming goodness, general delight, and well-meaning mischief here on these boards, you would still be a good and decent person who should not be treated with abuse, threats, and sh!ittiness. You deserve so much better, Lady Kobold.
Edit: Went looking, wasn't too hard to find the blog post. Ugh. If anyone has any ideas on how to help the three singled out, let me know publicly or via PM.
Tender Tendrils |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I found the article in question (mostly out of fear coming from not knowing which trans people on the forums where being referred to - I've been pretty vocal myself).
That article is so gross. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you and the other two.
People try to claim that both sides are being toxic, but our side of things isn't trying to dox anyone or making lots of personal attacks or trying to derail conversations with irrelevant arguments.
If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Kobold Catgirl |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have a really complicated range of emotions right now, so let me just emphasize that one of them is a wave of affection for everyone's beyond-kind words. I'm embarrassed about gushing so I'll, yeah. I also keep having mixed feelings about being "too nice" or "too positive" or whatever because I really don't want to let anyone down by ignoring or minimizing the real problems, but I have no reservations about being too nice to all of you. You're all fantastic.
Honestly, even with everything that's going on, I feel a lot more optimism and happiness with the community right now than I've felt in a while. There's a lot of good people here.
(Also, I sent a DM to the other two people. One of them is definitely aware. So for anyone else reading, don't worry if you didn't get one! They chose really weird targets anyways.)
Mark Hoover 330 |
Lady MacCleave
Madame Kobold Von Cleavenstadt
Cleave McQueen
Koboldica Cleaveara
Elcleavira, Mistress of the Kobold
Matron Mother Cleaver
Sister Kobold of the Weeping Cleaver
Her Royal Highness Cleaver, Empress of the Kobold Nation
Mean Green Cleaver Machine
Cleaver in the Sky, With Kobolds
I'm sure there could be more, but I'm getting a lil tired.
Mark Hoover 330 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Also I must live a very sheltered life. I don't know what the current "Paizo situation" is and haven't been in the threads where Kobold Cleaver is being threatened. I thought about searching out threads she'd been in to try and track down these troll dens, but frankly I don't want to.
I spend at least an hour a day doomscrolling through various social media. The echo chamber most algorithms have shunted me into get me into plenty of utterly horrifying human behavior, the kind of stuff that makes you wonder if secretly the Rapture already happened and you're in the after times.
I'm sorry, genuinely sorry that trolls of that magnitude are prowling around these forums. Like, there's always been the folks that make rude or snide comments and then ignore you trying to engage with them only to insult you more. That's like, par for the course on the internet these days. But threatening to dox someone on a gaming forum...
Anyway, hope you hit your deadline KC! Nanowrimo is fast approaching, I'd best get brainstorming...