Reksew_Trebla |
plushie Cthulu for actual Cthulu was pretty good.
Love the idea of a cute Cthulhu plushie being the deity you are fighting. Reminds me of Scribblenauts games’ artstyles, when spawning monsters like that.
Oh, that reminds me, I just got a Godzilla inspired T-Rex/Dragon plushie yesterday, that I could totally use for Mogaru (Pathfinder’s Godzilla expy).
Sir Ol'Guy |
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Starbursts candy. Colors helped tell which enemy was which and players ate what they killed.
wow... did you play at my table back in LG days? I have actually be using Starbursts for Monsters so long that my Daughter (born in 1989) grew up calling them "Monsters". In fact, her son calls them "Monsters"...
We actually also used jellybeans for goblins (and other mooks) way back in 1st ED. D&D days, and that's when we invented "you kill it, you eat it"... and why the Red goblins always got shot and the black liquorice ones always seemed to be the ones taken captive...
yukongil |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Starbursts candy. Colors helped tell which enemy was which and players ate what they killed.
we did this with m&ms before, worked pretty well until one of the players just decided to start eating the candy pieces that were on the table. GM went to move a group of baddies down at his end and then wondered where all the minions had gone.
Tim Emrick |
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My wife has an "octofox" plushy, which is basically an orange and white ball with tiny octopus legs and fox ears. It fills inside a 6" square pretty much perfectly, so she has used it as a mini for Colossal monsters.
My FLGS sells little 1" plastic Pokemon toys, which a few of the PFS regulars use for minis. Some of us just have a couple that vaguely fit what we're using it for, but one player, who doesn't own any other minis besides a couple sets of PF Pawns, keeps a dozen or so in their dice bag, just in case they or someone else needs a few quick minis.
Belafon |
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Running a SFS scenario on short notice. Scenario includes a scene where the PCs come across two deadly and menacing Kaijus fighting. We get to that point, I describe the scene, reach into the large bag I had brought with me, and pull out a singing stuffed elephant and a large fluffy unicorn.
“Look, I was in a rush. I just raided my daughter’s toy shelf.” Pretty sure the pictures made it on our Facebook group.
Mark Hoover 330 |
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Outside the ones already mentioned (I've used Legos, buttons, dice, and a variety of foodstuffs), here's some extras I've used:
He-Man or Mold-o-Rama lion from the zoo to represent really big monsters
An index card, cut to 4 squares, with a monster's name on it for Large size
Metal "goblins" molded from a single piece, base to weapon tip, to stand in for ANY Medium or Small sized monster
A charger block as an ogre
A coffee mug as a Colossal stone golem
Cevah |
We have used :
Plastic Zoo Animal Beads.
A toy Godzilla for a colossal monster
Shapeless metal slugs
I am sure there were others, but the zoo animals were my favorites.