You (in real life) gain 880,000 gp worth of gear from Pathfinder. What do you gain?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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A company of 880*3 employees where all they do is pull twine...
They can be paid well and there are nearly 3k jobs you just provided!
Also, yes, the global rope market is barely 1.5B so it would need to be made into clothes or building materials, but that's just more business growth. And probably far more profitable per/ft of hemp.

Senko wrote:

I don't see why not there's nothing in the rules I can think of that would prevent an unseen servant wearing the robe and making twine from it. They can perform any simple task and I would consider pulling twine from the robe counts as it doesn't require a use magic item check like wands do. However they only do this as long as you remain in range of them which is where the problem lies. There's no point having one using the robe over yourself if you still need to remain close by for them to do so.

We'd be using Ushabti of the Willing Servant, an unlimited use slotless item. They activate for an hour, create an unseen servant, and the servant has to stay close to the item rather than the item's user.

The only reason I wouldn't think the unseen servant could wear magic items is because they aren't really a humanoid form or anything, they're just a force that can do tasks. I could see them wearing an item, or using an item, but I'm not sure they could do both. However, the ushabti summons a ghostly servant that acts like an unseen servant, so it's unclear to me what exactly would happen.

But then you have to spend $$ on another magic item and you get fewer robes..

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The correct answer is of course, 29,333,333 and one third house cats.

Spectacles of comprehension at 2500 is an absolute steal, I may have to sacrifice 3 vests in order to help facilitate my hemp businesses...

I'm still not sure why you'd want to spend fantasy gold making mundane money when fantasy gold gets you things you otherwise can't buy.

Mostly because $2B/year can get me pretty much anything I want.

Obviously I can't fly around space in a star cloak(forget the actual name), but I really don't have a strong need or want for that.

The only magical thing that I think would be nice to have is a ring of regeneration... Not dying from accidents would be nice.

But in reality, mundane money, gets you what you need.

*Thelith is essentially correct. Most of the stuff we could do with magic items is fun, but ultimatelly not that different to what we could do with current technology or money.

Teleport gets you quickly accross the country ... so does an aeroplane.

A Handy Haversack lets you carry as much as 5 strong men ... or hire people to carry your stuff ... or have a car to put them in or something.

Almost all combat related items and spells are ... completely useless to most of us.

So realisticslly most of the magic stuff would be fun but ultimately less useful than money in the real world, unless you plan on trying to change the world (hence the Decanters and Rings of Interplanetary Teleport).


I went to school with a guy who had all the money he could ever want (grandparents won the lottery). He's in prison now.

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

I'm struggling to understand what could possibly pop up that required money but couldn't be covered by a handful of basic magic item purchases. Once you've got your 10 ghost servants, your magical tiger guardian, your golden carriage, and your book of marvelous recipes, and your immunity to death and old age, and your ability to breathe wherever and escape wherever, what's going to pop up in the real world?

"Crap, I can't cover my cable bill this month, sure wish I had another 28 rope making robes instead of this lousy magical cookbook which predicts what I'd like to eat and can cure 11 people of otherwise incurable diseases once per day."

I don't see it.

Well maybe that's all you want.

Personally I can't imagine a scenario where I'd need a ghost tiger to protect me. What do I need protection from? Why am I escaping to somewhere I don't need to breathe?

I also think having all that benefits you - and only you. Curing 11 people per day could let you set up a medical practice, but 11 patients per day isn't exactly mind-blowing. What happens when you decide ot have a family? Are you sending your kids to school? Do they get ghost-tigers to protect them from ... whatever? What about their kids?

All I hear is you telling me I need more spirit tigers. The Master's Name gives you a Pavbagha for 25k and it doesn't appear to have a duration. I don't think people would be generally happy about me having a bunch of cool stuff, so I'd like to have some sort of protection, and this is the only permanent and effective guardian I could find. And if I sprung for the use active anti-tech sphere, I'd need a non-tech security solution.

And I'm allergic to most furry creatures, so a magical outsider one may be my only chance at a fluffy pet.

The escaping and not breathing thing is from an old article about the risks of immortality. The idea is, the longer you live, the more likely it is that you'll be buried alive and live out your immortal life stuck and helpless.

That said, I have kids already, I guess I'd want one for each and my wife. The protection is nice of course, but they also have a few cure light wounds per day as well. And curing diseases in a single day will give me a healthy practice I think. How much more would you pay to see the doctor who promises immediate permanent relief from your ailment than the one who prescribes weeks or months of drugs and therapies? You show up, eat a feast with 10 other sick people and go home healthy and well fed. I think I'll get enough for pocket change.

My wife says she'd want to see how my Pavbagha worked out before she decided on whether or not to get one.

Yes, you can cure 11 rich people per day of diseases that are mostly already curable, or non-curable for even more rich people...

Dumping $1.95B/year into research, development, and distribution will get the world a cure to who knows how many things...
Even just a cure for one disease spread worldwide will help far more people than your 10/day ever could.

And that's just disease.

Let's dump some money into alternative fuels/energy.

Now we're cooking....

But if we get a magic item that can produce permanent vegetation (like a djinni can) then enlarge that vegetation.. to such a degree that it starts sucking all of the excess CO2 out of the environment then maybe I'd go with some magic...

Either way 99% of it isn't for my own personal well being

The US spends about 180billion annually on medical research, I've never looked for the worldwide numbers. I think curing a few people with otherwise uncurable diseases is going to do more than a slight bump in research spending.

Permanent vegetation is as simple as an at will climbing beanstalk item (12k). Creating a 15 foot tall vining tree that produces edible beans every six seconds is going to make a good dent I'd think. It may take awhile, I should probably hand it off to an ushabti. Though the plant growth spell could be better. I think djinni major creation thing is for objects made of organic material, not living plants, that's the way the creation spells work normally anyway.

For alternative power, there's probably a way to turn the lightning gun into a permanent source of electric power.

An akashic communion item would probably be an amazing research aid.

Artofregicide wrote:
The correct answer is of course, 29,333,333 and one third house cats.

Why 1/3rd of a housecat?

Because that's how the math works out.

Scarab Sages

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MrCharisma wrote:

*Thelith is essentially correct. Most of the stuff we could do with magic items is fun, but ultimatelly not that different to what we could do with current technology or money.

Teleport gets you quickly accross the country ... so does an aeroplane.

A Handy Haversack lets you carry as much as 5 strong men ... or hire people to carry your stuff ... or have a car to put them in or something.

Almost all combat related items and spells are ... completely useless to most of us.

So realisticslly most of the magic stuff would be fun but ultimately less useful than money in the real world, unless you plan on trying to change the world (hence the Decanters and Rings of Interplanetary Teleport).


I went to school with a guy who had all the money he could ever want (grandparents won the lottery). He's in prison now.

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

Which is why we need more non-combat items.

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Went through the Slotless Wondrous Items to look at which ones are of potential interest. I think I at least skimmed everything that Archive of Nethys has, but it was a pretty time consuming process over a few days so I could easily have missed something.

Here's a super, super rough draft. Some of the items probably should get relegated to more of an "honorable mentions" of things that could almost be but aren't quite useful or that have so many limitations that they just can't perform. Several other items still need to be fully cross referenced against alternative items and excised due to providing less/worse features for a greater cost.

Under 5000 gp:

Ioun Torch (Cost: 75 gp)
Ioun Stone + Continual Flame. Infinite personal light source. Compare with a really good LED flashlight or headlamp.

Goblet of Quenching (Cost: 180 gp)
Permanently create 2 gallons of water per day. Basically Create Water 1/day broken up into chunks, but it remains even if not consumed. Compare with an at-will Create Water item, a Lesser Replenishing Aquarium Ball, or the classic Decanter of Endless Water.

Bag of Everlasting Dung (Cost: 500 gp)
Only works 1/day, severely limiting its actual use, but this does provide a form of fertilizer. Compare with getting access to the Beanstalk spell to create compost or just filling a portable hole with the necessary soil additives, or even straight up soil, to grow things off-planet, also with hydroponis/aeroponics setups. An at-will custom version would potetnailly be of some greater use as a source of organic compounds that Fabricate could easily extract for some purpose. OTOH, manure is pretty readily available in great quantities using the economy.

Replenishing Aquarium Ball (Lesser) (Cost: 500 gp)
A 2 gallon vessel that continually replenishes with clean, oxygenated water. Can sustain an aquatic creature as long as you remember to feed it, or could be a source of water. Higher end versions also create food or do that and are more durable. Compare with the Decanter of Endless Water for a source of clean drinking water or an item of Create Food and Water for the higher end versions.

Sinner's Wage (Cost: 500 gp)
Be better at bribing people to go against their morals, or, if one gains access to Charm Person or the like, be more effective at manipulating the targeted person.

X (Cost: 720 gp)
Up to 8 hours of a fairly sizeable campfire per use. Combined with a wood stove or furnace of the appropriate size, one could use this to heat a house or the like. Otherwise mostly a novelty, as it probably still requires O2 to burn, so it can't be used to just create CO2 on the moon or anything like that. Could possibly be used in conjunction with a Bottle of Air to create CO2 for plants to use in some kind of moonbase, though. Compare with an Eversmoking Bottle for that use, though.

Kitharodian Pen (Cost: 720 gp)
Infinite ink and automatic dictation, but only for 1 hour a day. Compare with the cheapness of regular mundane ink and pens and technological options for both audio-recording and speech-to-text.

Dyso's Travel Canopy (Cost: 750 gp)
Constant shade while out in the sun, but only while out in the sun. Compare with just having Endure Elements active and otherwise covering all of one's skin/wearing good sunscreen.

Luminous Facet (Cost: 850 gp)
Command-word activated magical lamp. Multiple of them can have the same command word and be activated simultaneously, which is good for dramatic reveals. Compare with regular old electric lighting using LED bulbs, though. Also with the Ioun Torch and Everburning Torch or even an item of Continual Flame (or Planar Binding to get Lantern Archons) combined with shades for whatever lights are created.

Lantern of Hidden Light (Cost: 1000 gp)
A light source that only the wielder can see. Useful for being sneaky. Compare with access to darkvision or low-light vision.

Minor Bag of Holding (Cost: 1000 gp)
The second(?) smallest bag of holding. It is about the size of a large messenger bag, I believe. Compare with the Pathfinder Pouch for something less obtrusive, the Handy Haversack for something that can more easily pass as a backpack, and greater Bags of Holding and the Portable Hole for greater storage capacity.

Neverspill Goblet (Cost: 1000 gp) (+Enhance Water, perhaps?)
Never spill a drop, and be able to drink from it underwater. Only holds 1 cup/8 oz., though. Beverages stay at the same temperature and don't age, either. Potentially of interest combined with an item of Create Water and Enhance Water. Compare with the Cayden Cup, or even combine with it, too.

Pathfinder Pouch (Cost: 1000 gp)
One of the smallest bags of holding, as it can be worn as a belt pouch. It also can be toggled between use as a mundane belt pouch or as a bag of holding.

Tengu Drinking Jug (Cost: 1000 gp)
1 gallon jug that constantly casts Purify Food and Drink on anything put into it, making it safe to drink. 3/day alter temperature of the contents to down to freezing or up to boiling, and 1/day turn it into alcohol or tea. Compare with the Flask of Endless Sake.

Tidy Trunk (Cost: 1000 gp)
Clean and iron clothing without actually having to iron it, but it takes 8 hours. Also, protect the contents from water, pests, time, unless they're perishable like food. Possibly redundant with just having access to Prestidigitation, though, especially given it requires 8 hours to work.

Toxin Sponge (Cost: 1125 gp)
Absorbs toxic gases out of the air, but only for a 10-ft cube and it takes 24 hours to nullify the toxin, otherwise squeezing it just releases the gas again. In combination with an environmental suit, this could be used to take gases from an indoor environment and dissipate them more harmlessly outside or even space them if one is doing the moon base thing. Could also just be an emergency bit of insurance while exploring caves to detect toxic gases before anything grisly happens.

Caver's Hammock (Cost: 1200 gp)
An incredibly lightweight and strong hammock that can also camouflage with stone. Compare with magically more comfortable and restful bedding. Also with access to Keep Watch and not needing to sleep. The environment it is made for, the darklands, or at least very deep underground, isn't really a thing on Earth, either.

Featherlight Compass (Cost: 1500 gp)
A basically weightless compass. Also, lets you automatically change your orientation when in a subjective directional gravity environment. So only of use when traveling the planes, and mostly the Plane of Air at that, IIRC. Which gets a little outside of our main scope.

Healer's Satchel (Cost: 1500 gp normal, 3000 gp specialized)
A supply of bandages, medicines, and other such supplies that renews every day. Potentially of interest, potentially completely redundant, depending upon what those medicines would be. Worst case scenario, something interesting could be done with the bandages and Fabricate. Compare the Diagnostic Specialist version with Physician's Spectacles or other access to the Diagnose Disease spell. The magical sleep-aids of the Long Term Care and the blood cleansers of the Treatment specialist versions could also be of interest. My understanding is that many of the specialist tools that are not well defined would also be replenishing, too, allowing for them to slowly spread if useful.

Bookmark of Deception (Cost: 1500 gp)
Get access to a book from Golarion(?). Compare with just getting a copy of such a text as part of the gear, though, which is generally going to cost less than the bookmark. That said, a book on how to become a Wizard or how to contact and become a Cleric of a deity that isn't present in your corner of the multiverse would certainly be quite interesting. Potentially allows a loophole for someone to create perfectly functional copies of a master spellbook on the cheap.

Autonomous Cartographer (Cost: 2000 gp)
Maps your surroundings out to the range of your normal vision. Potentially useful for mapping out planets for those inclined to try out deep space exploration.

Handy Haversack (Cost: 2000 gp)
Extradimensional storage with always ready access for retrieval. Compare with Bag of Holding, Minor Bag of Holding, Pathfinder Pouch, and Portable Hole.

Horn of Fog (Cost: 2000 gp)
Blow a foghorn to create Obscuring Mist that lasts for 3 minutes. Compare with an Eversmoking Bottle, which is less noisy and works on its own after initial activation.

Satchel of Plentiful Feed (Cost: ABC gp)
A replenishing source of hay. Horses eat around 12-15 pounds of hay per day, so let's call it 60 pounds of hay per day for the Type 1 variety, increasing to 150, 375, and 750 pounds as you go up the scale. Compare with the easy availability of hay on our world and simply using means such as a Portable Hole to transport it to wherever you wanted a quantity of it. Still, matter creation is matter creation.

Elixir of Sex Shift (Cost: 2250 gp)
Not only does this allow for someone to change out their reproductive organs, but it also sounds like it can alter how "endowed" an individual is when it comes to sex characteristics. I'm normally inclined to just pass over consumables, but this is of great interest for those to whom it is relevant. Compare with a Girdle of Opposite Gender which can be used for more people but does not have an official price and doesn't allow for the user to choose how they are endowed when changing sex. Dividing by the CL, it seems like it is equivalent of a 5th level spell, so 5 * 9 * 2000 = 90,000 for an item that reproduces the effect of the Elixir of Sex Shift at-will. Given it is a non-surgical alternative to breast augmentation/reduction, in addition to its primary effect, this could be readily monetized to turn a healthy profit. Heck, one could make a fortune just selling services to men who want to remain men but have larger male characteristics, given there is no mundane method to accomplish anything like that.

Saccadic Focusing Prism (Cost: 2400 gp)
Read ~10x as fast as normal. Yeah, that could be pretty useful in just about any context in this day and age. It also stacks with learning speed reading techniques, too, and I believe with some of the other effects that increase reading speed.

Sashimono of Comfort (Cost: 2400 gp)
Endure Elements to the person carrying it, occupants of a vehicle displaying it, or a 30' area around it planted in the ground. Potentially useful for extreme conditions due to being able to at least sometimes stack with Endure Elements? Otherwise, just compare with the myriad other sources of Endure Elements. Plus, even with them stacking, I don't believe it would be all that useful against the cold of space or even the worst of Antarctica, or other situations where just Endure Elements Alone wouldn't be sufficient, given Endure Elements is enough to be fine climbing Mt Everest while naked except for on the coldest winter nights.

Bag of Holding (Cost: 2500, 5000, 7400, or 10,000 gp)
The standard for extradimensional storage space. Greatly aids taking things with you when, say, teleporting to the moon to create a moonbase, or when teleporting back from Mars with a whole bunch of rocks and soil samples to sell or donate to science. Compare with Handy Haversacks, Portable Holes, Chests of Keeping, and smaller pouches like the Pathfinder Pouch.

Lens of Starsight (Cost: 2600 gp)
Potentially of interest to anyone who enjoys astronomy, especially since it ignores nonmagical light pollution. On the other hand, I think most serious telescopes used for scientific purposes aren't likely to benefit from this item, but I am no expert on the subject.

Extraction Scarificator (Cost: 2500gp )
Macabre and dangerous to use, but this is an item that would produce (temporary) potions, of which the main one of interest is the Potion of Lesser Restoration. Notably does not require a person to be used as the target, though, mitigating the potential ethical concerns to an extent.

Crate of Preservation (Cost: 2500 gp)
A better fridge/freezer than we currently have IRL. And it keeps hot food hot, too.

Cauldron of Brewing (Cost: 3000 gp)
Heat liquids and hold them there indefinitely without risk of burning by touching the pot itself. Mostly redundant with modern technology, but being able to heat up liquids with no risk of fire is still at least some marginal benefit.

Boulder Bag (Cost: 3000 gp)
Requires something like Enlarge Person to be used, but this produces an infinite supply of boulders that are the size of a child/halfling, or bigger. How valuable that might be depends entirely upon what kind of stone the boulders are and bunch of other undefined details, but I think it is worth mentioning that hematite is a form of iron ore that is commonly found in boulder form. Something like Amazing Tools of Manufacture to turn the boulders into instant statuary or other art objects could be a combo, though.

Everburning Lantern (Cost: 3000 gp)
Constant Daylight. If that is useful for plant growth, then that's great for growing plants underground or in a moonbase. On the other hand, grow light and solar panel technology has improved quite a bit in recent years.

Explosion Pocket (Cost: 3000 gp)
1/day create a vial of Alchemist Fire that lasts for 1 minute if not used. After that, the vial is around permanently but the contents are inert, bitter water. Permanently creating glass and water is neat, but it's a very small quantity and the creation of water is superceded by other items that are better and cheaper like the Goblet of Quenching or the Lesser Replenishing Aquarium Ball. Also, by the Decanter of Endless Water. There are also better ways to get access to fire, like at-will Burning Hands for a little over half the cost.

Philter of Love (Cost: 3000 gp)
Make someone fall madly in love with someone else, either romantically or platonically, and makes them unable to fall out of love, either. Very powerful, so I'm mentioning it even though it is a consumable. Yeah, some obvious and extremely unethical uses for this. Compare with Eyes of Charming and Mindmaster's Eyes, at least for the manipulating people because you make them like you angle, but those only bumps the attitude up to friendly instead of all the way to helpful. Possibly quite bad for a person's long term neurochemistry, given what I remember about what the brain goes through when in the honeymoon period of falling in love. The least nefarious use would be to use two of them to ensure that a couple could never fall out of love with one another.

Mnemonic Repository (Cost: 3000 gp)
Record your memories so that you can replay them later with perfect clarity. Probably mostly of interest in case of any kind of immortality scheme. Depending upon the memories that one could put into it, though, one could potentially use it as an aid to teach others 10x as quickly.

Steward's Iron Key (Cost: 3000 gp)
Open/Close + Arcane Lock or Knock could be useful, even if the non-cantrips are 1/day.

Bronze Skinning Knife (Cost: 3300 gp)
Always find enough food and water for 1 person in a natural environment. Food and water are generally not concerns in our modern society when it is functioning properly, but being able to always find such in the wilderness is at least somewhat noteworthy.

Noble's Vigilant Pillbox (Cost: 3600 gp)
A 3 pearl charm with a tiny compartment inside. The pearls respectively detect poison, disease, or invisible creatures within 10 feet. Even just the Silver Pearl that detects diseases (1150 gp) is potentially worthwhile, but really only the Black Pearl is likely to be superfluous. Thankfully, for our purposes, the price is reduced by lacking any of the pearls. Compare with a command word Detect Disease item (10,800 gp, or 7200 gp for a Paladin version) that has ~6x the range and will tell you what the diseases actually are, or with Physician's Spectacles.

Four-leaf Clover (Cost: 3750 gp)
3/day add a Luck bonus to a ability check, skill check, or save. Being just a little bit luckier on command can always be useful.

Trollskin Tourniquet (Cost: 3850 gp)
Regrowing a limb or two is very handy for those who need it. Although as a consumable, one should heavily consider just taking an item of 1/day or 1/week or even 1/month Regenerate instead. One should also compare with the Ring of Regeneration, and the Pearly White Spindle Ioun Stone that mimics it, although that sadly only regrows limbs lost while wearing it.

Ushabti of the Willing Servant (Cost: 3900 gp)
At-will Unseen Servant for 1 hour, but instead of being tethered to you, they are tethered to the ushabti figurine, allowing some hands-on tasks to be automated without needing to be present. Better than Roomba technology, at least.

Bountiful Bottle (Cost: 4000 gp)
Put a potion in it an 24 hours later it clones it. Making a terribly, terribly finite number of potions last longer is always good, especially if they're the kind of thing where the need for them can be anticipated well in advance. Even if you can't use it to stockpile potions.

Flask of Endless Sake (Cost: 4000 gp)
Create 1 gallon of sake every 6 seconds, that's 10/minute, 600/hour. Sake seems to average ~15% alcohol, so that's 90 gallons of alcohol itself in an hour, for potential Fabricate purposes. Alternatively, midgrade Sake seems to be around 15 USD per 750 mL bottle, so that’s around 72,680 bottles per day, or roughly 1 million USD retail. Licenses and business logistics would reduce the real net profit by quite a lot, though, especially once you take marketing and advertising into consideration. It is also a 1/day random potion with 6 possible options, with Lesser Restoration, Heroism, and Cure Moderate Wounds being the best options. Compare with slapping Enhance Water onto a Decanter of Endless Water or the Tengu Drinking Jug, possibly even an item of Tears to Wine. As a money-making item, compare with the Robe of Infinite Twine.

Spirit Planchette (Cost: 4000 gp Brass, 10K Cold Iron, 18K Silver)
Lets you ask questions of spirits, that is, it's a working ouija board. Dubious, but potentially useful if you can get to a place with the right spirits.

Sea Silk Shell (Cost: 4500 gp)
300 square feet of sea silk, which is incredibly strong and comfortable. Can be used to make noble/royal outfits of any design, create sails, or just come out in one sheet for you to DIY it into something. Basically clothing unobtainium. Pretty close to having a perfect wardrobe.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Bone Razor (Cost: 5000 gp)
Coup De Grace a creature and kill it, and have it come back as a Skeleton under your control. Not much, but it is some minion necromancy that doesn't require spellcasting ability. OTOH, the strongest skeleton you'd be able to generally get would probably be something like a bull, grizzly bear, tiger, or maybe an elephant. All of which would be conspicuous even without being skeletons. And not that useful in a world of guns. OTOH, skeletons retain weapon proficiencies, so gun-toting skeleton is certainly possible, albeit, of questionable use.

Chest of Preparedness (Cost: 5000 gp)
Create 1 copy each of 10 different, nonmagical, & relatively inexpensive objects that last for 24 hours. Is that 10 items which can each be worth up to 100 gp or 10 items whose total value must be 100 gp or lower? Since it specifies nonmagical items, could potentially be used to have some disposable Timeworn Technological items for reverse engineering? The other main alternative would be a selection of alchemical consumables.

Hospitality's Hammock (Cost: 5000 gp)
An insanely comfortable hammock. To the point that it accelerates natural healing. It also happens to cure seasickness. Mostly, though, that's one really comfortable bed. Compare with the current pinnacle of comfortable bedding available to current technology.

Insistent Doorknocker (Cost: 5000 gp)
Quill of Passage (Cost: 5000 gp)

Both the Quill of Passage and Insistent Doorknocker are good at creating temporary or semipermanent doorways through relatively thin walls. I just think that the limitations really kill them in comparison with most modern construction due to materials, insulation spaces, and thickness, or just for the difficulty of strategically bypassing multiple doors by going through a wall once. OTOH, two Insistent Doorknockers would at least allow one to go through, place the other one, and go back and retrieve the first one to be able to go through many layers of wall.

Mallet of Building (Cost: 5000 gp)
Raw money is probably better, but it does let you create a fence out of nothing but the fence posts themselves. There's probably also some kind of semantics about destroying the surface that contains the nails, etc. being different from removing the nails from the surface, too. In such a case, at around 3 inches of length and 0.25 inches of diameter, that'd be around 19 pounds of copper nails per day (~66.5 USD at 3.50/lb) or 100 pounds of iron spikes in the span of about 10 minutes. Fabricate, for instance, might be able to do something with the raw material created. Aside from all that, you can literally just imbed a bunch of pitons or spikes into a stone or wooden surface to create a ladder. Has some synergy with the Robe of Infinite Twine when used in a straightforward way.

Scabbard of Stanching (Cost: 5000 gp)
Immunity to bleeding out from most possible ways of bleeding could be nice. But you have to be wearing the scabbard directly. It's also possible that I'm overstating the effects of negating bleed effects.

Seven-Sided Coin (Cost: 5000 gp)
1/week Mark of Justice could be quite useful, even limited to either A. just listing one of the 7 deadly sins or B. limited to behaviors relating to one of the 7 deadly sins. Greed alone could have profound ramifications, provided access to the right individuals.

Banner of Restful Nights (Cost: 5040 gp)
Creates a 20-ft radius of Endure Elements with an Alarm thrown into the mix. Also, more interestingly, that area is an area of calm and comfort, which would probably help with actually getting to sleep for more than a few people. Compare with the Field Scrivener's Desk and Sashimono of Comfort.

Bag of Concealment (Cost: 5000, 10,000, 14,800, or 20,000 gp)
A bag of holding, but with additional security so only the owner can access the items inside. Literally twice the price of an equivalent Bag of Holding, though.

Universal Lock (Cost: 5150 gp)
A lock that can be attached to just about anything that can be opened or closed, including a Bag of Holding. Another way to prevent others from getting into bags of holding and the like to get at one's gubbins.

Eversmoking Bottle (Cost: 5400 gp)
Because when isn't at-will smoky obfuscation potentially useful? May also contain some gases that may aid in creating an atmosphere. Compare with the Horn of Fog.

Field Scrivener's Desk (Cost: 5400 gp)
1/day Tiny Hut, along with some free paper and writing supplies.

Harvesting Lens (Cost: 5400 gp)
Attaches to a telescope and creates vials of either light or inky darkness that last for 8 hours, depending on what they're pointed at. Somehwat neat, but extremely niche and the fact that they can't be stockpiled at all just further hampers making use of them.

Sustaining Spoon (Cost: 5400 gp)
Mmm, gruel, the ultimate diet food. Makes enough to feed 4 humans each day, but you can even feed it to your cat (with Prestidigitation for flavor and scent). Compare with the Cauldron of Plenty or with an item of Enhance Water or even getting access to a Djinni's Major Creation. Alternatively, just acquire food using mundane means and use teleportation as necessary.

All-Seeing Eye (Cost: 5500 gp)
1/week Commune. Although the deity in question and what its interests might be would make-or-break it. (Given the book it appeared in, I'm leaning towards a Giant deity.)

Resplendent Diplomat's Palette (Cost: 5500 gp)
Acts as an infinite non-magical disguise kit without consuming any charges. So an infinite source of mundane makeup, as long as you're not trying to make yourself look completely perfect. Compare with a Hat of Disguise.

Panacea Flask (Cost: 6000 gp)
Remove Disease 1/day and a minor morale buff for 1 hour, at the cost of being sickened until you sleep for 8 hours.

Black Marketeer's Bag (Cost: 6200 gp)
A belt pouch that has 3 internal sub-compartments of extra-dimensional storage. Also has some protection against pickpocketing. Compare with the Bag of Concealment and Pathfinder Pouch.

Expedition Pavillion (Cost: 6400 gp)
A tent that is bigger on the inside. Magically lights itself and prevents those outside of it from perceiving those inside of it, as well as protecting against extreme temperatures and winds below hurricane strength. I believe its effect would technically stack with Endure Elements and the effects of a Field Scrivener's Desk/Tiny Hut.

Farglass (Cost: 6400 gp)
1/day 5-minute long Clairaudience/Clairvoyance as long as it's within the sight of the spyglass. Probably redundant with modern magnification tech. Gives a very good range for clairaudience/clairvoyance, though.

Costume Bureau (Cost: 7000 gp)
Makes whatever outfit you imagine when you open it, but it turns to scraps after 24 hours, up to 4 each day. Infinitely customizable wardrobes can be fun, although compare with the Sea Silk Shell whose outfits are permanent until destroyed or returned to the item. The size and nature of the scraps could allow for a renewing source of rags, too.

Vial of Efficacious Medicine (Cost: 7000 gp)
Makes medicine better, but completely useless for our purposes if modern medicine doesn't count as alchemical.

Bottle of Air (Cost: 7250 gp)
Infinite Air, but you have to manually breathe it to get at it. A source of air is always good. Assuming ~20% Oxygen content, you'd be breathing out ~15% Oxygen content air. ~7-8 liters per minute when at rest, ~11K liters per day. Combine that with some form of CO2 scrubber or greenhouse and it could provide the basis for creating an atmosphere in some kind of moonbase. OTOH, it's ~28K liters to fill a 10'x10'x10' room, or ~3.5K liters for a 5-ft cube, but at least you could potentially do other things while making that atmosphere. Sharing the bottle of air with multiple people could potentially speed up the process, too. It is a pretty intensive process using it, though.

Elven Still (Cost: 7500 gp)
Create a small quantity of elven wine out of just about anything sugary over the course of 24 hours, but then it spoils after another 24 hours. A version where the wine made from non-potions didn't spoil, or using a vanilla one in combination with an effect to undo the spoiling could be of interest.

Harp of Charming (Cost: 7500 gp)
Implant 1 Suggestion in an audience for every 10 minutes of playing as long as you continue to succeed at Perform checks. Having access to Suggestion until you fail a check, but only against that particular audience, is potentially quite potent... assuming the ability to become at least decent with a harp. Compare with Eyes of Charming and Mindmaster's Eyes, which require more social interaction after the magic takes hold and are single target.

One-Way Window (Cost: 7500 gp)
Look through some forms of wall, as long as they aren't too thick. At-will, but seems like it's a bit too limited in what/how thick it can view through to be all that useful.

Zoic Fetish (Cost: 7500 gp)
Boost AC against Animals, boost wild empathy if you get it from another item, and get 1/day dominate animal based upon whether it is a bird, reptile, amphibian, mammal, or fish. Given the short duration, probably more useful for the wild empathy boost in combination with getting it from another source.

Creeping Glyph (Cost: 7750 gp)
A mobile trap that you can command and deals nonlethal damage. Nonlethal damage available every 18 seconds could be handy. The explosion might be a bit loud, though.

Magnificent Map (Cost: 7800 gp)
Automatically maps out an area with a 500' radius in intense detail. Compare with the Autonomous Cartographer for mapping exoplanets or other such locations, but at the cost of being slower but giving more detail. The value also partially depends on how cameras interact with illusions, or if it is necessary to copy its information by hand to make mundane copies.

Scarab of Khepri (Cost: 7800 gp)
Allows Wild Empathy to work against bugs if you get it from another source and 1/day Speak with bugs and Summon Swarm.

Alpine Ice Axe (Cost: 8000 gp)
Be better at climbing rock and ice and 3/day create handholds in ice and snow. Effectively makes slippery surfaces not slippery, but only for climbing. Also, super niche, but being able to instantly cause handholds to appear in ice is at least marginally neat. Still, any form of flight is going to be better in all likelihood.

Censer Dream (Cost: 8000 gp)
Accelerates natural healing, makes sleep more restful and dreams more pleasant, and as a footnote, protects against magical dream intrusion and nightmares. Always sleeping well, waking up refreshed, and having pleasant dreams could be more valuable than gold to many, or at least more valuable than silver. Hope you like the smell of lavender, though.

Chalice of Poison Weeping (Cost: 8000 gp)
1/day neutralize poison that makes the target weep out the poison which can then be collected in the chalice. Actually a bit cheaper than a custom item of Neutralize Poison.

Cups of Rapport (Cost: 8000 gp)
Get a bonus to developing a good rapport as long as you spend 5 minutes socializing over drinks together. I'm sure most of us could benefit from being better at making friends. Admittedly, would require some creativity in order to employ them effectively.

Desna's Coin (Cost: 8000 gp)
A little surprised we had to go this far to find a perfect cheating coin. It also provides a +2 Luck bonus to Reflex.

Force Casket (Cost: 8000 gp)
Not really sure how you're supposed to get the body inside of the casket in the first place, but a potential way to troll humanity in perpetuity should you not gain immortality or find a way to leave the plane. Especially if you can make sure that the rest of your magic swag is also inside the resilient sphere effect, forever denying it to the rest of humanity unless and until they can figure out a way to deal with wall of force type effects.

Harp of Shattering (Cost: 8000 gp)
10 Charges per day that can be spent on either Break or Shatter. Having access to those spells several times a day could be useful, especially Shatter.

Needles of Fleshgraving (Cost: 8000 gp)
Buffs one's ability as a tattoo artist. Also, 1/day turns objects into tattoos that last for 7 days or until purposefully peeled off. Probably mostly of use for smuggling, though, and for that, a Portable Hole and/or teleportation is vastly superior. That said, it is minor, but it is a way to eke out a little extra storage per teleport, but for that purpose, compare it with access to Treasure Stitching, Shrink Item, and/or Carry Companion.

Padma Blossom (Cost: 8000 gp)
2/day Calm Emotions to largely end/prevent fighting could be useful. It also suppresses being dazed, stunned, or confused, which can help against the backlash of certain other items.

Whisper Safe (Cost: 8000 gp)
Allows you to find out how many people know a fact. It would be incredibly time-consuming given the size of the (potential) populations involved, but this would allow unerring, but unverifiable, ways to obtain information about various demographics. Unfortunately learning people's race and character class are likely to be completely useless, though there may be something that could be done by learning the alignment of particular people by using a fact that you know that someone of interest to you knows. Probably the most relevant use is that it could be used to keep track of who knows about your magic swag. It can also be used to get enough of an idea of a random stranger to at least attempt to Scry on them, I believe.

Witchmarket Coin (Cost: 8100 gp)
Travel to the Witchmarket in the First World. How useful this travel to or from the Witchmarket is, depends on a whole lot of variables and things I haven't taken the time to fully research. OTOH, bargains with fey are generally a very, very bad idea.

Chest of Keeping (Cost: 9000 gp)
A large, lightweight chest that folds down to a smaller size and preserves the contents magically. Compare with other extradimensional/nondimensional storage and/or preservation magic items such as the Crate of Preservation. The portability and small size of a Pathfinder Pouch or Minor Bag of Holding but the storage space of a Type III Bag of Holding.

Commander's Tent (Cost: 9000 gp)
A miniature flag that can transform to and from a large tent on command. The 1/week Sand Table style effect may be useful, but the tent component is outclassed by lower value magic items, unless the light component is really all that important. (Compare with a custom item of Sand Table that is ~771.42 gp for a 1/week Hunter version, or 5400 gp for 1/day. Even a 1/week Wizard version would be 1440 gp.) Potentially of interest crossed with an Expedition Pavillion.

Decanter of Endless Water (Cost: 9000 gp)
Creates permanent matter in the form of water, continuously, and has already been touched upon earlier. Produces a fair amount of water but still not enough to really compare with a serious river.

Dune Boat (Cost: 9000 gp)
A Folding Boat that ALSO is able to sail across sand in addition to water. Incredibly niche, and teleportation or flight would generally be better.

Gemcarver's Tools (Cost: 9000 gp)
Allows one to make Elemental Gems, provided the user knows the relevant elemental language. While it is pretty neat to be able to create magic items, Elemental Gems are consumables and the elemental they summon only lasts for about a minute, severely limiting their usefulness.

Investigator's Pipe (Cost: 9000 gp)
1 hour of smoky Unseen Servant per day, in 10-minute increments. The fact that it can get rid of fog/smoke is pretty neat. The other benefits are gated behind levels in the Investigator class. Generally, though, other access to Unseen Servant would be superior, an at-will item would be 1/5th of the price, for instance. Compare also with the Ushabti of the Willing Servant.

10,000 to under 15,000 gp:

Chime of Resounding Silence (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Sucks out the sound from an area for up to 5 rounds and then releases it. Silence + Shout 1/day. Probably better to just have a custom item of Silence 1/day, though, for most purposes, given the short duration of the silence effect and the loud noise at the end of it.

Codex of Conversations (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Record up to 400 minutes of conversation within 20 feet. A digital audio recorder is significantly cheaper given the opportunity cost represented by the gp "spent" on any magic item. OTOH, you don't have to worry about the possibility of mishearing something spoken, and laws against recording people without their consent generally don't apply to writing down what they said verbatim. As unlikely as it is that would even come up.

Cresset of Grisly Interrogation (Cost: 10,000 gp)
An iron cage that you put on a humanoid's head and then screw into place with bolts. Generates an effect like Speak with Dead to force 3 answers per day. Technically doesn't specify that the head needs to be either dead or severed, so it could potentially be used on a living person. Compare with something like Eyes of Charming or Mindmaster's Eyes where they could be convinced to tell you directly, at least if they're still alive. A 1/day item of Speak with Dead would also be cheaper for that purpose.

Eldritch Egress (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Collapsible wooden frame that can 1/day Passwall through up to 10 feet for 1 hour. Compare with the Insistent Doorknocker and Quill of Passage.

Migrus Locker (Cost: 10,000 gp)
A cask with a hairless, cat-like creature that takes on the owner's face. Essentially this is a disposable, low-powered freaky-looking minion. Just don't open it before the new migrus is fully cooked, because it's kinda gross. OTOH, it has a cat's body and is fairly simple-minded and bloody-minded, so the amoutn of use that one can really get out of it is questionable. The construct traits may give it some additional utility, like being able to walk through toxic gas or airless environments just fine, that I'm undervaluing. Compare it with access to Shadow Conjuration or Limited Wish to cast Draconic Ally for another form of disposable, intelligent minion.

Treasurer's Seal (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Maintain up to 3 combinations of either Arcane Lock + Alarms or Fire Trap. While limited, it is a form of enhanced security. Fire Trap's ability to be used aggressively is severely limited by the 10 minute setup time for each one, while the Arcane Lock + Alarm effect seems to be essentially instantaneous.

Conquering Brand (Lesser Geas) (Cost: 10,000 gp)
1/day use of the Lesser Geas brand gives pretty good control over most people for at least a week if not longer. Comes with a whole host of downsides compared to a more conventional way of applying Lesser Geas or other mind control, though.

Chalice of Poison (Cost: 10,080 gp)
Essentially 1/day Poison spell, but with more options for delivery.

Chelish Listening Trumpet (Cost: 10,800 gp)
A 1-foot-long listening horn that amplifies sound within a 200-foot cone. Niche, and largely obviated by any kind of preparation or sensitive recording equipment.

Forger's Friend (Cost: 11,200 gp)
Be *really* good at forgery, so long as you have access to the relevant person's possessions. Admittedly, a lot of this is of greatly diminished utility in our modern society. On the other hand, getting the personal effects of a deceased famous author and then passing off the worst fanfiction you can muster as if they wrote it could be hilarious. (That's all without even touching upon the potential reality-warping weirdness of doing anything that could ultimately have an official impact on the rules of Pathfinder 1st Edition, too.)

Fate-Reader's Lenses (Cost: 11,250 gp)
2 linked harrow decks, the first of which allows one to perceive through the cards of the second. A fair amount of spying potential, but they are also fairly conspicuous, especially since the eyes on the cards open and close when in use vs. when not in use. A fair amount of it would be obviated by modern spying equipment, too. The vulnerability of the individual cards to being destroyed is another limiting factor.

Amazing Tools of Manufacture (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Buff a particular craft skill and allow for creation of mundane objects quite rapidly. Assuming you can get the 6+ skill ranks, and depending upon what exactly 2000 gp translates into in terms of real world objects, this could potentially be quite useful. Stone Carving tools + a Bag of Boulders would be an infinite source of small statuary, for instance.

Drinking Horn of the Panacea (Cost: 12,000 gp)
1/day Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease, or Lesser Restoration. OTOH, 3 individual 1/day items of Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease, and Lesser Restoration are only marginally more expensive. (12,960 gp, or 12,240 gp if Paladin Lesser Restoration is used) , but the Drinking Horn has higher than minimum CL for its Neutralize Poison and Remove Disease CL checks. Compare with other options for removing disease, etc.

Horn of the War-Leader (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Being loud enough to be heard 5 miles away 3/day is going to be pretty niche, especially without a way to either A. become half-orc or B. fake being half-orc using UMD. Still, it's a noteworthy ability and could at the very least freak some people out.

Lantern of Concealment (Cost: 12,000 gp)
1/day Hide Campsite, but it's a pretty good long duration, and can be moved. OTOH, 1/day CL 5 Hide Campsite that lasts 10 hours without being moveable would be 5400 gp as a Command Word item.

Lithomancy Stones (Cost: 12,000 gp)
1/day Augury or Divination using Knowledge (planes). Getting a good Knowledge (planes) bonus would be a bit tricky, but being able to effectively cast Augury/Divination without spells could be of interest, or some way of combining it with an item that allows one to cast those spells for the increase in accuracy. OTOH, the most basic 1/day item of Divination would be 77% accurate and actually cost a little bit less (11,330 gp vs 12K). On the gripping hand, some of the items and courses of action that would boost Knowledge(planes) checks would be things that one would probably want anyway (like an Int-booster). At any rate, the obvious applications in our world would be things like messing around with the stock market such as through daytrading or other speculation, short-term trading in commodities, or certain forms of gambling like playing the lottery.

Moonstone Cat (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Put it on a helpless creature and they are asleep as long as the cat is on them. Without being mythic, this essentially lets you put people into an indefinite coma per item. Fairly niche as to where this would actually be desirable, though. Compare with access to Flesh to Stone and a way to un-petrify them.

Pipes of Pain (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Fascinate relatively large groups for long periods of time, potentially do enough damage to them to kill most ordinary people, and leave the survivors permanently cursed to be hypersensitive to noise. Probably decently powerful-ish, but relatively niche. Also, requires basic competence in the instrument.

Radiant Panel (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Hard light 5/day. Most applications other than suddenly blocking bullets are probably better handled through mundane means. OTOH, perhaps being able to study hard light, even magically produced hard light, may be of scientific interest.

Spirit Slate (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Essentially 3/day Blood Biography, but it only requires the most minute of bone fragments. OTOH, 1/day Blood Biography is either 2800 or 5400 gp depending upon what spell list you get it off of, and you probably don't really need it more often that that.

Warden's Cudgel (Cost: 12,150 gp)
2/day Plant Growth but only for the Overgrowth version of the spell and only after hitting a target with the club, meaning it affects the wielder, too. 2/day Plant Growth as a Command Word item would be cheaper and allow more flexibility and range. Although the fact that greenwood items can regrow missing pieces *might* be exploitable in some form or fashion, this is probably better done with a cheaper item. Such as a Large+ Greenwood Great Club being used as a source of raw material for self-repairing wooden jewelry or the like.

Gosspier's Gourd (Cost: 12,500 gp)
1/day fill it with water from a local water source and attune it to that source while it is full of water. This gives a bonus on Knowledge (local) in that area and lets one speak and understand the local language, but not read it or write it. Given the limitation of one langauge and requiring one to physically go to a water source to fill it, it is probably not the best or most efficient way to learn languages. The 1/day Sow Thought effect is not much to write home about, either.

Hook of Ascension (Cost: 12,500gp)
Easy, fast movement when climbing along a rope, cable, or other line. Still probably worse than any kind of flight or most ways of accessing spider climb.

Portal-Finding Gloves (Cost: 12,500gp)
Prickle in the presence of portals to other planes and can tell you where those portals lead. Would need a way to narrow down potential areas to look for portals, though, given their short range. Whether any portals exist to find is another question as well.

Horn of Assured Victory (Cost: 13,000 gp)
Troll/noise pollute in a 2-mile radius. Compare with the Horn of the War-Leader which has a 5-mile radius but only works a few times per day.

Lyre of Building (Cost: 13,000 gp)
600 man-days of labor in an hour. More modern tools and materials on hand may even result in more effect than the baseline. Eliminates at least one part of the difficulties in constructing your own supervillain lair in secret.

Flute of Persuasion (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Telepathically give a Suggestion to someone you have charmed. 400 gp fewer than an at-will, Psychic-made Command Word item of Suggestion(DC 12?), but has the additional requirement of needing a target to already be Charmed and Perform skill checks. OTOH, targets stay charmed even if you fail to get the Suggestion off, so you can just try again next round, and playing a flute to send a telepathic suggestion is more subtle than saying a magic word and then speaking the suggestion aloud. Combines well with Eyes of Charming or Mindmaster's Eyes for getting the people charmed in the first place.

Snowfall Orb (Cost: 14,000 gp)
1/day Control Weather but just to cause some kind of frozen water to fall from the sky in half the radius and ~1/3 of the duration. Snow might cause less immediate erosion to areas of loose sand compared to liquid rain, so there might even be something to using it to combat desertification. I don't know enough about the rules for other planets, but possibly a way to introduce water to planets that don't have much of it? Significantly cheaper than a 1/day Druid Command Word item of Control Weather (32,760 gp). A way to reduce the price by removing the anti-Heat Metal and attack options would be even better, of course.

15,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Book of Night without Moon (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Steal someone's shadow. The main useful thing this can do is provide a way to determine how many HD a creature has, but only if you can get it willing or helpless in the first place. 1 hour of an intelligent, quasi-real servant that looks like the original person can also be of use.

Cauldron of Plenty (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Feeds 36 people per day, compare with both A. an automatic resetting trap of create food and water (or other food-creating spell) and B. using the money created by the sale of the amount of gold worth the opportunity cost in gp to buy food. Of course, if I misread it and that's 36 people for a day per command, the amount of food is even larger, and the limit is more on how quickly you can get it out of the cauldron, rather than producing it in the first place. Compare with access to Planar Binding to grab a Djinni to create a whole bunch of permanent plant-based food, a Decanter of Endless Water combined with Enhance Water to make a geyser of kefir or alcoholic smoothie, or just using mundane economy and logistics to get the food.

Cavern Compass (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Helps choose the shortest route to either a place the user knows well or a place that would be well-known to others while in caverns and tunnels and tells the user about several kinds of hazards are along that route. Mostly useful for getting back out after going caving. Could potentially be useful for cavern exploration in space, though that would be a fairly loose interpretation of the item.

Figurine of the Dwarven Forge (Cost: 15,000 gp)
On command access to a full-sized working forge with magical, infinite fire. It is thus a source of magical, infinite heat. Since it is warm, it also makes a decent hand-warmer while in figurine form. Can also be filled with a scroll to be able to supply that spell for magic item creation, though it still requires Craft Magic Arms and Armor, so it'd require a way to gain levels and feats to make use of that.

Handkerchief of Finding (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Attune to yourself over a week and then sense the direction of it as long as you're on the same plane. Can be planted on someone else and they won't attune to it, but you'll be able to track what direction they are in. Could also be left at home in order to always know what direction the Earth is in while out in space.

Spy Eyes (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Use up to 4 marbles as magic eyes and meld them into objects or surfaces. Magical surveillance through the remaining 5th marble, but only within 10 miles. Doesn't have the internet connection or physical retrieval requirement of an electronic spy camera, and is impossible to discover. One obvious, nefarious use would be to learn people's financial details.

Wayfinder of Zephyrs (Cost: 15,000 gp)
1/day ability to change the direction and intensity of the wind. Potentially worth some experimentation, though is of most interest in a context involving sails.

Pearl of the Sirines (Cost: 15,300 gp)
Breathe and act freely underwater and have a 60-ft swim speed. Breathing underwater and having a swim speed can always be handy, but there are other options.

Astralabe (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Acts as a compass on planes that don't have magnetic north. It can also tell what plane a portal connects to with a Knowledge (planes) check. On the material plane, they only activate when within 20 feet of a portal or planar rift. Compare with the Portal-Finding Gloves, but these let you do more once going through said portal.

Aviary of Spirits (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Up to 3 Tiny-sized birds can perch inside this and become attuned to it after 24 hours. They can then be used as Animal Messengers and used as scrying sensors for Clairaudience/Clairvoyance for 1 hour. Niche, but interesting. Compare with the Spy Eyes.

Urn of Smoldering Shapes (Cost: 16,000 gp)
7 uses of ash per day that can create Small, Medium, or Large shapes out of smoldering ash that are, near as I can figure, permanent unless damaged. So spooky shapes that can turn into relatively weak AoEs. There's probably something that could be done with this that would be neat, but it's almost certainly very niche, even for someone looking to do some violence. Could probably be used to provide some ambient heat in an area that's otherwise frigid, or maybe spend a bunch of extra time putting them inside an area beneath a floor to make a heated floor, though unless you're doing that out in space, modern building techniques are probably faster for making a heated floor. I'm honestly really curious what creative uses permanent smoldering figures could be put to. Perhaps Fabricate could shape the resulting eternally smoldering substance to provide a constant heat source?

Fey Map (Cost: 16,200 gp)
A map of the First World that shifts to reflect relative locations of major geography, settlements, etc., and it even marks where the user is on the map. Potentially useful for traveling The First World after using a Witchmarket Coin. OTOH, traveling the First World is stupidly dangerous, especially when one is not a being of immense power. The 1/day Teleport effect may help with that to some extent, I'm not familiar enough with The First World to know about relatively safe-ish areas beyond the Witchmarket.

Planar Keystone (Cost: 16,200 gp)
1/day Plane Shift to a specific place on a specific plane that is always the same for a given Planar Keystone. This should generally lead to an at least ostensibly safe and stable location. Getting back to Earth, on the other hand, may be trickier. I haven't run Reign of Winter, though, so I don't know the specifics offhand. Still, high risk, for the potential high reward of attaining phenomenal cosmic power. Maybe gather up some useful texts, and even tech, first, though. Would at least let you take enough people with you to have a whole adventuring party from the getgo.

Cayden Cup (Cost: 16,500 gp)
Fills with the perfect beer for the user on command, but it turns into swill within minutes if poured out instead of drunk. Still, despite becoming swill, that is still permanent matter and alcohol created. Also prevents hangovers and blacking out. Also has a 1/day morale buff to Str & Con for 10 minutes. Compare with a Flask of Endless Sake or access to Enhance Water or even Tears to Wine.

Horse-Speaker's Saddle (Cost: 16,500 gp)
1/year Awaken, and it can fit anything from a really big dog to an elephant, but it doesn't make the animal friendly after being awakened. OTOH, a 1/year item of Awaken that makes the creature friendly would be something like 100,044.35 gp(100K material component) (116,200 gp for 1/day Awaken) So a fair amount of savings here, even ignoring the Speak With Animals at-will part of the saddle. I'd probably start with awakening either elephants or rhinos myself. I suppose you could also potentially use it to Awaken some Gorillas or Orangutans, but I think we all know enough about Planet of the Apes to know why that's a bad idea.

Skin Harp (Cost: 16,500 gp)
Grisly and probably pretty evil, but 1/day Dominate Person for 9 days is 1/day Dominate Person for 9 days. Compare with Mindmaster's Eyes.

Broom of Flying (Cost: 17,000 gp)
Continuous flight is always nice. Within the parameters of this, one could even provide enough brooms of flying to have an actual Quidditch game, of all things.

Spyglass of Discovery (Cost: 17,500 gp)
Long distance clairaudiene/clairvoyance 3/day. Get a free double range and simultaneously listen and hear through the scrying sensor, too, just for being human. Compare with the Farglass.

Censer of Sanctuary (Cost: 18,000 gp)
1 hour long Sanctuary as long as you have the incense to burn. Still, it is about 7200 gp more expensive than a Command Word, at-will item of 2nd-level Sanctuary.

Goblet of Liquefied Cognition (Cost: 18,000 gp)
You can drink 30 pages of text in a language you don't understand and gain understanding of them for a day. Compare with other ways of learning other languages that won't have you forget what you learned even after you can no longer read the other language. The ability to print super-small characters using modern printing technology (and on both sides of the paper) probably multiplies the effect by a good degree, though.

Ebon Wayfinder (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Cheapest Wayfinder that allows 2 ioun stones to be used with it(?) Also grants darkvision if 1 or fewer ioun stones are used with it.

Flying Chest (Cost: 19,000 gp)
Basically a bulkier Broom of Flying but with some storage capacity and able to carry more weight.

Idol of the Eye (Cost: 19,000 gp)
1/day Augury and 1/day Divination + 1/week 1-question Commune. Compare with Lithomancy Stones.

Purifying Pearl (Cost: 19,000 gp)
Purifies a fair quantity of food and drink each day (10 cubic feet) as welll as being 1/day Neutralize Poison with a decently high CL.

X (Cost: 19,000 gp)
More magical surveillance, this time in the form of a valuable-looking bauble. Always know the direction and distance to the talisman while wearing the associated ring. Also makes it easier to use divination spells on anyone near the talisman itself. Compare with the Handkerchief of Finding, which only tells you direction.

20,000 to under 30,000 gp:

Carpet of Flying (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Probably more comfortable than a Broom of Flying or Flying Chest. Like those other options, though, still slow enough that it's more useful for, say, getting onto your roof than traveling to the next town over.

Apparatus of the Octopus (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Your own small "Octopus" mech. As always, this thing is super niche, but just quirky enough to maybe be a little fun. Odds are that it's as frustrating IRL as it is in game, though.

Lambent (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Allows one to view the Shadow Plane, or look back at the Material while in Shadow land. Being able to plane shift to an exact location on the Shadow Plane or back to the Material could certainly be useful. Spying on the material plane from the Shadow Plane would be dangerous but potentially useful as well, provided one could find the right place and time to do it.

Magic Talking Board (Cost: 20,000 gp)
1/day Call Spirit with a fairly decent save DC and the ability to give a penalty to the save just by having confederates.

Portable Hole (Cost: 20,000 gp)
A whole mess of completely weightless extradimensional storage. Compare with Bags of Holding and Handy Haversacks. You'll probably generally have better options for dealing with most problems that aren't opening up rifts into the Astral Plane, though, so don't combine them with their counterparts.

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) (Cost: 20,000 gp)
+1 luck to basically everything that isn't an attack.

Trapmaker's Sack (Cost: 20,000 gp)
1/day create a CR 4 or lower mechanical trap. AKA, 1/day create some permanent matter. The simplest way to exploit this for wealth would be something like an easily spotted, disabled, and dodged (-3 CR total) trap that deals 70 average damage by dropping a Colossal-sized block of precious metal from 150 feet (10d6 x 2 = 20d6 = 70 average damage) Does require a way to at least semi-reliably make the Craft check, though. Alternatively, 1/3 of a CR 4 trap's 4000 gp value is 1333.33, or 26.67 lb of gold(or round it down to 25 lb for the rest of the trap's mechanisms, etc.). Even 1/3 of a particularly simple CR 4 trap's 1000 gp value would still be 333.33 gp, or 6.67 lb of gold. Alternatively, could be used to easily dig a big ol' pit for foundations, basements, cellars, fallout shelters, etc. Though a Lyre of Building is going to be better for that, and cheaper. One could also use this to make a variety of weapons or chemicals that could then be removed from the trap as well.

Parting Glass (Cost: 23,000 gp)
1/day Neutralize Poison, but only against 1 poison, at CL 12. Most of the time people are only going to be affected by a single poison anyway, though. Also provides a good bonus to a single saving throw that can be banked for 24 hours. Neutralizing poison is probably better served by another, less expensive option, and a Periapt of Proof Against Poison is worth considering for one's self.

Mattock of the Titans (Cost: 23,348 gp)
Loosen earth or break up stone. Compare with just buying modern power tools, although they do require significantly less infrastructure (generators/solar panels) in an outerspace context.

Canopic Jar (Cost: 24,000 gp)
3/day gives abilities of the creature whose organs are preserved in the jar for 10 minutes , but only from a relatively small list. Darkvision or Resistance to relevant energies, most probably Cold, Fire, or Electricity, are the most useful things it can give, but a fly speed can be useful even in short periods.

Corsair's Coffer (Cost: 24,000 gp)
A huge chest that can be commanded to bury or excavate itself. It is also an extradimensional storage space option. Pretty sizeable and handily spill-proof. Weighs more than most people, which hampers the main point of many forms of extradimensional storage. It ultimately can hold a greater volume than a Portable Hole, though, which is impressive in and of itself, though less so given it occupies the better portion of a 15x15 square (3375 cubic feet) due to being Huge size. So it may just straight up be larger than the Portable Hole even before the extradimensional storage space angle.

Disk of Ghol-Gan (Cost: 24,000 gp)
1/day Word of Recall to a specific island that was once part of Ghol-Gan. A way to get to Golarion, albeit, one of the islands of the Shackles. Even then, as long as it isn't one of the worst possible options, probably safer than trying to reach Golarion through the First World. Assuming Golarion is on the same plane as Earth, but if it is, then an appropriate item of Greater Teleport or Interplanetary Teleport would allow one to get back.

Drinking Horn of Bottomless Valor (Cost: 24,000 gp)
Can fill on command as long as it has one of its 3 daily charges left. Can use charges to get temp hp, an Enlarge Person effect, and/or a Heroism effect. Compare with the Cayden Cup, Flask of Endless Sake, and access to Enhance Water or Tears to Wine.

Chaos Emerald (Cost: 25,000 gp)
Can hold up to 10 charges and regains charges each day. Aside from the amusing name, this does provide fairly flexible use of somewhat useful (mostly combat-related) spells, as long as the wielder is chaotic. Entropic Shield forcing a miss chance on ranged attacks is especially relevant given the threat of firearms.

The Master's Name (Cost: 25,000 gp)
A vial of sand that never runs empty, but can only be poured out to make an elaborate, multicolored mandala in the shape of Irori's rebus, significantly slowing down the ability for the sand to accumulate. 1/week get a Pavbagha, a divine servant of Irori, but it doesn't give a duration for how long it sticks around. Pavbagha are basically monks that have become wise talking tigers as their afterlife. Could potentially allow one to stockpile wise white tiger monks, or maybe they only stick around for 9 rounds due to being based on Summon Monster IV. Compare the sand creation aspect of the item with access to Expeditious Construction and its packed earth, or access to the Fabricate spell and a supply of stone to break down into sand.

Maul of the Titans (Cost: 25,305 gp)
3x damage to inanimate objects. Not nearly as potentially useful as the Mattock of the Titans, alas, especially since an 18 Strength score doesn't just grow on trees. Compare with other options that allow for Shatter or Break.

Crook's Cube (Cost: 26,000 gp)
1/day Find the Path and at-will discovering nearby secrets, although it seems to be physical ones. Decent buffs to several Knowledge skills, provided a way to actually get 5 ranks in them.

Iron Bands of Binding (Cost: 26,000 gp)
1/day it pins a creature in a way that would be basically inescapable for an ordinary human.

Lintel Stone (Cost: 26,000 gp)
1/day Plane Shift to a semi-random location on another plane, provided you have a fork for it and can do the building modification to get the stone in place in a doorway or the like. Not sure how this interacts with multiple planets and the material plane, offhand. (Each planet has its own kind of attuned fork?) OTOH, a 1/day Plane Shift cleric Command Word item would be ~16,200 gp, or almost 10K less, it just transports far fewer people than the Lintel Stone can.

Saga of the Linnorm Kings (Cost: 26,000 gp)
A permanent Competence bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate and literally becoming braver. Kind of an interesting idea, too. Being vulnerable to getting dispelled is a lot less of a vulnerability in this context, too. Sets an interesting precedent for custom items that confer permanent, innate competence bonuses. OTOH, a custom item that conferred the same competence bonuses would be ~6250 to 6875 gp per the custom item guidelines.

Snake Charmer's Flute (Cost: 26,000 gp)
Buffs Wild Empathy for snakes, or lets you use it even if you don't have Wild Empathy. Between this and other possible options to gain or boost Wild Empathy, you can make snakes *really* like you. Other than the potential to semi-permanently befriend a snake, the snake-charming is mostly a curio and 3 minutes of Giant Anaconda a day is probably not all *that* great.

Osirian Spirit Jars (Cost: 26,250 gp)
A set of 3 jars that interact with the Magic Jar spell, allowing permanent soul storage. Provided a way to cast Magic Jar, this would allow a way to permanently trap up to 3 people's souls in jars. This would mostly be of use for hijacking a world leader or the like semi-permanently, I think, barring some form of especially vindictive form of revenge.

Book of Perfect Jokes (Cost: 27,000 gp)
An untyped bonus to making people like you more is always good. 3/day Hideous Laughter isn't the best, but could come in handy sometimes. I'm sure there's also some possibilities involving actually using its jokes for comedy, too. Part of that would depend on how one sets the "particular audience" for it to adjust to, though.

Cube of Frost Resistance (Cost: 27,000 gp)
Creates a small field that absorbs cold damage and keeps it always at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Making it always at least 65 degrees is pretty useful, especially in outer space, although it is in a small area. On the other hand, having a specific area always be the same temperature could be exploited simply by circulating air through it or something similar. If I've missed something and there is a way for ambient temperatures to count as cold-based attacks, which can overload it, that would be a major complication in using it. Potentially interesting to pair with a (cursed?) version that does the opposite, in that it doesn't let the temperature fall *below* such-and-such degrees and absorbs fire.

Memory Box (Cost: 28,000 gp)
Extradimensional storage (admittedly, not much of it) AND memory storage. The most use I can see for that would be experimenting with altering one's own psyche based on selective memory removal and restoration. Definitely would want a way to restore even erased memories, though, just in case. Could also potentially allow better review and recollection of events via memories that are removed, studied, and then restored. Only being able to attempt to open the box once per day is both a security feature and a significant limitation, though there are multiple potential options for buffing Int checks to be able to hit it when Taking 10. The storage capacity of only 12 memories is also a fairly important limitation.

Book of Marvelous Recipes (Cost: 28,800 gp)
Be better at cooking and always have a recipe on hand to make whatever you want or crave. Less useful in this day and age, but still potentially useful. 1/day Heroes' Feast isn't bad, either. Pretty major quality of life boost there for a lot of people.

Chest of Defending (Cost: 29,300 gp)
Defend your stuff by having the container turn into a Wood Golem and beat anyone trying to get at it. Ideally you'd want to limit or prevent that from really being a possibility in the first place, though. It also features permanent Alarm and Arcane Lock spells, but the actual storage capacity isn't the best, though it is a potentially interesting chassis to add some extradimensional storage capacity onto. Actually getting access to the password to be able to master it may also be a bit complicated.

30,000 to under 40,000 gp:

Captain's Locker (Cost: 30,000 gp)
A Type IV Bag of Holding in chest form that is protected from rot and water. The most interesting property, though, is that it can enlarges the cargo capacity of any kind of "enclosed cargo-carrying vehicle" as long as it can be placed within that vehicle's hold. Giving something like a rocket or spacecraft the ability to take 50% more cargo without any additional delta-V requirements could be a pretty big boost, even limited to a singular vessel (at a time).

Cauldron of the Dead (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Can create and control up to 12 HD of Zombie(s), provided one has the bodies and can get the right herbs. That's probably not enough zombie to really do anything particularly neat, though. Compare with the single Skeleton provided by a Bone Razor.

Racing Broom of Flying (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Insert Quidditch joke here. More seriously, it is just a Broom of Flying that has two forms of turbo boost mode. 99% of the time, a regular Broom of Flying or Carpet of Flying would do just fine instead.

Voidlight Lantern (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Magically create darkness. Fairly niche, all in all, but there are certainly some uses this could be put to.

Watchful Tankard (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Magical surveillance within 60 feet of a 1-foot-tall, very conspicuous, stone stein. Pretty niche. It can stick to solid surfaces pretty well, though.

Kikuya's Sensu (Cost: 30,840 gp)
1/day Calm Emotions, Forceful Hand, and Whispering Wind, and even boosts Charisma-based Checks, such as what you use when trying to compel someone to do something against their nature using Charm Person. The fan providing somatic components is also of potential interest provided any ability to become a spellcaster in one's own right.

Verdict of the Nether Court (Cost: 32,000 gp)
Hell-infused gavel that makes a lot of noise when struck. The noise-creating ability is niche, and could generally be replicated far more cheaply with either other magic items or modern technology. Being able to cast Dictum 1/day, on the other hand, could be useful, provided one were not either Good or Chaotic. OTOH, Dictum doesn't have much use other than to kill, and there are less expensive ways to do that, too.

Healer's Burning Glass (Cost: 32,400 gp)
A magnifying glass that buffs Heal checks and casts Regenerate 1/day, though it requires bright light to function which shouldn't be too difficult to arrange. Being able to repair or replace people's organs would be huge. Slightly cheaper than a custom item of 1/day Regenerate(32 760 gp), too.

Cauldron of Resurrection (Cost: 33,000 gp)
Raise Dead or Resurrection 1/day, but dependent on being able to obtain herbs that very well may not have any analogue or equivalent on earth. A gamble, but with big potential payoff. For comparison, a 1/day Resurrection Command Word item would be 532,760 gp.

Soultheft Glass (Cost: 33,000 gp)
A glass hand mirror that can steal parts of creatures' souls. Can impose up to 3 temporary negative levels and use them to ask questions of bits of the victim's soul without having to kill them first or use interrogation techniques directly on the person via a Call Spirit effect. Probably fairly niche, depending upon exactly how sneaky stealing bits of soul with a mirror can really be.

Chisel of Excavation (Cost: 33,000 gp)
5 Minutes of Burrow speed per day. It is somewhat unclear whether it leaves a usable tunnel afterward, but it would probably be more useful if it did. Also, a MW tool for working stone.

Cornucopia of Plenty (Cost: 35,000 gp)
3/day Create Food and Water for 6 people. Plus whatever can be done with the fact that it is constantly overflowing with fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Portrait of Health (Cost: 35,650 gp)
4/day cure-line spells and 1/week Heal. OTOH, 1/day Heal would be 23,760 gp, so about 12K less.

Marionette Crux (Cost: 36,000 gp)
2/day Dominate Person, but with 2 potential points of failure, and with only 1/day duration and only one target can be dominated at once. Compare with Mindmaster's Eyes or even the Skin Harp.

Atavistic Splinter (Cost: 37,000 gp)
Gives an Insight bonus to Wild Empathy, also allows 1/day to basically curse people to become animal people, with the potential for it to be permanent. So probably only really useful for the Wild Empathy boost in conjunction with a source of Wild Empathy, like a Snake-Charmer's Flute.

Harp of Slumber (Cost: 37,500 gp)
Lullaby at-will + 3/day Sleep/Deep Slumber. Probably a little overpriced, at least without the Mythic abilities and any Giants to use it on.

Karyukai Tea Set (Cost: 38,160 gp)
1/day do a tea ceremony and get up to 5 other people to potentially receive have Neutralize Poison and Remove Disease at a pretty good CL. At least exceptional quality green tea should be fairly readily obtainable in this world.

Truthseeker Wayfinder (Cost: 39,000 gp)
1/day Discern Lies and 7 minutes of Zone of Truth each day. Also doesn't lose any of its abilties from having an ioun stone in it.

40,000 to under 70,000 gp:

Cauldron of Flying (Cost: 40,000 gp)
All day Overland Flight for 2 and up to half a ton. Compare with the 9 hour Broom of Flying and the Carpet of Flying family.

Doorknobs of Pergrination (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Lets you set up a pair of doors so that you can go through one and come out the other simultaneously, as long as they're within a fairly short distance of one another. While this could be used to set up some kind of mad funhouse, it'd be tricky to make good use out of them without some careful planning and fairly specific circumstances. They are removable and reusable, at least.

Moribund Key (Cost: 40,000 gp)
At-will Message and 3/day Spectral Hand/Vampiric Touch. Only for non-Good types, though. Price is inflated for the potential interaction with specialy made dungeons of the Whispering Way, too. A custom item of Message would be superior for that purpose and most forms

Ring Gates (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Transport 100 pounds of stuff per day across 100 miles. OTOH, the International Space Station is over 200 miles above Earth at the lowest point of its orbit, and 100 miles is not a lot of distance for modern verhicles. On the other, other hand, the Karman Line is only 62 miles above Earth, so one could get up past the lower edge of the Thermosphere, into aurora territory. Then again, satellites usually stay at or above 300 km/190 miles to avoid atmospheric drag. Definitely has at least some potential, though.

Lantern of Dancing Shadows (Cost: 40,100 gp)
Dims the lights by burning oil. Also, 1/day Shadow Conjuration and 1/day Ghostbane Dirge via temporarily solidified shadows. (OTOH, 1/day Shadow Conjuration on its own would be 10,080 gp, or about 1/4 the cost. At-Will Command Word Shadow Conjuration would only be about 10K more, too, at 50.4K.) Unseen Engineers, Draconic Ally, Expeditious Construction, Silver Darts, Arrow Eruption, Iron Stake, Mudball, Stone Discus, and Sepia Snake Sigil are probably the most interesting Conjuration (Creation) options. Maybe Secret Coffer, too, though I'm not sure what, if anything, that would actually do.

Blood Chest (Cost: 42,000 gp)
A metal chest with a fanged maw that contains the lock, secured by Arcane Lock. High security storage and a very, very durable object besides, with a Hardness of 30 due to being like a Wall of Force. Painful to open, even for the owner, though, and it might be somewhat tricky to become its master.

Cauldron of Seeing (Cost: 42,000 gp)
Scrying at-will, essentially. Basically a variant Crystal Ball. Although it may not require a creature to home in on?

Crystal Ball (Cost: 42,000 gp)
Scrying at-will, but with diminishing Save DCs for each use in a day after the first. Detect Thoughts(51K) and Telepathy(70K) are probably the only useful upgrades for our purposes here.

Hemnetep's Chariot (Cost: 45,000 gp)
A miniature chariot that can 1/day become a medium chariot and a source of Overland Flight as long as some Medium or Large creatures are available to put into its harness to pull it. Compare with the Cauldron of Flight. It also allows for a way to put creatures into Temporal Stasis by harnessing them to the chariot and then returning it to miniature form.

Meduseion (Cost: 45,000 gp)
3/day Flesh to Stone, essentially. Better than cryogenic freezing, as long as there is a means to turn them back to flesh.

Wayfinder of Infinite Doorways (Cost: 45,000 gp)
At-will Detect Secret Doors along with the ability to cast Knock, Dimension Door, and even set up and cast Word of Recall. Assuming a Disk of Ghol-Gan can get you to the Shackles, then as long as you can get to a doorway, this could get you back. Although there doesn't seem to be a duration on how long the doorway acts as a Word of Recall. So this might be a better way to create a mad funhouse than the Doorknobs of Peregrination.

Samisen of Oracular Vision (Cost: 46,575 gp)
1/day Legend Lore, Scrying, and Divination. Does require being able to play the instrument, though. OTOH, it also has the benefit of shortening extremely long casting times of Legend Lore drastically.

Orb of Storms (Cost: 48,000 gp)
1/day Control Weather, 1/month Storm of Vengeance, and constant Endure Elements. Storm of Vengeance probably isn't that great, in context, even though it is a 9th level spell. 1/day Control Weather is nice, but probably overpriced, and Endure Elements is almost certainly more easily had, and more cheaply, elsewhere. Compare with the Snowfall Orb.

Orgone Accumulator (Cost: 48,000 gp)
Has some interactions with occult skill unlocks and psychic sesntivity that I'm not well-versed in which make it difficult for me to judge those aspects of the item. It also lets people try to cast Lesser Restoration, Remove Blindness/Deafness, or Restoration on themselves by spending 2-4 hours meditating inside of it and succeeding on a Wisdom check. That's effectively 12, 8, or 6 people per day, with a chance of failure. Compare with at-will custom items that cast those spells.

Vanity's Eye (Cost: 51,000 gp)
Curse someone and in exchange get a much cheaper, slotless +6 item of Charisma.

Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad (Cost: 52,000 gp)
Tree Shape 1/day in order to spy using leaves.

Parley Ward (Cost: 52,000 gp)
3/week make a private, safe place to talk for up to 24 hours.

Glass of Veils (Cost: 53,000 gp)
Steal people's appearances and magically disguise as them 3/day for up to 24 hours. Compare with a Hat of Infinite Disguise.

Astrologer's Telescope (Cost: 54,000 gp)
A 50x magnification telescope that gives "insight into the future" in the form of allowing one to bank a Knowledge check result in advance for 24 hours. Nebulous as to whether this would actually be helpful, given the restrictions.

Kiss of Noctura (Cost: 56,000 gp)
A piece of a succubus's face that you have to graft onto yourself and that then makes your lips permanently plump and lush. Not being able to kiss without imposing a negative level on someone would be a pretty strong drawback for some, but it does allow for a form of telepathy. On the other hand, the negative levels could be weaponized. That said, if one really wanted to kill someone with negative levels, there are better ways than kissing them to death.

Wayfinder of Many Paths (Cost: 57,750 gp)
1/day Gate effect to one of a few set locations. Compare with the Disk of Ghol-Gan, though this requires a specific set of ioun stones. Of the listed locations, the Cairnlands outside of Absalom seems the most promising, although maybe I'm overestimating the danger of suddenly appearing in a Pathfinder lodge through a gate unannounced when not a member.

X (Cost: 60,000 gp)
Crystal Ball with 1/day Sending, but also a 5% chance of Wisdom drain. Also, 1/month get a Shantak which could be used to travel rapidly to different planets in the solar system, but is dangerous if you can't convince it to take you somewhere and inherently untrustworthy and may betray you anyway even if you do.

Darkskull (Cost: 60,000 gp)
Evil, but it does have a permanent Unhallow effect with another spell permanently bound up in it. Aid, Daylight (provided it is enough for photosynthesis and sustaining life and/or solar panels), Endure Elements(for a group), Protection from Energy, Resist Energy, and Tongues seem to hold the most potential promise for spells to affect all creatures in the area.

Thunder Strap (Cost: 60,000 gp)
1/day Call Lightning Storm and 1/day Control Weather but just to create a thunderstorm. It's possible that this might cause something like a hurricane to get downgraded to a thunderstorm. Anyone's guess what summoning a thunderstorm would do on the Moon or Mars, though. Compare with the Snowfall Orb, though this may do less damage to areas that don't get much water but with life that could get harmed by the cold temperature of the weather created by a Snowfall Orb.

Well of Stars (Cost: 60,000 gp)
A less expensive variant of the Well of Many Worlds, but only goes to other worlds on the Material Plane. The ***random*** aspect of this severely hampers the usefulness, unfortunately, but thankfully changing worlds is as easy as moving it and keeping the same world is as easy as not moving it. Definitely never use without protection or an alternative way to get back.

Threshold Guardian (Cost: 66,000 gp)
Create a 1-way or 2-way barrier that requires humans (or animals or vermin) to make a DC 19 Will Save or be unable to cross. But it is vulnerable to being destroyed with ranged attacks, or having the doorway it's empowering destroyed. So good for privacy, not for holding off a determined hostile force.

70,000 to under 100,000 gp:

Quasit Key (Cost: 70,000 gp)
2/day Plane Shift to and from a specific location in the Abyss. Probably not going to get one that lets you go steal some Nahyndrian Elixir and become Mythic, though, and it is generally best to avoid going to the Abyss if one can help it.

Wayfinder of the Sleeping Eye (Cost: 70,000 gp)
Temporarily drain an ioun stone in order to pilot an Unseen Servant + Illusion combo instead of dreaming while asleep. Compare with an item of 1/day Keep Watch or a Ring of Sustenance.

Wayfinder of the Stars (Cost: 70,200 gp)
1/day Interplanetary Teleport to one of the planets in Golarion's solar system. Also tells you where the nearest interplanetary portal is, although finding one on Earth would probably be very, very bad.

Eye Orb (Cost: 80,000 gp)
Constant Darkvision 120 feet, but you gotta keep your eyes closed. There are less expensive ways of getting darkvision, though, and options for light sources are abundant.

Shadow Well (Cost: 82,000 gp)
A Well of Many Worlds variant, but it's for the Shadow Plane, or the Material Plane if one is already on the Shadow Plane. Given the Shadow Plane being what it is, and the chance of getting shunted onto the Ethereal Plane instead, it just seems a lot worse than either of the other two variants.

Well of Many Worlds (Cost: 82,000 gp)
Offers the possibility of entering a basically incomprehensible number of possible worlds, given it allows travel to parallel universes, other planets, and other planes of existence. OTOH, given what we know of existence and the planes and our best guesses when it comes to parallel universes, odds are that one would get a whole lot of nothing intermixed with a lot of danger. The randomness and lack of reproducibility really prevents a good plan from being made, at least without some way of creating some kind of anchor to be able to revisit a place using other means after discovering it through this magic item.

Relic of a Virtuous Emperor (Cost: 87,000 gp)
A minor buff to AC and 3/day Augury and 1/day Summon Nature's Ally V. Probably not worth the opportunity cost.

Apparatus of the Crab (Cost: 90,000 gp)
Much like the Apparatus of the Octopus. Not great, but at least somewhat amusing.

Beacon of the North (Cost: 90,000 gp)
Not sure what the price for the special oil it requires is, but this is a way to get to Whitethrone harbor in Irrisen. Probably not the best place in Golarion to choose to enter it, but also probably not the worst, either.

Bowl of Conjuring Water Elementals
Brazier of Conjuring Fire Elementals
Censer of Conjuring Air Elementals
Stone of Conjuring Earth Elementals (Cost: (90,000)
At-will summon a Large or Huge (but probably Large) Elemental for about 1 minute. Water Elementals are probably the most useful for their ability to douse flames. Earth Elementals, provided a way to communicate with them, could do a bit of scouting using their Earthglide ability, too.

Bronze Sentinel (Cost: 90,000 gp)
A mini-mech. Not terribly useful, but probably more stylish than the other two mini-mechs. Compare with the Apparatus of the Crab or Apparatus of the Octopus.

Carpet of Comfort (Cost: 90,000 gp)
10x10 Carpet of Flying, but protects against wind and extreme temperatures. So you could presumably at least go into the stratosphere with it, especially if you also had a Bottle of Air.

Chariot of the Conqueror (Cost: 90,000 gp)
A flying chariot. Same price as a Carpet of Comfort, but a lot faster, although its max speed is still a relatively unimpressive ~22 mph.

Lightning Gun (Cost: 95,000 gp)
At-will lightning blasts. This can be used A. to melt metals for DIY casting, B. deal an average of 65 electricity damage as an attack, or C. somehow discover a way to harness the power of the lightning blasts to create electrical power. At least with at-will, directed lightning, you'd have the means to do some experimentation on that last front.

Ruby Sapphire of Osh-Maru (Cost: 96,000 gp)
20 Electricity and Fire Resistance, and essentially a Continual Flame that can be toggled on or off or converted into Dancing Lights. OTOH, it's 18K or 42K for Energy Resistance or its improved version on a suit of magic armor, getting Improved Energy Resistance for both Electricity and Fire would be 12K less than this item.

100,000 to under 200,000 gp:

Golden Carriage of Gaspar Longfellow (Cost: 114,000 gp)
Endure Elements and altitude acclimation along with being pulled by phantom steeds with Air Walk could be pretty useful. Unfortunately, I believe Air Walk doesn't work if there is no air, which would limit its application towards space.

Farwatcher (Cost: 120,850 gp)
Magically enhanced astronomy, but it requires specialized knowledge to even be able to use it. The True Seeing ability is unfortunately not very useful, as the only illusions and other magical obfuscations should be those that were created by one's own magic items in this scenario. Probably of most interest for making astronomical observations while not on Earth.

Planar Carriage (Cost: 121,500 gp)
A vehicle that requires Spellcraft or Use Magic Device to function. Provides 1/day Gate, provided you can make the skill check, and allows you to arrive at an exact location as long as you can specify it, and it even allows you to benefit from Planar Adaptation. Potentially quite interesting, but the skill checks involved require a bit of preparation to handle them.

Well of the Welcome Respite (Cost: 122,000 gp)
A Well of Many Worlds, but it is also keyed to a single, specific other location, such as a private demiplane. But even this is still a colossal gamble.

Nightglass (Cost: 126,000 gp)
3/day summon a Shadow to use as a minion for 1 to 5 hours. Some risk of getting absorbed by it and replaced by a Shadow Creature duplicate. Also has a 1/day ability to contact evil outsiders, but requires knowledge of their true names.

Wayfinder of Passage (Cost: 136,000 gp)
1/day Dimension Door , 1/day Resist Energy + at-will Feather Fall, and at-will Daylight & Knock that can in turn be given up to have up to 3 resonant ioun stones simultaneously.

Efreeti Bottle (Cost: 145,000 gp)
1/day have a 10% chance of a fight and losing the efreeti, 10% chance of getting 3 wishes as a one-off, and an 80% of being able to get 10 minutes of efreeti service (including wishes?) and being able to use it again another day. A lot of risk, especially since a Ring of Three Wishes is 25K cheaper.

Bell of Obedience (Cost: 157,500 gp)
Can send 1 out of 4 hour-long compulsions out 1000 feet every 8 hours, along with some attempt to manipulate those who are affected by the compulsion. Niche, but it could be used to manipulate people in some kind of cult-like ocntext or to try to get a crowd of people to brutally tear a particular individual to pieces, or even stop fights, though the size of the bell limits that a fair bit.

Chaos Cutter (Cost: 160,000 gp)
Without a way to get it to the Maelstrom, it's a hovering chariot that looks like a glowing, metal sloop. Even without the planar travel, it makes it so that passengers don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, which could be handy in some contexts.

Cubic Gate (Cost: 164,000 gp)
At-will Gate between 5 different planes and the material plane.

Mirror of Mental Prowess (Cost: 175,000 gp)
At-will mind-reading, Clairvoyance, and portal creation. 1/week limited Legend Lore. The Clairvoyance and portal creation are probably the most powerful and useful abiltiies. For one thing, it would make traveling to the moon or Mars relatively straightforward, provided some means of protecting against vacuum, etc.

Silent Aviary (Cost: 195,000 gp)
1/day draw from a Harrow Deck of Many Things. This is essentially an artifact but with a listed price, partially because of the curse attached to it. Fortunately, any ability to Plane Shift is sufficient to escape from the cursed location, even if one fails the Will Save to get shunted there. Potential good things include becoming a werebear, make a mundane item into a magic item, increase base land speed, get a one-off super powered teleport, get a one-off answer from an omniscient source, gain a permanent demiplane, an untyped +2 to a pair of ability scores. ~44% chance of something good (~30% for something bad) for a single draw, but if you can consistently make a DC 20 Will Save then, by my reading, you could keep redrawing until you got a card you wanted each day. If my understanding of the item and how it would interact with stacking rules is correct, I'd always take it, so long as I also had a way to reliably escape the Cage card.

MrCharisma wrote:

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

Like being a supervillain, manipulating the world from the shadows as your own DIY Illuminati, or acquiring enough possessions of various famous authors to forge novels as if they wrote them, but they're all the smuttiest of smut.

Coidzor wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

Like being a supervillain, manipulating the world from the shadows as your own DIY Illuminati, or acquiring enough possessions of various famous authors to forge novels as if they wrote them, but they're all the smuttiest of smut.

Whatever gets you up in the morning.

(pun intended)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Belt Slot Items
A notable thing I skipped over was addressing ability score increasing items, especially the Belts that boost multiple ability scores at once. A lot of them seem to tend to be fairly niche or limited outside of the stat-boosting capabilities.

Under 5000 gp:

Beneficial Bandolier (Cost: 1000 gp)
While it does allow for carrying a bunch of ammunition while not having its weight count, how useful that is with modern firearms is questionable. Teleporting a bullet into a firearm is a novelty, but not that much of one. Even if it could be used to smuggle in ammunition undetected (which it can't by my understanding), there are better ways to try to be an assassin, if one really wants to squander one's opportunities like that.

Meridian Belt (Cost: 1000 gp)
Lets you have 2 extra magic rings on, even if you have to switch between which ones are active. Maximizing what you can get out of rings without having to fumble around with taking them off and on is always good.

Bladed Belt (Cost: 2000 gp)
I have to do a second pass to review weapon properties that can be used while wearing a weapon but not wielding it, but this would allow for a way to exploit that while not carrying a visible or tangible weapon.

Heavyload Belt (Cost: 2000 gp)
Permanent Ant Haul is handy, whether you have to lift up any furniture or want to carry more moon rocks back home with you when teleporting to and from the moon. Synergizes well with Muleback Cords for some ridiculous carrying capacity, an average 10 STR person would suddenly have a light load of 300 with both items, though even without Muleback Cords, 99 lbs would be a light load. Redundant with the suite of abilities offered by access to Limited Wish, although an at-will item of that would eat up a significant fraction of the 880K.

Dawnflower Sash (Cost: 2500 gp)
Warm-only Endure Elements and 1/day Feather Fall that requires taking it off. Worth mentioning here, but probably not worth taking, especially with the powers locked behind Sarenrae worship

Aquatic Cummberbund (Cost: 2600 gp)
+4 to Swim and the ability to always take 10 on them. Given it would be 1600 just for the +4 bonus, that yields 1000 for the ability to take 10.

Equestrian Belt (Cost: 3200 gp)
A relatively small price to pay for being able to do basically everything involved in horseback riding that isn't more Handle Animal than Ride. On the other hand, horseback riding is pretty niche, and this on its own probably isn't enough to really accomplish a whole lot by cheating in competitions. Of course, if auto-success on a check to stay in the saddle also prevents getting thrown by the horse, then that alone could be worth it if one enjoys equestrianism as a hobby.

Belt of Mighty Constitution
Belt of Incredible Dexterity
Belt of Giant Strength (Cost: 4000 gp)
Increase ability scores in ways that provide a number of tangible and intangible benefits. Really, so straightforward that I probably don't really need to explain how being stronger, more dextrous, or healthier could help.

Belt of Trelmarixian (Cost: 4000 gp)
Relatively inexpensive way to avoid needing to eat, with a cosmetic drawback. On the other hand, the Ring of Sustenance is already pretty likely to be a "must-have" item. The 3/day hunger pangs touch attack may very well be able to knock out a person in one touch, too.

Tightfit Belt (Cost: 4000 gp)
Being able to squeeze through tight places might potentially be of interest when exploring other planets or asteroids or the like, although this is only for 1 minute.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Plague Rat Belt (Cost: 5200 gp)
+2 Con belt, but with a 3/day reroll on saves against disease or poison. Avoiding getting infected is always good, even if you also take some magical means to be able to cure disease. 3/day is probably more than is needed, though, especially paired with any way of detecting diseases or poisons.

Belt of Foraging (Cost: 6000 gp)
Always find food/water in the wild, provided a way to get at least 1 skill rank. Or be able to more easily find it for others. A decanter of Endless Water obviates half of this and there are plenty of ways to make food, even without getting into Rings of Sustenance or Belts of Trelmarixian. Compare with the Bronze Skinning Knife.

Windwave Kilt (Cost: 7000 gp)
Makes you better at swimming, acts as a flotation device, and it's a snazzy kilt. Still, definitely overpriced without being able to take advantage of the Gozreh-worshipper features.

Serpent Belt (Cost: 9000 gp)
1/day snake servant for an hour is always neat. The bonus on saves against poison is nice, but probably fairly niche, as is the untyped Escape Artist bonus. Comnpare the bonus against poison with a Periapt of Proof Against Poison, too.

Monkey Belt (Cost: 9400 gp)
+2 Dex Belt, and 5 minutes of tail per day. Probably too short of a duration to be all that useful in a day, though. Also, given the price is only 600 less than a Belt of Physical Might, 5 daily minutes of tail is probably not worth almost as much as another +2 to either Str or Con.

10,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Belt of the Weasel (Cost: 10,000 gp)
+2 Dex Belt, crawl a lot more quickly than most people can, and, of most interest, gain the Compression ability. This outclasses the Tightfit Belt, although I am unsure if the two may be able to stack in some way.

Canopic Wrap (Cost: 10,500 gp)
+4 Resistance against diseases is somewhat nice. The Light Fortification is more niche, especially given the drawbacks when it comes to going to the doctor, etc. Although part of that depends on how quickly the effects can be undone after taking it off. Compare with a Periapt of Health, though, for outright immunity to disease.

Belt of Equilibrium (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Ignore being sick, shook, or tired as long as you move slowly. Potentially of interest, though being able to remove or avoid those conditions is probably better.

Feller's Belt (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Ignoring the Hardness of wood and wooden objects and trees is probably the most notable feature of this item in our context, and it's almost certainly not worth the price tag, given how niche it would be. Compare with gaining access to something like Shatter or Break, as well. Also compare with the myriad options among modern tools for breaking things. Compare with the Gloves of Shaping that would let you mold wood like clay.

Security Belt (Cost: 12,500 gp)
Be harder to rob or frisk, and have 1/day Shrink Item. Shrink Item especially has a lot of potential. OTOH, 1/day Shrink Item would be 5400 gp on its own at CL 5.

Belt of Dwarvenkind (Cost: 14,900 gp)
+2 Con Belt. Debuffs your social skills, but it does give Darkvision and a number of other minor bonuses. Sadly, does not come with being able to get an epic beard overnight like other versions of the item.

Cord of Stubborn Resolve (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Turns fatigue into nonlethal damage and exhaustion into nonlethal and fatigue. Most ways that one could get fatigued are probably better handled by a Ring of Sustenance and taking a power nap or removing poison/disease with magic. Given the uncertainty about what one's hp total would even be, even 1d6 is fairly dicey in terms of risk, too. So unless "prodigious stamina" introduces some meaningful wiggle room, definitely better handled with other items.

20,000 to under 30,000 gp:

Ghoulbane Belt (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Literally designed to protect against exotic diseases and poisons. Untyped bonuses against disease and poison are good, even if they're higher against molds and slimes. 1/day choice of Neutralize Poison or Remove Disease is also pretty nice, even if self-only. Being able to Remove Paralysis while paralyzed is also nifty, but niche.

Belt of Fallen Heroes (Cost: 21,000 gp)
1/day Spiritual Ally is something, but getting telepathic warnings and advice from 3 different hero spirits could be either very interesting or very stressful. A boost to saving throws is a boost, though.

Elemental Earth Belt (Cost: 24,000 gp)
+4 Con Belt. Also provides immunity to being pulled, pushed, or otherwise moved. That is niche, but potentially interesting. 1/day Large Earth Elemental form could be neat, too.

Mountainshaper's Girdle (Cost: 25,000 gp)
+4 Str Belt. Provided some way to get ki points, being able to use Stone Shape to shape metal in addition to stone is potentially neat. Probably a better way that doesn't require the infrastructure of other items in order to have ki points. Compare with access to Stone Shape or Fabricate or even Shaper's Gloves and some nice adamantine tools.

30,000 gp and higher:

Merform Belt (Cost: 32,000 gp)
1/day turn into a merfolk for 12 hours. Fairly niche, especially with the oceans as polluted as they are.

Belt of Stoneskin (Cost: 60,000 gp)
DR 10/adamantine is probably enough to protect against quite a large number of accidents. That said, there are other sources of DR that are more constant (although preventing 100 points of damage is a gracious plenty) or more economical. Still, DR 10 is more likely to be helpful when accidentally cutting yourself in the kitchen than getting caught in a cave-in on some exoplanet you're exploring.

Shadowform Belt (Cost: 110,000 gp)
1 minute of Incorporeality each day, split up by rounds. Niche, and super time limited but could be pretty nice all the same.

Body Slot Items
Also a fairly brief list, though it does have some pretty notable items between the Robe of Infinite Twine, Traveler's Wet Suit, Pressure Suit, and Starfaring Robes.

Under 5000 gp:

Robe of Infinite Twine (Cost: 1000 gp)
Much more niche in our world with cheap rope, but being able to create matter is not something to be sniffed at. Especially organic matter. This is basically an infinite source of hemp fiber, though I'm not sure offhand how easily reclaimed that would be for any process other than paper making or casting Fabricate. Still, for the price, I would take it just for the potential to find a use for it. Actually kinda curious how hemp rope would perform in vacuum, come to think of it.

Robe of Needles (Cost: 1000 gp)
While largely existing just to provide weapons, it does say that the needles are destroyed, rather than vanishing or disintegrating into nothingness. So there's at least some possibility that this creates permanent metal, albeit in very small amounts. Compare with access to the spell Silver Darts, which also leaves behind permanent metal of some sort, Serren's Swift Girding(as a glitch), or Create Armaments.

Vest of Endure Elements (Cost: 1000 gp)
Constant Endure Elements. Always fun, and one of the cheaper options, although it does require being worn for 24 hours first, so no pulling it out quickly in an emergency. There are a lot of alternative options for getting Endure Elements in one form or another, however. This is probably the cheapest, though.

Festival Garment (Cost: 2000 gp)
Be better at dancing at parties. Also, make people like you more if you can get good at dancing (or get enough buffs). The unstatted ability to put people into a festive mood may also have some niche applications, too.

Pauper's Robes (Cost: 2400 gp)
Become magically harder for people to remember. This would help facilitate A LOT of things, and it seems likely that the memory-fogging factors might have some amount of synergy with more mundane forms of disguise and even a modicum of effort in acting. Being able to make valuables look like something other than what they are could also be useful in some niche applications. Compare with a Hat of Disguise, although the two could certainly be combined.

Traveler's Wet Suit (Cost: 2750 gp)
A small bonus to Swim along with being protected against environmental cold damage and hypothermia. So very useful not only in the ocean but also in space or mountain climbing. The waterproof pockets are also potentially nifty. Compare with the Pressure Suit and Starfaring Robes.

Corset of the Vishkanya (Cost: 3000 gp)
Self-only Squeeze spell for up to 10 rounds per day. Compare with the Tightfit Belt and the Belt of the Weasel.

Hag's Shabble (Cost: 3400 gp)
A small bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate, but overpriced without the Gyronna-worshipper 1/day Detect Thoughts.

Alabaster Trapping (Cost: 3500 gp)
Constant Prestidigitation to keep it from getting dirty or wrinkled, neat but niche compared to just being able to cast Prestidigitation. The 1/day physical repulsion is more niche still, and the main thing driving the price of the item.

Gown of Graceful Petiteness (Cost: 3500 gp)
At-will, minute-long transformation sequence to become Small size instead of Medium, apparently for as long as it is worn. Niche, but combined with the Corset of Vishkanya or Tightfit Belt or the Belt of the Weasel, this could allow one to fit all kinds of places.

Pressure Suit (Cost: 4000 gp)
Ahh, here we go, a magical space suit, more or less. Niche, but very nice in that niche. That niche is space, although I believe it also would protect against deap sea pressure, too. It does take up both the Body and Head slot, though.

Liar's Robe (Cost: 4180 gp)
Very obvious identity-obfuscating illusion, but it does so for 1 hour and takes care of voice, scent, and other clues beyond just appearance. Niche, but good in its niche, such as for an official appearance if one wanted to openly act in some way to pretend to be a powerful wizard or demigod or something.

Charlatan's Cope (Cost: 4800 gp)
Provided a way to get spellcasting, this would make casting even relatively mundane spells flashier and more entertaining. So super niche.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Living Garments (Cost: 5000 gp)
Robes that self-heal, are always clean, can alter their design and color, and also grant a nice bonus to Diplomacy. Compare with the Alabaster Trapping.

Robe of Components (Cost: 5000 gp)
Provided a way to get spellcasting, being able to ignore expensive but not that expensive material components could be handy. Still super niche, and probably a bit outside of the scope of the thread.

Lupine Robe (Cost: 6800 gp)
4/day add an extra 1d6 to a skill check, most notably, any of the Charisma ones. Potentially quite useful, and a fairly decent option even for an item with its greater powers limited to a specific non-human race.

Hyperboreal Robe (Cost: 7000 gp)
Make your flesh searingly cold at-will with no limit on duration. Niche, and probably just useless if it doesn't actually make you cold but instead just pumps cold damage into creatures that touch you. Well, useless for anything other than killing a lot of mosquitos, etc. Being able to chill your own drink just by holding it in your hand is kind of a neat party trick, though.

Robe of Useful Items (Cost: 7000 gp)
Not that useful in our world, but 16 patches that give 10 pounds of silver or 2 pounds of gold, or even 10 gems could potentially result in the creation of more wealth than was lost by the opportunity cost of taking the robe. Extra emphasis on the potentially. Even then, that's with the assumption that it isn't actually randomly determined, because randomness on the extra patches would make this a lousy bet.

Robe of Blending (Cost: 8400 gp)
1/day Alter Self for 1 hour, including learning racial languages. Compare with a Greater Hat of Disguise and other options for learning languages.

10,000 gp to under 20,000 gp:

Harness of Hovering (Cost: 12,000 gp)
At-will Levitate, but without the ability to raise or lower one's self. This strikes me as probably only having niche use, although it might allow for one to do controlled falls in short increments to avoid fall damage if one didn't have flight or teleportation as an option.

Habit of the Winter Explorer (Cost: 13,380 gp)
Cold-only Endure Elements, immunity to snow blindness, and the ability to see through fog, sleet, snow, etc. Compare with the Traveler's Wetsuit and the Pressure Suit.

Scintillating Garment (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Look stripperiffic even without actually showing any skin. Also, offers the ability to improve an attitude by 2 steps with Diplomacy, even if it is gated behind a weak Will Save.

Slayer's Robe (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Be sneakier and have 5 minutes/day of extra-stealthy Gaseous Form.

20,000 to under 50,000 gp:

Xorn Robe (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Limited earth glide, a boost to Perception, and the ability to eat certain minerals. This is pretty niche, to the point where it's probably outclassed in every category by other items that are either better or cheaper or both.

Vestments of False Faith (Cost: 27,000 gp)
The biggest thing these allow is the buff to UMD to make use of items that are locked to worshippers of a specific deity. An item that just boosts UMD would be more economical, though, on that front.

Smuggler's Collapsible Robe (Cost: 48,000 gp)
Suck yourself into extradimensional space inside your robe for up to 24 hours. Very niche, especially since no mental actions are allowed other than leaving the extradimensional space.

50,000 to under 100,000 gp:

Robe of Stars (Cost: 58,000 gp)
At-will Plane Shift to and from the Astral Plane is the main thing here.

Seamless Skin (Cost: 70,000 gp)
Macabre. Gross. Squicky, even. This does, however, allow a way to become Large or Small for as long as one is wearing the skin. So fairly niche, but could be part of a combo. The first that comes to mind is maximizing carrying capacity for Teleport, though, by becoming Large, in conjunction with a Heavyload Belt (or other source of Ant HauL) and Muleback Cords. Being Large in conjunction with virtual size increases can also help with dealing with high winds, though you would generally mostly want to avoid those kinds of situations, even so. Combined with a way to become and stay either Small or Large, this could also open up the door to Tiny or Huge size.

Starfaring Robe (Cost: 82,000 gp)
Necklace of Adaptation and Wings of Flying in robe form. Also, fly much faster in space, although it could still take 5 years to fly from Earth to the moon if one is unlucky. Although possibly modern understanding of orbital dynamics might be of some help there. Being able to go into hibernation to stop the flow of time while in transit is somewhat neat, and could even potentially be exploited, but teleportation is really probably the way to go.

over 100,000 gp:

Robe of Magma (Cost: 112,000 gp)
Immunity to fire from lava and magma and good fire resistance to other sources, too. 1/day conjuring up magma is kinda neat, too. Both are pretty niche, in conjunction with other items, eliminating magma as a threat can lead to obviating most environmental hazards that a planet could throw at someone, leaving mostly just lightning, storms, and acid.

Robe of Eyes (Cost: 120,000 gp)
Boosts Perception and gives 120-ft Darkvision. All around vision may also have some niche uses. Ultimately pretty niche, as a lot of the value is tied up in the inability to be flanked and see invisible and ethereal creatures/objects, the former of which you want to avoid getting swamped with hostiles and the latter of which you shouldn't have to deal with. Other options, such as the Belt of Dwarvenkind, or just having a good LED flashlight are going to be superior as far as the darkvision goes, too.

Robes of Xin-Edasseril (Cost: 164,000 gp)
A robe with not one but two handy haversacks built into it, and one Energy Resistance 10 that can be changed daily. The armor bonus is a little nice, too, but the rest is useless or likely to be useless.

MrCharisma wrote:
Coidzor wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

Like being a supervillain, manipulating the world from the shadows as your own DIY Illuminati, or acquiring enough possessions of various famous authors to forge novels as if they wrote them, but they're all the smuttiest of smut.

Whatever gets you up in the morning.

(pun intended)

That actually reminds me, what does everyone think about pricing a Girdle of Opposite Gender or an at-will or 1/day version of the Elixir of Sex Shift?

Senko wrote:

Hence my comments about learning magic vs getting magic items. Sure its less power/profit now but the long term gains are higher. Getting these items at all implies somewhere out there there is a world where adamantium/rare herbs/etc exist and you can get there via planeshift or maybe a higher level spell depending on your views of Pathfinder cosmology.

The ultimate goal would be replicate the book in neverwinter where you can write a brief, badly done story (There was treasure off the abandoned coast of the island), enter the book as its own seperate world and then bring items (treasure, what your after) out of it into the real world. As long as it obeys real world phsyics skies the limit (piles of treasure, magic items with no construction cost because they already exist, state of the art tv's/laptops/etc). Sure a GM wouldn't allow this in game because its broken but in real life its a demonstrated object that does work this way in the neverwinter PC game.

Yeah, there are even a fair few items that allow as close to certain access to Golarion as possible. Aside from them, either Interplanetary Teleport or Plane Shift would work. That or something like risking getting Kyton'd while exploring if the ability of the Plane of Shadow to link cosmologies got grandfathered in from D&D.

That's a pretty wild item. I'm kinda surprised that this is the first I can recall hearing about it. Sounds like it's either almost certainly an artifact or it's a limited, drawn out version of the Wish spell in D&D 3.5 style where it could create magic items and up to 25,000 gp of wealth in one go.

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:
Coidzor wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:

I think having enough money that you don't have to worry about money is good, but spend some of this money on giving yourself a purpose*. Having some reason to get out of bed in the mornings keeps people sane, and in old age literally keeps people alive.

*Doesn't have to be a grand purpose, but give yourself a vocation.

Like being a supervillain, manipulating the world from the shadows as your own DIY Illuminati, or acquiring enough possessions of various famous authors to forge novels as if they wrote them, but they're all the smuttiest of smut.

Whatever gets you up in the morning.

(pun intended)

That actually reminds me, what does everyone think about pricing a Girdle of Opposite Gender or an at-will or 1/day version of the Elixir of Sex Shift?

Senko wrote:

Hence my comments about learning magic vs getting magic items. Sure its less power/profit now but the long term gains are higher. Getting these items at all implies somewhere out there there is a world where adamantium/rare herbs/etc exist and you can get there via planeshift or maybe a higher level spell depending on your views of Pathfinder cosmology.

The ultimate goal would be replicate the book in neverwinter where you can write a brief, badly done story (There was treasure off the abandoned coast of the island), enter the book as its own seperate world and then bring items (treasure, what your after) out of it into the real world. As long as it obeys real world phsyics skies the limit (piles of treasure, magic items with no construction cost because they already exist, state of the art tv's/laptops/etc). Sure a GM wouldn't allow this in game because its broken but in real life its a


I believe it was lost Nether magic which could be replicated as an artifact or mythic probably. You had to retrive an item that had been hidden in the book and could choose what to write. It was in neverwinter nights 2 where you had 3 normal options about where you'd fight an enemy that were aethetic or if you had a high int you could choose to write that it was in an abandoned coast with a large chest of jewels so after you beat it you could loot the chest.

The issue with girdles of opposite gender is that natural 1. The elixer seems a better bet but I'm never entirely sure if it actually changes your gender or just some of it.

Senko wrote:

I believe it was lost Nether magic which could be replicated as an artifact or mythic probably. You had to retrive an item that had been hidden in the book and could choose what to write. It was in neverwinter nights 2 where you had 3 normal options about where you'd fight an enemy that were aethetic or if you had a high int you could choose to write that it was in an abandoned coast with a large chest of jewels so after you beat it you could loot the chest.

The issue with girdles of opposite gender is that natural 1. The elixer seems a better bet but I'm never entirely sure if it actually changes your gender or just some of it.

That does sound like a rather fun interlude.

The nat 1 is a concern, but one of those situations where having two of them would help with, and there are a few other options like the Cyclops Helm and Fate's Shears that can also be employed.

I believe the oddness of the wording of the Elixir is so that they didn't have to go through and exhaustively list out things like reproductive organs and their configuration, sizes of various body parts, breasts and other factors of body fat distribution, body/facial hair, and other primary and secondary sex characteristics.

Especially considering the number of creatures out there, including PC options, for whom things like bust size would be irrelevant.

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:
Senko wrote:

I believe it was lost Nether magic which could be replicated as an artifact or mythic probably. You had to retrive an item that had been hidden in the book and could choose what to write. It was in neverwinter nights 2 where you had 3 normal options about where you'd fight an enemy that were aethetic or if you had a high int you could choose to write that it was in an abandoned coast with a large chest of jewels so after you beat it you could loot the chest.

The issue with girdles of opposite gender is that natural 1. The elixer seems a better bet but I'm never entirely sure if it actually changes your gender or just some of it.

That does sound like a rather fun interlude.

The nat 1 is a concern, but one of those situations where having two of them would help with, and there are a few other options like the Cyclops Helm and Fate's Shears that can also be employed.

I believe the oddness of the wording of the Elixir is so that they didn't have to go through and exhaustively list out things like reproductive organs and their configuration, sizes of various body parts, breasts and other factors of body fat distribution, body/facial hair, and other primary and secondary sex characteristics.

Especially considering the number of creatures out there, including PC options, for whom things like bust size would be irrelevant.

I don't think so, can't check right now but as I recall a nat 1 no gender requires remove curse options to fix. They only work if you have a gender to opposite not if you have none. Of course you could lay in a few remove curse objects.

Coidzor wrote:
That actually reminds me, what does everyone think about pricing a Girdle of Opposite Gender or an at-will or 1/day version of the Elixir of Sex Shift?

Sex Shift:

Potion = caster level * spell level * 50

Command word at will = caster level * spell level * 1800, so the cost is 81,000gp. For 1/day that becomes 16,200gp.

The girdle is cursed, it's much harder to figure out what to do.

For most purposes there's a cheaper route--alter self. 1/day isn't going to work because of the duration, it needs to be continuous--but that's still only 12,000gp. I would reduce that somewhat as the spell allows choosing many humanoids and this item only does your own form. I would consider maybe 6,000gp fair. The only thing that comes to mind that you can do with the elixir but not this item is impregnate someone. (I would allow someone under this to become pregnant/give birth. At the moment of birth they're going to lose the egg cell--but by then it's just one cell amongst many, no harm done.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Chest Slot Items
Other than the weirdness of the Praenomen and the Mantle of Immortality providing protection against the ravages of old age, not a whole lot that's too special here.

Under 5000 gp:

Quick Runner's Shirt (Cost: 1000 gp)
Super niche, but there may actually be some situations where moving twice as fast in a very short burst is essential, although an option to teleport a short, medium, or long distance away would be preferable.

Endless Bandolier (Cost: 1500 gp)
Some minor extradimensional storage.

All Tools Vest (Cost: 1800 gp)
1/day get tools for 24 hours relating to a Craft skill. Including tools too heavy or bulky to be hand tools. On the other hand, you could get a lot of tools with even a moderate amount of cash. On the gripping hand, this could have some use in traveling to other planets or the moon, and it may also be able to make the relevant tools for some Craft skills that wouldn't occur to the average denizen of Golarion. So, I'd call this niche, but with some potential for interesting things.

Versatile Vest (Cost: 2000 gp)
The garment stays magically clean and dry. Some minor weight-reduction storage capacity. Also some minor matter creation every 3 days in the form of food, water, and flammables.

Vest of the Deep (Cost: 2000 gp)
Protects against pressure, like being deep underwater. Possibly also against different atmospheres' differing pressures. Compare with the Pressure Suit and Traveler's Wetsuit.

Cost of Pockets (Cost: 2500 gp)
A mad funhouse, but in the form of coat pockets. A neat party trick and probably could be worked into some kind of performance or another, but all in all, pretty niche.

Vest of Surgery (Cost: 3000 gp)
I think the intent is that this has an infinite supply of bandages? As written, the item is only of use when actually worn and used, though being able to fix ability damage may be of some interest, although given it has a 1/day limit (not even a 1/day per target limit), it has to be compared to a 1/day item of Lesser Restoration. Actually kind of surprising that it doesn't explicitly mention anything surgical or relating to surgery.

5000 gp to under 10,000 gp:

Apron of the Careful Chemist (Cost: 5200 gp)
+2 Dex Belt in Chest form. Small bonus to Craft (Alchemy) checks and a minor buff to alchemical bonuses to saving throws. Pretty niche, and probably better to just have a +X item to craft alchemy without the other parts.

Prophet's Pectoral (Cost: 6000 gp)
Buff your use of Augury, Commune, and other similar spells.

Vest of Resonating Fortitude (Cost: 7000 gp)
Resist poisons a bit better, and potentially make it so that they're defeated in a single successful saving throw. Compare with suppressing and then curing the poison, such as through Delay Poison > Neutralize Poison.

Shirt of Inconspicuousness (Cost: 8000 gp)
Works for non-halflings, and though it is a weak save, it does force a save in order to even be able to notice you in the first place. This can be used to facilitate a number of things, and also just to better fly under the radar.

Coat of Mist (Cost: 8400 gp)
Blend into mist, fog, smoke, etc., and 1/day Gaseous Form.

10,000 gp and higher:

Unfettered Shirt (Cost: 10,000 gp)
1/day Freedom of Movement with a 10 minute duration.

Poisoner's Jacket (Cost: 12,000 gp (Lesser), 58,000 gp (Greater))
3/day create vials of poison. The poison only lasts 1 hour, but the matter creation is permanent.

Mantle of Lordly Command (Cost: 23,000 gp)
Good untyped bonus to Diplomacy. Always appearing to be clean and calm could be good, too. The 1/day Shout + Command combo is a bit more niche, though.

Spectral Shroud (Cost: 26,000 gp)
1/day Incorporeality + perfect fly speed. The constant ability to see ethereal and invisible creatures probably wouldn't be useful in our context.

Mantle of Immortality (Cost: 50,000 gp)
Removes physical penalties from aging. Compare with actually removing the aging, although many of those methods require extraordinary measures or dying and being reincarnated or otherwise brought back, but most importantly dying.

Praenomen (Cost: 64,200 gp)
Not usable by default, and making it usable would require either A. a master that has a cartouche or B. a master that counts as a pharaoh. An untyped +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate is nice, though, and a 1/day geas is nice as well, even with the limit that it be on behalf of the wearer's master. The other main use for this would be to give it to a confederate if you can find a way to get yourself a cartouche. Probably not so nice as to make conquering Egypt and establishing a new Pharoah worthwhile. For comparison, a 1/day Geas/Quest item would be 23.4K from an Inquisitor or ~28.1K from a Wizard.

Mantle of Faith (Cost: 76,000 gp)
DR 5/evil should protect fully or nearly fully against most forms of common accident, although not the more major ones. Compare with other items that grant damage reduction.

Eyes Slot Items
Physician's Specatcles are the big winner here that isn't basically an instant supervillain maker like the Eyes of Charming, Sea Tyrant's Patch, or Mindmaster's Eyes. Eyes of Eyebite are probably one of the better nonlethal defensive options, though.

under 5000 gp:

Antiquarian's Monocle (Cost: 1350 gp)
3/day Read Magic AND allows 1/day automatic successful activation of 1st level scrolls. Fairly niche given the lack of magical writing that isn't part of one's stash, but if one does elect to take any 1st level scrolls, this could be helpful.

Deathwatch Eyes (Cost: 2000 gp)
Constant Deathwatch, which is of somewhat questionable utility unless paired with some fairly ready healing magic.

Eyes of the Eagle (Cost: 2500 gp)
Straightforward +5 competence bonus to Perception item. Being observant is always useful, although one is less likely to run into deadly traps on Earth as long as one isn't going delving into a fairly specific subset of ancient tombs. Still, could definitely be useful if one wanted to go into space and explore other planets.

Goggles of Minute Seeing (Cost: 2500 gp)
The +5 to Disable Device is very niche, but the improved vision at very close range could potentially be leveraged in some way. On the other hand, we do have magnifying glasses and other forms of magnification tech.

Spectacles of Comprehension (Cost: 2500 gp)
Be better at library research, cryptography, and just generally have better reading comprehension. Automatically detect that a contract is fishy, too, though it doesn't automatically reveal why it is fishy. On the other hand, given the power of corporations, etc., most contracts probably contain the sorts of things the Spectacles of Comprehension would pick up on anyway that are nonnegotiable.

Pirate's Eye Patch (Cost: 2600 gp)
A small bonus to Swim and Climb, with a 1/day spell-like ability to get faster at either swimming or moving overland.

Spectacles of Lip Reading (Cost: 3000 gp)
Basically being able to automatically read lips as long as they're close enough to see clearly is niche, but has some potential, at least as long as one isnt in a time or place full of face amsks, etc. Being able to automatically read lips probably would cut down on mishearing people, too, although I believe that tends to happen in cases where people are speaking without all of them looking at one another.

Spectacles of Understanding (Cost: 3000 gp)
Detect forgeries and falsified documents better, and benefit from a constant Comprehend Langauges. I believe this is the least expensive option for constant Comprehend Languages that isn't a custom item.

Lenses of Detection (Cost: 3500 gp)
+5 to Perception like the Eyes of the Eagle, but also boosts tracking. Explicitly being able to detect minute details could also be useful in and of itself.

Gossip Glass (Cost: 3600 gp)
Be able to read the lips of people even when they're speaking unknown languages due to a Comprehend Languages effect. Compare with the Spectacles of Lip Reading, which only work to understand people speaking languages you already know, would potentially be worth while combining the two items.

Eyes of the Owl (Cost: 4000 gp)
Low-Light vision. So it doubles the effective range of any light source. Synergizes pretty well with modern LED lights.

Physician's Spectacles (Cost: 4900 gp)
Constant awareness of poisons and diseases around one's self could be pretty useful, the diseases moreso than the poison, I think. 1/day Delay Poison can be helpful to give time to take other measures against poison. Synergizes well with any access to Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Marker's Monocle (Cost: 5600 gp)
3/day determine how much currency a creature is carrying as well as how many other valuables they have on them. Extremely niche to begin with, and hampered by the increased use of digital payment methods and use of credit/debit cards. Although maybe there might be some kind of interaction with debit cards to know how many funds they have available through said cards. A half hour of scent-based tracking for 3 allies could probably be used more often in its own, separate niche.

Eyes of Keen Sight (Cost: 6000 gp)
Small bonus to Perception and low-light vision. Also doubles low-light vision if the wearer has it from another source. Compare with the Eyes of the Owl.

Storm Goggles (Cost: 6000 gp)
See through natural storms and other atmospheric conditions. So you could see through the constant storms on, say, Jupiter. Could have minor usefulness in a lot of areas, and pretty desirable in a few niches. No reason not to add them to the suite of tools if one is interested in exploring space.

Spendthrift Spectacles (Cost: 6250 gp)
Not so useful to actually wear one's self, but would be potentially interesting to see the effect they would have on an obscenely wealthy person. Best of all, a single pair can be used on multiple people, even though it takes a week for the real effect to kick in.

Treasure Hunter's Goggles (Cost: 6400 gp)
Detect Secret Doors at-will, but no clues on how to actually open them. 1/day Locate Object, but only for large numbers of coins and only inside of small containers. All in all, pretty niche, and the probably useless Identify 3/day is certainly not helping the price. Still, if you can find the right sort of place to start looking for buried treasure or the like, or have found a sunken ship that's old enough, could work out well.

Inquisitor's Monocle /url] (Cost: 6800 gp)
+5 Sense Motive and 2/day Zone of Truth. The Sense Motive is probably the more useful of the two, though.

[url=] Pirate Lord's Patch (Cost: 8500 gp)
Small bonus to Appraise/Intimidate. The 1/day See Invisibility isn't that relevant, but the 1/day x-ray vision may be of interest. Even then, the limited range on it can be an issue, even if the limited duration would not be.

Monocle of Flawlessness (Cost: 8750 gp)
Extreme attention to detail, to the point of being able to better disbelieve illusions because of it. As long as one has a way to count as trained in a craft skill, it also boosts any and every craft skill. Speeding up making masterwork items may or may not be relevant in our context. Fairly niche, but potentially neat there.

10,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Eye Patch of Infamy (Cost: 10,000 gp)
By my reading, the only half-orc requirement is the range on Intimidate. Doubling the duration and getting a bonus to coercing others on giving aid could be useful, though Diplomacy is usually preferable in most contexts.

Eyes of Mind Reading (Cost: 11,000 gp)
At-will, weak save DC ability to read surface thoughts as Detect Thoughts. Requires spending 18 seconds looking at the target, though. Could be very useful.

Goggles of Night (Cost: 12,000 gp)
60-ft darkvision. Being able to see in the dark can be useful in a large number of contexts, even if it is a relatively short distance.

Lenses of the Bully (Cost: 12,500 gp)
Small bonus to Intimidate, but more importantly, it makes the wearer hard for others to read their true motives, and gives a constant Undetectable Alignment spell. So magically having a better poker face, I would say.

Monocle of Unveiled Auras (Cost: 12,700 gp)
Detect the alignment of people, but only so long as they have 5 or more HD, barring those who would somehow count as clerics or the like. Fairly niche due to the limit on whose alignment could be read, and no substitute for being good at reading people, but being able to, say, winnow out Chaotic Evil individuals would probably be helpful in a lot of contexts involving other people. A continuous item of all 4 Detect [Alignment] spells would be 11,000 itself, though. Compare with an at-will item of See Alignment, which would be far less expensive, and would not have the 5 HD requirement to work on non-cleric types, but would require cycling through each individual alignment combination in order to figure out a person's specific alignment.

Discerning Goggles (Cost: 13,500 gp)
Seems to automatically label good, evil, and neutral creatures, and also lacks the 5+ HD requirement of the Detect [Alignment] family of spells. Compare with the Monocle of Unveiled Auras. Would synergize with an item of See Alignment due to narrowing down to only needing to cycle through the law-chaos axis to determine someone's alignment.

Arachnid Goggles (Cost: 15,000 gp)
All-around vision. Compare with the Robe of Eyes.

Life-Reading Eyes (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Lets you read Health and Emotion auras per Analyze Aura. Just being able to read the Health aura would be pretty good given the information that gives. Compare that aspect with the Physician's Spectacles, though. Being able to see someone's current mood and their attitude towards you and others could be very useful just on its own, too, even if it didn't provide a buff to social skills.

Saboteur's Goggles (Cost: 16,000 gp)
3/day Murderous Command as a gaze attack. Giving people the urge to kill their allies is, naturally, exceedingly niche. It is also probably generally an unwise course of action even if you wanted to kill or ensure the death of someone.

20,000 to under 50,000 gp:

Darklands Goggles (Cost: 20,000 gp)
120-ft Darkvision. The Perception bonus is outclassed by lower cost options and being better at tracking, but only underground, is unlikely to ever be used, even if you tried to engineer a situation for it to come up.

Mask of Stolen Identities (Cost: 20,000 gp)
2/day Alter Self to steal someone's appearance with an indefinite duration. Having to touch them is a definite drawback, but something like a Hat of Disguise can at least make it so that it isn't immediately obvious to the person being impersonated that their appearance has been stolen. Could be used to lay false trails. Could also be used to frame people for things, although it would probably be wise to test how alter self interacts with DNA tests and the like before doing something like that.

Rainbow Lenses (Cost: 21,000 gp)
Lose color from your sight, but get 1/day of a few spells. Color Spray is a great defensive spell in an emergency, at least assuming that most people from Earth are fairly low HD creatures.

Eyes of Doom (Cost: 25,000 gp)
A gaze attack that casts Doom on people to make them slightly afraid is more an amusing novelty than anything concretely useful, I would say. The continual deathwatch could also be useful, but there are less expensive options to handle that.

Eyes of Eyebite (Cost: 30,000 gp)
11/day Eyebite is pretty nifty as far as defenses go, though it could also be leveraged for offense easily enough. Being able to render people comatose or panicked for almost 2 hours at a time offers up a number of possibilities greater than just being able to kill them.

Eye of the Cyclops (Cost: 32,000 gp)
+4 Int item. Making Knowledge checks untrained is potentially the most attractive part of this, though the ability to read all written words is also nice.

Captain's Eye Patch (Cost: 46,000 gp)
Darkvision, and the ability to see through magical darkness. Barring any plans to use magical darkness one's self, less expensive options for darkvision are superior, and even those are fairly niche due to the power of LED lights.

50,000 gp and higher:

Eyes of Charming (Cost: 56,000 gp)
At-will Charm Person (for 7 hours!) simply by meeting their gaze. With a pretty decent save DC, too. This would facilitate all kinds of different sorts of activities. Synergizes with anything that boosts Charisma or Charisma-checks, or that has an effect on charmed creatures. You could become a supervillain just with a pair of these and nothing else, really. Compare with the Mindmaster's Eyes for an even more powerful version.

Monocle of the Investigator (Cost: 66,000 gp)
1/day see the past 24 hours of a specific, relatively small area. Not being able to hear the conversations witnessed would be largely taken care of by combining them with Spectacles of Lip Reading or Gossip Glass, too. Niche, but very potent in its niche, especially with any way to narrow down the area that is of special interest. Even without it, there are a fair number of larcenous ways it could be used, such as at a bank or other financial institution, even an auction house.

Sea Tyrant's Patch (Cost: 70,000 gp)
The constant Touch of the Sea and Water Breathing spells let one swim better and otherwise operate beneath the waves a lot better. 1/day Mass Charm Monster is quite potent as well, lasting for 15 days. It is limited, however, based upon how many HD you would count as having compared to the number most other people would count as having. Still, potentially quite nifty. Compare with the Eyes of Charming and Mindmaster's Eyes.

Swordmaster's Blindfold (Cost: 80,000 gp)
The non-mechanical aspect of heightening senses is probably the most interesting aspect of this, though Blindsight could be neat in some contexts.

Mindmaster's Eyes (Cost: 95,000 gp)
Charm Monster at-will and 1/day Dominate Person. Very powerful, and of the kind that easily corrupts, too. Probably, anyway. Since it is Charm Monster, it also allows multi-day influence over animals, too, rather than just humans. Compare with the Sea Tyrant's Patch and Eyes of Charming, the latter of which explicitly works just by meeting the other person's gaze.

Eyes of the Dragon (Cost: 110,000 gp)
Good range on Darkvision, Blindsense, and a multiplier on how good your vision is. Pretty nifty, especially the latter two of those, though Blindsense is definitely the more niche, and I may be falsely inflating how much potential it would have.

Feet Slot Items
A number of solid but minor items and a few oddities, like the ability of Bogstrider Boots to create semipermanent bog as long as the wearer is willing to stick around or the Rat-Tread Boots that let you ride a swarm of rats.

under 3000 gp:

Boots of the Cat (Cost: 1000 gp)
Always taking minimum fall damage seems like it's just useful in-game on first inspection, but it has some potential to be pretty nice once you extrapolate that out to the potential consequences of falls. Depending upon how many HD/hp one has, this could allow one to survive at least 1 fall from any height on Earth. While you could still be able to trip, always landing on one's feet would probably help with a number of other possible ways to stumble, too. As a bonus, they're very comfortable and have great arch support. Compare with reliable access to Feather Fall, Levitate, and just straight up flight, though.

Boots of the Soft Step (Cost: 1000 gp)
A must-have if you're traveling to Arrakis, even without that, exerting less force on surfaces you walk on can help avoid some hazards from unstable footing.

Slippers of Scampering (Cost: 1200 gp)
Essentially these are lesser Slippers of Spider Climbing. Lasting for only 1 mminute seems way too limited to me, though.

Boots of the Enduring March (Cost: 1500 gp)
It would be very niche in the first place to have to travel long distances on foot, but there is at least some potential there, especially if one has extra hours in the day from not needing to sleep or only needing to sleep 2 hours. Being able to walk without getting tired even outside of forced marches would be nice to have in some other contexts, too.

Cat Burglar's Boots (Cost: 2000 gp)
Small bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, & Stealth. Being able to reroll a failed one of those checks 1/day is more interestsing here, though. The secret pocket for thieves' tools that have to be purchased separately pales in comparison with other options for magically hiding/obtaining such tools, and is pretty niche besides due to the general shortage of traps in most contexts.

Fungal Slippers (Cost: 2000 gp)
3/day create life, even if it is just fungi, even if most of it disappears after 1 minute. This is admittedly very niche, but it could be used to help seed an area with at least some forms of life. Especially if one had some level of influence on the fungi created. Lichen, for example, can be useful pioneer species to prepare the area for plants.

Boots of the Winterlands (Cost: 2500 gp)
Move across slippery ice and snow safely at normal speeds. Plus Endure Elements, though it is probably cold-only. Handy at least some of the time anywhere that isn't equatorial. Not leaving tracks in snow could have other uses as well.

Horseshoes of Great Burden (Cost: 2500 gp)
Double a horse's carrying capacity. Compare this with giving it a Heavyload Belt, or even combine it with that and Muleback Cords. Niche, and requires a horse and the ability to handle it, especially in unusual, potentially alarming circumstances, like using it to help transport things when teleporting. Compare that kind of scheme with using extradimensional storage like a Portable Hole, or access to Carry Companion in conjunction with some way of making good friends with multiple animals.

3000 to under 5000 gp:

Acrobat Slippers (Cost: 3000 gp)
Have better balance, and be better at avoiding falling in the first place, at least from some causes. A relatively minor quality of life improvement, but one nonetheless.

Dunestrider Boots (Cost: 3000 gp)
Walk across sand and quicksand as if it were normal terrain. Niche, but either a nice quality of life thing in sandy environments, or a literal lifesaver in areas where quicksand can form.

Horseshoes of Speed (Cost: 3000 gp)
Make a horse faster. Fairly niche, but if you had a racehorse and wanted to cheat, this would be one way to do it.

Seafarer's Waders (Cost: 3350 gp)
1/day Spider Climb for half an hour and a small bonus on movement skills.

Boots of the Mire (Cost: 3500 gp)
Walk on water, but only shallow water and only in swampy environments. Leave no tracks, but, again, only in swampy terrain. Never being uncomfortable from rain, fog, etc. doesn't seem to be limited to swamps only, at least, nor does the small bonus to resisting poisons and diseases, although being a resistance bonus it won't stack with other possible resistance bonuses. Pretty niche, but does allow some quality of life improvements.

Stonemeld Boots (Cost: 3500 gp)
1/day get a climb speed for natural stone, and leave deformities in the rock face behind when doing so. It may even help with forming permanent handholds to some extent, either directly or indirectly. Still, all in all, fairly limited, especially when flight is an alternative option in many contexts where you'd potentially be climbing natural stone surfaces.

Boots of the Eternal Rose (Cost: 4000 gp)
Has Shelyn-locked abilities. Small bonus to dancing and sneaking. Also allows one to move through flowering plants without impairment or damage. Pretty niche, but this would, for instance, allow one to move through a large tangle of blackberry brambles without getting hurt or slowed down, so there's probably at least some use there. On the other hand, it may only function while there are actual flowers on the plant, further limiting its use and potential.

Snowshoes of Northern Pursuit (Cost: 4300 gp)
Move better in snow and heavy snow and 1/day eliminate all tracks left in the snow in an area. Compare with Boots of the Winterlands, which seem to be better, except maybe when it comes to areas of heavy snow.

Slippers of Cloudwalking (Cost: 4400 gp)
10 minutes of Air Walk per day, but only if it contains mist or fog, or something fog-like. Requires another item or two in order to fully realize its potential, and even then, it is going to be fairly niche compared to just having some form of flight available.

Slippers of Spider Climbing (Cost: 4800 gp)
10 minutes of walking on any surface, even ceilings, as long as it isn't super slippery. Potentially quite nice. Compare with the Cloak of Arachnida, however. Also, with being able to fly.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Boots of the Earth (Cost: 5000 gp)
At-will Fast Healing as long as you're standing somewhere you can draw upon the earth. Admittedly, you probably don't have a (comparatively) huge reserve of hp like the average adventurer of mid-level or higher, and combat is less common on Earth for most people compared to the average adventurer, but having that option for healing would offer at least some measure of reassurance or security that any injury that doesn't kill outright or knock you unconscious can be shrugged off in relatively short order. A Ring of Regeneration or a Pearly White Spindle Ioun Stone would still be necessary to handle maiming, though.

Sandals of the Lightest Step (Cost: 5000 gp)
5/day Air Walk for 1 turn, but only once per minute. Compare with Slippers of Cloudwalking or a source of flight.

Boots of Striding and Springing (Cost: 5500 gp)
Be faster and jump better. I'd call this a quality of life improvement, as even if you aren't going long distances on foot, almost everyone could derive at least some benefit from having a faster walking speed. Definitely has aspects of being a novelty, too, though.

Subtle Slippers (Cost: 5500 gp)
Constant comfort. Also, constant pass Without Trace to not leave tracks or a scent trail, and a bonus to Stealth. Ideally you wouldn't have to worry about leaving tracks because no one is trying to track you, let alone track you using bloodhounds. So barring some very unfortunate circumstances or things going badly wrong, that aspect should be pretty niche and unlikely to come up.

Gladiator's Sandals (Cost: 6000 gp)
Outside of Professional Wrestling, probably not very useful. But in that context, a +10 bonus to wow the crowd when making a sudden appearance would be pretty nifty. Compare with a more constant bonus to performance combat checks, though.

Jungle Boots (Cost: 6000 gp)
Move through normal undergrowth without hindrance. Basically gives Woodland Stride. Mostly a quality of life improvement for people who enjoy the outdoors or have to be out in it for other reasons, though having to move through undergrowth is going to come up rarely for most people. On the other hand, crashing straight through the undergrowth is often not a great idea for reasons other than it slowing you down. Compare with the Boots of the Eternal Rose in some regards. Pairs best with access to Greensight.

Haunted Shoes (Cost: 6480 gp)
2/day Unseen Servant for 3 hours and up to 4 servants. Compare with an at-will item of Unseen Servant.

Boots of Levitation (Cost: 7500 gp)
At-will Levitate. Also very comfortable and supportive and protective in the mundane sense. Eliminate much of the long distance fall risk of various forms of flight and obviate the Boots of the Cat when it comes to falling long distances, though not when it comes to falling short distances or tripping.

Soles of the Silent Stride (Cost: 8250 gp)
Decent boost to Stealth checks and the ability to at least attempt to be stealthy while running. Also magically cushioned and supportive. The limits on this would make this generally not a great choice, especially compared to lower cost options for either buffing stealth or the comfort.

Rat-Tread Boots (Cost: 8500 gp)
10 minutes of riding on a carpet of rats per day. A complete novelty, but one that I can't just let pass by without mentioning.

10,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Bogstrider Boots (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Move through bogs normally. But they stink and leave dampness behind even when dry. Dealing with bogs is pretty rare outside of actually living in bayou country or visiting the Everglades, though, and a Decanter of Endless Water or Replenishing Aquarium Ball is better for introducing water to a waterless environment, or just creating water in any other context.

Bastion Boots (Cost: 10,500 gp)
Immovable Rod in boot form. Potentially can be used in a similar way that two Immovable Rods can be used to be monkey bars or a ladder anywhere. Compare with any source of flight, however, especially compare flight with having a pair of Immovable Rods and using them together with Bastion Boots.

Shoes of Lightning Leaping (Cost: 10,500 gp)
1/day travel short distances as a lightning bolt. Potentially a lot of collateral damage and extremely limited in application by being 1/day. One hell of a way to make an entrance, though.

Bog Boots (Cost: 12,000 gp)
3/day make a small area of bog that lasts indefinitely as long as one is in or near it and also be able to Dimension Door within the bog 1/day. This is a foot of mud, water, and even plant life. Very limited, all in all, but one thing of note is that the bog stays even after the item recharges. So not needing to sleep, such as from Keep Watch, would allow one to make a progressively larger bog area on the moon or in the Sahara. Given enough time, one could even potentially introduce plant life from the bog to the area surrounding it, that might even remain after the bog was dismissed. At 675 square feet per day, it would take over 2 months to make an entire acre of bog. So if one really wanted to cover a large area, it'd be best to bind an appropriate outsider that can wear boots to do it. The most immediately obvious thing would be to have one start turning a desert into a bog and see how long it takes anyone to notice this weirdness.

Verdant Boots (Cost: 12,000 gp)
3/day create fruit-bearing/edible plants. The only lasting effect I can see from this would be potentially propagating seeds from the fruit, though that seems unlikely.

Daring Dancers (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Become better at dancing and have super light footfalls and gracefulness. Provided a way to get 5 ranks in the skill, 1/day Dimension Door, too.

Winged Boots (Cost: 16,000 gp)
3/day flight for 5 minutes. Compare with the Broom of Flying, Carpet of Flying, Starfaring Robes, etc.

20,000 gp and higher:

Shoes of the Firewalker (Cost: 21,000 gp)
Fire Resistance 10 and the ability to walk on magma. You still probably shouldn't *want* to, but that is at least kind of neat.

Dryad Sandals (Cost: 24,000 gp)
A host of minor to moderate abilities such as woodland stride allowing one to move through undergrowth and being sneakier, a few of which only function in forests. The 1/day ability to enter a tree and either chill out there for 9 hours or Tree Stride for 1 teleport is probably the most useful component. Between the potential to get access to Keep Watch and a Ring of Sustenance leading to only needing 2 hours of sleep each night, though, one probably doesn't need to resort to sleeping inside of trees.

Slippers of the Primordial Wilds (Cost: 24,000 gp)
You cannot be tracked or detected by scent. The 2/day Plane Shift is locked to Gathlains only. Definitely overpriced for what one can get as a human, and it is niche enough to usually not be of interest.

Boots of Planar Grounding (Cost: 25,000 gp)
Always count as being on your home plane. Potentially has some use if engaging in planar travel.

Rime-Stride Boots (Cost: 27,000 gp)
Glide across ice, even being able to run on it without issue. 1/day AoE cover things in ice for a minute. Compare with much less expensive Boots of the Winterlands.

Getaway Boots (Cost: 30,000 gp)
1/day single-person teleport to a previously attuned area, from any distance, as long as you're on the same plane. A lot of potential reasons to want to have a panic button or situations where it would be handy.

Boots of Teleportation (Cost: 49,000 gp)
Teleport 3/day item. The Teleport spell itself is of fairly questionable utility given the level of risk and the range limitations, but within that range, for areas that one is able to become familiar with to the point of easy, safe teleportation, it could have some profound impact on quality of life by eliminating the transit time for major commutes.

Slippers of the Triton (Cost: 56,000 gp)
Waterbreathing and either a swim speed or a buff to swim speed. Compare with numerous other options for the ability to breathe water or gain a swim speed.

Hands Slot Items
Gloves of Shaping are probably the big winner here. Deliquescent Gloves, Impact Gauntlets, and Rubble Gloves are also of potential greater interest as well.

under 3000 gp:

Gloves of Personal Purity (Cost: 1000 gp)
A small bonus against contact-spread of disease/poison. Insight, though, so it should stack with any main buff to such. Compare with a Periapt of Health.

Whispering Gloves (Cost: 1000 gp)
Automatically make sure that the target receives your secret message when you send a complicated secret message with your hands. This not only allows for passing secret messages, though, it also allows for effective non-verbal communication without requiring telepathy, although it is only in one direction without a second pair.

Dissident's Gloves (Cost: 1200 gp)
While this does create holy symbols, it also lets one effectively leave 1-day-duration candles that don't burn anything on any surface, at-will. On the other hand, candles aren't very bright, and mundane lighting solutions are pretty good. Still, making the glowing holy symbol signs on other objects can have more use than just the light itself, too.

Gloves of the Keen Evaluator (Cost: 1200 gp)
Boosts Appraise and allows the check result there to take the place of Diplomacy relating to haggling over the item. Not sure about the viability of buffing one vs. the other, though. Not all that many situations where you are in a position to haggle over the price of of a physical item, either, which does tend to sharply limit how useful it could be even if it were more worthwhile to use an Appraise check instead of a Diplomacy one. More items allow for boosting Diplomacy, either directly or indirectly, too.

Claws of the Ice Bear (Cost: 1300 gp)
Buffs climb and acrobatics and negates penalties for using those skills vs slippery and icy surfaces. 3/day 1-round Spider Climb, too. They do prevent holding anything in hand, though. Also double as a weapon.

Ioun Gauntlet (Cost: 1600 gp)
1/day Detect Magic + light. Also holds an ioun stone to benefit from it without it floating around, yielding an additional enhancement bonus on a skill or knowledge of the Aboleth language depending on the kind of ioun stone.

Gloves of Reconnaissance (Cost: 2000 gp)
1/day see and hear through 5 feet of solid material of any variety. More powerful than the vision provided by a Ring of X-ray Vision, but only for 1 minute and requires physical contact. Doesn't have the unknown factor of modern materials not explicitly covered in the rules, either, and relatively few walls are thick enough to not be able to see through them at all. This can be useful in a variety of instances, but is still pretty limited at 1/day. Compare with options that just allow for straightup Clairvoyance/Clairaudience and other items related to the Ring of X-Ray Vision, possibly combined with Spectacles of Lip Reading or Gossip Glass in the eyes slot.

Glowing Glove (Cost: 2000 gp)
At-will create day-long candle-equivalents on other objects. Compare with the Dissident's Glove, which doesn't leave a handprint but does create a candle-level point of illumination. Being able to customize the color may justify the increased cost to some extent. On the other hand, literally being a print of one's hand could carry its own downsides and preclude its use in other applications. A bit neat, but mostly a novelty outside of fairly specific use-cases.

Apprentice's Cheating Gloves (Cost: 2200 gp)
At-will Mage Hand and Prestidigitation are amazing quality of life spells to have and also provide some utility in just about any context. 10/10. Compare with a Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, though, which gives Prestidigitation + 1 other cantrip and two 1st-level spells 1/day for only 300 gp more.

Gloves of Larceny (Cost: 2500 gp)
Standard +5 Sleight of Hand item. Sleight of Hand is useful for more than just picking pockets or planting items on people, too, it even makes for good party tricks or other performances.

Healer's Gloves (Cost: 2500 gp)
Standard +5 Heal item. There are a number of other items that could potentially benefit from a boost to the Heal skill, too, even aside from things like DIY surgery to implant Ioun Stones inside of yourself.

Quickfingers Gloves (Cost: 2500 gp)
There may be some benefit to Sleight of Hand as a move action instead of a standard, but I don't see it immediately. It strikes me as pretty likely to be either very niche or all but useless in our context, though.

Touch of Avolition (Cost: 2500 gp)
A reusable item that makes people much less wise and have much worse Will saves. Has potential synergy with a number of strategies, like setting someone up for getting hit with a Dominate Person. Probably a good idea to have the ability to get Remove Curse in the mix, though, in order to restore the usefulness of minions or even just to protect one's self against potentially mishandling it.

3000 to under 6000 gp:

Dianxue Gloves (Cost: 3000 gp)
+4 to specific Heal checks and +2 to confirm some crits against humanoids. Compare with the less expensive Healer's Gloves which provide a higher, universal bonus to Heal. It does seem implied but not stated that part of this is from conferring greater skill or knowledge of acupuncture, though.

Engineer's Workgloves (Cost: 3000 gp)
+5 to repair and understand any kind of mechanical device, and 1/day instant analysis of a mechanical device. More limited with the amount of digital equipment these days, but still a fair amount of technology where this could be helpful for cutting through obfuscating jargon. Compare with an item like Spectacles of Comprehension and taking the time to read up on the subject of specific devices. OTOH, this may help with analyzing certain ancient artifacts that we still don't fully understand, though that is an incredibly specific area, and very small too, IIRC. Potential synergy with the Trapmaker's Sack, too.

Rimeshaper Gloves (Cost: 3000 gp)
Now you might say, oh, this just makes fairly useless melee weapons. Even so, being able to solidify a bunch of snow within 6 seconds into a kunai that you can then use as a crowbar is at least somewhat amusing. Besides that, it allows you to take ice or snow, shape it into a weapon, and then throw it away so that it evaporates, all within about 12 seconds. You can do this at-will. Alternatively you can reliably turn a bunch of snow or ice into liquid water by waiting a bit. Cold Resistance 5 is somewhat nice as well. On the other hand, there are probably better ways to melt or evaporate the snow from your yard. Probably a number of ways to exploit turning frozen water into liquid water or water vapor (and thus raising the temperature, potentially by a significant degree), too, with a bit of creativity, though each individual one is probably going to be fairly niche, like using it to (help) raise the ambient temperature of a relatively small extremely frigid area, provided good insulation against the outside world, like, say, a moon base.

Kalistocrat's Gloves (Cost: 3600 gp)
Essentially 2/day Sanctuary along with a 1/day ranged Bull Rush. An at-will Sancutary item would be cheaper, though.

Gloves of Arrow Snaring (Cost: 4000 gp)
2/day use of the Snatch Arrows feat. Also makes them almost invisible to casual observation. Making an item of several hands slot items combined with this property could make it signficiantly less awkward to wear them around. Compare that with the illusions provided by a Hat of Disguise, though.

Trapsringer's Gloves (Cost: 4000 gp)
Having customizable tool finger tips, even if they are more specifically for examining and disarming traps, could still be pretty useful in other contexts, too, even if they provide no mechanical benefit except when it comes to traps.

Impact Gauntlets (Cost: 4500 gp)
Allows one to catch rocks and permanently absorb them into the gauntlets. Essentially this allows for the permanent destruction of matter, as long as it counts as a rock. Permanently removing rocks from existence is pretty niche, especially when it requires them to be caught first, but there should be at least some good use for them in their specific niches.

Gloves of Bony Power (Cost: 5400 gp)
1/day Spectral Hand isn't particularly useful beyond looking spooky, but 1/day Inflict Moderate Wounds would be fairly deadly and 1/day Cure Moderate Wounds could be a life-saver, even if self-only. Still, pretty niche I would say. Compare with a Staff of Entwined Serpents and other nearly guaranteed ways of killing low hp creatures.

Masterful Gray Gloves (Cost: 5400 gp)
Be pretty darn good at pickpocketing AND 3/day turn objects invisible (for how long?) when caught while picking someone's pocket. Pretty specific and limited use-case, but potent in that context.

6000 to under 10,000 gp:

Gauntlets of Catching (Cost: 6000 gp)
Rock Catching, or improved Rock Catching, but only if Large. Doesn't destroy rocks upon catching them, but could potentially be combined with Impact Gauntlets to be able to more reliably remove rocky matter from existence.

Glove of Strength-Stealing (Cost: 6000 gp)
Get up to +6 Str for 1 hour by sapping someone else's strength. Potentially useful but 6d6 damage from hitting someone with Chill Touch 6 times has a good chance of being lethal, and it's probably significantly more difficult to get a cow or the like to cooperate to get drained. Compare with just taking a +6 Strength belt.

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing (Cost: 6250 gp)
Standard +5 competence bonus to Swim and Climb item, with 1.5x multiplier for the second bonus. Being better at swimming and climbing can help, but not as much as gaining a swim speed or climb speed. Compare with numerous options for improving those particular skills or gaining those movement modes. Also compare with access to flight, at least on the Climb side of things.

Fervent Searcher's Gloves (Cost: 7400 gp)
2/day automatically reveal all footprints in 20 feet. Potentially of interest if investigating crime scenes, though mechanically it only boosts tracking someone from those footprints.

Deliquescent Gloves (Cost: 8000 gp)
Gain an at-will melee touch attack to deal acid damage, or add the Corrosive special ability to any weapon wielded. This can be helpful in melting a variety of objects. It may also allow for (risky) applications in chemistry beyond that. Unfortunately doesn't seem to allow safe handling of acids in general, only from the acids of oozes, alas. Compare with other ways to break or destroy objects, such as access to the Break or Shatter spells.

Demonic Smith's Gloves (Cost: 8000 gp)
Gain an at-will melee touch attack that deals fire damage or gain the Flaming special ability on weapon attacks. May allow a way to more easily set things on fire, though it does not confer any special protection against holding or touching something that is on fire. Has a bonus to make armor and weapons, but is best only used when Taking 10. Compare with the Deliquescent Gloves, which deal acid damage.

Iron Cobra Gauntlet (Cost: 8000 gp)
1 hour of controlling an Iron Cobra per day. The Find Target use of the Iron Cobra is probably the most useful part of it, though.

Rubble Gloves (Cost: 8000 gp)
Make rubble roil to the surface of 20 5-ft squares per day. Fairly niche, but this could, for instance, allow one to easily collect moon rocks, or otherwise quickly get objects of value from an area where the native stone is unusually high in valuable ore or the like. Alternatively, it just turns various parts of the ground into rocky rubble, in which case, compare it with Obsidian Flow where at least the resulting Obsidianc ould be useful. Being able to permanently create difficult terrain could have its own uses as well, I suppose, but I don't see much potential there.

Gloves of Feasting (Cost: 8400 gp)
While having mouth-hands can be real spooky, there isn't a whole lot of useful things to do with them. Edge cases could probably be found, though, for the ability to eat, drink, and speak at the same time. Depending upon the size of the fangs, length of tongue, and their textures, etc., there could also be possibilities that open up in the bedroom.

Glyphbane Gloves (Cost: 9000 gp)
If one is creating glyphs, runes, etc., then this allows a potential way to alter existing ones to have different triggering conditions. On the other hand, you could probably more easily just get rid of existing ones that are no longer desired and replace them with new ones.

Gloves of Restrained Death (Cost: 9250 gp)
Drastically increase the ability to survive against a poison by reducing the number of times it takes effect by up to 4. Compare with outright immunity from the Periapt of Health.

Gloves of Pulverizing Disruption (Cost: 9400 gp)
3/day melee touch attack that absorbs matter from nonmagic items and then can either exude that matter as dust OR make that dust permanently cease to exist. Compare with the Impact Gloves, which require one to catch the object and only works with stone. Permanently destroying matter is still fairly niche, though, but is certainly an interesting novelty. Some kind of construct that was immune to radiation using a pair of these to eliminate nuclear waste could be neat, but may extend a bit beyond the purview of our scenario.

10,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Gloves of Storing (Cost: 10,000 gp)
At-will make items of 20 lb or less store inside the glove, indefinitely. Potentially quite interesting.

Gloves of Shaping (Cost: 10,000 gp)
At-will reshape stone, wood, leather, and probably plastics as if they were soft clay, and treat something like steel like if it were only wood and thus use woodworking tools on it instead of requiring forging, etc., but only with hand tools. An excellent motivation to get real good at sculpture. Would also be a boon to anyone who wanted cut gems, I believe. Could potentially allow one to squish objects together to meld them together similar to how one can squish clay together, allowing one to "weld" wood, stone, plastic, glass, etc. If so, then one could take, say, a bunch of relatively soft gemstones and then squish them together to make the world's largest X out of them, potentially making something extremely valuable out of relatively inexpensive components. Also, in that case, it could be quite interesting to have a few constructs wearing such gloves and gathering up that floating island of plastic out in the Pacific Ocean to make it into one single mass. Being able to repair most furniture easily enough as long as one had the pieces still would be a nice quality of life thing, too. Definitely combine with competence bonuses to Craft skills.

Gloves of Unfolding Wind (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Being counted as Large size (or Huge size with any size altering magic in play like a Seamless Skin or Enlarge Person) for the purposes of avoiding getting blown around or limited by any windstorms short of a hurricane or tornado could be nice, although it is often better to just not go outside during those times or to avoid being in the area when hurricanes blow through. Counting as Huge would let one ignore most of the direct ill effects of a hurricane's winds (although getting impaled by a ripped up stop sign at 150 mph is stil a hazard). Still, it could be a nice quality of life thing or even very important when visiting alien worlds. Being able to spend ki to create a gust of wind could also be nice provided a way to get ki.

Pliant Gloves (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Become more flexible, and even lengthen your arms for up to 10 rounds per day. The Enhancement bonus to Escape Artist checks means it will stack with competence bonus items as well.

Stonefist Gloves (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Ignoring hardness of 8 or lower means one can pulverize many objects barehanded, although it may still be painful or unpleasant to do so. Fairly niche, especially when Gloves of Shaping would allow one to reshape the object like it were clay instead. Dealing more damage with punches could also be useful in certain cases, too, though.

Gauntlet of Rust (Cost: 11,500 gp)
1/day Rusting Grasp, allowing one to reduce a fair amount of metal into rust. Also protects any other gear from being rusted, which could be useful around aquatic environments or possibly even some circumstances on alien planets. Has a Greater version that allows 3/day uses instead.

Ratcheting Gauntlets (Cost: 12,000 gp)
The main use these suggest is their untyped bonus to avoiding falls when climbing and the potential to latch in place without becoming fatigued by the process. Compare with just being able to fly or access to Spider Climb.

Saboteur's Gloves (Cost: 15,240 gp)
1/day incorporate a glyph of warding (blast glyph) into one of your magic items that lasts for 1 day. IIRC this would not damage items, only creatures. ves%20(ToBM)] Whispering Gloves [/url] [/b] (Cost: 15,400 gp)
Has a constant Silence effect on anything touched or held, and allows the use of Message at-will. Potentially quite useful in a number of situations. Hunting, for instance, would allow one to potentially bag more game in one go due to the lack of a loud bang from the firearm.

Raven Bracers (Cost: 16,600 gp)
The main ability of interest here is the potential to use 2 Silver Ravens simultaneously and have them teleport back unerringly, as long as you don't forget to not go to another plane. On the other hand, smart phones exist and are fairly ubiquitous.

Vampiric Gloves (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Ranged 3/day Vampiric Touch could be useful in offense/defense, but what is probably more useful is the ability to stop one's self from bleeding by expending a use of the Vampiric Touch ability. There is at least one other rival item for stopping bleeding, though.

20,000 gp and higher:

Giant Fist Gauntlets (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Temporarily make your hands double the size and as hard as hardwood. There is probably something that the hardness could be used for, even given the limited timeframe, but no possibilites come to mind offhand.

Gloves of Distant Action (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Move objects up to 20 pounds 30 feet as long as they start within 30 feet. Definitely some amount of use in more than a few contexts with these. Compare with something like Apprentice's Cheating Gloves or Cloak of the Hedge Wizard(Transmutation) that grants Mage Hand, which has a lower weight limit, or access to Telekinesis.

Gloves of the Shortened Path (Cost: 27,000 gp)
1/day be able to reach things in any square within line of sight for 1 minute. Fairly limited in what exactly it allows, but as long as there is line of effect, the square can be reached.

Stormcrusher Gauntlets (Cost: 45,000 gp)
3/day get the opportunity to negate electricity damage. Useful to preventing accidents from taking at turn for the nasty while doing some on the fly electrical engineering, or protecting against lightning strikes.

Rust Monster Antenna Whip (Cost: 56,000 gp)
At-will Rusting Grasp, essentially, but it affects all varieties of metal. Compare with the Gauntlet of Rust.

Effigy of the Favored Servant (Cost: 60,000 gp)
Probably the most useful figurine of wondrous power, although I'm not sure why it is a hand slot item, or if that's just an error on the site's part. At any rate, 6 hours of Hill Giant 2/week can do a fair bit, especially if augmented further with other items.

Talons of Leng (Cost: 67,000 gp)
Claws that make people have to save vs the Insanity spell on a crit and immunity to the confused condition. The Wisdom reduction and constant alien whispers definitely make this a "put it on when you need it" item rather than something to wear constantly.

Ruby Circlet (Cost: 94,000 gp)
+6 Wisdom item and a Circlet of Persuasion. 94K when a combination of the two items would be more like 42,750 gp (36K + 6750). Price is definitely inflated by the ability locked behind being rightful ruler of Osirion.
This is also definitely not a hand(s) slot item.

Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster (Cost: 110,000 gp)
Glove of Storing, but holds 10 items indefinitely as long as they are weapons. No provision against ranged weapons or firearms means you could keep a loaded assault rifle, rocket launcher, etc. indefinitely and ready to be called to hand at any time. Something like a flamethrower, which is a weapon that can also be used as a tool, could be useful, especially since it should be kept more or less stable while in storage in this way. IIRC, chainsaws also count as weapons per the technological items rules.

Senko wrote:
I don't think so, can't check right now but as I recall a nat 1 no gender requires remove curse options to fix. They only work if you have a gender to opposite not if you have none. Of course you could lay in a few remove curse objects.

I believe the sentence you're thinking of is more of a general reference to how the belt's effects are permanent without breaking the curse, even though the girdle can be freely removed.

Scarab Sages

Loren Pechtel wrote:
Coidzor wrote:
That actually reminds me, what does everyone think about pricing a Girdle of Opposite Gender or an at-will or 1/day version of the Elixir of Sex Shift?

Sex Shift:

Potion = caster level * spell level * 50

Command word at will = caster level * spell level * 1800, so the cost is 81,000gp. For 1/day that becomes 16,200gp.

The girdle is cursed, it's much harder to figure out what to do.

For most purposes there's a cheaper route--alter self. 1/day isn't going to work because of the duration, it needs to be continuous--but that's still only 12,000gp. I would reduce that somewhat as the spell allows choosing many humanoids and this item only does your own form. I would consider maybe 6,000gp fair. The only thing that comes to mind that you can do with the elixir but not this item is impregnate someone. (I would allow someone under this to become pregnant/give birth. At the moment of birth they're going to lose the egg cell--but by then it's just one cell amongst many, no harm done.)

I'm not sure I understand that last paragraph. I followed it up to the point someone under alter self can impregnate someone/get pregnant and give birth but what do you mean they'll lose the egg cell at the moment of birth? How is . . . hang on

Grabs teen from another dimension
Teen: What the?
Turns him into a girl
Teen: Oh ####
Now if she gets pregnant what is the difference between the egg/cell she's losing and any other teen mother?
Teen: Pregnant?!
Back you go sends her back to her home dimension.

I jest but I am genuinely lost. Girl gets pregnant egg is fertalized and becomes a baby, boy under alter self gets pregnant egg is fertalized becomes a baby. The process is the same the other way Guy has sex and fertalizees an egg, girl becomes a guy has sex and fertalizes an egg. So what is the cell/egg their losing?

Coidzor wrote:
Senko wrote:
I don't think so, can't check right now but as I recall a nat 1 no gender requires remove curse options to fix. They only work if you have a gender to opposite not if you have none. Of course you could lay in a few remove curse objects.
I believe the sentence you're thinking of is more of a general reference to how the belt's effects are permanent without breaking the curse, even though the girdle can be freely removed.

Nope I'm referring specifically to this part of the item description . . .

If the character’s saving throw is a natural 1, the item actually removes all gender from the wearer, giving him an androgynous, neutered appearance. The change is permanent unless undone with curse-removing magic.

As I read it each belt only works on you once, when you put it on you roll a D20. On anything but a 1 you become the opposite sex and can if you put on a different belt repeat the die roll/change. Nothing in there about dispelling you are for all intents and purposes now the opposite sex. Dispell magic/remove curse do nothing to you only further magic to change you to the opposite of your new gender.

However if you roll a 1 you lose all gender in this case nothing but remove curse magic can undo it and give you back a gender which in this case is your original one. Essentially . . .

1) 2+ on the roll instantaneous gender swap.
2) 1 cursed to become genderless with a permanent curse.

At least that's how I've always read them (I have also tended to house rule a belt can affect the same person multiple times but that house rule doesn't affect my other readings of the belt).

I can see how you could read it as a general change sex/no sex is the same curse but putting on another belt can repeat the die roll/change and that isn't a remove curse magic. So to me that line only applies to the natural 1 result not the normal gender change.

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I think the biggest problem with that interpretation is that it makes the Girdle of Opposite Gender's base effect way too powerful if the only way to beat it is another girdle or Wish or similarly super-high-level magic.

I'm also not following this concern about gametes that was raised. Some reference to how polymorph effects have body parts revert to the base form if severed or otherwise separated from the main body? I honestly can't remember if that is a general rule governing either Transmutation magic or the Polymorph subschool.

Anyway, it's that time again. Head, Headband, and Neck. Just Shoulders and Wrists to go for traditional wondrous items.

Head Slot Items
Visage of the Bound is pretty big, given it allows access to Greater Teleport for far cheaper than a 1/day Greater Teleport item. A variant of it that accessed Summon Genie and other summoning spells would be extra spicy, too. If the Helm of Brilliance and Helm of Electric Radiance allow weapons to stay flaming or shocking respectively, those are both infinite sources of energy right there. That's probably an overly liberal reading of the item text, though. The Hat of Disguise, Greater Hat of Disguise, and Hat of Infinite Disguise are all pretty interesting, too. A fairly wide variety of potential effects, all in all.

under 2000 gp:

Gag of Silence (Cost: 500 gp)
A ball gag that prevents moaning or any other sound using the vocal cords. Extremely niche, but if you're into that kind of thing, but aren't into it because of the stifled sounds, then there is an item for you. For actually imprisoning someone, just get access to Flesh to Stone or Calcific Touch or a Meduseion and a way to unpetrify people.

Veil of Attentiveness (Cost: 750 gp)
A small competence bonus to Perception and Sense Motive, but what's more interesting is automatically being able to listen to multiple people and understand them just as well as if listening to only one person.

Cap of Human Guise (Cost: 800 gp)
Disguise Self at-will, but only for Small-sized, plainly dressed/unremarkable background character type humanoids. The limitation there to plain clothing may actually restrict the ability to actually use it, depending upon whether any modern clothing can count. Compare with the superior Hat of Disguise and Greater Hat of Disguise. Most of us are also Medium sized, so without some size-changing magic in the mix, there's a lot of complication between appearing Small and being much larger than the illusion.

Bridle of Tricks (Cost: 900 gp (3 tricks), 1600 gp (4 tricks), 2500 gp (5 tricks))
Automatically have an animal that can wear the bridle know 3-5 tricks. Given the restriction on being able to wear it, you're probably not slipping this onto a grizzly bear or orca. While useful for getting more use out of an animal, what they can do is still going to be fairly limited. Still, could be useful in the right circumstances, with the right pre-loaded trick loadout.

Cap of Light (Cost: 900 gp)
At-will Light. Compare with an LED headlamp, or the Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Evocation) or several other options for at-will magical light, some of which include access to Daylight.

Shawl of Shadow Disguise (Cost: 1350 gp)
Constant Penumbral Disguise and never have the shawl itself get noticed. The main benefit of this is people can't remember the specifics of your actions or details about you, only general things, with no saving throw at all. Only limitation is it can't be in bright light, so broad daylight is out, and artificial lighting, especially LED lighting, could be an issue, too. Works better in combination with layers of obfuscation and disguise than on its own. Compare, or even better combine, with a Hat of Disguise. I believe there is another item that similarly makes it difficult to remember specific details about the wearer, the two of which may even be combined to some effect.

False Face (Cost: 1600 gp)
Constant Disguise Self, but only into 1 particular form. Compare with the Hat of Disguise, which has no limit on number of appearances that can be taken and is only 200 gp more.

Hat of Disguise (Cost: 1800 gp)
At-will, constant Disguise Self. Does have the limiting factor of requiring some form of headgear to be part of that disguise. Compare with the Greater Hat of Disguise and Sleeve of Many Garments.

2000 to under 4000 gp:

Glarecutter Goggles (Cost: 2000 gp)
+5 resistance bonus for Fort saves against sight and light based hazards. Like looking at the sun without any atmosphere in the way. Compare with a good set of sunglasses.

Plaguebringer's Mask (Cost: 2000 gp)
Immunity to a single, specific disease and a resistance bonus on saves against bad smells. Compare with a Periapt of Health.

Keffiyeh of Cooling (Cost: 2100 gp)
Hot-only Endure Elements.

Gray Gambler's Hat (Cost: 2400 gp)
Mildly cheat at dice 3/day. Also a Hat of Disguise but limited to disguising as a Dwarf. Attempting to reverse engineer that, I'd say somewhere between 600 and 1800 gp for the 3/day cheating at dice component, depending on how much limiting a Hat of Disguise to only Dwarves would reduce the value.

Animal Mask (Cost: 2700 gp)
5/minutes per day of having an animal head. Also lets you see through the mask's eyes instead of using your own eyeballs. Potentially of interest combined with other items that fully cover the face for the ability to still see normally through the mask's eyes. Not sure offhand how to start reverse engineering the price of that versus the animal head part. Compare having an animal head with a Greater Hat of Disguise or Seamless Skin to actually become one of the various varieties of animal-person.

Diabolical Masquerade Mask (Cost: 2900 gp)
A Hat of Disguise but you can hide the mask while disguised, and it comes with 1/day Charm Person and Infernal Healing. Charm Person for only 1 hour isn't the greatest, but any amount of fast healing can have a very significant impact when it comes to resolving injuries or preventing death.

Hollow Mask (Cost: 3000 gp)
5 minutes of air and normal speaking underwater. Compare with any access to water breathing.

Explorer's Pith Helmet (Cost: 3200 gp)
Hot-only Endure Elements and 1/day Floating Disk or Unseen Servant.

Mortuary Mask (Cost: 3500 gp)
Become as spooky. Gives a circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks along with a constant Deathwatch.

Stalker's Mask (Cost: 3500 gp)
+5 competence to Stealth. Also, gross and made from several people's faces. 1/day hour-long buffed disguise self as a specific, observed creature, but you have to be of the same overall size and shape. Compare with a Hat of Disguise and separate competence bonus for Stealth.

Demon Mother's Mask (Cost: 3600 gp)
Being able to smell when people have fertility problems could potentially be useful, but probably less useful than knowing the best times to breed livestock, etc. On the other hand, we're already pretty good at breeding most forms of pet animal, and, IIRC, the problem with giant pandas is getting them to do it at all, not knowing when they're fertile. The truly squicky aspects are thankfully gated behind Lamashtu worship, and it would be a hilariously bad idea to start worshipping her anyway.

4000 to under 7000 gp:

Lore Needle (Cost: 4000 gp)
Requires a mild bit of brain surgery to implant, but allows 3/day to essentially use 1 Knowledge skill in place of another. Self-implantation would actually be fairly tricky, at least without a good amount of buffing or a 22.5K +15 competence bonus item and taking 10.

Traveling Master's Turban (Cost: 4000 gp)
1/day Rope Trick and constant Endure Elements. Endure Elements is more cheaply acquired elsewhere, and comapre Rope Trick with access to Magnificent Mansion.

Vagrant's Hood (Cost: 4400 gp)
Constant Vocal Alteration (but only to sound deeper and throatier) and a competence bonuse to Disguise. Also the perfect hood for cosplaying as the shadowy questgiver at the bar NPC.

Circlet of Persuasion (Cost: 4500 gp)
+3 competence bonus, but on any Charisma-based check, including the ones that Charm Person and the like use to convince people to do things they wouldn't ordinarily do. Combines well with Mindmaster's Eyes, Eyes of Charming, etc.

Hat of the Seven Winds (Cost: 4500 gp)
No penalties from rain and count as 1 size larger against high speed winds. This plus a Seamless Skin to Large size or Enlarge Person would allow for one to resist the wind component of most windstorms fairly handily.

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Cost: 5200 gp)
Understand any spoken language or writing. Constant Comprehend Languages and Read Magic. Does not confer the ability to speak or write it, however.

Cyclops Helm (Cost: 5600 gp)
Gross, but 1/day allows you to decide to just nat 20 a saving throw, skill check, or ability check. Helps with all kinds of abilities that other items might grant, such as access to Planar Binding.

Mask of the Mantis (Cost: 6000 gp)
3 daily charges for a few abilities that all last 30 minutes, the three of interest are Darkvision 60', Deathwatch, and a competence bonus to Perception.

Seashell Diving Mask (Cost: 6000 gp)
10 minutes of air under water and a competence bonus to Perception underwater. Continual Detect Magic but only underwater, too, not that it will be very helpful unless you drop a magic item while underwater.

7000 to under 10,000 gp:

Mask of the Krenshar (Cost: 7200 gp)
3/day illusion of pulling your skin off your face to frighten people or leave them shaken. Can be used to determine if people have relatively low HD, but is not subtle in the slightest. Would be great around Halloween or haunted houses, though.

Plague Mask (Cost: 7500 gp)
Resistance bonus against disease and 1/day Remove Disease. Also, plague doctor mask that explicitly is friendly to wearing other items in the eye slot.

Fog-Cutting Lenses (Cost: 8000 gp)
See through fog, mists, and similar, but take a decent penalty to Perception due to distorted vision. Compare with the Goz Mask.

Goz Mask (Cost: 8000 gp)
See through fog, smoke, etc. as well as through silt and other particulates when underwater. Also count as larger when resisting the wind and 60 minutes of water breathing per day. Compare with the Fog-Cutting Lenses.

Mask of Stony Demeanor (Cost: 8000 gp)
Get a hell of a poker face, but it's pretty obvious that something is off, especially if your face literally looks like it is made of stone, so it's best combined with something like a Hat of Disguise. +10 competence to Bluff to lie is pretty big, and this is 2K less expensive than a general +10 competence item.

Muzzle of Suppression (Cost: 8000 gp)
A ball gag that prevents a creature's ability to make any noise and cannot normally be removed except by the person who put it on. Compare with the much less expensive Gag of Silence, which eliminates all vocal noise but requires other means of restraint to keep the wearer from just removing it.

Helm of the Mammoth Lord (Cost: 8500 gp)
Cold-only Endure Elements, a gore attack, and a boost to Wild Empathy on elephants. At-will Speak with Animals and Detect Animals or PLants, but only for elephants.

Sniper's Helmet (Cost: 9000 gp)
The main thing here is the ability to create a magical sensors 1/day to get a 360-degree Bird's Eye view from above that can also see through foliage and similar obscurement. No duration on the magical sensor or details on if it moves exist on AoN.

Bax's Mask (Cost: 9100 gp)
Become as Skeletor. A low save DC, but automatically makes anyone scare if they get too close.

10,000 to 12,000 gp:

Hunter's Nose Ring (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Gain the Scent ability, and a competence bonus on smell-related Perception and Survival when tracking by scent.

Mask of A Thousand Tomes (Cost: 10,000 gp)
+10 Competence bonus on all Knowledge skills, but it requires you to wear it for 10 minutes first and you can't use your own eyes to see. Consider combining with something like an Animal Mask or other source of vision.

Desert Veil (Cost: 11,000 gp)
Constant Endure Elements and 1/day Grove of Respite. Comes at a bit of savings considering a 1/day item of Grove of Respite would be a bit over 10K just by itself.

Hyena Shawl (Cost: 11,000 gp)
See normally despite being inside of sandstorms, and don't take nonlethal damage from them. 1/day frightenening cackle ability, too.

Nose Ring of Unearthly Scent (Cost: 11,475 gp)
Gain the ability to smell curses and cursed items and 1/day scent-based Augury. The only curses and cursed items should probably just be your own, though. And a 1/day item of Augury is going to be much less expensive than this item.

Cap of the Free Thinker (Cost: 12,000 gp)
1/day reroll of a failed save against a mind-affecting effect. IIRC, many forms of backlash from spells and magic items tend to be mind-affecting.

Greater Hat of Disguise (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Hat of Disguise but with actual physical changes to the body as per Alter Self. Compare with a Hat of Disguise + Seamless Skin combo.

Helm of the Fanged Crown (Cost: 12,000 gp)
1/day 3-hour-long Heroism. The +2 morale bonus on all skills may be somewhat useful with that long of a duration.

Mask of the Rabbit Prince (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Always have a running start when jumping, and have constant reckless bravado. Although that last part may be more of a downside.

14,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Translator's Cap (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Knowledge of 7 preprogrammed languages. Compare with the Belt of Dwarvenkind for learning Dwarf. Potentially necessary for interacting with some items that would involve writing that would definitely not be English, or any other Earth language. If one were able to get Earth languages, then one would be able to get knowledge of languages such that a hefty chunk of the world would have at least one shared language.

Tin Cap (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Makes you more paranoid, but does provide a +4 insight bonus against mindaffecting effects, which could be useful against certain backlash. Thankfully you are able to remove this at-will.

Death Mask (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Once-per-corpse Speak with Dead for 3 questions, and it works even if they lack a tongue or mouth so long as their head can wear the mask. Also at-will, constant Alter Self to adopt the living form of the last corpse it was used on.

Helm of the Valkyrie (Cost: 16,000 gp)
1/day Phantom Steed but it's a wolf and lasts for 24 hours as long as the helm is worn. ~11 mph flight isn't going to win any speed awards for overland travel, but it definitely can be handy for maneuvering in a local area and would have some use while exploring other planets where vehicles are unavailable or would require special effort to teleport piece by piece and then reassemble.

Frontovik's Gas Mask (Cost: 17,000 gp)
Breathe underwater and in space and be immune to harmful gas and airborne agents. Plus it lets you see through clouds, fogs, mists, etc., but only while within those things. Also gives a small penalty for the two biggest senses that use Perception, sight and hearing.

Mask of Stolen Mien (Cost: 17,200 gp)
1/day 24 hour Alter Self to take on a specific person's form and speak their languages, but only if you can touch it to the face of that person or that person's Gentle Repose preserved corpse.

Cat's Eye Crown (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Darkvision 60' or +60', and 1/day Clairaudience/Clairvoyance through the crown's gemstone or through the bearer of the crown's gemstone.

Laurel Wreath (Cost: 19,000 gp)
+4 morale against mind-affecting. Will stack with Resistance bonuses for protecting against backlash.

20,000 to under 25,000 gp:

Amulet of Reverse Incantation (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Could potentially be used to eke out a slightly larger spell repertoire, as a 3/day ability, by using the opposite spell, if a spell has an opposite. On the other hand, this may just not do anything when using items to cast spells. Compare with a custom item of at-will Limited Wish or Miracle, or even of the more versatile Shadow Conjuration/Evocation/Enchantment family.

Helm of Ooze (Cost: 21,500 gp)
There are a few ways to make weak oozes, and this would allow limited control over them. The most obvious use for them would be using them to destroy unwanted matter.

Circlet of Mindsight (Cost: 22,000 gp)
Blindsense 30 and automatically sense the presence of people and animals within that range. Not being able to be snuck up on can have its uses, although 30 feet is still fairly short range compared to many potential threats that could still get the drop on you.

Mask of the Skull (Cost: 22,000 gp)
1/day Finger of Death, plus it's spooky. As limited in usefulness as using a magic item to kill would be, in comparison with the myriad mundane options, this does it very well, and probably could kill a lot of people even if they succeeded on the save. It is limited by being only a single target per day and being transmitted via physical touch. The Touch attack limitation on it is probably why this is about 11K cheaper than a 1/day item of Finger of Death at CL 13.

Vudran Ashak Helmet (Cost: 22,000 gp)
Seeing in all directions could be handy in certain contexts, and the enhancement bonus on (visual) Perception will stack with the more common competence bonus to the skill.

Howling Helm (Cost: 22,600 gp)
Constant Speak with Animals for dogs and other canines. Also 3/day AoE Intimidate + Summon Nature's Ally 3 for some wolves. On the other hand, constant Speak With Animals for all animals would be around 2K gp.

Visage of the Bound (Cost: 22,900 gp)
1/day put a summoned outsider from the Summon Monster line of spells into this item instead of actually summoning it, getting access to all of the outsider's SLA's. Notable examples would be Summon Monster 3's Lantern Archon, which would give Continual Flame(permanent!?), Greater Teleport, Aid, and Detect Evil. Even without Continual Flame being permanent, access to Greater Teleport is huge. For comparison, a 1/day Greater Teleport item made by a Summoner would be 500 gp more than this item. A Glabrezu from Summon Monster 9 could be grabbed to nab its Wish SLA, and the combined 78K of the two items would be significantly less expensive than the 1.3M for a 1/day Wish spell. Shame about only Summon Monster, since Summon Genie to get permanent creation of vegetable matter from a Djinni would be pretty neat.

Crown of Blasting (Cost: 23,760 gp)
Automatic 40 damage on a hit blast of Searing Light 1/day. Just damage, but a significant amount of practically guaranteed damage. Compare with the Mask of the Skull and Staff of Entwined Serpents.

Crystal Helm (Cost: 24,000 gp)
Have an infinite supply of either air or salt water depending upon where you put it on. With Water Breathing, or a convenient source of liquid water to always put it on under, this could be used to provide the ability to breathe while out in space or on alien worlds with no breathable atmosphere. Compare with a Pressure Suit, Necklace of Adaptation, or Starfaring Robes.

Helm of Underwater Action (Cost: 24,000 gp)
Creates and maintains a globe of air around your head on command, along with a swim speed. Also allows you to see farther than you normally could based upon water or lighting

25,000 to 30,000 gp:

Hat of Infinite Disguises (Cost: 25,000 gp)
At-will Veil. Has the advantage of changing how you feel and smell in addition to just visual appearance, and allows adopting a specific individual's appearance. Compare with the Hat of Disguise or Greater Hat of Disguise, and either of those in combination with Sleeves of Many Garments.

Mask of Anonymous Mien (Cost: 25,000 gp)
Become utterly generic and unremarkable, but always the same utterly generic and unremarkable appearance. Due to the lack of scrying potential on Earth, many of the aspects of this would be a bit reundant in comparison with any kind of illusory disguise. Compare with the Hat of Disguise, Vagrant Hood, and Shawl of Shadowy Disguise.

Dance of Seven Veils (Cost: 27,000 gp)
Premade Combo item. +2 Int & Cha item, a competence bonus to Bluff & Diplomacy, at-will Levitate, and gives automatic, continuous Disguise Self. A custom item combining these would be around 30.6 to 31.8K, or 32 to 33.2K, depending upon whether you only used the 1.5x multiplier or if you used the 1.75x multiplier for the 2nd competence bonus and 2nd ability score enhancement (no multiplier would have it be 25.2K or lower). So this is a potentially significant source of savings, on the other hand, there are a number of more desirable items that this would be redundant with, and it is a little unclear what upgrading the numbers on it would cost. Still, it is potentially of interest as a base item to upgrade. On the other hand, it seems like you have to take it off and put it back on in order to change the disguise, compared to being able to do so on-command with the Hat of Disguise, Greater Hat of Disguise, and Hat of Infinite Disguise.

Helm of Telepathy (Cost: 27,000 gp)
At-will Detect Thoughts, 1/day Suggestion, and the ability to have 2-way mental communication with anyone whose thoughts you're reading. The other two abilities are nice, but being able to speak into people's minds is just too neat to pass up.

Sensory Deprivation Hood (Cost: 27,500 gp)
Blinds, deafens, and even mutes your sense of smell and touch, but it does allow access to automatic writing, dowsing, and psychometry even without being psychic, though I don't know enough about those to know if they could be useful. Also, 1/day Contact Other Plane for 5 questions, with about 1/3 chance of a true answer, and a lot lower time for the consequences for failing to resist the Int/Cha decrease, as it only lasts a day.

Token of the Eldest (Cost: 27,680 gp)
1/day Commune with Nature. The rest is gated behind Mythic Power. Has an ethereal beauty and looks fragile despite being pretty tough. Compare with a 1/day Commune with Nature item, which would be ~16.2K.

Crown of Ash (Cost: 29,900 gp)
Competence bonus to charisma checks/skills interacting with Fey and fey-associated creatures. More relevant is knowledge of Sylvan, low-light vision, and DR 5/cold iron.

Laurel of Command (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Speak with greater authority and be able to improve people's skill and ability checks once per person per day with a small morale bonus.

Nightgaunt Mask (Cost: 30,000 gp)
No longer need to breathe, but also takes away the ability to speak while wearing it, which means command words can't be spoken. Also can summon 1 Nightgaunt for 24 hours (though you have to wear the mask the whole time to keep them from trying to kill you), which definitely has potential even if they aren't the strongest and don't have SLAs. Compare with a Necklace of Adaptation and other options for breathing or not needing to breathe in space or underwater or in toxic gases.

35,000 to under 70,000 gp:

Stormlord's Helm (Cost: 35,000 gp)
1/day Control Weather to get a thunderstorm and then use Call Lightning during that thunderstorm. Compare with the Orb of Storms and Snowfall Orb.

Roseskin Comb (Cost: 37,000 gp)
Look lovelier, but also have tougher skin thanks to an enhancement to natural armor. I believe that there are less expensive ways to look more attractive or to gain natural armor, though.

Mask of the Far Traveler (Cost: 38,000 gp)
Combines well with access to Comprehend Languages to be able to understand and be understood by any creatures while traveling the planes. Doesn't work on the Material Plane, though, so useless on Earth itself.

Bridle of Charon (Cost: 40,000 gp)
1/day make a mount become incorporeal and damage anything that it travels through during its movement in one round, automatically reducing it to half hp. Compare with Shatter, Break, and various magic items specifically for damaging or destroying objects or even destroying matter itself.

Judge's Wig (Cost: 59,200 gp)
Competence bonus for Intimidate and Diplomacy and at-will Discern Lies. Possibly actually something of a discount given an at-will Discern Lies item would be only 3.2K less just by itself, but the competence bonuses are only +4 and won't stack with other competence bonuses. Reverse-engineering off the competence bonuses might lead to a slightly cheaper item than a normal at-will Discern Lies item, though, or upgrading to +5 competence bonuses would be between 1800 and 2250 gp.

Khepresh of Refuge (Cost: 63,000 gp)
A number of defensive abilities, a deflection bonus to AC, fire resistance, and 3 charges that allow one to negate critical hits or immediately reroll a saving throw once.

Diasem of the Interplanetary Emissary (Cost: 67,500 gp)
Constant Planetary Adaptation for any wearer. Compare with a Necklace of Adaptation, Pressure Suit, and other items that allow survival in vacuum, in toxic gases, as well as options for Endure Elements(though IIRC it is superior in protection compared to Endure Elements). On the other hand, the Lashunta-locked improvement to Lashunta telepathy means that this is more expensive than a constant Planetary Adaptation custom item by 11.5K.

70,000 gp and higher:

Helm of Teleportation (Cost: 73,500 gp)
Teleport 3/day, but only for the wearer(?). Compare with the significantly less expensive Boots of Teleportation that apparently allow one to take others with oneself when teleporting. Despite the risks involved with the Teleport spell, modern technology allows for one to more easily get access to at least "Studied carefully" level of familiarity. On the other hand, 900 miles is the range limit of CL 9 Teleport, in comparison, traveling from New York City of Los Angeles is ~2450 miles, so it would take 2 mid-way stops and all three uses of Teleport to travel that in one day. The shortest distance to cross the Atlantic Ocean is probably from Brazil to Senegal at 1600 miles, so even that would require a stopover point somewhere close to the middle of the ocean. So more useful for an instantaneous commute than for crossing oceans or continents. Plus, a Summoner's custom item of 3/day Greater Teleport is still less expensive than the Helm of Teleportation.

Blind Helm (Cost: 85,000 gp)
Blindsense 60' at the cost of actually being blinded. Compare with the Circlet of Mindsight, though this will detect everything, not just animals and people.

Cap of Darkest Dreams (Cost: 90,000 gp)
A high price to pay for it, but this does allow one to never have another nightmare again. Reverse-engineering out the price for that ability alone would be interesting.

Magnate's Miter (Cost: 90,000 gp)
1/day have 1 minute of rolling twice for any mental ability-based skill checks and taking the better result. Useful with all kinds of dice-dependent abilities from other items.

Helm of Briliance (Cost: 125,000 gp)
A bunch of single-use gems, a generally useless anti-undead aura, the ability to make weapons Flaming, and Fire Resistance 30, but with a huge risk of a catastrophic explosion if 31+ fire damage is ever taken. Compare with Greater Energy Resistance on a suit of armor that also confers Fire Resistance 30 for a bit over half the price, and lesser forms of Fire Resistance that are sill more than enough for daily protection against accidental burns or even small fires. The lesser version is 36K and provides Fire Resistance 20 with slightly lower power spells and consequently, a bit less bad stuff in case of taking fire damage. By a certain reading, the weapon stays a flaming weapon even after it ceases to be wielded, allowing one to stockpile eternal sources of fire.

Helm of Electric Radiance (Cost: 125,000 gp)
Helm of Brilliance but for Electricity. Some potential for using a Shocking weapon to generate electricity, but, OTOH, a number of Shocking weapons could be had for the same price. By a certain reading, the weapon stays a shocking weapon even after it ceases to be wielded, allowing one to stockpile eternal sources of electricity. Of the two, if they both allow ways to stockpile a whole bunch of basic magic weapons, I'd go with trying to harness the power of creating a bunch of infinite electricity over the power of a bunch of infinite fire.

Hurricane Crown (Cost: 125,000 gp)
Competence bonus to Profession (sailor) and Survival for some nautical things, along with the ability to see normally through fog, mist, smoke, rain, snow, and other weather/precipitation. 1/day Control Winds and 1/day Seamantle or Winds of Vengeance. Of these the most interesting is the ability to see through fog, mist, smoke, rain, and other weather, as many similar items only do a few of those requiring several items in combination to get the same spread. Those abilities definitely aren't worth the rest of the price tag, though.

Headband Slot Items
The humble Headband of Social Competence is a big winner here, between the quality of life boost and its low, low price. The straight up stat-boosting items are nice, but we all already know about them, so I mostly skip over them save for the skill rank potential of Headbands of Vast Intelligence.

nder 5000 gp:

Centering Jewel (Cost: 1000 gp)
Allows you to quickly focus your mind. Whether being able to Center one's self as a swift action is of any use is unknown to me as I'm not that familiar with Occult Adventures.

Headband of Social Competence (Cost: 1000 gp)
Well, a lot of people on the internet could use one of these, it seems, and 2020 has shown that a lot of people not on the internet could use one, too. Automatically know before you do something that would be a social misstep. Especially if one wants to become a diplomancer IRL, an absolutely essential item. Especially for the low low price of 1000 on its own or 1500 slapped onto any other headband. Compare with another, similar item that allows one to know if one is about to make a faux pas or how best to behave.

Phylactery of Faithfulness (Cost: 1000 gp)
Being aware of things that would impact one's alignment would be good, especially if one has any alignment-locked items, although it does require taking a moment to stop and think. On the other hand, the amount of potential power here could corrupt one fairly quickly anyway, or allow for a path where the ends might actually justify the means due to gaining the ability to operate outside of the bounds of society. Would potentially be able to help settle some theological debates, too.

Dead Man's Headband (Cost: 3600 gp)
A small bonus to Intimidate, and make your hat unable to be removed by wind, water, or other environmental effects. On the other hand, it means you're prominently displaying a skull. On your hat. Unfortunate implications, ahoy.

Headband of Vast Intelligence (Cost: 4000 gp)
Unlike most stat-boosting items, this has the additional effect of giving skill ranks in 1 to 3 specific skills depending upon the level of bonus the item provides. Boost your HD, boost the number of skill ranks. Sadly no real way to reverse-engineer out just the skill ranks component of this item, I'd probably peg it as something like 1/3 to 1/2 the full suite of Int boost, but I am biased towards overvaluing the skill ranks if anything. Compare with the Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone, but only for the potential to get max ranks for HD in multiple skills. Skills of interest would include Diplomacy, Heal, and Sense Motive as well as certain Knowledge, Craft, and Perform skills.

Imperious Headband (Cost: 4000 gp)
Well, this would probably be useful to anyone who wants to enact some kind of slave empire, although mindslaves generally aren't going to try to kill their master while still mindslaves. That's a pretty specific scenario, though, as there are generally much safer and more efficient paths to global domination available.

Shifter's Headband (Cost: 4,500 gp (+2), 17,500 gp (+4), 39,000 gp (+6))
No special abilities of interest beyond just enhancing one of the three mental ability scores until the +6 version, which can be combined with any kind of at-will polymorph effect to get DR 5/silver on command. For instance, a Greater Hat of Disguise with its at-will Alter Self.

Headband of Aerial Agility (Cost: 4500 gp (+2), 42,000 gp (+4), 81,000 (+6))
+X to mental ability score item. The +4 and +6 versions offer Fly 3/day and at-will respectively. Compare with combining a stat-boosting item and something like a Broom of Flying, though. Definitely some advantages to flying oneself rather than riding on something that one could potentially fall off of.

Circlet of Speaking (Cost: 4800 gp)
Give an animal the ability to speak a specific language. Since that language will probably not be English, this will generally need to be combined with something like a Belt of Dwarvenkind to learn that language or a Comprehend Languages style effect. Compare with an item of Speak with Animals or Awaken.

5000 to 8000 gp:

Headband of the Wolf (Cost: 5000 gp)
At-will gain the Scent ability, but with a fairly limited range. The uses for this are going to be fairly limited, and would be even with a sizeable increase to the range of the ability. One niche use I can see, though, is to examine one's own scent, or the scent of a confederate, in order to tell if one has eliminated enough of it to limit the effectiveness of some other creature, such as a bloodhound, being able to track you/them.

Headband of Ponderous Recollection (Cost: 5100 gp)
+2 Int Item, and only grants ranks in a Knowledge skill. 3/day get information about a creature's abilities and weaknesses as if making a knowledge roll and getting what they would get from a roll of 5, 10, and 15. Depending upon what that can actually reveal about other humans, this is either very limited or useless, though.

Headband of Unshakeable Resolve (Cost: 5600 gp)
3/day negate a fear effect. Beyond someone trying to intimidate you into becoming scared, though, I believe most mundane ways of becoming afraid of something aren't actually fear effects, so the majority of things this would protect against would be backlash or side effects from other magical items. How useful this is thus depends on the rest of one's loadout.

Hollywreath Band (Cost: 5700 gp)
1/day Goodberry, and +1 CL for any effect that affects plants. Probably a bit overpriced unless you really wanted to boost the AoE of the Overgrowth component of Plant Growth (won't have any effect on Enrichment uses). I may be forgetting some other spell or item that may have some usefulness in our context that affects plants and benefits from CL increases, though.

Headband of Deathless Devotion (Cost: 6400 gp)
A small morale bonus to stabilization and against diseases and poisons or any compulsion side effects one might run into from other magic items. Relatively minor bonuses, but they will stack with most other forms of bonus that items may provide.

Headband of Intuition (Cost: 7000 gp)
3/day Augury, but always get a meaningful reply. As limited as Augury is in terms of time, there are definitely ways to leverage a guaranteed reply.

Phylactery of the Shepherd (Cost: 7000 gp)
3/day Status within 30 feet and only for allies. Compare with the Physician's Spectacles and items that confer Deathwatch for the ability to tell if someone is poisoned or diseased or dying.

Headband of Fortune's Favor (Cost: 7700 gp)
Be a little luckier, although mechanically that just means a bonus on saving throws and extending temporary luck bonuses' durations.

Headband of Twisted Intellect (Cost: 8000 gp)
+2 Int item. Otherwise, it's essentially a 2-slot Wayfinder that never loses any of its powers when using ioun stones for their resonant powers. Like a wayfinder, it does not play nice with other wayfinders. Should be fine with an Ioun Gauntlet, but those don't provide resonant powers, either.

9000 to under 30,000 gp:

Serpent's Band (Cost: 9000 gp)
A small bonus against emotion descriptors and fear effects. It also gives fluency in Draconic and the ability to constantly Speak With Animals with reptiles and even buffs Handle Animal/Wild Empathy against them. Whether knowing Draconic is any help depends on the other items one goes with.

Hunter's Band (Cost: 11,000 gp)
+5 Survival item and immunity to fatigue from hustling/jogging for long distances or forced marches. Could help with running marathons as long as one wasn't attempting to sprint the entire time, I suppose.

Pull-Ring of Scent (Cost: 11,000 gp)
For animals, but technically could probably be used as a nasal piercing. Giving off no scent and not being able to be tracked or located by it is of limited usefulness, especially if one is approaching things intelligently and wisely, but it does have some uses. Also gaining scent one's self, or improving the range of existing scent, can also have some minor benefits.

Veiled Eye (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Have a third eye that lets you seen when your other eyes are blinded. Most of the things that can blind you without something physically touching your eye(s) or some form of disease would be flashbangs and staring at the sun, which are both things you're better off just avoiding. Still, there should be some potential usefulness here.

Headband of Knucklebones (Cost: 27,500 gp)
3/day Command Undead that only targets zombies. 1/day Animate Dead but only to create a single Medium-sized zombie. CL 9 means that is 9 days of control and up to 18 HD of zombie can be made in one go, 36 if you also have access to Desecrate. Having an army of undead is a lot more limited in our scenario, especially being limited to only one size category of undead and only zombies. Still, there are some forms of perpetual motion that can more or less be created this way. Undead can be used to run farms to some extent, too, so there may be a way to make use of undead laborers, say, on the moon. Compare with the Bone Razor.

30,000 gp and higher:

Soulbound Eye (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Not something to wear one's self, and of particularly limited use-case just from how obvious it is to have a gem spiked into a person's forehead. Still, it does allow limitless telepathy between two creatures across any distance and to perceive through the eyes, etc. of that creature, again, from any distance, as long as they're both on the same plane. Note, however, that it does not require the subject creature to be either huamnoid or alive, so this could be used on animals, undead, or some other permanent servitor. Being able to cast Suggestion through it could be useful to some extent, provided an item that allowed it and didn't have further limitations preventing it from being used across the bond.

Winter Wolf Headband (Cost: 32,000 gp)
Cold Resistance 10, and 1/day transform into a Large wolf with a 1/day cone of cold breath weapon. The Cold Resistance is probably more useful than the cold breath or transformation, but the cold breath could conceivably have some edge uses beyond just harming others.

Headband of Seduction (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Become more attractive while wearing it. I don't believe that the competence bonus directly to charisma-based checks would stack with a competence bonus for the specific charisma-based skills, but it would still boost the opposed Charisma checks involved with Charm Person or Charm Monster. Should combine well with a Circlet of Persuasion. 1/day Unnatural Lust doesn't require them to lust after the caster, thankfully, and should have at least a small amount of potential utility, although a fair amount of it would be morally dubious at best, like all mind control magic but especially like all mind control magic that even touches upon sexuality. Compare with the Rosekin Comb.

Headband of Mental Resilience (Cost: 64,000 gp)
+2 to Int, Wis, & Cha item. Provides a buffer of 5 temporary ability points to protect against damage or drain to mental ability scores. Potentially useful for protecting against the backlash or side effects of certain divination spells or items that produce similar effects. Unfortunately ability drain permanently depletes the reservoir and probably can't be restored even with effects that would undo ability drain, which would eliminate any long-term utility from using this item to avoid ability drain and instead make being able to restore ability drain more of a priority to make such an item combo work.

Neck Slot Items
A fair number of potential effects jokceying for position here. The Necklace of Adaptation, Periapt of Health, and Hand of Glory, and Periapt of Proof against Poison are some of the bigger draws. The 1/day protections of the Greater Talismans are also potentially quite nice to have on hand.

under 2000 gp:

Talisman of Beneficial Winds (Greater) (Cost: 500 gp)
1/day Feather Fall when you need it. Compare with Boots of Levitation and constant access to Feather Fall or flight from other options.

Hand of the Mage (Cost: 900 gp)
At-will Mage Hand. Compare with the Apprentice's Cheating Gloves and Cloak of the Hedge Wizard(Transmutation) which both cost more but also do more.

Death's Head Talisman (Cost: 1000 gp (10 HD), 1,400 gp (14 HD), 1,800 gp (18 HD), 2,400 gp (24 HD))
Provided the undead also come with the amulet itself, this could be of some use. Bloody Skeletons create matter from nothing (and are impossible to be truly destroyed), Isitoq are intelligent and you can see through their senses, Elemental undead provide some potential to harness that energy, and all undead are perpetual motion machines in potentia. It even seems to specify that undead controlled by it are ultimately very passive and not liable to cause issues on their own when the amulet is taken off. If the undead it controls do not come with it, then it is of no use without some means of travel to wherever they are and a means of discovering their location. Compare with the Bone Razor and Headband of Knucklebones.

Dire Collar (Cost: 1000 gp)
1/day make an animal 1 size larger for 1 minute as if Enlarge Person. Fairly niche, but could be useful for making an animal able to carry a lot of stuff prior to some form of teleportation. Synergizes with Horseshoes of Great Burden, Heavyload Belt, and Muleback Cords. Although that all may lead to an issue where the carrying capacity is so great it takes too long to load the animal up to be able to take advantage of the enlarging effect.

Protective Ruff (Cost: 1000 gp)
Confers some minor protection to one's other magic items. Fairly limited, but it is very inexpensive.

Amulet of Bullet Protection (Cost: 1500 gp (+1), 6000 gp (+2), 13,500 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5))
Provides some protection from the primary weapons of this day and age, but it's generally a better defense to not get shot at in the first place, or at least, not able to be targeted in the first place.

Aegis of Recovery (Cost: 1500 gp)
A small resistance bonus to saving throws specifcially to recover from a disease or poison or the like. Limited by the potential to lose it permanently, but even that at least comes with some healing attached. Compare with the Talisman of Last Breath and more generalized resistance bonuses. The Greater version provides a larger bonus but still crumbles do dust on hitting 0 hp.

Purification Talisman (Cost: 1800 gp)
Small resistance bonus against disease and poison (the ones you'd probably be most interested in) and 1/day Purify Food and Drink. Spoiled leftovers? A thing of the past!

2000 to 3000 gp:

Charlatan's Symbol (Cost: 2000 gp)
Stores a 1st level Cleric Wand and lets you automatically use it without having to roll UMD. On the other hand, wands get used up.

Eye of Crystalized Venom (Cost: 2250 gp)
Glows whenever poisons or toxins are nearby. Given the number of cleaning chemicals that are toxic, this might always glow when in certain parts of a house, such as the kitchen. The competence bonus from destroying it to ward off a poison at least would stack with a resistance bonus from another source, but it should generally be fairly easy to avoid ever actually getting poisoned.

Choker of Body Alteration (Cost: 2400 gp)
1/day alter your body for the rest of the day with a polymorph effect to a minor or moderate extent. Not 100% sure what "the physical characteristics of a different gender" would be compared to just changing physical sex, though. Someone who is at least 6' tall could get themselves up to the range of heights of most basketball players, too. Then again, you could probably do a good bit of that with Alter Self, such as provided by a Greater Hat of Disguise. Compare the gender shifting with an Elixir of Sex Shift, too, though that is a one-off without going for a custom, multi-use version.

Gossamer Amberstone (Cost: 2700 gp)
1/day Cure Light Wounds with a 1/day Summon Swarm gated behind Ghlaunder-worship. Significantly overpriced, especially when a CL 1 CLW would probably be sufficient for most purposes anyway.

Fortunate Charm (Cost: 3000 gp)
1/day reroll a skill check. Exactly how that would work in this context is uncertain, but it's likely that it would still be useful.

Hand of the Honest Man (Cost: 3000 gp)
The ability to act as a scapegoat for curses is probably not all that useful save for the backlash/side effects of certain items. Being able to make people who lie feel guilt and be worse at it, on the other hand, is more easily leveraged provided you have a way to get them to wear a mummified hand but don't have a way to just force them to stop resisting attempts to compel the truth from them.

Key of the Second Vault (Cost: 3000 gp)
Lock any lock (but not unlock it) and 1/day Shield of Faith. Has a bit locked behind Abadar-worship, too. Someone more clever than I am might be able to instantly see the utility offered by being able to lock locks but all I can see is the potential to lock doors behind you to slow pursuers, and that's a context that you'd generally be at least somewhat well equipped to avoid in the first place with good item selection and prudent courses of action. The other instant thing that I can see is the ability to troll and prank people by locking things, but that's a bit gaslighty.

Pantheistic Clasp (Cost: 3000 gp)
I'm not sure offhand if any spells or items have backlash or side effects with alignment descriptors that this would work against, but if there are, the sacred bonus that this provides would stack with most other possible forms of bonus.

Swarmbane Clasp (Cost: 3000 gp)
You really can get into a fistfight with a swarm of angry bees and win now. You still should not get into a fistfight with a swarm of angry bees.

over 3000 to under 4000 gp:

Azlant Pendant (Cost: 3100 gp)
A +5 competence bonus item for a specific Knowledge skill. The other benefit is locked behind Aroden-worship, so just go with a custom +5 competence bonus to Knowledge item instead.

Nightstone of Sorrow (Cost: 3300 gp)
Fire Resistance 1 is still Fire Resistance, but it's probably too small to matter against anything other than maybe a minor stovetop burn. Compare with the Energy Resistance magic armor property and other forms of gaining energy resistance which are usually both much more expensive and provide more resistance. Reverse engineering the item to remove the Dahak-worship components and the resistance bonus to work out what a point of energy resistance is worth could be interesting, though.

Pallid Crystal (Cost: 3300 gp)
No longer have to worry about spoiled food because it's safe to eat it and tastes fine. Alternatively, anyone with competence in cookery can use it to provide basic seasonsings when cooking. Has some features locked behind Urgathoa-worship, too. Compare with a Ring of Sustenance to not need to eat or any ability to cast Purify Food and Drink and/or Prestidigitation.

Periapt of Devotion (Cost: 3300 gp)
Permanent 1 target Charm Person, albeit gated behind a low save DC. Also probably requires a group or cult to join. Compare with Eyes of Charming, the Sea Tyrant's Patch, and Mindmaster Eyes.

Vurra of the Maker (Cost: 3300 gp)
A small but untyped bonus on Craft (sculpting). 1/day Magic Stone that works even on boulders. Should synergize well with Gloves of Shaping. It'd lower the price by about 650 to take off the Owl's Wisdom locked behind Minderhal-worship, assuming requiring a specific deity is similar to being locked behind a specific class or alignment, and another 2160 or 1080 off from the 1/day Magic Stone getting knocked off. So about 1500 or 500 gp by my estimation for just the untyped Craft (sculpting) bonus.

Mummer's Ruff (Cost: 3500 gp)
Untyped +10 to imitate someone else's voice. So combined with any vocal acting talent, that'd make for some pretty phenomenal VA abilities. Also 1/day Ventriloquism for 5 minutes. Otherwise has a number of uses in impersonation, disguising one's identity, and infiltration. Synergizes well with something like a Hat of Disguise.

Necklace of Stolen Breath (Cost: 3500 gp)
Useless on its own, it requires some number of intelligent creatures to have been ritually drowned and part of their soul siphoned off into a bone. Each one of those increases the price by 300 gp for our purposes, given the main use for this that doesn't permanently consume resources is the ability to use Sound Mimicry at-will to mimic the voices of the various people who were drowned to add bones to it. Compare with an item of Vocal Alteration or even just the Mummer's Ruff, however, which are much less squicky.

Sihedron Medallion (Cost: 3500 gp)
Incredibly dangerous to have if a Runelord is aware of the particular Sihedron medallion. Otherwise, a small bonus to all saves and 1/day False Life. Alternatively, you could put one on a body to Gentle Repose it for as long as the medallion is on there. Not that great, though there may be some uber-specific reason you'd want to store a particular body for a long time without having to regularly go back and cast Gentle Repose on it before finally bringing it back to life.

Hearth Mantle (Cost: 3600 gp)
A small competence bonus to saves against fire and 1/day smolder to shed light as a torch or create an 8 hour camp fire with no fuel. It may also effectively create matter from nothing in the form of whatever smoke is given off by the fire, though this is likely only of interest in some kind of outer space context. Compare with a Campfire Bead or having Endure Elements in effect from one of many potential sources.

Periapt of Placebos (Cost: 3600 gp)
A small morale bonus against poisons and diseases. On the other hand, you could also just get a real Periapt of Health or Periapt of Proof Against Poison.

4000 to under 6000 gp:

Bloodlink (Cost: 4800 gp)
1/day Dancing Lights, Darkness, and Faerie Fire. Fluency in Undercommon and proficiency with a few weapons may be useful in combination with other items selected but it may not confer the ability to read and write Undercommon, and if so that can't even be used as a form of code.

Charm of Fate (Cost: 5000 gp)
1/day automatically succeed on a save instead of fail if you only failed by a little bit. How useful that is heavily depends on what items you take and what you're doing with them.

Collar of Obedience (Cost: 5000 gp)
This can either be used to make an animal easier to train provided you can put it on them or it can make a single creature more susceptible to your mind-affecting effects, again, provided you can get the collar on it. Has some potential synergy with Mindmaster's Eyes, possibly for some particularly favored target of the Dominate Person effect. On the other hand, a bright red leather collar is going to stand out a lot unless you're at the right kind of convention or dungeon party. Also has synergy with Wild Empathy obtained from another source..

Deathbalm Talisman (Cost: 5000 gp)
Boosts Fort saves against disease/poison, allows a reroll against the same, and accelerates natural healing of ability damage.

Ghoul Stone (Cost: 5400 gp)
This provides a way to make people into ghouls or ghasts. I don't see a way to really make any kind of good use of this fact, or foresee others coming up with much, since even a ghoulpocalypse would be pretty difficult to pull off. I don't believe there's even a way to use it to finagle a transformation into an undead form while retaining personality, etc. in order to avoid mortality. Still, weird enough that I felt it deserved mention.

Sun Falcon Pectoral (Cost: 5400 gp)
1/day Daylight, but only indoors, underground, or in some area of darkness. It does last for 2 hours at a time, though. On the other hand, even if Daylight is enough for plants, 2 hours isn't.

Talisman of Soul-Eating (Cost: 5400 gp)
1/day Create Soul Gem on a dying or recently dead creature. Allows the creation of soul gems and provides a way to heal by consuming them. Not 100% sure of the use for this, other than to be extra cruel to someone killed, but there may be some way to leverage it without interplanar travel or taking levels in a specific prestige class.

6000 to under 8000 gp:

Necklace of Beast's Might (Eyes) (Cost: 6000 gp)
A +5 insight bonus to oppose Disguise may be helpful in some circumstances against other people, but otherwise the only other useful forms would be either Animals or Vermin to be better at IDing them on sight, though that usually isn't super urgent even if it is necessary. The alternative forms that aren't eye-based don't seem all that relevant to our scenario. Unless one really wants to get in on some violent conflict.

Feychild Necklace (Cost: 6000 gp)
Debuffs your social skills, but does give you Gnome as a language in addition to low-light vision and a number of 1/day SLAs, the most notable of which is Speak with Animals. Compare with the Belt of Dwarvenkind.

True Love Locket (Cost: 6000 gp)
A linked pair of lockets that provide a constant Status spell for one another's wearers and allow 1/day Borrow Skill across any distance on the same plane. Does require a strong emotional bond between users, though. Fairly niche, and even the best case scenario requires a strong emotional bond with someone with a relevant skillset to a situation.

Gorget of Umbral Hunger (Cost: 6500 gp)
20 hp of fast healing per day in dim light or darkness, which can often be accomplished by just flipping a light switch. The amount of hp probably is more than fine for most purposes, assuming a lack of high level. Compare with Boots of the Earth, which have no limit on hp healed.

Oaksteward's Favor (Cost: 6550 gp)
Boosts Handle Animal and increases the DC of any enchantment spells against animals. Synergizes with Mindmaster's Eyes or any other source of Charm Animal or Charm Monster.

Periapt of Health (Cost: 7500 gp)
Immunity to all disease. Compare with the ability to cast Remove Disease at-will and a pair of Physician's Spectacles. Inexpensive enough to potentially justify grabbing several as well.

8000 to 9000 gp:

Nursing Necklace (Cost: 8000 gp (Ant/Centipede/Spider), 10,000 gp (Leach/Scarab), ??? gp (Mosquito))
At-will access to the Heal skill targeting one's self or something to boost anyone else using the Heal skill, such as, say, a surgeon. The Ant, Spider, and Mosquito variants seem the best in general. Compare the Ant variant with the Aegis of Recovery and Talisman of Healing Power. Compare the Mosquito with a Periapt of Health.

Azata's Whimsy (Cost: 8000 gp)
Makes it less dangerous to those around one's self if one ends up confused. Better to avoid getting confused in the first place, but there are some items and spells that have confusion as a potential backlash, and this could be useful there.

Choker of the Siphoning Scorpion (Cost: 8000 gp)
1/day absorbs a poison, negating its effect on the wearer. Compare with a Periapt of Proof Against Poison

Everwake Amulet (Cost: 8000 gp)
Keep Watch for 7 nights, followed by a day of being exhausted. Pairs nicely with Lesser Restoration and any ability to negate exhaustion or transform it into fatigue. Compare with a Ring of Sustenance and just sleep 2 hours a night, or perhaps combine them.

Hand of Glory (Cost: 8000 gp)
Gain an extra slot for a magic ring. 1/day Daylight and See Invisibility, too. Compare with the Meridian Belt, or even combine them.

Amulet of the Spirits (Heavens) (Cost: 8000 gp)
The Heavens spirit allows the wearer to determine their precise location if they can see the open sky at night. Also adds Wisdom modifier in addition to Charisma on Charisma checks and skills. Being able to make individuals treat light as two steps lower at-will for almost 1 minute probably has some benefit, too. So two niche abilities and one fairly nice one, if one can leverage it.

Periapt of Temporary Familiar (Cost: 8000 gp)
3/day call a familiar with the abilities of one of a 5th-level wizard. Only lasts for 5 minutes each time, but it retains memories from past summonings, which opens up many more possibilities for scouting if nothing else.

Scale of the Mariner (Cost: 8000 gp)
Fire Resistance 5 is just high enough to protect against most mundane fire that isn't a raging inferno, and can always take 10 on Swim checks. Compare with the Energy Resistance armor property which gives 10 resistance instead and compare with the Aquatic Cummerbund and or items that give swim speeds for the latter feature

Amulet of Hidden Light (Cost: 9000 gp)
At-will, infinite sunrod whose light can't be seen by anyone outside of the light's effective radius. For stealthy purposes compare with any source of Darkvision or low-light vision.

Doomsday Key (Cost: 9000 gp)
3/day make a small number of creatures Shaken. 1/day Bestow Curse on a touch. Bestow Curse is incredibly open-ended, even if beneficial curses are forbidden, there's probably something useful you can do with it, and if they aren't, then there is a lot that could be done with it. Compare with 5400 gp for a 1/day Bestow Curse custom item.

Necklace of Adaptation (Cost: 9000 gp)
Immunity to harmful gas, and allows one to breathe comfortably underwater and in vacuum. Incredibly valuable to space travel or deep sea exploration. Relatively inexpensive enough that a few could be obtained as well. Compare with a Pressure Suit or Starfaring Robes.

Scarf of Glorious Histories (Cost: 9000 gp)
Seem larger than life, and boost Intimidate and dancing. Even if you could get access to the kapenia/Varisian-locked features, it would be glimpses of Golarion history, so probably not all that useful unless one traveled to Golarion.

10,000 to 12,000 gp:

Amulet of Wind Defiance (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Be treated as having Freedom of Movement against wind. I'm not 100% sure what that means, as Freedom of Movement doesn't mention anything about wind, only things that hamper movement, but I presume it at least means that one would not be directly blown away or checked by a hurricane or other windstorm. This would probably be most helpful if one wanted to fly in or through the stratosphere.

Amulet of the Blooded (Cost: 10,000 gp to 15,000 gp)
Gain powers based on and associated with different sorcerer bloodlines. Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elemental, & Undead seem to have the most potential to me, between things like Energy Resistance or a potentially directly useful ability.

Forst Fist Amulet (Cost: 10,000 gp)
At-will freezing cold iron hammer hands. Making the hands rigid and encased in iron might allow one to essentially turn one's hands into improvised wrenches or vises, too.

Golden Holy Symbol (Cost: 10,000 gp)
While this would give one access to the sound of a choir of angels at-will, it's definitely overpriced for that, and the other uses require either actual divine spellcasting or mythic power.

Locket of True and False Friends (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Know the last person to lie to you within a day, with a pretty decent Will save DC, also whoever last did you a favor, but that last one is probably more readily apparent. The routine insincerity required in customer service may sabotage one's ability to use this item effectively, though.

Missive Stone (Cost: 10,000 gp)
At-will whispered messages between two matching amulets, but only within 3 miles. Compare with modern text-messaging and turning your phone on silent.

Amulet of Euphoric Healing (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Make people become addicted to your magical healing, and in so doing, they're more susceptible to mind-affecting spells from you. I can see this being used to gather a cult around one's self readily enough, provided the right mindset and suite of items.

Emblem of Lost Lives (Cost: 12,000 gp)
The constant discordant chorus of voices in one's mind sounds fairly unpleasant, but 1/day augury is 1/day augury. The 1/day insight bonus to Knowledge, but only a trained one, is going to be fairly niche just given the duration.

Medallion of Thoughts (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Reading people's thoughts can be pretty useful in just about any circumstance involving other people.

13,000 to under 17,000 gp:

Forge Fist Amulet (Cost: 13,000 gp)
At-will superhot adamantine hammer hands. Also, a heat source. Sadly does not bypass hardness for breaking objects real good. Compare with the Frost Fist Amulet, which is less expensive and will harm fewer objects that one does not wish to harm.

Guilding Scarab (Cost: 13,000 gp)
Always read maps, signposts, etc. correctly. Also a skill-boosting item for Knowledge(geography) and Survival to avoid getting lost. 1/week Divination but only for overland travel is fairly limited, but could at least potentially help select different highways or a different plane or airport.

Amulet of the Abyss (Cost: 15,000 gp)
3 spell-like abilities 1/day, with a variety of options, although if one is lawful or good the negative levels might be too much.

Amulet of Undead Persuasion (Cost: 15,000 gp)
If one did turn into, or somehow create, an undead that has a form of hunder, this would sate that hunger. Incredibly specific set of circumstances to make this useful.

Periapt of Wound Closure (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Auto-stabilize, be able to heal wounds that normally couldn't heal, and be unable to bleed out. Compare with any kind of on-demand healing or fast healing or on-going, constant regeneration.

Necklace of Ki Serenity (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Even without any mechanical benefit due to lacking a ki pool, something that grants a sense of inner calmness is probably worth its weight in gold in this day and age.

Saffron Slave Collar (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Constant calm emotions on the wearer, and the bearer of the key gets 1/day Suggestion that they auto-fail once they succumb to the Calm Emotions effect (should take less than an hour). Could be used to eliminate excess anger or combat a panic attack, or it could potentially be used in some context to manipulate someone. 5 hours of Suggestion could accomplish a fair bit with creative use. Compare with Eyes of Charming or Mindmaster's Eyes, which require opposed charisma checks for some of the things you would want to use Suggestion on a person for. Having to do something about the memory of how the collar got on them or having them willingly put it on is definitely a limiting factor, though. It seems like the Suggestion continues even after removing the collar, though, so there is that.

Serpentine Choker (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Geas someone for 11 days, but they have to wear a huge iron slave collar the whole time. Also requires one to be touching the collar in order to issue the geas. Also, only one geas per time the collar is put on someone, as the command word to geas them is apparently the same one to take the collar off of them. Powerful, but the limitations severely hamper its use. Compare that it would be 23,400-23,760 for a 1/day Geas/Quest item, or ~3300 for a 1/week item, with a duration of 11 to 13 days if open-ended. Also just straight up compare with Mindmaster's Eyes.

Eye of Brokerage (Cost: 16,550 gp)
+5 competence on Appraise and Sense Motive(but only against bluffing) and 1/day Discern Lies for 7 rounds and up to 7 creatures. Has some potential use, though the short duration on lie detection is painful.

Brooch of Amber Sparks (Cost: 16,800 gp)
Can negate up to 20 electricity damage in one go and up to 50 in one day. Compare, or even combine, with the Energy Resistance armor property and other sources of electricity resistance.

17,000 to under 30,000 gp:

Roc Rider Badge (Cost: 17,000 gp)
Wild Empathy against birds, or boosts it if one already has it. Technically a chest-slot item for Medium creatures, though something like a Seamless Skin could allow it to be worn in the neck slot anyway. Would be interesting to reverse engineer a price for it that doesn't involve the extraneous features from the adventure or aerial mounts.

Gallows Rope (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Gain a lot of DR and Fast Healing 5 whenever going below 0 hp. Compare with the Aegis of Recovery and other items that activate on 0 hp or lower to provide healing.

Halflight Charm (Greater) (Cost: 20,000 gp)
The main thing this does is provide Darkvision 60'. Although it might be an interestingly bad idea to try to teleport a Duskwarden all the way from Golarion to Earth.

Cloud Engineer Badge (Cost: 24,000 gp)
1/day Life Bubble and Reduce Person and a small bonus to Craft(alchemy) and Knowledge(engineering). Like the Roc Rider's Badge, technically a chest slot item for Medium creatures.

Talisman of Healing Power (Greater) (Cost: 24,000 gp)
The 1/day Greater Talisman of Healing Power is worth some consideration for emergency healing, although 4d8+7 may be overkill given the unknowns involving hp and HD that any one of us might possess. Still better to avoid having people trying to kill you or highly risky endeavours, but the extra safety net is nice to have if you need it.

Slave Collar (Cost: 25,000 gp)
Allows telepathy between the keymaster and the wearer of the collar and gives a hefty penalty to saving throws, making Dominate spells and the like more effective. Compare with the Saffron Slave Collar and Serpentine Choker.

Periapt of Proof Against Poison (Cost: 27,000 gp)
Immunity to poison. Not that common to deal with, but very nice to have in the contexts where it comes up. Amusingly, the value of the Periapt of Proof Against Poison and of the Periapt of Health are probably reversed in our world. Not sure offhand whether food poisoning would fall more under poison or disease, but any access to purify food and drink takes care of that anyway.

Mothman Memento (Cost: 28,800 gp)
3/day Modify Memory can be useful. Being cursed to eventually get killed and rise from the dead as a mothman, on the other hand... Well, the dying part is pretty bad. The other part is a complete mystery. Could give immortality and new powers. Could overwrite the person completely. I wouldn't be in a hurry to find out.

30,000 to under 50,000 gp:

Periapt of Utter Devotion (Cost: 33,000 gp)
As the Periapt of Devotion, but a higher will save and comes with a 1/day Triggered Suggestion, although that comes with the potential for the wearer to break free of the charm effect.

Master's Call (Cost: 34,000 gp)
1/day Dominate Person with a linked Modify Memory. That's a 10 day duration due to the CL. Compare with 14,400 as the price per the guidelines for a CL 10 Bard Dominate Person on its own. Also compare with Mindmaster's Eyes and similar items.

Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location (Cost: 35,000 gp)
Only useful in the event that you alert something or someone out there to your existence. Which you're better off not doing in the first place if at all possible.

Talisman of Life's Breath (Greater) (Cost: 35,000 gp)
1/day automatic Breath of Life on one's self is pretty good, although ideally you would still want to avoid dangerous enough situations that dying and coming back to life would be called for.

Necklace of Spectral Strikes (Cost: 35,500 gp)
More of interest for the potential of a combined item that incorporates its ability to become a chest tattoo instead of a physical object around the neck. Not that an untyped +1 with unarmed strikes isn't good in contexts where that is relevant. Definitely overpriced for the abilities of actual interest here, even before the price tag for the mythic-related ones.

Rimeheart Amulet (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Hypothermia, but it won't kill you, just permanently fatigue instead. Also comes with cold resistance 10 and (cold-only?) Endure Elements. 1/day Frigid Touch and not being able to bleed can be handy, too. No idea how having your heart magically frozen would interact with myriad potential heart problems, though. Compare with cheaper options for both Endure Elements and cold resistance.

Amulet of Radiation Absorption (Cost: 45,000 gp)
Immunity to radiation. Pretty useful out in space or when dealing with nuclear waste. Also has a blast that can create ghouls, though that is of dubious potential at best.

50,000 gp and higher:

Iron Road (Cost: 50,000 gp)
Aside from potentially trapping you in either Avernus or Dis, this handily puts one in contact with a contract devil fence or a potential source of devil mercenaries. Loads of potential with either of those, really. Naturally, loads of danger, too.

Zoic of the Primeval (Cost: 50,000 gp)
1/day Dominate Monster that lasts for 17 days and has a hefty save DC. Only works against animals or outsiders, but that's most of what you could potentially work with that wouldn't be covered by Dominate Person or Geas or the like.

Agent's Clasp (Cost: 60,000 gp)
A pair of linked clasps that allow one of them to constantly have Status on the wearer of the other and at-will Sending for both of them to one another and the ability to store messages from Sending. Compare with text messaging and telephones. Has some greater potential when traveling in outer space, though.

Torc of Truespeech (Cost: 60,000 gp)
For a non-mythic creature this is no different than an item of constant Tongues, albeit with the ability to be understood in multiple different languages simultaneously. Compare with the 16K for a constant Tongues item from a Bard or 30K for a constant Tongues item from a Wizard.

Whispering Amulet (Cost: 70,000 gp)
1/day Sending, but overheard by a specific Glabrezu. Also a single use Wish that destroys the amulet, but likely to be monkey's paw'd in some regard or twisted to further the demon's agenda in some way.

Amulet of the Planes (Cost: 120,000 gp)
Plane Shift at-will, and with the ability to go to a specific location when doing so. Just want to also boost Int in order to more reliably make that DC 15 check.

Necklace of Ensured Return (Cost: 120,000 gp)
Even a one-off True Resurrection is very powerful, but compare it with the 1/day Greater Talisman of Last Breath, for instance, which will probably be more than sufficient for most potential ways of dying. Also, generally best to try to avoid situations likely to lead to death. Compare with access to an item of Cyclic Reincarnation, which would bring one back in a young adult body, but would also require a confederate to use it on you.

Scarab Sages

Coidzor wrote:

I think the biggest problem with that interpretation is that it makes the Girdle of Opposite Gender's base effect way too powerful if the only way to beat it is another girdle or Wish or similarly super-high-level magic.

I'm also not following this concern about gametes that was raised. Some reference to how polymorph effects have body parts revert to the base form if severed or otherwise separated from the main body? I honestly can't remember if that is a general rule governing either Transmutation magic or the Polymorph subschool.

Anyway, it's that time again. Head, Headband, and Neck. Just Shoulders and Wrists to go for traditional wondrous items.

Head Slot Items
Visage of the Bound is pretty big, given it allows access to Greater Teleport for far cheaper than a 1/day Greater Teleport item. A variant of it that accessed Summon Genie and other summoning spells would be extra spicy, too. If the Helm of Brilliance and Helm of Electric Radiance allow weapons to stay flaming or shocking respectively, those are both infinite sources of energy right there. That's probably an overly liberal reading of the item text, though. The Hat of Disguise, Greater Hat of Disguise, and Hat of Infinite Disguise are all pretty interesting, too. A fairly wide variety of potential effects, all in all.

** spoiler omitted **...

Hence why I only apply it to the natural 1 bad end result. If you go from guy to girl or girl to guy its an instant one off change which can't be undone by the girdle that caused it but anything else will e.g. home made change sex spell, wish, another girdle etc. However that natural 1 is specifically referred to as a curse and thus functions under curse rules because otherwise those rules apply to the gender change.

The egg cell bit from me was in response to this from Loren Pechtel which I didn't understand . . .

At the moment of birth they're going to lose the egg cell--but by then it's just one cell amongst many, no harm done.)

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Senko wrote:
Hence why I only apply it to the natural 1 bad end result. If you go from guy to girl or girl to guy its an instant one off change which can't be undone by the girdle that caused it but anything else will e.g. home made change sex spell, wish, another girdle etc. However that natural 1 is specifically referred to as a curse and thus functions under curse rules because otherwise those rules apply to the gender change.

Either change is the result of a curse. Making it so that Remove Curse works on the nat 1 result but can't work on the regular effect of the cursed item means that you're making the effect of the regular result stronger than the nat 1 result.

I just remembered Break Enchantment is a thing and can work on Instantaneous effects, but still.

Senko wrote:

The egg cell bit from me was in response to this from Loren Pechtel which I didn't understand . . .

At the moment of birth they're going to...

Yeah, I still don't get that, either, but I've been doing other things instead of doing a dive into the general magic rules to refresh my memory on polymorphing and transmutation magic in general.

And with this, we finish off Shoulder(s) slot and Wrist slot items for all of the traditional forms of Wondrous Item.

Shoulders Slot Items
Muleback Cords are kind of huge just for the potential quality of life impact of being able to casually lift and move a whole lot more weight. Wings of Flying are also pretty nifty. The Shield Cloak is notable for being able to get double duty out of the Shoulders slot by also slapping Shield properties onto it. Otherwise, a pretty varied number of minor to moderate abilities.

under 3000 gp:

Protean Cloak (Cost: 500 gp (+1 bonus), 2000 gp (+2 bonus), 4500 gp (+3 bonus), 8000 gp (+4 bonus), 12,500 gp (+5 bonus))
A potential alternative to a regular Cloak of Resistance, if one is going about things in such a way that one can expect to only have to make one kind of saving throw in any given day. May ultimately not be worth the savings, and bonuses to saving throws in general may be something that only very specific plans would run into, such as for avoiding the backlash of using certain items.

Muleback Cords (Cost: 1000 gp)
+8 Str for carrying capacity, which means +8 Str for what is a normal amount for you to lift and carry, which is a bit more common than the ability to hit things real hard. An average person (Str 10) goes from being able to comfortably carry 33 pounds to being able to comfortably carry 100 pounds. Even if you're not trying to maximize how much stuff you can carry with you when using teleportation, this provides raw quality of life improvements. Unless you really go out of your way to get Telekinesis that can casually rearrange your furniture. Compare with the Heavyload Belt or other source of the Ant Haul spell, or, better yet, combine the two.

Shawl of Life-Keeping (Cost: 1000 gp)
Take some damage to store hp in it that comes back if you are reduced below 0 hp. Compare with the Aegis of Recovery. The relatively low number of hp may be more applicable to the relatively lower number of hp we can presumably expect on Earth, but on the other hand, something like a cave-in or explosion would likely deal a lot more than 10 hp of damage, too.

Shield Cloak (Cost: 1000 gp)
Make a cloak double as a shield, potentially, and able to accept shield special abilities in addition. A potential candidate for combination with other items. Compare with some other means of readily getting a shield equipped in a hurry.

Quickchange Cloak (Cost: 1500 gp)
Quickly store or apply mundane disguises. Which means you could also quickly store or apply costumes. Compare with a Hat of Disguise or Sleeve of Many Garments.

Cowardly Crouching Cloak (Cost: 1800 gp)
At-will, weak save DC Sanctuary, but at a hefty cost of becoming immobilized, blind, and unable to do anything else other than listen. Compare with a custom item that just casts Sanctuary and a few other items that allow access to it.

Cloak of the Jungle (Cost: 2400 gp)
1/day Tree Shape to be a Large-sized tree or shrub for an hour. Not sure how useful this could really be for spying in this day and age, outside of fairly specific areas, like maybe Central Park in NYC. Compare with the Treeform Cloak, which lasts for 7 hours.

Cloak of Elvenkind (Cost: 2500 gp)
+5 competence bonus to Stealth, also it is super-good adaptive camouflage that changes to blend in with the surrounding terrain.

Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Cost: 2500 gp)
2 cantrips at-will, one of which is always Prestidigitation, and then two 1st-level spells of the same school of magic. Of them, Conjuration, Enchantment, Illusion, and Transmutation are probably the best options, either for raw power or versatility or just how useful the cantrip might be. Although Abjuration would be yet another cheap source of Endure Elements to compare with all of the other potential ways to get it. Taking off Prestidigitation from combining several of them would probably knock off around 900 gp from the base price, making it 2400 gp for each additional kind of Cloak of the Hedge Wizard added on. Compare with the Apprentice's Cheating Gloves.

Cloak of the Night Sky (Cost: 2500 gp)
Endure Elements, but only while sleeping, and the ability to comfortably sleep in medium armor, which may have some synergy with a particular suit of magic armor. 1/day Know Direction is largely going to be useless, especially since you can get a pretty good compass for not that much. Some of the stuff locked behind Desna-worship is a little bit neater, like the ability to make the cloak match the stars currently above oneself.

Cloak of Fiery Vanishing (Cost: 2600 gp)
1/day leave fake ashes and bones like you burned to death and become invisible when any fire damage is dealt, even if Fire Resistance or the like would negate that damage. Fairly niche way to fake one's death, and limited by the illusion only lasting for half a minute, and as far as throwing off enemies goes, you're more likely to get shot, stabbed, or run over than have someone try to set you on fire. Still, this could be exploited to some effect. But that effect might still be better achieved through other means and the different plans those allow. Like access to the Sculpt Corpse spell.

Deathlurker Cloak (Cost: 2700 gp)
A cloak that always billows even when there's no wind around. Always fun for proper dramatic effect. 1/day Doom may or may not be of some interest for making people scared, but the stuff locked Groetus-worship is of significantly less interest, since False Life is fairly readily obtained elsewhere and you're generally best served not killing large numbers of people or engaging in lethal combat regularly.

3000 to under 6000 gp:

Grasping Cloak (Cost: 3000 gp) [Note: Note the URL due to the typo on AONPRD]
The Grasping Cloak basically gives you an additional hand that can only pick up or hold something small, or use to brace yourself 1/day. Using it as an additional hand is, thankfully, an at-will feature rather than gated behind a limited amount of time per day. For quality of life alone, this seems pretty neat to me.

Cloak of Woodland Creatures (Cost: 3500 gp)
3/day get the service of either some small furry mammals or an owl for 10 minutes. As long as you're outside on the actual ground. The 10 minute duration is probably more of a limit than the animals themselves.

Stonemist Cloak (Cost: 3500 gp)
A more specific version of a Cloak of Elvenkind and 1/day Obscuring Mist. Compare with a Cloak of Elvenkind with a 1/day Obscuring Mist added to it as a custom item, and other ways of getting access to Obscuring Mist or other obfuscating abilities.

Cloak of Eternal Mist (Cost: 3600 gp)
Constantly creates cool, damp mist. So water vapor and water suspended in the air. Even in space, though, compare that with a Decanter of Endless Water. Getting concealment as long as you're stationary and not on/in a vehicle or mount is potentially quite nice, though.

Cloak of the Yeti (Cost: 4000 gp)
Cold-only Endure Elements, a small natural armor bonus, a small boost to Intimidate, and the ability to look a little bit like a yeti.

Featherscale Cloak (Cost: 4000 gp)
1/day Beast Shape to be a bird or fish, Hide From Animals for almost an hour, and Feather Fall. Along with a +5 competence bonus to Swim. Hide from Animals is probably the best ability, as being imperceptible to them can allow for a lot, especially in combination with invisibility and being quiet which generally works well enough against people.

Golden Eagle Epaulets (Cost: 4500 gp)
1/day Bless and Sanctuary, of which the latter has more potential to be useful. +2 to Diplomacy and one other skill, of which either Perception or Stealth are the better picks, but there is a high likelihood of those bonuses being rendered redundant by those of other items.

Shroud of Venom (Cost: 4500 gp)
Crystallizes poison poured on it, storing it for 1 hour in a more concealed form. Getting poison past mundane security is something that could be accomplished or obviated through a number of means, even if one really wanted to get one's murder or kidnapping on.

Skelterhide (Cost: 4500 gp)
Prevents you from communicating except through pantomime, sign language, or telepathy, making it something that you would only want to put on temporarily, not wear regularly. But if one is at risk of suffering from Insanity or the like, the 1/day 15 minutes of being able to act normally instead could be quite useful in using another item to fix the problem.

The Red Raven's Cape (Cost: 5000 gp)
1/day 40-ft range Dimension Door. Plus create clouds of smoke.

Harborwing Cloak (Cost: 5200 gp)
An extra-billowy cloak that repels rain to keep you dry, or at least, more dry. 3/day Feather Fall isn't half-bad. The ability to hide even while observed while in the rain is potentially neat, but needs to be compared with any access to Invisibility, and has conflicting statements to either be once per day or three 1-minute increments per day.

Iron Guard Pauldrons (Cost: 5750 gp)
Good resistance bonus to saves against fire, OK bonus on Intimidate, and cold-only Endure Elements. Most of this can be obtained better and/or cheaper from other items.

6000 to under 8000 gp:

Cloak of Heavenly Fire (Cost: 6000 gp)
1/day burn people who touch or hit you and 1/day heal people a fair amount. As a defense goes, it probably has a fair amount of being lethal, going by an assumption that most people would count as low-level, especially if they're evil. As far as healing goes, that's probably a fairly significant amount in most contexts where a person is injured but not killed outright.

Cloak of the Scuttling Rat (Cost: 6000 gp)
5 minutes/day of Beast Shape 1 to be a Dire Rat. Limited, but with some potential. A regular rat would probably actually be more useful for slipping in somewhere.

Dead Man's Shroud (Cost: 6000 gp)
Constant Hide From Undead and 1/day invisibility for 5 minutes. Hide From Undead is going to be useless unless you start creating undead, in which case, it's still going to be pretty useless unless you are creating uncontrolled undead. Compare with a custom item of Invisibility(possibly some sort of invisibility cloak), a Ring of Invisibility, etc.

Mantle of the Darkest Night (Cost: 6000 gp)
The fact that it is literally made out of solidified darkness is a novelty in and of itself. 10 rounds of Deeper Darkness per day could have some use in combination with certain other items.

Treeform Cloak (Cost: 6000 gp)
1/day Tree Shape into a living tree and heal while in direct sunlight. Compare with the Cloak of the Jungle, which only lasts for 1 hour.

Cloak of the Sneaky Scoundrel (Cost: 6400 gp)
Basically a burgundy Cloak of Elvenkind, but it has a hidden sheath allowing a light blade to be smuggled somewhere it shouldn't be. Having or wanting to smuggle a blade anywhere is probably going to be extremely niche. Compare with Gloves of Storing and any other form of non-obvious extradimensional storage. Or becoming invisible and using flight or teleportation to circumvent security measures.

Soothing Stole (Cost: 6500 gp)
Cold weather clothing that provides a small bonus to improving a person or animal's attitude and 3/day either Calm Animals or Calm Emotions as an aura. Being able to prevent fights from breaking out can be pretty useful.

Eagle Cape (Cost: 7000 gp)
Constant Feather Fall. 1/day Beast Shape 1 into Eagle form. Compare with a constant item of Feather Fall alone. Also consider just how many times you might actually need Feather Fall in a particular day and what you'd be doing without flight or with only risky flight. 10 minutes of Eagle Form and a boost to Perception while in that form can be useful for scouting, but has some sharp limitations around buildings or dense foliage.

Cloak of the Manta Ray (Cost: 7200 gp)
Constant Beast Shape 2 into the form of a Manta Ray when in salt water, but with the option to still have your arms, which is probably fairly important for being able to exit salt water in order to transform back. Or possibly I'm reading a bit too much into it and one doesn't actually transform into a manta ray, just gains all of its abilities and can disguise as one. Either way, compare with the various other options for swim speeds and water breathing.

Plagueborn Mantle (Cost: 7200 gp)
Allows one to become a one-person superspreader event, or even just allows one to get infected with a horrible and/or incurable disease, give it to someone else with a mere touch attack, and then cast Remove Disease to remove it from oneself.

8000 to under 12,000 gp:

Aspergillum Cloak (Cost: 8000 gp)
Absorbs liquids poured onto it and dries in moments. This may mean that it destroys liquid matter, if so, that could potentially be put to use. The use involving holy water or unholy water is not very useful, as you're ideally not going to do anything that would lead to you geting punched or clawed by any undead or evil outsiders. Definitely better forms of defense or insurance if one wants to try Planar Binding, too.

Crow Brother's Cloak (Cost: 8000 gp)
At-will Speak with Animals, but only for birds. Also 13 rounds/day of concealment/protection from a murder of crows swarm. Being able to talk to the birds is probably more useful.

Phantom Entourage (Cost: 9000 gp)
1/day get 6 hours of weaker Mirror Image in the form of illusions of fawning sycophants. Up to a +3 circumstance bonus on some social skills and singing, which will stack with competence bonuses. The illusions also likely have more than a few potential uses beyond just the mechanical side of things.

Cloak of the Duskwalker (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Low-light vision and 1/day Darkness + Darkvision 60'.

Cocoon Cloak (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Turns into a silk cocoon every time you sleep while wearing it that boosts natural armor and grants Light Fortification. Ideally you won't be doing anything that would lead to anyone deciding to try to murder you in your sleep. Also ideally you won't need a silk cocoon to keep bugs and other animals from being a nuisance or threat while you sleep, either. Still, it strikes me that there is probably some kind of niche, but interesting potential use for this... somehow.

Stone Cloak (Minor) (Cost: 10,000 gp)
At-will harden the cloak into stone, freezing yourself in place. The DR 5/Adamantine might be useful against something that can't be avoided, but generally you don't want to make yourself completely stationary when attacked. Can also be used to eavesdrop in rocky areas with creative posture and placement. Compare that with any long duration Invisibility or even Clairvoyance/Clairaudience access.

Cape of the Mountebank (Cost: 10,800 gp)
1/day Dimension Door that creates smoke.

Cloak of Flash and Shadow (Cost: 11,000 gp)
+2 Charisma OR 3/day Blur + a buff to Stealth, with the ability to toggle between them. Probably better to just combine other items together than take this item.

12,000 to under 16,000 gp:

Cloak of the Hunt (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Boosts Stealth and tracking, while also making you imperceptible to the Scent ability but not necessarily odorless, either. All fairly niche, but with at least some potential for use. Compare with alternative options for all of those qualities, but without the inflated price tag from the abilities gated behind mythic power.

Lion Cloak (Cost: 12,000 gp)
A small circumstance bonus to Intimidate, so it stacks with competence bonuses, a probably irrelevant bonus to saves vs. mind-affecting/fear effects, and 1/day Beast Shape 2 into a Lion for 10 minutes, which is probably fairly neat, even if lions are fairly conspicuous.

Cloak of Good Fortune (Cost: 12,500 gp)
A luck bonus, of all things, to attack rolls, and more pertinent, 1/day Commune. Although this Commune might be limited by a requirement that there actually be a nearby spirit, which may be problematic on Earth.

Cloak of the Saga Keeper (Cost: 13,800 gp)
Cold-only Endure Elements and cold resistance 2, and 7 one-time, one-round untyped bonuses to a small pool of skills.

Cape of Effulgent Escape (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Constant 10' Light and 2/day blinding light + 1 minute invisibility effect. Conspicuous, but that in itself also offers up a potential niche for it even as it discourages other uses.

Cloak of Arachnida (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Constant Spider Climb, immunity to webbing, and 1/day Web. A luck bonus against spider venom is also nice, though seeking out venomous spiders is still something best avoided as long as one has that choice, such as by being outside of Australia. Compare the constant Spider Climb with any source of on-demand flight, especially constant flight like a carpet of flying. On the other hand, it really feels like you're Spider-Man.

Gunfighter's Poncho (Cost: 14,000 gp)
A notable luck bonus to touch AC, which is what guns target, typically. I believe it also allows one to automatically dodge being shot at once per day. Generally better to avoid getting shot at or any chance of it, but there are some courses of action which would carry that risk.

Quicksand Cloak (Cost: 15,000 gp)
A wearable extradimensional space, but the extradimensional space is quicksand. This strikes me as potentially exploitable in some way, beyond just trying to drown people in it. If the quicksand can be removed from the cloak while the cloak remains inexhaustible, that may offer up further possibilities, much like any matter creation can.

Comfort's Cloak (Cost: 15,600 gp)
Constant Endure Elements, a competence bonus to a variety of saves, and resting is many times more effective in providing healing. Sadly no mention of whether it guarantees comfortable sleep.

Pelt of the Beast (Cost: 15,600 gp)
Get a Bite attack, 1/day Speak With Animals or upgrade it to at-will if already possessed as an SLA, and 3/day Beast Shape 1 for a single animal form.

16,000 to under 22,000 gp:

Shawl of the Crone (Cost: 16,000 gp)
Physically transform into a very old woman, but without the aging penalties/bonuses. Gives a circumstance bonus to Charisma checks, most notably to seeming to need assistance. Compare with a Greater Hat of Disguise's use of Alter Self.

Prestidigitator's Cloak (Cost: 17,200 gp)
+8 competence on Sleight of Hand, a relatively rare example of a competence bonus above 5. Also provides 1-hour-long extradimensional storage of either A. a single object of up to 100 lb that fits inside a 5-ft square or B. multiple of such but they have to be put inside the extradimensional storage one at a time. Compare with the various other options for extradimensional storage, including Bags of Holding and Portable Holes. Also compare with some form of at-will or 1/day Treasure Stitching. This doesn't require actually lifting the object, though, or even having to touch it directly.

Ebony Bolero (Cost: 18,000 gp)
5/day for a variety of effects for up to 1 minute, the most notable being Calm Emotions, Modify Memory to erase memories, and Detect Thoughts for reading thoughts.

Moss Cloak (Cost: 18,700 gp)
+10 competence bonus on Stealth in woodlands and 1/day negate a single poison. Also made out of both living plant life and soil. Compare negating a poison with the Periapt of Proof Against Poison and a number of ways of getting access to Neutralize Poison.

Jellyfish Cape (Cost: 19,200 gp)
Concealment in salt water, a swim speed, and the ability to breathe underwater. Also a minor deterrent against a living creature straying too close in the form of stinging tentacles. Compare with other options for swim speeds and breathing underwater such as the Cloak of the Manta Ray.

Cloak of the Diplomat (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Comptence bonuses for Diplomacy and Sense Motive. 1/day allows to roll twice and take the better result for those skills. Potentially best of all for anyone wanting to try Diplomancy, one can adjust an attitude by 3 steps in one go instead of just 2 steps, though it does make failing to do so's penalty more severe.

Key Cloak (Cost: 20,000 gp)
+1 shield bonus to AC. At-will effectively conjure a dome of keys as a shield that lasts indefinitely, though it immobilizes and otherwise basically acts as a tower shield. You can rest like that but can't take actions. 1/day skeleton key that lasts for 1/hour and tries to pick locks for you. The skeleton key could be useful for anything requiring infiltration. Compare the key-dome with the protection offered by a Stone Cloak. Compare the shield bonus to the Shield Cloak.

Murktouch Cloak (Cost: 20,000 gp)
10 rounds/day of fog that lets you deliver touch attacks within it, provides concealment, and confers blindsight. Also resists wind. I could see this providing a distraction to get an opportunity to use a spell against someone in public, but there should generally be other, better options.

22,000 to under 40,000 gp:

Erinyes Company Cloak (Cost: 22,000 gp)
3/day flight for 10 minutes. Compare with a Broom of Flying and Wings of Flying (including lesser wings).

Groundbreaker Cloak (Cost: 22,000 gp)
Gain a burrow speed, but only just below the surface, and creating difficult terrain in one's wake. Could potentially be used to break up soil as preparation for trying to grow plants inside of some kind of greenhouse on Mars, as agricultural machinery and vehicles generally would be difficult to teleport off-planet except in pieces and would require new designs to be made first that would work in that environment, too. Beyond that kind of niche use, it seems mostly like a novelty.

Wings of Flying (Lesser) (Cost: 22,000 gp)
Awkward, slow flight, but flight nonetheless, and with no duration limiting things, either.

Lycanthrope Skin (Cost: 24,000 gp (boar, rat, wolf), 40,000 gp (brown bear, bat, crocodile, shark, tiger))
Constant Speak With Animals to animals related to the skinwalker variety of that particular cloak. There are more economical options that provide more than ample Speak With Animals to all varieties of animals. The price is very clearly highly inflated by the ability it offers to Skinwalkers to change shape into the animal's form, as evidenced by the 40,000 gp version whose only difference is allowing transformation into stronger creatures.

Cloak of Displacement (Minor) (Cost: 24,000 gp)
Essentially constant Blur, giving a 20% miss chance, which is a nice additional layer of defense when defenses are necessary. It does have the advantage and disadvantage of working continually and working by distorting and warping light. So it'll be pretty conspicuous when worn even if one is in a disguise that obfuscates the cloak itself.

Melding Cloak (Cost: 25,000 gp)
10 minutes/day meld into materials that are not metal or heavily worked for and be able to slowly travel across their surfaces.

Cloak of the Bat (Cost: 26,000 gp)
(nearly) At-will Fly or Beast Shape 3 into a Bat for 7 minutes at a time, but only in the dark, and the ability to hang upside down from ceilings. Compare the latter with Slippers of Spider Climbing or the Cloak of Arachnida. Compare the flight with a Broom of Flying or Wings of Flying.

Arms of the Marilith (Cost: 30,000 gp)
4 extra arms with hands, although they can't really do much more than pick up, hold things, or pass them to other hands. Compare with the Grasping Cloak which gives 1 extra hand with similar limitations on use.

Plumed Mantle (Cost: 39,550 gp)
30 minutes of Fly/day, plus a constant Feather Fall and appearing to look like an eagle to people on the ground, both of which can be toggled on or off. Compare with a Broom of Flying or Wings of Flying. Seeming like an eagle would help attract somewhat less attention if flying out in broad daylight, though there are still things like satellite images and aircraft to also contend with.

40,000 gp and higher:

Juggernaut's Pauldrons (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Enlarge Person that can be turned on or off on-command but otherwise is constant. Ferocity means that even if knocked below 0 hp, one won't lose consciousness as long as one isn't killed outright, so you'd have a chance to heal yourself. Compare that use with an Aegis of Recovery. 3/day Deadly Juggernaut spell after killing an opponent is unlikely to be very relevant.

Charlatan's Cape (Cost: 45,000 gp)
Big brother to the Cloak of the Mountebank. 3/day Dimension Door in the same vein, along with 1/day Ethereal Jaunt.

Wings of Flying (Cost: 54,000 gp)
At-will constant flight with a decent speed in game terms, but a fairly abysmal one for long distance travel. Compare with a Broom of Flying or Carpet of Flying.

Deadened Shadows Cloak (Cost: 63,250 gp)
At-will, 15-minute Sculpt Sound to deaden your sound and also lower the light level around you. 1/week single-person Shadow Walk. Shadow Walk's 50 mph speed is impressive in-game, but pales in comparison to highway speeds, let alone highspeed rail or jetplanes.

Immolation Cloak (Cost: 65,000 gp)
20 fire resistance, and 10 rounds of Fire Shield(warm-only) per day. Compare with the less expensive option to get 20 fire resistance as an armor special property.

Wyvern Cloak (Cost: 78,600 gp)
Constant Feather Fall, 1/day Fly, and a sting natural weapon that can be formed or dismissed at-will. Plus a resistance bonus on Will saves. Less expensive and/or better options for all of that except for the poison stinger.

Wrist Slot Items
Not a whole lot here. Sleeves of Many Garments, Decorum Band, Bracers of the Glib Entertainer, and Bracers of Might are the big standout items to me.

under 5000 gp:

Sleeves of Many Garments (Cost: 200 gp)
Somewhat nebulous exactly what this does, but the main things seem to either be A. it is a shadow-style illusion or otherwise provides the tactile feel and properties of clothing, B. it is entirely visual as a glamer, or C. it's mislabeled and should be Transmutation instead of Illusion. Any of those would be fairly useful, though B. is the most limited, due to the illusion immediately failing upon any kind of physical contact for any kind of meaningful alteration beyond changing coloration or pattern. Even at its most limited, there are a whole lot of uses for being able to superficially meet a dress code or uniform when there is only visual inspection. Plus, it has a super low cost for an at-will, permanent magic item and offers some great quality of life options, so you could get them for the whole family without much sacrifice. On the other hand 4 pounds of gold could pay for a fair amount of bespoke, tailored clothing. Compare with a Hat of Disguise.

Decorum Band (Cost: 1000 gp)
Automatically know before doing something if it will make someone think less of you or view you more negatively. Compare with the Headband of Social Competence, which tells you about social missteps, including anything that makes it more difficult to alter attitudes or worsen the attitude of someone considered very important by the wearer. There may even be potential for combining the (use of the) two.

Burglar's Bracers (Cost: 1050 gp)
Transform into MW thieves' tools and back again on command, at-will. 1/day automatically Take 10 on a Disable Device check regardless of whether you should be able to. Mostly a novelty, but potentially has some uses to be able to get access to an array of tools. Compare with a modern, high quality multi-tool.

Bracers of Steadiness (Cost: 2000 gp)
Be extra good at anything primarily using hands and arms, as long as you Take 20. OTOH, I'm struggling to think of anything other than lockpicking, given the limitations on being able to take 20. Plus, IIRC, that taking 20 automatically accrues the consequences of failing the check due to being modeled as trying and failing over and over again until you get it perfect, which is kind of at odds with the item description itself. Compare with a number of +5 competence bonus items, or a custom competence bonus item that has no limitations on context in which it applies, which this item will not stack with due to also being a competence bonus. On the other hand, Taking 20 may simply not be something that we are actually capable of doing.

Manacles of Cooperation (Cost: 2000 gp)
Either they never try to escape of their own volition, or they can try to escape but only if they pass a Will save with a weak DC. If the former, much more useful, although still fairly limited to keeping people on ice while kidnapped as part of some greater plot. Compare with the greater security of just turning them to stone and then "thawing" them out when needed again. The reasonable request component of the item is probably almost completely irrelevant between the save DC being so low and the limitations on what counts as reasonable while taking someone captive.

Seafaring Stanchions (Cost: 2400 gp)
Makes your armor become a flotation device for 4 hours. Compare with getting a swim speed and the ability to breathe water, thus not needing a flotation device, generally.

Bracers of Archery (Lesser) (Cost: 5000 gp)
Being able to use a bow could facilitate taking advantage of ranged weapon special properties. It's also a nice hobby, although from that standpoint, one could legitimately just learn how to use a bow, although the bracers synergize with that, too, at least, by providing a bonus on attack rolls. The Greater version, while better, probably isn't enough better to justify the price increase unless one really just has to eke out every possible bonus to hit for some purpose.

5000 to under 8000 gp:

Vanishing Sheath (Cost: 5000 gp)
Store a small weapon, wand, or ammo extradimensionally. Compare with Gloves of Storing and similar forms of sneaky or readily at-hand extradimensional space.

Bone Beads (Cost: 6000 gp)
Durationless Command Undead for up to 8 HD of mindless undead. Probably not all that useful given the small control pool, but in combination with similar items and a way to create undead, could have a modest number of undead under control, enough to at least do a small project with them. Compare with the Bone Razor.

Vambraces of Defense (Cost: 6000 gp)
1/day bullet-deflecting bracer. Also a +1 deflection bonus, which does apply against firearms. Generally better to avoid being aimed at in the first place, but, still, pretty handy in contexts where it suddenly becomes necessary, at least to buy time to activate another, greater defensive ability or teleport.

Verdant Vine (Cost: 6000 gp)
Somewhat unclear from the item description whether this item only has 5 uses, ever, or if it regenerates berries, etc. Assuming it lasts indefinitely, 1/day Entangle, but creates vicious, thorny vines that persist after being created. Not the most useful of plants, but permanently created plant life is permanently created plant life, especially in space or on alien worlds. Compare with a custom item of Climbing Beanstalk, which creates permanent plant life that also produces food, or just teleporting in more useful plants from Earth.

Armiger's Panoply (Cost: 7200 gp)
3/day teleport a suit of armor inside of a special, linked sack onto yourself. Can even switch suits of armor. Probably works best with suits of armor that ar combined with Traveler's Wetsuits or some form of protection against exposure to vacuum or the like. Other armor properties may be mutually exclusive, though, and this would allow a quick way to switch between them. Possibly pairs well with putting the sack into a bag of holding or the like.

Longarm Bracers (Cost: 7200 gp)
3/day stretchy arms. Compare with Mage Hand or access to flight or Enlarge Person or even a Seamless Skin of a Large sized humanoid.

Bracers of the Glib Entertainer (Cost: 7900 gp)
+5 to all Perform checks can be pretty nice, but 1/day Glibness for over an hour is pretty potent. (A good savings, too, as a 1/day Glibness item + a +5 competence item should be around 12K)

8000 to under 15,000 gp:

Harvester's Bindings (Cost: 8500 gp)
Siphon any venom out of your body into the bracers instead of being affected by it and even bottle it for ahort-term use, basically at-will. Compare with a Periapt of Proof Against Poison.

Bracelets of Defiant Wind (Cost: 9000 gp)
1/day Air Bubble + Wind Wall for 1 minute as an emergency safeguard against drowning or toxic gases or being exposed to the vacuum of space. Compare with a Necklace of Adaptation or Pressure Suit.

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Cost: 9000 gp)
3/day reroll nat 1s on saving throws or failed saves vs. death effects. Probably not going to be making too many saving throws, other than largely self-inflicted ones, but helpful in those cases or if one is going exploring in hazardous environments. Has a major downside of permanent reduction in use with nat 20s, unfortunately.

Bracers of Might (Cost: 10,000 gp)
+4 untyped bonus to Strength checks and skill checks, and 3/day +4 sacred bonus to Str for 1 round. If combined with Muleback Cords, then I believe they confer almost all the benefits of having +8 to Strength, save for attack rolls, damage, and CMB.

Arrowmaster's Bracers (Cost: 13,900 gp)
Damage Reduction against ranged weapons and a deflection bonus to AC against them, plus a 1/day +20 insight on 1 ranged attack roll, basically True Strike. Again, better to not get shot at, but if you have to get shot at... The 1/day True Strike can synergize with quite a few pretty nasty pieces of modern military hardware, too, or even a Technological Weapon, although I believe the best range is going to come from real world weapons.

Vambraces of the Genie (Cost: 14,400 gp (Efreeti), 18,900 gp (Djinni, Marid, Shaitan))
3 spells 1/day from 1 of 4 lists + constant Endure Elements. The Shaitan version has some spy applications (though compare with Clairvoyance/Clairaudience) and produces the only permanent effect though 15 ft^3 Stone Shape. Djinni, Marid, and Efreeti both give 5 minutes of Invisibility, but the Djinn's Wind Wall and Gaseous Form are probably more useful than Produce Flame or Pyrotechnics. Marid gives 10 hours of Water Breathing, which can be acquired elsewhere better, but can at least be shared. Shaitan and Djinni seem to be best to me, though the more interesting thing of Shaitan can be replicated with a 1/day Stone Shape item for <1/3 the price.

Bracelet of Bargaining (Cost: 14,500 gp)
+5 competence item for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive, usually the more imporant trio of social skills. Also a pretty reliable way to detect if there is any deceit involved upon a handshake, since the Will save DC is fairly good. Seems like the deceit-detecting ability is somewhere between 1K and 3.5K by trying to reverse engineer out the competence bonuses.

15,000 gp and higher:

Ioun Spite Bracers (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Hold 4 ioun stones in slots and benefit from them without conflicting with a wayfinder AND without them having to orbit your head. That alone would be pretty good, but you can also temporarily drain the power of an ioun stone in order to cast Magic Missile at a level that is probably lethal to most people and more than a few animals.

Shackles of Durance Vile (Cost: 16,200 gp)
Indefinite Dominate Person on the wearer provided they fail their save when they're put on. On the other hand, they are shackles, which severely limits the contexts in which they could be used. Compare with Mindmaster's Eyes.

Armband of the Golden Serpent (Cost: 20,000 gp)
Potentially aids any schemes that require getting off spells as melee touch attacks by eliminating attacks of opportunity.

Bracelets of Stone (Cost: 26,760 gp)
1/day Wall of Stone, and the ability to act as a temporary achor point for any Wall of Stone spell, although at the cost of making any such wall eventually break or crumble to dust. Compare with a 1/day Wall of Stone item (~16K) or even at-will Expeditious Construction(1.8-2K).

Swallowtail Bracers (Cost: 27,000 gp)
+1 Luck to saves, ability checks, and skills. 1/day Dream is locked behind Desna-worship and is the only such ability of interest. Probably ultimately not worth it just for the luck, possibly not even with all the Desna-locked features, given that someone casting Nightmare on you is probably not going to be an issue.

Bracers of Primal Mastery (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Help protect against primal magic events. If those are even applicable. Also allows rolling twice and taking one's choice when using a rod of wonder, whatever that would really mean in this situation, beyond increasing the chance of creating small gemstones.

High Elven Bracers (Cost: 30,000 gp)
Proficiency with a number of weapons. Compare with Bracers of Archery, which give every type of bow that isn't a crossbow.

It may be an artifact of going through Shoulders and Wrist back to back, but my big takeaway here is that you can basically be Spider-Man if you wear Bracers of Might and slap Muleback Cords onto a Cloak of Arachnida.

Senko wrote:
Loren Pechtel wrote:
Coidzor wrote:
That actually reminds me, what does everyone think about pricing a Girdle of Opposite Gender or an at-will or 1/day version of the Elixir of Sex Shift?

Sex Shift:

Potion = caster level * spell level * 50

Command word at will = caster level * spell level * 1800, so the cost is 81,000gp. For 1/day that becomes 16,200gp.

The girdle is cursed, it's much harder to figure out what to do.

For most purposes there's a cheaper route--alter self. 1/day isn't going to work because of the duration, it needs to be continuous--but that's still only 12,000gp. I would reduce that somewhat as the spell allows choosing many humanoids and this item only does your own form. I would consider maybe 6,000gp fair. The only thing that comes to mind that you can do with the elixir but not this item is impregnate someone. (I would allow someone under this to become pregnant/give birth. At the moment of birth they're going to lose the egg cell--but by then it's just one cell amongst many, no harm done.)

I'm not sure I understand that last paragraph. I followed it up to the point someone under alter self can impregnate someone/get pregnant and give birth but what do you mean they'll lose the egg cell at the moment of birth? How is . . . hang on

You got it backwards--a female alter-selfed into a male can't impregnate. What you're missing is that when a polymorphed creature drops something that something vanishes. Semen vanishes upon ejaculation, the egg vanishes upon giving birth.


Grabs teen from another dimension

Teen: What the?
Turns him into a girl
Teen: Oh ####
Now if she gets pregnant what is the difference between the egg/cell she's losing and any other teen mother?
Teen: Pregnant?!
Back you go sends her back to her home dimension.

She loses it upon giving birth. The baby is minus one cell, utterly irrelevant.

I jest but I am genuinely lost. Girl gets pregnant egg is fertalized and becomes a baby, boy under alter self gets pregnant egg is fertalized becomes a baby. The process is the same the other way Guy has sex and fertalizees an egg, girl...

For females there is no meaningful difference. What I'm saying is that a female alter-selfed into a male can't impregnate.

*Thelith wrote:

Yes, you can cure 11 rich people per day of diseases that are mostly already curable, or non-curable for even more rich people...

Dumping $1.95B/year into research, development, and distribution will get the world a cure to who knows how many things...
Even just a cure for one disease spread worldwide will help far more people than your 10/day ever could.

If you can save 11 rich people/day you can dump $2B/year into research. Charge $10M per spell, there are a lot of people who would pay that to have their life saved and you'll easily have your $2B/year.


But if we get a magic item that can produce permanent vegetation (like a djinni can) then enlarge that vegetation.. to such a degree that it starts sucking all of the excess CO2 out of the environment then maybe I'd go with some magic...

Either way 99% of it isn't for my own personal well being

You're not going to make even a tiny dent in CO2 levels this way. You'll be better off with money-making items and using the money to pay people to plant trees.

Loren Pechtel wrote:

If you can save 11 rich people/day you can dump $2B/year into research. Charge $10M per spell, there are a lot of people who would pay that to have their life saved and you'll easily have your $2B/year.

You're not going to make even a tiny dent in CO2 levels this way. You'll be better off with money-making items and using the money to pay people to plant trees.

Moneymancy and diplomancy and minionmancy on the rich and powerful would tend towards having the biggest potential, aye. A lot of problems, at least on their surface, could be trivialized by simply getting enough people moving in the same direction.

That bit about not making a dent in CO2 by simply making more plant matter gives me a little segue into something I started looking at regarding the spell Iron Stake after seeing a thread over on reddit about Kikituks.

Iron Stake Stuff:

Assuming that the 1 foot cold iron spike is basically identical to the Iron spike, then an automatic source of Iron Stake would make 1 pound per round, 10 per minute, 600 per hour, 14,400 per day, 5,259,600 per year (~6.5 metric tons per day or ~2386 metric tons per year).

It seems like the top 10 iron ore producing countries put out over 40,000 thousand metric tons or 40M metric tons. Looking at pig iron production instead, it looks like 700+ million metric tons for the number one spot in recent years, with most others being well under 100 million metric tons. At least going off of what I was easily able to access with some quick searches online.

So you're not going to be producing as much as a major mining or smelting nation, but it's nothing to sniff at, either, especially if cold iron would actually have any properties of potential economic interest without magic in the picture or damage reduction to bypass.

An automatic resetting trap of Iron Stake costs 500 * CL * Spell Level, which gives us 500 * 5 * 3 (7500 gp) for a Wizard's version or 500 * 4 * 2 (4000 gp) for a Hunter/Inquisitor's version. Compared to 1800 * either 15 or 8 for a Command Word item or 2000 * the same for a continuous or use-activated version. Although possibly an item that continuously fires off a stream of them dead ahead and can be left on "fire and forget" would be the easiest to set up for an automatic harvest. OTOH, a "dumb" trap could also be set on auto-fire or bamboozled with some form of Permanent Image or even a CL 1 Summon Minor Monster trap.

I would say that's at least an iron mine's output for 4000 gold, except it's presumably in the form of either A. basically wrought iron or B. something like elementally pure iron.

Now for a quick comparison with Transfiguring Touch being used for iron production instead of copper, silver, gold, or platinum.

Transfiguring Touch comparison:

Transfiguring Touch at minimum CL can produce 11 cubic feet of iron in one round, or 5280 pounds of it at 480 lb per cubic foot for the density of wrought iron. It does, however, require actually touching a physical object in order to transmute it or a portion of it into iron. 5280 pounds per round is 52,800 per minute is 3,168,000 per hour is 76,032,000 per day, up to 27,770,688,000 per year. Which translates into ~34,487.5 metric tons per day or ~12,596,572.2 per year, and would put you within the top 20 iron ore producing nations, between Mauritania and Venezuela for ~17th place.

A Transfiguring Touch item would have a cost of 1800 (or 2000) * 6 * 11 + 100 * 528 = either 171,600 or 184,800 gp. (Assuming there's no way to get a magic item of the Alchemist/Investigator Version, otherwise that's 1800 or 2000 * 45 + 432 * 100 giving a cost of either 124,200 or 133,200 gp.)

So that's over 5000x the potential production for up to a 4520% increase in cost of the item and an unquantifiable increase in the amount of attention needed to use the item in using a Transfiguring Touch custom item over an Iron Stake trap.

Now one fairly crucial thing that I'm missing here is an estimate on the actual value of the iron when traded in industrial quantities, which is, admittedly, somewhat complicated by figuring out the closest analogue and the logistics costs that would be involved in collection, packaging, storage, and transport.

Loren Pechtel wrote:
You got it backwards--a female alter-selfed into a male can't impregnate. What you're missing is that when a polymorphed creature drops something that something vanishes. Semen vanishes upon ejaculation, the egg vanishes upon giving birth.

I thought you were referencing something like that. I looked at the general magic overview for the Transmutation school and Polymorph subschool, the same general source that is where the rule that Conjuration (Creation) spells with Instantaneous durations create permanent matter comes from and didn't see anything along those lines.

Do you recall where this is detailed?

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It's that time again!

Back with Rings and Rods of the non-metamagic persuasion. I skipped over trawling through the metamagic rods because I couldn't recall any of them offhand that had other features baked into them, though if anyone does then I'd be interested to hear about it, so please point any of them out.

All in all, a fairly satisfying assortment of items with no real sense of disappointment of "wow, this is all that's there?" like with some of the less popular body slots.

I even found a cheaper alternative to the Rod of Flame Extinguishing, the Saltspray Ring, although it does effectively blind you without a way to see through mist.

Next up will be Magic Armor/Shields and Magic Weapons. I believe that will then wrap up traditional magic items. After that, I'll probably start in on Tech.

Magic Rings
The Saltspray Ring is a somewhat notable find for its comparability to the Rod of Flame Extinguishing. A Ring of Invisibility has a lot of potential as well. Ring of Sustenance is still probably MVP, though there are ways to circumvent not taking it. The Ring of Planar Focus is of interest for traveling the planes in relative safety by arriving on-target to more stable areas. The Ring of Culturemeld joins the Decorum Band and Headband of Social Competence for a trifecta of socializing on easy mode. The Ring of Continuation's interaction with other items that cast spells, Ring of Telekinesis, and Ring of Djinni Calling allowing for at least 1/day Djinn-based creation of plant matter are also notable picks. All in all, a lot of potential when it comes to rings, as one would have expected. The Ring of Regeneration would in and of itself prevent a lot of forms of "death by old age," due to repairing and restoring damaged and destroyed organs.

under 3000 gp:

Dungeon Ring (prisoner's) (Cost: 250 gp)
A ring that tells you the wearer's Status per the spell as long as you wear the 16K master ring. Additionally, it allows easier Scrying on and Teleporting to the wearer of the ring. Beyond being an anchor point for teleportation, knowing the status does let you know if any person of interest gets sick or harmed.

Ring of Arcane Signets (Cost: 1000 gp)
At-will Arcane Mark to permanently mark objects. Different wearers can have different runes from the same ring, but the same wearer always has the same symbol, though it can be specified when first putting the ring on. 1-inch diameter and individually touching every location to leave the Arcane Mark limits things somewhat, but there are probably some uses for permanently marking objects. Doesn't seem like it allows for the invisible mark that only shows up under Detect Magic, but being able to mark things without others seeing it could be even more useful, whether it's for something as mundane as marking a deck of cards so their value is apparent from the arcane mark on them under Detect Magic or something even more involved. Compare with the Profane Seal Signet.

Ring of Inurement (Cost: 1000 gp)
1/day choose either hot-only or cold-only Endure Elements.

Riverclub Ring (Cost: 1000 gp)
Being able to beat people with a club made out of animated water is almost purely a novelty, but at least a noteworthy one.

Ring of Serene Contortions (Cost: 1200 gp)
Untyped bonus to Escape Artist. The at-will bell sound is mostly a novelty, and the 1/day True Strike is of limited usefulness, too.

Ring of Torag (Cost: 1200 gp)
Fire Resistance 10 1/day and a resistance bonus on saves vs fire. Compare with sources of Fire Resistance that are more constant but more expensive.

Ring of Feather Falling (Cost: 2200 gp)
Constant, automatic Feather Fall. Pairs nicely with a form of flight as a safety net.

Ring of Sustenance (Cost: 2500 gp)
No need to eat or drink and only need 2 hours of sleep per day. Compare with the myriad options for food and water, both mundane and magical,

3000 to under 5000 gp:

Knight-Inheritor's Ring (Cost: 3000 gp)
At-will Prestidigitation but just to clean yourself up. Also Bless Weapon and Wartrain Mount 1/day and a Ring of Protection +1. The most useful of those is the cleaning part, and compare that with Apprentice's Cheating Gloves or any flavor of the Cloak of the Hedge Wizard.

Profane Seal Signet (Cost: 3000 gp)
Arcane Mark at-will, 1/day Wrath, and a Ring of Protection +1. Compare with the Ring of Arcane Signets, though this one seems like it has the usual potential of Arcane Mark to change the symbol, and can be used on creatures in addition to objects. Also, 1 square foot is much larger than 1 inch diameter.

Ring of Austere Majesty (Cost: 3000 gp)
Circumstance bonuses to Diplomacy and Intimidate as long as it is visible to whomever one is using social skills on. Also provides an at-will ability to have a very short private conversation while everyone else just hears a discussion of the ring being pretty freaking sweet. Compare with custom items of the various spells that allow for private conversation.

Tyrant's Friend (Cost: 3000 gp)
Grows warm to warn you about poisonous objects, creatures, or poisons, whether in containers or otherwise, but you gotta touch those containers or creatures with your hand first. Compare with Physician's Spectacles, which let one detect both poison and disease from at least a bit more distance and without requiring physical contact.

Ring of Eloquence (Cost: 3500 gp)
Learn 4 languages. Also comes with some small competence bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform (oratory). Understanding the languages that the gear comes with could be helpful in a number of ways. Compare with the Belt of Dwarvenkind and Translator's Cap.

Ring of Stairs and Stars (Cost: 3820 gp)
A Ring of Feather Falling with 1/day Magic Missile at CL 3. Also at-will illusory butterflies, though those are probably purely a novelty.

Ring of Planar Focus (Cost: 4000 gp)
1/week make a map of a public or well-known area on another plane as long as you have the proper tuning fork to Plane Shift there. Allows for on-target arrival if attempting to Plane Shift to that location, with none of the usual complication of randomly arriving some distance away from the target.

Ring of Seven Lovely Colors (Cost: 4000 gp)
7/day have 10 minutes of being a songbird.

Saltspray Ring (Cost: 4500 gp)
At-will, 10'-radius Obscuring Mist that also extinguishes non-magical fire. Compare with the Rod of Flame Extinguishing. Combine with not needing to breathe and other protections and the ability to move quickly or even fly and one can put out quite a lot of fire quite quickly. A Starfaring Robe could greatly increase the effectiveness of such.

5000 to under 9000 gp:

Gluttonous Feasting Ring (Cost: 5000 gp)
Purify Food and Drink on anything that you eat or drink and 1/day False Life upon eating an extravagant meal. Compare with being able to cast Purify Food and Drink, which would be much less expensive as a custom item AND benefit others.

Ring of Manaical Devices (Cost: 5000 gp)
Competence bonus to Craft (traps) and Disable Device, as well as the ability to use both skills as if trained despite being untrained.

Communique Rings (Cost: 6000 gp)
1 mile two-way radio, basically. Can be overheard by others around the person with the other ring if not whispering quietly enough. Easily bested by a cellphone under normal circumstances.

Ring of Culturemeld (Cost: 7800 gp)
Competence bonus to language-based Diplomacy, and have slightly better word choice when speaking to someone else. Compare with the Decorum Band and Headband of Social Competence.

Maintenance Overseer's Ring (Cost: 8000 gp)
Learn more than you probably ever wanted to know about sewers, tunnels, basements, and underground passages as long as you're in a large town or bigger. Gives an untyped bonus to Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks related to such areas and allows to act as trained in that skill. Also, automatic Perception checks within 10 feet of secret doors in any area below street level in such a city. Definitely more potential use in some cities, such as New York City or Paris than in others like New Orleans.

Ring of Toxic Nullification (Cost: 8500 gp)
1/day negate a poison affecting you. Compare with a Periapt of Proof Against Poison, or access to Neutralize Poison.

Contract Rings (Cost: 8500 gp)
A mutual Lesser Geas to honor a contract for 7 days. Requires 24 hours of wearing the rings prior to making the agreement. Should be able to facilitate something, but is fairly cumbersome.

Scholar's Ring (Cost: 8700 gp)
Comprehend Languages and a competence bonus to Knowledge (history). Also once every 5 days, Legend Lore, but only if you've been studying the subject within the past week and have used the ring to aid a Knowledge (history) check related to it.

9000 to under 14,000 gp:

Rings of Friend-Finding (Cost: 9000 gp)
24 hour attunement period, but it allows at-will Status and knowledge of the distance and direction to the wearer of the other ring after that.

Rings of Seven Virtues (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Constant Endure Elements and competence bonus to Survival in jungles. Given much of its real ability is locked to the ruins of Saventh-Yhi, there are better options for the Endure Elements or competence bonus.

Ring of Animal Friendship (Cost: 10,800 gp)
At-will Charm Animal for 3 hours. Certainly has its uses, especially in conjunction with access to Speak with Animals. Compare with Mindmaster's Eyes giving Charm Monster for days.

Ring of the Iron Skull (Cost: 10,800 gp)
1/day Blood Biography-like effect using a corpse or piece of a corpse. Also competence bonus on Appraise and Heal in limited contexts.

Ring of Transposition (Cost: 10,800 gp)
1/day swap places and rings with a creature within 800 feet wearing a ring that it has been bonded to.

Ring of the Sophisticate (Cost: 11,000 gp)
Competence bonus on Knowledge (local) and Sense Motive and 1/day either Locate Creature or Locate Object. At-will learn the direction to the nearest tavern, pub, bar, etc. within 20 miles.

Decoy Ring (Cost: 12,000 gp)
At-will 3-round Invisibility accompanied by 4 illusory duplicates that act as a distraction. Also triggers if you are knocked unconscious, potentially combining well with a Talisman of Life’s Breath and other emergency healing. Compare with a Ring of Invisibility and other access to on-demand Invisibility.

Ring of Energy Resistance (minor) (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Resistance to 1 of 5 types of energy damage. Fire, Cold, and Electricity are probably the more immediately useful ones between environmental effects and the importance of electronics and electrical wiring when it comes to modern technology. Even resisting Acid could have some minor quality of life benefits, like preventing the irritation of one's skin from various household cleaners, even without having to work in some environment with a lot of dangerous chemistry going on. Compare with Energy Resistance as an armor property and a number of other items.

Ring of Blood Calling (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Requires a literal deal with a devil, but a 1/day Calling effect to get a devil for 1 hour could be very useful. Also, incredibly dangerous.

Ring of Chameleon Power (Cost: 12,700 gp)
At-will Disguise Self and a large competence bonus to Stealth due to being able to magically blend in with surroundings. Compare with a Ring of Invisibility on the stealth end and a Hat of Disguise on the disguise end.

14,000 to under 25,000 gp:

Ring of the Sea Strider (Cost: 14,000 gp)
Gain a Swim Speed and 1/day Dimension Door within the same body of liquid.

Ring of the Cacodaemon (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Provides one use for soul gems, using them as subjects of a 1/day Speak with Dead or as fodder for a 1/day Fear effect.

Ring of Water Walking (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Constant Water Walk.

Scavenger's Ring (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Walk on the bottom of any large body of water as easily as if it were the surface, at the cost of being unable to swim. Needs to be combined with some other source of waterbreathing or obviating the need to breathe, however.

Ring of Inner Fortitude (minor) (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Reduce or even negate ability damage and drain by a modest amount. Mostly helpful in preventing negative side effects from failing saves or checks when using other items.

Ring of the Clean Hands (Cost: 18,000 gp)
10 charges for Telekinesis-related effects per day. Compare with the Ring of Telekinesis.

Rings of Bondage (Cost: 18,200 gp)
1/day Lesser Geas on the wearer of the servant ring OR the ability to get a Lesser Geas on the wearers of both rings for the purpose of fulfilling a contract. Also constant Status on the wearer of the servant ring.

Ring of Invisibility (Cost: 20,000 gp)
At-will Invisibility. Great for sneaking, or simply avoiding unwanted social interactions.

25,000 to under 50,000 gp:

Ring of Evasion (Cost: 25,000 gp)
Gain Evasion, although you'll generally want to avoid situations that could lead to you getting exploded in the first place. Still, nice to have when you need it.

Ring of X-Ray Vision (Cost: 25,000 gp)
20' of X-ray vision for 10 minutes per day without cost, Con damage for each minute after that. Compare with gloves that allow you to see through substances as long as you're touching them and access to Clairaudience/Clairvoyance and Scrying.

Witness Hunter's Ring (Cost: 25,200 gp)
At-will determine if someone is observing you and if it is one creature or more than one. 1/day Locate Creature to target all creatures currently observing you. Potentially useful for making sure that there are no immediate witnesses to using more overt magical effects.

The Bloodflame Ring (Cost: 26,000 gp)
Gain the fire subtype and have molten iron for blood. Also burn anyone who hits you and kill mosquitos foolish enough to try to drink your molten iron. Also I guess you can probably engage in crude welding using your own blood? Being immune to fire damage certainly can be useful.

Ring of Resumption (Cost: 30,800 gp)
1/day effectively gain fast healing 5 in response to taking hp damage, and regenerate any body parts or organs lost as a result of that damage. Compare with a Ring of Regeneration and the Pearly White Spindle ioun stone.

Ring of Energy Dampening (Cost: 31,500 gp)
Resistance 5 to acid, cold, elecriticy, and fire. That's enough to prevent most minor, incidental damage outright.

Sihedron Ring (Cost: 35,000 gp)
Like a Sihedron Medallion, a hilariously bad idea if a runelord is aware of it. Still, a deflection bonus to AC, constant Endure Elements, and effectively having the Glamered magic armor property rolled into the Sleeves of Many Garments on a ring is worth mentioning.

Ring of Freedom of Movement (Cost: 40,000 gp)
Constant Freedom of Movement.

Rings of Bondage, Greater (Cost: 42,000 gp)
As Rings of Bondage, but with permanent duration and is Geas/Quest instead of Lesser Geas. Also a continuous Sanctuary effect on the master ring against the servant ring, plus a free Bestow Curse every time the Sanctuary effect is successfully overcome.

50,000 to under 100,000 gp:

Band of Triumph (Cost: 50,000 gp)
+4 Charisma item. Also 1/day combination Shout that only affects designated enemies and Inspire Courage for all other creatures in an AoE.

Ring of Continuation (Cost: 56,000 gp)
Extend the duration of 1 spell at a time from 10 minutes/level or greater up to 24 hours instead. Potentially useful in combination with medium duration buffs to make them last all day instead.

Survivor's Ring (Cost: 56,160 gp)
1/day automatically get reduced to 0 hp instead of below 0 as long as you wouldn't be killed outright and create an illusory double ala Mislead. Also a 1/day Dimension Door but only while the Mislead is active. Compare with the Decoy Ring.

Ring of Telekinesis (Cost: 75,000 gp)
At-will Telekinesis. Compare with access to Mage Hand from Apprentice's Cheating Gloves, Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, or other sources.

Ring of Regeneration (Cost: 90,000 gp)
Effectively have fast healing 1. Also immunity to bleed damage and the ability to regrow lost limbs, organs, and other body parts, as long as the ring was worn prior to those body parts being lost. Would technically allow for non-lethal organ harvesting, although healing in the middle of surgery probably introduces a host of complications there.

100,000 gp and higher:

Ring of Three Wishes (Cost: 120,000 gp)
3 Wishes. Despite being a consumable, Wish may just be worth it with the right scheme, good wording, and tolerance for risk.

Ring of Djinni Calling (Cost: 125,000 gp)
1 hour of service from a specific djinni per day. The two most powerful things they can do is Plane Shift between the Astral, Elemental, and Material planes and permanently create 9 cubic feet of non-living vegetable matter.

Ring of the Hidden Psyche (Cost: 160,000 gp)
Achieve a form of life after death by being able to be inside of the ring and possess anyone who wears it.

Ring of Splended Security (Cost: 180,000 gp)
+5 Ring of Protection and +5 Cloak of Resistance rolled into one along with what is basically the Glamered armor property and Sleeves of Many Garments combined but for armor, clothing, and weaponry. The spell resistance is probably wasted, though.

Ring of Elemental Command (Cost: 200,000 gp)
1 of 4 types of ring with a whole slew of spells associated with them and a small host of benefits against natives of a particular elemental plane. Earth has some permanent effects, while Water is fairly specific in niche but has a lot of use that can be gained from the unlimited use spells it provides. On the other hand, fully activating them is a bit tricky.

Magic Rods (non-Metamagic)
Immovable Rods can't be forgotten about, even if their novelty is largely superceded by access to perfect, at-will flight. The Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection has some definite potential. The Rod of Wonder is mostly just weirdness, but could have some use, and at the very least can't be forgotten. The Rod of Flame Extinguishing could be used to do a lot of good, albeit on a relatively small scale without some serious speed and teleportation. The Coldwarp Key offers us some matter creation and Fabricate access. The Rod of Security is a little bit less of a "in our world" and more of a "leave our world" item, or at least a way to step outside of time for a bit to let compound interest do its thing. The Scepter of the Arclords also shouldn't be overlooked, just for the potential to get repeated access to Wish in non-consumable form. All in all, a fairly solid variety up for selection.

under 12,000 gp:

Wracking Rod (Cost: 2250 gp)
5/day Cure Light Wounds, but at the cost of being sickened with pain and jolted into alertness for about half a minute. OTOH, a custom item of CLW would only be ~1.8-2K gp for at-will usage without the downside.

Immovable Rod (Cost: 5000 gp)
Support up to 4 tons of weight per rod. Also, 2+ of them can be used to double as a ladder or monkey bars. Compare with, or even combine with Bastion Boots. A set of 2 rods and the boots would be about 20.5K gp.

Utilitarian Rod (Cost: 5000 gp)
A variety of tools, most of which are redundant with flight or a Traveler's Any-Tool, or done better with modern tools. Being able to drill through 3 feet of wood or 1 foot of stone per minute with a hand-drill may be of use in areas where normal power tools would be a hassle to bring to bear, though.

Rod of Thunderous Force (Cost: 5400 gp)
1/day nonlethal, non-damaging burst that knocks people prone and deafens them with a fairly high save DC. Has some potential for self-defense and offensive components of schemes with a bit more versatility than just killing people.

Rod of Mortared Walls (Cost: 8000 gp)
3 charges per day with 3 possible uses, 1. create a Wall of Stone but of masonry instead of raw stone(but only on some form of stone floor/ground), 2. create a bunch of mortar over the course of around 8 hours that finishes curing in another 8 hours, or 3. levitate and move up to half a ton of stone at a time for 10 minutes. Compare with a 3/day custom item of Wall of Stone, which would be 48,600 gp at minimum CL. Potentially combine with an item of Expeditious Construction for a source of raw, mortarless stone for use with the second function. Given the limit on daily uses, mundane construction techniques will generally be superior, but it is nice to be able to make a Wall of Stone that blends in with manmade construction more readily. Reverse-engineering from a 3/day charge item to an at-will item would give 13,333 gp.

Crypt Rod (Cost: 8500 gp)
Relatively short distance, but points towards graves and the like, including potentially for specific people as long as you can find one of their former possessions. Fairly niche but potentially of interest in an archaeological context given how big some tombs can be.

Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection (Cost: 10,500 gp)
At-will detect the largest mass of metal within 30 feet, or the largest grouping of a specific metal or mineral within that same range, and roughly know the quantity of either, too. Gold is a metal, for instance, while corundum and beryl are both minerals and is what rubies/sapphires and emeralds are made out of, respectively. The 30' range is a pretty hefty limitation due to restricting one to surface and near-surface deposits, though the ability to burrow would help to some extent.

12,000 to under 14,000 gp:

Conduit Rod (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Electricity Resistance 5 while held, along with 1/day teleport to a location affected by an electricity spell. Usefulish for working with electricity... one-handed. Barring an extra set of hands, such as from Arms of the Marilith or a Cloak of Grasping.

Gounding Rod (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Electricity Resistance 5 to all creatures within 40' when it is planted into a surface. Compare with the Conduit Rod, but this is probably the more generally useful of the pair, if for no other reason than freeing up a hand.

Rod of Spellsight (Cost: 12,000 gp)
Normal sight through magical clouds, fogs, smokes, etc. So only useful in conjunction with other items that produce such effects.

Rod of Wonder (Cost: 12,000 gp)
At-will random effects. The most notable being creating living grass, creating a stream of low-value gemstones, permanently changing your color, or a Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh effect. I'm not sure what the math would be on how many times you'd need to use it before you'd reasonably "expect" to get X or Y result, though. Due to the unreliability, it's probably better to just find other ways to transport plant life to outer space or alien worlds, create wealth, or turn things to or from stone.

Rod of Animal Training (Cost: 12,300 gp)
3/day Charm Animal, a competence bonus to Handle Animal, and the ability to teach tricks to animals even without ranks in Handle Animal.

Rod of Subtle Menace (Cost: 12,305 gp)
Make people feel like they're in danger and encouraged to not anger you. Also allows you to always use Intimidate instead of Diplomacy, but only for getting information. The subtle aura effect might be useful in some situations, but on the other hand, there are enough people with guns and itchy trigger fingers out there in certain parts of the world that it could result in random people deciding to start taking potshots at you.

Rod of the Python (Cost: 13,000 gp)
Acts as a +1 quarterstaff, but also gives you at-will access to the service of a medium-sized constrictor snake. Not sure how useful that could be, but a minion is a minion. On the other hand, it stops working if you stop being Good, so some of the more immediately obvious uses for such a snake are ruled out immediately.

Trap-Stealer's Rod (Cost: 13,500 gp)
A really good crowbar that can turn into really good thieves' tools. It can also store a trap in an extradimensional space, allowing one to move it. Has some potential to be used in conjunction with a Trapmaker's Sack in order to stockpile a number of traps over time and then transport them to where they are desired later on. The transportation only lasts for a day, though, limiting the window of time it can be used, but also removing evidence as well.

14,000 gp to under 20,000 gp:

Rod of the Uraeus (Cost: 14,400 gp)
2/day Blinding, paralyzing poison for almost a minute. Also a +1 light mace, competence bonus for Sense Motive, and resitance bonus for Reflex saves item. Nonlethal, temporary effect that incapacitates people can always be useful, although the Reflex save's DC is a little low.

Rod of Balance (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Competence bonus to Acrobatics, double jumping distance, and halved fall damage. Compare with access to Flight, Feather Fall, and/or Levitation.

Rod of Flame Extinguishing (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Extinguishes fires with a touch. Medium-sized fires are fairly large as far as fires that aren't out of control housefires or wildfires, to, so it would be handily able to put out a camp fire or fire in a fireplace or stove completely. Larger fires are often made up of smaller individual fires, so combined with some modest Fire Resistance, something like a Necklace of Adaptation, and an Endure Elements to withstand the ambient heat comfortably, one could fight fires pretty effectively. Especially if one also had a Decanter of Endless Water or the like to help break apart larger fires. Compare with the much less expensive Saltspray Ring.

Rod of Ruin (Cost: 16,000 gp)
3/day give items smaller than a door or 5'x5' area the broken condition. Compare with an item of Break or Greater Break, Shatter, and other options for destruction.

Sapling Rod (Cost: 16,650 gp)
Constant Woodland Stride for the wielder and allies within 20'. Also 1/week can turn into a tree that produces several fruits that give Cure Moderate Wounds or Lesser Restoration and last for 1 day.

Rod of Beguiling (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Competence Bonus to Bluff, Sleight of Hand, and to the Charisma checks used to give commands to Charmed creatures. Compare with a Circlet of Persuasion's more general +3 competence bonus. Combines well with Eyes of Charming and Mindmaster's Eyes.

Rod of Nettles (Cost: 18,000 gp)
+1 Light Mace that does no hp damage and instead just does Dexterity damage and sickens the target. So it can be used to paralyze people, at least with multiple blows. Also has a 1/day overgrowth effect as per Plant Growth, but the area is filled with nettles, not just the baseline plants that were there.

Waterblight Scepter (Cost: 18,312 gp)
+1 water-outsider-bane heavy mace and is more effective against creatures with the water subtype, which you're not going to encounter without seeking out specifically. The more relevant ability is 90 minutes of Water Walk per day, but a 1/day 90 minute Water Walk in one chunk is about half the price. Compare with a Ring of Water Walking.

20,000 to under 40,000 gp:

Rod of Enemy Detection (Cost: 23,500 gp)
It seems like it points in the general direction of hostile creatures within 60 feet automatically and then 3/day gives 10 minute periods where the exact location can be pinpointed within that same range. Compare with being able to Detect Thoughts and read people's minds to work out that they don't like you. You'd generally have better things to do, given the short range, if actually attacked, and if they're not actively attacking, other forms of defense and location and elimination of the problem seem like they would usually be better, albeit, more time consuming to go through the initial process of IDing hostile or unfriendly types.

Rod of the Alicorn (Cost: 25,000 gp)
3/day Cure Light Wounds, 1/day Cure Moderate Wounds and Neutralize Poison. Around 2K discount compared to all of those effects as a custom item with the 1.5x multiplier for the lower-value effects (minimum CL for all effects would be ~15K cheaper, though).

Rod of Vicious Ghosts (Cost: 26,000 gp)
3/day hit people on the Material Plane with spells and SLAs with the force descriptor, while at the same time appearing to them ghostly and glowing. Other than Wall of Force, most of the spells I'm aware of offhand that have the Force descriptor would mostly just be useful in an assassination context. The benefit of not being physically present on the material plane would be significant in such a context, although the Ethereal plane itself would hold its own dangers. Does require a way to get onto the Ethereal, though.

Pyroclastic Spike (Cost: 28,000 gp)
1/day drive it into the ground and have it create a continual source of lava 2'x5'x30'. This could probably be exploited to some useful effect beyond destructive ends.

Witching Rod (Cost: 31,000 gp)
Requires the Sensory Deprivation Hood to use as a non-psychic, but allows for dowsing for bodies of water, grave sites, and metal/mineral deposits as well as 1/day Control Water, Speak with Dead, or Stone Shape. Compare with the Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection.

Booming Scepter (Cost: 34,000 gp)
1/day Shout and acts as a magical super megaphone, being audible within 1 mile regardless of obstacles and other noise. Also a +1 thundering light mace and a competence bonus to Intimidate. Possibly amplifies the voice but to a lesser extent when held in only one hand.

Rod of Delumination (Cost: 35,000 gp)
At-will turn off the light of non-magical light sources, or turn the light back on. Don't think about what happens if you try to use this on a star, like Sol. Doesn't seem to have a duration limit, either, although possibly extinguishing a flame and lighting a new one would count as a separate light, the same might apply to electric lighting. Potentially handy for sneaking around, though it is also fairly obvious, and could make things quite time consuming given the number of individual electric lights that could be in play.

40,000 to under 70,000 gp:

Coldwarp Key (Cost: 45,700 gp)
Competence bonus for Craft checks involving metal. 3 charges per midnight, allowing up to 3 castings of metal-only Fabricate per day, or even 1 Fabricate and 1 Major Creation that permanently creates something made out of base metals. Depending upon the definition this could include a fair variety of different metals.

Fool's Scepter (Cost: 50,000 gp)
Automatic ventriloquism to the scepter's head, and the ability to have it imitate sounds up to quite a loud volume. Allows for a decent circumstance bonus to Perform (comedy). 1/week Legend Lore about particular individuals, telling about their thoughts, desires, personality, and motivations due to a bundled in Detect Thoughts-like effect, and a 1/day daze+shaken effect. The Legend Lore effect is either limited in range or can produce truly prodigious sounds or just magically casts the sound to the target of the Legend Lore, significantly limiting it in some regards, but opening up other possible avenues for use.

Forked Rod (Cost: 50,000 gp)
1/day Plane Shift and the plane it is attuned to can be adjusted. It can only travel to common planes, though, rather than very specific ones like demiplanes.

Gravitic Force Rod (Cost: 60,000 gp)
100' radius of intensified gravity. Other than the potential training, this could have some uses in weightless or low-gravity environments.

Rod of Security (Cost: 61,000 gp)
1/week travel to a nondimensional space where there is plenty of food and water and no one ages. Up to 28 creatures can have their lives extended to a tremendous degree, only aging around 6-12 seconds per week or more. Several of them could be used to make a generation ship work without actually having generations pass, for instance. Compare with an item of Mage's Magnificent Mansion (~33K for 1/day for 26 hours) where you could at least run cabling into the mansion or set up devices to get wi-fi in there, but would still age.

Rod of Well-Deserved Rest (Cost: 62,000 gp)
1/day Tiny Hut and automatically benefit from a Good Hope spell for 1 hour after waking, potentially vastly improving your mood and quality of life. Also allows for 3/day single-target, no-HD-limit Sleep when you whack someone with the +1 light mace end of things.

Rod of Shadows (Cost: 64,305 gp)
The See in Darkness ability has no range limitation, and is thus vastly superior to Darkvision. 3/day Deeper Darkness has some potential use, but the big one here is being light-optional in any environment, whether at the bottom of the ocean, out in space, a cave, or what. Also a +2 light mace.

Rod of Razors (Cost: 65,000 gp)
5/day fire adamantine razors. AKA, 5/day create small quantities of adamantine. Also a +3 Keen Adamantine Halberd with reach and normal function against adjacent. Compare with access to Create Armaments or something like Limited Wish replicating Create Armaments to create larger quantities of adamantine, mithral, or other special materials that aren't cold iron.

Rod of Mind Mastery (Cost: 67,000 gp)
3/day Detect Thoughts, 1/day immediate action Discern Lies, and constant Nondetection.

70,000 gp and higher:

Rod of Lordly Might (Cost: 70,000 gp)
A number of different magical weapons, a ladder/climbing pole function that can force open doors, and the ability to automagically determine magnetic north and know how far above or below the surface one is. The most useful of all those is most likely the last two, probably moreso when under the earth or deep underwater compared to at high altitudes or near-earth orbit.

Nightmare Rod (Cost: 80,000 gp)
1/day Nightmare is 1/day Nightmare, especially since the rod will handle meditating and holding the spell until the target actually goes to sleep. On the other hand, Nightmare isn't useful for much other than assassination. A 1/day custom item of Nightmare would be about 1/5th the price, but would have the limitation of requiring a trance until the target went to sleep. Also, 1d10 of damage can mean it may take several days to kill even someone with low hp, but then there's also that trade-off between time taken and level of personal risk and risk of leaving behind some form of evidence that could be detected.

Rod of Alertness (Cost: 85,000 gp)
Detect Evil/Good/Law/Chaos, Discern Lies, and Light, along with Detect Magic and See Invisibility are all available on command. 1/day detect anyone that intends to harm the possessor within 120 feet with bundled in Prayer if a foe is detected. Also a 1/day Animate Objects for 11 rounds. At-will Discern Lies is probably going to be the most useful ability.

Caduceus Rod (Cost: 142,000 gp)
Insight bonus on Craft (alchemy) and 5/day SLAs, of which the most useful are probably Revive and Slumber.

Scepter of the Arclords (Cost: 200,000 gp)
1/day cast any spell of 3rd level or lower, but potentially get hit with a minor spellblight as backlash. 1/week create a random magic effect, with a 10% chance of bad stuff, 70% chance of Limited Wish, and 20% chance of Wish. Having a way to remove spellblights reliably is advised, as is using it in areas where you won't mind traveling 1000 feet by foot (a bit more than the length of a Polo field) in order to leave and don't mind losing the ability to reliably and safely use magic items in. Compare with the expected ~80K for a 1/week Limited Wish spell with no backlash beyond the potential for wishes to get twisted, or even just an at-will custom item of Limited Wish(313,800 to 402,000 gp for CL 13 to CL 20, with minimum material component).

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Once more, into the breach.

Probably the biggest find in all of this is the Bow of Erastil, which is honestly a bit surprising that it is an Erastil item rather than an Abadar one.

Unique Armor
A few winners here. Djezet Skin synergizes with becoming a mind master supervillain and even helps with looking the part. Powerhouse Pelt helps further increase the ridiculousness of buffing carrying capacity. Milanite Armor provides an extra safety net against being seriously wounded. Armor of the Sands letting one see through sandstorms, Gale Armor buffing other forms of flight and acting as a safety net in case they fail, and Flowing Fortress Armor's ability to transform into water are also pretty notable. Other than that, a lot of buffing that can synergize with other things.

under 10,000 gp:

Kimlé Coat (Cost: 2300 gp)
+1 Leather Armor made from kimlé. Main thing here is the untyped +5 to Swim.

Iadaran Dress Uniform (Cost: 2625 gp)
Explicitly as light and comfortable as regular clothing.

Milanite Armor (Cost: 2780 gp)
1/day Cure Light Wounds either on an adjacent ally that falls unconscious or that automatically triggers if the wearer falls unconscious.

Pallid Chain (Cost: 3300 gp)
1/day Speak With Dead, but it only works on undead and only about things that happened after becoming undead. Potentially useful if one wishes to make mindless undead servitors for some purpose.

Djezet Skin (Cost: 3410 gp)
+1 Leather Armor but a second skin of exotic metal. +5 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy to make requests of friendly/helpful creatures leads to some synergy with Eyes of Charming or Mindmaster's Eyes.

Starsong Mail (Cost: 3460 gp)
+1 Chainmail. 1/day Expeditious Retreat and sleeping in or adjacent to the armor leads to 1/night Dream Feast. Compare with a 360-720 gp custom item of Dream Feast or not needing to eat due to a Ring of Sustenance or Clear Spindle ioun stone.

Powerhouse Pelt (Cost: 3515 gp)
+1 Hide Armor. Competence bonus on ability checks to perform feats of strength and +8 to Strength for carrying capacity purposes. Compare with Muleback Cords. Possibly combine with Muleback Cords? Combining it with the Burdenless Armor property boosts the price to 7515 gp.

Ekujae Jungle Armor (Cost: 3900 gp)
+1 Leaf Armor. Hot-only Endure Elements and buffs Stealth.

Shifting Jerkin (Cost: 5965 gp)
+1 Lamellar Cuirass. At-will Disguise Self. Compare with a Hat of Disguise.

10,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Enchanted Eelskin (Cost: 11,160 gp)
+1 Slick Leather Armor. Gain the Shadow property, a swim speed, and waterbreathing when in water.

Tireless Tracking Hide (Cost: 11,165 gp)
+1 Hide Armor. Be able to Hustle for 8 hours straight, which, IIRC, basically amounts to being able to jog for a really long time.

Boneless Leather (Cost: 12,160 gp)
+1 Leather. Untyped bonus to Escape Artist, Acrobatics to reduce fall damage, and CMD. Also, DR 5/piercing or slashing.

Folding Plate (Cost: 12,650 gp)
+1 Full Plate. At-will transform between armor and a brooch.

Armor of the Sands (Cost: 14,160 gp)
+2 Leather Armor. Endure Elements and the ability to see normally in sandstorms, dust storms, and similar. 1/day turn into sand when hit by an attack to become treated as incorporeal.

Gale Armor (Cost: 15,180 gp)
+3 Silken Ceremonial Armor. Weightless and provides 10 rounds of Air Walk per day and a constant Glide effect. Also increases flight maneuverability by one category. Compare with access to Feather Fall. Combine with Wings of Flying?

20,000 gp and higher:

Do-Maru of Broken Flesh (Cost: 20,550 gp)
+2 Do-Maru. 1/day heal hp damage and remove ability damage, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, and poison, among other conditions, at the cost of then inflicting Charisma damage in the form of vivid, ugly scars.

Celestial Armor (Cost: 22,400 gp)
+3 Chainmail. Can be worn underneath other clothing non-obviously. 1/day flight.

Buccaneer's Breastplate (Cost: 23,850 gp)
+1 Breastplate. Constant Water Walk. Compare with a custom item of continuous Water Walk.

Plate Armor of the Deep (Cost: 24,650 gp)
+1 Full Plate. Waterbreathing and the ability to talk to anything that breathes water and knows language.

Flowing Fortress Armor (Cost: 30,350 gp)
+2 Breastplate. Made from water and can be removed or donned with a single command word quickly. Up to half an hour of swim speed and squeezing through small openings while transformed into water.

Invincible Armor (Cost: 137,650 gp)
+2 Impervious Moderate Fortification Full Plate. Adjustable Damage Reduction against bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, though this is of less interest here due to firearms dealing both bludgeoning and piercing damage. Energry Resistance 5 to several varieties of energy.

Prismatic Plate (Cost: 160,650 gp)
+3 Full Plate. Shift between Energy Resistance 30 for fire, acid, or electricity, or immunity to poison.

Unique Shields
Not many of them of interest, but just barely enough to not suffer the same fate as generic magic shield qualities. The Lockpick Shield is probably the most interesting of them, but is very niche. The other nice ones have to be comapred to Traveler's Any-Tools or Decanters of Endless Water, which they don't stack up well against for anything other than durability.

under 10,000 gp:

Burglar's Buckler (Cost: 4655 gp)
+1 Buckler. Has tools embedded into it, acting as a tool box. 1/day transform into any mundane tool between 1 and 5 pounds, and can transform back into buckler form freely. Compare with a Traveler's Any-Tool. Also compare with just buying enough tools to outfit a small workshop in one's shed or a household toolbox, as well as with power tools in addition to ordinary hand tools.

Spined Shield (Cost: 5,580 gp)
+1 Heavy Steel Shield. 3/day shoot off a spike. Create steel in extremely small quantities. Compare with an item of Transfiguring Touch which can create iron in larger quantities or with an item of Iron Stake which creates cold iron with more uses per day. The potential for altering the price of the Spined Shield to materials other than steel would allow for small-scale creation of Adamantine or the like, though.

Lockpick Shield (Cost: 7159 gp)
+2 Light Steel Shield. Picks locks and disables traps for you at a +10. Compare with an item of Knock which would roll a +13 at minimum CL and cost 10,800 for at-will or 2160 for each use per day.

10,000 gp and higher:

Maelstrom Shield (Cost: 14,170 gp)
+1 Bashing Heavy Steel Shield. 1/day Hydraulic Push. At-will create 1 gallon of fresh, potable water. Compare with a Decanter of Endless Water or Replenishing Aquarium Balls, which are both cheaper.

Absorbing Shield (Cost: 50,170 gp)
+1 Heavy Steel Shield. Once every 2 days, Disintegrate but melee-only. Compare with a custom item of Distintegrate, which would be 23,760 gp for 1/day or 11,880 for once-per-2-days.

Armor Qualities
Including Shield Properties, as the only property that wasn't shared between them that was of interest on Shields was Arrow Deflection. I was somewhat surprised and disappointed that there was only 1 of interest betweeen +4 and +5 bonus equivalent qualities. Burdenless, Delving, Arrow-Collecting, and Dread Wing are probably the ones of most interest, though there are a few others that do some neat things or aren't interesting in and of themselves but will synergize with other things like Energy Resistance or the skill-boosting ones.

+1 bonus equivalent and under 4000 gp flat cost qualities:

Billowing (Cost: +1 bonus)
Immunity to damage from being buried. One of the dangers of exploring tunnels or asteroids that isn't neatly dealt with by not needing to breathe and being able to resist or be immune to any relevant energy damage and possessing the ability to teleport out of the collapse or otherwise exit it.

Cocooning (Cost: +1 bonus)
Protects against planar hazards like toxins, negative energy, lack of air, etc. Of interest if one is going to travel the planes, but also risks ending up in an infinite loop of being knocked unconscious by a planar hazard and then coming to, so it's generally better to just have immunity to those things ongoing by default.

Evolving (Cost: +1 bonus)
A potential source of waterbreathing, a swim speed, or energy resistance 5 for 30 minutes 1/day. Does tend to look gross, though, but that's only a tendency rather than a guarantee or requirement.

Vouchsafing (Cost: +1 bonus)
DR 5/- that stacks with any and all other DR, but only while unconscious, or otherwise limited in ability to take actions. Compare with a Talisman of Life's Breath and similar items.

Buoyant (Cost: 1000 gp (light armor/shields), 2000 gp (medium/heavy armor))
No armor check penalty on Swim checks. Potentially useful if one wants to explore bodies of water while armored. May conflict with the Pressure Suit, though.

Fitting (Cost: 2000 gp)
Adjusts size to fit any wearer. Useful if you wish to employ size-changing magic and then switch between different suits of armor.

Glamered (Cost: 2700 gp)
Disguise your armor as clothing. Somewhat redundant with a Hat of Disguise or the like, but still potentially useful. .

Aquadynamic (Cost: 3750 gp, 15,000 gp, or 33,750 gp)
1.5x cost competence bonus item, but as an armor property. Probably mostly redundant with just obtaining a Swim Speed.

Shadow (Cost: 3750 gp)
1.5x cost competence bonus to Stealth, but on armor. Useful for sneakery. Best with 0 ACP armor.

Slick (Cost: 3750 gp)
Boosts Escape Artist. Useful for squeezing through tight spaces. Compare/combine with the Belt of the Weasel and other size reduction options.

+2 bonus equivalent and 4000 to under 6000 gp flat cost qualities:

Mind Buttressing (Cost: +2 bonus)
Immunity to possession and mental control. Potentially quite useful if one wants to mess around with extraplanar beings, or someone else gets ahold of your Eyes of Charming.

Volcanic (Cost: +2 bonus)
1/day create some lava that quickly cools. Compare with an item of Obsidian Flow used in conjunction with an item of Expeditious Construction, or access to Wall of Stone. Almost certainly not worth the price, but creating matter is creating matter.

Arrow Deflection (Cost: +2 bonus0)
1/round get a chance to negate a hit from a ranged weapon, like a gun, by making a Reflex save. Combine with a way to boost Reflex saves. Compare with the Arrow-Collecting armor property's miss chance and other sources of miss chances, like a Minor Cloak of Displacement.

Burdenless (Cost: 4000 gp)
50% increase in carrying capacity, which in turn affects how easy it is to pick up objects of various weights and even how easy they are to manipulate to an extent. Presumably this also has some impact on what weights can cause muscle strain, etc., which would be good for quality of life. Amplifies the effects of Heavyload Belts and Muleback Cords. (All 3 combined would let a Str 10 person be able to fairly trivially lift 450 pounds, and lift over half a ton over their head (1350 lb), pick up 1.25 tons at all, and push a 6.5-ton vehicle that had broken down but still had working wheels and was on good roads.) Combines nicely with Muleback Cords, Heavyload Belts, and/or Powerhouse Pelts.

Amorphous (Cost: 4500 gp)
Boosts Escape Artist. 1/day become liquid about the consistency of thick, flowing mud for up to 1 minute. Compare with the Slick armor proerty and the Belt of the Weasel or access to Gaseous Form.

Restful (Cost: 4500 gp)
Need only 2 hours of sleep a night and be able to sleep comfortably in the armor. Compare with a Ring of Sustenance and access to the Keep Watch spell.

Comfort (Cost: 5000 gp)
Self-cleaning armor that is always comfortable in any weather and can be slept in. Also reduces ACP. Partially redundant with Prestidigitation access or Endure Elements and the Restful armor property.

Creeping (Cost: 5000 gp)
Eliminates ACP but only for Stealth, and a 1/day bonus to Stealth for 1 minute. Potentially useful, but if one wants to be stealthy, ACP 0 armor is better anyway.

+3 bonus equivalent and 6000 to under 10,000 gp flat cost qualities:

Locksmith (Cost: 6500 gp)
No ACP on Disable Device. At-will extend delicate wires that function as thieves' tools from the fingertips, and the ability to boost Disable Device with the armor's enhancement bonus. Being able to have tools in your literal fingertips can be helpful in a large number of ways even outside of disabling traps or picking locks, but being able to pick a lock with your pinky is certainly a novelty.

Radiant] (Cost: 7500 gp)
At-will light and 1/day Daylight for up to 1 hour.

Trackless (Cost: 7500 gp)
Boosts Stealth, penalizes anyone trying to track you, and lightens your step. Ideally you wouldn't be doing anything that would lead to anyone even thinking of trying to track you using old-fashioned, hands-on means, though, so the stealth bonus and being gentler on surfaces you walk on are going to be the main benefits.

Arrow-collecting (Cost: +3 bonus)
20% miss chance from ranged projectile attacks. Like bullets. So very useful if one expects to potentially get shot at while doing something. On the other hand, it is still only a 20% miss chance, and it is going to generally be better to just avoid situations where you could get shot at.

Brawling (Cost: +3 bonus)
Buffs unarmed attacks and grappling. Potentially useful if one really wanted to cheat at prize-fighting or the like, though one would probably need to make something like Sleeves of Many Garments that doubled as Bracers of Armor and then had this property slapped on.

Invulnerability (Cost: +3 bonus)
DR 5/magic, which might as well be DR 5/- when no one else has access to magic. Constant damage reduction can help with quality of life, like kitchen accidents, as well as provide some protection while exploring and if attacked.

+4 and +5 bonus equivalent and 10,000 gp and higher flat cost qualities:

Delving (Cost: 10,000 gp)
Burrow through soil but not stone and have an untyped bonus on saves against landslides, tunnel collapses, and other things that would bury you. Potentially allows one to leave a tunnel. Pairs best with a Necklace of Adaptation and access to Blindsight/Blindsense/Tremorsense.

Energy Resistance (Cost: 18,000 gp)
Resistance to energy, though it does specify energy damage per attack. So this may actually be useless against environmental effects, like a housefire, lava, chemical spill, etc.

Dread Wing (Cost: +5 bonus)
Turn Full-plate into bladed dragon wings at-will. Compare with Wings of Flying. (The minimum cost for +1 Dread Wing Full Plate is 37,650 gp, which is less than Wings of Flying at 54,000 gp.)

Determination (Cost: 30,000 gp)
1/day Breath of Life that auto-casts on hitting 0 hp or lower. Compare with, or even combine with a Talisman of Life's Breath.

Etherealness (Cost: 49,000 gp)
1/day Ethereal Jaunt until you choose to return to the Material. Useful for getting into places where people would rather you not be able to get into, especially if you don't have the ability to learn about it well enough to teleport in directly.

Unique Weapons
The two biggest things here are the Bow of Erastil, which creates gold, and Shadowcraft weapons, which are incredibly versatile and ranged versions can seemingly produce permanent shadow matter from their ammunition.

under 8000 gp:

Carouser's Retort (Cost: 3060 gp)
+1 Rapier. 1/day Remove Fear, and it can automatically trigger for the wielder if frightened or panicked. 1/day turn up to 8 gallons of any kind of water into safe, weak beer. Compare with an item of Enhance Water, which does 1 pint at a time but with more variety and would be 1800 for at-will at minimum CL, or an item of Create Water made by a Caydenite Cleric which would make 1 cup/8 oz and be half the price of Enhance Water.

Enduring Bloom (Cost: 3848 gp)
+1 Morningstar. 1/day Bless and 1/day automatic Cure Light Wounds when reduced to 0 hp or fewer. Compare with Talisman of Life's Breath. .

Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents (Cost: 5050 gp)
+1 Quarterstaff. At-will 2-missile Magic Missile. A bit large to pass as a fancy cane, but should probably be plenty deadly for those cases where one wants to attack someone, especially given it automatically hits. Compare with other access to Magic Missile, especially at-will. Actually at a small discount compared to an at-will CL 3 item of Magic Missile(5400 gp).

Judicial Hammer (Cost: 5220 gp)
+1 Earth Breaker. 1/day declare a specific crime that a specific person has committed and then beat them, forcing a Will save each time for them to confess the truth of the matter. Amusing, but highly impractical.

Blade of Three Fancies (Cost: 5248 gp)
+1 Glaive. 1/day Color Spray. Sacred bonus to one Perform skill. Mostly notable for the Sacred Bonus, but it has to be within 10 feet for that to work.

Axe of the Imperative (Cost: 5310 gp)
+1 Battleaxe. Hit someone and then give them a 5 word or fewer command that acts as a pseudo-geas, with the threat if they violate it, then they get hit by a crit and you become aware that they violated it. Only one imperative at a time. Compare with access to Geas or Lesser Geas.

Water Scorpion (Cost: 5360 gp)
+1 Light Crossbow. Instead of bolts it shoots streams of holy water, so it's a holy water squirtgun. Compare with a Decanter of Endless Water, possibly modified with Bless Water if one really, really wants holy water for whatever reason.

Boulderhead Mace (Cost: 6812 gp)
+1 Heavy Mace. 1/day create a Large-sized boulder that crushes things in its path and then breaks into rubble. Compare with access to Expeditious Construction or Wall of Stone for creating matter made of stone.

8000 to under 11,000 gp:

Akitonian Blade (Cost: 8311 gp)
+1 Bill. Get treated as if in lower gravity when jumping by tripling Acrobatics check results for jump distance/height and allowing one to use Acrobatics to ignore 30 feet of fall damage.

Leng Flail (lesser) (Cost: 8315 gp)
+1 Heavy Flail. At-will Spider Climb. Compare with Cloak of Arachnida.

Rusting Teeth of the Rough Beast (Cost: 8320 gp)
+1 Greataxe. Constantly generates shards and rusty powder. Compare with access to Transfiguring Touch for turning other matter into iron or Wall of Iron.

Stirge Lance (Cost: 8500 gp)
+1 Returning Featherweight Dart. Survives being used and can deliver poisons or draw 1 ounce of blood from targets. Decently difficult Perception check to hear it, so it's possible to covertly gain a blood sample from someone for use with another ability, like Scrying, later on.

Cutlass of Waves (Cost: 9615 gp)
+1 Cutlass. Constant Slipstream, but only when on the deck of a ship or in/on water.

Trident of Warning (Cost: 10,115 gp)
+2 Trident. At-will detetct aquatic predators within 680 feet. Potentially useful if you wish to explore the ocean.

Cailean Fighting Tankard (Cost: 10,301 gp)
+1 Light Hammer. Has 6 extradimensional spaces that can hold ~4 gallons or ~14 liters each.

En-Nebi, Blade of the Leopard (Cost: 10,302 gp)
+1 Vicious Punch Dagger. Offers a way to become a CE weretiger, essentially.

Wendifisa Spear (Cost: 10,453 gp)
+1 Shortspear. Offers a way to becomea Juju Zombie provided one also has the onyx gem paired with the spear.

11,000 to under 20,000 gp:

Heartripper Blade (Cost: 11,302 gp)
+1 Dagger. Rip out creatures' still-beating hearts to be able to either get Restoration+Cure Serious Wounds+Remove Disease or to cast either Divination or Scrying. Doesn't actually have to be a person's heart, though.

Pick of Stonecleaving (Cost: 11,308 gp)
+1 Adamantine Heavy Pick. Extra good at damaging objects, though the biggest bonus there is gated behind Mythic Power. Compare with access to Break, Shatter, and other destructive abilities.

Shadowcraft Weapon (Cost: 12,500 gp)
Can transform into any weapon that matches its type (ranged vs melee) and handedness, and is quasi-real. Compare the potential utility of turning it into different weapons that can double as tools with a Traveler's Any-Tool. Would allow one to make a gun that fires bullets made out of quasi-real matter and shadow, which is novel and means not having to buy ammunition, if nothing else.

Ten-Ring Sword (Cost: 14,315 gp)
+2 Nine-Ring Broadsword. Allows you to wear an additional ring by putting it on the sword. Compare with the Hand of Glory and Meridian Belt.

Zul (Cost: 18,395 gp)
+1 Humanbane Trident. 7/day proc an effect like Calcific Touch, petrifying creatures into coral if reduced to 0 Dex. Compare with access to Calcific Touch or Flesh to Stone.

Oathtaker (Cost: 18,540 gp)
Large +1 Tetsubo. 1/day bestow a blood geas on a willing subject that acts as Mark of Justice, except it deals a bunch of damage if violated and then ends. No duration, though. Compare with access to Mark of Justice, (Lesser) Geas, Conditional Curse, etc.

Trident of Fish Command (Cost: 18,650 gp)
+1 Trident. Charm up to 14 HD of aquatic animals 3/day using Charm Animals with a Speak with Animals rider effect. Even keeps animals that make their save from approaching closer than 10 feet. Potentially of use against sharks or the like during undersea exploration. Compare with access to Charm Animals through other sources.

Treekeeper's Staff (Elf) (Cost: 18,700 gp)
+1 Quarterstaff. 1/week Plant Growth to enrich crop yields by planting it in the ground overnight with a constant Speak with Plants rider effect for all affected plants. On the other hand, an item that just casts Plant Growth would be faster and cheaper.

Bow of Erastil (Cost: 19,500 gp)
+1 Endless Ammunition Distance Composite Longbow made out of gold. It literally creates golden arrows when drawn. Even if they are just gold-plated rather than solid gold, that's pretty significant. Especially since "destroyed" in regards to ammunition doesn't mean that the matter itself is actually destroyed or ceases to exist, just that it is no longer usable as ammunition. Compare with an item of Transfiguring Touch of CL 19+, which can create gold, Swift Girding/Create Armaments creating armor/weapons that are gold-plated or solid gold, or an item of Fabricate that can create objects of up to whatever value out of thin air which would include precious metals. Going by the item description, an individual arrow weighs about 0.15 lb or 2.4 oz, so a golden one which weigh 1.5x would be 3.6 oz, or ~3.3 troy ounces.

(Going off of the earlier 1,846.94 USD per ounce, that would be ~6650 USD (6648.984) per arrow. At 1 arrow per round that would give us ~66,500 USD per minute, 3.99M USD per hour. At 19,500 gp for the Bow of Erastil, that's 19,500 / 50 * 16 = 6240 ounces of gold coins foregone, or an opportunity cost of 11,524,905.6 USD or ~11.5 million. It would thus take about 3 hours of continuously firing arrows to make up for that opportunity cost.)

20,000 to under 40,000 gp:

Cornerstone Crossbow (Cost: 21,335 gp)
+1 Seeking Light Crossbow. At-will create bolts of force that act as grappling hooks that seemingly don't harm objects, but with a range of 80 feet. Compare with access to flight.

Shatterstone Hammer (Cost: 26,712 gp)
+1 Warhammer. Deal double damage against earthen/stone objects. Compare with access to Break, Shatter, and other destruction-themed abilities, such as the Pick of Stonecleaving and the Mattock of the Titans.

Mount-Splitting Pick (Dwarf) (Cost: 28,008 gp)
+2 Adamantine Heavy Pick. Allegedly enchanted to be better at breaking rock for tunneling and moving earth, but has no details or mechanical expression of it beyond being good against the Earth subtype. Compare with getting access to a Burrow Speed and access to things like Break, Shatter, Distintegrate etc. Also compare with the Pick of Stonecleaving.

Gauntlets of Skill at Arms (Cost: 30,302 gp)
Give proficiency with traditioanl elven weapons. Compare with Bracers of Archery.

Mind's Eye Blade (Cost: 36,302 gp)
+2 Dagger. 3/day attempt to wrest information from someone's mind, but it requires a coup de grace or sneak attack. Compare with using Zone of Truth in conjunction with other interrogationg techniques, just killing them and casting Speak with Dead, Detect Thoughts to read their mind, or using other magical means such as Dominate Person or Charm Person + a Charisma check.

40,000 gp and higher:

Traitor's Blade (Cost: 50,302 gp)
+2 Wounding Dagger. 3/day Charm Monster, which, due to the CL, lasts for 14 days. Also has some additional benefits when fighting those charmed by it, but doesn't require you to do so. Compare with Sea Tyrant's Patch, Eyes of Charming, and Mindmaster's Eyes.

Scimitar of the Spellthief (Cost: 75,815 gp)
+1 Keen Heartseeking Spellstealing Scimitar. Gives a small but untyped bonus to Spellcraft and UMD. As well as having Detect Magic, but only by touching it with the scimitar.

Blade of the Willing Martyr (Cost: 150,000 gp)
+3 Keen Vicious Dagger. Excellent assassination tool in conjunction with something like a Greater Talisman of Life's Breath, as long as you're able to get one of their possessions or some of their hair or whatever and are willing to commit suicide. Compare with access to Nightmare.

Note: I've tried to divide the shared ranged weapon and melee weapon qualtiies thematically, but there's still a lot of overlap. If I weren't using AONPRD for the reference links, I'd probably have just combined them.

Ranged Weapon Qualities
Shadowshooting is comparable to a Shadowcraft weapon in the consequences of the quasi-real matter it creates. A +1 Compassionate Merciful Sapping weapon would allow non-lethal incapacitation of people from quite a ways away, especially with if Distance is added into the mix, and then slapping that onto a Shadowcraft Weapon or using the Greater Transformative property to make it into a modern high-powered or even anti-material rifle would be... interesting.

I must admit, though, I expected more of the +1 abilities to be of interest than the higher value ones, but was still surprised by how that played out and how none of the abilities above +2 bonuse equivalents were all that noteworthy here.

+1 bonus equivalent:

Compassionate (Cost: +1 bonus)
Automatically leave a creature reduced to negative hp as stabilized, allowing for potentially easier capture. Compare with Merciful, or even combine the two, possibly with Sapping in the mix, for a large degree of assurance against accidental death via hp damage.

Distance (Cost: +1 bonus)
Doubles the range of ranged weapons. Compare with the capabilities of many extant long-range weapons that already exist and are even available on the civillian market.

Merciful (Cost: +1 bonus)
Deals extra damage but all damage is nonlethal. Compare with Compassionate and Sapping, or some combination of any or all.

Sapping (Cost: +1 bonus)
Deals extra nonlethal damage. Compare with Merciful and Compassionate, or some combination of any or all.

Shadowshooting (Cost: +1 bonus)
Constantly create black smoke, also create an infinite supply of quasi-real ammunition. Compare with just having a Shadowcraft ranged weapon.

+2 bonus equivalent:

Cyclonic (Cost: +2 bonus)
No impairment from firing through water or high winds or other liquid or gaseous envirnoments. Given that being blown off course by the wind is a big factor in long distance sniping, potentially quite huge with the right ranged weapon, or just combined with a Shadowcraft Weapon or the Greater Transformative quality.

Endless Ammunition (Cost: +2 bonus)
An endless supply of crossbow bolts or arrows, but only if they are fired. I believe that destroyed nonmagical objects can be repaired with at least some form of repair magic, which would allow them to be stockpiled to some extent. But even without that, destroyed in the sense of a piece of ammunition is not the same as ceasing to exist or vanishing into nothingness, so this still creates permanent matter. Look at the Bow of Erastil for some interesting consequences of that.

Silencing (Cost: +2 bonus)
Completely silent weapon. The applications with firearms are fairly clear. Also allows the ability to put a weaker silencing effect around a target that has been hit, or a proper Silence effect on a crit.

3000 gp and higher flat cost qualities:

Impervious (Cost: 3000 gp)
No rotting or warping or rusting for the weapon and it is even more durable.

Glamered (Cost: 4000 gp)
Disguise a weapon as something else.

Resizing (Cost: 4000 gp)
Changes size to fit the wielder. Potentially useful with things like Seamless Skin and other size-changing magic.

Transformative, Greater AKA Greater Transformative (Cost: 15,000 gp)
Freely change a weapon into another between level of proficiency, handedness, and whether it is ranged or melee. This would allow one, for instance, to freely choose between a pistol or a rifle or a shotgun even just looking at forms of firearm. Compare with Shadowcraft Weapons. Knowledge of the plethora of firearms available on Earth as it currently exists probably just increases the potency of this ability.

Melee Weapon Qulities
The Concealed property is probably the most interesting of the lot, though the Training property probably has the most potential. I still have to go look at Combat feats to get a good idea of the possibilities opened up by the Training property, though.

+1 bonus:

Breaking (Cost: +1 bonus)
Deal extra damage against objects. Compare with access to Break, Shatter, Disintegrate, etc. Probably compatible with several of the items that require physically attacking objects to damage or destroy them. .

Called (Cost: +1 bonus)
Teleports into hand from within 100 feet.

Corrosive (Cost: +1 bonus)
Creates an infinite supply of acid, albeit, at a trickle. Compare with access to spells like Acidic Spray which permanently create acid.

Flaming (Cost: +1 bonus)
A permanent source of fire upon command. Of less interest than Frost for heating/cooling systems, but still of some potential interest as an infinite source of heat energy.

Frost (Cost: +1 bonus)
A permanent source of coldness upon command. Could potentially have applications in some form of heating and cooling system, compared to current refrigration technologies which cannot simply create an absence of temperature but must move that heat energy elsewhere.

Neutralizing (Cost: +1 bonus)
Turn corrosive liquids into harmless water, but only up to 1 gallon at a time.

Shock (Cost: +1 bonus)
An infinite source of electricity. This has to have a number of potential applications, although I don't even know where to begin on the napkin math to try to estimate a yield in term of amperage, etc. More clever people than I have undoubtedly already describe potential devices capitalizing this, much like the custom arrow design for combining bags of holding and portable holes or determining how many Decanters of Endless Water are necessary to make a rocket.

Training (Cost: +1 bonus)
Confers a Combat Feat upon the wielder as long as it is drawn and in hand. Not sure offhand if any would actually be useful here, though.

1000 gp and higher flat cost qualities:

Shrinking (Cost: 1000 gp)
Shrinks a melee weapon down to the size of a dagger. Potentially helpful with storage.

Concealed (Cost: 7500 gp)
Turn a weapon into a non-weapon object for up to 8 hours. Compare with Glamered.

Scarab Sages

Can I just say Coidzor I do love your detailed breakdowns on the various items for different types/prices.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Senko wrote:
Can I just say Coidzor I do love your detailed breakdowns on the various items for different types/prices.

Thank you! I was a bit worried that I had been bouncing off of the surface of too many things and was being a bit too boring as a result at times.

Especially with the technological items where there's a lot of overlap and only so many ways to say "this would be huge if we could reverse engineer it. :V

Speaking of which, I just finished formatting those entries.

Technological Gear
A lot of odds and ends, mostly relating to electromagnetism, though nanites themselves are pretty neat. Skillchips are huge provided a way to get direct access to that repository of knowledge.

under 500 gp:

Goo Tube (Cost: 6 gp)
Possibly already mostly redundant with current technologies for producing nutrient paste. 1.6 ounces (~45 grams) of food providing everything a person needs for an entire day is still pretty impressive, though.

Lighter (Cost: 10 gp, 5 (timeworn1), 0.1 (timeworn2))
Producing flame using only electricity in a controlled, handheld form may provide some useful insights. Then again, I could just have a huge gap in my knowledge here.

Zipstick (Cost: 20 gp, 10 (timeworn1), 0.2 (timeworn2))
Jolt stick. Compare with cattleprods and shock guns. An important component of activating and de-activating ion-bonding tech, like Ion Tape.

Battery (Cost: 100 gp, 10 (destroyed))
Potentially of interest for learning more about power storage, especially their potential to store power for millennia with no ill effect. Potentially exploitable with Mending or other repair magic to fix up destroyed batteries. Requires the Recharge spell or another similar ability wihout a way to reverse-engineer a way to charge them with modern tech, a process probably aided by having Power Cables and Power Receivers on hand as well.

Grippers (Cost: 100 gp)
Potentially of interest for improving tools like our current devices known as Jaws of Life. Possibly redundant with our current manufacturing capabilities and materials science, etc.

Ion Tape (Cost: 100 gp for 50')
Understanding this electrosensitive material could aid in a number of ways beyond just improving our materials science in general.

500 to under 2000 gp:

Medlance (Cost: 500 gp)
Basically a reusable syringe. The most interesting thing about this would be its sterilization mechanisms.

Nanite Canister (Cost: 500 gp)
Just having nanites (that aren't trying to set off a grey goo scenario or the like) to study would be useful in and of itself. (If it can be timeworn, then 250 gp and 5 gp respetively.)

Power Cable (Cost: 500 gp)
Somewhat redundant with modern tech and its progression. Still, learning something about instantaneous power transmission and charging could be quite useful.

Tracker Chip (Cost: 500 gp)
Fingernail sized tracking chip that is powered off of nerve impulses. A heck of a lot that could be furthered by reverse-engineering one of these.

Emergency Beacon (Cost: 900 gp, 450 (timeworn1), 9 (timeworn2))
Sends out signals across all spectrums for 100 miles and weighs 10 pounds. I am a bit rusty with our current level of miniaturization for relays and probes, etc., but this may provide at least a moderate boost in some regards.

Veemod Goggles (Cost: 1000 gp, 500 (timeworn1), 10 (timeworn2))
A necessary counterpart to the Veemods themselves. They likely contain at least some super tech of interests in and of themselves just for being able to interface with Veemods.

2000 to under 5000 gp:

Envoy's Mouthpiece (Cost: 2000 gp, 1000 (timeworn1), 20 (timeworn2))
Potentially allows for reverse-engineering Androffan, provided one has access to the right other languages, and, eventually, learning how the auto-translate technology works.

Gravity Clip (Cost: 2000 gp, 1000 (timeworn1), 20 (timeworn2))
Manipulating gravity fields at all would be huge.

Chemalyzer (Cost: 2500 gp, 1250 (timeworn1), 25 (timeworn2))
Helps ID chemicals, poisons, pharmaceuticals, and other substances. A potentially quite useful addition to our current arsenal of tools if reverse-engineered.

Emergency Raft (Cost: 3600 gp, 1800 (timeworn1), 36 (timeworn2))
Inflatable and deflatable technology could be pretty useful in a number of areas, so that's more of interest than the abiility for it to be a boat itself.

Force Field (Cost: Brown: 4000 gp, 2000 (timeworn1), 40 (timeworn2))
Any kind of forcefield tech would have the potential to revolutionize all kinds of fields of science and engineering. The biofeedback needle system itself would also be pretty nifty to reverse-engineer. Since the main difference in color seems to be the strength of the field and how quickly it regenerates strength when under attack/strain, even the lowest level of forcefield is probably sufficient to use as a starting point to leapfrog ahead.

Proximity Helmet (Cost: 4000 gp, 2000 (timeworn1), 40 (timeworn2))
Working HUD, external motion censors, definitely some potential tech to reverse-engineer here.

Filter Mask (Cost: 4500 gp, 2250 (timeworn1), 45 (timeworn2))
Miniaturized ionized filters and other scrubbers that would be of great interest for air purification both on earth and also in space exploration. The medical applications of even replicating part of its technology would be potentially pretty nifty. Given it has useful abiliites even when unpowered, even just the materials and design are of interest, making the powerless 1% value timeworn versions of greater use than usual.

5000 to under 15,000 gp:

Magboots (Cost: 5000 gp, 2500 (timeworn1), 50 (timeworn2))
Powerful, miniaturized electromagnets that can fit inisde of even bulky boots would yield loads of benefits. Also the direct applications of being able to magnetically lock to the exterior hull of a spacecraft in zero-G would be useful in space exploration.

Power Receiver (Cost: 5000 gp)
Instantaneous wireless power transmission is probably of significantly greater interest than the Power Cable. Plus it'd be nice to vindicate Tesla.

Signal Booster (Cost: 9000 gp, 4500 (timeworn1), 90 (timeworn2))
Potentially of interest in improving telecommunications technology, relay satellites, and probes.

Inertial Dampening Belt (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Feather Fall is better than halving the damage from falling, but understanding how to dampen inertia would be useful in high-speed transportation on Earth as well as in space exploration.

Signal Jammer (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Has some potential applications in assassination or abduction or other such activities, although definitely limited by the relatively short range. Possibly has some reverse-engineering potential, but almost certainly less than a Signal Booster would.

Skillchip (Cost: Mark V: 10,000 gp)
Given access to a repository of knowledge from a civilization capable of super-science would be quite useful, given a way to actually read it. Knowledge (engineering) and Craft (mechanical) seem to be the ones most directly related to super tech, generally, although Heal and Knowledge (nature) would also certainly shed light on certain things, like installing cyberware and pharmaceuticals. Potentially also of interest in buffing oneself if a Skillslot could either be installed or would automatically be installed if part of the gear selected, given enhancement bonuses to skills are relatively rare from magic items.

15,000 to under 40,000 gp:

Nanite Hypogun (Cost: White: 15,000 gp, 7500 (timeworn1), 150 (timeworn2). Green: 45,000 gp, 22,500 (timeworn1), 450 (timeworn2). Red: 66,000 gp, 33,000 (timeworn1), 660 (timeworn2). Blue: 91,000 gp, 45,500 (timeworn1), 910 (timeworn2).)
In conjunction with being able to understand nanites themselves, being able to understand how to use nanites to heal people would also be pretty neat. On the other hand, it might just be too out there for any kind of timely study. Black's Lesser Restoration effect might be of interest, but I'd say that White through Blue are the most interesting. Orange's ability to restore ability drain could certainly be of interest, though, unless Heal or Regenerate is enough to undo things like traumatic brain damage.

Emergency Shelter (Cost: 18,000 gp, 9000 (timeworn1), 180 (timeworn2))
In addition to the expanding and collapsing technology involved that it shares with the Emergency Raft, this would be of interest for a lot of the accessories it provides, too. Like how it is able to create and disassemble fluorescent lights, the powerful insulation, the materials themselves, and probably even both the anchoring system and the heater/air scrubber.

Jetpack (Cost: 18,000 gp, 9000 (timeworn1), 180 (timeworn2))
Everyone wants their future-tech jetpacks, after all. Not producing dangerous exhaust would potentially improve our understanding for a number of other applications as well.

Hologram Generator (Cost: Green: 30,000 gp, 15,000 (timeworn1), 300 (timeworn2). Prismatic: 90,000 gp, 45,000 (timeworn1), 900 (timeworn2))
While we have some hologram technology, improving it would be huge. I would say that Green and Prismatic are the two places where it improves to represent a meaningful improvement compared to our current capabilities. Green's capability to have the sound originate from the hologram, rather than from the hologram generator or some other linked speaker system would be pretty big. Prismatic's graviton field generation allowing for "solid" holograms would be even bigger, and, like the Gravity Clip, being able to manipulate gravity, etc., would have numerous other potential applications.

Mindmelder (Cost: 30,000 gp, 15,000 (timeworn1), 300 (timeworn2))
Virtual Reality companies would sell their grandmothers for this. Also allows for accelerated rest and healing, as Nap Stack, which would also be pretty interesting to tech up to. Compare the only needing 2 hours of rest per day with that component of a Ring of Sustenance. Provided an appropriate power supply, also a way to basically indefinitely trap someone in the Matrix.

Nutrient Training Node (Cost: 30,000 gp, 15,000 (timeworn1), 300 (timeworn2))
Takes in trace amounts of air, dirt, or other substances and converts them into nutrients. That kind of technology to artificially produce food could be very useful indeed, even aside from the potential for nanites that improve Int or other ability scores. Compare with a 1/week item of Awaken, at least for use on making animals smarter, which is over 3x as expensive (~102K) but does not have the finite charge limitation, also compare with a Tome of Clear Thought, which this is ~9% more expensive than, but usable on up to 16 creatures. Just make sure to take other items to buff Int so that you can hit a DC 20 when taking 10 and you're golden.

Neurocam (Cost: 36,000 gp)
Being able to copy a person's mind is huge, and even a small amount of advancement in tech or understanding of the human mind/brain from studying one of these would probably be pretty nifty.

40,000 gp and higher:

Quantum Box (Cost: 40,000 gp, 20,000 (timeworn1), 400 (timeworn2))
Teleportation is always neat, as is learning more about quantum mechanics. Slightly unclear if the listed price is for an individual box for the for pair o boxes.

Veemod (Cost: Prismatic: 50,000 gp)
Probably not of interest compared to magical options until the Prismatic version. X-ray vision that's potentially reverse-engineerable or at least can set a path of inquiry in the right direction would have all kinds of applications. It's also generally superior to most of the magic item options for x-ray vision that I've found just in terms of range and depth of penetration.

Technological Weapons
I omitted the rifle and heavy weaponry versions of most of these weapons due to them generally seeming to just be scaled up versions of the same technologies, so while they are more powerful for personal use, they don't represent much advantage for study save for perhaps from the standpoint that the individual components may be larger. The Atom Gun's miniature nuclear reactor and its shielding technology are probaby the most of interest, though being able to create cold rather than simply move heat energy away from one point and towards another would be physics-rewritingly huge if possible. The gravity manipulation of the Gravity Gun is also pretty high up there.

Tech Weapons:

Laser Torch (Cost: 6000 gp, 3000 (timeworn1), 60 (timeworn2))
A 6-inch laser cutting beam that's small enough to be used one-handed comfortably, meaning it has lots of miniaturization tech of interest as well as the inherent interest in tech that limits it to 6" and no further. Actual use combines well with something like a Ring of Invisibility because you can't accidentally cut yourself with it if you're invisible. Alternatively, access to casting Invisibility allows one to have a margin of error by making certain objects immune to accidental cutting.

Plasma Blade (Cost: 12,000 gp, 6000 (timeworn1), 120 (timeworn2))
Because who doesn't want a lightsaber? Similar reasons for interest as the Laser Torch, but with more quantum.

Monowhip (Cost: 70,000 gp, 35,000 (timeworn1), 700 (timeworn2))
Strong monofilaments would be of extreme interest to materials science.

Arc Pistol (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Being able to create lightning bolts on demand probably involves something that would further our understanding of something, even if it's just particle ionization and manipulation.

Gravity Pistol (Cost: 95,000 gp, 47,500 (timeworn1), 950 (timeworn2))
Compare with the graviton manipulation of the Prismatic Hologram Generator, which is a little cheaper.

Laster Pistol (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Of interest for similar reasons as the Laser Torch, but being able to fire a discrete beam would probably lead to at least some different insights compared to the sustained, self-contained beam of the cutting torch.

Zero Pistol (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Refrigeration technologies and other heating/cooling tech could benefit from understanding how these things produce and manipulate their freezing particles.

Atom Gun (Cost: 144,000 gp)
Contains a miniaturized nuclear reactor that is stable and safe for people to walk around without having to wear any protective gear. That would be pretty huge for our understanding of nuclear power. Although attempting to reverse engineer it would also be incredibly dangerous due to it being powered by a miniature nuclear reactor. 144,000 gp.

Technological Armor & Shield
The Hard Light Shield's manipulation of hard light and Spacesuit's ability to generate thrust using only electricity are probably the biggest finds here. The Innsuit's supreme insulation tech and Chameleon Suit's ability to read the surrounding area well enough to project active camouflage based upon it are not too far behind, though.

15,000 gp and under:

Scatterlight Suit (brown) (Cost: 100 gp, 50 (timeworn1 ), 1 (timeworn2))
The baseline polymers and fibers may be of some interest, but the way it induced blurring and diffusion of beams is probably of great interest intrinsically as well as for the miniaturization. Much like Force Fields, though, the more expensive versions seem to just be a matter of degree of strength, rather than fundamentally different tech, so even the most basic version is probably about as good as the fanciest version for reverse engineering.

Neraplast Armor (Cost: 1200 gp, 600 (timeworn1), 12 (timeworn2))
The camouflage component is neat, but it's probably of more interest simply for the ability to change the color and pattern of the fabric on the fly.

Hard Light Shield (Cost: 6400 gp, 3200 (timeworn1), 64 (timeworn2))
Manipulating hard light would be another area where understanding of science could be revolutionized.

Heavy Weapon Harness (Cost: 9000 gp)
Would be of some interest from a design standpoint and possibly a materials standpoint for various programs dedicated to improving what infantry are capable of. That is a pretty darn specific realm, though, and one where we probably don't really need any help.

Nanite Ablative Armor (Cost: 10,000 gp, 5000 (timeworn1), 100 (timeworn2))
Manipulating magnetic fields would be neat and magnetic fields that can manipulate (repel) nanites would also be pretty neat, especially in conjunction with a nanite cannister or other devices to be able to study the nanites themselves.

Chameleon Suit (Cost: 15,000 gp, 7500 (timeworn1), 150 (timeworn2))
Active camouflage and the sensor technology and processing power to make it work. The software side is probably of interest in and of itself just for being able to do that.

16,000 gp and higher:

Smart Armor (Cost: 16,500 gp, 8250 (timeworn1), 165 (timeworn2))
The expansion and contraction is of some interest, but the magnetic generator that allows the scales to be hardened into the rigid, plate-like form is the real point of interest. Given the relationship between electricity and magnetism, there are a lot of potential areas that the increase in understanding there could bleed over into.

Inssuit (Cost: 19,250 gp)
Extremely good insulation and pretty resilient fabric. To the point of giving resistance 5 against cold, acid, and electricity. That in and of itself would be extremely helpful to replicate in a lot of types of protective gear. Being able to mix superconducting thread into fabric safely and effectively would also probably involve some interesting advances, too.

Deep Diving Suit (Cost: 26,000 gp, 13,000 (timeworn1), 260 (timeworn2))
The oxygen scrubbers alone would be of interest for their miniaturization, efficiency, and output/capacity. The materials also allowing some amount of depth pressure to be ignored while still being flexible fabric would also be of signficant interest beyond just improving our own diving tech.

Gravity Suit (Cost: 40,000 gp, 20,000 (timeworn1), 400 (timeworn2))
Being able to manipulate gravitons for flight and defense would involve a lot of control and just being able to observe it would be of great interest.

HEV Suit (Cost: 61,000 gp, 30,500 (timeworn1), 610 (timeworn2))
Self-repairing polymer resign fabric would be worth looking into just by itself. Being a fully self-contained environment and protecting against radiation, heat, extreme cold, etc., would just be icing on that cake, but very nice icing.

Spacesuit (Cost: 90,000 gp, 45,000 (timeworn1), 900 (timeworn2))
Basically a souped up version of the HEV Suit, the main differences being complete protection against radiation and being able to generate thrust without having to consume anything other than electricity. That last bit would be kind of huge, though, in regards to space exploration.

The biggest thing here is probably Hemochem just for the "prevent people from dying from trauma" angle, though Cardioamp would also have some profound impacts as part of the arsenal of first responders. Being able to deal with radiation exposure, recover from disease faster/better, and having a way to just shut down certain aspects of our emotions temporarily would all have uses or at least open up some pretty big doors for further exploration.

under 5000 gp:

Azonite Pellets (Cost: 100 gp, 50 (timeworn1), 1 (timeworn2))
Increases radiation resistance and can fix Str damage but not Con drain from radiation in sufficient doses. Not sure what exactly that would translate into, but being able to treat radiation exposure better is good.

[url=] Soothe (Cost: 200 gp, 100 (timeworn1), 2 (timeworn2))
Painkiller, euphoria, healing, and temporary immunity to bleeding. Tends to leave notable scars, though, and is addictive, like seemingly all painkillers are required to be.

Hemochem (Cost: Grade I: 250 gp, 125 (timeworn1), 2.5 (timeworn2))
Stops bleeding and confers fast healing. Even Grade I would be big for first aid and emergency treatment.

Vitality Serum (Cost: 500 gp, 250 (timeworn1), 5 (timeworn2))
1 hour of immunity to low levels of radiation, resistance to other radiation, and heals some effects of radiation poisoning. Would help with dealing with nuclear waste and with a number of medical devices.

Cureall (Cost: 1400 gp, 700 (timeworn1), 14 (timeworn2))
Helps recovery from disease and poison quickly and restores ability damage or drain. According to Azonite Pellets, good for radiation sickness, too.

Baseline (Cost: 2250 gp, 1125 (timeworn1), 22.5 (timeworn2))
10 minute onset time, but eliminating a panic attack and then rendering someone immune to them for an hour could be huge. As would allowing normal function, even for a brief time, for someone with severe mental illness. Shame about how it only works once per 24 hours, though.

Zortaphen (Cost: 2250 gp, 1125 (timeworn1), 22.5 (timeworn2))
More anesthetics are always good to have. Also can be used to keep someone in a coma more or less indefinitely given sufficient quantities.

Cardioamp (Cost: 4550 gp, 2275 (timeworn1), 45.5 (timeworn2))
Being able to bring the recently dead back to life is always neat, and would have a lot of uses in surgery, especially emergency surgery.

Mostly replacement body parts, but there are also some interesting applications of nanites which would be doubly interesting not only for the nanites and how they work but what they actually do. Most of them are pretty interesting for how they involve linking into the central nervous system, though the Skillslot and Frenzychip are of especial interest for directly manipulating it. Also because the Skillslot is probably necessary to get access to those sweet, sweet repositories of alien knowledge to be able to copy them in more mundane forms.

under 5000 gp:

Cyberart (Cost: 100 gp)
A relatively stable source of relatively safe nanites. The tools necessary to actually implant and program them are probably of more interest, though.

Skillslot (Cost: 2000 gp)
This is probably necessary for learning how to read and access the information on those Skillchips which may be invaluable repositories of advanced scientific knowledge. They also are of great interest for how they would be implanted into a brain in the first place in addition to learning how they interact with brains once implanted.

Cybernetic Eyes (Cost: 4000 gp)
Making the blind see is something that we're already kind of working on, but this would catapult us greatly forward, not just in the actual construction of camera and lenses but the interface with the nervous system. Plus a single cyber eye would just be 2000 gp for having an extra one for study.

Cybernetic Ears (Cost: 4000 gp)
Basically Cybernetic Eyes, but for the deaf and hearing. Also 2000 gp for a single one for either a spare or to cut costs by only have 1 for study.

Dermal Plating (Cost: 4000 gp for Mark I)
Anchoring things directly onto the skin in a way that increases its resilience would be of some interest, especially for the way to do it long term without it forming a biofilm of bacteria. Also, whatever "bioplastics" are would probably be of interest to materials science.

Cybernetic Arm (Cost: 4750 gp)
Being able to understand how to make a better prosthetic shoulder is nifty, but being able to understand how to make hands and connect them to the nervous system would be huge not only for replacing limbs but for robotics in general and even rigging up a way to have a disembodied arm controlled from a distance by an operator who can feel it.

5000 to under 10,000 gp:

Implant Mesh (Cost: 5000 gp)
As something that modifies cybernetic implants, this would be of interest just as an additional avenue by which to increase understanding of the other implants.

Optical Turrets (Cost: 6000 gp)
These also allow for someone to see, but through what are basically variable microscopes. The main advantage these have is that they allow 3 sets of eye slot magic items to be attached to them so that one can easily cycle between them, rather than anything of interest for reverse engineering. Compare with Cybernetic Eyes, which are cheaper and can come singly.

Cyberfiber Muscles (Cost: 8000 gp for Mark I)
Synthetic muscles, even if they're not intended to replace existing muscle mass, would probably allow us to eventually figure out how to make synethic muscles that do replace muscle mass for instances where complete limb replacement isn't necessary but significant muscle tissue has been destroyed or removed. Although for non-augmentation purposes that would be competing with our attempts to master using stem cells to repair and regrow body parts.

Thoracic Nanite Chamber (Cost: 8000 gp for Mark I)
Of interest both for augmenting vital organs and the means by which its nanintes do so, but also just for the nanites themselves and their programming and control.

Wirejack Tendons (Cost: 8000 gp for Mark I)
Basically the tendon version of cyber muscles, and of interest for much the same reason, although they do have the additional point of interest of actually imrpoving the way that the nervous system communicates with surrounding tissue that is non-augmented/cybernetic.

Cybernetic Legs (Cost: 8500 gp)
Fully functional legs. Much like cyber arms, though we currently are doing a little bit better on the prosthetic leg front than the prosthetic arm one. Sure beats the pants off of current hip and knee replacement surgeries, though. A single one is just 4250 gp, actually a little more than a single cyber eye and a little less than a single cyber arm.

16,000 gp and higher:

Biofilter (Cost: 16,000 gp)
A filtration system that can soup up the liver and kidneys would be of great interest, and with enough understanding, could be used to greatly enhance processes like dialysis when those are necessary. Also, much like the Thoracic Nanite Chamber, of interest for the nanites and their programming end of things not just their effects.

Frenzychip (Cost: 36,400 gp)
Directly manipulates both emotions and motor function. That in and of itself is of great interest. In some cases for good ends, like offering more ways to potentially treat things like depression or phobias and for potential dystopian ends that make being a supervillain who takes over the world with Charm Monster and Dominate Person look positively warm and cuddly in comparison.

Coidzor wrote:

I thought you were referencing something like that. I looked at the general magic overview for the Transmutation school and Polymorph subschool, the same general source that is where the rule that Conjuration (Creation) spells with Instantaneous durations create permanent matter comes from and didn't see anything along those lines.

Do you recall where this is detailed?

It's polymorph that has the problem, not conjuration. I don't recall where it is, the issue is to prohibit some farming abuses that would otherwise be possible. It's been too long, I don't recall the creatures involved.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Polymorph doesn't specifically grant the ability to yield any sort of produce like eggs or milked venom. Wouldn't you need a rule that told you that you could do that rather than one that told you that you couldn't? Pathfinder isn't focused on reproduction, but from what I've seen, when reproduction is mentioned it's an EX ability. Since you would lose that EX ability while polymorphed and isn't granted by any existent polymorph spells, you probably can't reproduce at all while polymorphed.

That's not the most entertaining ruling, but I think its correct.

Also, I appreciate the breakdowns. I should go through and favorite for reference.

ErichAD wrote:

Polymorph doesn't specifically grant the ability to yield any sort of produce like eggs or milked venom. Wouldn't you need a rule that told you that you could do that rather than one that told you that you couldn't? Pathfinder isn't focused on reproduction, but from what I've seen, when reproduction is mentioned it's an EX ability. Since you would lose that EX ability while polymorphed and isn't granted by any existent polymorph spells, you probably can't reproduce at all while polymorphed.

That's not the most entertaining ruling, but I think its correct.

Exotic forms of reproduction are EX and wouldn't work if polymorphed. Regular boy-beds-girl reproduction isn't discussed, we don't know if it's EX but I don't think so.

Fair enough. That leaves us with either my interpretation that you don't reproduce at all, or yours which has you reproduce as you would in your original form. To my knowledge, there isn't a polymorph spell that specifically grants another creatures reproductive abilities. Outside of the Demon Mother's Mask when worn by a Lamashtu worshiper that is.

So I was reminded recently of the Ascendant Spell metamagic. That lets you access the base form of mythic versions of spells without actually being mythic or actually casting a mythic spell.

That's a +5 metamagic, so it normally won't work with, say, Geniekind, which is a 5th level spell and of interest here for the ability to access a Djinni's permanent vegetable matter Major Creation SLA.

Magical Lineage, on the other hand, reduces the metamagic by one, making it a 9th level spell and thus usable. 9 * 17 * 1800 = 275,400 gp.

Compare 17 cubic feet of whatever vegetable matter you want every 1.7 minutes (or sooner with a way to dismiss or dispel magic the Ascendant Geniekind spell off of yourself) vs. the output of a robe of infinite twine which is limited to a form of processed hemp fiber, which is 34 pounds of hemp rope in that same 17 round period (2 pounds per round if 10' of hemp rope is 1/5th of 50' of hemp rope which weighs 10# per 50').

Is it worth it? I don't know offhand, just seemed of interest in this kind of context.

Which I suppose is mostly of interest, beyond trivia, for post-campaign expansions of the Reign of Winter AP.

Scarab Sages

ErichAD wrote:
Fair enough. That leaves us with either my interpretation that you don't reproduce at all, or yours which has you reproduce as you would in your original form. To my knowledge, there isn't a polymorph spell that specifically grants another creatures reproductive abilities. Outside of the Demon Mother's Mask when worn by a Lamashtu worshiper that is.

To be fair these games do tend to avoid these issues in general. Break into someone's house, murder them and steal their stuff? Yep here's the rules. Fall in love, marry, have kids . . . That's house rule stuff figure it out without our involvement.

How much does it cost to retrain 20HD into 20 Sorcerer levels?

I still need at least 140,000gp for my phylactery/ritual. I would like to add a Black Sapphire worth at least 20,000gp to my phylactery... because I have expensive tastes (and like the thought of using a Soul Bind focus as part of my phylactery, to eternally pair my soul with the soul I have trapped in the gem)...

Probably Ring of Sustenance... not that Liches need such things, but resetting my spells in half the time makes it a nice trinket to have.

Customer Service Representative

I have removed a post and a post with quoted content. Sexist/derogatory comments are not welcome here.

Assuming you can trade the gold for the 500 million:

1. Hire a finacial advisor.
2. Buy a big house
3. Buy a quantum computer (assuming you can play games on it. Pretty sure you could always play everything with the setting turned all the way up.)
4. Buy a lear jet for my dad (he has a pilot's license in real life.)

Since I can create my own magical items I would take:
1 Luck Blade with a single wish in it. (62,360gp
4 Fully charged Rings of Three Wishes (480,000)
1 Ring of of Infinite Limited Wish [A use-activated item that casts limited wish] (332,000gp)
Total: 874,360gp

My first wish from the Luck Blade would be: "I wish to always know exactly how to word a Wish to get exactly what I want from the Wish.)

12 Wish spells and an infinite number of Limited Wish spells at my disposal all of which give me exactly what I want.

Pretty sure I win at that point. :D

I want the gold as magic doesn't work.

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