Mysterious Stranger |

Ranger with maxed out favored enemy of human would be my recommendation. Considering that what he was going up against in the movies was really not that tough he would not need to be that high level to be effective. It not like he was fighting dragons or demons in the movies, he was fighting humans that were not that high level. He was probably somewhere around 6th to 9th level at max and his opponents were probably not any higher than 3rd level if that. Give him improved unarmed combat and power attack and he can take down a huge amount of troops.

Mysterious Stranger |

Not sure why everyone seems to think that Rambo would be a gunslinger. Sure he used guns but that is because guns are common. Unless the setting is one that uses the guns everywhere rules he would probably stick to more common weapons. Gunslinger rely more on luck and bravo rather than skill and discipline. Rambo was a special forces, those guys don’t rely on luck they are highly trained disciplined combatants. Early guns are way to unreliable and a character based on Rambo would want something he knows is going to work. Even in modern times he uses a bow.

Ryze Kuja |

Not sure why everyone seems to think that Rambo would be a gunslinger. Sure he used guns but that is because guns are common. Unless the setting is one that uses the guns everywhere rules he would probably stick to more common weapons. Gunslinger rely more on luck and bravo rather than skill and discipline. Rambo was a special forces, those guys don’t rely on luck they are highly trained disciplined combatants. Early guns are way to unreliable and a character based on Rambo would want something he knows is going to work. Even in modern times he uses a bow.
Rambo usually uses a Bow because it's silent, but when Rambo goes after Murdock in the end of Rambo II, he does that scene with the M60 and shreds that shack to bits, and there's no way a Rambo character can do that without 1 level in Gunslinger :)

Mysterious Stranger |

A level of gunslinger is not going to allow a pathfinder based Rambo to use an M60 if it does not exist in the campaign. Depending on the guns rules you are using guns are can be anything from simple weapons (Guns Everywhere) to Exotic (Emerging guns). In either case modern weapons like the M60 are still not available. The advanced fire arms from the book are not modern weapons they are those from the old west. The original post was how to create John Rambo, not a John Wayne character.
Even if the emerging guns rules are being used other characters besides gunslingers can use guns. If gunslingers exist then there are archetypes that allow other classes to use guns. Even without taking a gun focused archetype all a character who wants to use guns needs is the feat exotic weapon proficiency firearms. A ranger with the Trophy Hunter Archetype gets both amateur gun slinging and exotic weapon proficiency firearms at 2nd level. This would be a much better way for a ranger to use a gun then dipping into gunslinger.
If a more permissive gun rule is used you may not even need the Trophy Hunter archetype.

Sysryke |
The obvious question for the OP, is what setting is this character supposed to be in? If anything with less technology than machine guns, would the use of a repeating crossbow not be a fair middle ground? Not exactly the same thing, but something mechanically/flavorfully similar. I know we're talking Rambo, but I'm visualizing the crossbow from Van Helsing.

John and KARSG!!! |
The obvious question for the OP, is what setting is this character supposed to be in? If anything with less technology than machine guns, would the use of a repeating crossbow not be a fair middle ground? Not exactly the same thing, but something mechanically/flavorfully similar. I know we're talking Rambo, but I'm visualizing the crossbow from Van Helsing.
Setting is Golarion

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Brawling blademaster samurai.
Able to fight equally well armed and unarmed, and resolve is the perfect "tough guy" mechanic. Unconquerable resolve feat for even more tough guyness.
As for ranged combat... well I would disagree that Rambo was good at it. These were 70s movies where they wave their guns about shooting wildly and screaming and not hitting anything. Then they'd get up close and punch each others lights out.