John and KARSG!!!'s page

45 posts. Alias of An Infinite Oblivion.


I saw the new "Lightyear" trailer yesterday and it had me thinking, "What if Buzz was in Starfinder? How would you play him?" So here I am, asking your opinion.

For my first game of Pathfinder 2E, I decided to make my own character and not use the Pre-gen that the DM offered me in advance, whilst I had never made a character in 2E before I have a few years of experience playing (and therefore making characters in) 1E, so I felt pretty confident but when it came to actually play my first game, I felt like no matter what I did I just wasn't as effective as the rest of the party, so I was hoping that you may be able to give me a few pointers in character creation and could hopefully suggest some adjustments that I could make to my character before the next game, as this is a PFS character you can make any changes you want before you reach level 2 - Thanks in advance

Class: Rogue (Eldritch Trickster)
Race: Half-Orc
Background: Street Urchin

Ability Scores;
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10

Iron Fists
Cat Fall
Nimble Dodge
Wizard Dedication

Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Produce Flame

In combat, my usual plan would be to either attack the enemies with a Produce Flame Spell or to attempt to flank them and attack them with my unarmed strikes

If you require any more information please do let me know

What do you think? A character who is a great fighter but tries to never use violence yet is a follower of a God of War. How would you make such a character? Would you make them a Cleric or some other divine caster? Would Gorum even grant such a character spells? I would like your opinion on this subject as it interests me greatly. Thanks.

Have you ever tried to play a summoned creature as the PC? I was inspired by the character of Loke of the Anime Fairy Tail, he is essentially a summoned creature whose summoner has died yet who was managed to stay on this plane through his own power. So how would you go about playing this - essentially an Eidolon without a Summoner? (or I suppose a Phantom without a spiritualist would also work) I think that it would be a very interesting character, playing someone who was mechanically designed to function as a lesser, a servant, 1 half of a whole.

As Said Above

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Give me some suggestions for some interesting builds based off of a multitude of Archetypes stacked together, all multiclassing based builds are also welcome!


Strength 16
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

Level 1

Chained Monk, Maneuver Master, Monk of the Four Winds - Improved Trip

Combat Reflexes - Vicious Stomp

Level 2

Kineticist, Elemental Ascetic - Air: Electric Blast - Extended Range Infusion

Level 3

Shifter, Elementalist Shifter - Water

Ki Throw

That's all I've got so far

I'm making a new character and I want to go outside the box a bit so want your opinion - should I make a Martial character that can secretly cast spells or a Spellcaster that is secretly a great Martial?

I.E. A Magus that is almost entirely martial focused and only uses magic in emergencies (for RP reasons)


A seemingly purely casting focused cleric who secretly has some monk levels?

These are just examples, so I'd love to hear your suggestions!

Sooooooooo I recently found a weapon known as the "Plasma Blade", and from what I can tell, it's a Lightsaber. So, you know what has to happen now, how do we make a character worthy of this weapon? What could we possibly pair this peculiar weapon with to truly create... a Jedi

Or a Sith...

Just looking for all of my options

I'm aware that the Kineticist exists but as far as I'm aware they have no way of manipulating metal, so how would I do it?

All I Give You, Is A Name...

It Is Your Job, Should You Choose To Accept It, To Create A Build And Basic Backstory For This Character. Be As Creative As You Like.


I'm sure that this has probably been discussed before, but how would you go about making an incredibly fast character? I'm talking Flash levels of speed. I have seen snippets of conversations about this subject before, but I'm not sure if anyone ever actually came up with a way to weaponise the concept, to make it something viable for use in combat other than having incredible mobility. So, what can you guys come up with?

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You ever seen that anime "Goblin Slayer"?

Well I'm looking to make a Kobold killing equivalent. Where should I start?

Oh... well that's a shame

Okay... I lied, I think that I actually may have made "Giant Man"

Vigilante (Brute) 1 Level

Shifter (Rageshaper) 1 Level

Inquisitor/Cleric 1 Level

Provided that you have chosen the growth domain, by third level, for about a minute (depending on your wisdom mod) you should be able to become "Gargantuan" in size

If you play as a Trox, you could even become "Colossal"!

My question is, what is the next step?

How do I Improve this?

Can we make a character that CAN shrink and grow like "Antman"?

All help is welcome and appreciated

- Thanks

You guys have given some pretty cool ideas, thanks


Elf Barbarian

Orc Wizard

Trox Rogue

Goblin Bloodrager


I have an Aasimar Unchained Rogue character who specialises in strength based two handed weapon fighting, but he also uses his high carrying capacity to carry 50 Daggers as a back up weapon, and a back up back up weapon, and a back up back up back up weapon and so on... so my question is, how many back up weapons are too many? Do you have any better options for back up weapons? Should I buy more Daggers? Buy better Daggers? What should I do?

I am looking into how someone might go about acquiring the highest possible strength ability score for a PC. All help is appreciated

I would like to play a druid that, upon first meeting them, you could infer is some form of martial artist, a warrior. I would like to be able to fight in combat in a similar way in which a monk does, unarmed strikes, attacking with a quarterstaff, using spells and abilities to replicate similar monk abilities. I would like to use magic in as subtly a way as I can because due to plot reasons, using is magic in public is not the greatest decision you could make if you want to live a long and happy life. essentially, i am attempting to emulate some monk abilities and combat prowess as to feign being a monk

I want to pretend to be a monk because i thought it would be an interesting character, someone who doesn't want to use their more powerful magic because if they do, bad plot related stuff happens, so i figured faking being a monk would be pretty neat

I'm trying to play a Druid pretending to be a Monk, likely by using some combination of spells like shillelagh, longstrider, jump and magic fang to emulate monk abilities. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to feats, spells or archetypes that i could use to better fulfill this concept?

Ok, why?










Who will win?

Who is best?

Will any archetypes or class specific feats affect the outcome?

We shall see!!!

How would you go about making Alfred Pennyworth as a PC?

For All My 40K Fans Out There, Help Me Stat Sly Marbo

I'm attempting to build a Vigilante and could use some suggestions as to my options, be it full builds or just feats and the like. However I was also hoping to get some stories from the times that other people have played Vigilantes, be it interesting story moments, unique backstories or just some funny moments. All contributions are welcome and appreciated, thank you!

Sysryke wrote:
The obvious question for the OP, is what setting is this character supposed to be in? If anything with less technology than machine guns, would the use of a repeating crossbow not be a fair middle ground? Not exactly the same thing, but something mechanically/flavorfully similar. I know we're talking Rambo, but I'm visualizing the crossbow from Van Helsing.

Setting is Golarion

Help me create a build for the character of Edward Kenway from Assassins Creed

Looking for all builds, ideas and suggestions related to classes, feats and anything else that you may come up with that may help accomplish this goal.

All help is appreciated.

To put it simply, can one player wildshape into a mount for another? How would the initiative work? If the mount were, say, a tiger, could it make attacks as well as the rider? How would this affect mounted combat feats? I need some help with the whole lot.


Andostre wrote:
So, are you looking for a build that let's you melee and that knows how to cast spells, but not necessarily do them both in the same round like a magus does? Trying something a little different is great, but it's hard to know what you're thinking of.

Essentially, yes. someone that, spell wise would be more of a utility caster, with the occasional buff/de-buff and blast spell, but in combat theyre mainly a martial character

I know that it wont be as good as a regular one handed dex magus, and that i wont be able to use spell combat, but i wanted to try something a little different. a sort of Witcher style character, mainly martial stuff but a bit of magic on the side, except there would be a bit more magic than just what geralt has, being a magus and all

What are the allowed races?

What Is The Best Combat Maneuver To Build A Character Around? And how exactly would you recommend doing it? For example, if you said Bull Rush, then would you recommend using the Siegebreaker archetype instead of just using a fighter, if you chose to use fighter at all? Or if you say disarm, would you recommend using the archer archetype, again, for the fighter, or something more standard, i'm curious of your opinion, all ideas are welcome

With all of the feats, archetypes and even a prestige class, the Aldori Dueling Sword definitely has a lot of content, so, given that, what are some of the best builds, regardless of class, level or allowed content, that you can come up with? Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Tiaximus wrote:

The heavy set orc pushed his way into the tavern. The smattering of guests go quiet, eyeing the wide-brimmed hat, poncho, and bandolier of paper-packed cartridges.

Spurs click in step as the newcomer walks up to the bar. "Ugh," he mutters at the barkeep, snapping at a keg of ale.

Shaking his head, the barkeep sputters a reply. "W...w-we don't serve orcs in this establishment."

The tavern goes silent. The man in the poncho slowly swivels his head towards the bartender. A stream of spit flies out of the side of his mouth, spattering across the back of the counter. "UGH," he repeats, once again snapping at the keg of ale.

The bartender frowns and clears his throat, reaching under the counter for a cudgel. "I said, we don't serve orcs here!"

The orc grins. "Joke for you. What do you do when a goblin walks into a bar?"

The tavern is silent.

"You piton the doors shut, light it on fire and cover the windows with crossbows." The grin widens, showing off two golden tusks. "Old dwarf favorite."

The bartender snorts, a smile cracking his tough-guy facade. He grabs a mug and heads to the keg, filling the mug to the brim. "Nice to see you again Patch. How's the rest of the world treating you these days?"

"Oh, you know. Click click, boom boom."

I thoroughly enjoyed that, thank you

Artofregicide wrote:

Half orc is mechanically more sound choice, but orc is way cooler.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in a melee weapon for low levels especially.

Indeed, way cooler, and yes, a melee weapon would be useful early on, perhaps a Musket-Axe? Hmmm...

Secret Wizard wrote:

Orc works great.

You could use your higher natural strength to pack a Culverin.

You can take the Scatter Gunner to increase the effectivity of the scatter effect of the gun.

If you happen to fall prone while using the Culverin, you could take the Prone Shooter feat to make the most of it!

What's cooler than an Orc with a big frigging cannon under their arm?

Nothing. Nothing is More Awesome Than an Orc with a Big Frigging Cannon.

Lelomenia wrote:
Orc, can’t be half-orc?

Indeed, Only Pure-Bloods For Me Please

Exactly what it says, Karsg and I would like some help in creating an Orc Gunslinger for an upcoming campaign. All suggestions and opinions are welcome, and if you would like to ask any clarifying questions, feel free, but I will say that there is nothing set in stone as for available content and that it is a Level 1 start and a 20 point buy. -Thx

Secret Wizard wrote:

I would say Hagbound, going with a race that has a bite attack, and picking Oni-Spirit Master for a gore attack.

This would allow you to put your strength to good use with a lot of natural attacks.

Now for defence... maybe go down with the whole hellknight armor feats? But mostly cast spells for protection.

Thank You for the suggestions

avr wrote:

There's a few ways. The first involves the ashiftah archetype, the hex strike feat and turning invisible a lot via ghost walk. Doesn't really fit your description, but she does punch people.

Next is using the eldritch knight prestige class and buffs. Unfortunately a lot of the patron spells go up in smoke when you prestige out and witch spells aren't the best buffs, and while there are neat tricks involving arcing weapon those may not be quite Karsg's desire.

Polymorphing into something big and tearing faces off is probably the closest to what you're after. The transformation patron is all but required. Tarondor's guide to the Transmuter Wizard may be relevant.

Last a lot of people have tried to turn the white haired witch into an effective grappler. Multiclassing is involved and I'm not sure success was achieved.

The first three can benefit from defensive hexes (iceplant, soothsayer+fortune etc.). Most of the above can use the spite spell (w/frigid touch or vampiric touch), note it as one of the few unique tricks of a witch for melee. Either being a duergar or persuading your GM that ironskin isn't a racial spell would help.

Thank You for the suggestions

Hello, my name is John- AND I'M KARSG! ...Um, yes, that is Karsg, and together-

WE THINKED US UP AN IDEA, WE DID! ...Well, yes, "we" did...

You've all heard of the Muscle Wizard, but can anyone help us make A MUSCLE WITCH?

We're aiming for the same end goal here:

To turn a class in no way designed for melee combat, into a BLOODTHIRSTY, TORNADO-LIKE, WOOD-CHIPPER OF GORE AND VISCERA. And, if everything goes right, to utilise said WHIRLING DERVISH OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION, to quickly and efficiently reduce any and all STUPID MEAT-BAGZ WITH POINTY STICKZ into a pile of evenly diced fleshy cubes.

To be more specific, in case you hadn't figured it out all ready, Karsg and I are attempting to create an... at least, somewhat effective Witch Build, focused almost entirely on the wonderful art of MELEE COMBAT! For, as we all know, the use of "Traditional Magic" is for cowards! YES! REAL CASTERS USE MAGICKZ TO CAST FIST AND TO PUNCH TINGS! ALL THE TINGS, PUNCH AND STAB AND BREAK AND ZLASH AND CRUSH AND CUT AND BLEED! THAT BE THE REAL PURPOZE OF MAGICKZ! TO HIT! TO HIT ALL THE TINGS! TO HIT ALL THE TINGS ALL THE TIME! RRAAAAGGHHHH!!! HIT THEM AAAALLLLLLL!!!

...Um, yeah... what he said...