Antipaladin that emulates a Paladin?


I was thinking about the pun of Auntie Paladin as a female antipaladin character that pretends to be a nice paladin but is in reality a horrible person who tricks people into accepting her help which helps in the short term but harms in the long run. And that thought made me curious is there were any antipaladin archetypes (including 3rd party) that did something like this.

You know, maybe detects as lawful good instead of whatever evil.

Maybe has lay on hands, but it causes some sort of penalty later. Stuff like that.

Anybody know anything?

The conditional favor spell would help and an insinuator paladin can mess with their aura to a degree.

The Insinuator archetype might be worth looking into.

Insinuator is on the right track, but still not really what I had in mind.

In my mind this person is much more about pretending to be, like a paladin of Sarenrae. Pretending to help a village. Only later on the villagers find (after she's left) that all those wounds she healed and conditions she cured have now come back much much worse. Something like that.

Doesn't need to be useful in combat or viable for a PC. This is more an NPC thing.

However, I'm getting the sense that such an archetype doesn't exist.

I don't think it does, but as it happens I wrote an archetype myself that fits pretty closely. Focuses on spreading disease.

Plaguelord (Antipaladin archetype:):
While most antipaladins are brutal and obvious champions of evil, plaguelords spread death more subtly. They are adept at concealing their true nature, and it delights their sense of irony to pretend to be true paladins, feigning good deeds while laying waste to communities with their diseases.

Infiltrator (Ex): The plaguelord lacks an Aura of Evil. He still takes additional damage from a paladin’s smite evil ability.

Obfuscation (Su): The plaguelord may choose any alignment. When someone attempts to determine his alignment magically the plaguelord makes a will save against the spell. This occurs automatically and does not inform the plaguelord the attempt has been made. If he succeeds on the save, he detects as the alignment chosen. He may change his apparent alignment once per day as a full round action. This ability replaces Detect Good.

Disease Collector (Ex): At 3rd level, the plaguelord does not recover from diseases without magical aid (though he still takes no penalty from them). When the plaguelord inflicts a disease through an antipaladin spell or class feature he may choose to inflict a disease he is infected with instead of choosing from the normal list. If he is magically cured of a disease he becomes Sickened for 1d6 rounds. This ability replaces Plague Bringer.

Aura of Disease (Su): At 3rd level, all creatures within 10 feet of the plaguelord take a -4 penalty on saving throws against diseases. This does not stack with the penalty from Aura of Despair. The ability continues to function if the plaguelord is asleep naturally, but not if he is unconscious by another means or under a magical sleep effect, or dead. This ability replaces Aura of Cowardice.

False healing (Su): The plaguelord gains the Sickened cruelty at 3rd level, the Diseased cruelty at 6th level, and the Nauseated cruelty at 9th level, but never gains any other cruelties. The plaguelord’s Touch of Corruption ability appears to glow with holy light and cannot heal undead. Beginning at 6th level, it can be used to heal other living creatures as well as harm them, though he cannot use it to heal himself. When he uses Touch of Corruption to heal it secretly tries to infect the target with a disease as though he had used the Diseased cruelty, except that the disease has its normal incubation period. This ability alters Touch of Corruption and Cruelty.

Channel Plague: The antipaladin’s Channel Energy ability uses the Variant Channel: Disease, even if he does not worship a deity whose portfolio encompasses disease. This ability alters Channel Negative Energy.

Deceiver: At 4th level when the plaguelord prepares spells he may choose 1 spell from the paladin spell list and prepare it as though it were on his spell list. In addition, he adds Misdirection to his spell list, because for some reason it is not on the antipaladin list already. At 15th level the number of paladin spells he may choose increases by 1. This ability alters Spells.

Swift Plague (Sp): At 11th level as a swift action the plaguelord may cause a creature within thirty feet that is infected with a disease to immediately suffer its penalty. If the disease is still within its onset period, the period also ends. A Fort save against the disease’s DC negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this ability again for 24 hours. He may use this ability 3 times per day + Charisma modifier. This ability replaces Aura of Vengeance.

Epidemic (Sp): At 20th level, he may conduct a 10 minute ritual to cast Cursed Earth (Plague only) with no material component once per week. If he uses the ability again the previous effect ends. In addition, the DC of his diseases (those he inflicts through spells or abilities or directly through natural infection) is equal to 10+half his antipaladin level+Char mod. This ability replaces Unholy Champion.

Grand Lodge

VMC vigilante or if you would rather go with just one class - then Zealot Vigilante. The social identity is the nice old women who pretends to be a paladin of Sarenrae. The vigilante identity is her true self a Inquisitor for what ever evil god you like.
No class emulates better than the vigilante.

The zealot vigilante is close, but doesn't' really work.

The social identity and vigilante identity can both only casts spells if they're within one step of their deity.

This character would absolutely have an evil deity and masquerade as a paladin. Even if we bend the rules some, we end up with someone that would have a lawful good social identity and a lawful evil vigilante identity....and that isn't what I'm really after.

They also don't really mirror a paladin's abilities as much as I had in mind.

Aldrakan's homebrew is much closer to the kind of thing I had in mind, though it is homebrew.

The zealot vigilante would work if the concept was less about appearing to be a paladin and more generally just appearing to be good person, although it still breaks down if you actually try to be an evil person with an evil god and have a good social identity.

Permanent Misdirection spell, target a music box or some other inanimate object so you can detect as not chaotic or lawful, not magical, not evil, not lying, etc. If you want to detect as Lawful Good, you'd have to make a lawful good friend, which can complicate things. Maybe capture a Paladin of Sarenrae and tie him up in the basement so you can cast it on him without the general alarm being sounded.

And then refrain from wearing your evil deity's ceremonial garb around town, and maybe pick up a brooch or cloak of Sarenrae to really sell it, and you should be fine :P

Ehhh, sorry that's not a real solution to me.

Permanency isn't something the character could cast themselves, it's high level, and misdirection isn't on any divine list that I see.

You just need to pay a 10 CL Wizard 5,000gp + tip for a Permanent Lvl 2 Misdirection spell. Unless your campaign is a Low Magic world, this should be readily available in any major city and most non-dirt-poor kingdoms.


Large cities are likely to have at least 1 10th level caster, but it's not going to be some random person. Typically they're going to be an important person within the city.

But regardless of any of that, it doesn't fit my character concept at all.

I want a character that can do this themselves. I was looking for an archetype they contained this sort of capabilities unto itself.

Literally anyone with money and access to a 10th level wizard could do what you're suggesting, which may be your point.

But your idea misses the mark for what I'm after.

And for posterity's sake, it's fine that something not exist in the space I'm looking for. But trying to kludge in something to bridge the gap isn't what I'm after either.

Can he use items to do this?

UMD and a Wand of Misdirection?

or Rune of the Inscrutable One?

No, I really wanted it to be class features.

This isn't about a character I intend to play or even build, this was simply a question of "does an archetype exist to do this thing?".

Other people or even items don't fit the criteria.

Really, the answer can simply be "no, there's nothing". That's okay.

Misdirection wrote:

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, spiritualist 2, summoner/unchained summoner 2


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S


Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object, up to a 10-ft. cube in size
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none or Will negates; see text; Spell Resistance no


By means of this spell, you misdirect the information from divination spells that reveal auras (detect evil, detect magic, discern lies, and the like). On casting the spell, you choose another object within range. For the duration of the spell, the subject of misdirection is detected as if it were the other object. Neither the subject nor the other object gets a saving throw against this effect. Detection spells provide information based on the second object rather than on the actual target of the detection unless the caster of the detection succeeds on a Will save. For instance, you could make yourself detect as a tree if one were within range at casting: not evil, not lying, not magical, neutral in alignment, and so forth. This spell does not affect other types of divination magic (augury, detect thoughts, clairaudience/clairvoyance, and the like).

Is your NPC averse to multi-classing 3-4 levels? Anti-PaladinX/Sorc4 might work?

Trickery Domain gives Nondetection, which is a better spell than Misdirection.

Any way to give your Anti-Paladin access to Trickery domain?

Not necessarily adverse to spending a few class levels elsewhere. Though more than 4 levels I feel like is a no, but you come in just under that cut-off.

There are ways to make a more generic divine healer who does what you describe with stuff like Conditional Spell and False Resurrection. But specifically a Paladin? I think nothing like that exists in any Paizo materials, so it would need to be homebrewed.

what about a Warpriest Champion of the Faith? You'll pick up most of the paladin abilities, have a fuller list of spells (I think it would be fair play to have Bestow Curse mimic a lot of the stuff you want to pull) and then hide your aura with Undetectable Alignment and answer any questions about it, that any Paladin should have such a blessing upon them, less the forces of evil find them and bring ruin to those poor souls around them (which is true)

yukongil wrote:
what about a Warpriest Champion of the Faith? You'll pick up most of the paladin abilities, have a fuller list of spells (I think it would be fair play to have Bestow Curse mimic a lot of the stuff you want to pull) and then hide your aura with Undetectable Alignment and answer any questions about it, that any Paladin should have such a blessing upon them, less the forces of evil find them and bring ruin to those poor souls around them (which is true)

This might be the closest approach I've heard.

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