Interest Check: Pathfinder Game starting at 0 level (NPC Classes)


I find myself thinking How id like to run a low fantasy game that starts the players out low powered.

Either The Falcons Hollow series with a variant start or the Goblin Series which does have a 0 level start.

Whats the interest in doing this and which one would people be more interested in?

This is not a recruitment thread at this point...merely an interest check.

both run til the party gets to 6th-7th. at that time I will continue them in a different direction but for now lets know that.

I've done 0-level classes to start campaigns before and they were quite fun. I'd be interested.

I've GM'd zero-level games, but have never gotten to play in one. Consider me interested as well.

which version though...Goblins or Falcons Hollow?

Personally I'd prefer Falcon's Hollow, since I've yet to get a chance to play through it, but I can do either.

I looked up Falcon's Hollow, already familiar with the Goblin modules, and looks like a small place ripe for 0-level adventurers.

I love this kind of idea. I’d definitely be up to it, as I always try to give my characters something mundane.

Something,something like My Life with Master where we are servants. :)

Origins are good.

I've wanted to play in a game that starts at 0 level and have never been lucky enough to catch the recruitment for one. Count me very interested!

Silver Crusade

I would be interested.

I'd be down!

Pretty sure you've got enough interest here, GMMichael. ;)

Indeed I'll be putting up a proper recruitment thread tomorrow.

Working a couple things out for it now. It'll be Falcons Hollow and Darkmoon vale. All players will be residents of the vale. Not coming from elsewhere.

Link to recruitment thread.

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