Hell's Rebels Looking for 1-2 more players


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Hello there! I'm running a modified Hell's Rebels game for a group of 4 sneaky sneakers. With the absence of our fifth player, we're looking for 1, mayyybe 2 replacements. The game has been modified to give players some additional options for taking down Barzillai Thrune, be it by non-violent protest, assassination, or blood on the streets. It also expands upon the rebellion mechanics to give more versatility, and we look at ways to cripple Thrune's hold on the city by hitting him where it hurts. Namely his wallet and reputation. We're currently in book 2, though there are some loose ends from book 1 that could be cleaned up, and we already went through one adventure from book 3. We're pretty heavy on the roleplay, and encounters are sometimes stealth scenes, chase scenes, or a fight with different stakes than fighting to the death.
Would you like to rebel against the Hellish Tyrant? Or are you content living under his iron fist?

Current Characters:

- Ederion, Elven Investigator with a little Swashbuckler, CG. He's the brains of the operation. Fights with a rapier.
- Bazzle, Gnomish Rogue, CG. He's our sneaky scout and trap disarmer, with an interest in forging documents. Fights with daggers or a homebrewed lightning rod.
- Rexandi, Tiefling Witch (ley line guardian) (shadow patron), NG. Rexandi is our party main healer and magic expert. She doesn't fight. Even the dinkiest kobolds have resisted her spells, and it's a running joke that every enemy resists her spells. Everyone owes her their lives.
- Aster, Human wererat oracle (lunar), CG. Aster is part tank, part healer. She fights with mace and shield at the front and relies on her DR10/silver to deal with oncoming damage.

As you may see, our group is not a min-maxed party. My hope is that you'll meet them roughly where they're at, so I can balance encounters accordingly. Feel free to play around with odd builds.

Here are our recommendations regarding roles that could potentially be filled. My expectation is that you do not fill all the roles.
- We could use someone who can deal consistent damage. Doesn't really matter if you're melee or ranged, maybe even magic, as long as we can rely on you to hit things frequently.
- We'd like someone who can stand in the front alongside Aster. Someone who has a bit of hardiness to them, and can help protect squishies from being charged at.
- We could use someone who specializes in buffs and/or debuffs. Our oracle and witch are pretty preoccupied with healing at the moment, and so buffs and debuffs usually fall to the wayside after 1 or 2 encounters.
- I'd like someone who can sing
- Additionally, if you can come up with a way to bring the party together to feel like a team, that would be fantastic.

We are a secrecy based team, so our plan is to not raise suspicion unless absolutely necessary. A character that just wants to smash heads may not fit well, nor would one who wants to create large protests and sow large amounts of chaos. There's still wiggle room though, we've had a couple blood baths.

Character Creation:

20 point buy
Level 7

Classes: Anything from Core, Base, and Hybrid. We're not using psychic stuff.
Barbarians, Monks, Rogues, and Summoners must use the Unchained version of their class, although archetypes are allowed if they replace abilities seamlessly and without level discrepancies.

Core Races, Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Tengu, Tiefling (No Fiendish Heritage)
Aster is a longtime player, so I was willing to play with lycanthropy with them. It isn't something I'm open to letting the public play with.

Max hp for the first 3 levels, then half+1 for the rest

23,000gp to work with. Please do not spend more than half on a single item.

No final ability scores below 8

Alternative racial traits are allowed as long as they don't have an RP cost

No Evil alignments, all characters must be willing to work in a group. Our group values rescuing innocents, helping minorities or downtrodden, and venerating NG/CG gods.

2 Traits, one of which can be a campaign trait if you'd like. No Drawbacks

I'd like to see a good reason for why you want to join the rebellion. Tell me why you wouldn't just pack up your things and leave.

Please note that you don't need to submit the entire crunch to be considered. I would like to know your race, your class(es), your best ability score, your worst ability score, a general idea of the feats you want to take, and what your best skills would be. Give me backstory so I can get invested in your character.

I eagerly await your ideas. I'm setting a tentative date of Thursday October 1st as the end of submissions. Good luck!

Dot for interest

Liberty's Edge

Dotting with interest, I’m thinking maybe a ratfolk gunslinger with their racial subclass that focuses on firing in melee. It’ll end up being an AC tank/damage dealer if I go that way.

Dotting, this looks like a fun group!

Would you accept a member of the Nobility, who never got to complete this AP? I could rerig the character to meet some of your needs. A 7th level Bard perhaps? Possibly with a whip for helping to Bodyguard the front liners, and trip the enemies? And, of course, the +2/+2 from Bardsong never hurts.

He’s been a lesser member of the resistance up until now, but has recently been recognized and promoted into the inner circle?


How about an Arrowsong Minstrel bard? Plenty of singing, pretty good skills so she can sneak along with the rest of the party, and at least inspire courage for buffs.

The reason she is rebelling would be because they closed down the opera house...!! They are obviously madmen with no sense of culture, and things must change.

(She would take the Diva in Training campaign trait)

Thinking probably just human (though possibly tengu?)

Chaotic good or neutral good.

Best ability score would likely be 16 (Charisma), because I have to also have a good dex. Lowest would be 10, because I hate having negative modifiers. :)

Will obviously build and round out the background more, but just initial idea.

Edit: Ah, ninja'd by Vandomir... I'll withdraw. You don't need two bard applicants, and I am in plenty of games. :)

I remember when this recruitment first came out in 2015 and I applied back then. I don't have the same character anymore, but would love to bring something else. That's an AP I always wanted to play but never really got the chance :)

One option would be to play a Devil Impostor. I think it fits very well on the idea of this AP. The character itself would probably be a half-elf or human, something common, mostly focused in buffing the party and the eidolon. The eidolon would be more defensive but capable to do some damage and support in melee. I could make the character sing too, since it's probably mostly focused in CHA :)

Another concept is that of a charming "vagabond" of sorts. An ex-monk of the empty hand, fighting with improvised weapons, focusing in STR. It has a good mix of offense and defense, but wouldn't be able to compete with a fighter or bloodrager for damage. I'd also keep the race more on the common side, likely human.

I realize neither build is too optimized, but since you mention the party isn't optimized either, I feel I could still be efficient. I'm mostly trying to fit concepts in the idea of the AP itself for flavor, but still making them enough to fit the roles you mentioned.

I'll throw this character in for consideration. Jessi's a silver balladeer bard/charlatan rogue at the moment.

- She can sing. :)
- She can heal some.
- She can buff some.
- She's part of the nobility and can help rally some of them (hopefully) when the time comes.
- As for damage, her inspire courage gives everyone a +1 to hit and damage rolls. The multiclass in rogue gives her sneak attack for a little extra damage.
- Once she gets the rumormonger advanced rogue talent at her 3rd level of rogue, she'd become a rumor/disinformation factory for the rebellion.

I went with the multiclass build because Jessibel was originally a PC in the Hell's Rebels game I'm currently running, and she switched to NPC mode; I figured multiclassing into rogue (charlatan) might be the way to go, as she's a background figure in that campaign.

One other thing: In the original game, Jessibel joined the displaced Kintargo Opera House Society (see Inner Sea Magic) and one of its potential boons was to be able to multiclass while still retaining bardic spell progression. That's something I'd be interested in if it's available.

About Jessibel:

Jessibel got drawn into the rebellion when Barzillai Thrune pretty much disbanded the Court of Coin and her mother suspended her allowance. She attended the Aria Park Protest mainly for kicks and survived the riot and slaughter it turned into. She's spent her time since writing and performing anti-Thrune satire, battling the Chelish Citizens Group in one district of the city (Villegre, maybe), helped rid the city the city of an addictive drug called 'honey spot' (the secretions of a morgodea--see AP #99), and running errands for House Aulorian to get and pay for the mithral goodies she needs as a silver balladeer.

Initially bratty and selfish, Jessibel's learned that most citizens in Kintargo have suffered far worse than she in Barzillai Thrune's Kintargo. She's attained a goodly amount of the responsibility that her mother (and grandmother--Archbaroness Eldonna) never expected the teen to show.

She's not much of a combat character. Her lowest ability scores are Strength and Wisdom; her highest are Charisma and Dexterity. She might not be a good choice if you decide to just adding one new PC, but she'd make a great choice as a sixth.

I'll update her stats/equipment and look into other ways to link her to the current party if she's accepted.

I'd love to roll up a Dandy Ranger. Front-liner with social bits. Maybe some multiclassing, but that's the main bit.

Beware the were-capybara that haunts the night and preys upon your ankles!


I am definitely dotting. I am thinking a Virtuous Bravo Paladin and a member of the noble families. Just got to work on the fluff and the crunch.

Grand Lodge

dotting...have an idea for a toon...

Liberty's Edge


I'm thinking a tiefling chirurgeon/wasteland blightbreaker (because poison is terrible in Pathfinder)/ragechemist alchemist. Infusion discovery + Brew Potion to pass out buff potions and healing, wings discovery to either drop bombs on enemies or melee attack from out of range with a reach weapon + Enlarge Person or fly over the frontline and jump on squishy mages. Has a fairly significant amount of self-healing, so could also drop into the melee wherever needed and absorb some damage and provide easy flanking. Three levels of the Master Chymist prestige class starting at level eight, then back to alchemist the rest of the way.

Best ability score: Str and Wis at 16.
Worst: Cha at 8.
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack.

Craft Alchemy, Perception, Know Arcana/Nature, and Spellcraft will be the best skills. Alchemists don't get any social skills. Guess you gotta be smart or be smooth.

Chaotic good, former slave that was experimented on and subsequently is obsessed with seeing how far transmutation magic can push a mortal being. At level eight when they gain the Mutagenic Form alter-ego from the Master Chymist class, instead of an ugly hulking CE brute like most, the Mutagenic Form will be a beautiful, LG angel-lookin' thing of some sort. Will have a background up in the next couple days.

Expressing interest!

Toying around with an idea I'm having for a renegade Ex-Hellknight. They probably would've always been a bit of a white sheep amongst the Hellknights and now with all the oppression coming down they've switched sides.

Mechanically, I'm thinking of building them as a slayer or avenger vigilante in heavy armor. Either way they'd be a melee frontliner who dabbles with being sneaky and stealthy. I'm not really big on the actual Hellknight prestige class and I don't see myself taking any levels there.

Would you be open to the idea of me playing a refluffing of the Masked Maiden vigilante archetype to be dissociative former Hellknight rather than a dissociative former Grey Maiden? I might not end up going this route even if you say yes, but the idea is intriguing me!

There's a campaign trait referencing and improving the Leadership feat. Is the feat allowed?
I have a pretty good build using the feat and it would also check all your requirements.

Vandomir Jarvis wrote:

Would you accept a member of the Nobility, who never got to complete this AP? I could rerig the character to meet some of your needs. A 7th level Bard perhaps? Possibly with a whip for helping to Bodyguard the front liners, and trip the enemies? And, of course, the +2/+2 from Bardsong never hurts.

He’s been a lesser member of the resistance up until now, but has recently been recognized and promoted into the inner circle?

Yes, I've never had a Jarvis in this game, so it would be pretty easy to set up.

I'm a little concerned about bards. I think this game is excellent for bards, but I'm not really in the market for one. I have a hard time seeing a bard stand in the front, or deal consistent damage. Buffs are great, but we'll need much more than just bardic inspiration. We would need to give our one tank some better AC, or hp, or resistances. The whip idea is cool, and it would synergize well with our rogue.
One thing that I might recommend is using either multiclass or variant multiclass. This might help you cover an extra role.


@Archlich, both options sound plausible

@JohnTheSavage, yes you may, thank you for asking. Feel free to use Hellknight plate instead of Gray Maiden.

@Ellioti, I'm going to say no to the Leadership feat. It's potential to destabilize the game is pretty high, and I'm not willing to take that risk.

DM Hell's Fox wrote:
Vandomir Jarvis wrote:

Would you accept a member of the Nobility, who never got to complete this AP? I could rerig the character to meet some of your needs. A 7th level Bard perhaps? Possibly with a whip for helping to Bodyguard the front liners, and trip the enemies? And, of course, the +2/+2 from Bardsong never hurts.

He’s been a lesser member of the resistance up until now, but has recently been recognized and promoted into the inner circle?

Yes, I've never had a Jarvis in this game, so it would be pretty easy to set up.

I'm a little concerned about bards. I think this game is excellent for bards, but I'm not really in the market for one. I have a hard time seeing a bard stand in the front, or deal consistent damage. Buffs are great, but we'll need much more than just bardic inspiration. We would need to give our one tank some better AC, or hp, or resistances. The whip idea is cool, and it would synergize well with our rogue.
One thing that I might recommend is using either multiclass or variant multiclass. This might help you cover an extra role.

No problem, let me see about doing the whip concept instead as a Warpriest, so he can stand on the frontline.

Are you disallowing the feat of feindish heritage but are you also disallowing the fiendish heritages like the oni,rakshasha, devil etc? they only switch the base scores with the same array of +2 +2 -2 that a base tiefling has. It also changes the spell from darkness to another that s equal in power like blur,disguise self etc.
Just curious.
I am thinking of doing a shaman- not sure of the specific race yet. NEver played one but they can buff and be a skill monkey although the rogue wil more than cover that I am sure.
HE would have been drawn to the rebellion due to his tribe being ....???
Maybe enslaved or leaving the area because of the situation--I'm flexible with it.
I have never played nor read hells rebels and know nothing about it. So if you are ok with me being clueless to the ap then I'm dotting!

Ok, I looked again at the things you want. As you said, nobody can fill everything.

Let's see, I'd like to focus on: Steady damage, Bringing the team together (Nobles are rallying points!), and possibly being a frontliner, depending on what is preferred. No mention was made of needing a face, so my assumption is that is filled by Aster.

Ok, I offer up Vandomir, Noble Scion of house Jarvis, as:

* A Ranger (Urban Ranger archetype)
* A Warpriest of Milani (Liberator archetype)
* A Cleric (Evangelist and Crusader archetypes, to get the Bardsong and bonus feats)

Any of these could be done as either:

A front line warrior, with STR as the chief ability, Power Attack, and a great big weapon.


An archer, with Dex as the chief ability, and all of the standard archery feats.

The Cleric option is definitely the weakest in combat, and I prefer the other two options myself, but I did want to throw it in there.

The Cleric and Warpriest can certainly have buff spells, but as front liners, it's tough to cast those, and as an archer, it's usually better just to be hurling tons of arrows down range, death IS the ultimate debuff.

Vandomir has long felt that the yoke of oppression on the city has been pulled too tight, so he has a desire to get involved and help.

Ask any questions you might have.

Digger's submission

1. How present are guns in your setting? Would you like to see a gunslinger submission?
2. Is there downtime for crafting? Are crafting feats allowed?

Hmmm, I could do the whip build for Vandomir using the Lore Warden fighter archetype / Warpriest multi class if that’s really desired.

Here is my submission. I haven't spent the time to spend the money yet. But other than that the crunch is done.

Raask - hells rebel pbp
Ratfolk shaman 7 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 35, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 231)
CN Small humanoid (ratfolk)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 65 (7d8+21)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +8
Speed 20 ft.
Special Attacks hexes (scar[UM], ward of stone), swarming, wandering hex (battle ward)
Shaman Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +10)
. . 4th—poison (DC 17); wall of fire[S] or wall of stone[S]
. . 3rd—bestow curse (DC 16), deep slumber (DC 16), flashfire[UW] (DC 16); magic vestment[S] or meld into stone[S]
. . 2nd—barkskin, bull's strength, hold person (DC 15), lesser restoration; fog cloud[S] or stone call[S,APG]
. . 1st—burning hands (DC 14), cause fear (DC 14), chill touch (DC 14), remove fear, thorn javelin[ACG]; enlarge person[S] (DC 14) or magic stone[S]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, detect poison, mending, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
. . S spirit magic spell; Spirit Stone Wandering Spirit Battle
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Godless Healing[ISWG], Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand)
Traits silent watcher, two-world magic
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+4 to jump), Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Heal +8, Sense Motive +5 (+6 in crowds), Sleight of Hand +15, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +14 (+15 in city streets); Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Sleight of Hand
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ battle spirit, godless healing, rodent empathy, spirit animal (squirrel named Simea), touch of acid
Other Gear 23,000 gp
Special Abilities
Battle Spirit +1 (3 rounds/day) (Su) As a standard action, allies in 30 ft gain bonus to attack and damage.
Battle Ward +3 (Su) Touched ally gains deflect bonus vs. next att. Each att reduces bonus by 1.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +3 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Godless Healing (1d8+7 hp, 1/day) (Su) Move, at 50% or less hp heal 1d8 + level damage.
Rodent Empathy Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.
Scar (3 at a time, DC 16) (Su) This hex curses a single target touched with horrible scars of the witch's choosing, whether something as simple as a single letter on the target's forehead or blotchy, burnlike scars on his body. The target may make a Will save to resist this hex. T
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Animals (Ex) Your familiar can communicate with animals similar to itself.
Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Spirit Animal (spirit animal (squirrel named Simea)) If spirit animal is slain, cannot use spirit magic or prepare new spells.
Swarming (Ex) Can share a square with another with swarming, if both att the same foe, he is flanked.
Touch of Acid (3/day) (Su) As a standard action, melee touch deals acid damage.
Ward of Stone (Su) When struck in melee, gain DR 5/adamantine for 1 attacks.


Simea CR –
Female squirrel (Ultimate Wilderness 207)
N Diminutive magical beast (animal)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 22, touch 18, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +4 size)
hp 32 (1d8-1)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +6
Defensive Abilities improved evasion; DR 5/adamantine
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +13 (1d2-4)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks deliver touch spells
Str 2, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +12 (+8 to jump), Climb +12, Diplomacy +6, Heal +3, Sleight of Hand +11, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +26
Languages speak with animal (same kind only), speak with master
SQ empathic link
Special Abilities
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Damage Reduction (5/adamantine) You have Damage Reduction against all except Adamantine attacks.
Deliver Touch Spells (Su) Deliever master's touch spells.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Animals of its Kind (Ex) You can communicate verbally with animals similar to yourself.
Speak with Master (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your master.

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background basics:
Born to the brother of the shaman of his family, he began his training at a young age. He never liked being bullied by those believing in Asmodeous and the other demons /devils as “gods”. His family tribe, consisting of 3 families, numbered somewhere around 20 in total. They kept to a small warren of backstreets and safety in the cheliaxian main city. (I don’t know the name of it so I left that open)
Eventually the family fled to the large sewers underneath, after a batch of slavers came through and captured a few of the tribe. The lead shaman was killed in the process of the escape and the role fell up on Raask. As the hunting for slaves continued, Raask began to see that inorder to obtain safety and security and of course freedom for the family, he would have to work outside his own group. Thus, leaving the family in the hands of his little brother, he started to find those in like circumstances and with like mindsets to fight the government. The more he risked and sought, the more he ran into a few that were willing to sabotage the government with the intent of freedom.

He took with him his special heirlooms and few things he considered essential that he “picked” up along the way.
An armored coat made from the bones of ancestors as a tribal symbol of power and protection. The bones are all blessed by tribal shaman/cleric and then sewn into the heavy coat. It appears as just a long trench coat that seems to move oddly in the wind. Has been passed down for 5 generations but has the bones of several decades of shaman in it.
A masterwork glass spear is made from the glass that remained when the guild/tribe house was destroyed. It is in memory of those that have died at the hands of the tyrannical ruling class. Has been passed down for two generations of shaman now.
A masterwork ironwood spear was gifted to Raask when he helped a Weaponsmith save his daughter from slavery to the church of Asmodeous. Handy haversack was stolen during that mission. Has several symbols of Asmodeous sewn on the inside as if they were charms. They may be or may just be designs but they are not very prominent.
Ring of spell storing (hold person) was purchased on the black market after being subjected to a “paralyzing spell” that killed the head shaman of his family and nearly was his undoing. Very paranoid about losing his freedom of movement whether magical or mundane means.

Willing to expand if needed or wanted by you. I just figured to leave a fair amount open to allow ties to the other players and storyline.
Dex and wis are highest and my lowest scores are 10's. I will probably be getting more focus on ac and weapons as I go for feats. I will try picking spells that can be destructive and a few that are generally useful. My spell attacks are more subtle over all than direct for the most part bt they do damage or control.

Hi DM! It's Archlich here. From the two concepts above, I built this character: he's the vagabond I mentioned above, but I went with Brawler instead of Monk as I saw it more fitting to the overall concept. He is a good man trying to redeem himself from a life of crimes, but not finding opportunities at the oppressive regime and seeking repayment for his losses. I added some background and other details to the profile, as well as a tentative sheet. Please feel free to let me know if you need me to change anything. Thanks in advance!

Alright, I think I’m ready to clear this up and make some decisions. In considering the existing party, the Urban Ranger option would infringe on the current Rogue’s design space. I know you said you want a tank, I can do that, or archery. Definitely up for being a unifier in the party, and maybe some buffs as well.

Name: Vandomir Jarvis
Race: Human
Class: Warpriest 7 of Milani
Highest Stat: Dexterity (Archery build)
Highest Stat: Strength (Melee build)
Lowest Stat: Charisma
Highest Skills: well, Warpriests get crap for skills, so probably Perception, along with K(engineering), and Profession (stonemason)


”Being the distant nephew of the family matriarch, Baroness Belcara Jarvis, has both benefits and drawbacks,” considered Vandomir. ”On the one hand, I can always throw her name around and show the family signet when needed, but on the other hand, I’m not entirely convinced she would recognize me and know me by name, if she didn’t have her major domo to remind her who my parents are.”

”Vandomir of House Jarvis,” he would introduce himself as, whenever called upon to meet new clients, give estimates for the time and expense of repair or new construction, or more rarely to represent the family at inconsequential social events. Sure, he had taken advantage of the formal schools that were the birthright of one born to his stature, how could he not? He cavorted with the youth from some of the other major houses of Kintargo, but really made no lasting friendships. They never understood his love of art, self-expression, or the tales that could be told through that art. All they saw architecture for was a means to keep their roofs up and to impress their neighbors with their wealth. ”Why use a simple Tuscan column, when the intricacies of the Corinthian made it appear so much more expensive?” He had heard it a thousand times from the idiots who simply couldn’t contemplate the understated majesty of the Doric column, or how the addition of two simple vollutes could transform it to the Ionic, and that the gaudy additions of the Composite were simply unnecessary. Sure, there was a time and a place for the more complex orders of architecture, but not in everything!

Vandomir grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. Tutors, nannies, and private chefs were all he knew, until he went out to apprentice as a stonemason at his father’s insistence. ”You can’t run the business, until you have done the business, his father would tell him. Getting out and working stone himself was one thing, but being exposed to the common people of Kintargo was something else entirely. And what was even more amazing was being exposed to the greater Kintargo. The city itself was alive. The Greens may have been planned, but Old Kintargo just happened, and the feel of the two districts was entirely different in Vandomir’s bones, not to mention the smells. It didn’t take long for Vandomir to become practiced enough with basic repair, so that he could be dispatched throughout the city to work jobs large and small. Whether creating cobblestones with a worn look to replace damaged ones in the Yolubilis Harbor area, covering over graffiti in Redroof, or reattaching a broken limb onto one of the statues in Temple Hill, Vandomir did it all, and he loved it. He felt free of his family, but he also felt like he connected with the city and its people. Which was odd, because he never felt constrained and needing to be free before.

Thus, it was with a heavy heart when he was told by his father that his apprenticeship was done, and that while he could continue to learn the trade as a practitioner on his own to achieve Mastery, that having become a Journeyman, he had enough credibility to start running the business itself.

It has been several years since the big move, and while he gets out to conduct business fairly often, it is rare that he mixes with the people as he used to love to do. Nor can he afford to spend the time just sitting on a street corner and drinking up the sounds and scents of the city he loves. So when news of the protests in Aria Park reached him, he knew there would be damage. Damages need repairs, and repairs mean profit. Who better than House Jarvis to make that profit? Besides, if he went out there early, he could possibly watch how the damage occurred, which might hint at the best way to repair, plus he could get an estimate in to the city faster. Untold to his father along with those valid reasons though, was an ulterior motive. To feel the passions of the crowds, something he has missed for a long time.

Vandomir had gone out on that fateful day, and what he saw horrified him. He wished he had jumped in and helped, but he wasn’t ready to. Luckily there were some heroes there that day, and they did step in. Only later, did Vandomir try taking steps, when Milani


Not the most affable man around, Vandomir is a fairly open person. He still has a haughty air of superiority about him, believing he is better than many, just because of his birth, but maybe he isn't as bad as some of the nobility.

Liberty's Edge

Here's a statblock. I forgot that tieflings aren't humanoids so enlarge person won't work so my super reach flying build wasn't going to work. Switched to vivisectionist w/ feral mutagen. Can get to something like 28 AC with Ironskin and mutagen up. The infusion discovery lets them pass whatever spells the party needs around. Flying makes for easy flanking to get the sneak attack die. Spontaneous healing and swift action touch injection gives the character a lot of control over their own health pool without sacrificing full attacks. Alchemist's don't get any social skills, but out-of-combat utility can be supplemented by spells. Passing out disguise self/alter self infusions for infiltration missions, for example.

Backstory still being worked on.

Oni-spawn tiefling alchemist (ragechemist, vivisectionist, wasteland blightbreaker) 7
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp 72 (7d8+28)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +9; +2 bonus vs. poison
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Attacks bite +12 (1d8+7), 2 claws +12 (1d6+7)
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +6)
. . 1/day—alter self
Alchemist Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +9)
. . 1/day—touch injection (healing subschool infusion only)[UC]
Alchemist (Ragechemist, Vivisectionist, Wasteland Blightbreaker) Extracts Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +9)
. . 3rd—heroism
. . 2nd—cure moderate wounds (2), ironskin (2)
. . 1st— (5)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Discovery[APG], Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Throw Anything, Toughness
Traits accelerated drinker, transmuter of korada
Skills Craft (alchemy) +12 (+19 to create alchemical items), Fly +16, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Infernal
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +7), discoveries (feral mutagen, infusion, spontaneous healing[UM], wings[UM]), healing infusion, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 70 minutes), prehensile tail[ARG], rage mutagen, swift alchemy, swift healing infusions, torturous transformation
Combat Gear mutagen (feral)[APG]; Other Gear +2 mithral chain shirt, amulet of mighty fists +1, cloak of resistance +3, ring of protection +1, alchemist starting formula book, 2,900 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +7 (Su) +7 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Feral Mutagen (Su) Mutagens grant claw and bite attacks, and a bonus to intimidate.
Healing Infusion (Sp, Su) Can prepare healing subschool extracts as infusions, replace them at will.
Improved Iron Will (1/day) Can re-roll a Will save, but must take the second result.
Infusion Create an extract can be used by anyone but takes up a slot until used.
Mutagen (DC 15) (Su) Mutagen adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes, and +2 nat. armor for 70 minutes.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Sneak Attack +4d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Spontaneous Healing (15 HP/day) The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. I
Sturdy Rage Mutagen STR mutagen bonuses increase, but penalty to Will & Int when hurt (Will neg).
Swift Alchemy (Ex) Construct alchemical items in half the normal time.
Swift Healing Infusions (Sp) Standard action, absorb healing subschool infusion as touch injection, but deliver as swift.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Torturous Transformation At 7th level, a vivisectionist adds anthropomorphic animal to his formula book as a 2nd-level extract. When he uses this extract, he injects it into an animal as part of a 2-hour surgical procedure. By using multiple doses of this extract as p
Wings (7 minutes/day) The alchemist gains batlike, birdlike, or insectlike functional wings, allowing him to fly as the fly spell for a number of minutes per day equal to his caster level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-min

I just got in another game here and I think I am at my bandwidth at last. Doesn't help that there are some awesome characters being made too! Have fun folks!

My submission:

Human Name: Iryani Kalyeer
Elven Name: tbd
Race: Half-elf
Class: Half-Elf Double Scion, Avenger Spec
Pictures: Social (default), Social (noble), Vigilante

Highest Stat: Dexterity
Lowest Stat: Intelligence
Highest Skills: Profession (Baker), Stealth, Bluff, Acrobatics
Traits: Child of Kintargo, Armor Expert (tbd)
Feats: Shield Focus, Skill Focus (Profession: Baker), Weapon Finesse, Power Attack, Weapon Prof & Weapon Focus (Elven Curve Blade), Master Craftsman (Profession: Baker), Unhindering Shield, Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Role: High AC, two-handend melee tank with infiltration and social skills.

Iryani's mother is Carina Kalyeer, youngest sister to the Duke Kalyeer. The Kalyeer clan, while technically nobles is one big business. Wherever there is money to be made, the Kalyeers probably have invested. Their trade imperium reaches far beyond the Chelaxian borders and every family member is required to give everything for the family business. Carina did exactly that and befriended an Elven merchant delegation. Especially Prince Faramir she made very good friends with. Until she got pregnant. Of course, the Elven merchants didn't care for the bastard child at all and left Oppara without recognition of it.

Iryani was that child. In contrast to the arrogant and cold Elves, most of the Kalyeers took her in with love and raised her to the status that her bloodline promised her. She was supposed to become an influencial merchant and eventually be married off to important trade partners to strengthen the relationship. This was both the duty and the privilege of a noble merchant woman. Iryani liked neither this prospect nor the Kintargo nobility and its politics in general. The fact that her family recognized House Thrune was the tip of the iceberg.

When growing up she'd rather train with the guard or befriend the staff. The chef's daughter Marina was her best friend. In fact she spent most of the time in the kitchen and preferred to learn cooking and baking over diplomacy and dancing. Obviously her family was unpleased and tried to force it on her. Which only drove her farther away and eventually she ran off. Since then Iryani was on her own. She still carried the privileged name, but rarely used it. Instead, she went into apprenticeship at a local bakery. Immediately, the owner Barley Borgus thought this would be good for business, to have a famous name on staff. And Iryani was indeed good for business, but for a complete other reason as it turned out. Her not-so-useless merchant education combined with her love for baked goods resulted in an almost magical growth in popularity and sales. Iryani was very creative with new recipes and invented and sold stuff such as pumpkin bread for protection against spirits or rose-flavored bread that will regrow the love of your husband.

Iryani is a half-elf, but nobody outside her family knows that. The pointing of her ears is so minor and she covers them most of the time anyway. She inherited the lean build and comely features of their elven lineage, but everybody just assumes she was a beautiful human, because her famous mother is. But she knew about her Kyonin blood from her mother's honest stories and when listening to her body, she also felt the Elven grace and reflexes.

Even with her job at the bakery, Iryani didn't stop going out "adventuring". After hours, she dons a mask, grabs a sword and roams the streets. What began as an act of curiosity soon become an act of rebellion against the opposing regime and is now her night job. Her playful training with the guard payed off, when one night she stumbled upon some guards harrassing and hurting a poor young woman. Iryani stepped in and drove them off. This felt great. She felt like she could change the world. With her eyes finally open, she recognized that Kenabres was being overrun by the Lord-Mayor's regime.
So this is what my city has become? A hell hole, oppressing on the outside and corrupted, devil-dealing on the inside?
She kept going, naively trying to make the streets a little bit saver. To hide her endeavors from the public and protect her family name, she improved her disguise. Thus, she decided to fully embrace her Elven heritage and became the Elven vigilante no name yet.

Next to her dayjob in the bakery, where she makes truly magical bread and pastries, and the night job as an avenger, she still sometimes wears her noble gowns. Her family signet ring allows her to attend all the higher events where she can gather information and rumors about the political decay of Oppara. It's also an opportunity to stay connected with her mother, the only person who had ever loved her.

Hi. My name is Sanji, a naturewise halfling lad who grew up on stories of the Ravens by my parents (stealth a class skill anyone?). I was born in a small hidden forest community of halflings hiding from the terror of Cheliaxian rule. So I liked playing in the woods and became a druid(goliath) who was blessed with this really cute fluffy friend who can pounce and eat people's faces off named Latimer. One day this Thrune fella burned down my forest home and I lost all my people to slavery. I will find them one day! I will make Thrune pay!

What I can do is be small and someday soon really big. My dinosaur friend can tear things up on the front line. I can buff, I can heal. He slices, he dices, he... If you want sneaky this kid can do it. You want combat, no problem. You want a guy who can lie and talk with you city folks... Check that off too!

Hoping to use druid of the society as my second trait with a bit of gm fiat to reflavor for help.

Please see this as my submission. Crunch to follow

@Herkymr the Silly, no feel free to use the various heritages. I just don't want you rolling dice for special features.
The capital city of Cheliax is Egorian. It does happen to be a very far away city. If you'd prefer, I do happen to make use of the sewers in this game, and have established multiple rat-like races to exist there. So you may want to consider using Kintargo sewers as your home. I have also introduced a proclamation that allows the general public to capture ratfolk for profit, so that might be a good hook for your character.

@Ellioti, we're using emerging guns rules. Firearms are being utilized in small numbers by the enemy.
There is time for crafting, to a certain degree. There isn't anything in the books like "and then two months pass", but since the game stays in Kintargo for quite a while, you can still dedicate time to crafting. You can also recruit a team of crafters to aid you if you wish, and there's a solid possibility of getting a proper workshop. Right now, alchemy is covered pretty well, and wonderous items could be brought in with an NPC. My recommendation would be arms and armour, but pretty much anything would be useful.

@Edelsmirge, no worries about beast of the society


Looking good everyone!

DM Hell's Fox wrote:
My recommendation would be arms and armour, but pretty much anything would be useful.

As you see in my submission, Iryani can actually took arms and armor. She's gonna bake some good weapons...

background basics updated [/spoiler:

Born to the brother of the shaman of his family, he began his training at a young age. He never liked being bullied by those believing in Asmodeous and the other demons /devils as “gods”. His family tribe, consisting of 3 families, numbered somewhere around 20 in total. They kept to a small warren of backstreets and safety in the KIntaroo.
Eventually the family fled to the large sewers underneath, after a batch of slavers came through and captured a few of the tribe. The lead shaman was killed in the process of the escape and the role fell up on Raask. As the hunting for slaves continued, Raask began to see that inorder to obtain safety and security and of course freedom for the family, he would have to work outside his own group. Thus, leaving the family in the hands of his little brother, he started to find those in like circumstances and with like mindsets to fight the government. The more he risked and sought, the more he ran into a few that were willing to sabotage the government with the intent of freedom.
He took with him his special heirlooms and few things he considered essential that he “picked” up along the way.
An armored coat made from the bones of ancestors as a tribal symbol of power and protection. The bones are all blessed by tribal shaman/cleric and then sewn into the heavy coat. It appears as just a long trench coat that seems to move oddly in the wind. Has been passed down for 5 generations but has the bones of several decades of shaman in it.
A masterwork glass spear is made from the glass that remained when the guild/tribe house was destroyed. It is in memory of those that have died at the hands of the tyrannical ruling class. Has been passed down for two generations of shaman now.
A masterwork ironwood spear was gifted to Raask when he helped a Weaponsmith save his daughter from slavery to the church of Asmodeous. Handy haversack was stolen during that mission. Has several symbols of Asmodeous sewn on the inside as if they were charms. They may be or may just be designs but they are not very prominent.
Ring of spell storing (hold person) was purchased on the black market after being subjected to a “paralyzing spell” that killed the head shaman of his family and nearly was his undoing. Very paranoid about losing his freedom of movement whether magical or mundane means.

Willing to expand if needed or wanted by you. I just figured to leave a fair amount open to allow ties to the other players and storyline.
Dex and wis are highest and my lowest scores are 10's. I will probably be getting more focus on ac and weapons as I go for feats. I will try picking spells that can be destructive and a few that are generally useful. My spell attacks are more subtle over all than direct for the most part bt they do damage or control.

background basics updated [/spoiler:

Born to the brother of the shaman of his family, he began his training at a young age. He never liked being bullied by those believing in Asmodeous and the other demons /devils as “gods”. His family tribe, consisting of 3 families, numbered somewhere around 20 in total. They kept to a small warren of backstreets and safety in the Kintaroo.
Eventually the family fled to the large sewers underneath, after a batch of slavers came through and captured a few of the tribe. The lead shaman was killed in the process of the escape and the role fell up on Raask. As the hunting for slaves continued, Raask began to see that inorder to obtain safety and security and of course freedom for the family, he would have to work outside his own group. Thus, leaving the family in the hands of his little brother, he started to find those in like circumstances and with like mindsets to fight the government. The more he risked and sought, the more he ran into a few that were willing to sabotage the government with the intent of freedom.
He took with him his special heirlooms and few things he considered essential that he “picked” up along the way.
An armored coat made from the bones of ancestors as a tribal symbol of power and protection. The bones are all blessed by tribal shaman/cleric and then sewn into the heavy coat. It appears as just a long trench coat that seems to move oddly in the wind. Has been passed down for 5 generations but has the bones of several decades of shaman in it.
A masterwork glass spear is made from the glass that remained when the guild/tribe house was destroyed. It is in memory of those that have died at the hands of the tyrannical ruling class. Has been passed down for two generations of shaman now.
A masterwork ironwood spear was gifted to Raask when he helped a Weaponsmith save his daughter from slavery to the church of Asmodeous. Handy haversack was stolen during that mission. Has several symbols of Asmodeous sewn on the inside as if they were charms. They may be or may just be designs but they are not very prominent.
Ring of spell storing (hold person) was purchased on the black market after being subjected to a “paralyzing spell” that killed the head shaman of his family and nearly was his undoing. Very paranoid about losing his freedom of movement whether magical or mundane means.

Willing to expand if needed or wanted by you. I just figured to leave a fair amount open to allow ties to the other players and storyline.
Dex and wis are highest and my lowest scores are 10's. I will probably be getting more focus on ac and weapons as I go for feats. I will try picking spells that can be destructive and a few that are generally useful. My spell attacks are more subtle over all than direct for the most part bt they do damage or control.

If we need a damage dealer I could do a tiefling kyton born sorcerer crossblooded archetype dragon and elemental. It would focus on ray spells with no save to increase potential damage. high dex(16)con(16) cha(16) low wis (9)

I have both the shaman and the sorcerer built so if the sorc works better I can come up with a story for him and submit him. I like them both. WHat it comes down to is what ever of the two works best for party works for me I just want to play!

Silver Crusade

Dotting for interest. I was in a face-to-face Hells Rebels game years ago that fell apart due to everyone moving in different directions. We had just started book 4, and I really loved it, and would relish the chance to finish it. I took a brief look at your threads and everyone looks pretty active and I love seeing the open discussions.

My old character would not quite fit with what you are looking for, which is fine with me. I actually have a concept for a vigilante that would be perfect for a campaign like this. She'd be heavily armored and strength-based so she would be able to provide exactly what you are looking for.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to ask: are you using background skills?

That's a lot of needs for 1 character:
Stealthy to fit the party MO
Consistent Damage Dealer
Hold a front line
Buffing & Debuffing
( and sings, although not necessarily a bard...)

I think we are at Unchained Summoner with all that - Eidolon to hold the line and hit, casting to Buff and debuff, stealthy is possible...

Race: 1/2 Elf
Class : unchained Summoner
Highest Stats : Str, Cha
Lowest Stat :
Str 16 = 14+2 5
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 15 = 14 +1


Skills: UMD, Spellcraft, Stealth
Background Skills : Perform (Sing), ???

Eidolon : Azata
Eidolon Skills : Stealth, Perception, ???

Backstory to come

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dotting for interest. Is the Vigilante base class available? What about the ex-class archetypes described in the Anti-heroes Handbook?

Karrter Mason, half-elf Unchained Rogue 3/ Magus 4.
Dex 17, Cha 10
Stealth 16, Disguise 18, Bluff 11

DM Hell's Fox wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

One thing I haven't seen, is if you're using the Background Skills option? Personally, I think it if a big plus, but I can manage without it. :)

Apelixes Nerva came from a family of conjurers and summoners who trafficked with devils. Resisting the Asmodean indoctrination of his upbringing he ran away to kitargo. The oppression of Kitargo's people and his own arcane lineage awaken both a deep well of anger and s latent talent for sorcery. Hearing of the events of the rebellion so far has radicalized him and he is eager to retake kintargo.

I realized this city had become my home when I found myself willing to fight for it; to kill and if necessary die for it!

human / bloodrager / metarager / arcane bloodline.

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Chr 16

Liberty's Edge

Here's my alchemist.

Balor Flamestrike:
Balor Flamestrike does not remember much of his childhood or adolescence nor does he know where he came from. He had vague memories of being a prisoner. Vague memories of being experimented on; forced to take alchemical concoctions to find a better man – or tiefling, in Balor’s case. Balor’s first concrete memory was of stumbling through the southern gates of Kintargo in what was roughly his twentieth year.

Despite his obvious naivety, even the most ruthless predators did not try to directly take advantage of Balor. His powerful build, taloned fingers, and blatant non-humanoid nature stayed the hands of even the most desperate thief. That did not stop the criminal cartels from trying to recruit him to their own purposes. Not knowing any better, the tiefling went along until he learned he would be expected to serve under others, to fulfill the goals of others. Balor did not know why, but he had a violent reaction to the idea of being yoked. He fled the thieves’ den, though not before gathering what valuables he could find and using his innate magical abilities to disguise himself. While he felt no remorse for killing the criminals that tried to shackle him, that was not the life he wanted for himself.

There were many outcasts like Balor in the poor parts of the cities, especially the area of the city known as the Devil’s Nursery, and that was where he settled. It was both easier to make friends and to go unnoticed among the mix-and-match populous of the slums. While an exceptional specimen such as Balor could leave the slums whenever he wanted, he knew most of the others were trapped in poverty through no fault of their own. He saw poverty for what it was: slavery. They could technically leave but had nowhere to go. They were paid for their work, often necessary work no one else was willing to do, but not paid enough to make ends meet, locking them into forever increasing debt. His pity for the poor was as much as it was antiestablishment. He felt governments only concentrated wealth at the top and that no group of men should be able to tell others how to live their lives, and the decades he spent living in the slums did nothing to change his opinion.

Something at the back of Balor’s mind pulled him to alchemy. He was obsessed with continuing the experiments he had suffered as a child, experiments he glimpsed in his dreams. He had to know what a magically enhanced body was capable of. He stole alchemical supplies and formulae to practice transmutation magic and subsequently started stealing from high-end shops and banks that leant money to the government to fund his alchemical addiction. He perfected many formulae, but his most powerful concoctions still had unfortunate side effects.

As the chaos in the city grew after the Night of Ashes, Balor’s activities against the government grew. No longer content to simply steal from nobility, he used alchemical magics to disguise himself as prominent politicians and members of the nobility – some even thought to be deceased-, making public, contradictory statements to spread doubt among city and government officials. He would place loud but harmless explosives across the city during the day. The explosives would detonate at varying intervals throughout the night and he would watch and laugh as the dottari ran themselves ragged chasing ghosts.

The games were entertaining for a while but Balor began to see a chance to make a real change in the city. Different groups in the city were working against House Thrune. This was his chance to tear it all down.

Balor Flamestrike is not one you would expect to engage in espionage for one reason; he stands out in a crowd. If his seven-foot height was not enough to draw attention, his red-black skin, huge, feathered wings, whiplike tail, and the two horns curving upwards out of his forehead certainly would.

Balor is friendly enough, despite his unapproachable appearance. He's calmed down some as he's aged, but nothing about him could be said to be subtle.

Balor Flamestrike
Male oni-spawn tiefling alchemist (ragechemist, vivisectionist) 7 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 22, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 25, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 20)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp 72 (7d8+28)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8; +4 bonus vs. poison
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +12 (1d8+7), 2 claws +12 (1d6+7)
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +6)
. . 1/day—alter self
Alchemist (Ragechemist, Vivisectionist) Extracts Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +10)
. . 3rd—heroism (2)
. . 2nd—bull's strength (2), ironskin (2)
. . 1st—comprehend languages, heightened awareness[ACG] (2), shield (2)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Discovery[APG], Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Throw Anything, Toughness
Traits accelerated drinker, transmuter of korada
Skills Appraise +13, Craft (alchemy) +13 (+20 to create alchemical items), Fly +16, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (nature) +13, Perception +13, Spellcraft +13, Use Magic Device +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Infernal, Shadowtongue
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +7), discoveries (feral mutagen, infusion, spontaneous healing[UM], wings[UM]), mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 70 minutes), prehensile tail[ARG], rage mutagen, swift alchemy, torturous transformation
Combat Gear mutagen (feral)[APG]; Other Gear +2 mithral chain shirt, amulet of mighty fists +1, cloak of resistance +1, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Wis), ring of protection +1, alchemist starting formula book, alchemy crafting kit[APG], 260 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +7 (Su) +7 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Feral Mutagen (Su) Mutagens grant claw and bite attacks, and a bonus to intimidate.
Improved Iron Will (1/day) Can re-roll a Will save, but must take the second result.
Infusion Create an extract can be used by anyone but takes up a slot until used.
Mutagen (DC 16) (Su) Mutagen adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes, and +2 nat. armor for 70 minutes.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Sneak Attack +4d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Spontaneous Healing (15 HP/day) The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. I
Sturdy Rage Mutagen STR mutagen bonuses increase, but penalty to Will & Int when hurt (Will neg).
Swift Alchemy (Ex) Construct alchemical items in half the normal time.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Torturous Transformation At 7th level, a vivisectionist adds anthropomorphic animal to his formula book as a 2nd-level extract. When he uses this extract, he injects it into an animal as part of a 2-hour surgical procedure. By using multiple doses of this extract as p
Wings (7 minutes/day) The alchemist gains batlike, birdlike, or insectlike functional wings, allowing him to fly as the fly spell for a number of minutes per day equal to his caster level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-min

Garrick Orelson stepped through the door of his small apartment, listening eagerly for the pitter-patter of feet.

“Daddy, daddy, you’re home!” The joyous cries rang through the small home like a bell, brightening Garrick’s day. A small towheaded boy of about 5 years came running from up to greet him.

“I am home, and you’re not even in bed yet! We’ll have to do something about that, won’t we Finn?” Garrick reached down and picked the child up, twirling him around.

The little boy giggled and shrieked as he swung through the air. “But daddy,” Finn protested, “The sun is up so I can be too!” He was right, and it almost broke Garrick’s heart to know how right his son was. That was one of the challenges with coming home a retired soldier. You spent your youth learning how to fight and not much else, no trades to learn, no skills to hone other than how to kill.

“And how are my boys doing?”

The sound of his wife’s voice broke through Garrick’s thoughts, and he turned to smile at the love of his life. “Couldn’t be better, love. Couldn’t be better.” Still holding Finn, Garrick moved across the room to his wife and put his arms around her shoulder, happy that he had finally made it home after a long night of work.

THUMPTHUMPTHUMP “Open up in there!” came the muffled shout.

“Gah”! Garrick yelled, as he stood up suddenly from the bar he’d been resting on. Confusion and panic filled him for a moment as he looked around for his wife and son, the effects of last night’s drinks still weighing on his mind.

THUMPTHUMPTHUMP “This is not a request, but an order! Open up!”

Garrick stumbled past chairs, tables, and Ol’ Digger to get to the door, cursing under his breath as his mind raced, mixing memories with fear over what might be on the other side of the door.

“It’s about time. Any longer, and I’d be getting suspicious of your willingness to cooperate.” Garrick looked down as the captain in charge of this morning’s inspection walked in, followed by four other soldiers.

“I only want to do my duty, sir,” Garrick mumbled. They’re hidden, they’re safe, they’re hidden, they’re safe. Carefully, he watched the guards move through the small tavern, upending a few tables and chairs, tapping on walls, tossing engravings onto the ground, and occasionally taking a drink from behind the counter.

“Is this all there is?” The captain tossed the question out like an amateur fisherman.

“All there is of what, sir? It’s just a tavern.” Garrick stared just above the captain’s right shoulder, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes. They are safe they aresafetheyaresafetheyare-

“A woman and her son were last seen within the vicinity of this tavern,” the captain testily explained. “We believe they are connected to the rebel forces that are at work in this city, and we believe they have information that can help us promote safety and stability in at least this neighborhood.” The captain halted his investigation to pick up a bottle of expensive looking wine. ”4608…good year,” he said, smiling at Garrick. The captain held the bottle up against the light and squints at it. “And it hasn’t even been touched yet. Must be difficult to keep something so special safe for so long.” The captain was now turning the bottle over in his hands, testing its weight.

”I’m told it is, sir,” Garrick replied, swaying a little bit as he struggled with his hangover. You won’t find them, you won’t, youwon’tyouwon’tyouwon’tyou-

”You realize that’s what we’re trying to do with our fair city, don’t you?” The captain had grabbed a firmer hold of the bottle around its neck and was walking towards Garrick. ”And we can’t do that on our own. We need our good citizens to help us. Of course, if we should happen to find them uncooperative while we go about our duties, well…we don’t mind bringing in an extra or two.”

The words hung in the air, their meaning clear. Garrick looked straight for a moment before looking down. ”There is a cellar. Steps behind the bar.” The words came out just loud enough for the captain to hear.

Turning, the captain gestured to his men to continue their search, a triumphant look on his face. The trapdoor behind the bar was found and opened, and the soldiers quickly lit torches and descended into the darkness.

It was silent in the tavern, except for the drunken snores of Ol’ Digger. The captain leaned back against the bar, looking around the tavern with the air of a cheerful patron. His eyes stopped and settled on the sword and bow that decorated the mantle behind the counter. With the air of an experienced connoisseur, the captain pulled the dirty sword off its rack. ”A soldier, were you? Part of the regulars?”

”Yes sir, under Corporal Albright, sir, for 5 years. Served as a scout, did too good a job, and couldn’t get promoted.” Garrick could hear the soldiers below turning over crates and tossing goods and boxes on the ground. ”Decided a civilian life would hold more opportunities for me than being a soldier.”

”Indeed,” the captain responded dryly, glancing around at the dingy tavern once more. ”Well, we could always use-“ One by one, the soldiers were returning from the cellar. After all had come back up, one stepped forward and gave a smart salute.

”No one down there, sir. It looks as though there had been some good whiskey, but it seems as though this gentleman drank it all.” That was a lie, a damn lie, and Garrick gritted his teeth. They wanted him to say something, put up a fight, anything so they could at least take someone back with them.

The captain’s face darkened at the news. ”You’re absolutely sure that no one is down there?”

”Absolutely sir! Only way to be more sure would be to burn the place down.”

The captain turned back to Garrick, his voice dripping with venom. ”It would seem our quarry is not here, and for that we apologize, good sir.” Signaling to his company, the captain picked up the bottle of wine he’d been holding and walked towards the door. ”Oh, and Sergeant? Perhaps while I decide where we’re going next, you help explain to this man how we view rebels and those that assist them? Just in case he isn’t aware yet.”

”As you say, sir!” The sergeant gave a wicked grin as the door closed, and cracked his knuckles. ”Now then, sir, please don’t feel as though you need to remain standing during our little discussion here.”

One punch turned into two, into three. Before long, the ground was Garrick’s friend, and the punches became kicks as jeers fell on his ears. He knew the darkness would come, but in it he would find light.
Soon the pain fell away, and Garrick woke up in his bed, feeling fresh and rejuvenated. He could hear bustling in the kitchen, Sari’s humming as she prepared dinner. His breakfast, really, in preparation for another long night.

As he stepped out of his room, Garrick’s nose was awash with the smell of fresh bread. Sari could make many things, but bread was her specialty, nice round loaves with a thick crust that was perfect for dipping in stew.

”Mum, mum, can I have an end piece?”

”It’s my turn, I want the end piece!”

Garrick stepped up to his children, intervening so Sari didn’t have to worry about dinner. ”Well lads, with a loaf like this one, there’s more than one end piece. No reason why we can’t all have one.”
Finn straightened up and put a thumb to his chest as he looked at his little brother.

”I should get first pick, I’m the oldest.”
Finn’s younger brother stuck out his tongue just as Sari turned around.

”Jameson, you put that back in your mouth if you don’t want it pinched,” she warned. ”Just because you turn 11 tomorrow doesn’t mean you can be rude to your brother.” Winking at his children, Garrick pulled out a knife and began cutting the bread, motioning for them to be quiet. Carefully he gave each of them an end piece from different sides of the loaf, and they went off, happy to wait for the rest of dinner.

The rest of the evening was a blur. Garrick was gently reminded that the bread would go stale sooner now, and he brushed off Sari’s concerns. Finn and Jameson told him over dinner about the various things they had spotted in the streets that day. ”Something big’s gonna happen soon, Dad, and we’re gonna be a part of it. I just know it. Heard someone say some nob is gonna come here soon.” Garrick had waved off their excitement, and sent them to sleep not long after, but his gut churned. He’d been hearing something like that in the tavern, and something felt off. More than once he found himself staring out the window at Kintargo, wondering if everything would work out.

”Garrick, are you alright?” Sari had asked him that from the kitchen, but came over to check on him. Once again he moved to embrace her, but instead if returning the embrace, Sari grabbed his arm and began shaking him.

”Garrick, are you alright? Garrick? Garrick?”

A splutter of coughing woke Garrick up from his position on the tavern floor. Ol’ Digger was up, surprisingly.

”Sorry I didn’t see them coming sooner,” the old drunk said, slumping back down in his seat. ”Mighta been able to warn you off or something.”

”They’d’ve looked even harder then.” Garrick groaned as he stood up, feeling the aches and pains that the soldiers had left him. Sore, but alive. That mattered.

They were safe.

They were on Sari’s sister’s farm, out in the country. Garrick had spoken to Sari that night and shared his feelings. She hadn’t liked it, but she’d trusted him, and the following night, he’d arranged passage for his family to leave Kintargo. She’d asked him why he was staying, why he couldn’t or wouldn’t come with them.

That had been one week before Thrune.

”There’s work to do,” he muttered under his breath, walking back towards the bar. Heading down into the cellar, Garrick began taking things off a particular set of shelves, where the good whiskey had been, and then began removing the shelves themselves. After the way was clear, he reached back and knocked carefully. Two quick rap, one slow, two more quick. A lock unlatched, and a frightened face peered out at him.

”They’re still looking for you,” Garrick told the frightened woman, ”But you and your son can come out as long a you stay in the cellar. I’ve word that someone will come to take you out of the city tonight.”

The woman offered her thanks, and Garrick told her they could help themselves to any food in the cellar before heading back upstairs. The soldiers wouldn’t return, at least not tonight, which would give Garrick time to get to work. He wondered why it had taken him so long to do anything while the city burned around him. He’d told his wife he had to stay, as a son of Kintargo, to try and save it. He hadn’t done anything since his family had left but that had changed last night when the fugitives in his basement had knocked on his door.

”There is a time to work, and it is now,” Garrick said to himself as he looked up at the sword and bow. His armor was around somewhere, if he could find it. Might even still fit, if he was lucky. As he took his equipment off the wall and began examining it, Garrick looked across the tavern at the slowly sobering Digger. ”Digger, you think you can get a message off to some folks for me?”[/b
The old man sat up a little straighter. [b]”Few places a drunk can’t get, if the pay is right.”

Garrick pulled a bottle out from under the counter. ”Consider this yours tonight, after the place is cleared.”

Ol’ Digger looked hungrily at the bottle, then warily up at Garrick. ”What exactly do you have in mind?”

Garrick winced as he smiled. He had a lot in mind.

Garrick Orelson was born in Kintargo, the son of a washerwoman and one of several men that could have passed through the slums of the city. Despite his circumstances, Garrick was instilled with a sense of pride in himself and his city, and has many happy memories from his childhood. At the age of 18, he joined the local regulars and served as a scout for a small platoon of soldiers that traveled through Cheliax, hunting down bandits and performing other duties as needed. Every coin that Garrick earned was sent straight home to his mother, as any dutiful son would.
After 5 years, Garrick left the service honorably and joined up with a group of adventurers heading in the same general direction he was. He offered his services as a scout and skill with weapons in exchange for a portion of the treasure they sought and the safety in numbers that would come from travelling with them. A few months later, and with more gold than he had ever seen in one place, Garrick arrived back in Kintargo.
Upon arrival, Garrick found not his mother, but his mother’s best friend’s daughter, Sari, tending the home. She explained that his mother had fallen ill within the last few months, but had been saving as much money as possible to make sure he would have a home to return to. Sari had been asked to watch over the home until Garrick returned, as a final request.
Despite the grief he felt, Sari helped him through it, telling him stories of her interactions with his mother while he had been away, and how proud she’d been of him. The pair quickly fell in love and were married not long after. The birth of a son followed 9 months later, followed by another three more years later.
Garrick did his best to spend his money carefully and frugally. Much of it was secreted away and used sparingly, only for emergencies. Not having a trade, and not wanting to return to the life of a soldier, Garrick began working nights in a local tavern. Garrick made a little extra money helping some smugglers move some products in and out of the city, and became an expert at disguising the cellar , eventually walling off a section to make a small, hidden storeroom. As the owner almost never went down there, preferring to send Garrick instead, it was perfect.
After about 14 years, the rumours Garrick was hearing around the tavern began looking more and more bleak. Something was about to happen, so Garrick arranged with one of the smugglers he trusted to have his family transported out to his sister-in-law’s farm in the countryside while he stayed behind.
A week later, Thrune had arrived, and the city had descended into chaos. Despite all this, Garrick did nothing to help the rebels, afraid of the repercussions he could bring upon himself and his community. Now, Garrick has decided that it is his time to fight, and he seeks to join the rebellion. Garrick wishes to fight to make Kintargo safe for his family once more, to bring Kintargo back to the glory he remembers from his youth, and to bring hope back to the downtrodden.
Skilled with weapons and fighting, Garrick is also competent at moving about quickly and quietly. While he will lie to prevent harm to himself and his allies, among those he trusts Garrick is true and guileless, and seeks to find other heroes who he can help save Kintargo.

Light Crunch:
Race: Human
Class: Slayer (Cleaner)

(pre level 4 increase, with lvl 4 increase, raise con to 14)
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Feats: More combat focused, maybe power attack and toughness and build form there. My thought is if I can hold my own in combat, casters can focus more on buffing and less on healing.

Skills: Skills would be focused on stealth, some bluff or intimidate, a dash of performance for singing (he ran a tavern, he can sing a little), a little knowledge(local) and some acrobatics to improve mobility during combat. Best skills would be stealth and disguise to help suport the group's sneakiness.

Tactics: Garrick was a soldier and understands that there must be strategy when fighting, especially when taking on a bigger, better equipped opponent. Large attention gathering confrontations are to be avoided. Stealth, distraction and smoke and mirrors are better in this case.

Why Garrick fights: To make his home safe for his children, because he sees it as his duty, to more actively help others, and to bring back the Kintargo of his childhood.

Here's my rough draft.

Samos Jeggare:


Male Human (Chelaxian) brawler 6 / rogue 1. NG medium humanoid (human)

Init +2; Senses Perception +10,
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17, hp 80 (7HD)

Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +2, +1 trait bonus vs. mind-affecting, +2 trait bonus to Fortitude saves vs. poison and drugs, +4 trait bonus to Fortitude saves to avoid the effects of alcohol

Defensive Abilities AC Bonus,
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee unarmed strike +11/+6 (2d6+4)
Melee brawler's flurry +9/+9/+4 ()

Face 5 ft. by 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.

Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+11 grapple); CMD 23 (24 vs grapple)

Atk Options Power Attack, Sneak Attack 1d6,

Special Actions Brawler's Flurry, Brawler's Strike, Close Weapon Mastery, Knockout,

Abilities Str 19, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

Special Qualities Bonus Feat, Bonus Feats, Brawler's Cunning, Finesse Training, Martial Flexibility, Martial Training, Skilled, Trapfinding, Weapon and Armor Proficiency,

Feats Combat Reflexes, Fast Learner, Hamatulatsu, Improved Natural Attack (Unarmed Strike), Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Tiger Style, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)

Skills Acrobatics +12,
Appraise +2,
Bluff +5,
Climb +9,
Diplomacy +8,
Disable Device +10,
Disguise +5,
Escape Artist +8,
Handle Animal +5,
Intimidate +8,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7,
Knowledge (Local) +9,
Perception +10,
Perception (Trapfinding) +11,
Profession (Driver) +5,
Ride +2,
Sense Motive +9,
Sleight of Hand +7,
Stealth +10,
Swim +9,

Possessions unarmed strike; belt of physical might +2 (str, con); +3 mithral shirt; thieves' tools (masterwork); brawler's flurry;

AC Bonus (Ex) When wearing light or no armor, a brawler adds 1 AC as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class. If a brawler is helpless or immobilized, she loses this bonus.

Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Bonus Feats At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a brawler gains a bonus combat feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be ones that affect or improve her defenses or melee attacks. The brawler must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus combat feat. Upon reaching 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, a brawler can choose to learn a new bonus combat feat in place of a bonus combat feat she has already learned. In effect, the brawler loses the bonus combat feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A brawler can only change one feat at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time she gains a new bonus combat feat for the level.

Brawler's Cunning (Ex) If the brawler's Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.

Brawler's Flurry (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, a brawler can make a brawler's flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, a brawler has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the "monk" special feature. She does not need to use two different weapons to use this ability. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier to her damage rolls for all attacks made with brawler's flurry, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand weapon or a weapon wielded in both hands. A brawler can substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of brawler's flurry. A brawler with natural weapons can't use such weapons as part of brawler's flurry, nor can she make natural weapon attacks in addition to her brawler's flurry attacks. At 8th level, the brawler gains use of the Improved Two- Weapon Fighting feat when using brawler's flurry. At 15th level, she gains use of the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat when using brawler's flurry. You can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When doing so, you may make one additional attack, as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. These attacks can be any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group or monk weapons. You may substitute any of these attacks for a disarm, sunder or trip combat maneuver. You cannot use Brawler's Flurry with natural weapons.
Brawler's Strike (Ex) A brawler's unarmed strikes are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Close Weapon Mastery (Ex) When wielding a close weapon, she uses the unarmed strike damage of a brawler 4 levels lower instead of the base damage for that weapon. This must be declared before the attack roll is made. When wielding a close weapon, you may treat its base damage as 1d6 (you may apply any effects that increase your unarmed damage dice).

Fed-Up Citizen Kintargo is a tough place to live if you count yourself as a law-abiding citizen. While you likely agree with most others of Kintargo that many of the laws put in place by House Thrune seem excessive, you always respected the law and honored it as best you could. You likely worship a deity such as Abadar or Iomedae -a lawful neutral or perhaps lawful good power allowed to practice within Cheliax, but only under restrictions. Yet despite this, Thrune has always made Cheliax a safer place to live. But with recent events, enough is enough. As much as it pains you to admit, the law of the land is now manifestly and obviously not correct, and something must be done to oppose this misuse of power. You're good at hiding your true colors and faith to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. You gain a +1 bonus on Disguise checks, and Disguise is always a class skill for you. In addition, when someone uses detect good or detect law on you, your effective Hit Dice are 4 lower than their actual total when someone discerns the strength of your aura. If you are a cleric, paladin, or similar divine spellcaster, you treat yourself as if you were a standard- aligned creature rather than a divine spellcaster for these purposes. This means that until you become 9th level, you won't radiate an aura of good or law at all when someone casts one of these detection spells. Finally, your internal convictions that you're on the actual right of law help bolster your mindset, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects

Finesse Training (Ex) At 1st level, a rogue gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.

Iron Liver You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and drugs, and a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid the effects of alcohol.

Knockout (Ex) 1/day, you can unleash a devastating attack that can instantly knock a target unconscious. You must announce this intent before making your attack roll. If you hit and the target takes damage from the blow, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 17) or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds. Each round on its turn, the unconscious target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect as a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures immune to critical hits or nonlethal damage are immune to this ability.

Language Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Maneuver Training (Ex) A brawler can select combat maneuvers to receive additional training. You gain +1 to CMB and CMD to Grapple combat maneuvers.

Martial Flexibility (Ex) The brawler can gain the benefit of two combat feats he doesn't possess. He can select one feat as a swift action or two feats as a move action. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must otherwise meet all the feat's prerequisites. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 6. The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice. If a combat feat has a daily use limitation, any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat's daily limit. At later levels, when he gains multiple feats through this ability, the brawler can use those feats to meet the prerequisites of other feats he gains with this ability. Doing so means he cannot replace a feat currently fulfilling another's prerequisite without also replacing those feats that require it. Each individual feat selected counts toward his daily uses of this ability.

Martial Training (Ex) A brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes (such as Stunning Fist and a monk's robe). This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and monks based on class level, namely Stunning Fist.

Sneak Attack (Ex) If you can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from your attack, you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Your attack deals 1d6 points of extra damage anytime your target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or when you flank your target. Should you score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage, you can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. You must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. You cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trapfinding (Ex) You add +1 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks. You can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magical traps.

Samos is a lot smarter and skilled that he lets on. He looks like a thug and plays it up. So when he does try to be polite and diplomatic it can be bizarre.

I'll look through the play thread and see how he could work his way into the party.

Background skills are being used. Sorry for not mentioning this, I forgot.

@Irnk, Vigilante is available, ex-class archetypes are fine

I have a busy few days, so I'm hoping to get a detailed read of all the submissions on the 1st.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The sad, disappointing history of Iacobus Sarini:
Iacobus Sarini has been something of a disappointment to his family for at least the last five years of his seventeen-year-old life. Five years ago he turned his back on centuries (decades at most, really) of filial tradition, leaving behind a promising opportunity as apprentice to a well regarded Egorian Diabolist to join the Church of Iomedae as a lay-squire.
Only national pride (and the potential of a family member with access to the Churches stores of knowledge) kept him from being disowned then & there. As the years passed, Iacobus' reputation within the family steadily declined even as his standing within Iomedae's church continued as little more than one amongst many. His constant drive to prove himself to his peers & faith served merely sufficient, not exemplary. He found refuge in his faith however & looked forward to the day he would stand equal in the ranks. The day he might set forth with his brethren against the evils encroaching against the world. Curiously, both church and family supported him in his espoused goal, either joining the Mendevian Crusade, or the forces at Lastwall.
Sadly, such was not to be. On the eve of his departure, mere days after his investiture, word reached the academy that a force of Iomedaen crusaders had shattered the defenses of Citadel Dinyar & proclaimed themselves a 'Glorious Reclamation' with overthrow of House Thrune their ultimate goal. Though his opinions & values had deviated sharply from his family's over the years, Iacobus still acknowledged Thrune as the lawful (though obviously not just) sovereign of Cheliax. That followers of his goddess would not only attack a military order under such flimsy pretext, but then compound this perfidy with an assault against that pillar of Law proved an indefensible blow to both his faith & his ambition.
Worldview shattered, Iacobus returned to the city of his youth, hung up his armor & armament, and vowed to live out his life as naught but an itinerant scholar. Eschewing contact with his family, Iacobus told himself he was content to end his days as merely 'Iacobus', no longer 'sir' nor 'Sarini'.

This lasted less than a week, for less than a week later came the 'Night of Ashes' and with it, came Barzillai Thrune. With Thrune came...
All Iacobus' doubts, self-recriminations, unanswered questions. All the hopes he denied & fears he ignored. Presented with undeniable evidence of the utter injustice of the Thrune regime, Iacobus found himself adrift.

Seeking answers, Iacobus was merely one among many in the square fronting the Kintargo Opera house on that fateful day when Barzillai Thrune 'let the dogs out'. Having set aside his warrior's mantle, Iacobus was unprepared for the cruel savagery of the Archduke's responce. Forced to flee for his life, Iacobus found new resolve. Never again would the House of Thrune rest easy with their boot upon Kintargo's neck. Simple Iacobus the scholar might have little he could do to thwart them, but another might touch them roughly, teach them the meaning of justice. Where once Silver Ravens flew, an Iron Crow would stalk.

Crunch to come.

I have long wanted to overthrow Chellish devil rule! To that end, I have intentionally not read anything on it so as not to spoil the experience.

I've thought about a few potential builds, but most of the are already pretty well covered by the current PC's. But that's ok, because I think my favorite concept is someone that joins the hellknights as a plant and subversive to make them look even more incompetent and learn their plans.

Obviously would have to possess a stellar bluff skill. As well as meeting the PrC requirements. Probably can't afford a dump stat, so Dex will most likely be the lowest.

Now this entire concept won't work if the hellknights don't have at least some prominance in your modified campaign. So I would like your opinion on the basics before I go into more detail.

@Revolving Door Alternate, So there are two Hellknight Orders in play. One is the Order of the Torrent, who are known for rescuing missing people. The other is the Order of the Rack, who are known for their zeal against information and dangerous technology. If you join the former, you won't get any screen time being subversive, and instead it would have to be a 'in the past' thing. If you join the later, you might get some screen time being subversive and learning about plans, but you might also be forced to do things against the rebellion, making you a sort of anti-villain. I'm not sure how you'd split your time effectively, while also convince your superiors that you're actually doing what you're told. The fact that they have the discern lies feature makes this trickier. And if you are committing atrocities (from the rebellion's point of view), it's going to be difficult to convince them to trust you in any measure.
So while I don't want to crush your dreams of being a plant in a Hellknight organization, I would suggest you modify your approach. I would recommend you be an ex-Hellknight of the Order of the Torrent (be it dishonourably discharged, fled the organization, or simply never became an official Hellknight), and use your hellknight knowledge to infer the Order of the Rack's actions. Perhaps after you've gained the rebel's trust, then we could look for ways to plant you into the order of the Rack, but that warning of 'being forced to do terrible things' would apply.

I've got a monk/paladin/champion of irori I think I will put together for this.

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