Negachaotic Teenage Slaadhead |

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Also of note, I've figured out (thanks to the internet) that Kathryn Hahn's character is none other than...Agatha Harkness!!
That is the theory, and it may well turn out to be true, but it’s worth noting that Marvel has not actually said that. In fact, they say her name is Agnes, so it’s possible that she is an Agatha Harkness like character, but she isn’t one-in-same ...

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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While that's an interesting theory, Cap, I think you're off base. First of all, Scarlet Witch was dusted while Vision was killed, so I'm not sure they would end up in the same place. Most people think this is going to be a riff on the various "Scarlet Witch is super powerful and goes whackadoo" plotlines in the comics, like House of M. The idea is these are realities Wanda has created for herself, and Vision is a figment of her imagination (and/or perhaps a Mind-stone-related ghost). We also get that brief shot of Monica Rambeau being pushed out of some kind of rifty thing... it could be that Wanda's built herself a pocket plane and Monica was an agent trying to investigate.
I can't guarantee it's either, but I don't think the explanation is as simple as "in a coma" (or purgatory). This is Scarlet Witchery. And it's probably post-Endgame.

Ambrosia Slaad |
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thejeff wrote:Though movie Wanda doesn't really seem to have the magic/reality altering abilities that the comic Scarlet Witch has.The theory is that the TV show could be where she realizes/learns she does...
Which, if true, would support why she's also co-starring in the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And would also fit why that Agatha* in the trailer might be the actual-magical witch Agatha Harkness.
* Yeah, I'll watch Kathryn Hahn in pretty much anything, and more supporting women characters in the MCU is great. But dang it, I will not be satisfied until I get to see Hahn starring as live action Olivia Octavius.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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To be honest, I've never read a marvel comic book until two years ago and I found one about the Guardians of the Galaxy I rather liked.
That was just my observation as a marvel moviegoer and someone that has watched entirely too much TV in my lifetime, or possibly not enough.
Well, as a Marvel moviegoer, do note that that lady who gets shot out of the rift is Monica Rambeau (based on casting information), and Scarlet Witch has never met Monica Rambeau, so she couldn't be dreaming her up. So this is more than a setpiece in Scarlet Witch's head.
thejeff wrote:Though movie Wanda doesn't really seem to have the magic/reality altering abilities that the comic Scarlet Witch has.The theory is that the TV show could be where she realizes/learns she does...
Totally spitballing here, but I wonder if the destruction of the Infinity Stones caused those empowered by them to grow in power... like their energies get dispersed into the universe and those powered by them absorb some of it. So SW becomes House-of-M-level-powerful. Maybe Captain Marvel is also getting ready to go Binary. If there will ever be films one sees in the theater ever again.

Thomas Seitz |

Interesting theory. Even if technically the stones only exploded in the past. But still, a good theory nonetheless.
And yeah I think Wandavision is setting us up for Wanda going full on "I can totally mess with reality!" power learning.
(Also I agree with Slaad, we could sure use Hahn's return as Olivia Octavius.)

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

The stones were destroyed in 2018, brought back briefly in 2023--but Scarlet Witch was not yet snapped to return--and then returned back to the past, so in 2023 we are again in a world without the stones.
And like I said, just spitballing. Maybe Scarlet Witch absorbing Vision's power or something, or she got more powerful upon her return growing mad with grief.

The ə! |
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WandaVision officially premieres January 15th, 2021. (Twitter announcement)

Mark Hoover 330 |
Wow. I just googled Wanda Maximoff Earth 616 and hit the Marvel Wiki. That is... crazy.
I'm old enough and stubborn enough to remember The Scarlet Witch as a mutant that fought with Magneto before turning to good and becoming an Avenger. Her powers back in the day made good and bad luck, or sometimes vague energy effects. Watching the movies I just figured they were taking MCU liberties with the character.
Now reading the entry the character was retconned to be an augmented human from the High Evolutionary and that her Hex Bolts are actually tapping into some nebulous "chaos force," with a description about as specific as the "Speed Force" from Flash comics. This energy lets her do... anything I guess. Flight, time travel, completely re-writing reality and so on.
As far as the show, as I understand it they're now pushing the premier out to January 2021. Good to see Paul Bettany reprising his role. Also I guess there's supposed to be Easter egg nods to the "House of M" plotline throughout so I'm guessing this is straight up Wanda making multiple new "realities" to heal her broken mind.
I wonder if Deadpool will do a cameo?

Thomas Seitz |

So I watched the first two episodes of Wandavision. It's not a Marvel movie for TV, nor it is just a TV show. It's kind of more like a combination homage to sitcoms with Marvel stuff along with some Twilight Zone elements tossed in to help keep the pacing up. Mostly it's great to just see Paul Bethany and Elizabeth Olsen play off each other and use their characters in a situation I've yet to completely figure out...but consider this just the first two episodes...we'll see how it goes from here on out.

GM SuperTumbler |
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As a huge MCU fan and an even huger fan of television history, I loved all of the references to classic tv.
While I generally prefer binging, I think this show might benefit from watching an episode a week. I've spent much of today pondering all of the clues and details in the first two episodes. If I had binged it, I would have just gotten answers without pondering the questions.

Haladir |
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I am really liking WandaVision so far.
I love that eps 1 & 2 had the format of '60s sitcoms... the first c. 1960 (c.f. The Dick VanDyke Show), and the second c. 1966 (c.f. Bewitched). I also really like their fake period TV ads.
I also like that they had the format and laugh tracks of classic TV sitcoms, but they weren't actually sitcoms: The laugh tracks and comedic situations were all off-kilter in a David Lynch sort of way, making them weirdly suspenseful.
For example, the dinner party scene in ep 1 where Vision's boss starts choking... and that character's wife repeatedly tells him to "stop it!" even after it's perfectly clear he's not doing a "bit". Her lines are timed such that it feels like she's stuck in some kind of loop, like a scratched record that's repeating the same groove. And then after Vision revives him, it falls back into the old classic sitcom tropes. Plus the whole "comic" situation that Wanda and Vision don't remember their own histories that gets them into the typical sitcom shenanigans is itself deeply disturbing.
Another disturbing surreal twist is how Wanda suddenly becomes ~4 months pregnant toward the end of Ep 2. I'm curious about adding a child to the show is going to make things weirder.
In episode 2, I also liked how the scene shifted from being in black & white to color at the end... kind of like how Bewitched switched from being filmed in B&W to color for its third and subsequent seasons. (1966-67 and onward).
From the previews, I'm thinking that ep. 3 is going to bring us to a mid-70s sitcom format... I'm guessing that the touchstone is going to be either The Brady Bunch or The Mary Tyler Moore Show (or a weird hybrid between them.)

David knott 242 |
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Marc Radle wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:It was somewhere between bewitched and Dick Van D&** for me. I am reasonably sure thy used the set from Dick Van D+%&.Side question: why are the heck is the site censoring Dick Van D##%’s name???Well, at least we can still type "Dick"!
:p(This is sarcasm.)
Another test: Like the rest of us, Dick van D*#+ is a Homo sapiens. (There was another message board a few years ago where the genus name was censored.)
Edit: They really do need to stop automatically censoring that word, as it prevents talking about certain celebrities and styles of beards.

Haladir |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Edit: They really do need to stop automatically censoring that word, as it prevents talking about certain celebrities and styles of beards.
When using it with "van" use an intercap instead of a space. It's technically not correctly spelled, but more easily understood.
e.g. Dick VanDyke

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I enjoyed it quite a bit, just the right mix of deep homage to old sitcoms, Marvel characters humor mixed in, and underlying wrongness that hints at things getting more and more messed up with the "perfect world".
And some intriguing little clues to what might be happening behind the scenes:
1) the S.W.O.R.D logos, which isn't what I expected from Wandavision, as I figured SWORD would be a big part of Secret Invasion with Samuel Jackson, and not a lot until then (though it could also feature in Captain Marvel 2).
2) lots of AIM references, from multiple places using hexagons, to the somewhat more obvious beekeeper (though it seems he had a SWORD logo on his suit, so maybe not?)

Mark Hoover 330 |
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Jo-El: THAT'S what those hexagons were! I KNEW I recognized them from somewhere but I couldn't place the reference! Thanks for that.
Also Hala-D-Man: I felt like, when Mary Jo Rupp's character was saying "stop it," the line wasn't meant so much for her husband as for Wanda. Most of the time, after the line was repeated, it cut to HER face, not the husband's.
I'm likely going to be watching this every Friday. I can't wait to binge it. I'll try to keep my fanboying and spoilering to a minimum.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
I had intended to give this one a miss since the characters were possibly the most boring in the MCU. Yes, even more so than Hawkeye. However,t he girl wanted to give it a try and we were pleasantly surprised, mostly because of the retro feel that brought back childhood memories of watching reruns of things like Bewitched. The cringe humor did not go over so well, and it remains to be seen if they can pull this off. I'll keep watching for a bit, at least.

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There's been some talk that WandaVision will be tying into the feature film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which itself has been billed as the first MCU horror movie.
I am very much looking forward to seeing where this series will go!
Not just some talk - Disney/Marvel has clearly stated that Wanda will be in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and that WandaVisionwill lead directly into that. The rumors I've seen which are not in any way confirmed, is that Doctor Strange may therefore make an appearance in the final episode of WandaVision.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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I had some weird, crazy brilliant idea about what was really going on on this show, and have now completely forgotten it and can only assume Wanda removed the idea from my mind. I think it had something to do with the Quantum Realm that now doesn't make any sense.
While it makes sense that Wanda is controlling things to some extent, I also wonder if she and the others were accidentally trapped in this wherever it is, based on some of the lines said.
The whole cast is freaking amazing. Loving Kathryn Hahn. And in spite of MCU name reuse which frustrates me for silly personal obsessiveness reasons, I was delighted to see Emma Caulfield on my TV (computer screen) again.
Also a big fan of old tv shows and so am also liking the references. They really did their research to get a lot of the looks and feel right.
. [For the 70s] I'm guessing that the touchstone is going to be either The Brady Bunch or The Mary Tyler Moore Show (or a weird hybrid between them.)
Mary Tyler Moore is unlikely since it's a workplace comedy about a single woman, and they seem to be sticking to couple/family comedies (although of Mary Tyler Moore the actress and other roles she's played, Wanda's outfit in episode 2 looked very Laura Petrie). For the 70s there are scenes in the trailers that either look like the Bradys' yard and/or the yard at the actual Brady house that got renovated by HGTV a year or two back to look like the show's sets (I wonder if they filmed on location).

Mark Hoover 330 |
I found myself wishing they'd gone with a whole Bob Newhart vibe. In the original show Newhart in the 70's he's a successful psychologist in Chicago, married with no kids. In the 80's, he's a Vermont B&B owner; at the end of the series he wakes up in bed next to the character of his wife from the older 70's series and she admonishes him that it was "all a dream."
That could've been kind of a clever trope to use in Wandavision.
Still, this show is feeling cool so far. I hope it gets even more "horrific" though. There was something super creepy about Wanda saying "no" at the end of ep 2 and then the "show" rewinds. I hope they continue building up on those tensions.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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I found myself wishing they'd gone with a whole Bob Newhart vibe. In the original show Newhart in the 70's he's a successful psychologist in Chicago, married with no kids. In the 80's, he's a Vermont B&B owner; at the end of the series he wakes up in bed next to the character of his wife from the older 70's series and she admonishes him that it was "all a dream."
That could've been kind of a clever trope to use in Wandavision.
Well, there are episodes to come...
Still, this show is feeling cool so far. I hope it gets even more "horrific" though. There was something super creepy about Wanda saying "no" at the end of ep 2 and then the "show" rewinds. I hope they continue building up on those tensions.
I found myself in moments totally falling into the ordinary sitcom plot (oh no! what if they don't impress the boss with a nice dinner!), and then either something creepy would happen or just the remembrance would settle upon me that no, this is the same chick who mind-f#$*ed Steve, Natasha, and the others in Age of Ultron and nearly tore Thanos a new one in Endgame, and something is Seriously Wrong (TM).

Selene Spires |

Watching the show the true horror I feel is that the townspeople are being forced in to the rolls. If they break character they suffer.
Example: when person starting asking 'Why have come here?' He is breaking character and is angry because they are suffering. And then he is punished by starting to joke.
His wife being afraid to break character tried to be be funny but was clearly worried and afraid.
Similar to the next episode with the scene with Dottie(I think that was her name.