exploration of the new. Homebrew pf1 needs 1-2 players


Looking for 1 to 2 additional players. We had a player bail on us by ghosting out so we are looking for 1 or 2 more people.
We currently have a ranger(guide) shaman barbarian and bard. a skill monkey or full caster would be a great addition but build what you want we can adapt.

here is the campaign page Explorations of the new

hop into the discussion link and feel free to talk with the players. I will leave recruitment open for a couple of days (probably monday or tuesday night)

Basic building. (I verify all final selections using herolab.)

Character creation:
20 point buy- level 3 start

approved 3pp only must give me a link

Most races ok.

No gunslinger but most other classes ok. If you have question on it then ask though I am good with most things

3500 gold start wealth

2 traits if they classify as a campaign trait please run it by me but probably ok

Things to consider
hp is max first then roll on forum for next 1's rerolled
no psionics or occult as I have no background in either of those.
Background skills are ok as long as tied firmly in the backstory --any skill can be background skill upon approval make an argument I can see for consideration..pm personally prefered.
I will try to post once a day and want the players to expect the same rate of posting for them. I work 10 hrs with mon and thur off so those days may be a bit quicker/heavier on posting from my end and I will never require a post on sunday.

Grand Lodge

dotting for interest...have a couple games ending soon...

I'll have to sit on it some and see what comes to mind to play. I know you guys are pretty full-up on melee buttkickers so I'll see if anything arcane-wise really jumps out at me.

cool sounds cool. I like your submission last time as well so whatever works for you should be great.


I'm still interested.

My intent was to take Arcane Trickster levels. Either to fill the true rogue slot, or could pick more blasty spells, and still be rogue-ish.


Sovereign Court

Throwing my hat into the ring though i'm late.

I can go either Wizard or Sorcerer.
Perhaps Human Sorcerer with too many bloodlines. :P

nightdeath wrote:

Throwing my hat into the ring though i'm late.

I can go either Wizard or Sorcerer.
Perhaps Human Sorcerer with too many bloodlines. :P

nice to see you nightdeath. You just answered my question about finding the giantslayers players info. in another game. Thanks and welcome

Sovereign Court

I see you have a bard and a Shaman.
Are they not skill monkey enough?
The only thing I can tell from that group is that you're lacking in the Explosive Departments.

explosives are nice.

Sovereign Court

Explosions it is then.

Human Sorceror with ties to a Phoenix and Dragon.
Heroes of Golarion and Legacy of Dragons used.

Let me come up with something. Likely to be a squishy.

Looks like you filled out a full caster and a skill monkey there, if you need another let me know- I've been wanting to play a divine full caster (either Oracle or Cleric) recently.

Sovereign Court

And I present Explosions.


A sorcerer who is generous with his fire AoE spells. To harm or to Heal, that is the question. Brek can do both!

Hitpoints not updated though most of the crunch is up.

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:
Looks like you filled out a full caster and a skill monkey there, if you need another let me know- I've been wanting to play a divine full caster (either Oracle or Cleric) recently.

A full caster for divine could be nice. Go ahead and apply and see what the players say.

I will close this recruitment tonight shortly after I get home from work at 7pm mountain time (i don't know what that is gmt time to be honest)

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:
Looks like you filled out a full caster and a skill monkey there, if you need another let me know- I've been wanting to play a divine full caster (either Oracle or Cleric) recently.

You're welcome to apply! Though I should probably mention that this character was made to be very healing focussed. If you go full divine, any chance you could focus mostly on either buffing or utility?

So here is my (Oxnard's) submission-

Jeremiah Starstorm is a Tengu Monk and Cleric of Puluru with his head in the stars.

I still need some tinkering with Traits, racial abilities, and to spend the starting gold, but primary abilities are outlined.

Will be going for the Stargazer Prestige class and playing as a kind of "wandering mystic" personality type.

The mechanical build is set to make use of a couple of key mechanics-

1. Dip into Monk for the Wisdom to AC ability making him an unarmored clerics. Add this to the eventual bonus from the Heavens oracle mystery I get and I will have a high base AC without armor. I probably eventually take 1 more level of Monk because the Sensei ability that adds WIS to attack with Unarmed strike and monk weapons.

2. Domains-- Stargazer stacks with cleric for domains and grants a third (Stars) domain-- I chose the starting Air and Weather domains for two reasons- their 1st level powers are similar and give me a total of 14 ranged touch attacks/day, and second between the two I have a strong offensive option at most levels (Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Chain Lightning) which will make up for the low HP and STR because I'll be using offensive/energy damage based spells and domain powers primarily.

3. Buffing- Sensei opens up a version of Inspire Courage a few times per day; cleric spells offer more buffs, and then as I grow into the Stargazer class I'll gain the Fortune Hex, which combined with the basic Cleric buff spells will have a pretty broad buff spectrum.

4. Channeling- since I've basically dumped Charisma this is kind of a vestigial ability as far as uses/day go, but I do have it to serve as a secondary healer and it WILL stack with Stargazer levels.

5. Divinations & Knowledge-- I'll eventually get Commune 1/day for free and some additional Star based divination powers, and Sensei gives me all Knowledge skills as class skills, so despite having a 10 INT I'll have a pretty broad/Bard-like Knowledge base as I advance and good information gathering spells/abilities.

Hit Points Rolls: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 1) = 9
Hit Points Reroll 1: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Jeremiah Starstorm opened his eyes as he heard the door open behind him, stepping back from the telescope he had been using. “Mason, you simply must observe this constellation. . ?”
“There won’t be time for any of that,” the elf replied. Jeremiah has served as Mason’s second now for three years at the Monastery of Puluru, learning the ways of the stars and the star goddess. “We have to go- the election’s gone poorly, for us that is. Puluru worshippers are out of favor now. The Royal Society serves Cthulhu now.”

“But, Cthulhu is evil. . .?”


“Surely there were enough votes to carry the election for our esteemed colleague Bradley . . .?”

“Bradley’s out. Dead. The Marquis Van Der Camn heads the society now.”

It was only then that the gravity of his situation set in. The Royal Society studied the stars at the pleasure (and in the pay of) the King. For many years, the clergy of Puluru represented a sizable faction within the society, though wizards, seers, sailors, and all other variety of stargazers happily coexisted with them. Jeremiah’s (and Mason’s) patron Sir Bradley, himself a worshipper of Puluru and Knight of the Order of the Stars had headed the society these past blissful ten years. But while Jeremiah and Mason have been here at the Monastery, the sinister influence of Van Der Camn must have grown.

“I met the Marquis when he first joined. . .?”

“Yes. He was a young, ambitious, and wicked man then. Now he is an old, ambitious, and powerful man. His followers carried the election. They are purging the so-called ‘taint of Puluru’ worship from its ranks. And that means you are I are on the outs.”

Jeremiah nodded, “Alas! I did not plan to take to the road, not at this time. Yet, what else to do. . .?”

“Nothing. Split up. Hit the road. Find somewhere else. Somewhere safe. Where the Royal Society and that Cthulhu cultists Van Der Camn can’t reach us, then eventually build again.”

“This is farewell then. . .?” a tear wells at the corner of Jeremiah’s eye, though neither he nor Mason will speak to it. Perhaps, they might admit years later, that there was a certain variety of dust in the air, an ionic charge that caused an involuntary and purely physical reaction which one might mistake for a tear.

As the days turn to months, then years, Jeremiah never stops anywhere too long. Cast out from the Kingdom of his birth, hunted by the Royal Society which has its tendrils, and now they truly were tendrils spread so far, and hunted also by the very Order of the Stars which his former fair and fallen friend founded, Jeremiah Starstorm was truly a pilgrim. What friends he could still count on, members of the Society or the Order not loyal to the Marquis, or other exiles in hiding like himself were difficult to identify, and the risk of double cross and betrayal great—for the Cthulhu cultists who now controlled both could not be trusted in anything.

Someday, Jeremiah tells himself, someday I can take the fight back to them. After all, even the Marquis Van Der Camn is neither immortal nor infallible, and surely though the Cult now has a veneer of Royal approval, surely, but surely, the King himself does not actually approve, after all? How the Marquis has fooled him, I know not, but fooled him he must have. So even the current regime may fall out of favor. And when they do, if we can just gather enough secret allies, organize in the hidden spaces, and then we might rise up, and take back the Royal Society and the Order of the Stars.

But for now, Jeremiah Starstorm must content himself to tread the soil or the world, ever with his head in the night sky. . .

Jeremiah Starstorm wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

I personally think its great. Waiting for my players to weigh in though. We should have a consensus sometime tonight and will let you know then.

Brek aka nighdeath's attempt. :P

Brek's Mini Misadventure:

As the crowd gathers, sensing an unusual atmosphere hinting of an event yet to come that would likely prove interesting.

With the inside of the building filled, people gathered along the little courthouse though it was not hard to hear the soaring tones of the chief justice reading out the charges laid against a rather handsome man.

Most knew of this stranger being rather charming and easy to get along. it seemed that he was on his way answering an invitation to a Rich patron to explore lands, capture beasts or secure trade routes depending on who you heard it from.

"Brek of Unknown House, you have being charged with Heresy, Fraud and Attempted Manslaughter. These charges have being bought forth from the Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium. How do you plead?" Judge Angelo looks up he reads the listed charges. He looks at the Man named Brek and then to the one beaming with self importance, the said Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao.

"Not guilty on all accounts Your honor." the rather handsome man replies. Clad in a loose open Jerkin, tussled hair and leather pants Brek looked calm and at ease despite the shackles placed on him. The town constables reported that the man gave no resistance as they took him in.

"Well then." as Judge Angelo looked at the list.
"Shall we address the charges?" he sighs as he felt that this might be the start of a long day.

"Will Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium." Judge Angelo paused to take a break at the number of titles he needed to read out.
"Please tell the court How, why and what this man accused of such crimes have done?"

A well dressed man steps forward, in the finest clothing and fashion of the Nobles he preens and strokes his mustache looking down imperiously on the gathered. Speaking in a pompus voice,
"The heretic Brek rejected Nethys, claimed to be a healer and has attempted to kill the stablehand with his sorcerous arcane flame. Its a blessing that I Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium arrived in time to stop the villain's dastardy deeds." he looks very proud of himself.

"How did you stopped him?" queries Judge Angelo finding himself disliking this Inquisitor already.

Jaqiq D'Aterngao looks up raising his arms in a triumphant pose.
"I simply commanded him to desist and with my prestige, the miscreant feared my power and ceased his evil acts!"
A nearby guard facepalmed.

"I summon forth the stablehand Dek to shed some light on this matter. Is everything Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao sai-" a slight cough from Jaqiq D'Aterngao interrupts Judge Angelo.
"My apologies Reverend. Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium. Is there any truth in that matter?"

The stable hand, Dek looks up.
"No your honor. Brek came to tis town, asking round most people on the best way to get himself up to Lord Baithro. The places, cities or towns around here too. Most of us were warming up to him since chap was easy on the eye and lips like Dibby the barmaid said he was."
Dek paused and then pointed to his hands.

"Then while I wus out getting hay for dem horses when the good reverend rammed into me with that fat behind he parades about knocking me into the water trough and getting me cuts all over." a few chuckles echoes around both the courtyard and courthouse with said Inquisitor looking affronted.

Dek continues as he ignores Jaqiq.
"Ole Brek here. He came by and asked if I was ok. Me a stable hand being asked if I was ok by an adventurer like Brek. I wus bleeding like pig and Brek helped. He placed his hands and Flames wash over me healing me cuts. It was amazing!" Dek exclaimed and showed his hands and arms though it looked normal to cheers from the crowd.

"Then this Reverend Jaqiq said that this was the power of Nethys Brek perverted it or something by his presence and commanded Brek to kneel before Nethys. Dun noe who Nethys is but there was only Brek him and me. So who's he gonna kneel to? Brek, this chap looks a bit confused and said he didn't follow this Nethys fellow too, neither was he some holy man and what he used was Blooming hands or was that burn but he could have it heal minor hurts. then the Good Reverend there went blooming crazy and called in the guards. Brek got arrested and I'm here telling me story." Brek gives Dek a thumbs up and his smile drew attention from most quarters.

"Well." Judge Angelo frowns as he hears the story from Dek.
"Does anyone else have anything to add on to this matter?" he asks.................

It didn't take long for Brek to be freed and ushered in the bar for a quick celebration. Though a certain purple faced Inquisitor complained loudly and proclaimed that Brek must have used his insidious sorcery to charm the entire town bending them to his will. He was largely ignored.

The next day, Brek bowed to the people who had made time to send him off.
"You are all wonderful people, the warmth of your hearth and willingness to educate this poor adventurer on the dangers of this region. You have my thanks" he bows to everyone.
"I bid you all farewell and maybe one day as my travels takes me, I might once more come upon your fair town and enjoy your hospitality and regale you all with my adventures over a pint but alas! I must seek my fortune and that lies towards this Lord Baithro. So farewell good people. Farewell and good health to you all." Brek waves farewell as he sets off on his journey.

He needed it.
Afterall......if not for his silver tongue and friendly demeanor he would have had it harder. Good thing the townsfolk was friendly.

He was Broke. He needed that job....Urgently.

Posting Ohime. I will be making some minor tweaks and filling in more as the night progresses.
HP Roll: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Brek of Unknown House wrote:

Brek aka nighdeath's attempt. :P

** spoiler omitted **...

I like it. Waiting for players to weigh in.

ohime background:
Ohime grew up on the borders of Baithro. It is said she was cursed from birth and bears the crescent mark of her god upon her body, but none of that is confirmed. It is also rumored that the sorceress once had a love child and abandoned her. All such things are rumors, however, and little actual facts are known about the mysterious vishkanya who sells alchemical supplies to passerbys. She keeps herself concealed and shrouded in baggy clothes, but many have said that when they see her face, she is an extraordinary beauty to behold.
Recently, she has disappeared from her normal position on the outskirts of town where she sells her wares. Some of the populace, including many of the rival alchemists and merchant guilds are pleased. Some say she has been approached by the same men who hired explorers to travel to Anderia. This is to the relief of many and they hope she doesn't return.

starstorm background:
Jeremiah Starstorm opened his eyes as he heard the door open behind him, stepping back from the telescope he had been using. “Mason, you simply must observe this constellation. . ?”
“There won’t be time for any of that,” the elf replied. Jeremiah has served as Mason’s second now for three years at the Monastery of Puluru, learning the ways of the stars and the star goddess. “We have to go- the election’s gone poorly, for us that is. Puluru worshippers are out of favor now. The Royal Society serves Cthulhu now.”
“But, Cthulhu is evil. . .?”


“Surely there were enough votes to carry the election for our esteemed colleague Bradley . . .?”

“Bradley’s out. Dead. The Marquis Van Der Camn heads the society now.”

It was only then that the gravity of his situation set in. The Royal Society studied the stars at the pleasure (and in the pay of) the King. For many years, the clergy of Puluru represented a sizable faction within the society, though wizards, seers, sailors, and all other variety of stargazers happily coexisted with them. Jeremiah’s (and Mason’s) patron Sir Bradley, himself a worshipper of Puluru and Knight of the Order of the Stars had headed the society these past blissful ten years. But while Jeremiah and Mason have been here at the Monastery, the sinister influence of Van Der Camn must have grown.

“I met the Marquis when he first joined. . .?”

“Yes. He was a young, ambitious, and wicked man then. Now he is an old, ambitious, and powerful man. His followers carried the election. They are purging the so-called ‘taint of Puluru’ worship from its ranks. And that means you are I are on the outs.”

Jeremiah nodded, “Alas! I did not plan to take to the road, not at this time. Yet, what else to do. . .?”

“Nothing. Split up. Hit the road. Find somewhere else. Somewhere safe. Where the Royal Society and that Cthulhu cultists Van Der Camn can’t reach us, then eventually build again.”

“This is farewell then. . .?” a tear wells at the corner of Jeremiah’s eye, though neither he nor Mason will speak to it. Perhaps, they might admit years later, that there was a certain variety of dust in the air, an ionic charge that caused an involuntary and purely physical reaction which one might mistake for a tear.

As the days turn to months, then years, Jeremiah never stops anywhere too long. Cast out from the Kingdom of his birth, hunted by the Royal Society which has its tendrils, and now they truly were tendrils spread so far, and hunted also by the very Order of the Stars which his former fair and fallen friend founded, Jeremiah Starstorm was truly a pilgrim. What friends he could still count on, members of the Society or the Order not loyal to the Marquis, or other exiles in hiding like himself were difficult to identify, and the risk of double cross and betrayal great—for the Cthulhu cultists who now controlled both could not be trusted in anything.

Someday, Jeremiah tells himself, someday I can take the fight back to them. After all, even the Marquis Van Der Camn is neither immortal nor infallible, and surely though the Cult now has a veneer of Royal approval, surely, but surely, the King himself does not actually approve, after all? How the Marquis has fooled him, I know not, but fooled him he must have. So even the current regime may fall out of favor. And when they do, if we can just gather enough secret allies, organize in the hidden spaces, and then we might rise up, and take back the Royal Society and the Order of the Stars.

But for now, Jeremiah Starstorm must content himself to tread the soil or the world, ever with his head in the night sky. . .

Brek background:
As the crowd gathers, sensing an unusual atmosphere hinting of an event yet to come that would likely prove interesting.

With the inside of the building filled, people gathered along the little courthouse though it was not hard to hear the soaring tones of the chief justice reading out the charges laid against a rather handsome man.

Most knew of this stranger being rather charming and easy to get along. it seemed that he was on his way answering an invitation to a Rich patron to explore lands, capture beasts or secure trade routes depending on who you heard it from.

"Brek of Unknown House, you have being charged with Heresy, Fraud and Attempted Manslaughter. These charges have being bought forth from the Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium. How do you plead?" Judge Angelo looks up he reads the listed charges. He looks at the Man named Brek and then to the one beaming with self importance, the said Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao.

"Not guilty on all accounts Your honor." the rather handsome man replies. Clad in a loose open Jerkin, tussled hair and leather pants Brek looked calm and at ease despite the shackles placed on him. The town constables reported that the man gave no resistance as they took him in.

"Well then." as Judge Angelo looked at the list.
"Shall we address the charges?" he sighs as he felt that this might be the start of a long day.

"Will Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium." Judge Angelo paused to take a break at the number of titles he needed to read out.
"Please tell the court How, why and what this man accused of such crimes have done?"

A well dressed man steps forward, in the finest clothing and fashion of the Nobles he preens and strokes his mustache looking down imperiously on the gathered. Speaking in a pompus voice,
"The heretic Brek rejected Nethys, claimed to be a healer and has attempted to kill the stablehand with his sorcerous arcane flame. Its a blessing that I Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium arrived in time to stop the villain's dastardy deeds." he looks very proud of himself.

"How did you stopped him?" queries Judge Angelo finding himself disliking this Inquisitor already.

Jaqiq D'Aterngao looks up raising his arms in a triumphant pose.
"I simply commanded him to desist and with my prestige, the miscreant feared my power and ceased his evil acts!"
A nearby guard facepalmed.

"I summon forth the stablehand Dek to shed some light on this matter. Is everything Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao sai-" a slight cough from Jaqiq D'Aterngao interrupts Judge Angelo.
"My apologies Reverend. Reverend Jaqiq D'Aterngao, Scion of house D'Aterngao, Junior Inquisitor of Nethys, Member of the Kortos Consortium. Is there any truth in that matter?"

The stable hand, Dek looks up.
"No your honor. Brek came to tis town, asking round most people on the best way to get himself up to Lord Baithro. The places, cities or towns around here too. Most of us were warming up to him since chap was easy on the eye and lips like Dibby the barmaid said he was."
Dek paused and then pointed to his hands.

"Then while I wus out getting hay for dem horses when the good reverend rammed into me with that fat behind he parades about knocking me into the water trough and getting me cuts all over." a few chuckles echoes around both the courtyard and courthouse with said Inquisitor looking affronted.

Dek continues as he ignores Jaqiq.
"Ole Brek here. He came by and asked if I was ok. Me a stable hand being asked if I was ok by an adventurer like Brek. I wus bleeding like pig and Brek helped. He placed his hands and Flames wash over me healing me cuts. It was amazing!" Dek exclaimed and showed his hands and arms though it looked normal to cheers from the crowd.

"Then this Reverend Jaqiq said that this was the power of Nethys Brek perverted it or something by his presence and commanded Brek to kneel before Nethys. Dun noe who Nethys is but there was only Brek him and me. So who's he gonna kneel to? Brek, this chap looks a bit confused and said he didn't follow this Nethys fellow too, neither was he some holy man and what he used was Blooming hands or was that burn but he could have it heal minor hurts. then the Good Reverend there went blooming crazy and called in the guards. Brek got arrested and I'm here telling me story." Brek gives Dek a thumbs up and his smile drew attention from most quarters.

"Well." Judge Angelo frowns as he hears the story from Dek.
"Does anyone else have anything to add on to this matter?" he asks.................

It didn't take long for Brek to be freed and ushered in the bar for a quick celebration. Though a certain purple faced Inquisitor complained loudly and proclaimed that Brek must have used his insidious sorcery to charm the entire town bending them to his will. He was largely ignored.

The next day, Brek bowed to the people who had made time to send him off.
"You are all wonderful people, the warmth of your hearth and willingness to educate this poor adventurer on the dangers of this region. You have my thanks" he bows to everyone.
"I bid you all farewell and maybe one day as my travels takes me, I might once more come upon your fair town and enjoy your hospitality and regale you all with my adventures over a pint but alas! I must seek my fortune and that lies towards this Lord Baithro. So farewell good people. Farewell and good health to you all." Brek waves farewell as he sets off on his journey.

He needed it.
Afterall......if not for his silver tongue and friendly demeanor he would have had it harder. Good thing the townsfolk was friendly.

He was Broke. He needed that job....Urgently

This should make it easier for all to read the background of all three of you.I'm glad I have the players to help choose. ALl three are great!
As soon as we come to a consensus we will let you know. Probably by tomorrow I am guessing due to the time differences between some of our players.

Writing Sample:
Antiplague, Deodorizing agent, mending paste are just some of the things that Ohime places out on the small blanket as she sits down ready for selling goods for the day. It was raining previously and so she has found, this time, a small patch of elevated grass about 100ft from the main gate.

She is not alone out here. Many others who do not have the money to afford the permits and blessings of the inner walls of the city pawn their wares out here. In general, men and women avoid vendors in these places because they are less reputable, however, for someone like Ohime, she sells specialty goods that are very marked up in the city.

On this day, after finishing setting up, two ruffians, once again, seem to approach her. A moment later one of them kicks over one of the flasks she has just set up. The golden-eyed vishkanya looks up to him curiously as to why he's done such a thing.

"You've been warned before. The Mortaries (alchemist) guild doesn't appreciate you selling out here. If you want to be like everyone else and sell trinkets and other baubles, fine, but we don't want you undercutting our efforts by drawing our customers out here...This is your last warning."

With gentility, she reaches forward and returns the flask to where it once was. In a soft voice, unlike that of an elder woman, she speaks up through her mask.

"I made it clear that I'm within the confines of the law. Please, leave me alone."

Her words seem to be said in such a pleading way that the men struggle a moment to have willingness to continue before they recall who their bosses are and how they'd view their disobedience.

"The law doesn't care about you out here. We do. If you persist in selling, then we're going to have to put a tax on your goods...let's call it a 'safety tax'. It keeps you from seeing what it's like out here when you have no-one to help you."

"How much is this tax?" she asks with patience, however, in her heart and mind, she feels like blasting both of these men right here.

"We want 90% of your profit."

"I'm not going to give you a copper."

"Alright...I mean, if that's the way you want it. We also have instructions to make sure you comply no matter the cost...so...," he shrugs.

She can tell that things are coming to a head. What the morons in front of her don't know, is that because they've been there bothering her so much, each day she prepares and casts a chilling touch spell before they arrive. Today, as the men reach out for her in violence, from above, her hawk dives down and scratches the man's eyes. Upon his face there is glowing blue energy that crystalizes and he falls down unconscious. As that happens, his ally seems in shock, but Ohime is ready and reaches out to the other man. The same blue glow spreads across his face and his life energy seems to be sapped from him. Even his muscles seem to shrivel.

"Take your friend and go. Do not return. I went easy on you...," she threatens. As he flees with his friend being dragged down the road, she calmly sits back down and continues to put her wares out for the day.

SmooshieBanana wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

nice I like it

The consensus is in and we would like to invite brek and ohimie to join us. Thanks for applying all three of you it was a close decision.

Thank you!

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