Will scrying on a medusa turn you to stone?

Rules Questions

Question in title.

edit. nevermind.

Only if you're within 30 feet of her.

A gaze special attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes. The attack can have any sort of effect; petrification, death, and charm are common. The typical range is 30 feet, but check the creature’s entry for details.

From Scrying: You can observe a creature at any distance.

If there was specific verbiage saying the sensor appears right next to the creature, then I'd say yes, stoned wizard, but most likely the wizard would be safe.

(The medusa didn't have a specific range on its gaze, so I presume it's the default 30 feet.)

Given you can't cast flesh to stone (or anything else like that) through the scrying spell, I see no reason that such an effect would travel back through the link... so, no.

I had some players try to circumvent a mirror-labyrinth with arcane eye. There was an advanced, giant, half-fiend basalisk inside.
After a few long minutes of staring into the crystals atop his staff, the wizard cried out "a basalisk!" and turned to stone. His allies stared at the statue that was once their ally, and then, as one, at the cold, gleaming entrance to the maze.

--I think it works with arcane eye, given the spell's specific descriptor. But no, not automatically on all divinations with visual elements. The range between the gaze-er and the gaze-ee's sensor is the key.

A scrying spell not so much.... but a scrying item on the other hand.

Liberty's Edge

Kimera757 wrote:

A gaze special attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes. The attack can have any sort of effect; petrification, death, and charm are common. The typical range is 30 feet, but check the creature’s entry for details.

From Scrying: You can observe a creature at any distance.

If there was specific verbiage saying the sensor appears right next to the creature, then I'd say yes, stoned wizard, but most likely the wizard would be safe.

(The medusa didn't have a specific range on its gaze, so I presume it's the default 30 feet.)

Actually, there is such verbiage:

If the save fails, you can see and hear the subject and its surroundings (approximately 10 feet in all directions of the subject).

If you see only 10' around the creature, your sensor can't be further away from it than 10'.

That notwithstanding, I agree with pad300.

pad300 wrote:
Given you can't cast flesh to stone (or anything else like that) through the scrying spell, I see no reason that such an effect would travel back through the link... so, no.

Only if she's under the shower or taking a bath! That would actually reduce the chance of looking into the Medusa's eyes, but the gods will punish you for being a pervert!

You can observe fire through the Scrying spell without being burned, so I doubt her gaze attack carries through.

Mechanically speaking, as long as your body isn't within 30 feet of her, you're not affected, even if viewing through a scrying spell with a sensor that is within 30 feet.

Mythology-wise, it's like viewing her through a polished shield or a mirror. Both of which kept the viewer from being turned into stone.

Gaze Attacks wrote:
A gaze special attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes.

If the Medusa does not detect the Scrying, she cannot see the creature's eyes, and so cannot look at them.

If the Medusa does detect the Scrying, she sees the Scrying Sensor, not the creature's eyes, and so cannot look at them.

In neither case can the Medusa use her Gaze Attack on someone Scrying on her.

Liberty's Edge

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Gaze Attacks wrote:
A gaze special attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes.

If the Medusa does not detect the Scrying, she cannot see the creature's eyes, and so cannot look at them.

If the Medusa does detect the Scrying, she sees the Scrying Sensor, not the creature's eyes, and so cannot look at them.

In neither case can the Medusa use her Gaze Attack on someone Scrying on her.

It doesn't matter. The gaze attack happens when you look at the medusa eyes, there is no need for her to see you.

Gaze (SU) wrote:
This attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes.

Attacking creature = Medusa, Foe = the PC, so:

This attack takes effect when the PC look at the Medusa’s eyes.


Gaze (SU) wrote:

Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of her turn in the initiative order. Only looking directly at a creature with a gaze attack leaves an opponent vulnerable.

It is a passive attack that forces the PC to save on his turn.

What matters is the range and if the gaze can affect someone through a scrying spell.
For me the actual distance between the caster and the medusa is what matters, so, barring spying what is on the other side of a wall or similar situations, the caster is generally well beyond the range of the gaze.

Does literally anything else go both ways through your typical Scrying spell?

Gaze wrote:
Only looking directly at a creature with a gaze attack leaves an opponent vulnerable.

Scrying is about as indirect as it gets.

I'd note that some spells do work through scrying.
Normal Scrying only allows a 5% chance per CL of detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, and message working.

With Greater Scry it becomes guaranteed.

And the Medusas gaze is not a spell but rather a supernatural ability.

I think it's a real 50/50 call as whether it should work.

Personally as a GM I would probably say yes on Greater Scry, but require the equvalent of CL check for supernatural gaze abilities to function through a Scry.

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