If you could start an AP in Pathfinder with any 5 non artifact items of your choice, for free, what would you choose?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Assume you are going solo, so the GM takes mercy on you and lets you choose 5 items of your choice to start with, as long as they aren’t artifacts. What do you choose to get?

Assume no custom magic items, except for combining different preexisting items, but each item in the combined item counts separately despite being combined into one. This doesn’t count for already existing items that are combinations of other items, like a Belt of Physical Perfection. Those still only count as one item. Also assume that no matter how useful the items are, they are completely worthless for selling or trading, so you can’t just pick five (effective) +10/(effective) +10 shields to sell so you could grab many other items.

I’d choose a Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Headband of Mental Superiority +6, Wings of Flying, and a Ring of Regeneration merged with a Ring of Splendid Security.

Not the most interesting choices, yes, but I can fly (so even if I pick Fighter and never multiclass, I will be fine), heal a whole hit point every round (so if things get really bad, I can just fly up and heal a bit), have a +6 to every ability score right off the bat, and the Ring of Splendid Security gives a +5 deflection bonus to ac, a +5 resistance bonus to saves, and spell resistance 22, plus the ability to change the appearance of my gear (so I can make myself look like a peasant at all times, thus luring my enemies into a false sense of security, and I am pretty resistant to spells).

Again, not the most interesting, but hey, it is pretty useful at the end of the day.

Add the "tattoo" feature to the belt and headband, a +5 stat tome all stats, rod of wonder and freedom of movement to the ring.

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Some rope I guess.
Always need rope.

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Five PCs.

Java Man wrote:
Five PCs.

Yourself plus FOUR FRIENDS, what are your other 4 items?

For realz though, I wouldn't take the big 6 or anything simimlar.
They're all things you're gonna get eventually anyway. Sure you'll start with a big boost, but that either means you stomp through the first part of the campaign (which is gonna get boring) or your GM amps up the difficulty to match you (which means the bonuses you got were meaningless in the end).

I'd take some of those items that always seemed cool, but are overpriced. They're things you normally wouldn't take because the price seems too high. Even though you might end up saving less money than you would if you take a Belt of Physical Perfection, I know I'm less likely to actually buy the fun items because it's harder to justify them in my head.

To that end I'd look HERE for some inspiration.

(I'll try to come up with a list of 5 at some point)

An airship for starters. Everything else depends heavily on which character build I'm playing.

A fun combo would be a Rod of Many Wands and three wands of maximized magic missile.

I feel like one of the munchkin ways to cheat this scenario is getting things that are not "artifacts" but are so stupidly difficult to get they might as well be.

Example:Champion of the Gilded Host while technically not an artifact, it is incredibly difficult to create requiring the mythic crafter feats, a really high level, Mythic 6, and something thing like 500k to 1.6M gp. You are effectively getting Exodia from Yu-Gi-Oh (except it has snake tail for legs).

5 Rings of 3 Wishes?

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Another chalk

Sunblade would be particularly great to be able to build around if you could get one, especially a Large one, at low level. Lot of boring obvious answers; expensive stuff like Staff of Power would be great to have early.

+5 Dex Tome
+5 Con Tome
Diadem of the Kineticist
Portable Hole
Vril Staff

These are the things I never end up buying for my Kineticists, the cloak, belt, amulet, and rings are things I'm just going to buy. I want to have the toys. Also a portable hole.

The 5 most expensive items, sell any i dont want and use that to equip myself.

instant fortress.

planar keystone keyed for where you would like to set you fortress (and future kingdom) used for the next one.

this pack of cards (if you pick something bad just use command word, fail the save on purpose and then use the keystone to comeback). if gm give traits picking fortunate and try and convince gm to roll for the cards drawing (as opposed to drawing cards from a deck -so it work with the trait)

an armor that fit the character used with EVERY armor power enhancement that only cost gp (like greater energy resistance, for all 5 energies) that it can have (not including backfiring ones) and then other +10 enchantment to that (+5 and powers up to +5 more like invulnerability or something that match the character one play).

as mentioned above a splendid ring of splendid security.

Well, it depends on whether this is going to be an intentionally absurd campaign or just a case of the DM trusting you a whole bunch to not go off the rails.

If it's the former, then you want all the stuff that's mechanically strong, or just stuff that allows you to do cheesy exploits.

If it's the later, that's when things become a little more interesting. I'm going to pick stuff that, while powerful, mostly just makes things more interesting.

1-A scroll of Clone. You get one get-out-of-jail free card, as it pertains to death. This also has the amusing side effect of giving the DM license to be even more ruthless than normal. You would also be wise to keep all your non-essential gear off your person. AKA, if you have a +1 and +2 cloak of resistance, wear the +1 and keep the +2 in reserve.

2-A magic tattoo of "boots of teleportation". Keep a scroll or two of "transfer tattoo" next to your clone body once you can afford it.

3-Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod: If you're doing an AP alone, your action economy will seem insufficient at times, regardless of how smart you are about it. This serves as a panic button.

4-Instant Fortress. Or an Airship/Alchemical Dragon, depending on your taste. Apparatus of the Crab, if an Aquatic AP.

5-Something plot related. Maybe a Well of The Welcome Respite?

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