Tobert the Goblin FIghter


As a back up character for the campaign I am currently in I was thinking of putting together a goblin fighter. It is a large group and all roles are covered so I figured I would play something I can have some fun with. So here he is any comments and advice are welcome.

Tolbert Level 4 goblin fighter
25pt buy

str 13 (-2 racial)
dex 22 (+4 racial, +1 level)
con 13
int 13
wis 10
cha 7 (-2 racial)

Traits: Goblin Bravery (+1 attack against larger foes, and no allies adjacent with a non-reach weapon.) looking for ideas on the second trait, probably something to shore up will save.


1. Power Attack
FB1. Weapon Finesse
FB2. Dervish Dance
3. Combat Expertise
FB4. Improved Dirty Trick

Tolbert is obviously going to wield a scimitar, and I think that dirty trick would be lots of fun, especially coming from a goblin.

at 4th level he would have a +11 attack bonus with a master work scimitar and it would do 1d4+6(dex)+ could still powerattack as well. Not great but not horrible for a fourth level character.

Not exactly sure where to continue from here, so like I said any advice is appreciated.

Scarab Sages

I really like the Reposition feat, and I think it would go along kind of thematically too...

imagine being confronted by a nasty little grubby goblin fighter, who is so ferocious and used dirty tricks, that you "want" to get away from him...thus the reposition to another square. Used with Greater Reposition, it provokes AoO too, kinda sweet, esp if you have a rogue in the group.

I also like the Throw Anything feat for him...I imagine that in the little tribal life he knew, that anything could be used as a weapon...the slugs he was eating, the bowl they were in, the fork he used to get them out of the brine, the rock he used to open the jar with, or his mom's spatula that he was being hit with for breaking the jar of brined slugs. This works well with his high dex, too.

Good luck, goblins played right are amazingly fun little blokes.

Reposition does look interesting. I will have to put it in somewhere.

Was thinking this over a bit last night and what about this.

stats the same.

Level 4 Barb

Would take Urban Varient and also either Savage (beter ac, with such a high dex and the bonuses) or Invurenable Rager (DR good, cause I will get hit)

Feat selection would change, take weaponfinesse at 1st, Dervish Dance at 3rd, and Power attack at 5th.

I could use the rage to add +4 to my dex helping both hit, damage, and AC.

Not sure what Rage powers to take though. I just got this image of the little guy in Ace Ventura 2, who gets released from his little cage and goes all crazy on Ace :)

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