Darrell Lunari's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

It looks like Seattle will be banning gatherings of 250 or more people. Not sure how long it will last

Liberty's Edge

Can boon tokens be saved to following year?. Not sure I will have energy at 5am to go on 3hr bus ride to play 1 game and turn in tokens for a chance at a boon. Hot called in to work Sat & Sun night in Everett.

Liberty's Edge

Work called me in Sat & Sun night so will miss several games. Any plans for games after 1pm on Monday?

Liberty's Edge

Looks like I will be selling the ticket Friday or the 1st half of Sat before I leave for work.

Liberty's Edge

One of my my employers put me on schedule for Sat & Sunday evening. I am trying to get out of 1 or both nights but not certain. I know it is too late to get refund of the banquet. If I can't get out of my Sat night shift am I permitted to sell my banquet ticket or is putting it on event trade table my only option.
Regardless of job I still plan to attend all day Friday, 8-1 game Sat, and hopefully 8-1 game Monday.

Liberty's Edge

Two questions about the 2nd edition games.
1. As the book isn't released until September, is there a tip sheet we can review before hand to minimize gameplay delay or is this a learn as we go?
2. Will there be a Chronicle sheet or boon good for 2nd edition, a token toward boon table, or just playing for the fun and experience?

Liberty's Edge

Are the pre-gens the standard pathfinder pre-gens or specific/special. In case I need 1 as main and/or aids I would like to know the character some.

Liberty's Edge

Any word on registration and store hours or too early?

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for reposting but figured this spot is read more.

Are the premade characters the standard PFS pre-mades prevent only ones? I hope to have my 1st lvl 5 by game time so I will have 0 and characters and may even not have my 1st by then.

Community / Forums / Paizo / PaizoCon / [PaizoCon 2019] Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-98: Siege of Gallowspire (for levels 5-6, SOLDIER) - Sunday evening, 7:00-11:59 pm All Messageboards

Liberty's Edge

Are the premade characters the standard PFS pre-mades prevent only ones? I hope to have my 1st lvl 5 by game time so I will have 0 and characters and may even not have my 1st by then.

Liberty's Edge

1 please for David Tull. Will be there Friday morning.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you get a room at the DoubleTree there is upgrade option for $30 that has free self parking, free in room wifi, and free breakfast voucher. Their breakfast buffet is normally $23 for that meant $7 for parking and in room wifi.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know if it is too early if there is somewhere already to look for sharing/splitting the cost of a room. $130 plus tax for a room with 2 beds is a bit much for a single person.

Liberty's Edge

Just bought my tickets. Now hopefully find someone willing to splint room costs, splurge on my own room, travel to and from Everett by bus, or go 4 days with little to no sleep. lol Fun

Liberty's Edge

never mind it has been solved

Liberty's Edge

Is there an issue with the Paizocon page or store. I click add to cart on ticket and banquet but neither show in my cart. I click on event and it leads to non paizocon store page.

Liberty's Edge

Is this a hunt where late arrivals have lower chance to win or is this where everyone that completes the hunt wins somethi g.

Liberty's Edge

More readable now.
Name:David Tull
Beds Available:1
Nights Available:26th & 27th
Total Cost: $150

Liberty's Edge

What is the rule or guidelibe if we wish to drop a game late (such as of we find unscheduled activities like the Delvs I read about)

Liberty's Edge

Buy soda outside of seattle.

Liberty's Edge

It is not a regular retail location but as I heard Paizo will have some of their store there and maybe other vendors (live maybe Hero Lab) that retail is still a chance.

Liberty's Edge

How will the retail boon work. 1 receipt good for the whole day, for any single game the same day, or for the game immediate after purchase.

Liberty's Edge

I have a 2 queen-size bed reservation for Sat & Sun. My cost will be abt $258+taxes total (not counting optional add-ons). So I have a bed available for 2 nights for $150 + any add-on.

Liberty's Edge

Revision on my prior post. I will be there Fridat morning as registration will be closed when I get off work.

Liberty's Edge

What time is opening Friday. I wouldnt be able to make it till after 7pm Friday but I may try stopping by before I head to work.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure what this is but I will take a chance. Name is David Tull and I will arrive Friday evening.

Liberty's Edge

As I can not find one, here is a thread for people sharing or looking for shared rooms. Suggested post could be:

Seeking or Possessing room
Beds Available or needed:
Nights available or needed:

Liberty's Edge

Is there a forum area for people looking to split a room? $130+tax per night for a room that has 1 king or 2 queen beds is a bit much for just 1 person.

Liberty's Edge

I am creating a level 2 PFS Kitsune Unchained rogue (Chronicle boost gives me instant lvl 2). Current set up is

Str 8
Dex 16
Int 16
Con 13
Wis 14
Cha 12

Point Blank Shot - Precise Shot - Weapon Finesse

The general idea is a treasure hunting / archeologist rogue.

A lot of posts say bows are better than crossbows but I have a -1 Str. Should I stick with crossbows to avoid penalty, not be a ranged melee, or take a chance with bows. I am also debating on swapping Wis on Con. I like the +2 on Wis for perception but I know the +2 on Con would keep me alive a little longer

Any other tips are welcome

Liberty's Edge

I had no plan to lie. just that I am using to Assult on Absolom boon to start at lvl 2. His having been a slave he will be hesitant to revel more than he has to. Of course if any of the party completed the Assult I may mention that I may appear vaguely familiar. As a rogue I may not have much of a chance to use my DC bonus or have favored enemy.

Also I may want to try some light fun with the party in the beginning.

Liberty's Edge

I am creating a Kitsune Unchained Rogue. As a kitsune has human form and +10 disguise to appear human, would in be reasonable to suggest the GM have everyone roll to see if they notice anything, do nothing until I have reason to change and surprise them, or does PFS etiquette say I should tell my party during introductions. Will probably introduce him as a level 2 during House of Harmonious Wisdom.

Liberty's Edge

With the upcoming new faction Concordance of Elements dealing with elements planes, any idea if 1 or more of the elemental races will become open (not need a chronicle sheet)?

Liberty's Edge

I saw a blog post showing all 3 play staff coming to Emerald City Comic Con. Paizo though is not currently listed on the ECCC website or App and there is nothing on Warhorn. Is there any information available to about if there will be PFS or SFS games and schedules?

Liberty's Edge

I am creating a half-elf bard and came across an situation. I recall we can not not put more points into a skill than our hit die or level. But given that traits and other things give us free points I was wondering what the max number of skill points with bonuses.

Here is an example:
Inital point 1
Class Skill 3
16 Charisma 3
Skill Focus 3

Total 10

Is this right? I relize I could add more with traits and feats.

Liberty's Edge

As these seem to be from old factions am I am I able to use both Cleaver Wordplay and. Muscle of the Society for my Elf Investigator, only 1, or neither. These are from Pathfinder Society Primer. I am trying to choose my 2 traits but am out of cash after buying Core book, Advanced Class, Advanced Race, and Primer. My other trait intrest is Ancient Historian so I can have 2 ancient languages with 1 skill point spent.

Liberty's Edge

I am creating an Elf Investigator and am stuck with a choice. The first is choice between starting with Envoy Elf ( detect magic as sla) and have identify extracts or save for discerning wayfinder.