Any non-PFS Second Edition games out there?


I need to try PF2 at least a little bit before I discard it from personal use. So I'm trying to find a game of it.

Personal preferences: Light-hearted, perhaps even funny stories. Not really a fan of Always Evil races: prefer other methods of designating guiltless killing.

Fall of Plaguestone game there if you're interested. it might still be recruiting.

Ridge wrote:

Fall of Plaguestone game there if you're interested. it might still be recruiting.

The Title literally said "Non-PFS", so why link to a PFS game?

Souls At War wrote:
Ridge wrote:

Fall of Plaguestone game there if you're interested. it might still be recruiting.
The Title literally said "Non-PFS", so why link to a PFS game?

Ah, my apologies to Silvercat. I missed the PFS reference in that thread :(

Ridge wrote:
Ah, my apologies to Silvercat. I missed the PFS reference in that thread :(

It's okay: it's easy to miss if you just skim.

Thanks for understanding and I hope you find that nonPFS 2nd Ed game

Why non-PFS?

Watery Soup wrote:
Why non-PFS?

Because I'm not in PFS, have no interest in the things they give out, and don't want to take up a space from someone who does.

To address your concerns:

1. You don't have to be "in PFS." A GM can assign you a number and you can ignore it.

2. You don't have to accept any of the extraneous crap. Honestly, I ignore 95% of it and think 75% of it is more trouble than it's worth.

3. There's not a huge imbalance in supply/demand in the shorter scenarios. Admittedly, I think there is an imbalance in the multiyear Adventure Paths, but I doubt that's what you want.


What you're giving up by excluding PFS:

1. The majority of games run on these forums are PFS games, and the majority of games you will be able to find without a connection to home game are PFS games.

2. PFS games are self-contained, require nothing going in, and require nothing to walk away from. Quests are 1 hour F2F / 2 weeks PbP; Scenarios are 4 hours F2F / 6-8 weeks PbP. They're virtually perfect for someone who wants to give it a single shot.

3. PFS scenarios are written to be fairly balanced within a large, heterogeneous player pool. This means unoptimized characters have high survivability and there's a chance for everyone to contribute no matter their class or experience.


What you're giving up by including PFS:

1. A few of the character options allowed in the rule books are not allowed in PFS.


I would give PFS consideration.

If you want, I can PM you the next time I start a PFS2 campaign (probably mid-April?). I will secretly assign you a PFS number, help you build a character or select a pregen, and throw your Chronicle with all the rewards into the trash so you can pretend you're not "in PFS."

Watery Soup wrote:

What you're giving up by excluding PFS:

1. The majority of games run on these forums are PFS games, and the majority of games you will be able to find without a connection to home game are PFS games.

to be honest, that part is rather recent.

and your points are mainly for players, less for GMs.

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I asked for non-PFS, please respect that.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
I asked for non-PFS, please respect that.

Sure. Best of luck.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
I asked for non-PFS, please respect that.

Sorry for the thread near-derailment.

Also looking for a non-PFS PF2 game...

Dark Archive

I am also looking for a non-PFS game. Why not we all work together and get one started?

*Redshirt* wrote:

I am also looking for a non-PFS game. Why not we all work together and get one started?

We'd need someone to GM.

I'm not going to do it: I absolutely hate GMing.

There's a new Extinction Curse recruitment.

Thanks for the headsup Joana!

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If there is interest, I would be willing to run an Age of Ashes campaign, though my experience play PF2 is limited.

Oh I can tell you that you'd definitely find interest. That won't be an issue. It just boils down to if you really want to run a PF2 game. DM'ing is tough. I can only imagine it being even more so of a game to where you possess limited knowledge. Heck it's a struggle to play a game with limited knowledge much less DM. :P

But I can promise you that you will NOT be short applicants at all, bud.

At this point I've made two characters for AoA games that did not get in, so maybe third time would indeed be the charm. :)

I'd love to play in an Age of Ash game if the opportunity presented itself.

GMJester wrote:
If there is interest, I would be willing to run an Age of Ashes campaign, though my experience play PF2 is limited.

My experience is entirely limited, which is why I’m looking for a game. I have the Core Rulebook, and like the rules a lot, those I understand intuitively - others not so much. I’m playing an RL game nominally run by my 9 year old son, but I’m the one running the actual game mechanics. Any more experience I can get will help a lot.

I’m already au fait with the UTEML numbers, but have little to no experience with spells and various success/failure consequences. Some of the actions and options might take a little time to get used to. Most of my disability comes from rusted-on PF1 assumptions/habits.

If you do run an Age of Ashes recruitment GM Jester, please link us here. I’m sure gaining experience with the ruleset will be enjoyable for all involved.


I'd be interested in an Age of Ashes Game as well.

ok, I will get a thread started sometime in the near future, and we will see what comes of it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

New Recruitment

After some time to consider, I've decided I'm not really interested in a PF2E game after all.

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