Inactive Campaign

Customer Service

Hi. I was playing a PF2 game on these boards, but the GM left. Now the campaign is still listed as one of my active campaigns, but it is in fact inactive (and has been for months).

Is there any Paizo staff/moderator I can ask to either (a) mark the campaign as inactive or (b) make me/Hanako an inactive player/character in that campaign?


華子: Hanako wrote:
Is there any Paizo staff/moderator I can ask to either (a) mark the campaign as inactive or (b) make me/Hanako an inactive player/character in that campaign?

I guess there is not. Or, far more likely, ^this is not the best way to ask.

Is it not a common issue on these boards? (GM
leaves campaign; campaign remains on one's Active Campaign list, cluttering said list.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Old games will automatically go inactive three months after the most recent post in the Gameplay thread -- so January 4th for this particular game.

Paizo staff can (and have in the past) hurry abandoned games into inactive status before three months have passed through requests in this subforum, but they've been understaffed for a while now.

Oh, thanks, Joana! As long as it goes away by itself, that's good enough for me!

So I take it if another player from this abandoned campaign were to, say, post in-game today to bump the campaign so he can mark it inactive... that would reset the three-month clock, wouldn't it?

Yes. And I presume what he's actually doing is hiding the campaign on his account; that makes it invisible on his Campaigns tab but doesn't move it to the Previous Campaigns list.

Joana wrote:
what he's actually doing is hiding the campaign on his account

Weird… if I’m able to do that at all, I can’t hide active campaigns on my iPad (or iPhone).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You have to do it from the Play-by-Post subforum, which is why the other player bumped the thread to the top to find it.

If you look at the forum, you'll see at the far right of the screen, next to the Last Post information for each thread, a symbol like this: ∅. If you click on that it will hide the thread -- make it disappear from your view, both on the subforum screen and on your Campaigns tab. If you ever want to find it again, you'll have to click the "SHOW ∅" option at the top of the list of threads, next to Forum Search, which will make your hidden threads reappear, albeit grayed out. Then, you can click the ∅ again to unhide it.

Awesome! That worked way better than my plan to tolerate the campaign's presence for another 89 days!

Thanks for the tip, Joana. (And bonus: now I know what those Ghostbuster-thingies are for.)

Paizo Employee Director of Technology

Moved to Customer Service after chatting with them. :)

Customer Service Representative

Hello Hanako!

I'm glad that you found another way to hide the campaign so it wasn't always visible to you. I am also able to make that campaign inactive, so I have done so. That should keep it away for good. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

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