What do mimics look like when they aren't copying anything?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I have always wondered about this.

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This is an image from Dungeon Denizens Revisited:

https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pathfinder/images/2/27/Mimic.jpg/revisi on/latest?cb=20090323120410

I always pictured them as a sort of "firm" ooze. And what's weird is i was thinking about that just about an hour ago.

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Rusty and co has a mimic as one of the main characters.

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I tend to imagine it as whatever it last formed as. So if you're sneaky enough, you might find a treasure chest, snoring slightly. :)

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No one knows. Not even mimics. Because they're never not copying something.
From the huge, ancient mimic that looks like a stagecoach or a gazebo to the tiny baby one that looks like a nice evening glove.

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I always figured they copied something nearby when 'born'.

The last one my players ran into was a 'row boat'. About halfway across the large underground lake it revealed itself adhering the characters to its 'benches' and demanding a bit of treasure or it would toss them into the dark, cold waters.

I figured they turned into something like a nesting doll for procreation and that they acquired something similar to their parent's form as their natural form.

Kayerloth wrote:
I always figured they copied something nearby when 'born'.

That appears to be the case, at least with Paizo's mimics. The image linked above by Adjoint is a larval mimic.

Bloodrealm wrote:
Kayerloth wrote:
I always figured they copied something nearby when 'born'.
That appears to be the case, at least with Paizo's mimics. The image linked above by Adjoint is a larval mimic.

The one in the pic doesn't look like any object to me, just like a weird slimy thing.

I reckon they start out as such a thing when they're in a larval stage before they start copying the forms of other things as they age.

They look just like the mimics from the Prey video game. I wanna do a Prey campaign at some point, just mimics everywhere.

Silly putty

Based on the description of house hunters. I always imagined that they are a sort of hermit crab. They find an object to "live inside of" until they out grow it, then they have to find something new to subsume and occupy.

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Yqatuba wrote:
Bloodrealm wrote:
Kayerloth wrote:
I always figured they copied something nearby when 'born'.
That appears to be the case, at least with Paizo's mimics. The image linked above by Adjoint is a larval mimic.
The one in the pic doesn't look like any object to me, just like a weird slimy thing.

Exactly. That's what they look like before they mimic something, and I don't think they ever return to that form.

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