Late Night Forum with Vidmaster7

Off-Topic Discussions

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Don't be gross what's in your head man? I meant that they can suck my lemon.

Don't be jealous 'cause I'm nekkid, just strip down and join the fun kid

I don't like where that lead. We might have to put you in club med I think if you lose you head. maybe maybe not but let it be said.

It went where it did, don't flip your lid.

I see what you did, I know you like to kid but things are getting to loose with all this talk like Dr. Seuss.

Like Dr. Seuss? You little goose. My rhymes are illin' like Bob Dylan.

If you want the real fun fun just call in the pun pun.
I know all the ways to make the villagers run run while I hang out in the sun sun.
Oh did you think I was done done? Naw I got skills by the ton ton.
I just leave them all stun stun, when I hit them with that sweet sweet hun hun.

You think you're all that don't you, Pun-Pun? But you wouldn't last a second if facing Bun-bun.

I do need to read that comic.

I used to read it. I probably stopped 6 or 7 years ago.

I should also go back and reread 8 bit theater.

Also I just wanted to say that I feel pun pun did not get enough credit for that. he was spittin fire.

Pun-pun may have been spitting fire, but all he did was draw some ire.

OMG just spend an hour and a half helping this old women and her ex-husband book a room online. (because it needed to be on her ex who wasn't with her was paying and anyways) it was a whole thing. I'm exhausted now. HE was slow doing everything and he didn't respond to me much made it on the wrong night the first time so I told him to go ahead and book it on the right then cancel the other but he did it in the wrong order so by the time he was ready to make a new one. it was after 12 and gran knows how that can be a problem. I got it worked out though. I thought she was gonna fall asleep in my lobby though.

I have to say I'm sorry Vid, that into that mess you went and slid.

I'm gonna go eat my lunch, I'mma do it with a crunch.
I hope a bunch that no one else gets a hunch to bother me.

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OOH! We likes lunches, yes we do! Can we come and have some too?
If you say no, we'll scream and shout! Then run around and f&+@ about.
We'll be sure you get no peace, so go ahead and share your feast.

*2d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8 Slaadlings look at Vidmaster7 hungrily*

I rolled an 8, such happy luck. Although for you, it may just suck.

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These slaadlings make me leer. I will take them out with trap and spear!

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We have spears, and magic helmets. Also, we know a guy named Helmut.

*2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 Slaadlings brandish breadsticks, tin foil hats, and a German dude*

IS their room In this rhyme battle for DOOM?
I will prepare your tombs!
Because Now destruction does Loom!
I will leave you all in Gloom!
You will wish you had stayed in the womb!

I will hit you with some BOOM!
Then you're brain will go all FOOM!
My mighty fists will be like VROOM!
And prove that you are only HUM-an.

*clack clack* *cl cl cl clack clack clack*
*clack cl clack*

That there looks like a big ol' crawdaddy!
I'll have to eat it with some slaw, Maddy!
Hold up while I get my mallet,
Then I'll feel you on my pallet.

Though it may be the opposite to what you intend, oh!
I must remark that your last post had a strong whiff of 'double entendre', or 'innuendo'
And I would also advise you to put your mallet away,
As it is rather conspicuous in the clear light of day.
Also, do not invite crabs to your sleeping mat,
There are laws against that.


There was once an Allen named Tim,
Who played a handyman funny though dim.
Post a film role as St. Nick,
Was wacked by primate John Wick,
And now that Monkey is Santa, yes Virgin(ia)

That's the spirit!

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
The sirens are calling, but the ocean won't speak.
When leaves are all falling, the syrup does leak.
The feeling is galling, and the bones loudly creak.

Did you make that up? (obviously not the first line)
I sounds like it is from something. IF not kudos on that one.

You have put me in an awkward position.
I believe it to be an original composition.
But you have made you unsure of it's source.
So I'll claim it as mine, though I could be wrong of course.

Do I hear coughin? I'll prepare another coffin.
doctor calling for death? I know the guy I call him seth.
I just heard her, what's that you think it was a murder?
they see me at a wake. they think I'm a snake
but I don't unmake, I don't rake, I'm not gonna bake you a cake.
I just take.

I'll soon be taking a bride, so don't give me the Last Ride.
I'm certainly no fool, don't take me to Old School.
I didn't hassle the crone, so don't give me a Tombstone.

(Those are moves done by The Undertaker, if you were confused.)

No no I used to watch wrestling back in the 90's I know his moves.

Another reader might not be familiar, they might just think that I'm being sillier.

I think at this point everyone Knows you are silly. Just like they know the Appalachians are hilly.

The Appalachians ain't no Rockies, as sure as Canadians love the hockeys.

The Exchange

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I think a climb clinic is what I need.
Being shown a proper beta I reached the top indeed.

My mind can't comprehend the moves quite well,
But my body can carry them out, Swell!

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A rare sight to see, a cat that rhymes!
Even more amazing, watch as she climbs.
To the top of wall, with the greatest of ease.
Avoiding the pitfalls, sand traps, and fleas.
From the peak of the apex, she'll cry "I'm atop of you!"
Like the heroine from the book Iwa-Kakeru!

I'm assuming the heroine says something like that.
I haven't read and/or watched it, but it will come up to bat.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On a wall there should only be one,
Since if someone falls on you, you're done.

And in clothings that bare your forepaws you should climb,
Since anything with sleeves would affect your mobility and be a waste of time.

But your hindpaws covered up they should be,
For rocks can be very sharp and grazes come easy.

Hi, everyone!

Sovereign Court

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I was on Vidmaster7's talk show, nice to back and that you've been having fun. Really do hope that Vidmaster7 wins a Peabody Award for this.

So anyway, I was perusing YouTube (watching my favourites mostly) and I get a suggestion to watch a minute and a half video for something called "Power Rangers Rail Rescue Force". Naturally, I was thinking to myself "well this is clearly fan made, might be worth a quick laugh though". Interestingly enough, though it was fan made (as far as the intro song and title are concerned) I learnt that the actual footage is from the Super Sentai show. Because of this, it got me wondering about other things that fans have adapted and which shows would you pick?

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Wasn't all episodes of the original Power rangers directly grabbed from Super Sentai Show? Fan made could probably do as well as the original at this point.

I think one of the best fan adapted shows was DBZ Abridged. I don't know if that counts but I like their version better then the original.

If I could have any show remade by fans it would be Reboot. That spin-off thing that came out awhile ago was awful but I would like to see the original continue or some such.

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Just a Mort wrote:

On a wall there should only be one,

Since if someone falls on you, you're done.

And in clothings that bare your forepaws you should climb,
Since anything with sleeves would affect your mobility and be a waste of time.

But your hindpaws covered up they should be,
For rocks can be very sharp and grazes come easy.

Well how about that. Good skills little cat.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone!

Hey John.

I think at this point I just have to laugh to not fall into unreasonable rage.

The people that crack me up are the ones that are wearing the mask but pull it down to talk to you. *sigh* were doomed.

Sovereign Court

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Sorry for correcting you, but it's we're doomed. I do agree with you though, people like that are just plain ridiculous. Then again, this pandemic has shown us just which members of the general public are taking things seriously and which are being total morons (particularly those who didn't send their kids to school but still took them to a crowded beach just because the weather was nice).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Sorry for correcting you, but it's we're doomed.

Please don't apologize for your behavior, and then forge ahead and do that behavior. It makes you look insincere.

I see you're new here.

The man is completely indifferent to homonyms. Years of pedantic corrections have not changed his posts at all.

At least in his own thread, let him spell things however works for him.

That interaction cracked me up. thank you both for that.

Sovereign Court

You're welcome. Also, I had to apologise as I (very sadly) am the sort of person who gets really annoyed when words are either misspelled or mispoken, which is made worse because I have a communication disability.

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well I am probably gonna do again. possibly frequently. Its almost like my hand writing.

CrystalSeas wrote:
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Sorry for correcting you, but it's we're doomed.

Please don't apologize for your behavior, and then forge ahead and do that behavior. It makes you look insincere.

I see you're new here.

The man is completely indifferent to homonyms. Years of pedantic corrections have not changed his posts at all.

At least in his own thread, let him spell things however works for him.

Like anything with the name "Homonym" could be a real thing

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