For those who don't know Quantium isn't a material, it's the name of the city they guard. So what are they made of?
Nobody knows. The only wizard known to have created them (Nex) went missing and took the process of their creation with him. It's not like anyone can go up to them and chip a piece off to study it.
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Quantum Golems are made of Infinity Stones.
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Lord Fyre wrote: Quantum Golems are made of Infinity Stones. Yeah, don't let them snap their fingers....
They are described as being metallic. The DR is weak to adamantine, so it’s probably not made of adamantine. It could be just about any other metal though.
Melkiador wrote: They are described as being metallic. The DR is weak to adamantine, so it’s probably not made of adamantine. It could be just about any other metal though. Adamantine-clad creatures also have DR/adamantine.
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Cats that are simultaneously dead and alive.
Bold of you to assume that Quantatum can't be the name of a City, AND a Material.
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Quantium golems are made of pure cheese.
I don't see why they can't be made of a bunch of different things, like Alchemical golems are.
Stone Golems are made out of stone.
Flesh Golems are made out of flesh.
Adamantine Golems are made out of adamantine.
Therefore, it stands to reason that Quantium Golems are made out of Quantium. I could easily see Nex pulling a version of his capital city out of another dimension with the express purpose of turning it into a golem.
Are alchemical golems made out of "alchemical"? Are Ioun Golems made out of Ioun stones? Is "junk" a specific material we make junk golems out of?
If we're going off of the ridiculously OP epic level "Immortals Handbook" bestiary from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, then yes. Ioun Golems are made of ioun stones.
TheGreatWot wrote: If we're going off of the ridiculously OP epic level "Immortals Handbook" bestiary from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, then yes. Ioun Golems are made of ioun stones. We have a Pathfinderized one in Pathfinder #126. In order to construct one you need 2,000 lbs of the finest brass, silver, and platinum worth 70,000 GP and six unique ioun stones. So suffice to say they are not mostly made of Ioun Stones.
It's my understanding that standards of golem construction are a lot less advanced than they used to be (before earthfall etc.). So it's possible that "make a golem out of just one material" is just the primitive "Golems 101" method. If a wizard were to combine different materials that resonate constructively with each other, you can probably make better golems.
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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Frankly, all I can think about now is some ancient wizard lamenting the degradation of golem quality. Just don't build em like they used to.
As one golem is red and the other green, I think copper is likely there in some amount.
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I wonder why their DR is specifically adamantine and bludgeoning instead of just adamantine? This is pretty unusual for a golem as far add I can tell.
Are they secretly liches? Maybe Nex and Geb are the same person? Maybe... the Earthfall was an inside job... *shifty eyes*
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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
I think Quantium is a substance, and that the city was named after the local quantium mines.
Quantium itself is probably an alloy of unobtainium and handwavium. ;)
I mean, there are brass golems but brass is not a naturally occuring substance (it is an alloy of copper and zinc) - you cannot mine for brass.
So even if quantium is a specific metal, it could just be a complicated alloy of a bunch of rare metals, or perhaps some even more advanced magical materials engineering..
Maybe it's some sort of refined quintessence. Quintessence is "glasslike" and Nex was known to travel throughout the planes. Soulstuff infused with elemental magic sounds like a pretty great material to make golems out of. It's got the same CR as the quintessence golem.
Why couldn't you break off a sample to analyze? You'd just have to be really brave and have a teleport contingency handy.
Yqatuba wrote: Why couldn't you break off a sample to analyze? You'd just have to be really brave and have a teleport contingency handy. So if you, personally were handed a piece of material which (unknown to you) was an 80/20 mixture of Tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide, how precisely would you go about figuring that out? Presumably you'd have to rely on someone who already has the theoretical basis to understand what that is and how it can be differentiated from other things; but what if there was no such person?
Like sure Golarion has some real smart people with real high skill checks who nonetheless cannot figure out the wonders of a lost age (e.g. the flying cities of Shory).
Well obviously Nex had to know what they were made of or he couldn't have made them. And even if he's gone there's gotta be someone on the planet smart enough to figure it out.
Quantium, of course, is made of quantum-matter. Which explains, why, of all things, it is vulnerable to adamantine.
(read in a snobbish English accent)
I like the idea that, once his capital city was built, Nex built those two golems out of bits and pieces of the entire city itself. So he didn't need elementals to power them; they run entirely on Quantium's dependence upon them. Sustainable, and cruelty-free!
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