
Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So I might be needing a new character for Rise of the Runelord. My question deals with number of attacks. According to the rules you need Quick Draw to throw a weapon as quickly as you use a bow. Now you get two weapon fighting which now gives you 2 total attacks a round. Now you take Rapid Fire which adds a third. Now you become a Ninja which at second level gives you the option of spending Ki to get an extra attack. So my math says four attacks with the feats and class mentioned. Am I right?

Yup. If you've got no special attack bonuses enjoy your flurry of misses (4 attacks at -4.)

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Derek Dalton wrote:
According to the rules you need Quick Draw to throw a weapon as quickly as you use a bow.

That's not actually true - nothing in the rules prevent you from macking a full attack with throwing weapons if you have some other method of getting them into your hands.

Derklord wrote:
Derek Dalton wrote:
According to the rules you need Quick Draw to throw a weapon as quickly as you use a bow.
That's not actually true - nothing in the rules prevent you from macking a full attack with throwing weapons if you have some other method of getting them into your hands.

True. Ninjas are even proficient with shuriken.

avr wrote:
Yup. If you've got no special attack bonuses enjoy your flurry of misses (4 attacks at -4.)

On top of that, thrown weapons have rather short range increments, so the penalties may just be getting started. (No mention of Precise Shot, either, so if they are in melee...)

Quick Draw does state you need it to throw your weapons a if firing a bow. The character idea I'm working on is a Card caster Magus. Wuth a decent att bonus -4 isn't that bad.

Derek Dalton wrote:
Quick Draw does state you need it to throw your weapons a if firing a bow.

First, no, it doesn't, it says with it you can make full attack, not that you can't make them without it, and second, feat text doesn't dictate the general rules. The rules say you can make a full attack. Unless something prevents you from doing so, you can.

Seriously, the CRB is usually presuming the most vanilla case possible (for instance, that's why Animal Fury presumes you are using it alongside manufactured weapons, period). If you want to make a thrown full attack with daggers as a 15th level Rogue, using CRB only material, you need Quick Draw, so that's what the feat refers to.

Shuriken are considered ammunition and so are drawn as a free action, like arrows, even without Quick Draw.

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Derek Dalton wrote:
Quick Draw does state you need it to throw your weapons a if firing a bow. The character idea I'm working on is a Card caster Magus. Wuth a decent att bonus -4 isn't that bad.

You don't need Quickdraw for a Card Caster using the Deadly Dealer feat.

Deadly Dealer wrote:
A spellcaster with this feat can enhance a deck of cards as though it were a ranged weapon with 54 pieces of ammunition.

Under Combat:

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon wrote:
Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action.


I missed the quote about ammunition. Because to use two weapon fighting with thrown weapons you do need quickdraw. Now add Rapid hot you need to draw and throw three weapons a round which you cannot do for normal thrown weapons. It's a Move action. Quick Draw allows you to do this in combat. My plan is to throw two cards a round most times.

Derek Dalton wrote:
I missed the quote about ammunition. Because to use two weapon fighting with thrown weapons you do need quickdraw. Now add Rapid hot you need to draw and throw three weapons a round which you cannot do for normal thrown weapons. It's a Move action. Quick Draw allows you to do this in combat. My plan is to throw two cards a round most times.

Sort of. Except shurikens for exmaple are thrown weapons that count as ammunition, as do the cards for card casters. So you don't need quickdraw, assuming you pick up deadly dealer.

Derek Dalton wrote:
to use two weapon fighting with thrown weapons you do need quickdraw.

No. You can start out with a weapon in each hand and throw them, you don't need any feat or class feature for that.

Derek Dalton wrote:
Now add Rapid hot you need to draw and throw three weapons a round which you cannot do for normal thrown weapons. It's a Move action. Quick Draw allows you to do this in combat.

You may need Quick Draw to get the weapons in hand, but not for the actual throwing. There are other methods to get weapons in hand - like the mentioned "throwable ammunition", a Sharding weapon, and Gloomblade Fighter with Gloomstorm. All of these (and technically Ricochet Toss, although it has Quick Draw as a prereq because the writer misunderstood the rules) allow one to make a full attack for multiple attacks without using Quick Draw.

I do have Deadly Dealer. I'm planning on an Alchemist Magus Card Caster combination.

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