Items for an auction of evil


PCs may attend an auction where a servant of Mammon is auctioning off interesting items. They'll be after one item in particular... but I want to build out the catalog. Parameters:

1) Value between 5,000 and 50,000 gp.

2) Does not weigh more than 50 lbs. (Items are delivered by teleporting devils.) Note that information can be an item.

3) No ordinary magic items. I mean, a +2 sword has a fixed value, yeah? So it's not really a suitable item for an auction.

4) Stuff that is creepy or disturbing, or anyway odd and unusual, is good. It's an auction run by Team Evil, and the bidders will probably be a pretty louche crowd.


Doug M.

I'd just look the a list of (evil) minor artifacts or cursed items.

Silver Crusade

I'd go with the body of a holy figure, transported under Shrink Item, perfect for necromancers who want a fallen saint leading their undead armies.

A litter of hellhound puppies. Proof that evil can still be cute.

What about contracts for slaves or assassinations? You could have bodies, parts of bodies or even items crafted from good alighted creatures e.g. body lyrakien azata, metallic dragon scales, Angelskin armour, Unicorn's Blackened Horn etc.

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You could use existing items and describe them all creepy.


A Varisian Tattoo (31,000gp) -- A piece of flesh carved off of a Varisian caster. May be attached to a spellcaster to give a +1 to caster level (as an Orange Prism Ioun stone) and allows the caster to use the Mage Hand cantrip at will

A complete set of Minor Shadow Piercings (19750gp) -- Tastelessly carved into shapes of demons dangling from the wearer's skin by various methods. These are sold as a set and include the following: Vrock (Suspension Piercing) -- Constant Feather Fall; Succubus and Incubus (Chest Piercing) -- +2 profane bonus on saves against effects that cause the dazed, nauseated, and sickened conditions; Many Larvae with their bodies twisted into spikes (Body Piercing) -- +2 competence bonus to CMD against grappling attempts; A septum piercing which is a tiny Glabrezu head connected by a pincer claw (Head Piercing) -- The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks; A whispy Shadow Demon eyebrow piercing (Eye Piercing) -- The wearer gains low-light vision. If the wearer already has low-light vision, the ability’s range is doubled

Also, there are some neat Fetishes ( and Demonic Implants ( to browse.

Not sure about auction pieces, but each table at the auction should have a complimentary bowl of kittens. They're delicious.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

3) No ordinary magic items. I mean, a +2 sword has a fixed value, yeah? So it's not really a suitable item for an auction.

An off-the-rack +2 sword has a fixed value, but maybe it was the family blade of a famous paladin and this is proof of their demise. Even mundane items owned by the right person (royalty, powerful merchants, etc.) could be valuable for things like Scrying.

Claxon wrote:
I'd just look the a list of (evil) minor artifacts or cursed items.

Those have fixed prices.

Val'bryn2 wrote:
I'd go with the body of a holy figure, transported under Shrink Item, perfect for necromancers who want a fallen saint leading their undead armies.

That's closer. Maybe the location of the lost saint's body. A team of good clerics or paladins shows up, bidding in order to prevent the blasphemous desecration of a holy relic...

Decimus Drake wrote:
What about contracts for slaves or assassinations?

Slave auctions are their own thing. Different flavor, not what I'm going for here. Assassinations, there are guilds for that.

You could have bodies, parts of bodies or even items crafted from good alighted creatures e.g. body lyrakien azata, metallic dragon scales, Angelskin armour, Unicorn's Blackened Horn etc.

That's the right general sort of idea, but I think I need it turned up a bit. I mean, you can probably buy Gold Dragon-scale armor in any non-good-aligned city, no? The local good clerics might be appalled but the merchant council that runs the city just shrugs. I'm looking for stuff that's a little more... outre.

Doug M.

Not sure if it's in the price range, but certainly a gem containing a live, trapped soul (especially one of a non-evil being) certainly qualifies as evil. The value of the gem itself is 1,000 GP per HD of the creature -- but what's the value of the soul within?

This is actually something I plan to auction off in my own campaign, though not as a piece of "evil" per se but just an item found in some eccentric person's collection after their death.

To be clear, while the items don't have to be illegal as such, they should be things that can't just be bought at Ye Olde Magic Shoppe or whipped up by a friendly wizard with Craft Wondrous Whatever. Otherwise, why go to the trouble of an auction?

Here's one example: the catalog will probably include a Mi-Go Brain Extractor. Pathfinder doesn't have this statted up! Sandy Peterson did in his Cthulhu Mythos book, but that's not canon. TBF, Pathfinder does have the Mi-Go Brain Cylinder, which preserves the extracted brains and lets them see, hear and speak. But the device for getting the brain out in the first place? Not canon. (The auction won't include a Brain Cylinder. Once you've got that brain extracted, you're on your own. No refunds, all sales are final.) So it doesn't have a fixed price, and it's creepy enough that it would probably be illegal most places, and weird enough that you couldn't just make one.

That's the sort of thing I'm after. Anyone?

Doug M.

Ultrace wrote:
Not sure if it's in the price range, but certainly a gem containing a live, trapped soul (especially one of a non-evil being) certainly qualifies as evil. The value of the gem itself is 1,000 GP per HD of the creature -- but what's the value of the soul within?

Yes yes exactly. I am absolutely going to have at least one soul gem, with the specifically named soul of some celebrity or hero. Again, you get relatives or former comrades in arms bidding to save the soul from destruction, and you get evil characters bidding to acquire it for the soul trade. It's good because it allows some wiggle room -- just how great a soul was the late departed, /really/? The more powerful and noble and heroic you believe they were, the more you're willing to bid...

Bonus points because it allows for the Hellish auctioneer to cheat while playing within the rules, because maybe the hero or celebrity had a hidden, secret sin that will damn them. So buying the gem to release the soul accomplishes nothing, while for the soul trade it's distinctly damaged goods. No refunds, all sales are final!

So that's two.

Doug M.

You could have modified zombies up for auction. They are plague zombies except instead of the normal zombie plague they possess other kinds of diseases. For example

This group of 20 zombies all are all infected with Bloody End. This group of 18 zombies are all infected with Gore Worms. This lot of 30 zombies are all infected with Scarlet Leprosy. etc.

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  • Clipping of Mammon: "A true relic, worthy of any collection, but the Argent Prince has made it clear these are meant to be used for profit and acquisition of more wealth! I, of course, am auctioning it to such a goal!"
    Mammon has no physical form, so this golden, crescent sliver is no fingernail, but is said to be a trimming from a coin of his hoard. Whether really from the archdevil or not (the powers imbued into it prevent and interfere with trying to use it for any purpose linked to its original source, such as scrying or even make whole-esque attempts), if this clipping is dropped into a pile or bag of at least 100 gp and one pint of its user's blood, it creates a loyal homunculus-like servant, resembling a tiny figure made of stacked gold coins (bearing Mammon's image, if examined). This is just the creature's appearance, it is not actually made of gold or coins (those went straight to Mammon). This homunculus will serve its creator loyally until destroyed or for one month and one day.

    The construct has typical homunculus statistics except its bite attack is a curse effect that requires a Will save once per minute for 60 minutes or until two consecutive saves are made in a row. On a failed save, the affected target is forced to consume gold in value equal to 1 gp or suffer wracking pain and be nauseated until they do so. Multiple failures without consuming gold cause the required value to stack and adds a requirement to any attempts to remove, negate, or mitigate the effect, such as with remove curse to require the gold as an additional casting component that cannot be ignored. This does not increase the victim's save DC, however. The curse causes any consumed gold in the creature's system to immediately dissolve away (it goes to Mammon). Clerics and priests of Mammon are immune to this effect.

    Additionally, it can always identify false or enchanted coins by touch to determine the true value of the coin (only coins) and, if within 5 feet of its creator, it grants a +2 bonus to Appraise checks and any Charisma-based skill used to increase its creator's profit or wealth directly (ie. Diplomacy, Bluff, or Intimidate if haggling, or Perform if earning income). These bonuses do not stack with any granted by familiars, however.

    Likely unknown to its creator, it also functions as an enter image focus for Mammon from any distance and location and any priest or cleric of Mammon using that spell is aware of and can observe (but not enter) it from twice the normal range.

  • The [Something]-Dynasty Vase of Emperor [Whomever]: "When created, it's said this immense porcelain vase was the purest ivory. Now, you can see that it is entwined with delicate, winding stems and leaves. The Emperor [Whomever] of the ancient [Something] Dynasty is said to have created it to watch the blooming and blossoming of his family line and children. As you know, such a man had many wives and concubines and the leaves and trails spread wildly from the base up nearly two-thirds of its height, growing and sprouting with each child and grandchild. It is a known fact, that some of these leaves and stems are still seen growing to this day, though it often takes a year of observation to note. It is said, that if one can decipher the code and follow the right stem, each leaf will identify the Emperor's descendant. There are even some with a claim to that dynasty to this day! Such knowledge could be valuable in the right hands..."
    This vase's abilities are as described above (weighing 50 lbs or less for your demon-carrying delivery purposes). Magical attempts to decipher the vase's secrets fail, though it is clearly magic to such attempts. It was a gift to the Emperor from a god or gods and, while not indestructible is quite resistant to being damaged or defaced and such attempts typically lead from misfortune to disaster for the offender, depending on the severity of the act.

    The dynasty might be long gone, leaving any current descendants as merely curiosities, or it could be still going, with its current ruling lineage perhaps in danger of being threatened by one or more identified descendants of closer lineage to the original Emperor. Possibly the current dynasty could be threatened by a legitimate heir of the past dynasty. How the buyer uses it (and deciphers the vines and leaves, which should take a quest and long study and research) is up to them.

  • The Scales of Purchased Destiny: "Yes, your ears do not deceive you! I am offering you the fabled relic that tips Fate and Luck to its owner's favor for a simple consideration of wealth! The scales always balance in the end, but a wise and cunning buyer will be able to reap the rewards and minimize their risks."
    These merchant scales have one weighted tray that is solid and filled, weighing down one side. The other can be filled with coins or gems to balance it out. It requires 100 gp worth of coins or gems to balance the scale. Once this is done, the coins or gems disappear but the scale remains in its balanced state. Coins in excess of 100 gp in the tray remain but gems do not. Any excess value from gems is 'stored' for 24 hours in case more are added later.
    While balanced, the scales negate up to one point of any luck penalties applied to their owner from any source other than the scales themselves.

    If an additional 100 gp in coins or gems are placed in the tray, it tips in their favor, also granting the owner a +1 luck bonus to saves, skill checks, and critical confirmation rolls. This does not stack with other luck bonuses. For each additional multiple of 10 in coins or gems added, this bonus increases by +1 (1,000 gp for +2, 10,000 for +3, etc. Up to a maximum of +5 if 1,111,200 gp were spent)

    The scale's power functions for its owner (not necessarily the one adding the coins) until they lose possession or ownership of it. It need not be on the owner's person, but must be in a known location and upright in a stable, usable position (in a bag of holding or handy haversack is not sufficient). Every 24 hours from the first time the scale's became balanced, the scale tips one increment back to its original position (a +3 bonus becomes a +2 bonus, a +1 bonus becomes balanced and negates a –1 luck penalty, and balanced becomes unbalanced). If the scales ever become unbalanced, the owner has one hour to bring them to at least balance (though someone else can do it in their place) or they receive a –2 luck penalty to saves, skill checks, and critical confirmation rolls for twice the amount of time that the scales were in use. Only a wish or miracle can negate this earlier. An owner that fairly sells, trades, or truly gives away the scales (in its presence), may avoid this though they lose any benefits immediately and the scales 'clear', requiring the new owner to refill them if desiring to use its powers. Attempts to cheat or avoid this fate by owners through sneaky dealings or actions have never worked and result in bad ends, though some owners can trick others into adding wealth to the tray to keep the scales balanced.
    All gems and coins used by this item are said to be split (unequally) between Mammon and another entity, likely one of luck or fate (though in whose favor none are sure).

    Note that the auctioning cleric may have added 100 or 200 gp to the scales himself (he plans to auction and sell it fairly, so he'll avoid any penalties in 24 hours if he does), just in case of trouble. If the scales don't sell, he can likely afford to keep 100 gp going in for a few days to keep it balanced until he does. Possibly, if he sells other items before hand, he can use any 'extra' gold to gain an additional +1 bonus in case of trouble, but likely only if he's really expecting trouble.

  • Pizza Lord: yes! These are the sorts of things I'm looking for! Thank you for the thought and effort you've obviously put in here. The Clipping and the Scales are both great, and very appropriate for a servant of Mammon to be selling. The vase is good too, but it's a bit of a specialty item -- a curiosity, unless you have a particular interest in that dynasty. But there are always buyers...

    Really, thank you.

    Doug M.

    It brings me great pleasure to introduce the next item for bid. A recently discovered mansion held within a case of Azlanti Moon Wine, remarkably well preserved and allowed to age, ten thousand years. The Malebranche Belfasor guarantees the quality of the vintage himself. 10 of the 12 bottles remain. This is a rare opportunity, not likely to ever be repeated! Let the bidding start at 5,000.

    The next item up for bid is a mysterious tome known as the 'Peacock Spirits Will' that has circulated in the black market of Riddleport after being unearthed from an unknown ruin. Presumably Thassalonian. Efforts to magically gather information on the tomb have utterly failed to return results. The book depicts a Peacock on its cover, with countless peacock feather 'eyes' depicted on the front and back cover. The inside consists of 100 pages of text. The text itself is the greatest mystery. Each person who reads the tome sees a different story. No two stories have been found to be alike. Most stories seem to have some significant to the reader. It has also been found that using different divination spells changes the text to a different story. Perhaps the tome carries within it even greater secrets that can yet be revealed? The bidding will begin at 10,000.

    Many of you have herd how Lord Amoxus, guardian of the 12th Gate of Nessus, was recently punished for his lax defense during his invasion into Nex? Let me present to you the physical embodiment of his shame! Who wishes to own the right horn of the Pit Lord Amoxus? You can still feel his heat radiate from the horn. At 5' it is the perfect length for a walking cane. You can hear his regrets. Or perhaps a sword? You can feel his shame. A spear? The horn radiates anger! Some of you may even be tempted to return it to Amoxus for a favor? Let us start the bidding at 50,000.

    The last item up for bid is a scroll that contains instructions to formulate the much fabled Sun Orchid Elixir. Written in Infernal, the information was taken from a captured soul that personally created the elixir for 5 years before his untimely demise. Mortals desire the elixir to extend their pitiful existence for a few meager years. In the right hands this secret would cause wars to be fought over the supply of materials, and the likely downfall of the cabal of alchemists that currently hold the secret. Let us start the bidding at 50,000.

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  • Stolen Thunderbolt: "This item was acquired by a master thief who purloined it from the realm of a god of storms and thunder and who shall not be named so as not to alert them to this occurrence. The actual bolt of divine lightning is hidden above! In the aether and sky, ready to be called down by you upon your enemies with the command that will be given to the highest bidder!"
    All true. The highest bidder will receive written instructions (in Common) from a courier devil that tells them how to discern or arrange the order of the command phrase. The command phrase is delivered by three (or more, if you want it longer) courier devils, each with a part of the phrase ('So as to ensure as few others as possible might have access to it.) The phrase could be as simple as, "Lightning strike my enemies!" or "Thunder! Thunder! bolt!" (okay, maybe not that one), in which case, the phrases just have to be ordered correctly and the command spoken loudly and clearly while indicating the target area.

    Doing this will call down a powerful bolt of lightning. While similar to a call lightning effect, this bolt strikes grid intersections instead of a square and has a 5-foot radius. It counts as a 20th-level effect and deals 20d6 electricity damage, regardless of weather conditions (DC 20 Reflex; half). In addition, creatures within a 10-foot radius are affected by a sound burst-like effect (CL 20; 5d8 sonic damage; Fort save DC 20 halves damage and negates stun). This is actually a stolen god's thunderbolt and is unaffected by antimagic effects from mortal spells and powers, such as antimagic sphere (though spells that grant electricity resistance or other protections still work).

    The bolt can be called down by anyone who uses the correct phrase (and knows what it does). The buyer is free to share it with whomever they wish. The auctioning cleric and the thief who stole it know the phrase, but they will not use it because doing so will attract the god's attention when it happens, something neither wants to risk. Depending on how or what the bolt is used for, and the god in question, they might not be too upset. If they are... the user might expect to get a 'freebie' thunderbolt from them shortly thereafter. Not in the good way.

  • Heart of the Golden Goose: "This goose heart still contains a trace of the power of that storied and famed creature known as 'The Golden Goose'! When consumed, its user will find themselves similarly gifted with the power to create golden treasure."
    This item must be consumed by a humanoid to have any effect and those effects manifest the next day. That humanoid must consume food on a daily basis to produce its effect. Unlike geese, who lay eggs, most affected creatures (except those capable of laying eggs) will 'excrete' golden matter once per day. The amount created does not exceed one pound (of about 50 gp worth in quality of material). Smaller creatures, such as halflings or gnomes that consume smaller quantities of daily nutrients produce roughly half this amount unless they double their intake. Creatures that do not eat or do not need to eat expel or regurgitate the heart, which is whole and unharmed, the next day (the heart is unharmed, it is unpleasant for the creature). A creature that fails to eat its daily requirement produces an equivalently less amount of gold the next day. Creatures taking in less than half their daily requirement produce none. This information is likely conveyed or written down for the bidder, so as to prevent an ineligible buyer from wasting or misusing it (they can have someone else consume it).

    What isn't conveyed to the buyer is that this effect prevents the creature from gaining sustenance from consumed foods (and attempts to suppress the magic, such as with antimagic field, to allow the user to eat all fail). It also has the side effect of suppressing any sensations of hunger, indication of starvation, and also any effects of powers or abilities that would suppress or otherwise fulfill a creature's daily nutrition requirements. For example, the consuming creature would not benefit from a clear spindle ioun stone, nor would a goodberry grant it sustenance; it would still heal the consumer 1 hit point and count as a berry's worth of consumed material. A heroes feast would affect the user normally and would count as appropriately consumed food of the eaten quantity. Spells that suppress or remove hunger have no effect (and there's no indication of this to the caster or target, though any additional effects of the spell still function).

    Since the user is not getting any sustenance or nutrition from any source during this time, they begin to unknowingly starve (as per the Starvation rules in the Environmental Rules section). Since the heart of the Golden Goose suppresses any indication of hunger, the user will likely be able to go three days without any problems (or even discomfort), then the GM will secretly start making the DC 10 Constitution checks (+1 for each day) and on failures will secretly note any nonlethal damage accrued. The creature will not be aware of this, as any physical effects and indications (like exposed ribs) are suppressed (and this damage can't be healed until the creature gets sustenance, which it cannot, since the heart converts it to gold). Eventually, the creature will keel over from lack of food unless they receive a remove curse or limited wish made to end the effect (requires a caster level check equal to the last Constitution check required by the target for success).

    Note that most users might be able to get about 10 days or more from this. That amounts to about 500 gp gained over that period. Obviously those with better Con rolls and higher hit points can go longer, so starting the bidding at 5,000 gp probably isn't logical. Possibly you can put the opening bit at 500 and go from there (most bidders shouldn't know the downsides), or you can increase the quality of the gold produced (wouldn't change the quantity), to make it equal to 100 gp or even up to 500 gp, depending on who you think might be using it and whether they have a way to game the system, in which case you could keep the opening bid higher.

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    Planescape Torment had the Vrischika's Curiosity Shoppe with some strange items like Baby Oil ("Interested? It's the real thing, of course. Thousands of mewling, mortal babies went into the making of the stuff." ), Devas Tears ("This is a small glass phial labeled as 'Deva's Tears.' They were collected from a deva who was captured during a Blood War skirmish. The fiends tormented the imprisoned angel for eons before he at last escaped – this small bottle holds the twelve tears he shed in that time. Deva's tears are said to soothe the most savage anger... even that of a fiend's tongue.") or Fiend's Tongue ("This is a fiend's silvery tongue floating in a jar of brine. It's said that, once placed into the mouth of any living thing, it will give the ability of speech, even if there was none before").

    soul stones? can be from litterly anything with a soul (good dragon's souls, outsiders who's soul are their bodies, holymen, children etc) see the soul trade under the daemon info at d20pfsrd. (nutral evil would trade with anyone evil enough after all).

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    Pixie Nails- 4 lots of 12 nails. Made from actual petrified pixies, these nails are perfect for creating portals leading to the Sidhe Realm from any other Realm. Instructions on how to pattern/place each of the 12 nails to create a functioning portal included.

    Stolen Thunder- This rare pendant can allow the wearer once per week to take credit for any feat performed within 30' of it. Be it dragon slaying or pie-making, it becomes common knowledge the user is the perpetrator of the deed. For instance, a person with possession of the pendant could commit a murder, then pin the item to a patsy and activate it.

    The Spirit if not the Word of Law- This bound Spirit of Law (include flavor text here). (Shade Shackles not included).

    Shade Shackles- These ghosttouched mithral shackles are capable of binding any spirit, ghost, spectre, wraith or incorporeal creature to the material plane and neutralizing their supernatural powers. 1 Key included.

    Gavel of Lies- This magical roan-wooden gavel hammers if within 20' of the presence of any spoken lie.

    Magical Wood-Cutter's Axe- This axe was made from a bough of a treant. Any creature attempting to cut wood with this axe awakens the spirit of the treant and animates the axe to attack the user, using his/her BAB +2, dealing 1d6+2 points of damage +2d6 points of damage as if the weapon were bane to said creature.

    Tobacco harvested from Sentient Plants- 6 lots; When smoked each of these potent and sometimes flavorful tobacco's possess various properties:
    ...Moonflower- unknown.
    ...DragonLeaf- as the spell bark skin, save that the skin takes on a scaly demeanor.
    ...Treant- as the spell's bull's strength & owl's wisdom.
    ...Vegepygmy- as the spell reduce person.
    ...Tendriculos- unknown.
    ...Ravenous TumbleWeed- magical narcotic properties (munchies included).

    The Raving Dork- Dealing damage of any kind to this "cursed" peasant releases a hoard adventures to meet out justice to the offender.

    1 Douglas Muir, 406 charges- Properties unknown.

  • Tin of caviar: A five-pound tin of [some fancy name] caviar. Guaranteed fresh from the sea in the last month and guaranteed quality. As you know, it's only produced during a specific time of year and only in very limited quantities. This is one of three tins harvested this year and it can be yours."
    This particular brand of caviar actually comes from an intelligent, aquatic race. While the eggs are unfertilized, and there's no inherent evil or wickedness to it, it is what it is, and what it is is salty, but incredibly delicious to air-breathing creatures. In fact, the first time such a creature imbibes a spoonful, they must make a Will save (DC 12) or have another spoonful without realizing it, (which requires another DC 12 Will save to avoid having 'just one more spoonful'). This is unlikely to cause any actual harm, but might be embarrassing depending on the situation. After saving once, they otherwise react normally to it.

  • The Solid Snake of Khan Ami: "Forged for the Great Khan of the distant steppes. This relic is said to let its wearer sneak into Heaven itself, though more importantly, it is known to protect its wearer both physically and magically as well as increasing their prowess against certain creatures."
    A coiling serpent made of black iron, meant to be worn on the forearm (and taking up the bracer slot). Metal gears run along its length; manipulating them causes its coils tighten or loosen, allowing it to be fit onto its wearer (it does not magically resize, but can adjust to fit most Small to Large wearers). It is heavy (5 lbs) and solid, granting a shield bonus as a buckler (with the same penalties and restrictions, such as losing the bonus if that arm is used to attack), but it is not a buckler. In fact, the wearer can also wear a buckler on the same arm, though the penalties would stack and the shield bonus wouldn't.

    The Solid Snake of Khan Ami grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Stealth checks and a +2 damage bonus on melee and ranged weapon attacks that deal non-lethal damage. This powerful item has many additional powers, most of which the wearer has no control over, but it must be worn and attune to its owner for 24 hours before they can occur:
    — 3/day: If the wearer consumes a full daily ration (and it must be a ration specifically, for no explained reason; not a meal foraged with Survival or create food and drink or even a common or banquet meal purchased from an inn), they regain 1d8+5 hit points. This effect in no way makes consuming this quantity of food any easier on the wearer, so eating two or more meals at once can cause suitable discomfort.
    — 2/day: After engaging a foe for at least one round of combat, there is a 50% chance that the snake telepathically communicates a simple message about any possible weakness or strength of one random enemy. It typically identifies itself with a fictitious name, but is otherwise accurate. Examples, "This is Diane. That's a fire giant. Use cold attacks.", "This is Jennifer, he's a wizard, move in close and keep the pressure on." Occasionally, "This is Steve. Diane? No Diane's in the shower. That dwarf is hard to trip, try to disarm him." etc. This is a divination effect and is blocked by effects that prevent information gathering, though it will switch to another potential enemy if there are others nearby.
    — 1/week: If its wearer engages in at least two rounds of combat with a powerful foe (+2 or greater CR than the wearer), it has a 20% chance per round of triggering a time-altering effect. The metal gears begin to spin and the snake breathes a cloud of tobacco-like smoke, as though puffing a cigarette, and its wearer is affected by haste for 10 rounds as well as one round of time stop. The wearer has no control over this occurring and cannot end either effect prematurely.
    — The wearer is treated as though they had the Favored Enemy (+2) ability (as a ranger) against ocelots and snakes (even liquid snakes, like a water elemental in serpent form or a water weird). This stacks with an existing Favored Enemy bonus if the wearer already possesses it and it would apply against the target (such as Animals or Elementals).

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