Abusing Extreme Mood Swings


Let's break this baby. --Show me what ya got (and the earlier and longer you can keep it rolling without suffering too terribly, the better).

Encouraging spell, heroism, EMS (and maybe one of the traits reducing metamagic costs) = +4 to +5 on most things a bard does. Or a puppetmaster magus if you tend to forget to cast it in advance and want to get in a full attack in combat while doing so.

Moment of greatness doubles this bonus on one check.

Dance of a hundred cuts has a short duration and a higher level, but has up to a +5 morale bonus (+7-+8 total) on attacks, damage and AC.

Edit: by the levels this goes
L4: learn heroism & get +2 on attacks, saves & skill checks most of the time, +4 on one check when you cast moment of greatness.
L5: get extreme mood swings & that becomes +3, +4 when drunk, which MoG doubles to +6 or +8.
L7: get encouraging spell & that becomes +4, +5 when drunk, which doubles to +8 or +10
L10: learn dance of a hundred cuts to get +4, +5 when drunk to attacks, damage and AC which admittedly doesn't stack with heroism on attacks.
L15: encouraging dance of a hundred cuts reaches its peak and gives +7, +8 when drunk, doubling to +14 or +16.
A puppetmaster magus who can use spell combat to cast MoG probably gets the most use out of this.

The real trick is, first, activating the feat, then, avoiding its penalties (without rendering the feat useless) as best possible. For example, you might have to swill more booze than you can drink in a half-dozen rounds before you exceed double your Con, and then you'll be Sickened (which just offsets your bonuses. But if you're immune (somehow) to becoming Sickened, then you can't get drunk.

So, how to get drunk fast, and ameliorate Sickened without actually getting rid of the condition.

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Be a level 12 Orc or Half-Orc Id Rager with the Pride emotional focus. It comes online fairly late, but you get:

L1: +5 to Str and Con (+6 when drunk) in Bloodrage. You're immune to fear until you fail an ability check, skill check, or attack roll.
L11: +7 to Str and Con (+8 when drunk) in Bloodrage. Self-cast Heroism for +3 on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks (+4 when drunk). Alternately, cast Blood Scent on enemies for +3 to attack rolls and damage against them (+4 drunk) or +5 if they're below half health (+6 drunk).
L12: Overwhelming Confidence comes online. While immune to fear, all morale bonuses double, but if you lose fear immunity, they become penalties. Rage's bonuses are morale bonuses. Assuming the order of operations is favorable to us, we get: +14 Str and Con (+16 drunk), +6 on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks (+8 drunk), or +6 to attack rolls and damage (+8 drunk, +10 half health, +12 half health and drunk).
L20: Self-cast Heroism on entering bloodrage. +18 Str and Con (+20 drunk).

The only problem here is that entering a bloodrage tends to sober you up, as it increases your Constitution modifier, so you'll need to pre-drink quite a bit. We also get some very nice morale bonuses to Will that I didn't mention, which shore up the penalties inflicted by Mood Swings.

Also, never ever miss. But with stats like these, that won't be a problem, right?

InvisiblePink wrote:
The only problem here is that entering a bloodrage tends to sober you up, as it increases your Constitution modifier, so you'll need to pre-drink quite a bit. We also get some very nice morale bonuses to Will that I didn't mention, which shore up the penalties inflicted by Mood Swings.

The moment you fail a single check, you're screwed. Oh, you didn't notice the ambush? Everything is a penalty!

Also, Pride isn't a legal choice for the Id Rager. Only the eight options stated in the archetype is.

Wonderstell wrote:

Also, Pride isn't a legal choice for the Id Rager. Only the eight options stated in the archetype is.

D'oh! You got me there.

Wonderstell wrote:
Also, Pride isn't a legal choice for the Id Rager. Only the eight options stated in the archetype is.

Untrue. Psychic Anthology explicitly states that the (new in that book) Kindness focus is a valid choice for the Id Rager. I don't have Occult Realms, but it's possible that book makes a similar exception.

If it does turn out to be legal, note also you only have the ability while raging. Pre-combat rolls can't ding you.

Liberty's Edge

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What a marvelously unbalanced and poorly thought out Feat, truly amazing how this got past the editors desk.

I guess they gave up on the idea that power creep is bad in 1st Eds old age huh?

The superiority discipline psychic has an ability to add half level as a morale bonus to an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check as an immediate action and also has Moment of Greatness as a bonus spell. Take this feat and your MoG boosted bonus would be level+2 to any of these checks. (Stacks with Moment of Prescience, which is an insight bonus of +level and doesn't take an action.)

Spell Perfection on Greater Heroism, used with this feat and Encouraging spell give you a +7 to everything, +8 when drunk.

Themetricsystem wrote:

What a marvelously unbalanced and poorly thought out Feat, truly amazing how this got past the editors desk.

I guess they gave up on the idea that power creep is bad in 1st Eds old age huh?

The player companion line has been regularly sprinkled with nonsense as bad or worse for many years.

remove sickness will suppress the sickened condition for the duration of the spell. Its kind of important because this gets rid of the negative effects from being drunk, without making you sober.

Unfortunately I believe being immune to poison makes you incapable of becoming drunk.

Barbarians have Internal Fortitude rage power at 8th level that makes them immune to sickened condition.

The oracle curse Wasting makes you immune to sickened condition at 5th level.

The sorcerer bloodline Pestilence makes you immune to sickened at 3rd level.

The prestige class Stalwart Defender is very interesting. Defensive Stance gives a moral bonus to strength, con, and will saves. Unfortunately you can only enter that stance for 4+Con mod rounds per day. 2nd level of the prestige class allows you to pick Internal Fortitude from its class list of abilities to gain immunity to sickened. But the entry for the prestige class is a BAB +7 and some really suboptimal feats.

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Themetricsystem wrote:

What a marvelously unbalanced and poorly thought out Feat, truly amazing how this got past the editors desk.

I guess they gave up on the idea that power creep is bad in 1st Eds old age huh?

They admitted that they didn't care to edit the Shifter because they rather had the devs were work more on PF2. If they can't even be bothered to edit a hardcover book, what do you expect for a softcover?

On the other hand, in the latest couple of books, we have explicitly magical feats, archetypes that really shake up the class, and even broken with the "unarmed strikes must be more expensive to enchants" crap.

Also, Sacred Geometry is from 2014, and Leadership is in the CRB. Hell, Quicken Spell and Dazing Spell should never have been printed, this is tame in comparison!

I mean, some of these bonkers feats make things really fun in practice. Is Sacred Geometry balanced? No. But can it be fun with the right character in the right game? Absolutely!

For my money the "Id Rager betting everything on never rolling a 1" seems like it'd be fun to play [with] in a group of friends.

We have the extra balance pass of either "PFS just bans stuff without needing to explain why" or "you have a pre-existing relationship with these people in your game and you value their opinions."

If your GM makes a distinction between removing and suppressing the sickened condition for removing drunkenness, the Placebo Affect spell is another option and available to the self perfection psychic.

Combine with Amplified Rage.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Wonderstell wrote:
Also, Pride isn't a legal choice for the Id Rager. Only the eight options stated in the archetype is.
Untrue. Psychic Anthology explicitly states that the (new in that book) Kindness focus is a valid choice for the Id Rager. I don't have Occult Realms, but it's possible that book makes a similar exception.

It seems the archetype description on Archives isn't up to date then. But that exception to the normal rules is stated in the description of the Kindness focus, while the Pride focus lacks any such text.

So Pride still isn't a legal choice for the Id Rager.

Does this count?

AON wrote:

Drink Is Life

Source Mythic Adventures pg. 63
Strong drink fuels the mythic fires within you.

Prerequisites: Con 19, 3rd mythic tier.

Benefit: You never take penalties for consuming nonmagical alcohol, and you can consume an alcoholic beverage as a swift action instead of a move action. Each time you consume an alcoholic beverage, you may gain one of the benefits of polypurpose panacea (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 232). You can have only one of these benefits active at a time. If you expend one use of mythic power while drinking an alcoholic beverage, you can heal 2 points of ability damage, negate a temporary penalty to one ability score, or remove one of the following conditions: confused, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, poisoned, shaken, sickened, or staggered.

You "never take penalties for consuming nonmagical alcohol."

Sure, it's mythic, but....

Themetricsystem wrote:
What a marvelously unbalanced and poorly thought out Feat, truly amazing how this got past the editors desk.

Outside of the Pride phantom, I'm not seeing the brokenness. Sure, you could get up to a +3 Morale bonus, but that comes at the cost of being -2 to everything due to Sickened (which is the penalty for being drunk). If you decide not to drink, you get only a +1 Morale bonus, that offset by an increased possibility of blowing a fear check.

It's just a worse version of the Fate's Favored trait on 99% of builds. Pride Id Rager is what's silly, and it happens to synergize.

Honestly the purpose of that feat appears to be just to mitigate the Sickened condition to maximize drunken archetypes, feats, and abilities.

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This takes 2 feats to set up but Two Weapon Drunkard removes a lot of the sting from being sickened.

Start with Skald with bachanal and wyrm singer. This lets you rage for free by drinking booze and not suffering the normal effects from that drink. It also lets you drink as a move action so you can sneak in something that will keep you drunk from time to time. You also want to snag sympathetic rage so you get a strength and con rage on top of the to hit damage and paralysis and sleep saves. Take the wasp familiar feat, archetype him to valet, Then grab amplified rage.

Is the sickened condition being drunk, or is it drinking till you puke? There should be a range in there where you're drunk without being sick. If we're only worrying about addiction, then that problem is solved by drinking every round, never sleeping, and always dancing. If being drunk is being sickened, then our drunken dragon dancer needs to pick up internal fortitude at 8th and use that till they get permanent persistent vigor at 17th level.

I'm sure there's something better out there. But none of them have the option to dance forever.

From the rules I found, drinking makes you sickened for 1 hour per drink beyond your Con bonus.

Now I have never been or seen someone get drunk IRL; But from movies, then I would say the sickened condition is when you drink so much you arent barfing but can't stand straight.

By rules...it isn't really clear. Drunkennes. Drinking isn't good enough to trigger Extreme Mood Swings. You don't get the bigger bonus till you are drunk, and the only real change here is getting the sickened condition, which lasts 1 hour per drink over your cap. That seems to indicate that sickened is the condition inflicted by becoming drunk.

Also the two weapon drunkard feat I linked above get rid of the attack and damage penalties from sickened. That again is another good indication that is what being drunk is.

The "free spirit" spell also gives the -2 to all the things sickened applies to adding concentration as well, and makes you drunk, but doesn't call out that the -2 is due the drunkenness or the sickened condition. If we treat drunk as being also sickened, then this spell isn't the sort of thing you'd want to be casting on yourself. A bit of a problem for a spell that can only target the caster.

I'm pretty sure that's an error in the spell more than anything though, so it doesn't really clear things up.

If drunk is a condition that causes sickened, then we can get around the negatives by becoming immune to sickened, but if drunkenness is a special variant on sickened, then I'm not sure how to mitigate the negatives without removing the drunk condition outside of the feat you posted.

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