What are the most popular races in Starfinder?

General Discussion

Silver Crusade

I've been wondering this for a while now and was hoping some of you could maybe shed some light on this subject. I've noticed that the people I've played with so far, they really like to play the Ysoki and the Damaya Lashuntas. I do see a Vesk every now and then. But it has made me very interested to know what races have you guy, notice get played a lot in your games?

Hard to say. I feel like it's pretty uncommon to see a table without a Vesk... although on the other hand, I do play at such a table. Ysoki seem pretty popular, I certainly enjoy them. Can't say as I've noticed a particular pattern apart from that.

In the circles that I run in, the Dragonkin seems to be top dog, but I also see skittermander and SRO as fan favorites.

I see a LOT of vesk soldiers.

Ysoki are fairly popular even when I'm not playing.

Damaya lashunta pop up a fair bit. Most of my games are SFS so the skill bonuses help.

Koratha lashunta are starting to make a showing now that soulfire is a thing for solarions

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Androids seem pretty popular in mine, thoigh so far we’ve had no particular patterns at my table. Thoughe everyone certainly likes the idea on an Uplifted Bear or Morlamaw.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm in two Starfinder games and both have an SRO party member (though one uses android stats because he was created before Pact Worlds, where SROs were introduced, was released).

By comparison, neither of those two games have a vesk character, soldier or otherwise. I play a soldier in one of the games and he's a human (though his mom DID give him a vesk name for his middle name to honor her dead squaddie).

Vesk, much like Slayer, are best.

In terms of non-core races, my SFS games have a lot of nuar. I personally have two, a Blitz Soldier (will multi to Biohacker at 4th level upon release of the COM) and a Technomancer Steward Officer. We had a couple conventions where the Nuar/Maraqoi boon was offered.

Vesk and Ysoki are probably the most common, with Androids coming in after them.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pantshandshake wrote:
Vesk, much like Slayer, are best.

Are we talking about the Pathfinder class or the band from the 80's?

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Pantshandshake wrote:
Vesk, much like Slayer, are best.
Are we talking about the Pathfinder class or the band from the 80's?

Fair question. The band. Thought the PF class is no slouch.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pantshandshake wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Pantshandshake wrote:
Vesk, much like Slayer, are best.
Are we talking about the Pathfinder class or the band from the 80's?
Fair question. The band. Thought the PF class is no slouch.

I beg to differ. :P

So far I have only seen a couple of vesk,no ysoki players and lots of androids and shirren PCs at my table. I have only played one character so far since I usually GM... I made an SRO technomancer priest of Triune, I have had a lot of joy from this game just from how many wildly different PC races can be. My players love to mix and match and mod so much it's an easy sell to a lot of new people to start playing because of the simple question "what races can I play as?" I say what do you want?

I mostly play in SFS, but I am also running/playing a few AP's in campaign mode, so that influences what I see.

I definitely see more Vesk, Ysoki, Damaya Lashunta, and Androids than anything else. Secondarily, I see a good chunk of shirren, humans, halflings, and dwarves. I'm starting to see some people learning the glory of the Korasha Lashunta weapon solarian, but it's not yet as popular. Skittermanders, Brethedans, Morlamaw, and Haan seem to be the most popular boon races.

I almost never see a Kasatha. I'm hoping that when the COM comes out this might change, because they actually make decent wis-Biohackers. I think they could make decent heavy weapon ranged soldiers, but ysoki seem to always take the ranged role. I'm honestly considering rebuilding my ysoki ranged soldier to a Kasatha just so he'd feel more rare.

Outside of SFS, I've seen 6 goblins and 4 SRO, but 3 of those goblins were played by me, and 3 of those SRO by a single player, so maybe that's not anything other than anecdotal. I really wish there was a boon for goblins.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dracomicron wrote:

In terms of non-core races, my SFS games have a lot of nuar. I personally have two, a Blitz Soldier (will multi to Biohacker at 4th level upon release of the COM) and a Technomancer Steward Officer. We had a couple conventions where the Nuar/Maraqoi boon was offered.

Vesk and Ysoki are probably the most common, with Androids coming in after them.

Yep, they were slow to rotate the boons that quarter, and everyone who GMed said, 'Yay, more Nuar!'


In my group we have a Human, Android, Half-elf, Damaya Lashunta and a winter born Ryphorian. Almost noone chose race based on racial abilities, only what they thought were cool.

Other than a few humans, I don't think my group has yet played the same race twice.
In no particular order, we've had the following:


Ice Troll (homebrew)
Borai (Human)
Borai (Lashunta)
Drow (actually, come to think of it, the same player has played two different drow)
Korasha Lashunta
Skinwalker (Converted from PF)


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

my group's first iteration (note: this was just based off the core book) was 2 humans, 2 ysoki

it's current iteration after a re-set this summer is 1 kasatha, 1 strix, 1 android, 1 nuar, 1 half-elf

in society play, i've seen lots of androids and humans. my society character is a half-orc

We started a new group and added two players and the races they picked are Shimreen,Osharu,Shobhad,Dragonkin,Skittermander,Aasimar. We have 2 mystics, technomnacer, vanguard, witchwarper and a solarian.


I personally prefer the Shobhads for Soldiers but have seen all the following at my table:

2 Shobhads
3 Humans
2 Dragonkin
1 Haan
1 Ysoki
and 1 Formian

But I have not yet gotten the AA2 nor the PW.

My group just started playing SF a couple months ago (but we've played PF since the the first AP). We're in our first campaign (Dead Suns), & nobody has died yet, so we're still on our first characters. we don't play in Society games, just a home group.

I'm playing a Drow solarian, & the other PCs are a Nuar mechanic, a Damaya Lashunta operative (the player loves Mantis from GotG), Human soldier, Kasatha technomancer, & Shirren mystic (DMPC). The Human & Kasatha are latecomers to the game, & since we're not always available for sessions, the Shirren is there to fill in the gaps sometimes.

I'd like to add, I do love the variety of sapient species to choose from as PCs. Although I have no desire to play most of them, it's neat that there is such a range in physical forms, since the game isn't limited by constraints found in tv & movie.

I did a play-by-post RP with no stats, just roleplay, for starfinder & the group make up was as follows

1 Half-orc soldier(me)
1 Damai mystic
1 Kasatha solarian
1 Skittermander mechanic
1 Contemplative technomancer
1 Strix technomancer
1 Android classless
3 Humans - one operative, one classless, one PF fighter.

I have:
2 humans -- one operative and one engineer.
2 Lashunta -- one solarian and one vanguard.

Skittermander Technomancer
Dragonkin Operative
Woioko (deepborn) Solarian
Gray Envoy/Biohacker

I feel like Androids, Vesks, and Humans are the most common I'm seeing.

I'm currently playing a Shirren Soldier, Ghoran Vanguard, and Half-Elf Mystic.

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