DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

Off-Topic Discussions

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How about rereading Octavia Butler's "Parable Of The Sower"?

Octavia E. Butler’s 1993 novel, Parable of the Sower, imagined a future in which California is inhospitable, weather is deadly, wealth disparities are vicious, and a presidential candidate may set the country back a hundred years. It all begins on July 20, 2024.

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"Professor, would you say people should start panicking?"
"Yes I would, Kent."

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Dancing Wind wrote:

How about rereading Octavia Butler's "Parable Of The Sower"?

Octavia E. Butler’s 1993 novel, Parable of the Sower, imagined a future in which California is inhospitable, weather is deadly, wealth disparities are vicious, and a presidential candidate may set the country back a hundred years. It all begins on July 20, 2024.

I have been ordered by my mental health counselor to step away from political news and commenting because I'm on the path to a 72 hour vacation in a Friendly Local Health Facility.

Jokes aside, my doctor has ordered me to avoid them.

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Completely. There's zero point, man. Life is very short and there are WAY too many good things to think about.

Like... ummm... s~$*... uhh... there's that... thing... uhhh... DAMMIT!

NARRATOR: Once again, Quibblemuch proved his ineptitude at comfort. At least this wasn't as bad as the time his wife asked 'What's the worst that could happen?' and he mistakenly answered honestly. Will he think of something chipper to raised people's spirits, or will he suddenly blurt out FTAGHN! and run for the door? We'll see after these messages.

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“Hordes of panicky people seem to be evacuating the town... for some unknown reason. Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?”
“Yes, I would, Kent.”

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Well, then back to denial.
Roll for Insight: Understanding How the Experience of Playing Dungeons & Dragons Impacts the Mental Health of an Average Player

"A strong focus was placed on escapism and the positive impact that this had on the mental health of the players. "

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Hmmm... I should show this to my regulars. Maybe they'd stop complaining about all the traumatizing I do.


*runs lovecraftian campaign*

Heh, heh, heh...

Dancing Wind wrote:

Well, then back to denial.

Roll for Insight: Understanding How the Experience of Playing Dungeons & Dragons Impacts the Mental Health of an Average Player

"A strong focus was placed on escapism and the positive impact that this had on the mental health of the players. "

I don't think what she's telling me to do is engage in denial. It's to stop letting my black, seething hatred of a person, his cult, and their ideology control my thoughts because frankly, that's what's happening.

Messageboard political intrusion over. The mods can all stand down and put their tasers away.

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*hides taser behind back*


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Pete Townsend, Paul Weller, and several other sharp & groovy cats (including my mother and father circa 1965) are presumably only packing tasers because there are a bunch of greasy ROCKERS marauding about, and they don't want to be caught unprepared on Brighton seafront this Saturday night.

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Egads! The hooligans have taken Brighton?!

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The only place to rumble tonight.

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We got the beat.

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Mi-Go-Gos wrote:
We got the beat.

Slain. I am slain, I tell you.

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Once again, my work here is done.

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In non-rage-inducing news, I see this morning that the Olympic Torch will be carried down river in a 24-seater rowboat... waaiiiittt a second... big torch... buncha guys in a rowboat... heading towards Paris...

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Drejk hasn't posted his Beast O' The Week... I hope he wasn't eaten by a grue or something.

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It *is* pretty dark…

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Fantasy Monster: Mammoth Ape

A great tusked ape.

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"The dice are rolling, the knives are out"
"A New Argentina", from Evita, The Musical

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