Greyblade23 |
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Greetings, my esteemed colleagues of the Palatine Eye.
I would like to acquaint you with my team’s experience at Sombrefell Hall. I have encrypted large sections of this report as I am certain none of us wish this information to fall into the wrong hands.
First, permit me introduce myself and my companions. My name is Autumn Thornheart. I am a sorceress. Generations ago, an ancestor entered into a vile pact with demonic forces that taints my bloodline to this day. I was accompanied on this venture by stalwart companions with whom I have shared many an adventure, and mayhap even an escapade or two: Kyra and Brother Maynard, both acolytes of Sarenrae, and Jarvis, a Holy Warrior of Shelyn. I tell this tale from my point of view, but I must insist that my compatriots are recognized for their contribution to our mission’s success. Indeed, had I been alone, or with a lesser team, I would have surely perished.
Wherein we learn of our mission and destination
Upon our arrival at Sombrefell Hall, we were greeted by a quite pleasant lady. She provided a warm greeting and introduced us to our host. They offered us the run of his mansion, save for one room in which they and their associates spent most of their time.
Wherein our mission takes a detour
Wherein it is revealed that something is afoot
Wherein we explore the mansion
We made good on our host’s offer to fully explore the manor. While we found the usual mundane items (foodstuffs, furniture, crates, and the like), we likewise made some rather startling discoveries.
We knew that we could only explore the mansion’s salon between the hours of 1 am to 8 am, when our hosts were asleep. Lest you imagine we decided to burgle the room, rest assured that our hosts gave us explicit consent to search during that time. Therefore, we decided to conserve our energies with sleep. Being ever prudent, we quartered ourselves in a single empty upstairs bedroom and set a watch. Jarvis drew the short straw and got the first watch. I asked him to awaken me after approximately three hours so that I could stand watch. I say approximately as we had no ready method of telling time in a more accurate fashion. As his watch was winding down, he instead awoke us all as he discerned a rhythmic knocking upon the front door and suspected something was amiss.
Wherein things begin to go wrong
Wherein we discover what is knocking on our door
Wherein much is made clear
Wherein we formulate a plan of action[spoiler=Encrypted] Discovering that the doctor had a trapdoor hidden in his closet which lead to the basement, we devised a plan to outlast the undead hordes we were certain would follow the ghasts. Being, as I mentioned, ever prudent and blessed by our gods with a fair modicum of tactical savvy, we realized that any attempt to successfully fight our foes in any of the manor’s larger rooms, we decided that the best place to make our stand was the doctor’s bedroom. There were only four options for entering the room: from the basement, from the main hall, through the small window, and via the recreation room. We instructed the research team to remain in the closet until and unless we asked them to come into the main room. They were further instructed that in the unfortunate event of our demise to flee to the basement and barricade themselves in until morning. Lucvi, being a plucky sort, volunteered to help us to the best of her ability. Setting thought into action, we devised makeshift barricades against the principle entrance and the window. We were barely able to construct these barricades when the next wave attacked.
Wherein our plan is put to the test[spoiler=Encrypted] This time, our attackers were more powerful undead, specifically 4 ghasts and 2 vampire spawn. Much to our grim amusement, they were unable to break through the barricade at first. Indeed, one of them had the remarkably bright idea to attempt entry by destroying a section of wall into the recreation room. When they finally made ingress, we were prepared for them. Again, we made short work of the minions from beyond the grave without an over-abundance of effort. Worthy of note is that a paladin of Shelyn wielding a magical silver glaive with a disrupting effect against undead foes is something one must absolutely see before they shuffle of this mortal coil. We did expend some of our resources during and after this fight, but we felt confident we were rationing our spells adequately for what we expected to be forthcoming.
Wherein we are beset by foes most foul
Wherein our fortunes take a turn for the worse and we believe all may be lost
Wherein we change tactics
Wherein we emerge victorious
Wherein we end our mission
In conclusion, we acquitted ourselves with honor and grace in a potentially deadly situation. I and my associates will be happy to work with the Palatine Eye again should such a need arise.
Yours in confidence,
Autumn Thornheart

Greyblade23 |
I really like how this is done up! Sounds like a great adventure too. And it's nice to see someone's experience on this before I GM isn't on Sunday.
(BTW just a heads up; one of the spoiler tags, err, encryptions, didn't work right).
Thanks! I spent a couple hours writing it and trying to get just the right tone. I wish I knew why the spoiler didn't work right. I previewed like 6 times to try and get them all working. Ah, well.