Greyblade23's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.


I'm interested in this as well. Following.

The background says a character "gain[s] access to one of the following uncommon monk weapons". Does this mean the character is also trained in this weapon (similar to how a rogue is trained in rapiers)?

Arachnofiend wrote:
The Elven Curve Blade is missing the Uncommon trait on AoN, is where I suspect the mistake lies. It is appropriately called an uncommon martial weapon alongside all of the other ancestry-linked weapons in the CRB proper.

Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining - I haven't been able to afford the CRB yet, so I'm relying on AoN for character building.

There don't seem to be any weapons that have both the [elf] and [uncommon] tags. This being the case, of what worth is the Elven Weapon Familiarity feat?

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Although this chapter is designed to test the one-encounter-per-day dynamic, it also penalizes murder hobo behavior.

PCs need a combined total of 4 ally or research points. Research points are few and far between: there are only 2 areas that have them, K and M (the final battleground). Ally points are easier to get, but there are still only 4 of them: the Cyclops, the Gnomes, the Dryad, and the Fire Giant.

PCs can (and should) parley with any humanoid creatures they meet rather than fight them. For example, if the party agree to kill the dragon that's been fire-bombing them, they'll agree to help you in the final battle.

If the party doesn't recruit enough allies, the final battle becomes much more difficult, if not impossible, to win. Our group recruited all of the possible allies, and the final encounter was relatively easy for as a result.


Yes, this is one of the more frustrating parts of the rule book. I know someone made pdfs of the spells by spell list - I think it was on the Pathfinder Reddit.

PS - I love your user name, and I wish I'd thought of it first :)

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Rameth wrote:

I don't understand. This fight sounds awesome. You guys barely made it despite being heavily weakened by the loff of 2 players. 7 rounds is not a long time at all. That sounds like an epic victory.

On another note please God no don't bring back AoO. AoO was always one of the mechanics I disliked about 3.x. As someone who actually trains in martial arts, with weapons as well as hands, I know how impossible/stupid it would be to attack someone running past you when you're fighting with someone else. Tunnel vision is real.

I agree, this sounds like a proper boss fight. It also represents the trope of succeeding against (almost) impossible odds. Like you, I would consider this an epic victory (not to mention a knuckle-biting fight).

I also feel AoO is one of the most unrealistic in-combat mechanics. Tunnel vision is known to affect even police officers and trained soldiers IRL, so there's no reason it wouldn't affect even seasoned, veteran adventurers. Finally, I always thought PF1's "stand and deliver" style combats, where everyone had AoO, were way too rigid. Combat is, and should be, a fluid, ever-changing affair. Removing AoO helps make it so.

OP, from your description, it sounds like your biggest issues were the GM pre-buffing the boss and a streak of bad dice rolls.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
I linked this thread to Amanda, the author of this chapter, and she thought it was really neat. Nice report!

OK, now THAT's pretty cool! Thanks for doing that.

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Reach weapons now allow an attack into an adjacent square in addition to any squares within the weapon's reach

Whatever you do, DON'T try to run 7 players! I did that with chapter 2. With the seven-player adjustment, the first two encounters each took over an hour. I adjusted back to the standard (4-player) monsters, and it still took another 6 1/2 hours to finish.

Lesson learned!

Edge93 wrote:

I really like how this is done up! Sounds like a great adventure too. And it's nice to see someone's experience on this before I GM isn't on Sunday.

(BTW just a heads up; one of the spoiler tags, err, encryptions, didn't work right).

Thanks! I spent a couple hours writing it and trying to get just the right tone. I wish I knew why the spoiler didn't work right. I previewed like 6 times to try and get them all working. Ah, well.

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Greetings, my esteemed colleagues of the Palatine Eye.

I would like to acquaint you with my team’s experience at Sombrefell Hall. I have encrypted large sections of this report as I am certain none of us wish this information to fall into the wrong hands.

First, permit me introduce myself and my companions. My name is Autumn Thornheart. I am a sorceress. Generations ago, an ancestor entered into a vile pact with demonic forces that taints my bloodline to this day. I was accompanied on this venture by stalwart companions with whom I have shared many an adventure, and mayhap even an escapade or two: Kyra and Brother Maynard, both acolytes of Sarenrae, and Jarvis, a Holy Warrior of Shelyn. I tell this tale from my point of view, but I must insist that my compatriots are recognized for their contribution to our mission’s success. Indeed, had I been alone, or with a lesser team, I would have surely perished.

Wherein we learn of our mission and destination

We were recruited by an unknown, but presumably highly ranked, member of our organization. Our mission was to travel to Sombrefell Hall and convince Doctor Verid Oscilar, professor at the Sincomakti School of Sciences, and the foremost authority on the Dominion of the Black, to return with us to Rozenport.

Upon our arrival at Sombrefell Hall, we were greeted by a quite pleasant lady. She provided a warm greeting and introduced us to our host. They offered us the run of his mansion, save for one room in which they and their associates spent most of their time.

Wherein our mission takes a detour

Unfortunately for our retrieval mission, Dr. Oscilar made it abundantly clear that he was dead-set (if you will pardon the pun) against leaving his manor until his current research was complete.

Wherein it is revealed that something is afoot

We immediately sensed that the doctor and Lucvi seemed to be hiding something, perhaps, we thought, some information of critical import to our investigation. While we were unable to tease the information from the doctor, his lead research assistant Lucvi confided to us that she thought he was suffering from a more formidable condition than simple mental exhaustion although she was unable to provide us with further details.

Wherein we explore the mansion

We made good on our host’s offer to fully explore the manor. While we found the usual mundane items (foodstuffs, furniture, crates, and the like), we likewise made some rather startling discoveries.

To backtrack slightly, my companions and I decided that we would hunt for further clues within the manor that might explain the doctor’s reticence, or at least provide some clue as to the subject of his research. We discovered several such items: a puzzling note in the library and the good doctor’s journal containing yet another enigmatic entry. Though we did not know it at the time, we found items that became useful later in our stay: silver kitchen knives, garlic cloves, and oil flasks. Our last find though, was the most macabre. We discovered an attic with a padlocked door. After our noble Paladin was unable to open the lock with his skeleton key, we gained entrance to the attic by way of the window. We discovered therein a corpse-a newly slain zombie with a most intriguing condition: a silver letter opener with the doctor’s monogram embedded in its head.

We knew that we could only explore the mansion’s salon between the hours of 1 am to 8 am, when our hosts were asleep. Lest you imagine we decided to burgle the room, rest assured that our hosts gave us explicit consent to search during that time. Therefore, we decided to conserve our energies with sleep. Being ever prudent, we quartered ourselves in a single empty upstairs bedroom and set a watch. Jarvis drew the short straw and got the first watch. I asked him to awaken me after approximately three hours so that I could stand watch. I say approximately as we had no ready method of telling time in a more accurate fashion. As his watch was winding down, he instead awoke us all as he discerned a rhythmic knocking upon the front door and suspected something was amiss.

Wherein things begin to go wrong

As it transpired, none of the research team were expecting company, and who would reasonably expect such at this late hour, especially in Ustalaav? We rushed down to ensure that the research team were unaffected by whatever was trying to break down the front door

Wherein we discover what is knocking on our door

No sooner had we reached the ground floor than we observed Lucvi open the door. We hastily arranged ourselves in a loose battle formation, and prepared to repel boarders, so to speak. Our fears were realized when no fewer than 5 ghasts pushed the doors aside and began their assault on our forces. We managed to get Lucvi out of the foyer without incident, then got down to the serious business of undead pestilence control. Owing to our long-standing battle habits, we downed to foul creatures with a minimum of damage to ourselves.

Wherein much is made clear

We entered the salon to assess how the research team was responding to the undead threat. When we entered, Dr. Oscilar finally revealed the secrets he had been keeping, not just from us, but from his entire team. Rather unfortunately for him, recently became affected by frequent periods of dissociation that render his conscious mind insensate He believed his condition stemmed from a Night Heralds’ ritual; however, we later discovered that was not the case. As he has no idea what he has, or could do, during these episodes, he has taken to locking himself in the manor’s bedroom. He was determined to do so on this night as well, for fear he might suffer an exercise and cause harm to one of us or his team.

Wherein we formulate a plan of action[spoiler=Encrypted] Discovering that the doctor had a trapdoor hidden in his closet which lead to the basement, we devised a plan to outlast the undead hordes we were certain would follow the ghasts. Being, as I mentioned, ever prudent and blessed by our gods with a fair modicum of tactical savvy, we realized that any attempt to successfully fight our foes in any of the manor’s larger rooms, we decided that the best place to make our stand was the doctor’s bedroom. There were only four options for entering the room: from the basement, from the main hall, through the small window, and via the recreation room. We instructed the research team to remain in the closet until and unless we asked them to come into the main room. They were further instructed that in the unfortunate event of our demise to flee to the basement and barricade themselves in until morning. Lucvi, being a plucky sort, volunteered to help us to the best of her ability. Setting thought into action, we devised makeshift barricades against the principle entrance and the window. We were barely able to construct these barricades when the next wave attacked.

Wherein our plan is put to the test[spoiler=Encrypted] This time, our attackers were more powerful undead, specifically 4 ghasts and 2 vampire spawn. Much to our grim amusement, they were unable to break through the barricade at first. Indeed, one of them had the remarkably bright idea to attempt entry by destroying a section of wall into the recreation room. When they finally made ingress, we were prepared for them. Again, we made short work of the minions from beyond the grave without an over-abundance of effort. Worthy of note is that a paladin of Shelyn wielding a magical silver glaive with a disrupting effect against undead foes is something one must absolutely see before they shuffle of this mortal coil. We did expend some of our resources during and after this fight, but we felt confident we were rationing our spells adequately for what we expected to be forthcoming.

Wherein we are beset by foes most foul

We were able to complete the task of rebuilding the door barricade and building a new barricade at the recreation room door before the next foes were upon us. Our endeavors were greatly assisted by our choice of locale. It seemed that our enemies believed we were in the main hall, thus they entered the manor from areas closer to the foyer than to us. While we failed to understand their tactics, we appreciated the extra time which allowed us to make suitable preparations. The next fell creatures seeking our demise were a quartet of especially powerful wights. We met them blade against claw, forcing them to acknowledge our superior skills in steel and spell. We had returned two of them to their graves when we were set upon by an invisible enemy. I was the first to notice this foe’s appearance, as his first attack threw a door splinter into my side. Realizing that neither of the two remaining animated corpses had thrown the splinter at me, I advised my companions that there was an unseen presence of some kind in our area. Reticent at first to believe me, they concentrated their efforts toward the end of destroying the remaining wights while I attempted to suss out the creature’s location. No sooner had the remaining wights hit the floor than the room was filled with a malevolent maelstrom of debris. This sufficiently convinced the others that we were, indeed, facing another foe. As an aside, we realized we were ill-equipped to battle this creature, having neither glitterdust nor fairie fire available. At this juncture, I deployed one of the beads upon my necklace creating a large globe of fire which engulfed the creature. Thus rallied, our team threw area of effect spells and spells which did not require us to attack the creature. I found the disrupt undead spell particularly apt in dealing with this foe.

Wherein our fortunes take a turn for the worse and we believe all may be lost

Some of us, particularly Brother Maynard and Jarvis, were rather heavily wounded in the preceding battle. We undertook first to tend our wounds by means both magical and mundane. Next, we made haste to rebuild our barricade at the main door. We discerned our next targets easily enough, or so we thought. We heard some sort of enemy enter the manor by way of the second-floor balconies. Assuming we would have ample time to finish the barricade I made the ill-advised choice to continue rather than retreat to the far side of the room. To my abject surprise and detriment, we were attacked before I could finish. Our attackers were not corporeal foes as we expected. Rather they were shadows, a particularly insidious type of undead menace. Believe me when I say that standing in a doorway through which they attempt ingress should be quite at the bottom of anyone’s list of pleasant pastimes. It certainly ranks were low on my list. Grievously wounded, I hastily retreated to the far end of the bedroom, allowing my compatriots. Upon healing my injuries at least enough to prevent my demise, I returned to the fray, using spells to blast at the shadows. It was in this battle that Jarvis fell. We were able to revive him, but that was by far the moment of our greatest despair.

Wherein we change tactics

Although we were able to again heal ourselves we felt we were critically low on resources, although both Brother Maynard and I each had a staff of healing and several curative potions which we held in reserve. We could only hope that our next battle would conclude the undead threat. We realized that the front half of the bedroom was littered with undead corpses. In a practical but morbid fashion, we decided to pile said corpse in front of the door with the intent to hinder our foes.

Wherein we emerge victorious

Predictably, our next adversaries appeared as we were finishing our preparations. An unusual creature known as a brain collector, accompanied by two vampire spawn entered our area of operations. We dispatched the vampires with expeditious haste and turned our attention to the brain collector. Kyra, Brother Maynard, and I alternated between attacking the creature and healing each other and Jarvis. Jarvis was the principle focus of our healing efforts, as he repeatedly interposed himself between the monster and ourselves. This way far and away our most difficult encounter, nevertheless, we emerged victorious.

Wherein we end our mission

. Upon the creature’s demise, Doctor Oscilar realized that it, not the Night Heralds, was responsible for his discomfort. Freed from the necessity of attempting to resolve his infirmity, he acquiesced to our request to return with us to Rozenport.

In conclusion, we acquitted ourselves with honor and grace in a potentially deadly situation. I and my associates will be happy to work with the Palatine Eye again should such a need arise.

Yours in confidence,

Autumn Thornheart

Xenocrat wrote:
Blave wrote:

Not sure why some of you seem to think concentration on a spell is easily broken. It's no longer "take damage on an enemies turn and lose the spell".

Concentration takes a single action on your turn each round. Only being damaged on this action will make you lose concentration. The action has only the concentrate trait, so it doesn't even trigger attacks of opportunity.

Not counting exotic reactions some monsters might have (haven't read the bestiary yet), the only reliable way to hit a caster when he does his concentration action is to ready an action with that trigger.

There four monsters in the bestiary who have Disruptive on their AoO, which allows them to trigger on a Concentrate action. Levels 13, 20, 20, and 22, though.

It can't be RAI for disrupting spells to be this difficult for enemies, even if it is RAW (at least for now).

Tursic wrote:

Pints of oil at just 1cp would be more cost effective.

That's true, but (channeling my inner goblin) kegs of 190-proof would make a much bigger boom. I could even argue that the alcohol should be doing persistent damage - I don't know if my GM would buy it, but I'd sure try:).


The class DC and AC calculations don't seem to be adding 10 to the final total.

On the spells sheet, the third cantrip line, the final cantrip line, and the seventh spell line all repeat whatever is entered into one of them.

I have to echo bookrat's kudos. This is a good character sheet overall.

Thanks for doing this.

Greyblade23 wrote:
vonFiedler wrote:

What kills me and drives me away from the Barbarian class is that Animal totem barbarians can't use weapons. There's good reason that animal totem is an option for Barbarians, as association with animals is huge with Barbarians in real life, between your Berserkers (Bears) and your Ulfhednars (Wolves). But those guys weren't running into battle trying to bite people, well, at least not exclusively. Even Animal Order Druids can use weapons!

I saw this and thought it was one of the less well-thought-out options. Really, the stereotypical barbarian uses a honkin' big weapon. This totem might be more acceptable if it were only anathema to barbarians under the influence of rage.

I'm changing my mind about this point, based on something a person in my playtest group pointed out to me. Barbarians can rage almost all day - 3 rounds on, 1 round off, rinse and repeat. That makes the Animal Totem much more appealing, at least to me. Plus, there's no chance your weapon will break :).

epicmusic42 wrote:
I've seen a few people say that charts scare new players, but I feel like it'd frustrate new players more to be trying to find all of the info they need than to have a spread that's just a chart labeled Quick Reference.

I couldn't agree with you more about what frustrates new players. That's partly why I created it - at least one person in my playtest group doesn't have much in the way of PF1 (or RPGs in general) experience. Of course, I also made it for myself - I got tired of flipping through the rule book.

I made a sharable folder on my Google Drive where I'm compiling all the useful sheets I created or found in the forums. When I found the sheet, I attributed authorship in the description.

Feel free to share the files, or the folder link.

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I'm going to change my viewpoint here. For some reason, I though the base PF1 wizard had more skill points, but it turns out they are the same in PF2. Ah, well, so I was wrong. It had to happen eventually ;).

I've seen some other threads saying that wizards (and casters in general) should be able to throw more than 3 spells per level per day. I would fully support increasing these limits in some fashion.

I would also like to see wizards have another signature skill. Maybe this could be linked to the specialist schools. Something like Abjuration (Acrobatics or Athletics, or possibly a shield or armor proficiency), Conjuration (Survival), Divination (Lore {ideally, several lores}), Enchantment (Diplomacy or Society), Evocation (Intimidation), Illusion (Stealth), Necromancy definitely Intimidation), Transmutation (Deception), Universalist (player's choice ?).


This looks really useful. I'm going to point my playtest group here, in case they didn't see this thread.

Thanks, Hugolinus, for making this. Thanks Runnetib for the link.

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Fuzzypaws wrote:
Okay, I'm bugged by the organization of magic items too. Why are armor and weapon runes an undifferentiated mess? Why is everything else dumped into a single giant section that is not sorted in any way other than alphabetical?

So much this. It took me several hours to equip my higher level Doomsday Dawn characters because of this. While we're talking about this, the rules for item quality should also be repeated in these two sections, rather than only in one section some 200 pages earlier.

You guys make some really good points. I hadn't really considered the implications of no stats as a good thing.

Kaid, thank you for your notes on the leshy familiar. I'm going to look into that some more - it might become my new favorite familiar (PF1, I loved the camposognathus for its initiative boost :) ).

It might still be fun to take the bloodseeker, if only for the shock value. I wonder if I could somehow get it to transfer its health increase ability to me. Time to take another dive through the rules :).

Kennethray wrote:

I see the class spread, what about the Players experience? My table, all but one has been playing for 5+ years. The one has been playing for a year.


My table had 2 relatively new players, one player with about 2 years of PF1 experience, a PFS 3-star, and a PFS/SFS 1-star/whatever the equivalent for SFS is.

They generally used what I would consider very decent tactics. What hurt them most was the lack of a rogue, so they had to be really noisy opening doors. Oh, and they broke open the idol while trying to fish it out of the pond with a grappling hook.

Sometimes, the circumstances also conspired against them. In A8, due to the room size, the paladin literally got surrounded by skeletons (I was kind, and had some of them attack other party members in the room). Drakus heard them rummaging in his room (including breaking open the chest) and was waiting for them. He created a semi-bottleneck situation (again, I was kind and had him wait where he could engage them one at a time, but also where they could try to slip past him.

They also (especially the poor human fighter) had some epic-level bad dice rolls, whereas I had generally good ones. Gear was also sometimes an issue. The human fighter's player only had an AC 14, but she was almost always in front (the dwarf fighter had a higher AC, but was a ranged specialist). I think Drakus rolled critical hits on the human at least 6 times.

Like I said, this is only 1 anecdotal data point, so YMMV.

Edited because I noticed I forgot a close parenthesis.

Dekalinder wrote:
... you can't get any item enhancement to hit with spells.

I think it would be great to have some of these items floating around.

"zi mishkal wrote:
martials being proficient in only certain weapons past trained and that proficiency being tied into combat maneuvers.

now this is a fantastic idea, but it might be better to have proficiency past trained in a weapon group. This would bring martial classes more in line with, for example, wizards that specialize in a school.

I think this would increase the balancing difficulty immensely. Why not go all the way and remove classes entirely?

KapaaIan wrote:

Where it breaks down are places where it isn't you powering it (which unfortunately is what the main intent was). A potion has the resonance of the potion maker powering it, not yours. A wand has charges imbued in it by the crafter and thus uses their resonance, not yours.

This isn't the case. The resonance cost of potions and wands is paid by the user. Pg. 378 "...the creature drinking the potion must spend any required Resonance Points to use the potion." Pg. 380 "You activate the wand as part of the first spellcasting action you use, and you must spend 1 Resonance Point at this time."

Since the crafter doesn't have to spend resonance, it does make sense for these items to be a flat rate.

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Each time you open the bag, you spend a resonance point, regardless of how much material you move through the opening. Also, even though you own the bag, any of your comrades can open the bad by spending their own resonance point

I agree that resonance for consumables is a bit much.

Remember, it is possible for the PCs to show up too late.

When I run this, I plan to give them an estimate - something like "you think, if you don't run into any trouble, the shortcut might give you a day or so to explore until the Night Heralds show up." They've got a sense of urgency (hopefully), and will need to balance their desire to get there first against their desire to not be bushwhacked along the way.

After they make their rolls, tell them how that affected their ETA. Then they can decide whether to push themselves (and possibly arrive fatigued, wounded, or worse) or shave their exploration margin.

As far as I can tell, only common items and spells are allowed. Which sucks, because I really want my "primary" character (halfling bard) to get a Knapsack of Halflingkind :(

If nothing else, they could sell the items and use the cash to buy gear.

I ran a five player table through this today. I forgot to adjust, and the fights were still pretty tough for them to get through. I had an unbalanced table, but here are the stats:

PCs: dwarf fighter (ranged), human fighter, goblin monk, gnome paladin, and dwarf wizard

PCs brought to 0 hp: 6 - human fighter x4, gnome paladin x1, goblin monk x1

PCs dead: 1 - goblin monk on boss fight

Returned to town for healing: Twice - after the Quasit fights (2 days), after the skeleton fight in A8 (1 day).

PCs purchased & used 8 minor healing potions.

Oh, and the human fighter suffered from persistent fire damage for 13 consecutive rounds - persistent damage is UGLY.

Based on my 1 data point, I don't think adjusting encounters is necessary in this chapter.

If I'm reading the rules correctly, the bard can take 3 feats (1 bard feat and 2 skill or general feats) and be able to spellcraft ANY spell from ANY list.

The Bard feat is Eclectic skill (8). "You can attempt any skill check that normally requires you to be trained, even if you are untrained."

The other two feats are Quick Identification and Recognize Spell.
Quick Identification reduces the time needed to identify magic. Recognize Spell says "The GM rolls a secret Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check, whichever corresponds to the tradition of the spell being cast. If you're not trained in the skill , you can't get a result better than failure." (emphasis mine). However, due to Esoteric Skill, I am by definition able to make trained skill checks, I should be able to identify or recognize ANY spell.

I don't think I can get Quick Recognize to work this way though, since that requires master-level skill in the Big 4.

It's worse than that. The familiar "must be a tiny animal" (p. 287). Searching through the rule book and the bestiary, there are only 2 options available: the big-a** mosquito (bloodseeker) and the viper.

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Tholomyes wrote:

Similarly for non-power spells, Sorted by spell level, with Cantrips first, then by alphabetical. It would also be nice if they had a simple notation as to what spell list it was in.

Help the poor specialist wizards out. Sort by level, then by school , then alphabetical.

Opening link says this document doesn't exist.

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I'm left wondering why wizards went from one of the most skilled characters in the game to one of the least. They have fewer skill points than fighters, for Pharasma's sake. Granted, wizards will probably have a higher INT than fighters, but they'll still only have about 3 more skills trained. This pretty much eliminates the "wise old sage" character trope.

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Reading through the rulebook, I didn't like that I had to flip through so many pages to a)find all the options I needed to pick for a specific character, or b) compare the different classes on similar statistics (i.e., how does a wizard's skill points stack up to a bard's).

I created a spreadsheet with all the relevant statistics common to all classes. Here's the link - Character Options

If you find mistakes, or if you can see how to make this a better tool for character creation, please let me know. Who knows, maybe this (or a similar type of chart) could wind up in the final product (Hey, a fella can dream, can't he?).

vonFiedler wrote:

What kills me and drives me away from the Barbarian class is that Animal totem barbarians can't use weapons. There's good reason that animal totem is an option for Barbarians, as association with animals is huge with Barbarians in real life, between your Berserkers (Bears) and your Ulfhednars (Wolves). But those guys weren't running into battle trying to bite people, well, at least not exclusively. Even Animal Order Druids can use weapons!

I saw this and thought it was one of the less well-thought-out options. Really, the stereotypical barbarian uses a honkin' big weapon. This totem might be more acceptable if it were only anathema to barbarians under the influence of rage.

Speaking of rage, the description says "you can’t voluntarily stop raging", immediately followed by "if you stop raging before its usual duration expires". If rage can be involuntarily stopped by an effect or condition, how about a list of what conditions can do this?

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On a related note, the Divination school first-level spell power "vigilant eye" seems to have a higher cost than it's mediocre effect would suggest. It costs me up to 1/2 of my daily spell power allotment to gain a remote viewing device that has to be within my line of sight (or within 1 foot of the other side of the door)? No thanks!

"Telekinetic Projectile" got a tremendous boost. In 1st edition, it did 1d6 damage (bludgeoning only, regardless of projectile). Now, it does 1d10 damage, and the type is determined by the projectile (so, crossbow bolts would be piercing, sling stones would be bludgeoning, and so on.). They also removed the weight limit (firing full kegs of high-proof alcohol followed by a lit torch, anyone?).

The spell powers should absolutely be separated from the spell descriptions.

There should be lists of spells by spell school (e.g., a list of conjuration spells). While some spells, such as "summon monster", are readily identified as being in the conjuration school, some others, including the new spells, are more difficult to identify (is the "negate aroma" spell transmutation, or illusion, or...I wouldn't have thought it is abjuration).

If normal adventurers can only select commonly-known spells, why not have a separate list for uncommon and rare spells?

I want to make a vine leshy rogue for PFS play.

1.Can I use its change shape ability as a substitute for rope when climbing. My vision is to change into vine shape with one end on the ground and the other as far up a wall/cliff as I can get. I'd change back to humanoid form hanging onto where the vine attached. Rinse and repeat.

Is this possible? If so, what would be the Climb DC?

2.I plan to carry a clay pot with me. If someone is going to see me somewhere I'm not supposed to be, I'll just drop the pot, climb in, and pretend I'm a small tree.

Disguise or stealth skill? What DC?


Hi, all,

I have a character with 4 xp. Her first chronicle gave her 1 xp, then she played a module that gave her 3 xp. Can I still use the 1st level revision rule to rebuild her at no cost before the next time I play her, or is she already considered a 2nd level character?


I am the ‘journal keeper’ at most of the PFS tables I’ve played. I’d like to see a hand-out sheet with the mission briefing, so I could write the names and locations with the correct spelling instead of my best guess. The hand-out should also have a write up of any clues, riddles, or other information we’ll need to complete the mission. I also like Neriathale’s idea of having more background information on the Chronicle sheet.

I’d like to see more ‘universal’ boons, such as the +1 to Fort saves vs. Poison and Disease that Fabian Stretton mentioned. I’d also like to see ‘social’ boons have more uses. For example, in #8-99 - Solstice Scar A, you can get the Belkzen Veteran boon. This is pretty much useless, as you only get Orc Ferocity for 1 round one time ever. Why not have that available for more uses – maybe even as many as 10 or 20 rounds over a character’s career? From the same boon, why does learning Orc cost 2 prestige? I like the idea Swiftbrook had of chronicle sheets offering a choice of loot options so that every character can pick something useful to them.

Kevin Willis wrote:

One thing I thought would be pretty nifty is if Paizo could organize some kind of "Inventory Tracking Sheet Design Contest." Anyone can submit their own sheet. Campaign Leadership combs through and picks out the best and we vote on them. The winner gets a pass through professional layout and design – just to make the graphics sharper – and released as the new Official ITS.


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For pre-gens, it would be useful to have all their abilities in an easy to read and easy to follow format; there would probably have to be different formats for casters, melee, and ranged characters. For example, Ezren's spell-book is hard to find. I think it would be better to combine his spell-book and memorized spells into one list. Memorized spells could be indicated by a * or something similar. I'd also like to see something on his character sheet that explicitly allows players to change his memorized spells before the adventure. Please make his list of spells more relevant as well - are spider climb or obscuring mist really that useful in the majority of circumstances? I know he's a blaster wizard, but shouldn't more of his evocations be single target rather than AoE, if only to avoid par-boiling the melees in his party?

Can you tell I've played Ezren more than I'd like?