Can bonus skill feats from backgrounds bypass prerequisites?

Ancestries & Backgrounds

Can bonus skill feats from backgrounds bypass prerequisites?

For example, can a character have the Farmhand background while being untrained in Athletics, and gain Assurance (Athletics) as a bonus feat? It would only be useful only for the first two or three levels of the game, but then, that might be all the player is looking for.


Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

You would have to be able to bypass prerequisites since you aren't trained in any skills at the time you choose your background.

Yes. When you select a background, you are informed in no uncertain terms that "You gain feat X". No ifs, ands, or buts. This is specific, in regards to Assurance's prerequisites, which are general by comparison(Rule: Specific beats General).

This could be something that could use a bit of clarification.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The latest errata indeed clarified the issue in this thread.

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