Brass Dragon

CaptainRelyk's page

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The real question is why isn’t it finesse? Especially when it’s depicted as a weapon people swing about quickly. Like you see characters like Samurai Jack swing like crazy while being mobile and agile. Idk about you all, but samurai jack and other katana wielding types come scores as dexterity based fighters or monks even

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keftiu wrote:

I know these shiny new Remaster dragons are likely to get the focus for such a thing, but it'd be killer to get options for the other non-OGL dragons down the line; between the Imperials in Tian Xia, and how cool a bunch of the others are (the formerly-Primal dragons, the Outer dragons), there's lots of ground to cover.

The chance to be a Half-Void Dragon/Android would be so perfectly indulgent.

EDIT: Man, I'm sad PF2 doesn't have Outer dragons yet. It's increasingly looking like we need a whole Wyrmkin supplement...

A half void drvaon android seems cool but does it make sense? Can androids reproduce?

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graystone wrote:
CaptainRelyk wrote:
But some people are just gonna wanna play a half dragon that looks like a human with horns and maybe a couple scales, like Au’ra from final fantasy

*raises hand* Me, That's me! For myself, I prefer the more human-like ancestries as I relate to them easier. It's why I'll most likely never play a Conrasu but happily play a catfolk, especially as pathfinder allows them to "vary widely in how feline they appear. Some display few catlike features: just feline ears, a tail, claws, and a little fur or other features. Others are so catlike that they’re hard to distinguish from true panthers when not standing upright or wielding weapons." [Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. 56]

So, it doesn't have to be an either-or situation, but could allow for a spectrum of appearances.


*insert handshake meme with “Graystone’s human like half dragon” on the left and “CaptainRelyk’s Dragon like half dragon” on the right, with the middle saying “half dragon versatile heritage”*

Mirage dragons remind me of rainwings from Wings of Fire ngl

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pixierose wrote:
CaptainRelyk wrote:

Not a fan of the head shape specifically the jaw and snout, but otherwise the design is super cool!!! I love that it’s lithe and skinny and not bulky like other dragons, which fits well

Unfortunately this post doesn’t have information on mirage dragon behaviors.

How do they act? Are they good and friendly like metallic dragons or are they evil like diabolical dragons?

How would a GM role play as one? Why would they be an npc that sponsors a party or sends them on a quest if they are good or why would they be a threat that needs to be dealt with if they are evil like diabolic dragons?

I think saving some of that info for the actual book is a good idea. But It could be some of these new dragons morality/behavior are not as tied to the group, and more based on the individual.

But we do have some qualities we can pick up on. They like to look at their reflections could be mean they are vain, and place a strong emphasis on visual appearance.

I still think they should give us some information on the dragon

I want to know if I can befriend it or if I have to fight it

QuidEst wrote:

Golden dragons: out.

Golden ratio dragons: in.

I heard one of those dragons are called “Gyro”

The golden ratio dragon is on a mission to save an innocent wyrmling from being executed by the government of a country known for “pizza mozzarella”

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Not a fan of the head shape specifically the jaw and snout, but otherwise the design is super cool!!! I love that it’s lithe and skinny and not bulky like other dragons, which fits well

Unfortunately this post doesn’t have information on mirage dragon behaviors.

How do they act? Are they good and friendly like metallic dragons or are they evil like diabolical dragons?

How would a GM role play as one? Why would they be an npc that sponsors a party or sends them on a quest if they are good or why would they be a threat that needs to be dealt with if they are evil like diabolic dragons?

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I think Iggy found his true home with you, KC. If you ever tire of him, I'll take him back, but I'm happy that he found love and affection with you. Maybe you should make him a poppet familiar.

QuidEst wrote:

Just a heads-up, we have zero indication about what the versatile heritage is, other than "it's not an existing one". Not an unreasonable guess, but no reason to start worrying about details of something not even confirmed.

That said, doubly don't worry about this. What would Paizo even put in a draconic versatile heritage if they completely stripped out feats for physical features? Furthermore, it's a versatile heritage. Suppose it happens and it's missing something you want, like a bite attack- you could take it on Lizardfolk/Iruxi, who have feats for claws, bite, and tail attacks.

Yep, no details have been confirmed.

Yeah, not confirmed

It is highly likely it is half dragon considering PC2 deals with dragons heavily, but not confirmed

Charlie Brooks wrote:
My personal hope is that the new heritage isn't dragon-related, because I have the dragon scion versatile heritage from Battlezoo to scratch that itch.

The issue with that is lots of people ban 3pp (especially and unfortunately mainly westmarches), not to mention PFS doesn’t allow 3pp

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AestheticDialectic wrote:
keftiu wrote:
AestheticDialectic wrote:
WatersLethe wrote:

Did you see anything that makes you think half-dragon heritage is on its way?

Personally, I'd like Wyvaran to be the "looks very dragonlike humanoid ancestry" and Half-Dragon should be "adding varying amounts of dragon flavor to a base ancestry".

I'm noticing a pattern with Relyk, they REALLY like dragons. A lot
Having a special interest isn’t a crime (if it is, my 6k posts here will get me taken away), but I do wish OP luck in stressing about theirs a little less. All these books are like a year away.

It was not a criticism or a slight. I find it a bit endearing actually

I built my wife a dragon mtg deck for commander after all

I’m obsessed with dragons, but that’s something I love about myself

I’m glad you find it endearing.

There are some people who think “obsessing” or really liking a particular thing is a problem or other issues and are judgmental, which is wrong to think. There are people who have given me issue over it, such as some demanding I play something other than half dragon or Dragonborn in D&D servers, as if what I am playing effects them when it doesn’t. It’s what brings me joy and makes me happy you know? I don’t like My Little Pony at all but a lot of people are obsessed with it and call themselves “bronies” which is perfectly fine and I’m glad they found joy in that, even if it isn’t my thing

I’m fine with people teasing me over it though, people in my IRL D&D tease me and joke about my dragon obsession but that’s all in good fun.

Fun fact: my dragon obsession began with Wings of Fire by tui Sutherland. #Qinter

But yeah, I didn’t think you meant it as a criticism or a slight, even if it got perceived that way due to the way it was written

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Instead of Human Lore, perhaps humans could get a lore related to their nationality or the terrain they grew up in?

Though I feel like that could be something any ancestry could get

Elves may have their own culture but they are still spread out

YuriP wrote:
Impressive! An alignment thread was closed just to another rise it again!

It was locked to deal with flags, not locked permanently

At least I think

Sanityfaerie wrote:
CaptainRelyk wrote:

So this class from what I’ve heard doesn’t have any spellcasting

So do you choose different elements for attacks, or does it have something similar to spell casting but not exactly spellcasting kind of like alchemists thing?

Kineticists have a list of powers. It starts out at 0. You gain individual powers by spending feats, or tokens of roughly equivalent value (you're given enough tokens at level 1 to have a few powers to work with). Every power you have, you can use as many times as you like. Each power has its own element.

Also worth noting that when you start out, the set of elements you can choose from is pretty small (1 or 2) and you can unlock moen later if you want, but might not want to.

It seems plausible that there will be feats that let you change the elemental typing of at least some of your powers, but this is not confirmed one way or the other.

So, basically, a Kineticist uses magical effect, but not spells. They have a pretty constrained list of powers to use (growing slowly as they level) but they can use each of those powers as many times as they like, as long as they're willing to pony up the actions to make it happen.

Yet another unique class for PF that doesn’t rely on spellcasting to be unique. Paizo W WoTC L

I’m super excited, this class sounds super cool!!!!!!

Imagine a badass element wielding kineticist dragon (battlezoo) character, that would be fun

Though I do have a question

Is it focused on solely one element or can you be universal and build around wielding different elements?

I only know kineticist deals with elements

Could someone give me an overview of what the class is about? Is it martial like thaumaturge or no? What are the abilities about? Etc

I think it’s a little silly the nation is neutral solely because nooone follows gods there

You don’t need to follow a god to be a good person or to be an evil one, or to believe in law or to be chaotic

So this class from what I’ve heard doesn’t have any spellcasting

So do you choose different elements for attacks, or does it have something similar to spell casting but not exactly spellcasting kind of like alchemists thing?

QuidEst wrote:
CaptainRelyk wrote:

I think it sucks you are forced to take a feat to know about your own kind

Can’t a dm rule my ELF knows stuff about ELVES without the need of a lore feat?

You're not forced to take a feat to know about your own kind, but you do need lore to specialize in such knowledge. If you don't have elven lore, you still know things, but growing up around elves doesn't necessarily teach you things like "elves were originally aliens from another world". You can make society rolls for that if you don't have elven lore, same as everyone else, and that can be done untrained.

So like kind of like IRL where someone can know about their society and culture and stuff like that but otherwise might not know the gritty details of their history

Like how most Americans know about the revolutionary war and George Washington, but not the specific battles or details about George?

Man I can’t wait for Wyvaren

I can literally just hop on WoW and mess with transmog to get “art” for my character, no need to commission or find art (though I might still commission cause supporting artists makes me happy)

YuriP wrote:

Unlikely. This would make them very close to the 5e Dragonborn.

OK, this concept isn't quite a WotC invention, the concept of humanoid draconians is reassembled in several different non-D&D stories beforehand. But proving it can be difficult. I don't know if Paizo will want to mess with this wasp nest now.

Paizo said they want to bring Wyvaren back into the game in the future, and they are humanoid dragons

And so many games and things have humanoid dragons. World of Warcraft’s playable Dracthyr race for example: n/latest?cb=20220924142422

Honestly, PF2e could even get away with having dragon humanoids called Dragonborn, though they would admittably be risky

As long as they don’t call half dragons or wyvaran “Dragonborn”, Paizo will be fine

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I think it sucks you are forced to take a feat to know about your own kind

Can’t a dm rule my ELF knows stuff about ELVES without the need of a lore feat?

If half dragons are finally coming then hype!!!! I love dragons!!!

But I do have a concern

If half dragons are coming, I hope it can be versatile in appearance

I already know some people are going to go for the “human with horns” like D&D3e’s half dragons, but me and others are gonna want a very draconic look, with a head like a dragon and a tail and full scales and everything, like half dragons in D&D5e or Belmazog. jpg

Belmazog is a half black dragon, and she has a very strong draconic appearence, and that draconic appearance is what I would like. I think she is from the ApA adventure for PF2e

But some people are just gonna wanna play a half dragon that looks like a human with horns and maybe a couple scales, like Au’ra from final fantasy

If half dragons are coming, they should have versatile appeared like Nagaji. Nagaji could look like a human with a couple scales or maybe just serpent eyes, or they could look very snake like with snake head tail and everything

I don’t want to be forced to give my half dragon a “human with horns look”. I like my half dragons to show physically they have a dragon parent and to look tall and have a dragon head and tail and clawed feet and everything

Unicore wrote:

I think it would be awesome if the Shaman class had no innate tradition and used a skill like diplomacy to cast spells from multiple traditions.

But I also think that would be hard to do in PF2 and the issue with primal shamans is that the primal list is so tied to the elemental planes in PF2 as opposed to just the material plane that giving too much access to the primal list really doesn't make much sense. I think the Occult list + a lot of animal and plant spells from the primal list makes a lot of sense, but PF2 feels like it is trying to to do such a specific thing with the elemental planes that tying that also into what the shaman will do feels off to me.

Like elementals feel like something outside of the spirits in Golarion Lore, and like would get messy to bring into the Shaman too close. I mean, I totally want to be able to ask rivers to let me pass, and the wind to carry messages to far off places, but I want it too feel like a connection to spirits within the Material plane and not to elementals.

Using diplomacy to cast spells? What? How does that make sense

You talk to magic and convince it to do stuff for you, even though it isn’t sentient?

Lesrek wrote:
CaptainRelyk wrote:

But this is PFS, where GMs have to follow the rules to a T

You keep saying this and venture officers keep telling you that you are mistaken with how inflexible you perceive society play to be. At some point you need to realize that it isn't society that is the problem, but how you view it. And again, you keep making these grand assumptions without ever having played a society game. Please, I am asking you to stop commenting on society play and what it is like until you actually have some experience with it.

Edit: Also, are you actually interested in society play? Just today another beginner game was posted on RfC and yet again, you did not sign up for it. The vibe I am getting is that you don't actually want to play society, you just want to use it as an excuse to complain about something. That has been your most consistent interaction with society as a program.

I was actually wanting to join that game but I didn’t have a character ready

CynDuck wrote:
It might be fun to have more customizability for the shaman's edicts and anathemas based on the various spirits they draw power from. I don't think it would make sense to avoid having those in the class entirely from a thematic standpoint, but giving them some more flexibility would help in differentiating them from the other wisdom casters.

If we could have redeemer edicts and anathema but with shaman, they might be cool

Honestly I’d be down for shaman having edicts and anathema if it gets treated as a non religious version of champion oaths

I know alignment won’t matter anymore soon but I feel this needs to be clarified

According to these rules, “Chaotic characters believe that lawful characters are too inflexible to judge each situation by its own merits or take advantage of opportunities, while lawful characters believe that chaotic characters are irresponsible and flighty”

Are we truly forced to have our chaotic characters believe lawful characters are inflexible or forced to have our lawful characters believe chaotic characters are flighty?

I could see a lawful good paladin character disagreeing on a couple things with a chaotic good liberator but otherwise believes the liberator to be a champion of good like them and see them as responsible

Why couldn’t a Paladin believe a liberator is responsible?

The rules are clear as day that your character is forced to think a certain way about a lawful character if their chaotic or forced to think a certain way about chaotic characters if they are lawful

But no good GM would force your character to think a certain way because of this

But this is PFS, where GMs have to follow the rules to a T

So what is the ruling? Is my lawful character forever forced to think chaotic characters are irresponsible and flighty?