Trying to protect against Energy Drain


So, here's the situation. Large party (Six PCs, two cohorts) of level 8s (cohorts are lower). Problem is that out of three encounters, all of the monsters have been Spectres. Party is currently at a cumulative 10 negative levels. We've withdrawn from the dungeon to recover and better prepare (we didn't know they were spectres going in). We're now looking for protection from the negative levels caused by the Energy Drain effect. Our main healer is an oracle (Bones, but with the Channel revelation from the Life mystery), so being able to CAST death ward is out, since their one selectable fourth level spell is already called for. Hiring out for it is a possibility, but I don't like relying on NPCs that aren't cohorts, personally.

So, other than Death Ward, what else can we do?

Well, they are spectres so you could go with Anti-Incorporeal Shell or Anti Magic Shell on a scroll.
For the first you could kill them with force effects but the second means you'd have to be able to accomplish your objective without killing the monsters.
I'd just drop the 21k gold on a Death Ward wand and go from there.

If you don't have 21K to hand scrolls of death ward are a possibility at 700 gp each. The cost per charge of the wand (420 gp) is obviously lower but sometimes up front costs matter.

If your GM is okay with it, a Runeforged wrapon with the Jealous/Trusting specialization can absorb 3 negative levels per day. Requires a +2 weapon enhancement, though.

Additionally, Black Soul Shards can remove negative pevels once per week.

Deathless armor can help a bit and Soul Stimulant is a cheap way to negate a negative level for a day.

Rings of inner fortitude, preferably greater, if you can afford it.

More preventative than protection :

Are any of your Party an Arcane or Psychic Caster? If you buy Holy Water in bulk, (which your Oracle can probably also top up if having to Rest in the dungeon at any point), you can use it in conjunction with Mage Hand and Anti-Incorporeal Shell. Have the Oracle and another with it on their Class list/a high U.M.D. use Anti-Incorporeal Shell, (Scrolls), which will take 1 Round. During this, have the Arcane/Psychic Casters employ the Cantrip Mage Hand to douse the Enemy with Holy Water, making the Spectre(s) think twice about coming close during that Round. Once you have two Shells in place to cover your Party, spam Mage Hand + Holy Water until the Spectre(s) are weak enough to be finished with (50% effective) Spells/Reach Magic Weapons or run away from you. The old go-to of a Wand of Magic Missile would really help make this less laborious, (using a Move Action to pass it to the next compatible person - if that is not "cheesey" to you). Your Oracle could also make liberal use of Spiritual Weapon.

Whilst Death Ward would be more useful, it would also be more expensive to cover the Party as it only affects one Living Creature at a time, plus requires everyone to successfully Activate their Scrolls.

Why is being able to cast death ward not a possibility?

@DoomMan47 because the oracle's only selectable spell for his level four spells is taken up by Forceful Strike, which is probably slightly more useful than Death Ward, since we have a party of eight, six of which are melee fighters. At least 9d4 force damage is 100% effective. Tempted as hell to see if I can 'rent' a Maximize metamagic rod, though.

Bensalyer, you... are a master of tedium. That would TOTALLY work, and Bless Water was the third first level spell I took. I'm also more than willing to toss the cash out on wands of magic missile. :P We HAVE two arcane spell casters, so they don't even need UMD. Sadly, I don't think EITHER of the rogues has UMD. It's almost a shame we won't be getting level 9 until AFTER this dungeon, there's totally a racial thing I'm taking on the oracle that will give him Mage Hand as an at-will SLA.

AVR, at that point, I would literally just pay some clerics of like... Pharasma or something to come to the dungeon entrance and drop them on us, it'd be less than half the cost. But you and GrailKnight bring up valid points about there being other ways to cast the spell. And my GM isn't entirely against being able to acquire partial wands, especially for something 'common place'. The oracle also happens to be an outspoken worshiper of Pharasma, and I think that the argument could be made that a temple dedicated to a god(dess) who encourages the hunting of undead would consider Death Ward to be a commonly needed item in that struggle.

page of spell knowledge level 4 16,000gp puts death ward on the spell list, scrolls or wand would also work, life collar coat would be another way, bastion banner of iomedae gives death ward to all in 40feet around were the banner is planted, black soulshard, death wardens bandolier, litheria blossom, mantel of life, ruby skull of chast, scarab of protection are also all things that can give death ward.

OK, in the point of the Bastion Banner, I'm going to remind you that the party caps at level 8 for the PCs. I think we could afford that if we pooled the entire party's current loot together...

18k for a 50% chance on one character (lifecollar coat) is a bit out there when, for 3k more, I COULD get a full wand.

The black soul shards require a week to charge and, for the cost of two of them, I could get those and like a trillion cure minor pots.

16k for a page defeats the entire point of the spell our oracle HAS, which is to devastate s@+~ quickly, and still only protects half the party.

The litheria blossom is less effective than it's cash value as scrolls.

Mantle of life would be a little more useful if it weren't the value of any two magical weapons in the entire party... Again, level 8s.

The skull is much better than the banner, but runs into two problems. Firstly, there's the cash problem again. I mean, we only have to give up HALF the party's wealth to get it, but it's more doable. Second, there are only two active worshipers of Pharasma in the party, the oracle and his temple appointed body guard (another PC, not one of the cohorts), though one could be said to be a passive venerator and a fourth could probably be converted in rapid order.

The scarab is an outright 'no', given many of the previous points. For a relative pittance of 4k more, I could buy TWO fully charged wands of Death Ward.

The Death Warden's Bandoleer has some merit, though. it's a full-party effect for 10 minutes, and I could probably get the party to scrounge some of their cash together to at least HELP with the cost. And, by the RAW, the death ward can be used three times a day, so that's a 30 minute protection. It's still fairly expensive at 15k, but it's got some possibilities.

Rather than trying for Death Ward at 4th level for one person, go for Protection from Evil, Communal at 2nd level for everyone.

gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures.

Not full protection, but a significant defensive buff.

If you have a Inquisitor, Magus, Sorcerer, or Wizard, they can get the Disrupt Undead cantrip. At Close range, you get a 45' range (less for the cohorts) to attack the spectres.


Add an animal or two to the party (trained war dogs?) to reduce the chances the Spectres get the drop on the party by taking advantage of their Unnatural Auras.

Far as I know Spectres possess nothing like Lifesense or similar special senses and therefore Blur and Displacement should help as well.

Summon a Lantern Archon or three.

Searing Light, if you can access, it is an excellent undead killer.

Buy a ton of large mirrors and go into the dungeon during the day, leave a cohort out to adjust the entry way mirror and flood the dungeon with sunlight.

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