Invictus Spartan |

Page 64, about Bard Spell Repertoire
So when you reach 2nd level, you select another 1st-level spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-level spells, and at 4th level you select a 2nd-level spell.
I think this is wrong. It must have meant select 1 2nd level spell at level 3, and then a second 2nd-level spell at level 4, right?
Otherwise, does this mean I get two 3rd level spells at level 5? Then 2 4th level spells at level 7?
I might be overthinking this, I just wanted to make sure.

Andy Brown |
Or to put it another way (as I understand things)
At odd-numbered levels, learn 2 spells of one level higher than your current highest;
At even numbered levels, learn one spell of the highest level you can cast.
So when you first get access to a new level of spells, you learn 2 of them, then the next level you learn a 3rd spell at that level

Nekome |

Your numbers of spells known as a bard is always equal to your number of spells you can cast.
This seems to say it can be higher:
Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn’t give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
So you learn a spell every time you gain a slot by leveling, but you might be able to increase the number of spells you can know by other means (though there don't appear to be any available in the playtest rulebook).

TheFinish |

MaxAstro wrote:Your numbers of spells known as a bard is always equal to your number of spells you can cast.This seems to say it can be higher:
Page 64, Spell Repertoire wrote:Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn’t give you another spell slot, and vice versa.So you learn a spell every time you gain a slot by leveling, but you might be able to increase the number of spells you can know by other means (though there don't appear to be any available in the playtest rulebook).
There is at least one way I found: the Esoteric Scholar Class Feat (for Bards). I don't think Sorcerers get anything similar though.
But to answer the OP: every odd level (3,5,7, etc) you get 2 Spells Known of the new level you can cast (so two 2nd level spells at character level 3; two 3rd level spells at character level 5; etc) and at every even level (2,4,6, etc) you get 1 Spell Known of the highest level you can currently cast (so one 1st level spell at character level 2; one 2nd level spell at character level 4; etc)

Ventnor |

Nekome wrote:There is at least one way I found: the Esoteric Scholar Class Feat (for Bards). I don't think Sorcerers get anything similar though.MaxAstro wrote:Your numbers of spells known as a bard is always equal to your number of spells you can cast.This seems to say it can be higher:
Page 64, Spell Repertoire wrote:Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn’t give you another spell slot, and vice versa.So you learn a spell every time you gain a slot by leveling, but you might be able to increase the number of spells you can know by other means (though there don't appear to be any available in the playtest rulebook).
Sorcerers actually do get the ability to expand their spell repertoire. At 4 level, they can pick up Arcane Evolution, Occult Evolution, or Primal Evolution which lets them do just that, though it does so in different ways depending on the feat.

Ale, the 4th level potion |

Or to put it another way (as I understand things)
At odd-numbered levels, learn 2 spells of one level higher than your current highest;
At even numbered levels, learn one spell of the highest level you can cast.So when you first get access to a new level of spells, you learn 2 of them, then the next level you learn a 3rd spell at that level
To specify 1st level you get to choose 1 1st level spell and your muse determines the other.

Chubby1968 |

I'm also confused by this.
Spell Repertoire
At 1st level, you learn one 1st-level occult spell of your choice and four occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells on the occult spell list in this book (see page 200) or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell level.
This seems like a bard would have 2x 1st level spells and 3x 2nd level spells in his repertoire at 4th level.
Also, is the bard preview blog still correct regarding the comparison to sorcerer?
As before, bards are spontaneous spellcasters who make up for having not quite as many spells as the other spontaneous caster, the sorcerer, by having special bardic performances. But this time around, bards don't have a delayed spellcasting progression. Instead, they have one fewer spell in their repertoire and one fewer spell slot per day at each spell level, compared to the sorcerer.